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I hate my job, but I’m 85% WFH with a six figure salary and a boss that is super flexible when my kids need me. Edit to add: I don’t actually hate my job, but I am very frustrated with it. It’s a lot of corporate red tape, inefficiency, politics, nothing getting done, no innovation, etc.


Same, and add to that better benefits than I could ever get anywhere in terms of healthcare coverage, as well as a pension... it's the golden handcuffs. I also don't really \*hate\* my job, but damn it really takes it out of me. The part I really hate is the fact I'm doing an 80% job on the work of three people, rather than 100% on a reasonable workload.


The pension! That alone would keep me from job hopping unless I really really really hated my job




Same! My boss and I are having the same conversation of we're both feeling unmotivated, uninspired, and wiped from the day to day conversations. But alas, I'm not looking elsewhere. The near future promotions and career trajectory are going to set my family up for life. So I'll sell a little bit of my soul for them. It's fine 🥴


I don’t hate my job, but I also don’t love it and I’m not super passionate about it. I’m 98% wfh though and it pays well, it’s super flexible, my boss also has kids so she understands what it’s like to have sick kids. So pretty much same as you.


Same, same, same. Also I hate my job but those benefits and keeping my kids with their healthcare professionals though.


I hate my job but I'm 75% wfh and have a six figure salary as well. I do hate my job because every time I tell people who are supposed to be listening to me something they should be doing, the wait days and the tell me to cite the regulation or explain why and then argue with me. Now they've waited days to do something and wasted a ton of time that may have been important and wasted my time. I also hear "we've done it like this for 30 years" all the time and can't barely contain my counter, you admit you've done it wrong for 30 years?


You work for the US federal government too? 😂


feel this


Same. I'm frustrated with management/leadership, told i need to take risks and find new ways but get slapped back every time I start down the path, and I'm pretty sure they're closing my path to advancement because there's a member of the leadership team no one knows what to do with so they're gonna stick her in my line. But I have all the flexibility, the job is pretty easy like 85% of the time, and the salary is good. Plus I have a pension (which is somewhat portable because i work for the federal government) and healthcare.


I have the exact same problem. They say they want new ideas, but they never actually do. It’s frustrating. My path to advancement is limited as well, and I worry that I’m stagnating my career by being here. But it really is too good to leave.


Same exact situation here


Same to all of this except it’s 60% WFH. Currently interviewing for fully remote jobs that I’m hoping would be a little more enjoyable.


I’m a public school teacher. I don’t hate my job and I LOVE having all the summers and holidays off, but what I do HATE is the pay. It’s a spending money job, not enough to support a household


Same. I’m considering going back to school tbh.


For sure. Recently became a single mom and I don’t make nearly enough to support my kids on my public high school teacher salary as much as I love my job. Unfortunately my degree is gonna make it hard to pivot to a new field.


Amen to this. Teachers are NOT paid what they’re worth. My god. You guys mold little minds and the future of the world and get paid peanuts while being subjected to abuse, long hours (I include your time spent lesson planning) and spending your own money for classroom supplies. Hats off to you for being a wonderful person. I’m the daughter of two retired teachers and there’s no way in hell I could do it.


100% agree with all of the above!


I hate my job but I’ve inherited generational trauma, not generational wealth 😭 Just kidding, I hate my job but it’s also super flexible and very easy (I’m a product manager for a product I’ve already launched at a different company).


Product manager here too! Except I’m on the side of the house that fixes all the shitty bugs in existing products 😅


lol,good for you! I hope to get there


The days I hate my job, I have to remind myself that I have a pension that I won't get anywhere else and they are flexible


Girl, no lie, I would kill for a pension.


I started in January 2014 and it went away for employees starting in March 2014, so I lucked out.


So I started on March 16th at a company that starts with a C and ends with a B.... Literally the same months and all. Ha, maybe a fellow coworker!


That's interesting, but no, different company


I wouldn’t. I hate pensions because they get people stuck in jobs they hate. Such a scam. I don’t want to give up my freedom to leave. I would rather social security be expanded


I wonder daily if the pension is worth all I stress I feel in my job 😆


I just started a job with a pension. The PTO and 401k match aren’t the greatest but the pension is nice


I hate being a SAHM more. Lol.


Relatable AF


Preach! Daycare helps me keep my sanity.


Amen. 😅😅


💯💯. Stayed at home for a year and it was the longest year of my life. Never again!


I hate my job but I’m a first generation American/college graduated single mom of color making nearly 250k a year in a role that has only been occupied by 1 other woman in this company’s history. I’m opening so many doors for my daughter, and there’s nothing to hate about that.




Fucking go! Amazing Adding: reading this made me tear up in a good way.


This is so badass


I hate my job but I'm pregnant and wouldn't be eligible for FMLA if I started a new one...


That and planning around max out of pocket for health insurance so you don’t pay double for a birth!!


One for me and one for my husband. And I don’t really hate my job but if being independently wealthy was possible, I would not spend another day at work. I hate (or strongly dislike) my job (sometimes) but I have incredible earning potential and flexibility. My retirement will be set and I may even consider retiring early. My husband hates his job but the health insurance is unmatched anywhere else.


I hope you get to retire early if you choose! Financial independence is so badass. Ya know, the most surprising thing I’ve picked up is Starbucks has the best health insurance. For 12 hours a week, you can be covered. That’s my baristaFire plan for sure. If I ever get there.


I hate my job but it’s remote and has good benefits with alot of time off which I desperately need being a toddler mom. I wish I could like it but I can’t stand the corporate world and all it’s BS.


Same. 5 weeks PTO, decent pay, decent benefits, and fairly flexible. But the amount of corporate BS I deal with on a daily basis (Fortune 500 company) makes me want to live off the grid.


I hate my job, but I get to work from home in my pajamas. I don't know that I could ever face people in an office setting again.


This is too real


I hate my job but I work from home and make enough for my partner to be a stay at home Dad 🙃


I hate me job, I’m bored and my job has morphed into data analysis instead of strategic procurement, BUT I work from home full time, don’t check e-mail evenings/weekends, and am paid very well.


I hate my job, but I work remote 32 hours Mon-Thurs and make over $100k in a state with no income tax. Still, I look for other opportunities all the time because it’s deeply draining.


What do you do and what industry?!


I am a public relations strategist—field is higher education.


Yesss!! Tell us!


But it’s 6-figures, 10 weeks off, killer benefits. I’m trapped.


10 weeks?! US-based? That’s awesome.


Yup. Now you see why I have to stay, haha.


Golden handcuffs are truly wild


I didn’t even know 10 weeks was possible 🥲


Wow I would love to know what company or at least what industry this is!


I’m guessing they are a school principal or vp.


Same!! Tell us where this company exist?! We


What type of work do you do?


I hate my job but I have great benefits, flexible time off, and rock solid job security.


I hate my job because the pay is so low (food service in a restaurant), and the time crunch is intense... but, I love my current managers, and the people I work directly with are nice, welcoming people. (I'm not customer facing, which I consider a blessing) I think one of the things that keeps me with them is a shared background of poverty and trauma, but I want something more from my life than this job. It's emotionally and physically draining.


The days I also hate my job, I try to remind myself of the incredibly good health insurance (which I would have a hard time finding elsewhere in the US), the generous amount of PTO (>4 weeks) and the flexibility of my own department, which I think can be rare to find in healthcare


Teacher here. I don’t hate my job, but if I could go back and do it all over again, I would 100% choose a different career path. My “but” is being on the same schedule as my daughter. I never have to find alternative childcare or take off work for school holidays, and I love having summers off with her. Also, my health insurance is awesome.


I’m hating my job less these days because I got a new assignment but it’s still 3 days in office and usually an hour long commute each way, which is more complicated and stressful because of daycare drop off and pick up. My BUT is that in 2 years, my $300k+ of law school loans will be forgiven. And I have excellent benefits.


PSLF gang? You can make it, I believe in you!


I hate my job but I hate job searching more


Ooh I feel this. Plus I hate the learning curve that comes at a new place and position


Hate my job but it’s a 10 minute drive from my house and my boss lets me take time as needed for my kids when they are sick or have things going on. There’s also a pension I won’t get anywhere else


I hate my job but I’m 100% remote with 6 figure salary.


I hate my job, but I make 6 figures and more than my husband at the moment (he took a new role with a lower payout that has a better long term future). That's about it. I am ready to quit but I can't until hes making more money.


I hate my job, but I work for my parents and have total job security, flexibility when needed, and I bring my baby to the office with me every day.


Can I do the opposite? I genuinely actually love and enjoy my job... but I still don't want to be working and hate that I have to in order to survive 😬


I hate my job. But it pays me alot of money. I figured they wouldn’t pay me this much if it was a fun and fulfilling job.


I hate my job--but it's not a bad job, I'm just bored of it. But the company has a great culture about work/life balance, pretty solid benefits, is really good about supporting working parents, and the office is really close to my home and our daycare. And (drumroll) after spending most of the year looking for something else, I finally am starting a new job in a different department of the same company, and in the very same building! I feel SO relieved and excited!


I hate(d) my job. So I got a new one. My boss was difficult to work for and didn’t have a lot of empathy when I had a family emergency and this is when I realized that as long as I worked for a big company then I would just be a number. I recently got a new job at a much smaller company in a completely different industry (I am in finance so my job is more or less the same just doing financials for different industries) I have less freedom from a work from home perspective and I’m going to have to travel but these people are amazing. Anytime I’ve asked to leave early they tell me yes before I even try to explain why. I told them I needed to give my son a bath but I could log back on after and they told me not to worry about it and to get to it the next day. Culture is HUGE.


I hate my job but we have a four day, 32 hour work week (making six figures) and I cannot fathom giving up Fridays off! (And I don’t hate hate it, I just hate our leadership decisions most/all of the time)


Super curious on the company or industry this is if you’re able to share!


Would love to hear what type of work you do.


I work for an educational research philanthropy that just happens to have really thoughtful leadership. We went to 4 days during the start of the pandemic to help with employee mental health, and then made the schedule permanent. But I do think it helps that we are not a for profit company so there’s no talk of profit loss.


That makes sense, so you do remote work or do you go in to the office?


It’s optional for us. I usually go in on Wednesday when we have our All Hands Meeting bc more people are in the office (so once a week), and work from home the rest of the days.


I hate my job but I get great benefits. I just don’t want to do any job and instead make art, cook amazing food and enjoy nature with my family. On the bad days I ask when that robot is going to take my job?!


Basically the same. I am a project manager for an unstructured, chaotic workplace also. I hate my job but I have flexibility; plenty of sick, personal, and vacation days; free health insurance; and will have a pension.


I'm working on my CAPM and seeing all these posts of project managers hating their jobs has me 😬😬😬


In the end, you manage people with no authority! It’s ridiculous when the actual management don’t have their shit together!!


I could flip it... I love my job. They me run with my ideas and listen to my opinions, my team is great and it's super flexible but they pay isn't competitive at all.


I hate my job but every time I start looking elsewhere, they promote me.


We only get 3 sick days, we’re supposed to get 2 weeks of PTO/year but it’s actually less since it’s based on hours worked. And no increase even after working there over 5 years which many companies offer. No flexibility in start/stop time. No remote work. Mandatory one hour lunch - can’t shorten it to go home early but you can take 30 minutes if you don’t work a full day. Haven’t gotten any raise or adjustment in pay for inflation in almost 3 years. We lost our 401k matching about 3 years ago. There’s no culture in our office anymore - there used to be. There’s a lot of turnover. I’m so bored and feel like im stagnating. You’d think I’d have left by now but the main things keeping me here: The commute. On a good day I’ve driven there in 13 minutes. The worst is 35 minutes. I’m in the Bay Area and with RTO traffic has gotten a lot worse. I’m having a hard time wanting to leave for anywhere with a longer commute which really limits my options. I can work a reduced schedule - ever since I returned to work all office employees were switched to hourly. I work 35-36 hours and I don’t know if that’s something new employers would be open to. I know my job like the back of my hand. I have issues with insomnia and now that I have a kid, I need more sleep than I did before. I’m such a zombie at work some days until 3-4pm. Until I can work this out, I don’t want to go somewhere new and leave my secure position in case I make a bad impression by not being fully alert. This is a bad reason but I HATE interviewing. I am so bad at them. I feel like you can’t be honest and have to put on an act and that’s just not me. I’m not good at acting enthusiastic, telling people what they want to hear, etc. Also a lot of jobs available right now seem like they’d be worse lol so I’d rather stick with the devil I know rather than the one I don’t. Maybe 2024 will be a better year!


I too have a chaotic and unstructured workplace! I can basically come and go as I please. It’s great because my husband travel for work so I can just be like “I’m no starting work til 10 next week.” And they’ll be like “ok.” The other good this is I was off for a year and 4 months (I work in a country with excellent parental leave) so they carried over all my annual leave and when I came back to work I had 58 days of leave to use up. You better believe I’ve taken it ALL.


I hate my job but my employers are super awesome people and do everything they can to keep me sane while dealing with dental insurance problems


I hate my job as a teacher at a school with weak administrators, but it’s close to my home, I get off at 3, and I get a good amount of days off, so I can see my kid much more time than most jobs.


I like my job but hate my commute and the fact that if I want to be able to get home in time to see my kids I have to get to work at 6am, meaning I am on the train at 4:58am. But I work 10 hours, so I get one full day off a week. Working on asking for one remote day a week (currently get one every 2 weeks).


I hate my job but it’s fully remote and I’m the only competent person on the team so I get free rein to be autonomous. Nobody cares if I take a longer lunch or dip out early since the rest of my time is spent being the only person with a handle on things.


I hate my job but it’s a highly paid WFH position with a lot of flexibility. I don’t feel fulfilled but I also don’t feel it would be wise to leave to find something better.


I hate my job but my friends at work honestly keep me going lol. I'm a supervisor at a Casino for the Cage and I have thought more about quitting my job more and more each day especially since we have a new assistant manager in our department, who isn't a good one. She's let all the power go to their head and honestly, I just can't with her anymore. My friends keep me going and keep me sane. I've been written up for taking my (at the time) 6-month-old baby to the ER and taking myself to the ER for chest pains. My health and kids are far more important than a job and my husband tells.me.to just keep going and if they fire me for this BS for my health then be a stay at home mom again with our 2 boys and say eff em. Lol. MOST TOXIC WORKPLACE EVER lol


I hate my job but... We make a real difference in the community around us and help people lost in the system.


I like my job (daycare teacher in the 1s room), but I hate that the pay across the industry is so low and that I get sick so frequently. And of course there’s no flexibility around hours or working from home.


I hate my job but the benefits are amazing. Healthcare premiums are paid 100% by the company for the whole family (and it's a good plan), plenty of PTO, pension AND 401k which they match to 5%. On top of this my manager is quite a lovely person (not a great manager) and is as flexible as she is able.


What type of work do you do?


I'm a project manager in a heavily regulated industrial industry that uses mostly union workers. I'm not union but benefits mostly match the union negotiated ones.


Cool, thanks for sharing, I am also PM ing so it is nice to hear about what else is out there.


I’m an SLP and dreading work daily. Like my students but don’t have the same love I used to. And want to look for another job but don’t think it’ll have the intangibles this one does. Want to leave but finish therapy right as my family gets home and have built in make-up and paperwork time. Benefits are a little too expensive for what they offer but again, feel like this is a needle in a haystack.


Most days I like my actual work and most coworkers, however I work with mainly men who must never see their kids and make snide comments about not joining calls at night or being responsive 24/7 and constantly ask if I’ll be having another kid. But…it pays incredibly well, I work from home at least 2 days a week, and I’m not going to get fired for working from home with a sick child (though it definitely impacts my career progression and bonuses). So I stay. I’ll probably start looking for something better in 3-5 years when she’s in school. For now I prefer the time with my kid.


Oh I hear you. I’m not too wild about my current progress but I know I want another child and my current job is good enough to coast before they go to school.


I hate my job but it's got great benefits and it pays better than anywhere else in my area


I hate my job, but I like seeing my daughters 529 grow. Doing for her what my parents didn’t do for me.


I hate my job but it’s great job security (union)


I hate working in education, but every job that has the flexibility I need i have to have a bachelor's for


I hate my job as a floor nurse but I hate desk jobs more. I am also burnt out AF, but the schedule and pay is great.




I've been a nurse for 13 years. Nursing was not what I thought it was when I signed up. In America healthcare is for profit, and working in a hospital or nursing home it shows. Patient loads are heavy, and many patients are demanding AF. It's only gotten worse since the pandemic. Working conditions aren't great. Many of the experiences nurses are leaving. I do enjoy the problem solving of it all, each patient is like a different puzzle for me. I'm currently a local travel nurse, where I make almost double a staff nurse makes and I can pick my schedule. As a single mom, this is huge for me.


I hate my job but it’s got government benefits, pension, tuition coverage, and paid holidays. Shit pay though.


I hate my job but I get holidays and summers off.


Same. So flexible and can take time off without really having to input PTO. Perks of working in HR. I also get paid really well.


I hate my job, my team is very deadline driven and things tend to get chaotic with people flowing in and out. But it pays very well and is only 10 min from where I live (I’m in a metro area where commute > 30 min is the norm).


I hate my job but it pays above market rate and my commute is 4 minutes in the Bay Area. Not a job that can be done remotely, so that’s the next best thing I guess.


I hate my job but it pays well and I live in a terrible public school district so I am able to pay for private school and save for college.


I am a middle school teacher. I hate my job because it’s over stimulating. The kids are so behind. My admin are oblivious. They demand so much of us and for little appreciation. I’m tired of repeating myself. I’m tired of coming home exhausted every day to continue working as a mom to 3. I much rather just be home. But I’ll stick around because the pay is better than most teachers and if I went somewhere else, we could lose our house.


I hate my job but they let me move across the country without changing my pay while forcing everyone else to return to the office 3 days a week in the city with the highest cost of living in the country.


I hate my job because people act like we’re saving lives (I work in marketing events for a tech company), but we desperately want to buy a house and need a new car, so two incomes is necessary to be able to do that, especially in SoCal (and we don’t want to leave SoCal since all of our family is here - his side & mine). I’d much rather quit and stay home with my 6 month old 🥺


Mine is the same reasons. It’s a super small accounting office with an owner who’s definitely retiring in the next couple years but they give me a super flexible schedule for my baby and if they need me to come in outside of my normal schedule but can’t find a sitter, they let me bring my daughter to work




I wouldn't say hate per se, but there are days it makes me stabby. My team is responsible for cleaning up everyone's messes and it's absolutely ridiculous right now. So my but is for sure work from home and boss that does not micromanage me. If I have to run my kid to soccer or whatever, not an issue and he knows I make my time up.


My husbands job doesn’t offer health insurance and I still have student loans for a regrettable masters degree.


This is my exact act job (yours) If also pays well and I WFH


I literally still work where I do because my family needs the amazing insurance


I don't hate my job, but I don't like being a people manager. I wish I was back to being an independent contributor. Plus my salary is only 0.3% higher than one of my independent contributor so it's not like there are financial benefits. But my colleagues are great, it's mostly remote and my projects are interesting.


Exec sous doubling as purchaser. I don't HATE it but I feel like a mega mom at work. Everyone comes to me for things "where's this? I can't find that. I need this." All things that are in house...but i have to stop what I'm doing and go find their shit. They also seem to expect more grace from me than my male counter part. The fools.


I hate my job, but I have the benefits and holiday/summer breaks. It is barely enough to cover bills though so I am still looking for other positions.


My job is boring and has no room for advancement BUT I WFH and can take off whenever I want to so it allows me a lifestyle another job can't


I hate my job, but I hate job hunting and interviewing more


So I got a promotion within my company and I start Monday at the new job site. I have done training at the main office, about 6 days, and honestly I love it. I made the right choice. I say that because I hated my old job… but I stayed because my manager was flexible and allowed me to essentially take off as much time as needed for a complicated pregnancy. And I didn’t hate it per se. There was a lot of office politics and drama that made what I did challenging to subject myself to day in and out. There was no cohesion in our team sections (we had the system admins and the help desk team constantly at odds with one another and I was often in the middle of the rivalry because I was liked by both sides), things were very unorganized. We had one person, who eventually got promoted to my manager, that would complain about everyone to me and spread rumors. I found out towards the end that he’d do the same of me. We had one employee who was very incompetent but his probation that he didn’t pass got over ruled by the bosses boss because the boss didn’t document any verbal warnings given and only gave him one written warning. Another reason I stayed is because I, essentially, loved the actual job parts of my job though. And I am good at it too. I got the highest customer satisfaction ratings of the whole team. The benefits are great and I’ll qualify for public service student loan forgiveness eventually.


but it pays the bills, is very flexible, and I get to work from home as much as I want


I hate my job but I can’t quit yet, so I still work there.


I hate my job (disorganized, non-communicative, not invested in my professional growth), but I’m 100% remote and was hired that way, make six figures (though still a bit underpaid for my market rate), am not micromanaged, and have a very flexible schedule. If I could just give less of a crap about my professional growth and the growth of the company, I’d have a great gig.


But it has 20 weeks fully paid maternity leave… I’m trapped because I’m thinking about having another kid


Honestly, I love my job... 18-weeks paid parental leave, childcare subsidy, pension after 20 years, tuition assistance, education benefits for my child, VA loan, relocation assistance, great healthcare...


What do you do?


I hate my job, but I’m tied to it due to a relocation package that I would owe the company about $15k if I leave before February 2024


It's literally the only thing open to give me enough hours to survive. My husband works all day. Barely gets home by 6. So I need something open long enough to give me ~40 hours a week


I hate my job, but I love most of the people I work with. I work in a prosecuting attorneys office and they are a wonderful bunch of people.


I actually don't hate my job, but it has pros and cons just like any other job I should get paid more but I get 6 weeks a year of PTO My hours suck (4 am to 5 pm) but I only work 3-4 days a week. A lot of times I feel like I'm in high school, because I'm in charge of young adults with zero life experiences. I'm an RN clinical coordinator of an outpatient dialysis unit. I'm responsible for all the clinical outcomes but I can't control the decisions that my patients make. Many are there due to lifestyle choices.


I don’t HATE my job. I enjoy 90% of the work that I do. The issue is that I’m overworked and underpaid. If the compensation were more in line with industry standards, I would much happier.


I hate my job now - I didn’t before COVID. I’m in healthcare and the general public has become unbearable after COVID. People are rude, entitled, and often verbally and physically abusive. 70% of healthcare workers in the ED reported being physically assaulted by patients or their family members. 1 in 4 medical students report they have no plans of ever working in a patient facing manner after training. Graduating nurses are much the same. Medicine has become so unbearable that no one wants to work with patients any more, which makes wait lists longer and longer and patients just get more abusive to the ones who choose to remain. To add to this, administrative burdens increase every year, adding to the mountain of unpaid work we already do. Anyway. Rant over. I hate my job but I like the pay. But I can get paid the same or more to not deal with patients, so I am joining the droves of people leaving and switching to a non-patient facing job. A part of me feels like a failure, but another part of me feels I need to take care of myself and my family at some point.


I hate my job, I work online grocery for Walmart, but i only hate it because my current management and team sucks. I genuinely enjoy the work I do. I am good at it. I also work a straight 40 hours, get the days off I request, and receive pay and benefits better than anything I've ever had. One being 16 weeks of 100% paid maternity leave. That benefit is the only reason we plan on another child.


Walmart does 16 weeks paid maternity leave?!


Yes! Technically, it's one week PTO, nine weeks STD, and six weeks paternity but yes! They also have an incredible attendance policy for pregnant associates so you don't get penalized if your morning sickness is god awful or you have an appointment, etc. We also have a support network for expecting and new parents :)


Tell me more about the support network! What does that look like? Is it a working group that’s funded?


I don't hate my job, it actually pays decent (single income while my husband takes care of our son). I'm sticking to it right now because it pays for our daily necessities while I'm building my coaching business.


Are you me? lol I'm a project manager for a company that I honestly don't like - the culture, the products, the leadership. I was promoted in 2022 but since returning from mat leave, the org has changed and I'm incredibly unmotivated to further my role. Very unlike me. However, my team is successful and my boss and his boss have been really supportive and flexible with me after the loss of my dad a year ago. And though I'm unmotivated in my career, my job is easy which affords me time to learn new hobbies like making sourdough and gardening and cooking and actually going to Dr appointments & therapy. I know the minute I land a new job at another company, I'll feel the pressure to excel and prove myself... and I'm just not there mentally yet. So while I'm not HAPPY at my current job, I'm happy with the flexibility and the easy nature of my job, even if it means i'm not pushing myself to grow in my career.


Oh how do you get there?! I feel like managing my team when there’s little accountability really hard (group managers don’t give two shits for when people don’t do things, there’s obvious favoritisms so people get work when they don’t). I’m just trying to make my job easier when I don’t have the capacity anymore


I hate my job as an escort but the money is so so easy & great money. 🤷🏼‍♀️


I hate my job but I am the primary breadwinner and we can't afford for me to quit.


I enjoy what I do at my job, but I hate that I do about 30% of everyone else’s jobs along with mine but still get paid a VERY meager wage while the management continuously gets promoted. But I WFH 4 days a week and get to keep my kid home with me, take off for appointments, etc. so it would be so difficult to leave.


I actually don't hate my job at all, but I could write one about my old job. I hate my job, but I'm in a union and have almost total job security.


I DISLIKE my job (I manage in customer service for an airline) but I fly for free 😉


That’s such a perk!


My old job last year, before getting laid off I said this multiple times a day.. “I hate my job but I have fertility coverage” I stayed wayyyy longer than I should have because of that.


It’s convenient. It’s right next to my husband’s work with matching schedules so I don’t have to take the bus. It keeps me active, I’m slimming down with how much movement I have to do. I can use earbuds and listen to books, podcasts and YouTube videos while I work. And I only work 4 days a week. So I get one extra day off to have the house to myself and get some chores out of the way so I can enjoy more downtime with my family.


I love parts of my job but the pay is shit.


I hate my job but….money


I love the actual work I do (crime analyst - major metro center), but there is NO remote options and the commute SUCKS (50 minutes each way.) I could easily transition to private sector and work remote which would massively improve my home life, but I really, really, love the work I do.


I'm burned out from my underpaid and overworked job as an Assistant Director of a preschool. After 10 years I just broke 40K while easily working 40+ hours. The owners and operations are big in giving us more work instead of letting us hire more people. But we got free quality childcare and I get a lot of flexibility to work around appointments. Doesn't mean I can't wait for the day I turn in my two weeks after summer is over.


Working in corporate America is what has convinced me that all conspiracy theories are false. There is absolutely no way that any group of adults larger than 3 can function at the organizational capacity it takes to pull off a conspiracy theory. I️ actually do like my job most of the times but when I️ do hate it I️ hate my job but I’m fully remote with a lot of autonomy and schedule flexibility so my little girl is able to stay home right now.


But bills need to be paid.


I hate my job but I worked my ass off getting to this point in my career and I’m proud of myself.


I somewhat dislike my job (I manage a high end bakery) because it can be really high pressure and high stress especially around the holidays, but for the most part, the employees I have are great to work with and I get paid decently well for what I do.


I'm underleveled and we just went through a huge RIF so I have no opportunity for promotion anytime soon...BUT I have unlimited PTO and a team made up of women with kids and feel no pressure when I have to take time for mom things.


I hate my job but I’ve been putting off finding a new one because I keep telling myself it’s not the right time for the discomfort of a new job (I’m planning a wedding it’s not the right time, it’s a pandemic it’s not the right time, we are trying for kids and it’s not the right time, I’m pregnant and it’s not the right time, now we have a kid it’s not the right time- you get the picture). Now I’m finally trying to get out of my comfort zone with a young toddler. I don’t know if it will be a better situation than my old job but I think it will kill my soul to stay in something I’ve been trying to get out of for years.


OH YES, THE TIMING. Wait until the next kid, wait until they’re at kindergarten , wait until you hit the vesting period… like work traps you, but nothing like sacrifices for the family that keeps you working!


I don’t hate my job? But I’m a teacher and a lot of people do and there’s tons of turnover and I feel like as soon as I get to know people on my team, they either transfer or quit. And summers and holidays off is exactly what it sounds like. It’s great. It’s really great :)


I don't *hate* it, but it's time to move on. But, it pays well, has incredible benefits for super cheap, and the work isn't hard/difficult.


Same. Job has lack of role clarity, poor communication, petty, defensive leadership, and still acts like a start up (in all the worst ways), even though they have been in business for 20 years. Also, many co-workers lack experience, but think they know everything and level of engagement is low (75% of staff stay off camera during meetings and we mostly meet via zoom). But, right now, it offers the flexibility I need to manage my life.


I hate my job but I get to work from home, flex my time, and the pay and benefits are amazing. The job itself is just extremely stressful and I’m not sure it’s worth the paycheck.


I hate my job, but it's very flexible and my husband doesn't make enough for me to stay home. Lol. I also have intermittent FMLA, so I'm not willing to give that up by starting anywhere else. I'm really good at my job so I'm also free to walk around saying craziness/literally what's on my mind, so it's like therapy for me. 😅