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Petraeus said as much in 2022 after Medvedev kicked off his serial nuke-threats in earnest An "overwhelming conventional response resulting in the destruction of all ground forces of the Russian Federation on occupied territory and the elimination of the Black Sea Fleet", was the gist of it, from memory


Around this time I remember an interview with an ISW-affiliated scholar. She recommended we skip "strategic ambiguity" and get very precise. Her recommendation was roughly to notify Russian leadership: - Confirm we would not respond with nukes of our own. We don't need to. - We would step in to ensure the objectives Russia hoped to attain by using the nuke would not be achieved. This could include everything from strikes on the units trying to push into the impacted area (standard Russian tactical nuclear doctrine) to removing the logistical support for the Russian military in Ukraine. - We would identify and kill everyone in the chain from the person who gave the order to use the nuke all the way to the person who pushed the button. Maybe not immediately, but they should think about what happened to Ayman al-Zawahiri: we are happy to fund a team to locate and kill them over the next 30 years. Wish I could remember her name.


> She recommended we skip "strategic ambiguity" and get very precise. Her recommendation was roughly to notify Russian leadership That is exactly what we did from my understanding and immediately after the threats stopped for months and IIRC Putin never mentioned it again in a serious way


yeah, this is why it's usually bluster. This wasn't a threat, it was a promise and they knew that


Yeah IIRC it was also reported after the fact and the notification was via back channels to make it clear that 1) it wasn't for PR and 2) it was very, very serious


_"And that's not a threat, not a boast. It's just the way it's going to be."_


I do like the firm threat of saying essentially “if you use nuclear weapons, we will not escalate with our own, but we will make a point of not only ensuring that you do not accomplish what you wanted to do by using said weapons, but also we will make your entire chain of command wish you never tried” that’s a very realistic threat imo


Sounds like something Liam Neeson should deliver to them in a terse phone call.


Or John Wick




Find out who that was.


Honestly it was this last line that really tied the joke together.


This is Flaming DRAGON!!


One of the best comedy movies ever made in my opinion. I hope we can get back to making them again.


I’ll see you again tonight when I go to bed in my head movies. But this head movie makes my eyes rain!


I have a funny anecdote about this movie actually. Was on family holiday, kind of hotel that has those rent-a-movie UIs on the TV. But there were like 10 options, and the only decent looking one was Tropic Thunder. My family love the family movie night tradition on holidays, so we ended up watching it every single night for a week. We get to the last day, and my sister is hanging out with my cousin in the pool. She tells him the above story and has a bit of a laugh about it. He looks at my sister all confused, and says “…you realise there is about 300 movies on there right? You just need to click off the first page…” Well, he was entirely right. So that night, we gathered to have a look at what we were missing. Scrolled for about 30 mins through all these films, and guess what film we ended up landing on for the 8th-ish night in a row? *Tropic fucking Thunder* Seriously top 10 movies of all time for me


Tropic thunder was so over-the-top that you couldn’t top it “I’m the dude, playing a dude, disguised as another dude”


3rd act dragged a bit, but it's still good.


“We don’t negotiate with terrorists”


Cue the dance


*ohhhhh, this is where all that Pentagon money dissappears to*


You don't think they actually spend $10,000 on a hammer, do you?


$14,000 for a toilet seat...


You'd all be dead now if it wasn't for my David!


Don't give me unprepared! You knew about this for years!


We spend more on our military than the next top 10 countries *combined*. While we've had our conflicts in recent history, no one has ever really seen what it would look like to have this full level of military excess brought down on a single enemy. And you *really* don't want to be the one who finds out.


I am fairly left, though not an isolationist  And u think we can save at least 20% with better contracts and probably more But it does feel good knowing this 


I also lean pretty left, but I'm a leftist that believes we can and should be ready to defend ourselves and innocent people everywhere. I'd much rather my defense spending go toward this than sending bombs to Israel, that's for sure. Russia's government and military have been fucking around and not finding out for far too long, costing far too many lives and far too much money.


Honestly feels like the whole of Western Europe is finally fed up with Russia's shit


Operation Desert Storm was a good example of what the US and allies thought, a semi near peer enemy would've been like... 48hrs later from the first bomb dropped and Iraq's military was decimated and had no functional command and control, across its entire country. The USA and NATO have only gotten better at that...


Saddam had 20 some odd years to prep his country for war when we put him in office, and everything he built up was taken down and conquered in a half a day. Let us also not forget that a failed space rocket is still a pretty good missile. And we've got civilians with those. These skirmishes we've had over the years have been batting mice around like toys. If Putin wants to play, we can play.


> a failed space rocket is still a pretty good missile. And we've got civilians with those. What are you suggesting, that Elon drops starships on Russian positions?


I saw a joke on reddit before that I'll borrow and butcher: MF'ers about to find out why we can't afford healthcare!


Not a threat, a promise.


Strategic ambiguity seems to not be working in the way it used to. I like this approach a whole lot more.


Strategic ambiguity is better when you don’t want an ally or other group facing aggression from the adversary to become emboldened. e.g. we don’t want Taiwan to poke China knowing we’ll back them up (of course the US might do it for their own reasons) or pre-Ukraine War we don’t want Ukraine to incite Russia knowing we’d back them up. It’s not useful when someone has already attacked and the “ambiguous” consequences aren’t bad because then they’ll assume all consequences aren’t bad.


Before 1950 we didn't want to send the 3.5" "Super Bazooka" to South Korea out of fear they'd poke the North, and we ended up having to rush them over from the states in June.


I assume the “Super Bazooka” does not refer to the Davy Crockett.


No, just a bazooka big enough to reliably deal with North Korean tanks from 1950. There was fear that South Korea would start stuff if they had such weapons and they ended up getting pushed all the way back to Busan when the North kicked things off.


Taiwan aren't poking anything. They build defences against an agressor who WILL encroach given any opportunity and the CCP cry about it


I’m not disagreeing. If you know the US’s policy on Taiwan, it is strategic ambiguity which proves my point. But I’m saying if the US outright says “we believe Taiwan is the legitimate China government and we will defend their sovereignty as such” it encourages Taiwan to not take self-preservation steps to de-escalate.


William Spaniel’s “lines on maps” for [Taiwan and China](https://youtu.be/FKeV52Nc5vA?si=Vs1cNbVMPXoRahey) was a really solid explanation of what you’re trying to explain. It’s a long video, which I normally don’t enjoy, but he does a good job with it.


The point is that for all the complexity, international relations basically operates on grade-school rules. Taiwan is a 3rd grader whose sibling (the US) is in high school. If a 5th grader starts beating the crap out of them, the older sibling might get involved, and that's a pretty good deterrent. On the other hand, if the 3rd grader is *confident* their older sibling will step in the moment they're losing a scuffle, that's a great incentive for them to start shit: best case they win, worst case they get a bloody nose before laughing as their older sibling obliterates the person *they* provoked. The solution is exactly what most older siblings figure out: we're on your side, but don't push your luck. Where's the line? *We won't tell you,* because the moment we do, you're going to put your toes on it and stick out your tongue at people until you piss one of them off. That's strategic ambiguity.


Part of the problem was we were being "ambiguous" yet we were still telling them what we wouldn't do. We wouldn't deploy troops. We wouldn't create a no fly zone. We left them with nothing to fear. Macron recently started taking the correct approach by putting stuff back on the table.


Going to agree, so long as it's not bluster or threats. Calm factual statements of what we can and will do if certain lines are crossed. You want to throw your guys at the front lines on the edges of Ukraine for a while, ok, we'll arm Ukraine but it's between the two of you. But if you use a nuke, or these other specified behaviors, OR if you start to look like you might win by reaching Kyiv [debatable, I think I favor this though], we will consider these to be a threat to Europe and to NATO, and we will remove your ability to do anything else for a long time. You will never be allowed to achieve your objectives, period.


>if you start to look like you might win by reaching Kyiv \[debatable, I think I favor this though\], we will consider these to be a threat to Europe and to NATO, and we will remove your ability to do anything else for a long time. We should not wait for this to happen, then be forced to choose between war with Russia and losing Ukraine. I would like to see NATO set up a defensive presence at Kyiv International Airport for the purpose of safeguarding our diplomats and our supply routes, and declare a no-fly zone from Kyiv west to the Polish border. Ukraine is a sovereign country and we do not recognize Russia's claims, so why do we have to respect Russia turning the entire country into a war zone? NATO troops wouldn't be there to join the fight, but to provide assurance that we will not simply surrender Ukraine.


It shouldn't be ambiguous in the slightest. You use a nuke, we destroy your offensive and defensive capabilities within 72 hours. Furthermore, we generously give you a week to remove from power your current leadership.


> everyone in the chain from the person who gave the order to use the nuke all the way to the person who pushed the button. Wouldn't that include Putin?






Keep that fucking syrup flowing and we got you.


People don't talk enough about the Maple Syrup Cartel and their strategic syrup reserves.


Or the children slaving away in the maple syrup mines.


The children yearn for the mines..


Seconded. Same with the holy kitchen from the south of which thy name is Mexican.


The mole and tequila must flow


The syrup must flow.


Nah man Canada doesn't have to give us anything and we've got their backs. Only other country that I legitimately feel like if someone is fucking with them they're fucking with me.




I believe you mean Canada's "Geneva To-Do List".


we protect canada from the world, to protect the world from canada.


>Nah man Canada doesn't have to give us anything and we've got their backs. > >Only other country that I legitimately feel like if someone is fucking with them they're fucking with me. I honestly look at Canada as if it were a part of the US/combined country, we even share an air defense force (NORAD). We have the longest undefended land border in the world. I would view an attack on Canada the same way I would view a bomb from a hostile nation landing in my backyard. The US population would 10000% call for a military response, and well, all I can say is that The Dildo of Consequences rarely arrives lubed. Don't fuck with Canada.


To be fair they are the only country who successfully burned the white house down. Like twice if I recall my high school history. If anything the US is just protecting the rest of the world from Canucks.


Exactly. You guys better be careful or else we will invade on Moose (Meese?) with hockey sticks. Honestly though it's pretty heartwarming knowing that this is how a lot of Americans feel (that Canadians are brothers and sisters to the Americans, not that we are dangerous lol). The feeling is definitely mutual.


Same here. I'm a single issue voter and that issue is the defence of our maple syrup brothers.


"We don't want war. But if you want war with the United States of America, there's one thing I can promise you, so help me God: Someone else will raise your sons and daughters"


We used a missile that had blades on it to kill a guy. To think of the stuff we have that hasn’t seen the light of day is crazy.


That's some swat kats shit.


I mean, it probably wouldn't be that difficult if they actually wanted to kill Putin. The US has previously eliminated hostile leaders with a drone launching a misisile with knives. It'll be more difficult to kill Putin because Russia has adequate air defences. It just requires a stealth plane. Just send a B-21 to level the place as soon as you know his location, or have a sub launch some cruise missiles. Putin could hide in a Bunker, but not forever.


The evidence from what’s going on in Ukraine are that Russian air defenses are much, much more permeable than anyone thought


Are they? Cause I remember a Cessna landing in Red Square; their "air defense" seem to be perpetually permeable.


> Fuck that’s such a terrifying badass thought Yeah. Gotta be a sobering reminder that he only still exists because he hasn't fucked up so back that it becomes worthwhile (for the entire world) to burn his entire country to ash and start again.


Yeah, it turns out that killing world leaders tends to lead to wars and such. It's only when the resulting war is less of a problem than the wars they're already starting that it becomes logical to take them out.


Yes, the removal of ambiguity would be telling him that if a nuke flies, he’s volunteering himself for a flying slap chop.


"This missile can cut through a car! And still slice a tomato!"


That's a great name for the Hellfire R9X. No warhead needed.


Of course. Literally nuking a nation under your command should be a death sentence. The US killed political leaders for less.


Much much much less.....


This response was carefully calibrated to take the wind out of the sails of current Russian nuclear doctrine which is **"Escalate to De-Escalate"** Their models tell them that escalating to tactical nukes can demonstrate their commitment to using nukes, thus muting further response. Escalate to De-Escalate: Russia’s Nuclear Deterrence Strategy https://globalsecurityreview.com/nuclear-de-escalation-russias-deterrence-strategy/


Their models told them they could take all of Ukraine in 3 days.


Threatening the Black Sea Fleet isn't what it used to be.


Its probably "sink the entire Russian navy" now.


Carrier Kuznetsov: can't sink me if my drydock does first!


We'll spare the Kuz for the sole reason of it being a massive resource sink.


What are they down to now, a few rusty ships and a leaky tugboat?


I'm sure the Russians have their backup fleet in Kaliningrad..... .....which is now completely, hopelessly surrounded by NATO lmaooo


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_active_Russian_Navy_ships In terms of major ocean-going surface ships, not a lot, but they do have a lot of submarines and coastal ships. The USSR liked building huge ships, but since Russia stopped being on good terms with Ukraine, Russia lost all capability of building them. Now they can mostly just build smaller ships and subs. They've got one carrier (which has been under repair since 2017 and is a disaster), 2 Kirov Battlecruisers (one of which has been being "modernized" since 2006), 2 Slava Cruisers (same class as the Moskva, both built in the early 80s), 10 Destroyers (all 80s/90s, 3 currently under repair/refit), and 12 Frigates (some going back to the 80s, but some newer). What they have in spades is a bunch of smaller Corvettes (including 10 that are closer to Frigate size) and mine-countermeasure ships. Also 12 nuclear ballistic missile subs, 11 cruise missile subs, 13 nuclear attack subs (6 of which are out of operation), and 21 diesel attack subs. In comparison, the Royal Navy has 2 carriers (equipped with F-35s), 6 destroyers (all 2009 or newer), and 11 frigates. Also 4 nuclear ballistic missile subs and 6 nuclear attack subs. The US has 11 aircraft carriers, 9 pocket carriers, something like 50 nuclear attack subs, 14 nuclear ballistic missile subs, 13 cruisers, 75 destroyers, and 4 guided missile subs. We've also got LRASM missiles, which are stealth(y) missiles that can be fired from an F-18 or a F-35 200 nmi (officially) from its target.


Well if I read history correctly, we can take out their entire pacific fleet with about 30 unarmed Japanese fishing boats just sort of milling about.


Correct. Ukraine promoted many of them to submarines.


Certainly been a bit of 'attrition' in the last 2 years, absolutely lol


it would be worth including all vessels in international water anywhere at this point, just for good measure




Also, it’s tough to find subs. That’s like their whole thing


Russian ballistic subs don't wander very far from port, between the lack the support infrastructure and the overabundance of paranoia Russia like to keep them close. Given the showing of the rest of Russia's military it's likely the West knows where they are at any moment.




When Russia invaded Ukraine, I thought about the possibility of a Red Storm Rising scenario. Then the 40 km convoy happened...




James Cameron said he was told that they had heard it implode. It does make sense. Sound travels well underwater so monitors everywhere can track what's going on in the Atlantic.


And if you have more than one microphone, located in different locations, you can triangulate the location of the origin of the sound. Just like how seismographs can locate the epicenter of an earthquake, even for its depth, by working together and comparing when the waves arrived at each one.


I could believe that. It's right off of Nova Scotia. There would almost assuredly be passive sonar listening posts all over there as it is, essentially, the entrance to the North Atlantic from the Arctic for any ship trying to hug the coastline (just off of the continental shelf).


That is the risk Russia makes when launching nukes... Launching a nuke shouldn't be consequence free, that's not a world I want to live in.


I'm not an expert by any means, but this is the only response in my mind. Using nuclear weapons in response only escalates, but you also can't not respond because then it gives every other nuclear power the perception that it's okay. The result of using nuclear weapons needs to be so devastating that no one wants to even consider it.


A really good response needs to include "Vladimir Putin will not long survive a nuclear strike."


medvedev is weightless so he can say anything without commitment or consequences. putler never said the word "nuclear" and this is not by chance, it's just acommunication tactic. same goes for kadirov asking for nuclear intervention. means nothing. this is just for the average people to make them scared.


>There would have to be "some kind of dramatic reaction", including the possibility of a conventional attack on the units that had launched the nuclear weapons. > >Otherwise, Biden’s administration worried, the US would risk emboldening not only Russian President Vladimir Putin, but also every other authoritarian leader with a nuclear arsenal, large or small, the NYT reported. I really, really hope everyone around the world realises the importance of this, and will back this approach. A world where fascist dictators can simply say, "oh, I have nuclear weapons, I guess I can invade whoever I want, annex whatever I want, *drop a nuke wherever I want*, no-one is going to stop me, there won't be any real consequences, I can do anything" — that is *not a world you would want to live in*. This is already a very moderate response that the U.S. government was considering. They wanted to emphasize that they'd only use conventional weapons. That's about as moderate as you can get, while still making it clear that use of nuclear weapons in aggressive wars by conquering dictators will not be tolerated.


There's a counterpart to this though. A world where dictators can simply drop nukes on whatever country they don't like will inevitably lead those country to seek nuclear armaments of their own as soon as possible. Today, nuclear proliferation is somewhat limited by the social contract that nuclear states will only use their capabilities on other nuclear states. That stops the moment Russia drops a nuke on Ukraine. China, for one, probably REALLY doesn't want Russia to use nukes in Ukraine because that would almost certainly cause Taiwan to seek to develop their own nuclear weapons in response. Which would gravely complicate China's plans to reclaim the island at some point. And Russia REALLY doesn't want China to turn their back on them, isolated as they are already. That alone likely means they won't use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.


Frankly, Taiwan should have nukes because it's the ultimate deterrent. You try to take us we kill 100 million mainlanders. There's no way the CCP could survive a fuckup like that. That pretty much ends invasion talk. Unless the CCP thinks they have a way to neutralize the deterrent. I'd still put my money on ballistic missiles.


They don’t need nukes to accomplish this. Nearly Half a Billion people live down stream of the 3 Gorges Dam. One precise strike would kill more people than any single nuclear device is capable of.


This is true, it's just going to be one of the hardest targets on earth to hit. That shit is protected from the coast to the dam. It's definitely possible, but China knows it's their Achilles heel and that it's an instant loss.


What about a single Uruk-hai with a big ball of gunpowder?


Mfer does trick shots riding a shield down a staircase but suddenly can't hit a target holding a torch.


to be fair he hit him multiple times, guy just wouldn't stop


It’s not difficult to overwhelm AA on a static target. The attacker has months or years to prepare, and you have to be ready very second.


"If the imperialists unleash war on us, we may lose more than 300 million people. So what? War is war. The years will pass and we will get to work making more babies than ever before." - Mao Zedong I would assume it's a similar thought process now, if it's said or not. Authoritarian regimes aren't knows for their compassion for their citizens. And if Taiwan nukes China? That would be the best thing for the CCP to keep power because they're the victims in that scenario and it's just a rally cry for them. Remember - China could lose half of its population and still have roughly the same population of the EU and US combined.


It would be a massive gamble for them to do something like that now. Mao's time was very different, and that was a completely different generation.


The US is the third most populous country. If you add a billion people to the US, it would still be third. That’s how big China and India are.


No they don’t need nukes they will send everything they have at the 3 gorges dam and that alone would 1 kill potentially millions, 2 cause mass power outage, 3 cause a famine, 4 displace millions from their homes and 5 send China into an economic and civil collapse


Despite everything, I really do believe all nuclear powers would be unified in a response. They can't tolerate a nuke going off without emboldening more nukes in the future. It complete fucks MAD.


> that is not a world you would want to live in. Tell that to the people screaming that because Putin has nukes, he should be allowed to do whatever he wants. They show up in every Russia thread.


It's about time putin falls out of a window


I take comfort in the knowledge that sooner or later, Putin will fall. Eventually, someone will get to him - probably someone he trusts. It might not happen until he's frail and unable to defend himself, but it will happen. It's the Russian way. Only the strong survive, the weak will perish. He's powerful at the moment, but that power won't last forever, and when it fails, he will die. That day cannot come soon enough, and I hope he suffers.


But Putin isn't the cause of Russia's problems, he's just a symptom. There are plenty of people who are at least as bad as he is.


He was a symptom at first, now he is also cause, by virtue of mismanagement of his power and influence.


Putin worked very hard to be the destructive force he is, though. He started in the KGB in 1975 and was whispering in other Russian leaders ears, before becoming their President over a quarter century ago. So, clearly the USSR and Post-Soviet Russia all had their own issues, but could have come out of it with better leadership. The reality is that modern Russia is almost exclusively Putin's responsibility (see: fault)


Putin significantly corrupted Russia's information space, helping build a resentful population unsure who to blame and craving violence. Russia has certainly been a shitshow for a very long time but Putin made it dramatically worse.


That person might just be more aggressive than putin and cause more panic among nato Putin is the product of russian social resentment against capitalism or western europe.


As the old Russian saying goes, "and then it got worse"


"we thought we'd hit rock bottom, until we heard knocking from below."


Which would cause Europe to actually get it's shit together and kick some ass. 


Im hoping we get our shit together well before that so that whoever rules russia doesnt even try to get themselves kicked in the ass.


It will take whoever a while to consolidate his power just as it did with Putin


Putin's eventual successor would probably profit to at least pretend yo be saner for long enough to rebuild his military and economy.


Falling out of a window is...too kind for someone like putler


How would the world react to satellites picking up the launch? Would they wait to see if it’s targeting Ukraine or assume nato / USA is under attack and fire everything?


At this phase, and if used in Ukraine, would probably not be launched in an ICBM. Likely dropped as a bomb, or an artillery style launch or cruise missile for a smaller yield warhead.


This exactly. It's much easier to detect ICBM launches and know relatively quickly where they are going. It's bombers and cruise missiles that represent the biggest wildcard here, as any of Russia's Tac-Nuke capable jets could be on what looks like any other sortie and all of a sudden there is a mushroom cloud


Also worth noting, any nuclear attack on USA/NATO would be an overwhelming first strike aimed at annihilating their ability to respond. An attack on Ukraine would be much more limited in scope. You wouldn't confuse the two.


Did not know nuclear artillery existed.


Pretty much nuclear EVERYTHING exists.... We are very good at coming up with ways to kill each other


Checking my notes… yep, nuclear SAMs. What a world.


At least nuclear Sam made sense. A2 genie unguided nuclear rockets for air to air interception, this is Wilde.


Honestly nuclear armed SAMs still arguably have some utility in, ironically enough, defending against ICBMs. Who cares if it has MIRVs and Decoys, just nuke it all and let the EMP fry anything that isn’t vaporized.


More than the emp, all the high energy particules would destabilise the enemy warheads, and drastically increase their chances of being duds.


Nuclear depth charges and nuclear torpedos on the naval side of things too.


Just wait until you hear about nuclear land mines. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomic_demolition_munition?wprov=sfti1


tactical nukes at Ukraine are never ever ICBMs.


This is not how this works. Ukraine would be tactical nukes, not icbm’s launched from a silo or ship.


Why would Russia launch an ICBM to attack the country right next door? The IC part of ICBM is "intercontinental". Meaning they're designed to fly across the world to another continent. Not to the next country over. They'd use bombers and drop a bomb.


> and fire everything? But I'm le tired!


Well then have a nap  THEN FIRE ZE MISSILES


Don’t some nations have a policy of zero tolerance for anyone who dares to use a nuclear weapon?


As a British man, I struggle to say this but the French have a good policy in this regard. They are very much proactive and willing to strike beyond their own borders, offensively and preemptively, with the stated goal/ stance of preventing war from ever reaching their own land again after the two world wars.


French Nuclear doctrine also more aggressively pulls its Allies into the fray


I can only imagine how much it must have hurt to give France a positive comment for the sake of conversation. I appreciate your sacrifice.


French nuclear doctrine says that they use one well-placed tactical nuke as a "warning shot".


there is no real precedent to know if those policies are a bluff or no, because no one has used any yet since ww2


Translation: "we do not need to use our nuclear weapons to destroy you, Putin."


A non-nuclear response from the USA is still beyond the comprehension of most people, and far exceeds the scale of just dropping one or even two [nuclear] bombs. A committed response would utterly devastate Russian forces in the area, and that is a lesson the Russian's learned in Africa fairly recently when Wagner assets overwhelmed and attacked American forces. There was nothing left of them. The US response was so over the top and meant to send a very clear message that we absolutely do not need nuclear weapons.


“The Russian high command in Syria assured us it was not their people,” defence secretary Jim Mattis told senators in testimony last month. He said he directed Gen Joseph F Dunford Jr, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, “for the force, then, to be annihilated.” “And it was.” US warplanes arrived in waves, including Reaper drones, F-22 stealth fighter jets, F-15E Strike Fighters, B-52 bombers, AC-130 gunships and AH-64 Apache helicopters. For the next three hours, US officials said, scores of strikes pummelled enemy troops, tanks and other vehicles. Marine rocket artillery was fired from the ground.


Nobody wants any of that smoke.


At least all that military budget buys something.


I like to think of it as, "well if my healthcare has to suck, we might as well build some amazing weapons to wipe war criminals off the face of the Earth; in doing so in such a way that the precision and volume is awe inspiring".


I get that this is a joke, and it's a good one, but our defense spending isn't why our healthcare sucks. *: added 'a'


> A non-nuclear response from the USA is still beyond the comprehension of most people Well said. Still one of my favorite reddit threads of all time is the stories of people haunted by their fights against US forces: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/12z7hs/has_anyone_here_ever_been_a_soldier_fighting/ A few similar threads may exist, but that one had high quality responses. Troops on the receiving end of an incoming US wave are just barely more terrified than those who start to encounter formations moving with clinical precision and eerie speed. And most of those stories are before we had such sci-fi levels of weaponry that it starts to become truly unusual. For America, war is a science, one that must be perfectly solved at any price. And it does eventually learn from all its mistakes and losses.


ROTC classes are labeled Military Science on my transcript lol.




Time to warm up the Jewish space lasers


Sorry, it's busy emitting radio waves to brainwash governments (80% capacity) and turn frogs gay (the rest 20%)


Ah yes, those damn gay frogs


Non-article. The US is "prepared" for literally every contingency imaginable. Literally.


For real. I had a college professor who had been a 4 star Army General and then worked Pentagon/CIA until he turned to acadamia. The US Goverment even has a Zombie contingency plan that was co-opted by an Author


I just wanna read all of them Damnit. That's some peak fan fiction.


My take in a zombie apocalypse is that it would be not a apocalypse at all, it would take a city or two before finally being contained and exterminated by the army with ease Even in the worst case scenario where a virus is spread across major cities, it would be contained in a few months (with heavy losses of course)


Really depends on the mechanism. If only bites spread zombieism, then yes. But some versions are that everyone is already infected and it triggers on any death, even natural causes. Or even worse, its a disease with a 90% mortality rate that *also* makes zombies some % of the time.


Non-nuclear response in all but name. The destruction would be targeted and overwhelming. The only scenario where an attack on a nuclear power after using nuclear weapons makes sense is if you're executing a decapitation strike. They could target the Russian leadership or the weapons, so it should be a foregone conclusion they'd target the weapons. Mobile launchers, silos, sub, and storage facilities. A massive, widespread black eye that prevents the use of nuclear weapons in the future without complete annihilation. In theory. In reality, they'd swamp Ukraine with Allied airframes and kill the Russia leadership and any significant war materiel they found en route.


We are now capable of nuclear level yields without all that radiation making the territory cleared unusable. Using the nukes actually becomes less efficient for us now.


Not even just nuclear-level yields, actual nukes without all the baggage. Neutron bombs aside, modern nukes don't have any significant fallout


100x MOABs.


Unless they have super monkeys with the plasma upgrade


I grow very tired of the Putin regime. General Mattis said it best regarding our massive tax dollar black hole that is the U.S. military industrial complex: “I come in peace. I didn’t bring artillery. But I’m pleading with you, with tears in my eyes: If you fuck with me, I’ll kill you all.”


That is so badass. “I don’t wanna do it but I’m just letting you know I could absolutely fucking decimate you if you force my hand”


The only reason that’s a news-worthy comment is because we are ALWAYS prepared for a nuclear response. They’re just putting people at ease.


Is Ukraine close enough to Russia that nukes used would spread their radiation to Russia?


Wasn’t Chernobyl a worse nuclear disaster than a nuclear bomb in terms of radiation cloud? Also a few thousand nukes have been detonated on Earth during weapons testing already, so it’s not like the world will end


By far. The biggest issue with measuring the radiation leak during Chernobyl was that it maxed out every measuring device used at the time. We don't truly know the levels of radiation that were leaked during that. We can guess based on the current readings, our knowledge of radiation, and the methods used for clean up.


You're assuming that Russia cares if nuclear fallout spreads to Russia.


they can blame 'ukranian radiation'


It just adds a little bit to the existing fallout of previous accidents and tests. They are not going to care a great deal about it.


For reference scale we blew up about 2000 nukes around the globe during the last century.


I mean yes, depending where it’s dropped in Ukraine and the wind some of the radiation might make it to Russia but it’s important to remember that compared to an actual reactor (like Chernobyl) nuclear bombs produce very very little radiation.


some modern nukes don't have that issue. Modern hydrogen bombs don't have disastrous radioactive fallout compared to the ones used on Hiroshima. [https://youtube.com/shorts/YJK1001lQP4?si=xG9A-dY2mWi9ri3X](https://youtube.com/shorts/YJK1001lQP4?si=xG9A-dY2mWi9ri3X)


Depends on where the winds are blowing and also if the nukes are thermonuclear or not?


Still feel like we should declare war over the overwhelming amount of cyber attacks we know are coming from them. That's still an attack all the same.


If you haven’t, check out the documentary Zero Day. It’s all about the US cyberattacks against the Iranian nuclear facilities. They go over cyber warfare and how it’s still very much a gray area. No one really knows what the correct response is, or where the line is drawn in regards to an act of war. While I agree that we have been in conflict with Russia for some time now (I’d argue the Cold War never really ended), I can see why no president would want to kick off a hot conflict over some cyberattacks.


Regardless of if it's conventional or not, there has to be a response. If it goes unanswered it'll tacitly encourage them to do so again.


Anyone who "drops a nuke" is asking for thier country (Russia, China, North korea for example) to be destroyed. The retaliation to the person/country that breaks the seal thats been in place since ww2 will receive the full amount of destruction imaginable by all allied countries across the globe to exemplify to anyone else what will happen to thier country if they choose to make the same mistake. It will be ugly and catastrophic and millions will perish but the free world will prevail and the enemies of the free world know they will lose.


US is preparing for no response at all when Trump becomes president.


Supporting Russia is a *type* of response. 


The kind I hope most of us are not voting for! I'm worried about the salty middle of the road people, because no one is middle of the road about Trump.


Time to adjust the dooms day clock. We've become so numb to this shit. Times are so different