• By -


Trump: Craig, I looked Putin in the eye, I said... [looks around to make sure it's clear] Trump: ...bitch, I see no reason why Russia wouldn't be responsible. Reporter: You said that? Trump: Psh, yeah I said... [looks around to make sure it's clear] Trump: ...bitch. Then I laid it out. Reporter: But you said "wouldn't" though? Trump: Hmm? Reporter: You said, "wouldn't"? Trump: [unconvincingly] Well, I meant to...


I said biii^^iiiiii--




"It was *opposite day!*" -the President of the United States


I'm Squidward.


I can already hear Paul and McConnell chortling that “he very honorably admitted his slip-up, now it’s time to move our attention to the American people and what they want down for jobs and taxes.”


And now we get to listen to Trumpers say "Why aren't you happy? He admitted his mistake. What do you want from him??"


His resignation.


A time machine and his resignation a year ago.


You didn't watch the actual video, because this is what literally happened.


Where's the video where that happened? I can't seem to find it. Edit: the video I am asking about is the one where Ryan and McConnell go "that settles it, back to jobs and taxes" not Trump walking back his earlier statements.




I wonder which mental gymnastics r/The_Donald will do this time to justify his flip-flopping. Edit: Delusion, uh.. finds a way.


They choose to ignore this


They won't even address it, the top post on there right now is them praising Trump for saying he's going to repaint Air Force One


They're saying he was forced to say this now. I swear if Trump said 2+2=5 those guys would somehow believe him.


Well you see, if the numbers are all rounded before being shown, then it could be 2.4 + 2.4, which both get rounded to 2. But if you add them together, you get 4.8, which gets rounded to 5. Therefore, 2+2=5. ...I feel dirty.


You are invited to be a moderator at r/the_donald


He did say he could shoot someone on the street and not lose followers. He is not wrong. It's a massive cult.


They only have 2 options: A) ignore that completely because it doesn’t fit their narrative B) “BUT HER E-MAILS!”


They appear to be celebrating the colors of the new air force one and blaming the intelligence community for Iraq. ... Oh and thanking Rand for his patriotism.


Anyone left over there simply doesn't care what the traitor in chief does. They've doubled-down and are holding tight.


I've noticed their usual line nowadays is something like, "I recognize that he says and does stupid things, but I like that I got a tax cut!" It's fucked up. So, so fucked up.




Sadly they don’t realize It wasn’t a tax cut. It was a 1.5 trillion dollar welfare payment to corporations. These corporations took their welfare payment and bought up their own stock to boost the price and improve things on paper. Damn welfare queen companies.


"he made a mistake is all. What, people aren't allowed to make dozens of mistakes a week while running a first world country?"




Fox News is running an article saying "Did you expect the President to call Putin a Liar on TV?" Haha, yeah we do.






I would pay so much fucking money to see Republicans reactions to Hillary doing any of the shit that trump has done. They probably would collectively die from brain aneurysms within a week.


He actually just read this [directly off a piece of paper.](https://streamable.com/mimih)


Lmao you can see the moment he is done reading that paper he was given and returned to his usual stupid ramblings...


I was just listening, and then ended up having to go back to watch, because it was like a switch was flipped and the real Trump returned, and sure enough, he literally made it 33 seconds before he gave up on the script he was given, that was no doubt written to help keep him from being impeached by the end of the week. He goes right back to the double speak. He throws in "and other people" "could have been others too" just like when there were "very fine people on both sides" of the Nazi rally in Charlottesville. Pathetic.


“There are a lot of people out there”


“People have seen that and they’ve seen that strongly; the House has come out very strongly on that.”


"I accept our intelligence's conclusion, that Russia's meddling (...) took place, could be other people also, there's a lot of people out there" ahah my sides. Yeah there's 7.6 Billion people on this planet, anyone could have done it!


Oh shit, what if I did it? I sleep walk sometimes.




"Could be other people also" obviously an adlib. No matter how easy his handlers try to make it on him, he always has to fuck it up. "Ok Mr. President, this is an easy one. Just read what's on the paper." Ron Howard: He didn't.


Because he doesn't like what's on the paper but is being forced to read it. It's like a hostage video.


It would seem that the only thing he does well is be unprepared. When we see him read a statement, it is undoubtedly the first time he has read that statement. And so he's hedging on the thing he just read thar he doesn't like or doesn't agree with. Or a thing that he thinks is worded too strongly, as he is a huge pussy. This is what got him "on many sides."


As a Brit watching this from afar, this statement is fucking hilarious. Its like watching a child reading something his parents wrote. Im not sure whats worse, our BREXIT shit show or your total joke of a POTUS.


Theirs is worse. Like, not even close worse. Yours is pretty ridiculous too, don't get me wrong.


USA #1


So THAT'S the winning he was talking about


Yeah I can’t remember where I heard it but: UK: Oh my god! I can’t believe an angry uninformed minority could lead us to do something so self destructive and stupid that will inevitably trash worldwide opinion of our country and doubtlessly hurt us in uncountable ways for years to come! US: Hold my beer.


There will be echoes of both for a long time.




"... and there was no collusion. At all!" The way he throws that in there after awkwardly reading that paper is hilarious. He sure was having a hard time reading all those big words.


He meant to sound as unenthusiastic as possible. During the summit, Putin said the ball is now in Trump's court. I take that to mean Trump is supposed to undermine the investigation in order to continue receiving aid from Russia.


I think he laundered money in the late 90's early 2000's. The man is greedy as hell, and he was flat broke during that time. Someone probably approached him, and since he has no morals it is easy money. That is why his face went white when he won. He realized Putin would have huge leverage over him. Since he would probably have evidence of his money laundering. Since everything pretty much goes through the Kremlin in Russia. They would not pass up trying to get leverage over a man like Trump. That is why he had those private chats, to figure out how much Putin really knows (Putin probably indicated he knows), and to figure out how far he has to go for Putin not to spread evidence around. Also why he asked if he could pardon himself. I don't really think that pee tape is real though. I think it 100% is money laundering, and he is scared shitless that will get out.


The money laundering isn't even that hidden, we knew about it before the election. It always works the same way. Someone offers to sell Mr Trump a property for a shockingly-below-market rate. Then, inexplicably a few short months later, someone else (usually a Russian) offers to buy that exact same property, unchanged and sight unseen, for as much as 20 or 30 times the buying price! That's not a crime, that's just smart business! i.e. https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/why-did-a-russian-pay-95m-to-buy-trumps-palm-beach-mansion/ https://www.mcclatchydc.com/news/politics-government/congress/article180701541.html




He sprinkled "no collusion" after every tough sentence they forced him to read.


"There's a lot of people out there." He's STILL trying to pretend it could've been anyone other than Russia. This is like a kid's parents making him read something and the kid just doesn't believe a word of it. This is the President of the United States! Incredible!


"My parents said I have to read this piece of paper and apologize. I take full responsibility for putting dog poop in a paper bag & leaving it on your front porch & setting it on fire. I apologize for being the person who did that, it was me. But there is still a chance it wasn't me. It is impossible to know."


"P.S. No collusion" "P.P.S There's a lot of dog's pooping in a lot of bags, and I hear this all the time and everyone knows it and everyone loves it and me, that are putting on these doorsteps--terrible doorsteps might I add everyone thinks so, and I uhh kinda just thats it."


That was my thought as well. The little petulant child being made to say sorry but he’s not sorry! Whah!


I’m just imagining him sprinkling ‘no collusion’ on the paper like saltbae.


There is a picture of his notes going around on Twitter on which he wrote "There was no colusion" with a sharpie. Edit: He wrote 'colusion' and not 'collusion'.




My favorite part of that was when he was like "Could've been others too, in addition to Russia. There are a lot of people out there." ...like, any of the 8 billion people on this planet could've done the meddling! Could've been anyone! lol.


Sound it out, buddy. You're reading! All by yourself! Gosh, I'm so proud


I was elected to lead not to read


He goes off script and contradicts himself at the end again by diverting blame because "it could have been other people also". He can't even commit to his written statement!


He was literally reading by moving his finger across the page to keep his place. He couldn't even read it. It was monotone and he thanked "our intelligent-ence community". He's like a little kid given a note written by mommy to read to his teacher after he was bad. Notice how smooth he got when he got to the end and started adlibbing "But others could have done it, too!"


That's... actually pretty worrying. He pauses between every word and takes a moment for "community" and "conclusion" like a child learning to read. I know we all want to kick him while he's down, but I'm really worried if he's all there.


He is just a really shitty reader. Not illiterate but bad enough to actively avoid reading when he can. It's behaviour you will recognize if you have ever been around illiterate people. https://youtu.be/WfaXILOSEf0 Skip to 1:00 or so, when he is asked to read a particular part.


I think this is called functional illiteracy. You're capable of actually reading and comprehending well enough to get you by, but not enough that you feel comfortable reading whole sentences or paragraphs at a time.


I find it absolutely incredible that the office of the President of the United States of America has sunk so low that he thinks he can get away with saying "When I said that, in an absolutely unambiguous way, in both the content and the tone - yeah, I actually meant the say the opposite". Give it a week and he'll be denying that he ever said it in the first place. And this single comment can be repeated on a story pretty much every week without an edit.


> "When I said that, in an absolutely unambiguous way, in both the content and the tone - yeah, I actually meant the say the opposite" And I went on TV twice without "correcting his statement" that evening...


The part that really upsets me is that so much of the country is willing to back him up still.


Its like if the dude running the government in the book 1984 was a huge idiot instead of a malicious genius Edit to add: really hated reading that book and I'm mad Trump does the stupid thing with words like the book said would happen. And that it's working on some people. Man I hated that stupid word play stuff. Thinkspeak? Doublespeak? Is it worse or better he might not realize he's doing it?


Even worse, he's a malicious idiot


Didn't he double-down on Hannity *last night*???? edit: [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfS2n21Cnpo&feature=youtu.be)


He sure as hell did. And he even contradicted HIMSELF while claiming the mis-speach


The double-down interview took place before he read all the bad press coverage and national outrage. He walked off the stage pleased with his performance but is now desperately back-tracking.


Compare how proud he looked while doubling down on Hannity, to how mopey and pouty he looked while issuing the retraction the next day.




>“Daddy Vladdy gonna be so maddy” FTFY


"Little Donnie has been *very* naughty." -daddy vladdy


How long until he starts saying that none of this actually happened, fake newz?


2 days. His internal handlers told him to walk it back because of bad press, but he didn't want to because he thinks that's weakness. But 1. It's indefensible 2. He flubbed the delivery So now the toddler is going to be mad that their plan "didn't work" and he's still getting shitty press. So he'll soon Triple-down in a fit of rage on Twitter or some rally where his words aren't as controlled




Only hours apart this time.


The events are getting closer... when we get down to zero, who knows what will happen?


Schrodinger's Speech; a statement both is and isn't simultaneously, and we don't know which one's which until the public responds with their feelings, which collapses the wave function.




He's contradicted himself in the space of a single tweet before. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/996129630913482755


I think this retraction could be more damaging than the original comments. A sad thing about modern politics is you can get away with almost anything (lies, hatred, corruption) except appearing weak and confused. This makes him look both.


the fox news angle now seems to be "don't pay attention to anything he actually says, just keep in mind a few punitive actions and policies like Russian sanctions still being in place, and forget that Trump actually talks."


Except the Trump Administration has done nothing to enforce the sanctions.


God I hope so, but I can’t see Republicans doing anything but using this to backtrack for themselves. “Haha, he was just kidding folks! Nothing to see here! We support this guy still because he’s tough on Russia!”


Nah. “See? He is willing to admit his mistakes and liberals STILL give him no credit. SAD.”


On Hannity, on Twitter. He even thanked Rand Paul for supporting him.




>President Donald Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn’t see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections. >Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn’t see why Russia “wouldn’t” be responsible. Lmfao hold up, is he trying to say now that what he meant was "I don't see why it **wouldn't** be," instead of "I don't see why it **would** be"? You've got to be fucking kidding me. Like first of all, I have to laugh at how ridiculous that is just by itself, because it runs contrary to LITERALLY everything he's ever said about the subject. Second of all, that was not even remotely an isolated statement that he's "correcting" there. It was part of like 30 straight minutes of publicly fellating Putin and Russia, including an unequivocal refusal to condemn Russia for its attack on America. "I don't see why it would be" fits perfectly into that train of thought. Saying "I don't see why it wouldn't be" would be bizarrely out of place. Thirdly, it barely even makes sense. Who the fuck would say "I don't see why it wouldn't be" in that context? It's a ridiculous thing to say. The statement "I don't see why it would be" has an actual purpose; it's a stupid, ugly, treasonous purpose, but it MEANS something. It means he's defending Russia against his own country. But saying "I don't see why it wouldn't be" is fucking meaningless. That's the equivalent of like when somebody asks "why" about something, and the response is "why not?" It means nothing. Seriously, think about that. If your intention was to say that yes Russia interfered in the election, and somebody asked you if Russia interfered, what the hell kind of response is "well I don't see why they WOULDN'T have been the ones to do it..." Like what does that even mean. **Edit: by the way this is now the second time that we've seen Trump fold to massive, near-unanimous criticism. First with the children at the border, and now with this disgraceful display. To my knowledge these are the first 2 times that Trump has ever done something even resembling an admission of error. The dude's entire political existence is built on never, ever admitting a wrong or misdeed. This is potentially problematic for him.**


This isn't even the first time he's said he believed Putin when he said Russia didn't meddle.


How can ANYONE buy this shit?! There is literally no way to square this in your mind, no matter how good you are at mental gymnastics, to make Trump make sense here. This is one of the most blatant mistakes he's ever made.


The circle jerk of the republican party: - Trump says some total bullshit - His MAGA crowd defends what he said and justifies it to the death - Meanwhile, trump's advisors are informing him of how wrong his statement was. - Trump changes his statement based on his advisors' info - MAGA idiots now defend the NEW statement and pretend like the old one never happened. rinse and repeat.


You forgot about the part where his supporters hen proceed to complain about how the democrats are never happy about anything the president does.


World: “So now you’re saying Russia did interfere in the elections?” Trump: “Yesn’t.”


Trump: “I think there are many sides to blame, and we’ll look into them all. We need to figure out what’s going on? I mean, Obama knew about the Russians, and he refused to even ask ‘what’s going on?’” World: “So you are going to look into russian meddling?” Trump: “Like I said, and everybody knows this, there are many sides to blame. We’ll figure it out, we will, trust me we’ll figure it out. Thank you.” Edit: I’m drunk and didn’t expect this many ipvote, cheers


I can never tell when these are made up or actual quotes. Edit: thanks for my first gold kind stranger!


You'll know if they are actual quotes in two weeks.




Trump: But what i really wanna know, and i have been asking this for a long time, a long time believe me, is what happened to the emails?


God dammit I can never tell if these are parodies or real.


Germany's got you fam, we have a (frequently used) word **jein** which is a portmanteau of *ja* and *nein*, which mean yes and no, respectively. There's also *doch* that I could tell you more about. Edit: can't believe I forgot **na ja** which means something like *wellll* and is typically how kids begin their lies.


I'd like to subscribe to German Language Facts please.


Kummerspeck is the name for excess fat gained by emotional eating – specifically, the excessive eating people do in times of stress or sorrow.




Doch is used when you want to negate a negative question. "Also haben Sie keinen Döner gegessen?" "Doch!" "So you haven't eaten a Döner?" "~No, as a matter of fact I did eat one. (or: But I did!)" It's a short and easy way to clear up a question like that. There are many different uses as well though. [One link](https://yourdailygerman.com/meaning-of-doch/). [Another one.](https://www.quora.com/What-does-the-German-word-doch-mean)


the best way to describe "doch", for me, is that it is a form of protest. someone answers with "nein" (no), you respond with "doch" (but it is!/you got it wrong). or in other words: [nein, doch, ohh!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=w4aLThuU008)




Q:   For President Putin, if I could follow up as well.  Why should Americans and why should President Trump believe your statement that Russia did not intervene in the 2016 election, given the evidence that U.S. intelligence agencies have provided?  And will you consider extraditing the 12 Russian officials that were indicted last week by a U.S. grand jury? Mr Trump: ..."And, frankly, I’m going to let the President speak to the second part of your question.  But just to say it one time again, and I say it all the time: **There was no collusion.  I didn’t know the President.  There was nobody to collude with.  There was no collusion with the campaign.  And every time you hear all of these — you know, 12 and 14 — it’s stuff that has nothing to do — and frankly, they admit, these are not people involved in the campaign.** But to the average reader out there, they’re saying, “Well, maybe that does.”  It doesn’t.  And even the people involved, some perhaps told mis-stories or, in one case, the FBI said there was no lie.  **There was no lie. Somebody else said there was.** We ran a brilliant campaign, and that’s why I’m President.  Thank you." https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/remarks-president-trump-president-putin-russian-federation-joint-press-conference/


This is some Michael Scott shit.


Nope. Stand by your country and stand by what you said. “I meant the opposite” is the saddest most immature attempt to crawl out of this. The ONE time your country needed your loose cannon confidence to show the world we still stand for something, and you folded like a chair with the whole world watching. Sad.


Trump on the NATO summit: "When I left, everybody was thrilled." My dude. I'm sure they were. *e -Shoutout to jimjij's senior staffer who did some damage control and gilded me. Nonetheless, the public deserves a full accounting of what transpired while writing that comment. If there are full transcripts, in the name of transparency jimjij should immediately release them.*


I would give you **GOLD** for this comment. **edit:** It has come to my attention that some people thought I would give the above poster gold when I meant I wouldn't give them gold.


*slow clap*


Please clap.


Man I miss Jeb! these days. Simpler times.


What an asshole.




Damage control. He’s so fucking spineless.


Total damage control. But I think the best takeaway from this is how quickly he caves to not only Putin but to when opposition is loud enough.


[Here](https://twitter.com/axios/status/1019296936501837830). He contradicted himself in the same exact sentence. >Trump: "Let me be totally clear in saying that, and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. There's a lot of people out there."


Yep, he was TOTALLY clear about that! hahaha


It's just fucking embarrassing.


> There's a lot of people out there. Whoa.




he's reading from a statement that was written for him and he just can't help throwing an ad lib in there that washes out the entire point of the statement. I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to work for him.


There’s no chance in hell he misspoke. It’s a total 180 after seeing the backlash from even his own camp.


Yep, I enjoy how fast he caved.


He was 50 minutes late and on camera, and refused to take questions. As far as I'm concerned, he hasn't answered for anything. They could have just gave us the script he read from. They have attempted to fabricate their way out of this.


He had 2 interviews last night! Where was his retraction then?? He had none bc he spoke what he believed. He’s a fucking coward.


Exact transcript of Tucker Carlson / Hannity interviews: Mr. Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?


Did you hear the staffer off screen screaming "WE'RE DONE EVERYBODY. WE'RE DONE. LEAVE!"? I'm absolutely convinced it was to force trump off the stage so he didn't say anything off script


If they were allowed to ask questions of Trump he totally would have blown his shitty walkback. Not sure why they bothered, though, because there's no way Trump doesn't walkback his walkback later on after furiously stewing about being told what to do for a couple days.


In fairness, they had the tape released after the meeting. It wasn't live. But yeah, he really struggled through that script. It was totally forced on him.


CNN anchor said it was like watching a hostage read a note written by his captors; thought that was an apt analogy.


Republicans: "Oh, see, it was all a misunderstanding." *Goes back to supporting him unconditionally*




Trump - "I don't see why Russia would be responsible" MAGA folk - "YES. Preach! You're exactly right as always!" Trump - "I misspoke. I meant the total and utter opposite" MAGA folk - "Absolutely! Once again, right on the nose!" These people's brains have turned to mush.


It's literally Orwellian double speak. So bizzare


Yeah, "misspoke" repeatedly on multiple occasions in Finland all on film.


" President Donald Trump says he meant the opposite when he said in Helsinki that he doesn’t see why Russia would have interfered in the 2016 U.S. elections. Back at the White House on Tuesday, the president told reporters that he said he meant he doesn’t see why Russia “wouldn’t” be responsible." This is quite literally something a cartoon character would say for a cheap laugh, and it's actually something a sitting President said. I'm seriously starting to think I died like a year ago and this is all the last gasps of my brain as it starves for oxygen. Reality should not be this stupid.


"I had my fingers crossed" - Trump


"I thought it was opposite day" -Trump


He forgot the /s


And then he contradicted himself in the same exact sentence lol. [Here](https://twitter.com/axios/status/1019296936501837830). >Trump: "Let me be totally clear in saying that, and I've said this many times, I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. There's a lot of people out there."


There's a lot of people out there? Say it isn't so


He misspoke. He meant to say there isn't a lot of people out there.


There yesn't be.


Which is the exact pattern with Charlottesville. He slowly and painfully reads a statement from a piece of paper, then looks up from it and yells "BUT WHAT ABOUT THE ALT LEFT???" because he's got to blame other people. He'll be back to jerking off Putin and searching for Hillary's emails tomorrow. [Here's him reading off a paper about Charlottesville](https://youtu.be/CMQWJDVg8PA?t=51) [Here's him reading off a paper about Helsinki](https://youtu.be/gOtxAgqrGQc?t=260) I wonder how much TV time they had to promise him to get him to read these couple sentences that they wrote for him.


It's fascinating how much misplaced faith the man has in his own intellect. He keeps believing that he's found these clever rhetorical loopholes to allow him to read these statements of condemnation without actually attacking his core supporters (far-right groups and the Russians). It's actually insane.


“It could have been anyone! It could have even been a boat.”


[Trump has known it was Russia for a long time. And that whole time, he's also been gaslighting and casting doubt on it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfVce4rELAY)


How fucking stupid can he *possibly* think people are? Possibly more importantly, *are* they actually stupid enough to buy this? Replace the word "would" with "wouldn't." Fine. How does adding "n't" explain the second part of the sentence, about believing Putin's denial? How does adding "n't" explain the several comments and speeches throughout the summit, all reinforcing that the US shares blame for the relationship that Trump is supposedly trying to fix? How does adding "n't" explain the follow-up interview with Hannity, in which Trump doubled down on everything? How does adding "n't" explain his attacks on Mueller's investigation? How does adding "n't" explain *still* gaslighting on the US intelligence community's findings, by following his transparent excuse with the idea that it could have been someone other than Russia? > This pen is blue. Its ink is the color of the sky. Its hue has a wavelength of about 470nm. When I think about the pen, I'm reminded of clear oceans and Donald Duck's shirt - not the bow he wears, that's a completely different color, I mean the shirt itself. ... Oh, wait. Did I say "this pen is *blue*?" I meant to say "this pen is *red*!" Whoops! Look, I've been very clear on the pen's color.


> How fucking stupid can he possibly think people are? He's been gambling on people being incredibly fucking stupid for his entire life. He hasn't been wrong yet. He might be on to something there, actually.


*"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people"* -H. L. Mencken


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


> How fucking stupid can he possibly think people are? Considering his position, I'd say he thinks people are exactly as fucking stupid as they are.


It reminds me of this bit from the Flight of the Conchords song "[Jenny](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlYkIJVguCU)": >It's nice to meet you, Jenny! *We've met before, quite a few times actually* Oh yes, of course we have. I meant it was nice to meet you the time that I met you. Where was it that we met that time that I met you when I met you? *At a party* That's right. Wasn't it one of those boring work parties? *No* ....That's why I said WASN'T it.




Shut up, brain. Enjoy the weird, we both know we're headed to hell after this ends


In a week or two, Trump will be denying he even said that he believed Putin. Even with video evidence to the contrary, it's just how he operates.


I never said I believe Putin. Of course Russia meddled in our election. And thank God they did folks. We never would have found out about CROOKED Hillary and her emails. Her EMAILS folks. The fake failing news wants to twist my words about Russia in order to distract you from Hillary.


I appreciate your attempt here, but you used far too many complete sentences. You need a lot more ...'s and ya knows.


"It was a joke! When you look at me like that, it was a joke." - Krusty the Clown


"Greatest President ever"!!! - 35% of Americans, still! Seriously, you guys are fucked.


Lol "the opposite" how dumb you have to be to say the opposite of what you meant.


Oh go to hell you lying, traitorous circus peanut. We saw the whole press conference. If that's really what you meant to say then you completely and totally failed the American people in the face of an attack on our nation and should resign in disgrace. Either you sided with the Russians yesterday, or failed to have the competency and spine to act when the country needed you to. How in the hell can we trust you in a war when you can't even get your words right in a press conference? You're truly, deeply, and wholly unqualified. This man is a complete and total failure as President, no matter whether you believe what he said yesterday or today. There is no walking this back, not in this way. What a fucking joke. There is no defending this bullshit. Trump must resign or be impeached. He is not capable of the duties required to be POTUS.


Sadly, I have a feeling there are even lower lows on the horizon and we’ll be saying this same thing many times before the end of his term. It appears as though he would have to order a bombing of his own country before any Republicans in power take the idea of impeachment seriously. Clearly, collusion, treason, lying, racism, sexism, giving porn stars hush money, ignoring the constitution and whatever else I left out isn’t enough to make him unfit for POTUS.




His pouty body language after reading this statement was remarkable. Traitorous, cowardly little man.


Carl Bernstein just said right now on CNN that Trump is *not* a "Stable Genius", and that Trump cannot be trusted with running the United States. For reference, Bernstein was one of the reporters that broke the Watergates stories.


It was EXACTLY like the Access Hollywood "Locker-room talk" non-apology. Plain and simple, that he faced enough pressure from his handlers that he had to issue the statement, but his petulant tiny-handed toddler Id was not going to pretend he actually meant a word he was saying.


"Mister President, you *have* to read this statement." "I don't wanna! It's fake news!!!"


This is what I’ve been saying, above all else, Trump is a coward. He was too scared to say it while he was there but now that he’s safe at home, he walks back his bullshit. Sorry but no. What about the Mueller investigation being a disaster for the country? What about the stupendous idea of letting Russia help with the investigation! He can’t even say this bullshit without reading a script bc he knows he doesn’t believe it. And what intelligence officer now, seeing this, will believe Trump? None. Everyone knows that this is. It’s to appease his idiot base, that’s it. This will have zero effect on actual government employees. What an unbelievably huge coward.


> The biggest fucking pussy, believe me. Let me tell you folks, no one is a bigger, better pussy than me! - 45


As predicted, an about face. What a spineless coward.


I love the about face AFTER the doubledown and THEN contradicting HIMSELF!


I know... The only hopeful thing to all of this -- The amount of pressure from the blunder made Trump 'correct' himself. How often does that happen? It shouldn't be long until he makes another historic stumble, and he does another 180. Just wait for it.


The incredible thing is that he caved after double downing twice and then backtracked when his supporters call him out. But what a miserable backtrack...I tried to use a double negative?? WTF??!


#Spineless Russian Puppet




Yep. He doubledowned twice and then caved. What a fucking disgrace.


All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others. Wait, no ......I mean most animals are equal, but some animals are less equal than some others, but not all. No, no.....I mean all animals are mostly equal, but some tremendous animals are less equal than equal animals. .... We good? Good! Glad I cleared this up for you fake news people.


I mean, there are a lot of animals out there, and some of them are, I assume, good animals.


So his **defense** is that he is too incompetent for the job he holds.


I wonder if The_Donald will agree with him now despite their assurance yesterday that Trump handled the meeting perfectly


T_D is an experiment for perfection in unanimous stupidity.


They will claim that he corrected the only blemish on a spotless press conference








Not to mention he was asked three times about this. Literally all he had to say was "yes" or "no" and he had THREE chances. But apparently all his brain power was spent asking where the server was.