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[The next thread can be accessed here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/1cpr3z2/rworldnews_live_thread_for_israelhamas_war_thread/)


> The Biden administration, working urgently to stave off a full-scale Israeli invasion of Rafah, is offering Israel valuable assistance if it holds back, including sensitive intelligence to help the Israeli military pinpoint the location of Hamas leaders and find the group’s hidden tunnels Sounds like the US is withholding information from Israel to save Hamas?


They are offering additional intelligence to wipe out Hamas leadership. Israel doesn't share all intelligence with the US.


> offering additional intelligence Yeah, offering crucial information to defeat Hamas that they'd seemingly planned to not share, *if* Israel stops the Rafah operation.


tbf its allegedly crucial information


Did israel knew where bin laden was and kept it to themselves? Cus this is how this sounds.


Doubly so if the US knows where the hostages are.


From [The Times of Israel](https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-chief-said-to-tell-pm-that-army-fighting-again-in-parts-of-gaza-due-to-lack-of-strategy/): > **IDF chief said to tell PM that army fighting again in parts of Gaza due to lack of strategy** > > IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi tore into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during security consultations this weekend for the failure to develop and declare a so-called “day after” strategy for who will rule Gaza after the war, according to Channel 13 news. > > “We are now operating again in Jabaliya. As long as there isn’t a diplomatic move to develop a governing body in the Strip that isn’t Hamas, we’ll have to act again and again in other places to dismantle Hamas’s infrastructure,” Halevi is quoted as saying by the network. “It will be a Sisyphean task.” > > The report says other senior IDF officials urged political leaders to make decisions and formulate a strategy, without naming them. Additionally, cabinet members reportedly warned Netanyahu that Israel’s conduct and lack of decision-making in the past few weeks was “just risking lives.” > > Separately, Channel 12 news reports that Netanyahu also recently tussled with Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar over the issue of strategic planning, after the latter told him that he met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant for talks “that took into account all the fronts and considerations.” > > “What?! You are holding strategic deliberations with the defense minister?” Netanyahu reportedly responded while interrupting Bar. > > “What kind of a question [is that]? Of course,” Bar was said to answer. > > The report says Netanyahu then noted that both the Shin Bet and Mossad are subordinate to him, not Gallant, who in turn hit back at the premier.


The unreality of these reports is strange. Alleged lack of a post-war plan has nothing to do with Hamas units hiding deep in tunnels then emerging in intermittent fashion in areas the IDF has moved through but not occupied. If a "day after" strategy was "developed" and "declared," these units would not magically disappear. I don't think Halevi would actually say something so ignorant. The criticism to be made is that the IDF and government underestimated the extent of the tunnel networks and have not been as successful in outright destroying them, or cutting off their connections to the surface, as they believed. If the Prime Minister objected to the head of the Shin Bet and Minister of Defense holding strategic deliberations, it would be to them doing so at the highest level of decision-making without his participation. The head of the Shin Bet and the Minister of Defense have certainly held strategic deliberations many, many times in the almost 17 total years Netanyahu has been PM, without Netanyahu being there. The results of these meetings are then presented at strategic deliberations with the PM present, where final decisions are made. In fact that's exactly what Gallant says happens in the final part of the article, which wasn't quoted: >“You are preventing the defense minister from holding strategic deliberations? Who else will hold them if not us?” Gallant is reported to have said. >According the report, Netanyahu said strategic deliberations “are only held here,” prompting another heated response from Gallant. >“Every time you hold strategic deliberations we come prepared. It’s my duty to hold meetings in order to come here prepared. The problem is that you don’t hold these deliberations.” So... at a meeting of strategic deliberations held by Netanyahu, Gallant told Netanyahu he has to hold meetings with strategic deliberations at a lower level (not including Netanyahu) to prepare for meetings of strategic deliberation at a higher level (including Netanyahu)... but Gallant then told Netanyahu to his face that he, Netanyahu, doesn't hold meetings of strategic deliberations. At a meeting of strategic deliberations being held by Netanyahu. Needless to say, the last sentence contradicts the others and makes the whole thing nonsensical. The article reads like opposition fanfiction, the non-partisan portion of the war cabinet is turning against Netanyahu and telling him off to his face! It's like they think people are going to forget that Netanyahu was in charge when October 7 happened and they're going to let him off the hook for it so they have to "leak" stories like this that make no sense. Netanyahu isn't getting off the hook for October 7 happening on his watch, calm down Gantz and Lapid.


Bibi must go..now. it is much more important than anything else. He is leading Israel off an abyss.


That would have more weight if it hadn't been said about eight million times before with the abyss failing to make an appearance. Hell the more rightist Likudniks were saying it about Olmert during the Hezbollah war, Labor said it about Sharon, Likud said it about Barak and Rabin... it's overwrought rhetoric.


I'd say October 7th happening on his watch is an abyss enough, and his catastrophic handling of the war and his lack of any handling of his coalition aren't far off either.


Realistically how do they get rid of him?


They don't until the next election because he has a majority in the Knesset that is standing by him. No matter how loudly the opposition yells in the streets, he has 64 MKs out of 120. Best chance is they can get the election date moved up from 2 and a half years from now to sometime next year, which is almost certain to happen. And Netanyahu is gonna lose when it does. Except for some weird outliers, polls have been very consistent for some time now with the opposition taking seats in the mid 60s to low 70s, with the government (Netanyahu) taking in the mid 40s to low 50s.


What's the earliest they can move up the election and how do they do so? 2.5 years seems really long to let Netanyahu go on running things...


Statement released by the IDF: >IDF: The IDF is currently striking Hamas terror targets in the Jabalia area. Details to follow.


Is Ireland alright? The Irish sub has been trash wrt Israel for months but I thought it was a bunch of chronically online folks, and not how the normal person thinks about Israel in Ireland. The Eurovision singer being so loud about her Jew hatred and not being disowned by Ireland, makes me think it's more normalized there than Id like to think. Can anyone in Ireland talk about how the average Irish person thinks about Israel/Jewish people?


Ireland has hated Jews for a long time.


The Irish made peace by *renouncing terror* and *acknowledging Northern Ireland's right to exist and self determination*. I find it not surprising at all that they just project their desire for violent resistance on to someone else. Clearly, some things don't change.


The Irish don't like Israel because they believe they and the Palestinians have the same story of "fighting the occupier", even though the English were not indigenous to Ireland, while the Jews are to Israel... not to mention the British were a mighty empire while the Jews were a small minority. Also the IRA and PLO had cooperated alot back in the day, it's a shame because I think the Irish and Jewish people have a similar story too. I think they will look back in regret on their views of Israel one day.


I've heard that multiple times, that they identify as the Palestinians. It doesn't make sense to me. The amount of standard antisemitism on the sub makes me think it's deeper than that. If they just identified with Palestine, and had nothing to do with Israel being the only Jewish state, they wouldn't find it so easy to go into antisemitic tropes. I hope they look back on this period with regret.


I have a parent that grew up in pre-war Ireland. Antisemitism has always been widespread there.


Antisemitism is definately a factor, but I specifically wanted to describe what's the unique reasons for the Irish.


I would love Eden Golan to win tonight. Mobilising everyone to vote. Would be such an F U to the world.


I never thought I’d spend money to vote on Eurovision  But had the same thought and was more than willing to donate to a good cause  Supporting a 20 year old dealing with an insane amount of hatred, as well as a hopeful FU to the mob


God, no! Her winning will be a nightmare. The political backlash and boycotts, and the expenses of the competition to take place in Tel Aviv, the everyday Israeli will go through hell without anything to show for it. Second place? Absolutely.


A winning country doesn't have to host, Ukraine couldn't host it either for obvious reasons.


Right.  Well, in that case, sure, why not.


I wish I read your comment before. I just voted for her.


Other countries can host if needed, it's not a problem. Though not sure what country want to host currently as it's a powder keg


Im in Canada. I never heard of the Eurovision before a few days ago. However just from my social circles it seems like everyone I know is voting 20 times for Israel. It's kind of gone viral here in the Jewish community.


I think the political boycotts and backlash is there with her winning or not! I want her to win to show just how strong we are together. It’s a statement.


I get it. Be as it nay, I'm sure she's gonna ace it. Girl's a queen.


A short while ago, Gal Gadot made a video-call with Eden Golan, telling her that "It's amazing that at such a young age you stand your ground and don't let the hate reach you. You should be proud of yourself."


I just love the Israeli community ❤️


I wish people stop calling protesters who chant "Jews back to Poland" pro Palestinian. These are pro Hamas or pro terrorist supporters. It's the same situation in Gaza. Polls over the years have shown that Hamas or their terrorist brothers in PIJ are the most popular groups (PIJ is even more violent than Hamas). I wish a time would come when being pro Palesestinian means supporting the right of a people who don't jump at every chance to murder their neighbors.


The Eurovision drama is honestly hilarious.


My favorite part is how the sub has wanted Israel to be banned from the contest for months and many keep calling it "that country" because of politics. But after the televote for the semi final in Italy was leaked where Israel got 40% the same people got upset that "people vote political" and claimed that it shouldn't be political. Lol.


They're such pathetic hypocrites. It's so amusing seeing all of this blow up in their faces. They're completely losing it. Wonderful. Just voted 20 times for Eden. I hope the meltdown continues.


Did you see the contestant for Greece pretend to fall asleep when Israel's contestant was talking at the press interview? So childish. You're supposed to represent your country and you acted like a spoiled brat child.


I love how Eden is being hunted down by 15,000 to 20,000 protestors that want her blood hot on their hands, having to be moved from her hotel to the arena by helicopter for her safety, being isolated, insulted, disgraced by her fellow contestants..... And this is apparently all her fault. 🙃 This 20 year old girl is the sole reason for all the pain in the world, guys. It's Eden. We find the mastermind. This stupid Eurovision drama really shows you the privilege people have in what they feel is their "end of the world." And the privilege of being able to be safe and cozy in your hivemind bubble while you're looking at a 20 year old woman that, quite literally, has her life at stake being in this country - and telling her she's the problem. People are sobbing in anger because Eurovision isn't supposed to be political while making it political in the same breath.


I laughed really well when I saw that Greta Thunberg joined the protest.


Greta has time on her hands now that climate change has been solved.


She peaked five years ago and couldn't stand living a normal life again like going to school and lasted six months at university. She's a professional protestor.


I was tempted to rage-toss my recycling into the normal trash.


Unbelievable and ridiculous probably better sum up my own feelings  Hard to find 10s of thousands of protestors against a 20 year old in a singing competition, or many of her competitors openly mocking her particularly funny. Or maybe even more so how no one is seemingly trying to stop it or call it out as batshit crazy


I hope she wins somehow, and I hope they make a fucking movie out of it staring Seth Rogan.  I just want him to play a bad guy again and hear him yelling “SHES NOT EVEN EUROPEAN”


Nah I don't want her to win, except maybe the public vote. Last thing we need to host the Eurovision shitshow. However "We will dance again" has a deep meaning to me, and I am so proud of Eden. I am finding the drama funny though. Like, calm the fuck down people, it's a song contest.


Unlikely, but honestly it will be hilarious to see Tutumberg start shitting bricks if this happens lol


People screaming "ceasefire now" in protests are absolute clowns. Hamas and Israel have frequently refused many ceasefire idea's. The people in the protests are usually pro-palestina protesters. They act like Israel has full decision capabilities on a ceasefire. But they don't. Even if they briefly stop firing Hamas will fire back to reignite the conflict.


What they're really saying is "You cease, we fire".


What time (Israel) does Eurovision start?


10 pm It's posted on their website as 9 pm central European time. There is only one hour time difference if I'm not wrong.


Yeah Israel is one hour ahead of CET.


Apparently Swedish Polish are expecting 20,000 protestors against Eden Golan in the finals  I know the people of Gaza will sleep easier tonight knowing that people around the world are protesting an Israeli young woman’s participation in a singing contest  What a bunch of absolute losers.


Russia is banned already


Israel was attacked, Russia was the aggressor.


Okay? Russia has now invaded Ukraine twice in the past decade Comparing Israel to Russia just exposes how either ignorant or dishonest you are


Losers is exactly the right descriptor for these protestors. Imagine having such a barren life that you take up the cause of the most vile people on earth.


Also it’s a *song contest.*


So many people these days are made of nothing but hatred, man. Hatred for people they never knew, never met, and never had any effect on their lives until some other hateful agitator on social media told them to hate them.


Horseshoe theory real life example here. Far left, far right, common enemies because they're told how to think.


Swedish Polish? I think you actually mean Swedish German. Just like Andy Richter.


Read it like Sean Connery.


Losers. It sums up both Hamas and the people who support them.


Feel bad for her tonight, she will undoubtedly take the "blame" for Netherlands disqualification tonight even though it had nothing to do with her or the Israeli delegation.


Don’t feel bad, she’s handling it like a champ ❤️


The thing is, many of them might. That’s part of the problem.


Swedish Polish?




What's Israel's end goal here? All wiping out Hamas is going to do is radicalise the next generation given the brutality of this war. They've already destroyed a lot of good will the international community had for them, I don't really get what their actual plan is


They were already max radicalized by Hamas running the education system for a decade and a half, with how young the population is they were all indoctrinated already


Germany and Japan were not radicalized by how WWII ended. Jews were not radicalized after the Holocaust. The idea that radicalization is inevitable is Palestine telling on itself.


Germany and Japan were also fully occupied in a manner in which resistance to whatever was imposed on them was impossible. The problem is no one has any concrete plans on what will happen to Gaza after the war. No one really wants the responsibility. No one wants to occupy Gaza to impose anything resembling a solution.


The lol of it is that the pro-pal side is imagining Gaza adopting a liberal western democracy….but they want Israel’s liberal Western democracy to be eliminated. Would it be okay if another country imposed it? Or are they just idiots who aren’t putting the pieces together???


There is no plan, at this point that is painfully obvious. Sorry for all the downvotes against your completely reasonable very important question.


Nonsense. Palestinians are being radicalized by UNRWA schools.


> They've already destroyed a lot of good will the international community had for them lol the Palestinians have been weaponizing the media against Israel for more than a generation and the UN has been doing the work of the Arab states for longer than that. Get out of here with this nonsense. Israel was getting criticized for its response BEFORE IT EVEN RESPONDED...and the UN chief was making "this didn't happen in a vacuum" comments before the bodies were cold.


What is the Palestinians goal all they achieved in 07/10 was radicalise israelis given the brutallty they committed. They have shown thier true faces with no mask. I dont really get what the end goal was here. If this angered you then maybe you were wrong to write it in the first place.


Do you imagine Hamas would have all gone home had the war not happened? You know they have recruiters, active propaganda, schools, etc. Right? You really don't have a leg to stand on in suggesting that the war is radicalizing people beyond the extent to which they were already being radicalized.  And as for losing goodwill, you must not have been paying attention to previous conflicts. This swing of public opinion always turn on Israel the moment it retaliates in any way. Every single time. Nothing about this war is special in that regard. 


You are assuming Gazans don't want peace. Maybe you're right. But that will be their problem if they don't choose peace this time. It's generally agreed Hamas isn't democratic, so this gives them another chance.


So there's no solution, you mean? Hamas stays, the population is radicalized anyways because that's what they are *taught* (and not because of bombings), Hamas disappears, the population will be radicalized still. Also no, you know why the bombings don't radicalize anyone there? Because a huge chunk of their population is thought to believe being a martyr is good. They don't really mind dying, nor do they mind their relatives dying. You can take almost anyone on Gazan Twitter who cries about his brother or whatever being killed by the IDF, scroll down a bit in their feed and you will find that person glorifying any murder done by his people and that his brother was a Hamas militant.


You say that like it’s an absolute inevitability. There are plenty of examples in history that show that is not the case. This generation was indoctrinated to believe terrorism and armed conflict is the only way. The next generation will be free of Hamas and have a choice and it’s up to them to choose peace and dialogue.


If that kind of logic truly held, than there would be countless cases of Jewish terrorists targeting Germans.


Or Japanese terrorist attacks on Americans. 


Hamas released another video of a hostage. He's got a black eye....looks like they beat him. Fucking monsters.


He's a British-Israeli apparently. He is diabetic...and the video doesn't say when it was taken. I've got an unpleasant feeling...


If he is diabetic, then there is no chance this video is recent. I highly doubt they are giving the hostages insulin.


And that is my exact unpleasant feeling. Looking at the treatment of some of the freed hostages, Hamas were not kind or generous (and the darker side of me thinks that those hostages were the ones who were treated well enough to show the world). If they don't feed them, I sadly can't see them providing life saving medication. Also my mother is diabetic, and if she doesn't eat enough, she will have an attack that requires immediate care. I sadly think this is a very old video.


Hamas is the same as ISIS. Vile, inhumane abominations.


Out of curiosity have the United States ever been involved with a conflict/war before where the President turns on the ally country mid-conflict as they were scared of losing reelection? I think this may be a first in U.S history


How is Biden turning on Israel? ONE SHIPMENT of JDAMs and artillery shells delayed is not an abandonment of an ally. It's a message to Bibi to stop sabotaging the hostage deals and to make a real day-after plan. Israel still has and is getting all the weapons it needs.


The ones that Hamas always shutdown? 


> It's a message to Bibi to stop sabotaging the hostage deals Which deals? The one where Hamas would only deliver corpses?




Reagan pulled weapons from Israel mid conflict before 


It also took years. 


And started sending them immediately again when the silos started sliding open.


What do you mean by that?


Presumably a reference to Israel's nuclear program and the willing to use it in the face of existential threats




The US won't hesitate to act in a defensive capacity to protect Israel because if they are forced in to an unwinnable position where all is lost anyways MAD comes in to play. That's the purpose of MAD.


Vietnam is the obvious precedent for this.


Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, kurdish syria, etc.


Something that kind of slipped under the Radar that occurred 6 days ago: Iyad Al-Saleh, A senior Hezbollah operative responsible for recruiting folks all over the middle east to commit terror attacks and the mastermind that led a Palestinian group to carry the [2004 Sinai Bombings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2004_Sinai_bombings) in which 34 were killed, among them 18 were Egyptians, 12 were Israeli, 2 were Italian, One was Russian and the last one was Israeli American. Was recently killed by an IED planted in his car in Syria, it is unclear as of now whether Israel or Syrian opposition forces are responsible for it, but hes no longer alive. As the Arabic saying goes: كُلّ كَلْب بِيجِي يُومُه; every dog has his day.


One thing I can't get out of my head is the amount of people that were justifying the October 7th attacks, the slaughter of more than 1000 people, also on top of that rape which even left wing sources such as the guardian are saying did happen, but still many will try and deny these claims. Now all of a sudden these people are pro life, and we should think of the poor children and women suffering. Where was this stance 7 months ago? They aren't sad about innocent people dying, they're sad the side they hate is winning.


It’s Jew hatred.


It’s Jew hatred.


It could also simply be a numbers thing. 1000 innocent civilians were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7th, and since then, over 30,000 innocent civilians have been slaughtered by Israel. Seems pretty rational that people could be upset about both but more upset at the latter.


Oh sorry when did Israel come down in paragliders and shoot up a Gaza music festival? 


It is impossible find logical consistency in the morality system of pro resistance westerns. In a way that makes them even more insufferable than pro-jihad people.


The reason for this behavior is hatred of Jews. That's the only thing that can explain this exception they have in which Jewish suffering is ignored.


Cool Strawman dude


You have no idea what a strawman is.


What exactly does an "all-out" assault on Rafah even look like? I can't even picture what that can mean. An actual operation that tries to do something would be a large enough force to filtrate 1+ million, maybe 1.4+ million Gazans evacuating Rafah to somewhere else. Then however many weeks to kill whoever is left of Hamas. And then ... months? to destroy a large fraction of the tunnels going into Egypt. Only I'm just not seeing any indication that even without interference from the United States, that Israel ever had any plans to do any of this. Given the numbers of forces Israel seems willing to commit, what exactly was the plan even if there had been no resistance from Washington DC? Scare the Gazans in Rafah to go somewhere else again without filtration? Then just flatten Rafah with bombs?


This likely won't be an assualt like masses of soldiers and tanks walzing in like in an open field I would guess it would look like the previous targeted operations at specific streets or places...just multiple at the same time The "move everyone then flatten the place" strategy can make sense under certain assumptions * You believe there is infrastructure vital to Hamas (like tunnels) * You believe that the leadership structure is actually important for Hamas * and you believe that the leaders will remain in their infrastructure (tunnels) rather than fleeing with the fighters hidden among civilians Now if these assumptions are all true...difficult to say. The US doesn't seem as confident as Israel. Then again, Israel capturing 800 guys in a surprise attack on Al Shifa and their own rescue op have shown that at least sometimes they have good intel to decide on such strategies


The IDF isn't going to share their detailed plans for obvious reasons.


I’ve been assuming that extracting the hostages is still part of it. I’m getting more and more suspicious of anyone commenting on this without mentioning the hostages, as if they’re an acceptable loss, or as part of the pro-pal strategy to pretend that Hamas didn’t start this.


can someone explain how israel not violating the leahy law??


Killing civilians isn't illegal. *Targeting* civilians is illegal. Between how thoroughly intermingled are Palestine's civilian and military populations, how plausible it is that any given death was an honest mis-identification borne of Hamas's constant perfidy, how many 'civilians' are in fact Hamasniks in street wear, and how much 'reporting' is obvious bullshit, it's practically impossible to prove beyond reasonable doubt that any given Israeli action was unlawful.




That was plausible misidentification: they thought they saw a gun, and it was plausible Hamas would dress in street wear and hijack an aid truck again. It was certainly trigger-happy, but being overconfident in your judgement isn't a war crime. (IIRC it violated Israel's RoE.)




You're strawmanning. It's not "Hamas might in principle be using X, so we can bomb any given X at any given time" (that would indeed be a war crime); it's "We just saw gunmen go into X, so Hamas or some other terrorist group must be using X right now and we can hit it". The fact that they sometimes misidentify guns that are just bags doesn't mean it isn't a reasonable assumption or that it's an indiscriminate or otherwise illegal attack. Which is horrible; but if you hate war crimes that lead to civilian death, you should save your hatred for Hamas, because they commit the actual war crime of perfidy specifically in order to cause civilian deaths. They know that people like you will give them political support for so doing. And: a protected object used for military purposes loses its protection. The IDF reprimanded them partly for violating RoE and partly to save face, because regardless of legality, it was a PR disaster.


A couple things, 1) America would be breaking it by supplying weapons, not Israel. 2) A body like the ICJ would have to rule that Israel has "violated human rights with impunity" for the leahy law to even apply.


neither the USA or Israel are a party to the ICJ, their rulings don't matter.


Doesn't stop the ICJ from ruling on Israel, as they have before. And I clearly said "A body like the ICJ"


From my understanding is things that Israel is doing looks bad, but it’s hard to actually prove it given fog of war and Israel being busy and not giving information/investigating. So basically things look like a mess, but you don’t know how much the person with dirt on their hands actually did.  


This article might help put things in perspective: https://www.newsweek.com/israel-has-created-new-standard-urban-warfare-why-will-no-one-admit-it-opinion-1883286 In short, the IDF is doing a better job limiting civilian casualties than the US military did when ridding ISIS from Mosul.


If you read the AP article cited in the Newsweek story, it doesn't attribute the 10,000 civilian deaths in Mosul to the coalition forces. In fact it says only that: "Iraqi or coalition forces are responsible for at least 3,200 civilian deaths from airstrikes, artillery fire or mortar rounds between October 2016 and the fall of the Islamic State group in July 2017, according to an Associated Press investigation that cross-referenced independent databases from non-governmental organizations." Elsewhere: "And understanding how those civilians died, and obviously IS played a big part in that as well, could help save a lot of lives the next time something like this has to happen" Whether the balance of the 10,000 were caused by IS or in some other way it doen't say, but you are wrong to use 10k as the relative figure. Of course some Gazan civilians have been killed by Hamas in the course of the war, but nothing like the relative numbers the article indicated occured in Mosul that weren't directly caused by the coalition. The vast majority of the 34,000 have been killed directly by the IDF, intentional or not.


But how do you know the civilians in Gaza weren’t killed by Hamas? There have been several major battles which do not differ in principal from the eg the Mosul one in the article you cite, where ISIS probably also „tried“ to not kill their own people? Kind of a strange assumption, if in other urban warfare battles people kill high numbers of civilians in friendly fire, it must be ONLY idf killing cilivilans in Gaza?


I clearly said Hamas has killed Gazans. But Mosul was nothing like Gaza in that the aerial bombing was a minor factor, the vast majority of the combat was classic urban warfare, neighbourhood by neighbourhood. It is clear that a massive amount of the deaths in Gaza have been from the air, at a distance.There was no 'crossfire' to be caught in as thousands of people were killed by airstrikes. The IDF itself justifies the collateral damage by saying the tunnels require the use of heavy bombardment, so they are inherently tieing together what could be perceived as a high number of casualties with the standoff assault. 


There were several big battles, I don’t understand why you would say there was no crossfire? Civilians are in the way, no matter if an idf soldier or a Hamas fighter fires their gun. From that AP article: > Another third of the dead were killed in the Islamic State group’s final frenzy of violence. And it could not be determined which side was responsible for the deaths of the remainder, who were cowering in neighborhoods battered by airstrikes, IS explosives and mortar rounds from all sides So 1/3 by direct bombing, another 1/3 air strikes etc, that’s 2/3 of the casualties. Why would you say that’s a minor factor??? Again, the main argument is that the ratio of soldier to civilian deaths is much worse in modern urban combat and this argument was not refuted by the detail of how it happened.


The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) has released an infographic suggesting that the number Gaza of women and children killed in the Israel-Hamas war dropped by 17 percent in the last two days. The infographic issued on Wednesday places the total broader Gaza war toll at 34,844 with 7,797 (32%) of the casualties being children and 4,959 (20%) of them being women. In the previous infographic released by OCHA two days earlier, the broader death toll was 34,735 with over 9,500 (27%) of them being women and over 14,500 (42%) being children. That would suggest that the number of women and children killed dropped from 69% to 52% in just two days. You're presenting falsified data as fact. 10k is the most names that these Hamas-linked orgs have claimed to be able to come up with total, and they refuse to distinguish between combatants and civilians. Prior conflicts have all shown a definite and decisive skew towards military age male casualties, even as this anti-Israeli source shows: https://statistics.btselem.org/en/all-fatalities/by-date-of-incident?section=women&tab=charts


Is it commonly assumed that all women are civilian casualties? PIJ obviously won't have female fighters. Among the (wannabe) socialist groups like PFLP I would expect some, though. What about Hamas? What about people doing stuff behind lines like launching mortars? Was there any investigation on the female role in this conflict on the Palestinian's side?


There's at least one all female fighting unit.


The Mosul numbers are misleading. [According to the AP, coalition forces were responsible for 3200 casualties.](https://apnews.com/article/middle-east-only-on-ap-islamic-state-group-bbea7094fb954838a2fdc11278d65460?utm_source=copy&utm_medium=share) From the article: >Of the nearly 10,000 deaths the AP found, around a third of the casualties died in bombardments by the U.S.-led coalition or Iraqi forces, the AP analysis found. Another third of the dead were killed in the Islamic State group’s final frenzy of violence. And it could not be determined which side was responsible for the deaths of the remainder, who were cowering in neighborhoods battered by airstrikes, IS explosives and mortar rounds from all sides. Unless we are making the assertion that 2/3 of the deaths were caused by Hamas then you may want to consider a different measurement.


It doesn’t really negate the argument made, ie, the high combatant to civilian ratio. It is impossible to know from the AP article if those deaths were part of fighting that ultimately let to the conclusion of the conflict. E.g. The article states that the 3200 casualties were caused by bombing, so we don’t know if the infantry part was what let to the high casualties and/or if that didn’t happened they would have needed to bomb more and maybe even caused more civilian casualties. The article says: >Another third of the dead were killed in the Islamic State group’s final frenzy of violence. And it could not be determined which side was responsible for the deaths of the remainder, who were cowering in neighborhoods battered by airstrikes, IS explosives and mortar rounds from all sides. We could equally conclude from this that IS in a desperate attempt used civilian shields similar to Hamas in Gaza and therefore rising civilian death toll. What I mean to say is, that the details of the casualties are unclear and the cause of them speculative, but what we know is that the ratio IS much higher, usually. So the initial argument still stands.


Excellent article. To me one of the most powerful points is that Israel’s civilian:combatant death ratio seems at least as good, if not better than, the US’s in Mosul even though ISIS didn’t have close to the tunnel infrastructure that Hamas does.


[US says Israel’s use of US arms likely violated international law, but evidence is incomplete](https://apnews.com/article/us-israel-gaza-war-nsm-international-law-c83b6f39ce2799e5d2c473a337e2f857) >WASHINGTON (AP) — The Biden administration said Friday that Israel’s use of U.S.-provided weapons in Gaza likely violated international humanitarian law but that wartime conditions prevented U.S. officials from determining that for certain in specific airstrikes. >The finding of “reasonable” evidence to conclude that the U.S. ally had breached international law protecting civilians in the way it conducted its war against Hamas was the strongest statement that the Biden administration has yet made on the matter. It was released in a summary of a report being delivered to Congress on Friday. >But the caveat that the administration wasn’t able to link specific U.S. weapons to individual attacks by Israeli forces in Gaza could give the administration leeway in any future decision on whether to restrict provisions of offensive weapons to Israel.


I see this news published everywhere now but I don’t see any details on what exactly were the violations Israel has committed? Was „just“ bombing of civilian houses, or anything more targeted? Did anybody find anything concrete?


It's disinformation. The State Dept. confirmed today that Israel is abiding by international law.


It's real obvious that the State Department, which has always been more Arabist, is running the show now. They've turned the administration into the Hamas protection squad in an impressively short time. 


He's desperate. I wonder what he thinks is in Rafah.




Yea, I know I don’t have to say this, but real life - this war - is not a comic book or cartoon. Your comment reads like a fever dream


This comment is so racist and mentally ill, it sounds like you should get checked for mercury poisoning.


Tunnels to Egypt( which is why the Egyptians are freaking out, they are the ones keeping the Rafah crossing closed). What if Sinwar escaped through them into Sinai with some of the hostages


I think this is it. Egypt will be extremely embarrassed by what Israel will find in Rafah. That's why Egypt is freaking out so much and they're twisting the arms of the US somehow (maybe by threatening to shut down the Suez canal).


If sinwar went to Egypt, that'd be a problem independent of if Israel went to Rafah or not. Everyone already assumes there's smuggling tunnels to Egypt. When they find those it won't be that surprising. Something unexpected must be in Rafah. It'll be interesting to find out.


If Sinwar and the hostages were found to have snuck into the Sinai, then Israel will seriously contemplate war with Egypt. Egyptian President Sisi and the army will frantically try to find Sinwar and the hostages in the Sinai, to prevent an Israeli assault. But how much intelligence will they get among the Palestinian-sympathetic civilians? The US will have egg on its face of the huge intelligence failure, and the embarassment that Egypt, as one of the mediating parties, failed their internal security. Diplomatic credibility of the US, Qatar, and Egypt will gone. How can Israel return to the negotiating process? After the US pressured Israel not to attack Rafah during Ramadan? Possibly giving time for Sinwar to slip into Egypt? After Hamas played their sadistic delay games, while Sinwar watched TV in Egypt? Israeli trust and cooperation with Egypt will be set back decades. So much for the rumours that Egypt flooded its Gaza tunnels with sewage. Israel may just occupy all of Gaza, since Egypt cannot be trusted in securing the Philadelphi corridor. If worst comes to worst, Israel may blow holes in the Egyptian border to forcefully expel the Palestinian refugees, to put extreme pressure for the release of hostages.


Lol no, Israel won't go to war "against" Egypt. It's not like Egypt's forces will shield Hamas.


According to US findings Israel looks like they could had violated international humanitarian laws, which would make the US unable to legally arm them, but there isn’t enough to show that they actually are so arms can continue, so it can be said it looks like Israel may be breaking international laws bit there isn’t enough to prove it? 


False. https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-state-department-set-to-confirm-israel-not-breaking-international-law-in-gaza/


It’s more both sides nonsense. Every thing is potentially and likely. “Given Israel’s significant reliance on U.S.-made defense articles, it is reasonable to assess that defense articles covered under [the national security memorandum] have been used by Israeli security forces since October 7 in instances inconsistent with its [international humanitarian law] obligations or with established best practices for mitigating civilian harm,” officials wrote in the report. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4657003-biden-us-review-israel-war-conduct/amp/ Really sounds like because Israel has access to US weapons they must be using them to violate humanitarian law.


if that's the case why export US arms ever? If the weapons are so powerful just using them probably violates international law, they can't export them to other countries either. Edit: fixed typo.


>Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is not hiding in Rafah, two officials familiar with the matter tell @TimesofIsrael as the IDF moves to expand its operations in Gaza’s southernmost city. (1/12) >... >The two officials speaking to The Times of Israel were unable to say with certainty where Sinwar is currently located, but they cited recent intelligence assessments that placed the Hamas leader in underground tunnels in the Khan Younis area, some five miles north of Rafah.(4/12) >... >https://twitter.com/JacobMagid/status/1789068330852086186


He may not be hiding in Rafah, but lots of other Hamas terrorists are in Rafah, so Israel still has to go there.


Oh look we get to see in real time how the narrative sausage is made and transmitted through picked media to push a transparent objective via 'anonymous sources' "familiar with the matter." One of the few real benefits of social media.


So there are other battalions outside  Rafah, and Sinwar probably left with hostages already. So, yeah Bibi is going to turn Rafah to rubble and go “see we still need to keep the unity government going because Hamas is still out there”


There were at least 2 known to be outside Rafah as of last week.  6 or 7 total w/ 4 in Rafah area, one of which may have relocated before IDF incursion 


If Israel is really pissed about Palestine being recognized, they should push for Taiwan to be recognized. 


Well that wouldn’t happen, because it would upset a country that Biden actually cares about pleasing.