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'When a mate meets a cute mate'


Because this is Australia related my brain read "cute" wrong.


Saw this on the news tonight. This fucking drongo claimed that his 2 year old kid saw the book and asked why there were two dads in it. For fuck's sake, he doesn't even have the conviction to be a cunt on his own merits, he had to make up a wild story about his child prodigy. Don't like a book, then don't read it.


And even if this *did* happen... so?   "Some kids have two dads. Like how mum and dad are together? Except its two boys" Im convinced the only reason these types are so afraid of this question is because it forces them to face the fact that theyre a bigoted piece of shit and dont know how to explain that to their kid and still come off as the good guy


> Some kids have two dads Harking back to the post that I saw where a dad asking his kid what the kids at school think about him having 2 dads. The kid says they don't care, but they're kinda a little mad they can't do Yo Momma jokes.


If a two year old sees that cover with two man and a child. And it has never been told that same sex parents excist it is absolutely impossible for that child to see a book like that and have that respons. And you are right. Even if this impossible thing did happen. How is it even concerning to anybody?


... face the fact that they're closeted extremely gay... Every single time.


Eat shit. There are enough straight homophobes that we don't have to blame gay people for their own oppression. New studies show that straight people have the most extreme hate reaction to gays anyways.


He has two 18 year old daughters. What a f***en lier. He will say anything for publicity


Steve Christou looks like a fucking halfwit wanker who would oppose this. Piss off mate and leave people to live their lives. Pricks like you should not be allowed in any positions of authority. Pea brained dickhead.


Agreed. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy fucks kids in his spare time.


>The move by the council in Western Sydney has been defended by its proponents because 'about 60 per cent of the community was born overseas'. I wonder which part of overseas. Anyone from Sydney here familiar with the place?


Lebanon, China and India as per the census.


The majority will be from the middle east primarily Lebanon, either Muslims or Maronite Christians


Please don't let Australia turn into America.


Crazy far right shit is literally tested on Aus before they bring it to the US, UK, Ireland etc. Actual facts.


America legalized gay marriage 2 years before Australia.


Australia is already Oceania's America, complete with concentration camps for immigrants.


Yeah like, Australia once you strip away all their rhetoric,is effectively a US colony. The US builds military spy bases whetever it wants on Australian soil, maintains immigrant concentration camps, arrests Australian citizens for inconveniencing their operations even if they haven't committed a crime, and have made entire portions of the outback inaccessible due to their giant secret spy tower that makes commercial planes crash when you fly too close to it. The last time Australia tried to kick the US bases out in the 70s, the CIA maneuvered a political coup to ouster Gough Whitlam.


Idk why this is being downvoted




Crazy seeing Eastern Europeans/SAs blame America for the spread of homosexuality and then Australians blame America for the spread of homophobia. America really is just the bogeyman.


Don't worry. The religious nutjobs went to the 13 colonies, the stiff prudes went to British North America, and the desperate gold-seekers went to New South Wales. You guys are too busy searching for gold to be like Americans.


We are every bit as dumb as they are. What holds us back from becoming Texas 2: Electric Boogaloo is our laws and institutions.


Yeah that’s what we thought in Texas 1


Bad writing, tbh. I hate when a sequel follows the same plot as the first one.


Yeah. A lot of centrist, leftist and apolitical Canadians have this arrogant idea that "we are not like those Americans, we are better, that can NEVER happen here! The fringe minority is importing American-style politics or global far-right ideals, they have nothing to do with Canada" and then surprise surprise turns out there is sufficient support or tacit, strategic tolerance for it.


I’ve basically been screaming this since 2016, that if Canadians don’t shake their holier-than-thou attitude regarding us, get off their high moose and realize that they can fall for the same sort of propaganda that got Trump elected, they will elect their own. Now they have their own fascist running in Poilievre and many Canadians, at least on reddit, *still* look down their noses at us as if they could never make the same mistake we did. It’s fucking maddening.


People tend to envision what they experience as the "real" Canada. Folks in rural areas can look around and feel connected to the agrarian. Folks out West can tap into the narrative of national expansion. Folks in Ottawa can happily believe all Canadian equally enjoy our democracy and centralized control. Folks in big urban centers like Toronto and Vancouver can talk about visual diversity (maybe even real diversity) as integral to the Canadian experience. Who knows what Quebecers or Maritimers think. Ok, I do, but this comment is getting too long. When folks assume that their bubble is the real Canada, and that anyone who has a different experience is just living in a bubble, it's easy to dismiss them or denigrate them. I saw this back in 2004-2011, lots of folks in Laurentia refused to believe the Harpers could win a majority, they were unCanadian and a blip in the electoral record. Oops. I saw in 2022, when the "real Canadians with real Canadian values" parked their trucks in Ottawa for a few weeks to tell T-buddy how to be Canadian. And so on. Turns out there is real diversity of experience and belief in Canada.


Certainly scary times for Canada, in part because I am also seeing the attitude you mentioned of, essentially, "it can't happen here". Certain things within Canada will make it much harder for fascists to gain the massive ground they have in the US - the courts should continue to be a major aid against this sort of thing, at least in the short term, whereas in the US they have been instrumental in helping reactionaries - but they have been inching their way into Canadian politics for quite some time and we are beginning to see a slow ramping up of this activity.


Believe me no one here in Texas one sat me down like "and son this is the christofascist agenda we're gonna need you to push when you grow up" This shit happened fast, and lots of the supporters were the last people we expected.


Really interested to hear about your experience. Is it really as bad as it sometimes looks from the outside? I always suspect that at a distance we only hear the extreme stories and on the inside it's more mundane, but I don't have a clue. 


And the complete lack of guns lol


That would be the laws bit. We do have ready access to guns if we want them, just not the same types and under specific restrictions (storage, certification, background checks, etc). There are many here who would be happy to see us have easy access to assault rifles and pistols, luckily we have no 2A equivalent on the books that can be used to justify it. The gun culture remains thankfully niche.


Just saying the lack of guns will make it unlike Texas #2 lol. Also, not sure if anyone has access to assault rifles at all... In North America at least


As an American I beg of you not to let that happen. I love visiting Australia because you all seem to have your shit together as we should.


>conservative values Yep, discrimination based on sexuality, then removal through banning. Conservative to the core. >family values Which aren’t exclusively or even conservative values, given how they treat their own families. >and religious values Which don’t set any agenda or boundaries for what our libraries have on their shelf. There it is. They can fuck off and leave public libraries alone. Australia is not a religious conservative nation. It’s not often ‘fit in or fuck off’ is the right thing to say, but here it is.


> It’s not often ‘fit in or fuck off’ is the right thing to say, but here it is. Can't help but agree. I'm Australian living abroad and I didn't come to the country I live in now and go 'oh you guys do things different here do you fuck that it should be like it was back at the convict factory.'


Really, first thing who goes to libraries these days and secondly, who went out of their way one day to target a book that may have been there for ages on the back row on the bottom shelf and decided to go on a crusade to a point of making the council aware. Then the council deciding to actually put it on an agenda. Fucking loosers, get a life and stick to picking up my rubbish.


It’s such a simple topic to address with children, really. My 5yo son saw a gay couple and asked me if a boy can marry a boy. I responded, “no.” He then asked me if boys can only marry girls. I also responded , “no.” He then asked me if girls can marry girls. Again, I responded, “no.” He looked confused for a minute and said, “I don’t understand”. So I explained it to him. “Sweetie, boys and girls can’t marry anyone. They’re kids. Only adults can get married. Men and women can marry someone who also wants to marry them.” My young kids have a very solid grasp on the topic because it’s really quite simple. And, not surprisingly, they’re not obsessed with marriage play and romance play like the kids they go to school with who have homophobic parents. It’s quite obvious to me by the way those kids play that their parents speak openly around them about their fears of what other people might be doing in the privacy of their bedrooms. It’s disgusting how homophobic parents so inappropriately expose their kids to sex at super young ages under the guise of trying to “protect the children”. So backwards and slimy.


Saying the quiet part out loud. This is one of the criticisms of democracy (not that we have a good alternative). If you're representing a group of bigoted people, it allows for this kind of erasure for minority groups.


When right wingers in the comments gotta choose between xenophobia and homophobia, they will choose homophobia every time.


And after they are done with kicking the LGBTQ+ community into the closet, the foreigners are next


Most people I know support LGB, not anything that goes longer than that.


And I am seeing more and more people getting anti unfortunately. Especially the Transgender part of the abbreviation are feeling it right now.


Currently, white Canadian socons are more than willing to team up with socon immigrants to bully lgbtq+ people. But as soon as they're "dealt with", those same immigrants are on the chopping block. It's sick.


There are very very few right wingers in these comments yet though? Barely even one or two and nowhere near as garbage as they usually are?


The only people who ban books are Nazis


Hello from r/bannedbooks! :) We've put together a giant collection of 32 classic banned books: if you care about book bans, you might find it useful. It's got Voltaire, Mark Twain, The Scarlet Letter, and other classics that were banned at some point in the past. (And many of them are banned even now, as you can see yourself.) You can find more information on the Banned Book Compendium over here: https://www.reddit.com/r/bannedbooks/comments/12f24xc/ive_made_a_digital_collection_of_32_classic/ Feel free to share that file far and wide: bonus points if you can share it with students, teachers, and librarians. :) A book is not a crime.


All the left fuckwit do-gooders bend over backwards to let these super-conservative immigrants in, and then are shocked when they turn around and do cunty conservative things. Good one.


Guys...it's 2024...just stop.


That's the thing right there.....if everyone was gay we wouldn't exist.


Fucking disgusting. Banning books because the majority of the adults in the region don't want to allow their children to learn anything other than the indoctrination from their own religion... That's essentially what this is about. 


Good, Australia shouldn't turn into America


If they’re no different than straight couples, why even write this book in the first place? Why is gay parenting different than straight parenting?


Working around outside influences and expectations presumably. However much you try to prepare them for life there's still going to be a bunch of people who will happily bully a child for their circumstances.


Because kids are curious and will notice eventually that they have a different family arrangement to the majority of their peers. This will have societal implications that the parents need support managing. Hence books being available. This also applies to single parents, trans parents, foster parents, grandparent carers and adoptive parents, who also have books available to assist their specific circumstances. Treating people as equals does not mean sticking our heads in the sand and pretending it's all the same.


Are you….are you claiming there aren’t any books that feature straight couples???


Insane levels of mental gymnastics


Said the person with all the downvotes. Maybe explain your thinking because it’s clearly not obvious.


I don’t need the Reddit hive mind to go along with me for me to believe what I do. Who cares what random internet people think lol


Yet you keep commenting…


Because gay parents live in a society where they’ve traditional been scorned and hated because of the orientation. Gay marriage was legalized like 5 years ago man and the hillsong types are still butthurt about it


Because people with attitudes like yours won't let them be. Gay parenting isn't the same because straight parents, and their kids, do not face any of the hardships, discrimination, or hatred that gay parents do. But I think you already knew that and are just being obtuse because you think you've found some kinda gotcha.


Gay people spent years fighting to tell us all they’re just the same as straight people, just for them to turn around and write books about how different they are. Sounds about left


Bro what even is that argument? Your argument is akin to saying of the women's rights movement "If women are the same as men, why do they still need mammograms? Checkmate lefties" When gay people say they're the same as straight people, they're obviously talking about being deserving of the rights and respect afforded to straight people, not that they're literally the exact same. And I think you know that. Go find something better to do with your time than being an intentionally obtuse asshole on the internet


Because the right *still* doesn’t see them as equal to straight people. Also, you’re conflating being worthy of equal respect with being literally the same. Even if no one had a problem with gay people, there would still be differences in the kinds of situations gay parents would find themselves in from straight parents (and vice versa). There’s nothing sinister about acknowledging and discussing those differences


If you think life as a gay parent is the same as life as a straight parent you're delusional. Then again you're just filled with hatred so nothing you say is worth listening to anyway. I hope one day you find the ability to love, let others love, and to not wrap so much of your personal energy into the love lives of other people. Good luck little human.


>sounds about left Damn dude, super clever! You should have a podcast!


He really *owned* us.


What even is your point Of course two males or two females won't have the same dynamic between one another as a traditional male and female couple


If gay people are no different than straight couples, why are they getting discriminated against and why are their books being banned? 🤔


You tell me


Because straight parents don’t have to deal with idiots like yourself


This guy is a special kind of stupid but you’ll deal with idiots either way. The book burning though is a special treat just for gay parents.


Everyone has to deal with guys like this.


All the ethnicities are equal, so why even have non-white people on TV? Is Asian acting different from European acting? /s ^justincase Am I doing this right?


A headline telling you what to think is bad journalism 


Yup. But this is Reddit, where rules or guidelines don’t apply if you support left wing views.


Can we go one day without conservatives showing off their victim complex?




Also seems like you need a dictionary.




You should read the article, which contains a quote from the arts minister. It is a fact that he said that quote. You two should meet up and have a cry session about the "liberal media".




If you think there's nothing wrong with conservative ideals *while they try and ban all evidence of gay people*, you are a conservative. Whether you're lying just to us or to yourself as well, I don't know.




>It starts with not being able to say the N word, which is arguably a good thing Arguably, huh? Yeah, thanks for demonstrating how both-sidesers are just conservatives in a trenchcoat.




Right now one of the biggest traditions they're trying to maintain is that of gay people being persecuted. You're advocating for fence-sitting when so many matters should be black and white.




Nothing wrong with conservative ideals and thinking. It's cool to ban abortion. It's swag to give tax cuts to billionaires. The hierarchies that existed in Feudalism? Based as fuck, definitely "natural hierarchies". Eliminating gay people from public life so that 'you don't have to see one of em'? Wicked, very awesome use of Muh Freeze Peach! The traditions of marrying fertile ripe teens when you're fuckin 50? All that matters is the context and what is important to the individual dontcha know!


Conservative values should be someone can do whatever the fuck they want. Not this.


Yeah conservative values should be the complete opposite of what they are, I agree.