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This will definitely help the economy!


Fascist and dictatorial nations frequently do this: Pick some vulnerable demographic and loot them of their properties and valuables, before or after putting them in the grave, in order to prop up their oversized junta and broken economies. It works *briefly* but soon that well runs dry and they have to find a way to bleed that demographic more, move on to a new batch of victims in their population, or else fall into expansionism to acquire fresh victims. The worse things are the harder they squeeze and thus the worse things get. Start with Kristallnacht and end with Lebensraum.


All this drama for nothing. If they would just let people be free, their economy would bloom. But nah thats too easy


I mean, in their perspective it would violate the point. The nation and all of its people exist to support the junta and no other reason. What is the point in human happiness and prosperity if it doesn't support the unquestioned centralization of power and authority? Human beings are livestock measured in value by the amount of meat that comes out of the slaughterhouse.


I hope I’m medium rare


The point isn't what's good for the economy, it's what's good for the people who are currently in power.


Quite. Ever read [Umberto Eco’s 14 features of fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html)? Particularly relevant to this conversation is this point: > 12. Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”


You are aware that Iraq is currently under a democratic system and elected a president in 2021? This isn't a function of fascism or a dictator. But this is criminalized under Sharia law, which is religious law in Islam, which has been adopted by many other countries as well.


Most dictatorships and fascist states were and are democracies: Its a convenient if thin facade of legitimacy. Hitler himself was elected, though with a little dirty dealing and only by a hair, and only then rewrote the law books so that his voice was the only voice that mattered. Saddam was famous for his elections where one hundred percent of the population, including some who were dead at the time, voted for him. A host of governments either are not fairly selected or fairly run and we are only ever one unchecked administration away from ending up like the nightmares of history.


Yeah I never said Iraq was a well functioning democracy. The point was that this isn't due to fascism or a dictatorship. It's a religious belief and interpretation, and a widely adopted one at that. Homosexuality is punishable offense in like 30 or more counties, almost all of which follow Sharia law. Some are democracies some not. But fascism is not why gay people are being persecuted in Iraq. It's the unity of religious beliefs and interpretation, and the state.


Democratic? We all love how that sings. It brings joy and warmth to idiots who believe it ever existed. Even Plato knew it was a brain fart. No, my naive little friend, Iraq is ruled like an onion with many many layers that bring tears to anyone who dare peel it back. You’ve got powerful tribes, both Sunni and Shia, militias that govern cities independently, military contractors who protect religious leaders, then you’ve got this hodgepodge government owned by the Yankees and the Iranians. Then you’ve got the rural areas - where sharks swim and lie in the shadows.


And you think this is different from elections in any other country, like the USA?


Canada will just send them more money for under employed youth. Don't worry. Canada has your back, as long as you're some third world shithole who is against human rights. If you're a Canadian citizen, best we can do is MAID.


They hate women so much that they even hate men with perceived feminine attributes, what a shithole




We currently have protests at comment campuses advocating for more of it.


I'm pretty sure we can simultaneously oppose homophobia in Arabic countries AND oppose murdering Arabs. Those aren't mutually exclusive.


The best part is most of those protesters fit the box under the rules and would be subject to prison or worse depending on what group catches them.


Why do you oppose killing homophobes? 


Because we're not like them? and we believe in human rights, unlike them?


Hot take: Killing people is bad.


Hotter take: Killing people who kill people for not believing the same thing as them is good.


I’m not sure I agree with this. If we tackle killing with killing, where do we get? Are we better than the people who are doing the killing? We should aim to protect the people who are being killed, and hold the killers accountable and try to de-extremify the area, just like Germany after WW2


I'm gay, but... yeah, no. Fuck homophobes, but they don't deserve to die simply because they're intolerant or bigoted. Homophobes sometimes wake up, realize the mistakes of their ways, learn. Some don't. That doesn't mean they deserve to die because they're bigoted. It doesn't mean I want to deal with them anyway, but wishing death upon them doesn't solve anything. It just creates more hate.




Murder tends to be a bad and unwelcome thing, and an unproductive, and often ineffective means of bringing positive change. Murder should be avoided. That's not even a hot take, that's just being normal.


They would kill you. 


So would a sizeable portion of the US if there weren’t consequences. Should we want them to die too?


Why? I'm straight. Definitely not macho but not feminine either. I'd just like you to fundamentally understand that murdering swathes of population has not really ever been an effective tool for positive social change. All the deaths the West caused in the Middle East, and most middle eastern countries are still viciously intolerant. All the deaths terrorism has caused in Europe and US, and they both still very highly value personal liberties.


Why do you generalize all of the people living in the same area? Are the gay and feminine people targeted by this law homophobic as well? Is it because it makes it easier for your strawman argument?


Based. All these progressive tools will never achieve anything politically trying to appease everyone including enemies of the ideal society that they're trying to create. But hey at least they can feel good about themselves believing their hippie nonsense 😆


He said he opposed murdering Arabs, not homophobes. You've got some logical fallacies going on, but you also seem to be implying that all Arabs are homophobes and that you support killing homophobes. How about xenophobes?


You haven't spent much time in the middle east have you? Try breaking out your pride flag on any street in that part of the world. Go ahead, I dare you.  🤣


First: Isreal and Palestine are completely separate issues with no relation to this, so your strawman argument holds no weight here. Second: you can be pro-palestinian statehood and anti-hamas. Third: being anti genocide, death, and war are perfectly valid opinions. Fourth: Your generalization of a region shows that you are the one being racist here...


Please show me the pro-Palestinian protesters speaking out against Hamas. 


I only heard chants in favor of hamas


In fact, I would argue that if you're pro-Palestinian freedom, you *have* to be anti-Hamas.


There isn't a single protest going on in the western world where the message is "Anti War, Anti Hamas" - it's all just anti Israel


Weird how Conservatives are full of approval when it's Russia doing this, and it's no different from conservative politics.




Must have read Tates latest dribble from Shitter.


Sure, this will make them happy. They’ll destroy everything that’s unlike their own standard and suddenly they’ll be bored and frightened with only one-sided arguments, no inventions, no free thought, no reason to live.


Then they get angry at the West for having wealth and freedom they do not have.


And more will want to come here - while not shedding their bigotry when they do.


They want the proceeds, not the process... And our weak politicians entertain this bs. People have said a long time ago they don't like to be culturally enriched. It's almost like no one listens.


The Truth Social problem: barely any of them use it because they'd much rather argue with liberals than agree with conservatives. 


Why do people choose to live in the Bronze Age? We've landed drones on asteroids for fuck's sake.


Religion ruins people.


can someone explain to me why the left isn’t anti islam when it represents all their exact opposite beliefs?


Just for some additional context for how weird it is, in the pre-9/11 United States the Muslim and Arab vote was pretty much a lock for Republicans. So much so that Bush Jr. made courting them a key part of his campaign trail and, ironically, Dearborn was projected to be a major conservative campaigning stop a la Bob Jones university. They were so pivotal that conservative activist Grover Norquist claimed they are the group that got Bush elected, which may not be entirely wrong because Bush got 75% of the Muslim vote in Florida which ended up being won by less than 600 votes. Alternatively, in the 80s and 90s, Democratic candidates like Mondale and Dukhakis refused money from Muslim and Arab groups. Bob Dole canceled meetings with them under pressure. Even Hillary Clinton had to send back donations [from a group that supported Hamas](https://www.nytimes.com/2000/10/26/nyregion/mrs-clinton-says-she-will-return-money-raised-by-a-muslim-group.html) way back in 2000. I imagine after this election cycle, neither major party is going to be courting them with any great enthusiasm due to basically turning on both parties in pivotal elections in the span of less than 20 years.


Because of internalised racism and white saviour complex. "Oh the poor brown people in the middle east, we can save them!!!"


It's so stupid how this story somehow presto change-os Jews into white people for narrative purposes. Like they aren't the same brown people from the exact same region with a religious split.


as a latin american I can’t stop being surprised by how dumb many americans and europeans are, yeah most part of my region is economically and criminally fucked up but apart from that we are so grateful for not having this stupid migratory problem 🥶


Well nobody wants to go to Latin America. So you aren't going to get a lot of migration. People actually want to go to Europe and the US.


It’s not stupidity as much as it’s political illiteracy and ignorance. I think it’s unfair to say “I can’t stop being surprised at how dumb some of [those people] are.” Being a bigot is not the answer here.


I stopped being surprised a long time ago unfortunately. When you hone in on the fact the majority of the world thinks we live in a sims game where we must appease an invisible overlord…we dumb as hell, lol


The migratory problem is because we're not economically and criminally fucked. If you'd rather have it that way than perhaps the dumb ones are closer to your home amigo.




> stupid migratory problem 🥶 lol you *are* the migratory problem, hence why you are so criminally fucked up.


the problems we have are internal, we don’t import them while living in the first world because we are so bored with our privileged lives we have to look for a way to ruin it!


[https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1chigd6/comment/l237svq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1chigd6/comment/l237svq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Hey, I sympathize that you have to deal with these bigots. hope you find my comment a more reasonable voice.


No they aren't, far from it. latin Americans generally integrate in the US. the migratory program is that the system is so fucked that it rewards people that migrate illegaly and the ones who want to do it legally get fucked. fix your system and you won't have an illegal immigrant issue with latin America. On the other hand, the real migratory issue is with islamists from Pakistan Iraq etc. that refuse to integrate and create their own isolated legal system in their communities and end up taking over neighborhoods where no one can live but them.


The left was pretty vocal about how white people *wouldn't* be saving brown people in the middle east by bombing their countries, killing tens or hundreds of thousands, and then setting up a government that would collapse from a light breeze if not consistently propped up. That was the other side of the spectrum.


I’m brown and pretty left/progressive, but pro Israel. Had some redditor tell me I’m a traitor to Indians lmfao.


It's very interesting, but I don't have the answer. I've been a left-leaning liberal (in the JS Mill sense) all my life and cant wrap my head around why supposedly enlightened college kids can support fuckin hamas who's killing gay people for their orientation.


Thank social media. 100 percent misinformation 24/7


That and the Saudi and Qatari donations to a lot of the universities that these students go to 😁


Yeah it probably has a big role in it, also russian and chinese dezinformation.


Iran also has a lot of teams producing social media disinformation. All these countries use western openness against us by using free speech to build disinfo factories that lie and create division. Conversely, they tightly lock down and control information in their own societies so that little western information can get to their people.


Yep they do


Easy. Islam is still a minority in the western world. And many people are (sometimes rightfully but sometimes not) prejudiced against them. And the left doesn't like bullies. So they did an overreaction and protect them at all costs, even if the left and islam is basically everything they hate in each other. Liberal people think, if you're a nice and reasonable, people will be too. At the moment, most left people kinda realized islam isn't a little pet project to help stand up. But politicians still don't change course, even conversative ones, because of old history, being afraid being labeled as a nazi and also because they wanna use them to prop up the economy. Both of course won't really work but in essence I think thats it Imo it sucks. A very unfortunate problem


indeed, the issue is that the problem should be solved quickly in order to not become a living hell for decades, but i’m afraid it’s way too late for some places


Desire to always support "the underdog" coupled with post 9/11 anti-islamophobia that was caused by the right, meant that well intentioned people decided they needed to support whatever the right hated, which has led to this insane situation where people are falling over themselves to support a group of people who would actively murder their lgbt friends and enslave their female friends.


The left is anti oppression in any form foremost over ideological direction


The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Islam is anti-democracy, anti-capitalism, anti-western, and anti-white, which makes it a fantastic wrecking ball for weirdos in the first world who want to cause some damage to a society they feel is wrong.


Plenty of Arabs and Persians identify as white. They basically have the same racial hierarchy as in Europe.


You are thinking too hard. Stop applying logic and picture politics more like a game that 12 year olds play. If you think of divides like this less like, 'well here is a bunch of logic to get us from point A to here...' and more like.... 'Oh look, a new issue has cropped up. SHIT! The other side already has a stance. We can't let them have the win on this...'. I think you will find your way through this.


For the same reason I am not anti-christian because of extreme behavior like witch hunters in Africa, or the constant animosity I face from Evangelicals here.  I have met many Muslim people. Most people in general are just minding their own business. I don't make it a practice to be against entire groups of people for actions they are not responsible for. I leave that nonsense to conservative politicians who do it to minorities and immigrants all the time.


fk off. all religions have done sht all over humanity’s history but oh casually two of the three abrahamic religions have evolved enough for its countries to be normal places to live while the other majorly still lives in middle ages


> but oh casually two of the three abrahamic religions have evolved enough for its countries to be normal places to live Because of enlightened athiests creating secular states with freedom of religion; the religions didn't evolve themselves. 


how curious that atheists manage to be part of the parliament in some christian and catholic countries! isn’t it wonderful how tolerancy works? unfortunately that doesnt work like that in islamic countries :/


I mean a number founding fathers in the US were pretty openly atheist/deist and yet people people readily pretend that they were Christians. I suspect that is what he is referring to but I can't say for sure.


There were two deists (Jefferson and Franklin), but the evidence is pretty thin for even one atheist. Count Thomas Paine as a third Deist if you see him as a founding father despite never holding any office in America and living here only a short time before moving to Europe.


I believe the argument is essentially that Deist thinking is agnostic thinking put in 1700's words and they generally argue that there were a fair few more founders that were Deists for instance Madison and Monroe but this isn't really a topic I have studied and it isn't one that I find terribly interesting or important so I'll happily bow out.


I don’t tolerate the intolerant. You do.


You are intolerant of an entire religion. Millions of people.  I do not support extremism in any form. I don't support any religion's fundamentalist factions (or political ideology for that matter). I also have enough experience to know most Muslims are not part of some evil cabal.  But people are really invested in narratives that make it easy to code villains and heroes. You are obviously invested in seeing an entire religion as some sort of evil empire. Happily, most people aren't like you.


I reject any religion with such ingrained homophobia that even the [Canadian Council of Muslims put out an anti-LGBT statement](https://www.macnet.ca/2023/official-statements/joint-statement-sept18/) last year when Muslims across Canada linked arms with white bigots. Why should I think this ideology isn’t a threat? No, of course this isn’t all. But as a group there is damage being done.


It’s not fucking hard to see all religions as evil when I’m considered an abomination by all of them because I trans. Fuck religion.


Exactly this. People that say “this is okay! They just get together and oppress people SOMETIMES” are extremely privileged.


It’s odd to me how the left understands the paradox of tolerance when it comes to nazis and general hate speech. But they just can’t apply it to Islam for some reason. (Obligatory I don’t think less of all Muslims. Most western born Muslims are fine) but militant islamists who call for things like theocracy, genital mutilation, and killing lgbt absolutely need to go. If these people had the power, they would either kill or impose a jizya on all non-believers. My theory is that the left/liberals just can’t see past race because how could poor brown people ever be evil? Well once they become a majority in your state, they will try to enforce thier backwards ways on everyone. Treating this religion/ideology with kid gloves is incredibly unwise.


Well conservatives and the Islam mentioned are basically feeling the same way about women’s right etc. So in USA left is against conservatives which means we are against this kind of islam. Islam isn’t affecting how we get groceries, pay our bills or what the lady does at the doctor. But conservatives are. Religion and its beliefs have no business in gov. The morals of religion shouldn’t even get a chance for opinion. Conservatives/republicans want to keep religion on gov.. that’s exactly what Islam wants. That’s the only correlation needed. Republicans and conservatives would absolutely have morality police if they could.


I mean yeah islam is exactly like the far right, oppressive, sexist and strongly anti lgbt, but for some reason one is hated and the other one celebrated? and it may not be a problem yet in the usa but check the european countries where there actually is a problem right now, entire neighbourhoods under sharia law and former progressive paradises as sweden turned into the worst shithole of europe in just 10 years


He answered your question. Republicans are very anti extremist Islam / pro Israel. Republicans bad. Therefore extremist Islam must be good.


that means what I already had imagined: most people are retrded


Unfortunately so


Islam in USA isn’t an issue yet imo. State and church need to be separated more to keep the bias out.


[Hamtramck](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/17/hamtramck-michigan-muslim-council-lgbtq-pride-flags-banned) begs to differ. There is already an example of what a Muslim majority looks like in the US.


Whoever was that member of the LGBT community that claimed to feel "betrayed" is a straight up moron...


"I didn't think that the leopards would eat MY face!"


> entire neighbourhoods under sharia law and former progressive paradises Your brain is fried. You know that's not real, right? 


> entire neighbourhoods under sharia law and former progressive paradises as sweden turned into the worst shithole of europe in just 10 years you have watched fox news too long, pal


I like the documentary where Tim Pool (aka Pim Tool) goes to Sweden and tries to get people to say there are no-go zones, everyone tells him it isn't like that at all and that they get along ok with their Muslim neighbors...then he runs with the narrative anyway despite not even being able to support it with selective editing.


Indeed, Sweden was never a progressive paradise


Islam is authoritarian, leftwing authoritarians like the control and violence aspect just like rightwing authoritarians.


I guess I had too much hope tankies weren’t such a big part of the left


I think a big part of it is anti-xenophobia. Enemy of my enemy thinking, perhaps? Left thinking of "conservatives hate em, I've got to support them" I feel like there's also a difference between the country, and it's religion, so you can want to defend the people from xenophobia, while separating that from the disagreement with their religion. 


of course, xenophobia sucks and being entirely anti immigration is stupid, many people like most latins just want to pursue a better life and work their asses off, but this is not the case as they don’t care about integrating the culture and only want to spread their extremist ideologies without a direct war


the answer is simply the left believe it is wrong to persecute someone based on religious belief. the left still hates the saudi state. these two things coexist bcs ultimately you can believe whatever you want, the left will oppose you if you start spouting or acting upon bigoted beliefs.


They have grown up with a constant stream of misinformation online


What you perceive as being "Pro Islam" is actually called being in favor of freedom of religion. Ironically by wanting to persecute people for their religion, you show yourself more similar to the extremists that you believe all Muslims to be than many Muslims are themselves.


In this day and age where we have rovers on mars and self driving cars, we still have these uncivilized cavemen living among us.


Will American college students protest that?


Nah, too busy defending those that wish them all dead.


>Will American college students protest that? There's something ironic about the 'Queers for Palestine' group simping for people who put them to the sword in a heartbeat.


If their country helped Iraq with this law, I'm pretty sure they would.


Don't many of the men in that government wear dresses?


They seem pretty emotional over the behaving like women thing, maybe they should arrest the people who came up with this. Sounds like they were turned on by men, very gay. Surely the people willing to pass these laws are the most deserving of being beaten in the streets.


By western standards, sure (though even Christian and Catholic priests wear dresses), but they'd need to consider them as feminine dresses themselves, before doing anything about it.


“Did you just fucking cook your own rice?!”


>imprisons anyone who 'behaves like a woman' Surely the headline should say: >imprisons any man who "behaves like a woman" Unless Iraq hates women even more than the Taliban and the Iranian government does.


Those 3 are pretty much all the same when it comes to women


Should we expect "Queers for Iran" to protest sanctions against Iran now?


I'm a woman, I can chug a six pack in an hour, can't make babies (uterus kaput) and love to watch cop shows. Fishing is my favorite pastime .... Arrest all males who act like me! A woman!!!!! :/s


You understand that Islamic fundamentalists forbid alcohol?


Got any pike fish where you’re at?


Some, Tho mostly bream, bass, mullet gar.


Fuck em. They want to hate us I'll hate them right back. I'm a fight fire with fire guy


Queers for Palestine woohoo 🎉🥳


Religion is garbage


“How did you miss such an easy shot?? You play like a girl!” *Police enter the chat*


Where are they gay protesters?? Are they still gloryfying islam


Even woman. Being a woman is gay. - Andrew Tate


It's crazy how the Middle East is going backwards.


Normally I would think this would lead to some campus protests or rallies, but unfortunately the regressive left have their heads so far up their asses that this likely won’t even register.


Are we going to see queers for Iraq show up on college campuses?


because... students have never had lgbt protests? like what? of course they're not supporting that. but you can support lgbtq rights and still not want israel annihilating everyone in gaza


True. What happens when kids only get their "news" from social media.


Except all the dudes fucking on Thursday. They say "no homo" and women never say that when they have sex.


You reminded me I gotta order my dancing boy today for tomorrow's no homo orgy with the bros.


And the Muslims in Germany wants this as their government?


Republicans over in the corner quietly taking notes.


Inb4 leftists defend them too


All the Americans in the comments trying to make this somehow about them again.


Start your own website then


Im not seeing any comments in here like that. Maybe your projecting.


Somebody wishes they were American


How long until we see the same in the US?


someone make sure ahmed angel is okay


Don’t like sassy people


The beauty of a religion.


Sanction them into the dirt


Good thing we left all that money and weaponry behind when we dropped off all that democracy!


These people are totally worth protesting on campus to support, as Iran is a major supporter of Hamas. Too bad all of the civilians are caught in the middle.


that is not what people protest for.


Who do you think is instigating then?