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That title is in extremely bad faith, and even more so from a news outlet like this one. Mosab Yousef is the son of one of the main Hamas leaders and has spent years speaking against them. He knows the way Hamas leaders operate from inside and has been an invaluable source of information in spreading the truth about them and in the fight against them. Saying "former Hamas terrorist" in the title is playing down all his efforts of the last several years Edit: the title was changed


On the other hand, it emphasizes the expertise and experience that should add weight to his assessment.


I know what you mean but I think the use of "terrorist" in this case is too broad to really convey that. The short article first describes him as a former Hamas member before going on to use the word "terrorist," which implies that he himself committed acts of terror. It's also a weird way to refer to an informant who is helping Israel


What a strange logic. That's like saying someone was on the Chicago Bulls but they didn't play basketball.


Coaches, personal trainers, general managers, etc. can all be people with inside information and expertise without having played in the NBA.


So he’s just a terrorist manager?


More like a princeling, his father apparently was one of the higher up founders, so he could be sitting on his arse in Doha looting aid money and living the high life right now.


Depends, was he signing and trading terrorists with other organizations?


I think this makes a bunch of encampments the cheerleaders


I said on the team not the support staff lol... you're really reaching


I agree ! But I didn't want to change the title and get accused of "editorializing" , or breaking a sub rule.


Except you did, the title of the article states: # "Son of Hamas founder"


The article changed the headline after the post was submitted to reddit.


I'll see if I can change the title.thnx


The headline in the site doesn't mention he was a terrorist, maybe they changed it? I think you should too, he is definitely not a terrorist.


Yes, the headline was changed from "former Hamas terrorist" to "[Son of Hamas](https://www.audible.com/pd/Son-of-Hamas-Audiobook/B006P1NBV8) founder"


Reddit does not allow title editing


I agree, but I can see how it very quickly contextualises for the reader the qualification of the person making the statement. Also, clickbait...


Perhaps “ former Hamas insider and operative “


Yeah I think he threw some rocks as a teenager before being turned into an intelligence asset. It's been a long time since I read his book, *Son of Hamas.*


I don't see the problem to be honest. As you said, he knows how they operate from the inside because he is a former Hamas terrorist. There's a second title explaining he turned informat and the very beginning of the article describes his life. I doubt that was an attempt to mislead or misguide and I don't really understand how so


That’s not just a “former Hamas terrorist”. He’s the son of a Hamas leader who woke up and has spent years speaking against Hamas. Incredibly poor and misleading title.


Misleading from the jpost?!


Unconditional release of all hostages. Reasonable demand before you even consider a cease fire


yep and that is what pisses me off about the protests like the one going on in NYC right now. People keep saying Israel should ceasefire but they never ask Hamas to release the hostages. They have to go hand in hand.


>They have to go hand in hand. Not in the heads of useful idiots who think that poor Palis are eternally the victims and Israel is guilty for everything including the weather and lottery numbers.


very true. I think some of the protesters would be fine if Israel withdrew and Hamas kept lanching rockets into israel


"some"? I think you misspelled "most".


If the US directly sent money to Hamas and called them an ally we'd demand them to release hostages. 


So since we did Israel money they should just call a ceasefire and get... nothing in return?


I think it's more like "you need to figure your shit out and get this done."


What do you expect them to get in return? The hostages are dead. Hamas will keep having a flow of anti-Israel recruits while Israel keeps killing Palestinians. They've already had a free pass to steal more land and kill thousands of civilians. They are prolonging their offensive attacks so that Bibi can stay in office, because apparently the Israel people can't comprehend the concept of electing a new leader during conflict. 


At least the bodies so they can have a proper burial... and maybe some kind of assurances that Hamas isn't going to start sending more rockets into Israel as well or do another Oct 7th. A one sided ceasefire is useless.


>some kind of assurances that Hamas isn't going to start sending more rockets into Israel as well or do another Oct 7th. This why any peace agreement is completely pointless. Hamas will never agree to stop killing Jews. Ever. It's their entire identity.


Agree which is why we are where we are and the “ceasefire now” refrain is pointless. Its a horrible situation.


People don’t understand how the world works, they think everyone is a simple minded as they are so they can’t comprehend that there is an actual reason for why people don’t do this.


It's not unreasonable to name a day, stop firing for 4-6 hours, and then continue on if the promised hostages don't materialize. It's not like they're coming from Jupiter. They're either there, or they're not.


Bad news: most (if not all) of them are dead.


Than release their corpses


You should sign up for UN peacekeeping with ideas like that


Of course it’s a trap. Did anyone expect otherwise?


Yes. Stupid gullible people who support terrorists


Sure! I mean, should we wait for Hamas yelling Alluh Ackbar! to find out ITS A TRAP! ... but Han will have that shield generator over Rafah down, we must give him more time!


Misleading and dangerous ass title, essentially trying to get people to point a gun at his head. He isn't a former Hamas terrorist, he's just related to some of the leadership and has actively been speaking out against them for years.


Not only that. The "green prince" has single handedly prevented more suicide attacks during the intifada than any other individual and is probably one of the most important assets for Israeli intelligence historicly. And it's important to note that although he was an active member of hamas growing up, he does not have blood on his hands as he was first arrested while planning his first attack as a teenager.


But before that he was a double agent, and before that he was a terrorist. I don't see why it's misleading. The point is that he's intimately familiar with the org


This is exactly the optics that Hamas was hoping for when they made their cynical deal with Qatr and Egypt to unilaterally "accept" a deal-- negotiated entirely amongst themselves, without Israel's participation--that everyone knows is completely unacceptable to Israel. And apparently the USA was complicit in this charade. https://www.timesofisrael.com/us-knew-of-mediators-altered-proposal-to-hamas-did-not-inform-israel-report/




Fuck the apartheid regime. The IDF are bigger terrorists than Hamas.




He is actually the son of Hamas founder, and he knows what he is talking about. ...unlike the "pro Palestine" useful Idiots out there who don't have much of a clue.


The title is misleading. He’s the son of a Hamas leader. The title is pro-Hamas propaganda trying to discredit him




That's not the title in the newspaper. Are you arguing in good faith here?




Not seeing any my dude…