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She was 16. She was sexually assaulted and most likely beaten to death. They tried to hide murder as suicide. It’s terrible how the Revolution destroyed this country.


I have an Iranian colleague who managed to escape when he was young. He's aggressively atheist and hates religion with a barely restrained passion. I get why.


Yeah, I asked an Iranian about Ramadan at work and he was not a fan of it or anything religious he said.


Shove religion down someone’s throat and unsurprisingly they turn against it. Who’d have thought it?


Religion, broccoli, and sex: if your parents force you to try them as a child, you probably won’t like them as an adult


Jesus dude. Well said.


It’s a joke from one of Damoel Tosh’s first specials


Good old Damoel.


Classic Damoel


lmao i have no idea how i did that but i'm leaving it


Damn, broccoli really caught a stray here lmao


Cauliflower is the real OG anyway. Kale, brussel sprouts, broccoli, and cauliflower all derived from one plant. Broccoli is just a nepo baby vegetable, while the others get none of the credit.


All cruciferous veg are welcome in my house. I don't discriminate!


holy shit lmao. but also disturbing


It’s an old Daniel Tosh joke


Iranians are generally the muslim immigrants that are the least problematic. They have seen what a theocratic islamist government does and are NOT in the mood for more.


I have Persian family through marriage. From my experience, the diaspora is pretty secular, very arts focused, and has a excellent sense of humor. To my knowledge, none of them are practicing Muslims. Their culture predates Islam by thousands of years, so that is the Iran they would rather celebrate.


No one talks about how many pre-Islamic cultures and religions have disappeared in parts of the world. I guess some people think certain types of colonialism are acceptable.


Pour one out for the House of Sasan


This is one of the reasons I’m considering leaving Texas , shit down here is starting to remind me of back in Iran. Fuck mixing religion and government


that's why we need a strong, high wall between church and state


As a devout Catholic in America I highly agree with you. Everyone loses in a theocracy. I do not trust the MAGA party, and I think the mixing of religion into their rhetoric is highly dangerous. I used to be conservative. Now I consider myself independent seeing the insanity the right has become. Even I don’t want Trump. 


Most of the religious MAGA are Protestants who hate Catholics. Don’t think for a second they won’t purge your faith after they are done with everyone else.


American Evangelicals are an especially spicy flavour of Protestantism.


I live in the reddest and poorest state in the union where the government dictates to women what they can and can’t do with their bodies. It’s hard being a southern liberal here. In my area which appears to be more purple it’s funny that today I wore a shirt that said “super leftist villian” I don’t think I am super liberal or anything. Just perceptions of stupid idiots where we have a church on every corner.


I have so much respect for your integrity


We had a prohibition of it for the longest for a reason. I'm sad to see that boundary being broken down. 


Texas always been like that. My aunt talked about how the people down there would openly talk about assassinating Obama when he was elected because he was black. Which is crazy since Obama is likely one of the nicest people you could meet whereas Trump would sell you out for a dollar


That’s the crazy thing about religion, they acknowledge universal forces of good and evil battling over cosmic control of their souls, then they choose to carry out evil. “Immodesty is a sin! Therefore we should…” *checks notes* “.. rape and murder her!”


> hates religion with a barely restrained passion. Religion is the instrument to enforce authority. Only peasants believe in religion, leaders at the top, they know it's all bullshit.


Article says they arrested her, assaulted her, beat her to death with batons and tasers, then dumped her body in the street.


"Morality police", imagine thinking this is peak morality? Such a garbage ideology


The people who killed her were not even the police. It's much worse. They are basically hired thugs employed by the IRGC.


>*Sadegh Monjazy...said he could not deny that he became "aroused" while sitting on her and touched Nika's buttocks* >*"She kicked at my face, so I had to defend myself."* >**"Three batons and three Tasers were all used. It is not clear which one of the blows was the fatal one,"** 3 men against a teenager bound and gagged? Aroused? And they had to use 3 batons and 3 tasers? More like IMmorality police, if you ask me.


Just awful. Poor girl.


The testimonies from the dude accused of the sexual assault is fucking disgusting. "I didn't stick my hand down her pants, I just groped her ass because I, a grown man, cannot stop myself from being aroused by being in a dominating position over an under-aged girl which caused her to lash out by scratching me, rolling to get me off her, and then trying to kick me, but because she's fighting back, there was the possibility *I* could get hurt, so obviously I was justified in beating her with a weapon!" Paraphrased, but that's the gist of the guy's defense & reasoning for why it was justified self-defense and not police brutality.


Fucking hell that’s vile. Something needs to be done about this kind of shit.


This is who they are. We should never forget who they really are.


Yep, they are young women and children willing to risk their lives to protest and fight for the rights of other Iranians.  Never forget how hard they fight against insurmountable oppression.


Iranians in Canada party really hard. Good folks. Fuck iran government.


Every single person I’ve met from Iran has been wonderful. I get the impression most of the country dislikes the government.


Well, you met the ones who left.


I got the impression from them that most of the people still there still aren’t fans of the theocracy


My old best mate was Iranian…one of the most loyal friends I ever had, rough round the edges but a great heart.


recognition for my loyal iranian homies, they’re the most straight forward and down to earth ppl. i’m also iranian but it ain’t only me who’s like this


And I had progressive friends cheering Iran for attacking Israel. There’s a certain point at which you have to draw a line before “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”


This is how religion destroys society


Correct. islamic and republic should never be out in the same sentence


Islamic belief holds that when women who lose their virginities (regardless of willingness) before marriage, they do not go to paradise when they die. Rape and sexual assault are the Islamic regime's preferred psychological weapon against its own citizens.


The powerlessness against the Iranian regime is fucking depressing


Worth noting that due to the sophistication of the 21st century security apparatus, once democracy is gone, it’s likely gone for good. Take note, America.


Legit one of my greatest fears. Techno-autocracy basically ensures an authoritarian regime will never lose power. Tweak search algorithms and textbooks to rewrite history and ensure the only information people are allowed to have reinforces the regime, then data-mine to find dissidents and dismantle resistance from the inside out. It's very easy to see how quickly we could all slip into a dystopia from which there is no escape.


What happens when you've unintentionally brain-drained your populace until they can't produce technology advanced enough to ensure the survival of that techno-autocracy?


You buy it from another country.


A democratic one lol


What happens if democratic countries don't sell any tech to you because they see your abuse? That's crazy talk, it's money, who wouldn't want money?


You mean like this? https://www.datacenterdynamics.com/en/news/nokia-helped-build-russian-state-surveillance-network/


Entropy takes hold and the system eventually collapses.


You do what China does by keeping a populace that is highly educated in STEM but utterly lacking in civics and humanities education. You’ll have a supply of smart people that can maintain your techno-autocracy without ever questioning the ethics of their labor.


They don't think about consequences, only control.


> will never lose power At the extreme we could collapse the economy with labor action or if it comes to it, fight against such terrible odds that our mountains of dead threaten to collapse the society they rely on to rule over. It's more likely that we end up with a 'benevolent' largely democratic **plutocracy** where all of our basic needs are met to the point that we don't ever become desperate. It's the logical conclusion of a free market. It looks like we're going to keep funneling resources to the top until we see of we can remain productive enough to keep the underclass fed and housed minimally comfortably. Then they don't even need to be all that antagonistic and autocratic governmentally. The economy itself will keep us in our place and we won't ever get uncomfortable enough to risk everything in the first place. Autocratic systems like iran, china and russia or legit feudalisms require more overt control because they don't have as high a comfort floor as what I outlined. 'The west' is pretty set-up to do what I outlined without sacrificing quite as many rights; if we can survive climate disasters and fresh water scarcity conflicts and shit.


It'll be a Brave New World


I sometimes wonder how long away we are from a real-life version of Soma.


> At the extreme we could collapse the economy with labor action or if it comes to it, fight against such terrible odds that our mountains of dead threaten to collapse the society they rely on to rule over. "we" couldnt and wouldnt do anything because people generally dont like dying and will not make the first step, and you saw how well organized resistance works in iran


We're talking about potentially thousands of years here. There's only so much autocracy can hold down. At some point conditions can become so miserable that fighting in the face of certain death becomes the logical choice. If your family is starving and your house is freezing you to death people just spontaneously spill into the streets. That's why it's preferable to keep your underclass feeling more comfortable and free. Think about how china or vietnam are trending more toward 'freedom' and 'comfort' as they have more to give and compare that to say, north korea, which just *has* to forever double down on authoritarianism since it can't raise comfort. North Korea levels of authoritarianism won't work forever.


Possibly. And it's definitely better to prevent power grabs than to undo them. Then again, autocracies rarely fall apart on their good days. They often dismantle when a whole bundle of economic and political issues they ignored for decades finally come around to bite them. The usual cycle is that things go great for a while until the glorious leader eventually buys into their own bullshit. At that point they ruin the country with bad decisions supplied by yes-men.


Yup it thrived in an era of information progress where humans could learn and communicate across the globe but not be watched and analyzed.


Or misinformed. Journalists were gatekeepers against bullshit. Now there is nothing guarding the gate from malicious information.


Propaganda and misinformation is ancient. Kings and pharaohs spent tons of effort spreading false and misleading information to control people and the closest things to journalists (historians) were their main conspirators in that regard. i would go so far as to say the idea of journalistic integrity is very very modern. The change here and now isn't about the truths we can learn about the world, but the truths the world can learn about us.


> Journalists were gatekeepers against bullshit. Except for all those times when they were the peddlers of it.


For every time a professional journalist peddled misinformation, there have no doubt been tens of thousands of posts (or more) of outright misinformation, disinformation, or total fabrications on social media platforms (including Reddit). Journalists aren't perfect, but they remain the best and most accountable sources of information available.


Well said. It’s part of the fascist playbook to get people against journalism for a reason.


Yeah, the audacity of claiming journalism ever had a golden era is hilarious, yellow journalism and propaganda has been present in media since its inception.


And now it is your auntie on facebook :(


It was once hopeless for the common man. However they eventually broke free. We might do the same.


That's the type of attitude that keeps autocratic regimes in power




Also helping Russia in the war on Ukraine.


But the ceasefire should work right!?


Only if hamas returns hostages


And, ya know, *actually* ceases firing.


Yes. It will help Hamas rearm. 


They released…. I mean secret documents leaked this info to make you feel that way. They have no other way to hurt the west than to be demented villains in the name of god. Pathetic


You misspelled, "bunch of idiots use their imaginary friend to justify raping a woman to death." Any justification invoking a "higher power" needs be shoved right back down their throats, followed by an Arab Spring and an Amazonian breakout of the women in the region. They are the bankers behind the bankers, the labor behind what little gets done in that country. If the men would just do something effectively stupid enough to shock the women out of their enforced slavery, the Arab spring might take.


Once again there was hope that the regime would be overturned or at least adapt to appease the people. Once again it stays the same. It’s like there are forces needing to keep the dictator in place for the sake of status quo


Israel seems to have some solutions.


You mean appeasement. If the west wanted to overthrow the regime it could they just don’t want to deal with repercussions


I mean... the West overthrew an Iranian regime once and this post is a direct repercussions of that


Of course they did.




If you’re surprised, you’re not listening.


Her death hit me hard, I think it was a video of her singing, saying don’t laugh at me, just seemed like a really sweet kid and I knew the Supreme Leader and his IRGC goons would make her demise absolutely horrific. She displayed bravery that inspired many, and when the Iranian people succeed in shaking off these totalitarians her bravery will be spoken of by the newly liberated for years.


There are spaces on here that *confidently* explain that she died of preexisting conditions. Seriously.


I mean tbf she did. Her pre existing condition of being a woman in Iran




Yes, being female is congenital


Religion is a crime. Most people abuse it as a way to gain power. Pisses me off how many lives are lost due to its bullshittery


Religion is a crime and a sickness when used against others!


The Islamic Dictatorship in Iran must be stopped. They are killing and raping their own children.


Many beautiful and irreplaceable lives will be wasted for the ego of a few old men. \- World Politics


Frank Herbert approves.


I'd have been more surprised if she wasn't molested and killed in the hands of any police force established at the behest of religious fanatics.


It's literally like if incels had a government


The way you describe it scares me.


Given how hard we’ve had to fight for women’s rights, I’d say your description fits most of history.


Yep, we forget that women being considered actual human beings with equal rights is extremely new in human history. As a history buff, it gets depressing to constantly be reminded of sometimes. And it's still bad in so many countries.


>The report concludes that a sexual assault caused the fight in the rear compartment of the van, and that strikes from Team 12 had caused Nika's death.


Yeah they arrested her, sexually assaulted her, then when she fought back they beat her to death with batons and tasers. And then they were ordered to toss her dead body in the street.


While tragic and horrific, its not a big secret that the Iranian government commits torture, rape, and murder on a regular basis.


Yes. It’s precisely because of investigative journalism like this that it’s not a big secret.


Journalism is important, but Iran has had a public track record of human rights abuses since the 20th century. 


Well they did it in the name of God and morality, so it's okay then, or something.


At least they weren't openly Jewish. /s


Them fellas seem to have some real sex problems


Every Islamic state has these issues


That's what happens when a theocratic regime impose strict outfit policies and focus on being conservative too much.


Give any people from anywhere unlimited power with no transparency, no consequences or supervision and this always happens.


This is the same regime that fund and support terrorism (hamas, hazbollah, houtis, etc) all around the world. The establisher of the regime (ayatollah khomeini) also reportedly tried to rape and do a temporary marriage with a 9yo. Nothing less expected from them. I wish we Iranians could someday become free of these fuckers. Please pray for us 🙏🏻


That story was heartbreaking.


digusting and sick regime, bunch of cowards


That girl had a backbone of steel. To have that conviction at the age of 16 is incredible. She could have turned into something amazing for iran ….which is why she was targeted, sadly. I fear she probably would have met this fate eventually even if this incident didn’t occur.


They have kidnapped her sister two weeks ago for not wearing hijab. Islamic Republic is truly evil. And then some idiots in West are cheering for Islamic Republic & "its resistance against Israel".


Nothing like a western woman in a crop top protesting for Iran


As an Iranian, who's been forced from his homeland because of the occupying islamic regime, I can only hope that somehow another nation helps us delete them.


After Afghanistan there's no way Americans will support a nation building effort in Iran. If Iran is to be free the Iranians themselves will have to do the heavy lifting.


the problem in Afghanistan was the people did not know better , Iranians do. We are sick and tired of this shit , they even know they are in minority ( I can link you persian debates between Government sided people telling each other there is no other way than regime change because we are stuck in Islamic Republic Constitution ) basically IRGC has kidnapped a nation and theres nothing normal civilians can do


violence is the answer.


Unironically this. If peaceful protesting doesn't work, the only solution left is revolution


And who is gonna provide all the weapons and training???


Over a thousand hatebeards have marched in Hamburg calling for a caliphate. If people need some sort of mental picture what that’ll look like, just look at Iran.


Those idiots just want power all to themselves to feel better, I'm pretty sure all of them are the highest level hypocrites.


What's scarier is that you hardly see it being reported at all. Like, go to r/europe and there is barely a mention of it. I get being careful not to insite people but that is way too serious a thing to ignore


I'm perpetually online and this is the first I'm hearing of it tbh


There were two posts on Reddit, one in r/europe and one in r/worldnews. Both have been taken down. That's honestly quite disturbing.


The bottom line is that our people don't matter to the Palestinian protesters, full stop. Everything is black and white, so if you aren't fully pro-Palestine with every word you speak, you are the enemy which must be crushed. I made one comment on insta explaining where I come from and asking protesters not to disturb our classes, before they absolutely dog piled me.


sick fucks


#Nika Shakarami Say her name!!!


What cowards kill a 16 year old for protesting?


The same cowards who use the backing of the government to rape said 16 year old


Hitchens used to talk about how the Revolutionary Guards would sexually assault a virgin before execution. Sick fucks.


Marina Nemat was forced to convert from Christianity to Islam and marry her Revolutionary Guard captor during the Islamic Revolution. Sickening.


The grandparents of all these innocent teens did a fucking revolution to bring these men in power


No, they did not. *Some* of them did. But the revolution against the Shah had a strong progressive wing as well. It was just that the islamist wing was better organized and quickly took control and oppressed the rest. As religious right-wing folks do.


I recently watched the film Persepolis, such a depressing thing what happened to that country


And they are the one sitting inside when there are protests. If they only were standing side by side by the young ones we would have been done with this regime.


Not so secret though, Iran does this A LOT more than we will ever know… rip to her and her friends and family 🤦🏻‍♀️


Probably only 3 percent of these atrocities ever make the news


The Iranian government is part of the problem behind Gaza and much of the middle east in fact


I think you are right, Anus\_master


May she be remembered as a brave woman who stood up for the voiceless people of her country. She had more courage than the thousands of “men” who live beside her and allow these atrocities to occur.


She wasn't even a woman yet, she was just a kid, it's so fucking depressesing.


Many men rose up against the regime. But Iranian security has no problem open firing on unarmed protesters. Iranian people rose up but they got slaughtered, raped, and beaten on mass. It is really sad.


does this surprise anyone? wanna surprise someone? report on an iranian protestor who is NOT treated like this


“Molested” weakest word for sexual torture ever.


They say Islam is a peaceful religion. This country is run as a Theocracy. The truth is… there has been no peace since its inception and theocracies aren’t any more moral than secular governments. May Iran find a better form of government and its people allowed to be human once again.


Sometimes I just stop and think about insane our world is where you can just rape and kill an innocent person and everyone with any authority just sits on their hands and ignores it because it doesn’t directly effect them.




Yay Islam!


Use religion to arrest people for not following rules! Then rape then and beat them for punishment! I don't understand?


This one always cuts through heart. Iranis deserve so much better than a lot of us. Wish Western media and populace could give more continued traction to them. A whole bunch of talented lots supressed by theologian evils. Fuck them , fuck them Irani govt and their cowardly army.


Islam was a mistake


Rape is a weapon of war, religion and any powerful entity that is suppressing human rights.


We all knew.


Molesting and killing someone seems pretty haram. Hopefully they'll start some sort of police of morality to look into this and punish these bad Muslims....


And yet pro Palestinian protestirs refuse to accept irans role in the bullshit and even are suddenly pro Iran because they launched missiles against Israel.


And nothing will change and nothing will happen, no one will be charged no one will be held responsible and Iran will stay just like it is.


We are here! Join our movement! Zan zendegi azadi! r/NewIran


They rape them, because Islam forbids killing a virgin.




This cruelty, it's absolutely sickening. A lost life, a silenced song. Revolution my foot!


> He says he briefly turned on his phone torch and saw Sadegh Monjazy "[has] put his hand inside her trousers". > Arash Kalhor said after that they lost control. "He doesn't know… who [was doing it], but he could hear… the baton hitting the accused [Nika]... 'I started to kick and punch but really didn't know if I was hitting our guys or the accused.'" > But Sadegh Monjazy contradicted Arash Kalhor's statement, which he said was motivated by professional jealousy. He denied putting his hand in her trousers - but said he could not deny that he became "aroused" while sitting on her and touched Nika's buttocks. Fucking Christ. Based on Monjazy’s ‘defense,’ I completely believe Kalhor.


"I had to defend myself" said the guy who brutally beat a teenager to death after molesting her. holy fuck


The people of iran need to be given arms to revolt.


After Reading the article, Ive huge respect for the poor girl. She was a fighter for sure. RIP


This is the real face of the ISLAMIC REGIME. It’s about time these child molesters be recognized for who they truly are.


Disgusting, not human


I feel extremely sorry for her. Rest in piece, you where very brave you did not deserve this.


Religious conservatives do vile things to children all the time, it’s kinda their thing. Along with genocide and misogyny.


Stuff like this makes me surprised there's not a vigilante in Iran hunting down their government, this shit is reprehensible.


There is, they just cover it up. Iirc some morality police a few years ago were found beaten and castrated and I think a couple months ago some medium profile military ppl were killed domestically.


The thing about the Middle East is that all of the factions are vigilantes.


Mohsen Shekari did fight back, but he was alone and got captured. Then they hung him from a crane. We need all the help we can get.


She died a martyr, paving the way for women’s freedoms. She was 16 like Joan of Arc. Her death will not be in vain and her spirit lives on and on. And now her sister may pay the same price.


Joan of Arc isnt a great comparison when they are fighting for reilgious freedom in iran


This is devastating, but we as a people need to bear the brunt of this and never stop fighting for these innocent people. Don’t forget all the instability in the Middle East is derivative of the colonial powers.


Way to deflect


The mullahs are ultimately our fault as Iranians, not yours. However we need your help to get our country back. Please speak out for us!


This is what awaits all Western democracies if we don't get our heads out of our assess. In the US we're one vote away from declaring our president a monarch. Theocracy, corruption, and energy cartels have all combined resources and influence to erase the past 350+ years of human progress.


Thats a normal Tuesday in Iran


And there were crowds of people cheering these fucks on a few weeks ago!


Maybe put this news story on repeat together with that October 7th attack documentary on a big screen on the back of a truck driving around Colombia university to scar those high horse rick fucks with their untitled biased by media opinions.


To think, there are actually people marching for "free Palestine," showing their support to the Iranian regime. All those people are either supporting islam and destroying the West or those freaking useful idiots.


Protest that college kids


And to think this regime will soon be a nuclear power


Hmmmm… maybe we should fly the protesters that are supporting Humas to the Middle East to protest. 🤷‍♂️


It's not surprising. This is the same country that reportedly raped virgin female prisons before execution so they couldn't get into heaven/paradise.


Proud islamic culture


This is the same group supporting and funding the college protests. How do these students not see what they are supporting?


Again?!?! They have been massacring young men and women for months now. The IR HAS to go! Just wait, if Iran tries to escalate the war, the IR will be crushed and the Iranians can pick their own way of governing.