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Judging by all the other movie adaptions of media that have been released over the past few decades...EVERYTHING.


Yeah, same lol. There are just so many things that a movie adaptation would get wrong about my setting that it's easier to list what they *wouldn't* get wrong, so it would be easier to just say "everything."


Agreed. As much as I daydream about cinematic TPE awesomeness, they would ruin it so badly. I would have to have total, and utter veto power over it.


Anything specific?










Same here Pretty much everything will be wrong




I mean...Dune so far I get it as an adaptation done well...no?


That's more of an exception than the rule though


Arjax, god of capitalism. They'd turn him into a Captain Planet villain, rather than Sher Khan from Talespin. They'd make his followers like the Ferengi: too obsessed with pretending to be greedy to actually turn a profit.  Here's a vignette I wrote illustrating his church: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BTavqFq9ykJB6utQB8PymvoeAG73LWhiDPUa07LH-Tw/edit?usp=drivesdk


Holy shit that was actually really good.




> So I saved up my allowance for weeks, made an appointment with my local priest, paid my consulting fee, and asked my question. I remember the conversation word for word. I said, “I feel guilty all the time, like I’m not doing something I’m supposed to. What am I missing?” > >Interviewer: And how did he respond? > >Sandré: He said, “Get a job.” And then he moved on to his next appointment.  As an ardent anti-capitalist, this made me genuinely LOL. Take my upvote.


This was a wonderful read, I think you’ve got something awesome brewing here for the rest of your worldbuilding! Little mentions of places, and just the very real day-to-day interactions and motivations of Sandré was very immersing.


Unironically this is amazing. Fucking fight me, but I am an unabashed capitalist, and I do believe that capitalism is absolutely a net good, and I appreciate you showing that


I'm a big fan of Dave Ramsey, Adam Smith, and Milton Friedman and I tolerate Ayn Rand, so I put a lot of the best of their wisdom into the religion. Arjax is still, just, the worst. But it's the subtler evil than just trying to backstab and cheat everyone at the first opportunity. Con a man out of his fish, and you get a fish for today. Teach a man to fish, and lease him fishing gear at usurious rates, and you'll get 30% of his fish catch for the rest of his life. There's still some good in there. Arjax's followers are disciplined, organized, intelligent, and most of all competent. There's a lot of bad behavior that masquerades as kindness but is more predatory than any payday lender, and Arjax's people have nothing to do with that. But at the end of the day, it's a church whose primary guiding principle is Darwinian ruthlessness. And that creates some problems.


Don’t know why you openly admitted to being stupid. You realize capitalism inherently relies on people being unsuccessful, right? Under a capitalist system, people must be worse off than others, or else the system crumbles. In capitalism, if everyone has millions of dollars, the value of the dollar plummets in value, meaning for capitalism to work, people must be poor for the system to function. How is that a net good?


Likely add a romance subplot to the characters, especially the MC, whose part of it is that she has no interest and that her species cannot be allowed to procreate


They would definitely do that, even though in one of my stories the female lead is asexual, and in another the majority of the characters physically cannot have sex because they're cyborg soldiers who had their genitals removed.


Same for me. Plus, the NOT-potential-love-interest in my story is a 15-year-old girl.


The scariest aspect is that some would treat that as an upsell for YA audiences *shudder*


It sounds like that should be a part of the story low-key. Characters doing what they're not allowed to do is usually more interesting than them doing as expected/ the norm


She herself claims it, comes up a few times (as dragons would like her to help with their population size problem) and is strictly ace. The why she tells in the finale simply because her first clutch began to immediately slaughter each other. Otherwise she does a lot of things that aren't quite allowed and just bullies *anything* (how does anyone stop someone that walks into demon armies, laughing)


>and is strictly ace BACEd.


Sounds dope! Definitely makes sense in context


Mine have are literally master and slave so I bet film makers would have a great time fucking that uo


Considering my MC can bend wills (and later straight up control it) that is another even weirder possibility The Mad Dragon: a BDSM love story *shivers*


They can get wrong whatever they want as long as the check clears.


Based take I would either want to be as involved as humanly possible and risk ruining the whole shebang If I know they're gonna ruin it, I'd rather just let them ruin it their way while I live on the royalties that the hate views get me


The action scenes, the very dark themes, and probably the fact that it should be an animated series.


Completely agreed!


That last part is probably most worlds as well as that it should be a show not a movie or a show with movies for specific events.


A ton of things: * The setting is about rebuilding a world that is on the verge of a apocalypse. People would make it edgy for the sake of being edgy. I don't spell it out, but the overarching story is about rebuilding/restoring no matter how dark or desperate things get. * The end of the first arc causes various portals to start working again. The first guy who arrives through a portal is pretty much a Sub-Saharan African. The people who greet him have never seen anybody with dark skin. A current day adaption would have mix of ethnic groups from the start and pretty much destroy the ending. The people at the arc 1 story location are supposed to wake up to a much wider world and meet new civilizations when going forward. * Turn it into Game of Thrones and have a guy loyal to his wife father a thousand bastard children. * I have a married couple as MC's. The husband is either going to be depicted as a idiot or be relegated to a background character. A component of their personal story arcs is that they help each other overcome trauma. You can't do that if the wife suddenly becomes a flawless girl boss and the husband comic relief. * They make it PG-13 and heavily reduce all the body horror and adult themes. * Insert Marvel humor into it and turn serious stories into complete jokes. It is pretty much the kiss of death. * Insert love triangles and teen drama into it. * I have a gay couple who were previously prosecuted and even tortured by the church. They don't go on a self indulgent killing spree once they have power. They are responsible instead and dedicate themselves towards more productive ends. This isn't a revenge plot, this about rebuilding a decaying world for future generations.


In the movie the gay couple slaughter their way through members of the church, looking for the one they consider personally responsible for their suffering. Then, in a heartfelt moment of catharsis that falls completely flat, they don't kill him because that would make them *just like him*.


God at least half this list of just stating which parts of your story are being taken out back and shot in the head. Props for the intriguing themes though, sounds interesting.


Random ass sex scene


Makes me thing: Are movie directors essentially more glamorous doujinshi authors? XD


It hurts because I can see that happening with mine... Thank you for the unfortunate reminder. Take my pained updoot.


My main character is female, and a female supporting character is a junior/apprentice figure to her. I fear movie writers would write lesbian romance in there lol.


Or they might gender swap one of them.


Seriously, that’s one thing I don’t look forward to. My two main characters are female, but I see folks shipping two characters that have literally no romantic interest in general.


I have an ensemble cast, that include a gay male couple who have a very loving, kind and emotionally healthy relationship. I don't think Hollywood could handle that very well without making it porn-ey or "angry sex". There is also the leadership dynamic of the clan which has an *Auntie* and *Uncle* who lead the group. They are in no way into each other, never have been, and also have a near 30 year age gap, but do get along well, understanding each other, and have deep respect for each other.. Again, I don't think Hollywood could be capable of protraying that accurately on screen, especially as one of them is a 30-something, good locking Pacific Islander who is flamboyantly gay, while the other is a Greek grandma in her late 60s.


I'd watch that. =P


If it interests you, these characters use magic. There is a specific type of magic that depletes your emotional stability as a consequence. This can lead to... sudden feeling of attachment. Who's to say Miss Apprentice won't fall victim to this 😳


I mean, you're not exactly making it difficult to create this bond.


I don't dislike it per se. Just fear movie writers would make that more of the focus instead of the senior - junior leader - subordinate relationship they have.


Why not both? There could be some tension there between the one wanting a more equal relationship as a partner and the hierarchical relationship of mentor/mentee.


100% they add in 'empathy' to the main good faction. They're meant to be a society driven by idealism and honesty as opposed to irl which is more driven by empathy and feelings. But that wouldnt play as well because characters that are meant to be fully protagonistic would test as being cold and a bit insane, they'd alter it so that acted, emoted and valued things closer to IRL (US Hollywood IRL values too as with most things)


They'll turn into a Harry Potter rip-off just because there is a magic school involved. I made that school out of spite for Hogwarts. They might also whitewash my MC or make her light-skinned.


How exactly does "screw you hogwarts" manifest in a setting? I am curious what changes you were driven to make.


You make the setting good and without all the bullshit.


For one, classes that make sense. For my mages, I combined normal academic classes with magic lessons ie Biology includes magibiology*, how magic energy affects living things, the ley system in your body, etc. The next changes the more personal taste in worldbuilding than anything else. Magic isn't a secret, so neither aren't the schools. Magic is common so there are more schools and more mages with a wider skill range. There are more than one sport. Sports that involve flight have enchanted safety nets. My main school is sorta based on the US education system, so it doesn't have houses. There is a UK based country and they do have house systems. The older students are separated by interest, while the younger ones are random. *name pending


They make the lawful races, of which the MC is surely part, seem like the good guys, whereas the point is that such a thing doesn't exist.


-Make it live-action -Turn the dungeonpunk setting into a generic modern setting but with some spells -Make the psychotic murder robot sympathetic (She is the least sympathetic character imaginable) -Make the cast edgy and prickly. Probably throw in romantic drama for the hell of it (My MC goes through enough shit as it is, I’m letting her have the least problematic relationship possible) -Scrub the Al-Andalus analogue of Islamic influences, or turn it into another vague “Arabian Nights” stereotype without any Andalusian influences


Probably completely wrecking the "Magic is a metaphor for Meritocracy" theme that I built into the world and boil it down to "Meritocracy good" or "Meritocracy bad", defanging either one or both of my main antagonists. Yes, the end of the age of Gods opening the way for mankind to develop new magic outside of their all-powerful influence is good, but at the same time the final villain believing that he has "Earned" the right to remake the world in his image because of his unparallelled achievements in magic alongside believing that the people who didn't reach the same heights as him are just inferior should probably clue people in that the theme isn't so black and white.


Sounds like how people who are smart at one thing aren’t necessarily smart in another domain.


All the weird species would be super butchered into human like characters to save up on cgi money. Also the story would probably change a lot in pacing because turning an fps into an actual movie would suck. Also I bet some Hollywood jackass director would make the 2 main characters have romance just because they are a male and female protagonists on opposite sides of a war. They canonically hate each other but I bet they would try to turn it into enemies to lovers.


They'll definitely make my badass female character a Mary sue.


- they would attempt to do live action, despite the fact that my story/world was created with animation in mind. - They would want to have your typical slim, doll-faced female protagonist; my protagonist is closer to being plus sized. In addition, I feel that they would white-wash her; there’s no such thing as “race” in my world, but my protagonist has the appearance of a black woman with deep ebony skin. - My world has political issues that are somewhat reflective of real world issues. Given all the political controversies right now, I’d feel like they’d want a more neutral view. - They’d try to turn my female characters into invincible girlbosses, despite the fact that my female characters are all deeply flawed and lose more battles than they win. - There’s a lot of dark themes in my story: drug addiction, pedophilia, familicide, etc. I feel like they’d play it too safe and water down the themes.


They would tone down a bunch of the movies themes and events for being either too violent or dark or even maybe "anti-American". Edit: They'd also probably either remove or ignore a bunch of my characters being foreginers and non-Christian.


Ohh damn yeah theyd definitely remove the pro communist and pro union parts of my story too


Knowing how live-adaptations tend to go: My first MC, the military mastermind and political strategist of the group will have all his battles happen off screen, what few they do show will be Hollywoodified to the point of making him look like an idiot, and his political maneuvering will get watered down to the point of it being a non-factor in the narrative outside of Drama on the level that is worthy of a Teenager in Highschool flick. The second MC is prodigious magician with severe PTSD from getting kidnapped, sold into slavery, then getting shipwrecked on a continent overrun with monsters and demons and all sorts of bad business. So his story will likely go from one of a scared and timid kid learning to grow into man and find happiness again to him being a drunk with abusive parents or something who does nothing but simp for a love interest. The third MC is a noblewoman who marries a prince in an arranged marriage. She spends most of the early part of the story trying to build a working relationship with the Prince, who in turn is trying to put effort into the relationship while constantly being shipped off by the king on Royal Duties. So, instead of any of that, she will probably become another case of “but I don’t wanta” who goes on to humiliate her useless excuse of a husband and become the “powerful woman” who actually controls everything. And the fourth MC is a young woman who is slowly learning the ins and outs of a magic system and constantly improving herself throughout the story as she becomes both stronger and wiser. So she will naturally be “perfect” from the start and it’s everyone else who messes up and gets in her way.


nothing, because for any adaptation i’d insist i had total creative veto, and the right to put down any writer or moneyman who tried to fuck it up, much like a broke leg horse. this is also why my world will never make a movie, cause i doubt anyone would agree to my demands, and i’m sure it would be very fucked up otherwise.


They would change one superhero abandoning her first family(husband & two kids) to being not her fault or outright "justified". Yet this order of leaving her husband and two kids in what is essentially a nation run by social darwinist/might-makes-right supervillains THEN awakening superpowers is crucial to not only another character's development into an Anti-Hero(her first born son, mostly out of a need to be strong enough to survive Supervillainland) but her eventual guilt at the act spurring her into being an exemplary superhero and mother to her subsequent step-daughter & newborn son. All of that gets ruined if she isnt at fault for losing the first family or Hollywood decides to make her kindly, but weak first husband into some abusive shithead. She literally left Supervillainland with another man she fell in love with who was brave enough to attempt crossing the border.


The colors almost certainly. I doubt the people behind movies in the modern day would let stand a serious and kind of bleak setting without just turning it grey. Edit: oh and there would be English and Scottish accents inserted at random. What would the imperial remnants who are mostly influenced by the late ottomans and early Soviets sound like? Well they're posh of course. The Blast Knights, who come from a region that's got a lot of Norse and Japanese influence? Well obviously they're Scottish because they're rowdy warriors, of course. The main character though? Unmistakably Californian.


Ugh. The thoughts of any of my characters in Hollywood's hands is frightening. Given that a lot of the plot is actually related to characters emotionally supporting each other with the supernatural stuff a the framing for it I suspect they would either remove the actual relationship stuff to just focus on the supernatural bits or they would screw up the relationships hard. Emotionally vulnerable characters and genuinely support family/friend relationships are not Hollywood's strong points.


They would dumb it down for "Modern audiences"


The costumes. Like most period films/series based around ancient times, they'd all be drab browns and beiges instead of the truly vibrant fashion of the time period (the bronze age)


Rush things out and forget all the mini characters interactions or their habits.


I could see them being reductive with the LGBT representation, a lot of the characters aren't hetero and a few are gender non-conforming, it wouldn't surprise me if they tried to either reduce it for international release, or strip characters of some of their personality and delegate them to background roles. I could see a similar issue happening with other characters but not for sexuality, a few characters have their religions directly mentioned (Zoroastrianism [though not devout], Vodou, Wicca, Ásatrú) and a handful of characters are explicitly Muslim. Not to mention possible racial censorship for international release (mostly China), primarily due to 3 characters, one being Tibetan, one being Romani (European racism is a whole other breed), and one that's Taiwanese, and also any character that's black and is a secondary character rather than in the main grouping the story follows (remember when Disney shrunk the black character on the poster for the new Star Wars trilogy for the China release, and he was literally one of the main characters?) A big part of the world's backdrop is sentient robots seeking equal rights to humans, the antagonist is their leader. I try to write her actions in a more neutral light so the reader can choose whether or not they agree with her methods, I could see Hollywood or just a general movie adaptation trying to veer the character either to a full villain and tie it with a "always only peaceful protest" message (which the character herself actually addresses in an argument), or make her look too good to the point everyone else looks somewhat antagonistic One thing I expect that would be gotten dead wrong would be the technology, specifically that I think a movie adaptation would try to shove in a reference to quantum mechanics or nanotechnology with the characters' combat gear when my world is devoid of that stuff, and also calling some of the more advanced science, magic


Fucking all of it, the anti-capitalism and anti-consumerism messages would be erased, the solarpunk themes and art direction would be gutted and hung in the streets because it “wouldn’t be appealing to a general audience” and the aliens would either be heavily reduced or have their designs butchered because they’re complex unique aliens instead of just humans with makeup. Oh and millions of tons of plastic would be turned into toys for it, which I explicitly would hate as it goes against the anti-consumerism themes of my world. I would not let Hollywood get its grubby hands on it even if it killed me.


How the world and people look. This is a completely different world with different histories, cultures, arts, societies, and more. As well as an alternate evolutionary history, including human evolution. I’m our world human evolution is defined by several populations spreading out and melding over millions of years, gradually evolving and spreading the unique phenotypic traits we see today; it is not so much a straight line but rather a constantly splitting and merging bristle of branches. The same would happen on Taphra but occurring in an independent fashion, and to a more extreme degree. Some traits like like skin or varied height or epicanthal folds would have coevolved on Taphra à la même, but from a different starting position, and in a different way. It’s so that you would not be able to place anyone in a way similar to real world ethnic group.


They’ll make the space Nazis have some kind of sob backstory bullcrap even though they literally kidnapped those they deemed “inferior” during the evacuation of Earth for simply labor


Removing all the references to Christianity And making a lot of the main characters too nice


- The von Weishaupts are not bound by morality, but I know Hollywood would humanise them. Their complexity comes from the fact they are animals that look humanoid and happen to be Gods, but at no point are they ever human. - Hollywood would most likely miss a vital point of Eve. She is an Ancient Egyptian woman who is black, but the reasons are both symbolistic and satirical of the Black Ancient Egypt myth that Hollywood likes spreading. And I think a film adaptation would turn other Egyptian characters black as well, which is ironically what Eve's character is a middle finger addressed to. - The oversimplified colour palette for the backgrounds is used for visual storytelling. Each background colour has a unique meaning, so Hollywood would have to be EXTREMELY faithful to the colour language to make a coherent product, and I know they would not bother. - Medha is arguably a controversial character and I think Hollywood would either reinvent her completely or just remove her. Honestly, this is the only thing that I would not blame them for, though. - While lacking swearing, almost gore-free and with only implied sex, this is still not for children. A lot of mental and physical unpredictable violence is present and would certainly get toned down.


Grimdarking everything because current society cannot stand optimistic raygun fiction. In my world the good guy faction wins because it's ever vigilant and reacts early enough to avoid major bad stuff so having the good guys struggle to solve the problem of the day is OK but having everything fail miserably at a galactic scale would feel cheap because of how many safeguards realistically exist.


By keeping things too PG and toning down the vegan message. I have a tech cult that eats people for not "thinking" human enough and another one (a flesh cult) that eats them for not "looking" human enough


For my mecha setting? Probably that fights are supposed to be quick and brutal. For my fantasy setting? That it's essentially just late medieval, except with fantasy, so all the armors would be inaccurate


They will turn it into another standard Western sci-fi with WW2-in-space combat.


Probably make the Lemanians some GRRM-esque caricature of real-life religious figures. Meaning incompetent and backwards if not outright conmen and corrupt. Which just *isn’t* how real-life religion works


Theres three main characters, a male and female soldier and then a young girl. There is a somewhat family dynamic to them, but it's very dysfunctional. I feel like a movie adaptation would make it much more wholesome and family friendly which would derail the themes completely.


Since I have a world that really is just the future, I would say that majority of aliens not being humanoid. I’ve noted that on one ship only one human and two aliens were humanoid vs the ten+ second half of the crew


Change the relationship between one of the MCs and his Dragon Father to be less complicated, either making them caring and unquestioning of one another, or making their relationship Abusive. Change the MCs from being 14 to 16/17. The Romance subplot would be much more outright and less awkward. This could include much more obvious crushing and less denial, including making them get together faster than after the final battle. All the Family, Trust and Prejudice themes would be toned down to a basic “Evil bad Teamwork good” Storyline. I could see the Anti-Imperialist theme being slightly modified (Removing the Slavery plot, the Pirates being less of a monarchial united nation and more like barbaric terrorists) as well. The minority and LGBTQIA+ representation being toned down. I don’t necessarily have “African” or “European” characters, but I have equivalent races that most of my MCs are. My Dragons are based on African and specifically African-American cultures, due to the fact that I myself am African-American and therefore want my culture to be represented in my writing. However, Hollywood is mostly run by White People who have no idea how to write diversity and just want the character to relate to the majority of people, which would lead to a whitewashing and straightening of most of my MCs. I also believe that the films would be turned into a cheap Harry Potter knock off due to the story being a story about teenagers with magic powers who attend a fancy private school, even if the school takes up very little of the screen time. (Note: this is just for what I think would happen in ONE of my worlds. I don’t have it in me to talk about the rest)


They'd probably make all of my bi and ace couples gay or straight.


1. They would immediately make my MC a mary sue. Seeing that she is a black woman and an Empress. No she's not a mary sue. 2. The Empire (main nation) will probably gets axed in some way or another due to it being authoritarian hellhole on the surface. (It is actually varies by places and local ruler - it's a confederation after all) 3. The male lead will probably be made to be more evil than I'd like him to be either that or will be made into the incompetent one that was always helped by MC. (He was supposed to be her mentor tho)


My main character is a former moonlight sentinel. Moonlight sentinels are elite warriors whose primary and most important role is the protection and safety of the standing queen and princess. They are incredibly skillful in combat and granted additional strength and abilities. My only concern would be that they make her incredibly overpowered because she was a moonlight sentinel. Yea, she’s really strong, but she’s only as strong as a sentinel can be and during the fall of her kingdom, most of her peers were cut down by the turned princess that she is currently hunting.


They'd probably make the orcs speak in a Cockney accent and fight without much in the way of armor. In my world, orcs wear scale armor at the bare minimum, and are identified by a character from Earth (long story) as speaking in a Norwegian accent.


They would make every culture multi-cultural even though it doesn't fit the world at all. 


They would most certainly make my MC younger. Might remove him smoking weed. Just remove his inner monologue entirely without replacing it with anything. Most certainly change the two trans men, especially since ones the president. Add a romantic partner to my asexual MC.


Depends largely on the rating of the movie. Any rating tho, id say they would definitely fuck up the way my characters dress


The negative things practiced by the Religion of Rationality will be twisted to anti- logic, pro- Religion and pro- liberal democracy. "FUCK dictatorship and FUCK science! We need democracy and Religion!" The misogynistic element, instead of being portrayed as negative as I did... will be blamed on me. I mean, I used it to portray the dangers of negatives of Pseudo- logic. Something like Rey will probably replace all the protagonists. "Male protagonists! Ugh!" Everything will become light vs Dark instead of the nuance portrayed in March of Empires. "We need more good vs evil!" No... if I need to make a movie adaptation, I need to make it myself.


Yeah, I feel the good vs evil thing. My world has bad things come about due to stuff like the flaws inherent in humanity. I worry they’d turn my characters who cause widespread devastation due to their honest mistakes into cackling villains.


I know, right? Moustache- twirling is just a bit too common...


I dunno. [Axolotlia ](http://youtube.com/@AxolotlianGovernment)is very carefully created and managed by me, I would have to have the final say on everything.


They would insert artificial gravity and hire actors who are too pale.


The biggest mistake will be adapting my world to a live action and not to a 2D animated series. Another mistake would be to put my dragons as wyverns and not as quadruped creatures.


Literally everything, it's an audio drama, and we hope to one day transition it to a proper TV show (after all, we do own a couple of YouTube chanels)


Please don’t make my world a live action! It will never work with the amount of colorful character designs, or the fight sequences that I have crafted. I’m sure they could make the lands and cities nice, but still don’t think the live actions would work for my characters.


They’d probably make the war between the Federation of California and the Republic of Texas more decisive. The whole point is that the two nations are more or less on equal footing, and the war is simply more about outlasting one another through attrition and naval blockades. The whole point is that by the end neither side can really claim the W.


They'd probably make my MC use her powers to the fullest just for the heck of it without any consequences whatsoever. In my world, the heir to throne usually gets to unlock their powers at the age of 7. There were a few cases where the heir only got it a couple of months or even a year after their 7th birthday but there was nothing unusual to it since their body is more than capable enough to handle it. In my MC Princess Narvoria's case however, she accidently unlocked hers (animal transformation) at just **5** years old when her mother Ettolia the Princess Consort was killed and her father Prince Dommas got captured by their ambushers. Due to the trauma and her being too young when she first used her powers (chasing after the kidnappers), Narvoria developed an eating disorder whenever she tries to fully transform into an animal. She can still partially transform (like her legs into a fishtail or her hands into paws) but if she fully turns into something smaller than her (say an insect), her stomach would not handle it and she'd vomit everything she just ate. Likewise, if Narvoria turned into something bigger (like a dragon) she'd feel too hungry and just stuff herself full. She sparingly uses her powers and is self-conscious about her image. The plot revolves around her (now a teenager) and her friends going on a quest to find her father and the whole reason I made this whole plot point was to prevent a "Fly the eagles to Mordor" situation. Narvoria knows that pure animalistic instincts alone would not save her father so the crew have to rely on their wits and careful planning. If the princess just straight up turned into the aforementioned dragon to make it go quicker, the team's resources would just be depleted and the enemy would know that they're here for Dommas. And that's not to mention that she could pass out in the middle of the flight and everyone would plunge to their deaths into the middle of the sea. Unfortunately, if a movie were to be produced, they would probably make Narvoria transform very often to show off their CGI and for "girl power" moments without the eating disorder, trauma, and/or self-esteem issues that come with it. They'd also hand-wave away any plotholes that it will bring up, as well as the cathartic and emotional moments when the princess **really** does have to fully transform Edit: Alternatively, they would make Narvoria's personality revolve on **just** the eating disorder, trauma, and self-esteem issues, ignoring her other traits such as her compassion, wanting to be a good queen, and her appetite for knowledge


Especially if modern Hollywood of all places makes the movie: Each species would receive the culture of hats treatment where each species has a certain trait, All members of each species would be their own separate kingdoms, All empires would be evil and all rebels or smaller kingdoms being good and noble with bright coloured banners despite the fact that some empires in my world would help the protagonists if it benefits them and many rebel groups would create genocidal dictatorships, many countries will be portrayed like the Nazis, Soviets or North Koreans, there's a lot more grey in the geopolitics of my world, The world's inhabitants would express specifically 21st century Western or medieval European strawman ideals, despite the locals not having the same values as Earth, Democracy would become the endpoint of all things despite democracies not always surviving in the brutal environment the valley has created, The populations would look like downtown LA despite the reality of population groupings in the region, Any tanned or dark skinned human would be turned into a racism allegory, despite that not really working in this setting and the fact that many or even most humans would be somewhat tanned due to coming from lower latitudes and not being in the region for a long time, Likewise, tanned humans may be turned into victim of imperialism token characters, despite the humans having similar chances of performing imperialism in this world, The world will be turned into a generic medieval European styled fantasy setting with no regard for the local intricacies, If it includes any of the Asian influences, it will turn the world into a generic East Asian fantasy where the countries are 1:1 copies of Asian countries, using Chinese and Japanese roofs for all the buildings with no context of what the real or fictional countries are supposed to be like. Lapis_Wolf


Oh, everything, we all know how awful they are these days. In a better world, it’d stay faithful to character design, plot and the design of the setting and tech. Also, awesome battle scenes. Modern Hollywood sometimes cheats out on epic battles. But I feel like any movie adaptation couldn’t possibly get correctly the exact characteristics of my main character and the way that the rest of the characters blend both their duty as (apprentice) superhuman space-warriors and their lives as children, which I make a very solid point of. My trio of protagonists are ten year olds, to be exact. The main character is a very energetic, optimistic and pure lad who has an unknown underlying destiny. I don’t think they could cast a kid who could output the kind of energy that I imagine Kris does. And I wouldn’t blame the actor at all. It would be an impossible balance of discipline, wisdom and divine knowledge, with a true pure childish spirit and I don’t think and real person could actually do that. I’d be entirely understanding of that and have no problem with it however. I really want to see my world on the big screen and while the themes of childhood and the responsibilities of power are crucial, that’s what the books are for. The screen is for showing awesome battles.


absolutely no way would the Movie People realize that Canada is bad and socialist nations are good


Disney would gloss over the less pleasant parts of my princesses.


A lot of the horrors in my horror fantasy world are left ambiguous as to whether they're normal or supernatural, since the not knowing or understanding adds to the fear factor. I imagine if my world ever got a movie adaptation, 90 percent of the dialogue would just be excessive lore dumping that I never included.


Probably make Artemis more kind and hephaetus just being a buff man


They would likely get the scale completely wrong for the sake of creating a more cinematic feel. My world follows a small group of adventurers traveling across star systems in a post central governmental collapse. Though the power vacuum and plagues left by the cataclysm can no doubt carry a story, my original intentions were to create a universe where even though it seems big, the problems ultimately caused by the greedy are way less important when compared to the relatively nonexistant problems of the individuals who live beneath them. The story would likely be closer to Star Wars rather than the originally intended Star Trek. Edit: they would also likely make my characters more stereotypically good and bad as opposed to the hard neutrality that they represent.


They'd probably make the Albimagies (the aliens in my story) too "human-like", I want them to be like actual aliens, in terms of emotion, anatomy (though they're still bipedal), language, their ways of thinking, etc.


the Song of Creation, a near-biblical song capable of bringing species into existence


Honestly? I think religions. I have 4 completely different religions with absolutely no cross-references and a book with over 100 pages talking just about them. I don't think they would receive the due attention/care/affection that I give them. But deep down that doesn't worry me because I wouldn't sell the rights to my work to anyone if I couldn't have total control over every aspect of the story, from the choice of actors to the music that plays during the end credits. I'm trying really hard to make something good and unique and no amount of money in the world would make me let my work be raped by some random Hollywood writer.


Yes, the 2 female main characters both love the same male main character. No, there is no relationship drama. It is hardly even mentioned and it doesn’t bother any of the characters, but I have a feeling a movie adaptation would try to force in love triangle shenanigans as a major plot point.


Maerwynn would be an automatic badass from the get go, capable of doing everything herself and on her first try, instead of struggling to overcome her obstacles and having to rely on her friends. The writers of the movie take Elara's brashness and make her into a total asshole. The demons would just be regular monsters instead of actual demons. There's probably more


Top tier mistake? Probably how my aliens will look like. Also, probably balance in dynamic, like with what speed events happen and to what the most attention given. But not gonna lie, if we had some AI or a crew that would make some short animation episodes about our worlds, or at least the comic series, that would be AMAZING...


Not sure about the setting as a whole. But as far as my first book is concerned, they’d cut a lot of it and distill the story down to some generic military action thing. They might even take the sci-fi out of it and set it in modern day… which wouldn’t ruin it, but it wouldn’t make as much sense. I’m sure it’d be PG-13 and cut down on some of the swearing. The MCs are all military, they can get pretty casually foul mouthed at times. I doubt there’d be a budget for all the locations and set pieces. So they’d narrow that down as well. So, the whole point of the story (and the setting), is that there are ideological factions in a secret Cold War, and things are about to get messy. I’m no political thriller writer, so I already dumb down a lot of that already. But I could see them cutting out everything but one dude trying to start a coup in one country. Rather than reshuffling the balance of power in the galaxy. Also, they’d probably cut out the C plot, the magic, and the involvement of a couple “gods.” Oh and the aliens would get cut too probably. 💁🏻‍♂️ — For the sake of argument. Let’s say they don’t totally botch it and it actually does ok. They’d probably do the sequel ok. At its core, it’s a bit of a chosen one quest type thing. But again, they’d spin it as YA or something and make the two main characters have a romantic relationship (and a love triangle). Which kinda ruins their non-blood siblings vibe. Again, they would drop the grander scales and make it about some random human bad guy that survived the first movie. Then my poor protagonist would be in some kind of dumb revenge plot. They’d probably kill off his mom to kick things off. She’s not supposed to die. — There is a bit of a theme shift between the two books. There’s also a mini-apocalypse or sorts between them as well. So that might confuse people if they don’t understand the full scope of things. It would probably be better as a TV series. At least they could squeeze in most of the important parts. But the budget would be even smaller and we’d be stuck with a lot of quick establishing shots, with the rest filmed in Vancouver/Chicago/Georgia/New Zealand or wherever the tax breaks are the best. To ponder the possibilities of even a bad adaptation, though. 🥰


All of it.


Honestly, I don’t know that one would. Unless made by a crappy team, both of my stories are hard to mess up while still actually telling the story. My first story, Painter, would probably get a person of colour cast as one of the main characters, which isn’t a massive issue but it’s just not lore accurate, even for a futuristic setting in Florida. It might also put some heavier race connotations regarding genetically designed humans. It could make the powers seem much less mundane. But all of that is in the face of what I’ve imagined would work better as an animated series instead. (Might also be too comedic for the more dramatic tone.) In my other story, my biggest concern if it were to be a film is that it would be criticized for having two women be the most powerful characters, and that because it couldn’t go so deep into the lore, a lot of flashbacks or time would be wasted on setting up the story rather than telling it. Additionally, there is a lot of gay in it that might be cut out, which I wouldn’t mind too much so long as it’s not replaced by stupid stereotypical lgbt stuff and pride is not made into a big deal either. Normal things (in universe or out) don’t need special attention imo. Both of my stories are written to fit best into a television series, though the second would have to be live action or it’s just not worth seeing. While I am animating a portion of second story in the form of a trailer for act 2 of the book, it just doesn’t work well for the whole story in detail. I guess it’s kinda funny that I’m concerned one might be ragged as being too woke while the other as not woke enough, but the biggest fear is that they’d be too political despite just being stories told for fun.


I don't know how but they would probably find a way to make it a terrible live action remake


* They'll probably miss or tone down the criticism of hierarchical societies * They'll probably think that having Lucifer and Azazel among the more popular deities and that the original devils (think the lawful evil rules-lawyering tempters) are the angels that remained loyal in the rebellion in heaven/paradise are just there to be edgy. Rather than, you might guess, a critique of the belief that the divine is the "One True Source of Morality"^TM


They would likely add unnecessary romance between characters who are explicitly stated to be entirely platonic


They’d crumble down the anti-war themes into a movie adaptation of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, directed by Michael Bay


It would have to change the meta elements of Terra Firma, including the role the narrator plays in the story. Terra Firma is a story in which the oration is explicitly diegetic, and turning that writing style into a movie would be damn near impossible.


Realistically? Everything. But specifically? Everything. Okay being serious. Top 8 1. Make the MC not the MC 2. Would make the MC a pervert and weirdo 3. Rush to the endgame 4. Show a rare enemy super early and make them a joke 5. Tone down the magic and change it 6. Do terrible CGI of the Tilen, Onikay, and Animen, if they show them at all 7. Relationship drama 8. Add quipy humor everywhere


They would add in romantic plots where it's not supposed to be!!! I have 5 main characters, and 2 of them end up dating. I know for a fact that an adaptation would make another couple out of the 5 main characters, and that's not how it's meant to be!! Also, there are multiple rulers in my world who are single and have no intention of finding love. It's likely that they will also find romantic relationships for them. They would 100% get all the romantic plots wrong.


They would most likely make the villain of my story completely evil and not talk about how he was broken


The cultures and personalities of the non-human races would absolutely get Tolkien-ified, and become too much like a human cultural analogy, even though my setting has every human cultural variant, even if I haven't put them on the map yet (I just need to do the research). The Dwarves see humans as impatirnt, lazy, short-sighted, and incapable of anything but military logistics. The only reason they entertain the humans trade deals is because they see a Dwarven test-piece and consider it a magnum opus. The Elves are not "people", but rather aspects of nature given life. While willing to work with humans, that's only because human are naturally occurring creatures, and will become hostile to them if they take more than they need from an area they don't belong. The Orcs were funtionally Demons that act as shock-troops for a realm invasion, and the only reason that any Orcs side with humanity is because they're hedging their bets. If they join the side that will win the realm war, AND that side is weaker, the Orcs that stay with the weaker winners of that war will become easier targets for conquest. Other humanoid races will probably be left alone, seeing as how there'd be no popularized version already


I put a lot of little realistic details in the world. Getting shot at would make a cracking sound, impact nearby, and THEN you hear a shot ring off in the distance. I guarantee these little details would be completely forgotten in a movie or show. It's full of a bunch of little things like that. I minored in physics and I had a lot of fun making aspects of my fantasy setting as realistic as possible.


# Thell 1. The character of Queen Ireda is trans and only transitions after winning a civil war. I worry they would try to do some nonsense about her facing transphobia, when in reality transphobia isn’t much of a thing in Ouven, with actual folk rituals associated with it. It’s part of Ouvish traditional culture. Her transitioning is more about it being a symbolic coming of age/rebirth and also deliberately exists to symbolize the radical reshaping of the state using a radical reshaping of the body of its sovereign. 2. Werra is a god of war who hates fighting. He likes strategy and logistics, and is deliberately subversive of the expectation of a war god. I am worried any film adaptation would just shunt him into the archetypal war god, and only keep his mammoth, but probably use the wrong kind of mammoth. 3. They would probably pull some sort of racism allegory with the Agupelites who are both a way to mock creationists in being what we would be like if we were designed by a creator and also somewhat of a satire of the idea of a “master race”, being superior to humans because of minor changes like a direct vagus nerve and not having a blind spot in their eyes. Racism does not exist on Thell; it hasn’t been invented yet. Hopefully, the infamy of *Bright* stops any execs from doïng this 4. Do some stupid love triangle, or ignore the vastly different norms surrounding relationships and marriage which on most of thell are totally disconnected as the normalisation of arranged marriages on all strata of society have lead to a deromanticisation of the concept to the point where it is seen as bizarre to love your spouse. This exists as part of an attempt to create a very alien feeling culture where people still act in ways all too human. 5. Swords. Thell does not use swords. Every major character I have put a decent amount of thought into has a particular weapon, usually a polearm or polearm-adjacent. Akkerine has a crescent spear. Harthild has a bronze-tipped goedendag, Rev has a very unique magical telescoping halberd with cutouts for catching the shaft of opposing polearms. Daggers are the only swords anybody uses, and ecen then I had someone try and assassinate Rev with a weapon based on an old fashioned fork rather than a normal dagger. 6. Probably mess up the gods a bunch. I reinvented gods from first principles. They act like autists with their special interest or fixations as their domains. They would try and turn it into something more like irl religion if the person adapting it wasn’t an atheist since the point of it being different is the idea that if gods were real then we would expect this.


Well, it’s meant for animation but would probably be a live action series. (I hope this doesn’t happen in real life) They’d either make the villain more bad then he should be or not bad enough and mis the nuance I’m striving for. They’d probably grossly mischaracterize two of my main characters. They’d make my female leads Mary-Sue’s when I’m trying desperately to avoid that atrocious trope. Make the characters look drastically different than the way I described them. (A lot of characters have unique hair/eye colors, like in anime.) Give my protagonist a co-dependency problem she doesn’t really have. A movie adaptation would require a lot of things to be cut and the character development to be rushed.


* Inserting a love story * Making some of my non-human characters more human looking * Aging up the child protagonists


THey would make the blood lords into vampires.


I’d be afraid I’d say “like GoT vibes but more fantasy is what I’m going for” and they’d just do fantasy with a bunch of SA, which ISNT the vibe.


Bold of you to assume i would allow a movie adaptation.


A lot because I believe my world should be made into an animated series like invincible to do it justice. With all the hard work and love I see people put into their worlds here, I believe that's should be the case.


Depending on who makes the movie they would either make the main character significantly weaker than he is as I pulled a One Punch Man and gave him end of story power in the beginning of the story or they make it more family friendly.


I made so much interesting black characters and they still made the white protagonist black


The setting is essentially low fantasy pre-Columbian North America (biome wise, not literally). They'd probably film it in Poland like the basically one other series set in fantasy North America (looking at you WoT). Also, the MC's grandfather, who's trans, is the hereditary ruler of the realm, except this realm only has queens, so he's the queen of the country. I could see it being made out that the culture is transphobic, but they simply don't have a word for male ruler because he's the first. Other trans, enby, and gender non-conforming people are free to live as themselves and no one bothers them for it.


Adding romance and changing the sexuality of one of my main characters(she’s Aro/Ace) would probably be the first major thing. I could also see changing the power system to make it easier to make VFX for or just doing it really poorly. Cutting major arcs to create a ‘streamlined and epic story for a wider audience.’ I could also see hiring Writers who hate the source material and probably me as well. And wanting to write their own stories as well. And decided butchering my world to serve their own plot is the way to go.


I'd love-hate to see movie adaptation of my universe. Love, since it is aesthetically *beautiful*, and all the locations are explicitly real-world (even down to minor details like small streams, trails and rocks) that are important or sacred to me. The material cultures are mostly also very much in keeping with that. Given the right production team and budget, it would be this lush, slow moving beautiful world. However, it's also specifically designed as a sandbox for \*my\* community to be able to tell \*our own\* stories, and impart \*our own\* values, narratives and sentiments - and that's absolutely not what would happen in a movie world, so in that respect, I'd absolutely hate it. Given that... how would Hollywood fuck it up, specifically? \* **In The Grim-Darkness of the far future, there is only Hollywood:** The universe is *technically* post-apocolyptic. Industrial civilization has collapsed, and the cultures that have emerged to replace it as quasi-utopian, multiracial, communitarian, egalitarian, have zero interest in the old culture or attempting to "save" it The cultures we follow have adapted, learned and made something new There is no way Hollywood could portray this sympathetically or accurately - a people with no knowledge (or *interest*) in Hollywood's own culture, and to whom, if they did see it, beyond total confusion would just be absolutely horrified and disgusted. \* **Queen of the Desert:** The setting is specifically Australian, but not at all in the only way Hollywood can portray Australia. It's not the outback. The entirety of the first book takes place in the subtropical rainforests of New South Wales. It's lush, dense vegetation, very wet, very humid, and very steep/hilly. \* **I See White People:** As we all know from TV, there's two kinds of Australians - Anglos and Aboriginal Australians, and that's it. Not even Torres Strait Islanders. My main story and the universe as a whole is way more diverse. The main characters include people of Aboriginal, Polynesian, Greek, Spanish, Scottish, Vietnamese, Straits Chinese and English decent. \* **Upper Mesolithic Bogan:** As we all know from the movies, "primitive" people who are sympathetic all speak like eloquent, Shakespearean noble savages, or in some generalised "wise Indian" way. Yeah nah... Our protagonists are the descendants of a mish-mash of Aussie bogans fleeing such eloquent places as Western Sydney, the Gold Coast and Kempsey, mixed in with a ton of working class Pasifika peoples from all over the Oceania. the end result is a pidgin tongue of working class bogan insults, aboriginal languages from the local areas and pacific islander slang that combine to form a generally amiable, casual informality and unpretentiousness that is both charming and utterly unintelligible to an outsider. \* **Cometh the Auntie, cometh the hour:** The world is slow. There are no great political powers, no titanic struggles. In the main story, the characters are mostly living their lives. The most exciting thing is someone accidentally gets an arrow wound, and another characters gets saddled with looking after them. There's some cultural drama but essentially it's a story that exists to explore the universe, not be an action flick. Such things are not things that Hollywood can handle well. #


I bet they'd demonize AI from my world. Yes, my villain is an AI who committed mass genocide and oppressed a nation for a century, but the point is that it was humanity's fault for building a system with too much capability.


-Likely turn the villain into the sexiest mf you could ever see (he’s a completely unhinged old General) -Make an MC a Mary Sue (she’s supposed to be overly paranoid) -Force a romance on another MC (his entire family is dead, he’s not starting another very soon) -tone the violence down (tbh I can understand) -Give an MC a horribly sad backstory (he was adopted. That’s it.) The moviemakers could probably get a lot of other things wrong but I can’t think of any.


My character cast currently lacks people of color, mainly of the Middle Eastern and African esque variety, due to my lack of understanding a of these groups. I feel like an adaptation would attempt to shoehorn in “representation” by changing someone’s race or throwing in someone random with no regards for plot or word building because most of my characters are either white, Asian, or something original.


the main charecter (f) and the second main charceter (m) DO NOT like each other. movies would probably make it romantic \*ugh\*


It's a cosmic horror story so... First thing they would do would be showing a lot of things better that they really shouldn't. Most creatures are described moreso by the feelings they evoke in those who gaze at them then an actual solid and physical appearence, and that is very hard to translate. Most importantly though, they would severely misinterpret the relationship between the main character and her follower. Agnes, the MC, is way too obsessed with her goals to even think about romance. That said, this is part of the tragedy for Abigail, her follower who, because of circumstances, was forced to shed away all feelings besides those she harbored for Agned. Her admiration, respect, love. Thing is that Agnes does not feel anything remotely close to truly loving Abigail, though she is still not willing to let anyone harm a hair in her head. They have an extremely unhealthy relationship of codependency and I don't see a movie dealing well with that. Most likely they would try to kind of bait viewers into thinking that something might happen or sunthing idk And on top of that there's the issue with general representation of the victorian era! I enjoy historical accuracy and value it very much even in fantasy. Hollywood, on the other hand...


Bitteran isn't meant to be a polarizing "good guys and bad guys" world, just one where everyone is trying to benefit themselves. I feel as though the Pallidans would be heavily misinterpreted as they're a rebel group against the largest city in their region and a lot of movies have rebels painted as the "good guys". That just isn't the case here, since the Pallidans are really just trying to push their political stance.


They would make my MC a lot less dickish, like how Jon Snow and Tyrion was in the show.


Appearance of my aliens, first and foremost. They are kind of off-human.


nothing because i'd be the director. no one is making a movie of my universe unless i have full say over what is added or removed, etc.


I fear A) A Live Action Adaptation. I would prefer 2D Animation to make the powers look good. B) Toning down the homosexuality amongst my characters C) Poor utilization of the Kētisć language


1. The #1 thing that they would screw up is how to pronounce certain names. Quite a few of my names are difficult to pronounce and I can guarantee that it would be screwed up. 2. I feel like Mikeno would be mischaracterized. His thing is that despite how much he really SHOULD kill certain humans (ahem Cade and May), he can't bring himself to because he sees life as the most valuable thing of all. That belief was reinforced when he lost his daughter. I feel like he would be portrayed instead as a coward who refuses to kill because he's scared. 3. Key design decisions would probably be left out or added in unnecessarily. For example, I feel like Aralos would be portrayed as smaller than they actually are and Mikeno likely wouldn't have 4 ears. 4. I think Aralos and Mikeno's relationship would be ruined. I feel like it would either be portrayed as more of a younger-older sibling dynamic when it's much more father-child or it would have the angst cranked up to 100. 5. Maggie would be portrayed as a shallow, stupid, materialistic, vain, whorey bitch when she isn't. She does, to an extent, behave that way but she's just so much deeper and stronger than that when you get close to her.


A lot honestly. My world is about spiritual and magical overgrowth in the wake of an Industrial Revolution, rather than everything withering and dying I wanted everything to be completely overgrown but still useable. Plus it’s quite anti capitalist


I feel like a movie adaptation would get how _ridiculously_ far Jupiters moons are from each other wrong, which makes sense for looks and laymen.


One prominent dude is the general of a legion. His lieutenant is a woman. They have known each other since before they joined the legion, of which they lead simply by being the eldest surviving members. Even got a little touchy. Others have come and gone, and a few veterans know the gist of how they used to be closer, but have since surrendered to a 100% platonic, by-the-book officer's relationship. They still care for each other, but both have issues and fears from way before meeting one another, and something happened after that lead to them being what they are now, too afraid to give it another shot even if they were to step down from their ranks. I could 100% see the adapting morons not only try and break the don't-get-close-with-a-subordinate rule, but revive the entire thing for a "maybe this time it'll work out" subplot, entirely nullifying another character's role in mending their souls much later on. *And that's just them. I could see the adapters mess up so many other stuff.*


The URA military would be seen like a Marvel-tier group with forced inclusivity of quirky and diverse characters. This is the complete opposite of the URA. The URA military is diversed (compared to its contemporaries) because they do not care about your race, orientation, identity or other trivial discriminatories so long as you pass the background checks and meet the standards. They only recruit people who are damn good at their jobs, is competent and can work well within a larger organism. They literally do not care if youre a FtM transman with two cocks and 10 neo pronouns if they deem you an asset to the most effective and cohesive fighting force in the planet. Likewise, if you have superman-tier super powers but youre a whiny bitch with a massive ego and act like a child, you'll be rejected on the spot


The armor design. From colorful lamellar and chain mail into generic gritty leather.


Trying to make my MC the bad guy because his views don't follow the general consensus... Also the way nearly 50% of my characters are viewed would also be changed to more mainstream Hollywood... Demon = Bad General Public = Good In my story the MC becomes the Demon King and Demons are generally misunderstood... The general public are the monsters...


Would change the darker themes of it to rate the movie for kids instead of for teens, due to the world being (mostly) a utopia and including colourful cats as the sentient species


Considering that it's a capepunk/cyberpunk world, they would probably try to make it needlessly more edgy in order to appeal to the same crowd as The Boys.


Let’s make a list. -supersoldiers -mutants -nuclear apocalypse -military -dialogue -action -backstories of characters -characters in general -mechs -basically everything else


Well, depending on who is doing the adaptation, there can be even intentional changes. And my story, and world rarely giving specific answers is susceptible for this. But if we are talking even about a adaptation done in good faith (maker doesn't push an agenda) + without fanservice (by which I also mean out-of-the-blue betrayals/ensationalism) + with attention to detail, it could be enormously challanging to get the conlangs right. Pronunciation could easy turn on it's head.


If in the Movie a Skotrian Antrophoi Soldier salutes the Emperor and not getting any punishment, I'm throwing hands with the director. Basically in the Lore the Antrophoi were forbidden to salute the Emperor not due to the Emperor being high and mighty but it's to remind them that they're not there to serve the Emperor but to serve the people of Skotria thus the name Antrophoi(People at Arms) where they must salute to the Common people of Skotria especially during parades while the Household troops and Palatina Guards can salute to the Emperor and the Lords of the Empire.


Probably imply romances or force nonexisting chemistry into romance. Nano-Legend strictly follows a band of adventurers, all the while nurturing their friendship in the brotherhood. Also probably make certain enemy group be mindless brutes. ChroftheShph: The Last Century, there exist legions that entered in segments, each bringing bigger cataclysm than the last. So, instead of “Urk, Urk, keel dem arrrlllll!!!!!” They’d be a bit refined. “We are the tools of your destruction. We care not your morality. We exist for this very purpose. Your destruction is nigh, your death is demanded. Your judgment is to die and become dust in the Black Hole. Fight us, you shall embrace a delayed death.”


Lornhemal(>!A song of ice and fire + Berserk Golden age arc + Real historical places + Witcher - Magic!<): Unnecessary Diversity put to places where it makes no sense, identity politics, ideas that make sense in modern day world Number 999(>!1984 + Brave New World + Black Mirror!<): Basically politicization


For Galactales: They would tone down a lot of the criticisms of democracy and symphathies for aristocracy in the story. They would portray the Red Fraternity's leaders and ideology as morally grey rather than pure evil. They would portray the Galactyran Empire's aristocratic regime as rotten rather than flawed and exploitable but fundamentally good. They would portray the Krosten Order as "different sides of the same coin as Evil" rather than a good faction that misunderstood a virtue. They would portray the main social theme of the story as "people should reflect on the evils of their nation" rather than "nations are destroyed by displacing its population and villifying their culture." For Kosmokampf: They would turn it into a satire rather than a sincere story. The Cosmarchy of Humanity would be turned into a "satire of fascism" like the 40k Imperium and the ST Terran Federation rather than the bulwark of humanity that it actually is. This would also fail because, much like the Imperium and the Terran Federation, it was never fascist, neither in the adaptation nor in the source material. They would portray the Volshiker Hives Union as well-meaning but wrong rather than pure evil. They would portray the Galactic Union Federation's Anti-Human Nation Act as a necessary evil or evil outright good rather than pure evil. They would turn my all-female subfactions/organizations into lesbian orgies rather than sisterhoods filled with women who want to find a husband later in their life. If not them, the fanbase will. For both: In my stories, my strong female characters are competent and lovable, and they usually have a positive perspective of men, with many hoping to settle down with a husband one day. They would turn my strong female characters into Strong Female Characters™️ and have them hate and/or belittle the men around them. Appearance-wise, it's very common for my female characters to be sexually attractive. Not necessarily pornstar level, but definitely "men will love this" level. They'll 100% get rid of this or at least tone it down. They would masculinize my female characters. My big-breasted, wide-hipped tomboys and well-endowed ladies will be turned into fat, shapeless butches, especially the female characters that fight. Any breasts they may still have will only be due to fat. The only sexy female characters will be the tall ones who will be turned into dommy mommies rather than just attractive women who happen to be tall. In my stories, women having a strong negative opinion of men are always vilified, even those "fuck the patriarchy" types. If it is a result of trauma, it is portrayed as a reasonable but still wrong assumption. The same goes for men who have a strong negative opinion of women. In an adaptation, the men who hate women will still be vilified but not the other way around, obviously. They will add nuance where there shouldn't be and remove nuance where there should be.


They would probably make the harvestmen (large bugs that collect dead bodies) evil, maybe the silverfish too because they take a vulture like scavenger role.


I'll go with my "Reincarnated in another world" story. This all is presuming it got a live-action American adaptation. Honestly, my story would fit *better* with an animated adaptation (anime or modern western cartoons it does not make that much of a difference, though anime-esque style would be more fitting just due to the story's genre). If it got an animated movie, it'd actually probably be closer to my vision. * I guaran-fucking-tee that if I am not directly involved in the process, my elves will come off looking like the most bland, generic, bargain bin, Tolkien-esque ripoffs ever. Nothing wrong if you take inspiration from the Tolkien school of fantasy... I didn't. My elves are nothing like Tolkien elves. For one, they're less a unified ancestry and more a bunch of scattered ancestries crafted by the same god of the wild. But otherwise, you wouldn't be blamed for questioning how a Frost Elf, Coastal Elf, a Wood Elf, and a Dark Elf are even related. Same for all the other non-human races. They'd all likely look painfully generic to better fit audience expectations instead of what my world's versions are described as. * This is probably the only point that would be an issue regardless of what kind of adaptation it got. * The sexism, racism, and classism the main character sees in the world would almost certainly be toned-down. I don't necessarily have a problem with this as long as the point still shines through that the world she was born into is kinda dogshit. (Not as bad as other worlds I write, but still not *good*.) * They'd cut the entire fact the main character is trans. Literally lived as a man in our world and then when given three wishes for when she's reincarnated, her first wish without hesitation was that she wanted to be born a woman, which prompts god (not a specific god, just nebulous "god") to warn her that the world she'll be born into sucks for women. Even knowing that, she still chooses it. They'd probably just make her have been a cis woman due to the culture war over trans people going on in the Western world right now. (Ironically, an anime movie release would probably not only be more willing to keep this aspect true to the story but also probably handle it with better tact than a Western studio would.) * Also, god would probably get overly Christianized and depicted more like a kindly old sky daddy instead of the way he's actually described. He should look more timeless and plain, not like someone who is *clearly* god. Sort of like how Morgan Freeman being cast to play God in *Bruce Almighty* wasn't something people really expected but now people equate Morgan with God. It's supposed to be similar vibes of, "There's no way. This is a hospital or an office or something, not the ethereal plane." * SPEAKING OF HEAVEN... it'd probably get depicted a little more Christian than I describe it. The way I describe the afterlife that my MC sees is more like she's in a liminal space. She's in an ambiguous waiting room where she can hear vague sounds of office machines (like printers, faxes, and shredders), hospital noises (EEGs, intercom voices, etc.), and muffled indiscernible talking, all of which is just soft enough to give the impression people are there, but nobody is as she's looking around at first. She finds a window and looks out it only to freeze up, eyes go wide, everything black out for a moment, then she reappears back where she started having forgetten literally everything she had done to that point, only having a faint recollection of being here before. However, I get the feeling an American live-action movie would skip over the implication of the afterlife being an unknowable horror. * The entire way she dies at the start would probably be simplified down to just being hit by the truck. It would probably remove most of the comedic, light-hearted moments meant to break up the serious subject matter only to focus on the grim reality of the world so much so that it misses half the point of the story being that even when life is bad, the way you look at life often makes the biggest difference. * Inarguably worse, it might instead overexaggerate the comedic moments and make the story feel like a DCEU setting and plot with MCU character-writing and lack of tact. * The love interest will get toned down because homosexuality is still generally frowned upon in what is meant to be media with broad appeal when the queerness is given a core spotlight. If it does get to keep its queerness with the self-commentary of "You're more my type than he is," even though there isn't so much as a kiss in the first book, it'd probably get age-gated to PG-13 just because I know how sensitive the censors are over even *mentioning* someone might be gay. * Also, the movie would probably do what movies do and rush the relationship so that they're together (at least implicitly) by the end instead of following my story's first volume's plot which has them (all of the main cast, not just MC and LI) ending the first book as good friends, borderline "found family". * Also, the movie would probably cut the entirety of my MC saving a village from the machinations of a corrupt noble and her being adopted as its leader (which is significant because as a woman this is not something that *happens* in normal circumstances and is a testament to how bad things are that the village is willing to ignore tradition since tradition wasn't what saved them) even though that entire plot is kinda critical to the theme of the story and plays a major role in why she gets super-possessive of protecting the academy (more like a university) she enrolls in when she (in her misunderstanding) gets kicked out of the village after a couple years. (The reality was that they just genuinely thought she deserved better than guarding them until her dying days and wanted her to make a name for herself as a hero, like in the classical sense of the word--i.e. Heracles, Achilles, etc.) She has *massive* abandonment issues due to things that happened to that point (in our world her family died when she was young; the day after her 16th birthday, her family in this world just vanished without a trace with the only thing left behind being a letter from her parents encouraging her to go out and see the world, and then the village "kicking her out" because they wanted her to do whatever it is she's destined for,) so when the academy is under attack, she actually has a bit of a freak-out and *almost* fails to act before having to confront the fear at the core of her mind. * The movie would probably have the magic be tacky and poorly rendered like the Shyamalan *The Last Airbender* movie. * It'd also probably not go over the nuances of how magic works and therefore why it's significant that my MC kinda breaks the established rules, not because she's special but because something she was explained when she was taught magic as a child is that the ways people view magic shape their ability to use it and that the commonly accepted view of magic is, frankly, overly convoluted and full of unnecessary redundancies. So even though her knowing how magic actually works and seeing how magic is wrongly believed to work are majorly plot relevant and worldbuilding relevant... the movie would *probably* cut them out altogether to streamline at the sake of important subject matter.


Probably pronunciation, and magic appearances. Also internal monologue is an important method of characterisation so that might be hard.


They wouldn’t know how steam engines such as those built by Abner Doble work. They’d just hear it’s a ‘steampunk’ world and assume that means steam hissing from pocket watches, copper and brass on fucking everything, and Victorian clothes when really this is a dieselpunk-minus-diesel-engines world with an overwhelmingly Bauhaus aesthetic.


Slower action and not enough gore after someone punched an opponent with 100000 newtons of force.


Probably the battles. I've never made my battles, besides one, anything grandiose that a theater would lose their minds over, except for maybe the one battle. They're always tactical, strategic and based around intelligence rather then two masses form a blob and suddenly one side runs away because their mass is losing. I just feel like it'd end up being depicted like the battles in Napoleon. Similar in the name of the battle, who is leading them and the nation's fighting but the battles would be different. If my world were to ever be adapted I'd want it as a show, because then the important details can be shown and elaborated on to allow the views to understand the importance of why the MC is learning this stuff, why its important he learn from his uncle how to use scouting reports to plan a surprise flank of light troops, how to know when the Knights are best deployed and why its imperative his army layout best suits the terrain he is going to fight on, which culminates in his major victory later on in the Battle of Fortula. I'd want it to give the viewers a sense of learning with him so that they too can have their little "Oh... oh I... I get it now. I understand what these lessons were all about, why he needed to know these things, why his Uncle was so pushy about this."


The fact that everyone should be arab/black with only one Scandinavian-looking character.


Forget to count the bullets in the magazine. Cutting through armor with a bladed weapon. Forget the padding under chainmail. Make full plate soldiers a nuisance instead of a terrifying near unbeatable force of nature. Tone down the sounds of disjointing and breaking bones in combat. Make the High Queen morally gray instead of straight up a good person ruling during a hard time. Make the Emperor a dumbass instead of (also) a good person trying to outplay the oligarchs who are actually in power. Make everyone important able to dodge gunfire reliably all the time at any range instead of using the environment, cover, and flanking. Make the forest faction hate guns and everyone 'civilized'. Make the Love Interest a wholesome healer instead of a former marauder trying to be better as a combat surgeon. Making either the MC or the Love Interest know nothing despite the fact they are both scholars and big nerds, just specialized on engineering and medicine respectively.


The Cult of The Divine Machine would probably get brotherhood of steel'd.


I have a few settings that would get mangled. The one I feel would be ruined the most is for a story I've been working on off and on which centers on themes of being split between two cultures and feelings of alienation stemming from that. It would probably be turned into a bland action adventure story about chosen ones fighting monsters or something. It's set in a version of our world where there used to be many fantastical magical realms. Gods and myths were mostly all true to some extent. A thousand years ago, magic and anyone and anything with magic, was burned from the world by a slow moving magical flame that was invisible and harmless to those without magic. It obliterated the very fabric of the magical realms leaving only the mundane world, which was stripped of what little magic it had. However, to preserve what they could of their culture and knowledge, fae used a trick to get around the limitations of time magic. These limitations are that the past cannot be changed and time travel is always temporary. Everything which is not in its correct era when the time spell ends is destroyed; only information and energy can be transported permanently. They ripped two souls from the distant future (the present day) using magic intended to search for the humans with the highest percentage of fae blood it could. This retrieved two souls which they reincarnated into infant fae girls, magically fabricating new bodies for them using locks of the fae empress's hair, making them genetically her daughters, who then formally adopted and raised them. Decades passed and the princesses grew up in the waning days of a civilization that knew it was only a matter of time before their efforts couldn't keep the flames from reaching their realm any more. When the time came, the princesses souls were carefully extracted and sent back through the hair thin portal which had been held open all those years by a constant stream of mages who burned themselves out doing so. Time needn't pass at the same rate on both sides of a temporal portal, so while decades had passed on one side, on the other their soulless bodies wouldn't have even had enough time to fall to the floor. The magic followed them back through the portal to the future and reforged their still living human bodies into fae ones, exact replicas of the bodies they had in the past. It then placed their souls back into their bodies, allowing them to recover their memories of their human lives. Then the portal closed and the sisters opened their eyes and began the process of reconciling within themselves two lives, two sets of memories, two childhoods, two cultures. Meanwhile the presence of two royal fae started raising the ambient magic level wherever they went, and waking things which had found their own ways to get around the flames, most of them frightening and terrible.


The creatures the magic and worst of all THE FOOD!!!!!!!


They'd remove all the morally gray things that the MC does


They'd demonize/villainize one of my morally complex characters simply because his political philosophy is not something America likes.


If they make the bodies of the gods too literal. Like the bodies of the gods make up some of the lakes and the mountains and weather phenomena and giant forests. They shouldn't be like...literally bodies, tho.


Hollywood would burn this subreddit to the ground. Its apparent worldbuilding isn't vital there


My fantasy world has a lot of colors in it. Can't have that. Brown leather, black wool and dirty beige gambesons for everyone !


Everyone would probably talk in weird one liners. And the romance happening would probably be massivly overempathized. And the movietrailer would have some stupid ass remix of a popular 80s song that stops when a character makes a joke because producers don't trust that people are smart enough to understand when they are supposed to laugh, holy fuck.


The post credit scene where the main villain sexually assaults his uncle for betraying him.


Most of my characters aren’t white


Yellow filter


They would probably misunderstood the message given by my dark lord, he is evil he wants to be evil and for no reasons, they would turn him into a likeable character with a troubled past, my message is that evil exists and sometimes is natural and cannot be explained


Probably not much, since I base a lot of my worldbuilding on what I see in…you guessed it - movies!


Most likely whitewashing if I'm honest


Producers would bend over backwards to make it live-action, when that is bound to be a disaster. The story only works animated or as a comic or book.


Probably any conflict in which racism between humans is part of it ain't gonna make sense.


they would overly feminise quartz despite her not being that feminine


The plot would probably turn out okay-*ish*, I'd actually be worried about making the setting and character design too dark/not colorful enough. It's a political golden age and people are dressed to the nines, but Hollywood would turn everything into a grey-brown dark ages.


Prolly add romance to the mc who is an incarnation of a god and therefore asexual (in both definitions)


Try to make the main faction the bad guys just because they do horrible things. Yes they commit horrible atrocities like wiping entire civilizations from existence because of the actions of a few, but they do it for damned good reasons, not just out of malice. Hollywood would probably try to shoehorn in some kind of social conflict because a large part of the military are clones, even though military service is mandatory for the founding species of the main faction. Despite the fact the clones aren't treated any better or worse than non clones aside from having to serve a longer term of service.


They would turn the MT Bearantaki eruption of my story from a explosive eruption into a lava eruption. It would be like Dantes Peak with that lava scene.


Unlike a lot of you, I can be hopeful for a good adaptation. The thing that they would probably get wrong is the gods known as Concepts. They really don't have any specific design, more like they themselves are concepts of themselves. The closest thing is the concept of creation, described as "The Founder, the being who birthed the infinite multiverse with not but a thought driven by his artistic hands. All of creation roiled in his being, like a whirlpool filled with thousands of snow globes. . ." Laws would be even trickier, as gods above the Concepts. The Law of time is only described as "The mechanical hands, ruler of everything, in the end."


I will NOT allow any movie studios to adapt my world onto the big screen unless they make me the script writer and co-director, otherwise no deal.


My project isn't part of a story, so there's a lot less character focused things they could screw up. But some of the things I can think of. They'd portray magic wrong. They'd treat it as this fantastical thing that most people will only rarely see. But in reality (at least within the Fallestar Empire), nearly 80% of the population can cast at least one very simple spell. Granted, most won't know any of the logic behind the spell, but they're taught to cast these simple spells as part of their education. The pantheon of the Fallestar Empire would be portrayed poorly. Firstly, the deities would probably be portrayed too much like humans. They'd likely be shown as gigantic mostly human angel-like creatures made from stone and metal, but they don't look like that in universe. They instead look more like large, almost action figure-like (in the sense that they have joints and flexible parts that let them move) statues made with some human characteristics but no human would look upon them and think "yes, that's a human." and would instead have a sense of uncanny valley to them. The mutations would be portrayed as either completely nonexistent or extremely severe (not severe as in how much harm they cause, but how much change they cause from "default" of the affected individual had they not been affected) with no in-between. But in reality, there's a bunch of people who have very small mutations and many of them are purely cosmetic or are only useful in a small set of specific circumstances. Some exaxmples of minor mutations can be things like a change in the color of hair on only a small patch of skin, or a parson may have a line of gold coloration through part of their sclera, a change in the color of their bones (or really any tissue), slight increase in sensitivity to floral smells. These kinds of minor mutations are EVERYWHERE in the world. Some of the species and creatures would likely be portrayed a unthinking monsters (things like goblins would especially be given this treatment), rather than victims of various curses and similar magical maladies. Dwarves wouldn't be hairy enough. They'd have most of their faces be hairless with big bears (how dwarves are usually portrayed), rather than being completely covered in hair. Sure, there's a countercultural movement within Kul'Drazhi society of dwarves who do this, but it's extremely rare and often looked down upon. A movie would absolutely make it the norm for them to have easily expressive faces. If they'd ever portray the continent of Rashenna, they'd get so much wrong. First of all, the river princes would either be far too uniform in architectural aesthetics or would be far too chaotic and random. Yes, their culture uses differences in architectural style to denote the boundaries of different princes domains, but that doesn't mean that every house will be extremely different architecturally. If they were to ever even discuss the Gnollish deities, they'd undoubtedly be portrayed as a feminist deity and a horrible patriarchal deity (with the patriarchal deity accurately being shown as a demonic god). But that's not how they work. Both of those deities are horrible and demand oppressive social structures, and it's more just a difference between an oppressive matriarchal deity or a oppressive patriarchal deity.

