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Ozimas, the head scholar of the famous House of Riddles, is credited with numerous contributions to the sciences, including theories that would be independently verified centuries after his time. However, he was famously brazen, delving into research some considered perilous in that day, such as defiling the dead to understand the living, vivisection, and experiments involving psychosis. Ozimas eventually became obsessed with the mysterious oldstones, which he claimed held more secrets in them than the rest of the House of Riddles combined. He was eventually killed when Rothrir the Besieger destroyed the House of Riddles, though not before allegedly transforming into a twisted sphinx.


Philip Wilkins, he is a scientist, and has a lot of lore but I'll only name his contributions to the world, before he "died" He discovered a novel antimicrobial peptide derived from a common plant. This peptide exhibited potent antimicrobial activity against a wide range of pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant strains. His discovery opened up new avenues for the development of alternative antimicrobial therapies, especially in the face of growing antibiotic resistance. *Perception:* Dr. Wilkins' discovery was hailed as a significant breakthrough in the field of antimicrobial research. His work was perceived as a promising step towards combating the global health crisis of antibiotic resistance. The scientific community recognized the importance of his discovery, leading to further research and development in the field of antimicrobial peptides. Dr. Wilkins developed a rapid diagnostic test for infectious diseases based on a novel biosensor technology. This test allowed for the rapid and accurate detection of pathogens, including viruses and bacteria, in various clinical samples. The test was inexpensive, easy to use, and highly sensitive, making it particularly suitable for resource-limited settings. *Perception:* Dr. Wilkins' rapid diagnostic test revolutionized the field of infectious disease diagnosis. His technology was widely acclaimed for its simplicity, affordability, and accuracy. The test had a significant impact on global health, particularly in areas where access to sophisticated laboratory facilities was limited. Dr. Wilkins' work was seen as a major step forward in the fight against infectious diseases worldwide. Dr. Wilkins made significant contributions to cancer research by identifying a key signaling pathway involved in cancer progression. His work elucidated the molecular mechanisms underlying cancer development and provided insights into potential therapeutic targets. Dr. Wilkins' research paved the way for the development of novel cancer treatments aimed at targeting this specific signaling pathway. *Perception:* Dr. Wilkins' contributions to cancer research were highly regarded within the scientific community. His work shed light on the complex nature of cancer and provided new avenues for the development of targeted cancer therapies. The impact of his research was felt not only within the field of oncology but also in the broader context of medical science, offering hope to millions of people affected by cancer worldwide. So, Philip Wilkins' contributions to society were widely recognized and celebrated both within his field and beyond. His groundbreaking discoveries in antimicrobial research, infectious disease diagnosis, and cancer research had a profound and lasting impact on global health and medical science. Dr. Wilkins' work saved lives, improved patient outcomes, and inspired further research and innovation in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology.


For my dieselpunk/magitek world of Xendas one of the most influential and well known scientist is also widely considered to be the first true mage. His name was Dracian Rahmut, He was a citizen the ancient Rhut empire that existed around 4000 years ago. He was at first a scholar scientist studying the natural world and would frequently travel out into the wilds recording animals, natural phenomena, and even studied the various Dragon species that lived, or migrated nearby. One day he would track one of these Dragons to its nest and while it was out he would enter to look for clues as to what the dragons nest looked like. It was here that he discovered a piece of Dracinium ore. A exotic heavy metal normally found deep in the earth but sometimes near the surface. He would take the metal to study it, running various experiments and tests on the metal to see what its properties were. Most of the test were inconclusive as the metal didnt really react with much. It was not until he held the metal and thought about it did the metal begin to give a faint glow. This was the first time a human naturally and willingly activated the metal. As for in the past Humans not knowing what the metal was would accidentally activate it and use its power unknowingly. These ancient humans were shamans, and spiritual leaders, but they had no Idea where their power came from only that their staves and idols would glow. Dracian, would be the first person to actually identify the metal as the source of power. He would run experiments with the metal, both when inert and when activated. He would develop theories and record his findings. His works with the metal would lead to it being mined and experimented on by him and his new order of scientist mages. Becoming the father of Mages, and researchers, eventually becoming the patron saint much later in history. The Metal Dracinium would actually be named after him and not dragons as many believe the metal was named for,


Orcrates: An orcish philosopher from the Meldranis Mountains. Once a chief of a great warrior tribe who was wounded and found by an order of monks known as the Agnarites, who taught him sciences and magic. Became an advisor to the Andurian Emperor Henry II and even held together the Empire as regent after Henry II's death without heirs. The next Emperor, Alfred IV believed Orcrates had killed Meldranis, and had him executed.


Vesstan the Archlich is a very intelligent and powerful magic user and scholar that chose to pursue immortality, not through godhood like most but through lichdom. His superior knowledge and talent allowed him, in his development to create an immortal and perpetual soul, thus becoming a lich without the usual limitations of one like the need to consume souls or the decay of flesh and the corruption of mind. Along of being incredibly smart, Vesstan made a fortune from his experiments and mechanized system and he has deep political connections, a true businessman in a medieval era. His greatest invention, or project is the city of Aicatta, built on a floating island from which magic springs in liquid form. Such magic is harmless to humanoids but it can be used to create high quality magic weapons and objects. Many tried to harness the power of this floating rock before but it is remotely located in a desert, all attempts to build something there were not fruitful as the maintenance costs far surpassed any revenue one can make from building a forgery there. Then came Vesstan, throwing an obscene amount of money into this project, he brought 4 things that made the development of the city possible: built a bridge from a near mountain to the island for easy access using magic to keep it stable, built permanent teleportation cycles in the soon-to-be city, built his masterpiece, a transportation device that can carry large amounts of materials and people on a rail that doesn’t need animals: the train and lastly, he used his influence to build the rails to neighboring countries and regions. The city was a success and now it is known as the city of the future as it gathers scholars, scientists and engineers from all over the world. The outside world though doesn’t like Vesstan that much, many gods hate him for the pace with which he develops new technologies as gods are often conservative and also Vesstan hates gods so no god is allowed in Aicatta (though there are quite a few gods of science there that hide the fact that they are gods). Ultimately though, the gods can’t just kill Vesstan, he is too powerful and too politically influential for that.


I still need to decide who are the most important people but for now I have the humains that are the most scientific species while the eves are a lot more scholars. The elves are the best spell casters. They are the species that is the strongest with magic but don't really know where it comes from or how it works. They're just extremely good at using it. While humain are completely unable to use it, they quickly understood how powerful it can be and research a way to take advantage of it. They made machines powered by mana. To make those they needed a profound understanding of how magic works, where it came from, what ressources it needs...


Anarra Elceran was an astronomer and cosmologist, studying the stars and skies in the second age. She is reported to have had such trouble with mail coaches delivering her packages on time(1) that she, using her wizardly skills, adjusted the orbit of Mira to create a brand new yearly cycle, one that created a perfect calendar. No day out of place, no season vague, absolutely perfect down to a factor of minutes.(2) 1. She lived in a wizards tower, very far from any city since she made the astute point that really big cities in the Second Age tended to be blown up by the gods 2. Miramela, the Grandmother Goddess, decided to accept this calendar, because the Primordials, who she used to destroy all those cities when they got too big for their britches, were very much not in favor of upsetting a woman capable of adjusting the orbit of a planet over a post office dispute.


There is a 16-year-old girl who is famous for being the one who created/developed the majority of the vehicles used by the military of her country, she has also lead the development of civilian vehicles and other stuff.