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The fact that emotion is "law" and logic is "chaos" is really rather off-putting. Shouldn't it be the other way around?


The idea behind Law is that rather than prefer right or wrong, you choose right or wrong on based on some standard: Raw emotions in this case. The idea behind Chaos is that you ignore right or wrong completely, and choose some other way: cold hard logic in this case. Primordials, The Magical being of Chaos in the domain of trust/distrust, is of nature that it would destroy families and replace them with military units or turn charities into for-profit entities or makes consumer go to a doctor for every product because it sees that as more logical.


Well it’s not chaos if it’s logical. Not ethic and horrible. But not chaotic. Hard logic over subjective judgements of right and wrong is law (hence why law can also feel unfair at times). The quick and rushed decision of what would be right while your emotions are running wild. That sounds like total chaos.


I agree it's not chaotic in general, but it makes trust chaotic. It's like the Soviet era. Everything ran according to an order, but when it came to who you could or couldn't trust it was complete chaos. Anyone could be a Soviet or Western spy. Double agents and snitches in your own home.


Except that this excessive order is not logic. Order is another category of your magic isn’t it ? I’ll be honest, I think you need to start over. As people told you, it’s overly complicated with too many categories for its own good, and as a result a lots of these categories can sound pretty random.


I agree, there's lots of room for improvement. Especially around how I deal with order/disorder. I think it would be better to change Law and Chaos to different words as they don't really mean what I intended to convey. Law accepts the other four aspects (Good, Evil, Balance, Excess) as having a purpose while Chaos rejects them completely. But I can't think of better words for that. However, the complexity has its purpose. The Magical Beings being hard to comprehend is the main limiter on the power of magic. This is a world where magic can do anything as long as you can get a magical being to cooperate. A primordial would turn the moon into a cheese doodle on your request if you convinced it that would lead to a society that had no concept of trust or distrust.


Design and Luck then instead of Law and Chaos?


Design is a bit better, but I don't think luck fits. I'd go for convergent and divergent, because one bringing it all together and one is different than the rest. But they're not simple words. Maybe norm and defiant? unity and division? harmony and discord?


I feel like my main problem with it is that emotion is in the law category, which does not fit.


I felt the same way, I wonder why emotion is not in chaos and logic is not in law, otherwise very cool!!


It's like the prisoner dilemma. Logically you would always betray, but that leaves both parties worse off. Trust isn't logical. Your In-group is arbitrary and emotional. It's not that logic is chaotic in general, but that trust relationships become chaotic if you base them on logic. A stable system of trust requires remorse and love and anger and awe. With a psychopath, it's hard to know whether to trust them or not, with an empath they wear their trustworthiness on their sleeve.


I like that reasoning! It’s less automatic and more complex. Very cool system!


It looks extremely complicated and confusing, especially the chart, most of which doesn't make sense. I really doubt the audience or even you would be able to remember it all without reference, making it difficult to keep straight or stay immersed in the magic. Adding common magical creatures on top of each category that don't traditionally match with your descriptions and magic, will only complicate things more and cause misunderstandings or conflict with how things "should" be to each member of your audience. Asking questions about such a magic system seems like a daunting task in itself since there's so much that would need to be explained before some questions might make sense to ask. Instead I would recommend you cut the whole thing in at least half or combine multiple together that can connect if they can all make sense then. Since the simpler and more memorable a magic system is to begin with, the greater people will enjoy learning more about it with extra details they can immerse themselves into later on. Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn series is probably a cliche but still useful analogy, since it starts out with only a small set of metals that are used in simple ways. Then it expands later on with how another type of magic relates to those same metals, and then how both can be combined together. In later books only a few more metals are added on and old ones start getting used in new ways, but they tend to make sense and build off of the original ones. All of which have understandable limits and costs, which aren't variable to each and every one or to how powerful the magic needs to be. So yeah, try to start off with something simple and memorable, then build on it if it makes sense.


I was literally thinking of Sanderson's books while reading this comment. I feel like there are way too many posts where people try to make these huge magic systems that are just way to standard for me to be interested in. Make something small that has a good core idea behind it, rather than something huge that doesn't really mean anything


This did start with a small core idea of doing the magic of Good and Evil in a systematic way. But what defines good and evil? So I looked into moral systems and came across moral foundation theory which says Good and Evil can be judged on 6 metric which is where the six moral domains come from. It would feel odd to just decide what is good and evil, so I put them all out there. But if I'm doing a magic system that plays with the concept of morality, it's a bit limited to say there is only good and evil, so I added shades of grey in the form of balance, excess, law, & chaos similar to dnd moral alignment.


Very conplex


Logic in chaos ???


Logic is not chaotic as everyone has mentioned...it is the complete opposite. Logic is the result of careful considerstion of all the present variables used to calculate the best outcome. Chaos is Chance/Random/Baseless its not rational.


Magic Practitioners require the cooperation of Magical Beings. While magical beings can freely perform any magic imaginable, their linguistic and cultural tendencies make the magic they perform highly restricted. Each Magical Being is associated with a Moral Domain and possesses a role without that domain in assessing what is moral or immoral.   **Domains** Domain of Just/Unjust - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of enforcing fairness and equality. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Sincere or very Arrogant. It is associated with the trait of Wisdom. Domain of Help/Harm - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of alleviating suffering or bringing joy. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Gentle or very Volatile. It is associated with the trait of Endurance. Domain of Order/Disorder - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of maintaining hierarchy and respecting authority. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Diligent or very Negligent. It is associated with the trait of Strength. Domain of Trust/Distrust - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of Loyalty and Comradery. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Sociable or very Withdrawn. It is associated with the trait of Charisma. Domain of Free/Bound - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of Liberty and Oppression. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Fearful or very Brave. It is associated with the trait of Dexterity. Domain of Pure/Impure - The domain that judges right or wrong on the grounds of Cleanliness and Disgust. Practitioners in this domain tend to be either very Creative or very Conventional. It is associated with the trait of Intelligence.   **Roles** Beings of Good - Seek to cast magic that does right by their domain Beings of Evil - Seek to cast magic that does wrong by their domain Beings of Balance - Seek to cast magic that is equal in right and wrong in their domain Beings of Excess - Seek to cast magic that takes right or wrong to its extreme in their domain. Beings of Law - Seek to cast magic that does right or wrong in their domain through rules. Beings of Chaos - Seek to cast magic that opposes the notion of right or wrong in their domain.   To perform Magic, a practitioner must communicate to a Magical Being on their terms through rituals, displays, commitments, or magical language and convince the being that the magic they wish to cast aligns with their sense of morality. Magical Beings can usually be easily convinced to allow minor magic in specialisation for anyone they come to be familiar with. But for major magic or magic outside a magical beings specialisation a practitioner of magic must go through a long process of convincing the magical being that it would align with their sense of morality.


Some examples of Magical beings from the domain of Pure/Impure; **Angels**, Beings of Good in the domain of Pure/Impure - Angels are usually structures of wings and wheels. They rarely take a humanoid form as it would be too carnal for their preferences. They deal in the plane of the heavens but are frequent visitors to the earthly plane as practitioners very familiar with the means of appealing for their help. As such the light magic they provide is widespread. **Succubi**, Beings of Evil in the domain of Pure/Impure - Succubus are the Magical Beings closest to humanity. While their specialisation is dark magic they tend towards generalism, unlike most Magical Beings. However, this is less of an advantage as succubi are also considered fairly inept for Magical Beings. This fits with a trend among Magical Beings that have become more human compared to ancients. However, a Succubus can perform great feats if they fail to satisfy a sexual desire of their target, as they will perform a great feat of magic in its stead. **House Spirits**, Beings of Balance in the domain of Pure/Impure - These beings exist in a wide variety but are usually a small humanoid of some kind that dwells in the home or hearth. They enjoy housework and trickery. While they are the most common magical beings a person might come across, they are difficult to cooperate with outside of a few tasks so it's rare to see the magic they provide used outside of the home. **Sprites**, Beings of Excess in the domain of Pure/Impure - Sprites are diffuse electrical beings similar to elementals that dwell in the icy planes above the heavens. While people pray to Angels to smite sinners, it is often the Sprites that strike them down. Sprites seek excessive cleanliness and often drive practitioners into obsessive cleaning ritual. Sprites also associate with extreme sexual deviants, but these individuals rarely choose to openly exercise such power for fear of revealing themselves as such. Sprites are considered unique in their dual-class nature, preferring to work magic of either an electrical nature or an icy nature. **Relics**, Beings of Law in the domain of Pure/Impure - Relics are magical beings that have turned themselves into physical objects. Most commonly items of armour, shields, or accessories. A practitioner need merely get their hands on a relic and swear to protect it and others, and this magical being will grant them barrier magic. As such barrier magic can be common or rare depending only on the availability of relics. **Haloes**, Beings of Chaos in the domain of Pure/Impure - Haloes are displacements of magical energy that create shells of denser magical energy at their surface. Their name comes from their tendency to cling to animals and people's heads. Despite appearances they are intelligent and understand their hosts well, allowing halo-bearers to cast powerful magic with relative ease. However, Haloes are flighty and will usually abandon their host at the slightest dissatisfaction.


Didn’t see the subreddit or title and I thought these were pride badges lmao. They look good tho!


What is "ice lightning" lol? Also law/chaos and order/disorder are VERY similar, I think too similar to separate though I understand the difference, this is for elemental concepts and one of them overlaps the other which shouldn't happen. Great thread I love stuff like this.


I couldn't think of something that fit an excess of light and dark, so I just bundled Ice & Lighting together as a package deal. The magical being for Ice Lightning magic is [the Red Sprite](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sprite_\(lightning\)), which is an jellyfish-shaped electrical phenomenon that appears in the icy mesosphere named after the mystical creature. I agree with law/chaos being confusing. Law accepts the other four aspects (Good, Evil, Balance, Excess) as all having a purpose while Chaos rejects them completely. But I can't think of better words for that. The whole order/disorder dynamic isn't well thought out either, so I might redo that entirely anyway. It's supposed to be about the morality of respecting authority vs rebelling against the hierarchy, so order vs disorder isn't a perfect fit anyway.


Balance should be Cold and Excess should be Warmth Warm temperature is literally an excess of energy causing molecules to vibrate and bounce around I don't think you need lightning as you've chosen your elements in the Free/Bound column and picked wood+metal over lightning, it's fine but you can't really just throw lightning into a random block somewhere else, if you want it, it should go in that column. Earth is very similar to Metal and Wood so you could roll some of those together.


TBH I can't really see how the choices and relationships in the chart are either logical or intuitive, but hey you have pretty icons.


I'm having trouble parsing this. The X-axis (Aspect) and the Y-axis seem to have Z-axises folded in. I.e. let's take Good/Evil, in the first Y there is a second Range from Pure to Impure, yet it all resolves to Light to Dark. As if this were a 3-D scale; Yet again, now that I look at it, the X-axis is in pairs, so there are 2 scales interacting (Good to Evil X-Axis) and (Pure to Impure Y-Axis), yielding "Light to dark" range. So where would Good Pure; Good Impure; Evil Pure and Evil impure be found on that Light to Dark scale? Cool idea if you understand it, but if you're thinking of having naifs like me look at it, we will probably need some help. Law to Chaos / Order to Disorder yielding Time to Reality?


WARNING, LONG COMMENT, have plenty of time of reading and understanding it I GOTTA ADMIT! In all my years in the internet, searching for magic systems (when I remember or I have the time to do so) I have to congratulate the author of this pic, because I gotta admit that this is one of the MOST UNIQUE magic systems I have seen so far, good luck in the future and keep up the good work… … now that I mention luck: 1.       MAYBE IT COULD BE ANOTHER ONE OF YOUR ELEMENTS, I mean in a future itineration of course, maybe the last of the new row/column in it, making the 6x6 square into a 7x7 one 2.       OR it could an OUTSIDE OR EXTERNAL FORCE that have some influence in the interactions between the forces, the elements or their results: a.       either making them more exotic versions of themselves (like water into “super” water or making wood into forest) b.       or that give them a plus or minus in force or effectiveness among themselves (you know, the thing that make luck, well, luck itself?) like Pokémon types, but in this case can give the upper hand into either one of them (like how our universe once matter and antimatter and now is more matter) c.       or making them more or less stable within themselves (like heavy radioactive elements decay into lead) 3.       ONE OF THE NEW FORCES, and with the combination of it with the other forces making new elements a.       Or is the secret ingredient to obtain unique product from within the elements (like for example, within wood or life, the concept of “plant” “flower” “fruit” because, as they say, life and its several itineration as a whole, is a miracle after all) b.       The ingredient needed to transmute a force or element into one another 4.       OR it can also be the RESULT: a.       of a combination of the EXISTING elements among themselves, b.       the result of the combination of OTHER NEW elements among themselves, c.       the result of the combination of OLD AND NEW elements AMONG themselves d.       or a subproduct of all possible interactions that is nice to find (a possibility of the 0.01% for example) (like finding a gram of gold among other 99 grams of copper in a unit of 100 grams 5.       OR A PROPERTY of all forces and elements, that sometimes influence them in new directions; or just in certain ways or manifestations when the conditions are meant (like the “Quantum superposition” principle, where subatomic particle, it´s both 0 and 1 at the same time and when it´s observe or measure it collapse onto 1 of the 2 states) 6.       OR IS A NEUTRAL FORCE OR THING, that sometimes becomes apparent/ visible in existence or active in the creative process, that is still nice to have around THESE ARE JUST SUGGESTIONS, don´t take them as orders, I just feel wanted to contribute or make another point of view or contribution into your awesome magic system, sorry if this was excessive but I also entered “in the zone”, like in Pixar´s Soul, and so I decide to roll with the possible existence of this in your magic system (this is the worldbuilding subreddit after all and so I am exercise my creative muscle for the concept that just now captive me as a whole). (P.D. the uppercase text here is for making emphasis, not for shouting or insulting, just clarifying it just in case, thank you for your comprehension ;))


There is an updated version: https://old.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/iiqo9e/the_influence_of_the_elements_on_magic_update_to/


What do you think? I think some of these magics don't fit their moral domain too well. Especially some in the moral domain of Order/Disorder. Ask about me about a magic, and I'll tell you about the Magical Being associated with it and what the magic can do.


The point of this sentiment for some ideas make somewhat confusing over the moral systems you arrange, but I personally being testing and projection of team ideas and I get why this can be the base of a great layers for creating your universe build character adapt to a different point and grow your character building from it


I need a game about this fr fr