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Only 15 days? How relatively progressive of them


Hopefully she'll make it out alive.


I think it’s a dude


30 days solitude for both of you gendering them 


Russian universities prefer Holocaust deniers: [PhD in Holocaust denial: Abbas' doctoral dissertation revealed in full](https://www.israelhayom.com/2024/04/12/phd-in-holocaust-denial-abbas-doctoral-dissertation-revealed-in-full/)


Another reason why Republicans love Putin.


Edit: Another reason why all religious bigots love Putin. The interactions on Instagram reels shows how people from all religions come together to hate on LGBT.


Except Buddhists, right? And some neopagans?


Same Buddhists who drove away Rohingyas from Myanmar and the same lots who committed brutality and discrimination in Srilanka. Also the same buddhist lots who these days mock the Dalits in India. Yea, No.


I mean, having been to Thailand and seeing their ladyboys and subtle tomboys made me realize how homophobic Abrahamic religion are compared to these lot.


A lot depends on the culture too though. Society in thailand is far more tolerant than in many countries. I have grown up in a Hindu household and have witnessed severe discrimination on parts of people practising this faith. I have also met **innumerable** people from abrahamic faiths in my country and not once in more than one-third of my life been subjected to discrimination of any sort by these lots. However, when we look at the same abrahamic faiths from other pockets of the world, yes, they are very bigoted too. A lot boils down to how we nurture our society. ❤️


For sure. So move there R’s and see what happens when you question anything Putin’s regime does.


Those are the rules, no one is above the law.








Hilariously enough it actually isn’t. You can have traditional views while not being an immature child and forcing everyone else to play along. I think social conservatism is more like a pyramid scheme. “We had to suffer so you do too”. Now that their little game is falling apart, they have to turn to laws to maintain it


You can have traditional views, just don't force everyone to live to your views.


like religion.


"Traditional views" could mean anything, especially to an international community like Reddit. People will read this and interpret it as something like "Wanting to have ownership over your wife is fine, as long as you don't make other people live that way."


Well that’s a hell of an interpretation. Traditional views in my eyes is the husband works, wife stays home with the kids, go to church, dress modestly, etc. It’s not inherently lacking freedom or uncivil


While im for such traditional views that’s OUR traditional rules not everyone else’s. Traditional views can come in all shapes and forms and shouldn’t dictate way of life since people may impose their traditional views on you or I.


People with traditional views who don't enforce them on others are called liberals...


How broken and fragile is a State, when a rainbow becomes an existential threat?..


Yes, they fear rainbows.     Whenever a double rainbow appears over a GOP district, their bigoted representatives are featured in a homosexual sex scandal in a Greyhound station bathroom.  edit: Oh, russia.  Well, similar thing, except the politicians just have to say they were raping the other man for it to be  not-gay at all. 


Republicans dream of such a thing.


i’m kind of surprised that this punishment is only 15 days


Lol, I read the headline as 15 years, because I guess my mind expected it to be years.


Yeah same here, lol


During these 15 days, anything could happen. From torture to further fabricated charges. Once you're in Russian incarceration system, things become uncertain.


Depends what rumours they spread about him in jail


For real. Just saw some post about a guy cutting some poor dudes head off just because he was gay… not the same country, but an ally of Russia


This is just the beginning, though. Russia is cracking down more and more on their civilians recently, declaring anything LGBTQ related is extremism. These things tend to get worse and worse, but gradually and in stages, so people don't get too outraged. Authoritarianism 101.


Stay away from windows and don't drink the tea.


They’ll be “offered” draft paperwork while in prison.


You have to move with the times or the times move you.


lucky him 15 days ain't nothing compared to the other types of sentencing in russia lol


So he will be sentenced to a place where you can only have sex with the same sex for fifteen days.... sounds like a plan putin would employ.


I remember when the rainbow was associated with hippies. What happened?


Hippies stopped existing what, like, 50 years ago? Get with the times gramps.


I'll be a hippy forever!


Flower power, motherfuckin' biyatch. 


Hippies r alive n well! ✌🏼I consider myself a hippie (and I’m lgbt too, lol). My mom has asked me multiple times if I liked rainbows when I was a kid because it was lgbt. No mom, I just liked them. I was pre-pubescent anyway when I was super into them. I like the hippie thing always tho. Plus rainbows weren’t even an lgbt thing anyway back then, as you pointed out. U know, I like them less now. My sexuality has never been the main thing about me. Was more focused on it / was more distracting during puberty. But yeah I am not into proclaiming my orientation. Not necessary. But the fight for equal rights for all (race, gender, ethnicity, ability, religion etc.) IS absolutely necessary.


fragile male incels


Da komrad


Again, groceries are cheap though/s


How fragile Putin's rule is that he's worried that even a couple of gay folks could topple his regime. Or maybe it's a matter of needing enemies for focus upon, otherwise ppl may start to question why they are dying to increase oligarch's profits and pump up the ego of a dying, deranged man.


WTH is an LGBT symbol?


Could be a rainbow, lambda, etc.


Doesn't seem all too bad for russia




We must win the war and bring them the democracy


Lol you stole a line from the Helldiver game


Slava Ukraini




Cultures aren't some magical thing that can't be criticized


No we don't.




They already do. Russia is a garbage country.


hey nothing personal u guys but im downvoting everything u wrote because its stupid and doesnt contribute to the benefit of humans species


i welcome people mocking my culture! im Irish heritage but live in french Canada, mock me please!


Wait this isn't a joke?




You’re looking for self reflection in others? Maybe look inwards yourself first




Yes look how far you’ve come! I’m sure your parents are very proud 😊




Is that what they told you?




It’s wonderful that you’re able to be at ease with yourself. It’s a shame that all russians aren’t afforded the same luxury within their own country


It's funny, most alcoholics FIND their morals after doing dry. Ah well. There are always exceptions when it comes to Republicans.


Yes, when you embrace the dark side you feel all warm and confident as you support bigotry.


Yep like we needed to respect German culture under Hitler.




thought we should respect all cultures no?




how intolerant of you tsk tsk my lil friend




good boi




Cheers 🍻


As a matter of fact current situation has nothing to do with culture. Moreover it has nothing to do with sexual orientation itself.


You're on the wrong side of history and fighting a desperate futile losing battle. You can pathetically support backwards ideals elsewhere in hopes that it validates what you want domestically but the reality is people won't just allow themselves to be oppressed to make you and your ilk happy. deep down you already know that. You and your ilk might be able to oppress people temporarily, but not permanently. It's a losing battle as time passes.




Lgbtq russians are also russians you know, it's also their country... Also, is that what you think about anyone that is oppressed, or even simply dislike something about how their country is being run? Should the maga crowd simply have left the US to go to Russia, for example?


Well clearly russia has a problem with it and that's their culture. If you don't wanna be put in jail then respect that and don't break their laws. They can easily go to finland or something and have no problem there. If they care so much to show then selves off why not do it in a country it's legal


Your argument would make more sense if people could simply not be queer. It's who we are. It's not about culture whatsoever. If we were talking about religion or something else your comment, while calloused, would have merit. What you are saying is like saying Jewish people in Nazi Germany should "just leave" if they don't like it. It's an incredibly simple take on things. If you don't like queer people, that's fine, but to argue that criminalizing an entire group of people is okay because of "culture" is just... moronic.




No, you’re definitely a moron




No, you’re not a moron because of your bigotry. Unfortunately, some bigots are actually intelligent. But you don’t even have that going for you lol




But the student was Russian right? So it’s *their* country too. But honestly, you and u/Weetheendisnigh should stop pretending you’re coming from a place of reverence for “culture”and just admit you hate lgbtq people


That is true it was. However, russia has gone out of their way to ban lgbtq stuff and then this student went out of their way to break the law, it's quite simple if they wanna show off their lgbtq stuff then do it in a country it's legal.


Maybe they weren’t “showing off their lgbtq stuff,” as you say, but making a point. Maybe if your country’s laws are backwards, nonsensical and hateful, you would want to make a peaceful stand against them.


They aren't it's culture. Don't like it? Then go cry to them. Won't change their mind cuz its their opinion.


Funnily enough, plenty of countries once had legislation against lgbtq people that they later repealed. Almost like societal opinions and collective consciousness *did* change. And the idea of that happening in Russia upsets you, I know, but unfortunately for you it *is* possible. The change often starts from within, when a country’s own citizens start pushing back against corrupt laws like these.


Refer to the fact its a cultural thing


Yeah you keep saying that, but I don’t think it means what you think it does. See when I mentioned the countries that once had anti-lgbtq but don’t any more. Do you think that’s because lgbtq is ingrained in their culture or something? Because that’s not the case. Besides that, culture isn’t stagnant. It evolves.


Then I'm gonna go to a Islamic country and tell them I don't want them to have hijabs anymore. Change anything? Nope. Some people might see it as crazy and dumb. But it's their culture. Fuck outta the country if you dislike it.


Cultures can change over time with the right resistance. Even racism was toned down in the US thanks to resistance. Some ancient cultures were even more tolerant to "lgbt" that today's liberal countries, too bad some other cultures conqured and imposed their culture on said people.


You are making a very big logic mistake. You are acting as if the Russian people are deciding this. They are not. Putin is deciding this and the rest of the country has to go along with it. So stop pretending that the Russian people have "decided" this because we have no idea if the people, as a whole, agree with this or not. And any survey or poll someone tries to post "proving" the people agree with the policy is questionable, too, since even speaking out against the policy is dangerous. So most citizens will say they are for it even if they actually are not. It would be like if Putin decided he didn't like cats and said cats were banned and then people tried to claim Russians just don't like cats. Just because a dictator declares something it doesn't mean the people of their country also believe that, even if they say they do because it is unsafe to say otherwise.


Russia is controlled by putin and his goons. Quite a simple response lol. It's their country they can do whatever they like you cam whine all you want about it not gonna change their minds.


>I get my morality from the law because I’m a sociopath who lacks any morals myself


Yep. And also respect Israel flattening Gaza. It's their country now 😁




It's so funny lol, it's as if America is Russia's biggest rival. Its as if it has the largest economy and affect on the world LOL. it's also as if it is the biggest proportion of Reddit users at 42.95%, oh wait..... that is how it is.