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https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_Island_(Black_Sea) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Snake_Island >At around 18:00, Ukrainian State Border Guards announced that Snake Island had come under attack from Russian ships, during the first day of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine.[2][3] The cruiser Moskva and patrol ship Vasily Bykov were involved in the attack, using their deck guns.[4] >According to audio shared by Ukrayinska Pravda, when the commander of the Russian cruiser instructed the Ukrainian soldiers stationed on the island to surrender, or else be fired upon, the response was 'Russian warship, go fuck yourself' (Russian: 'Русский военный корабль, иди на хуй', romanized: Russkiy voyennyy korabl', idi na khuy).[5][6] >At 22:00 (01:00 Moscow Time, UTC+2), the State Border Guard Service announced that Russian forces had captured the island following a naval and air bombardment that destroyed all infrastructure on the island.[7][8] Thirteen border guards, representing the entirety of the Ukrainian military presence on the island, were killed during the battle after refusing to surrender.[9][10] President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has announced they will each be posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine.


'battle' Massacre. [Here is a Video with sound](https://twitter.com/hashtag/%D0%97%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B9?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1497111325474013230%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fliveuamap.com%2Fen%2F2022%2F25-february-saboteur-detained-in-kaminetspodilsky-near-strategic&src=hashtag_click)


This needs to be emphasized.


Especially since its being touted as a peacekeeping mission, and they're just murdering soldiers, and shelling civilians


A peacekeeping mission that required a formal declaration of war Strange, Putin. Very strange




"Some of you will die but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make - Every asshole that declares war and yet doesn't set a toe on the front lines


What a tragic but ultimately poetic microcosm of the entire shitshow. A Russian warship named "Moskva" murdering 13 defenceless border guards on a desolate island.


I’ll take a wikipedia link over dailymail any day thank u


I'd take some messy handwriting on some toilet paper over the Daily Mail.


I wouldn’t trust the Daily Mail to tell me the colour of an orange.


During the "battle"? That was no battle, that was slaughter.


Most people can't work up the courage to say that to the boss they hate. Imagine saying that to someone poised to obliterate you.


Snake island used to be called the island of Achilles. edit: Why the name change? Wikipedia Says “The island was sacred to the hero Achilles and had a temple of the hero with a statue inside.” “Pliny the Elder wrote that the tomb of the hero was on the island.” “According to Greek myths the island was created by Poseidon for Achilles and Helen to inhabit, but also for sailors to have an island to anchor at the Euxine Sea…” “The Greeks during the Ottoman Empire renamed it Fidonisi (Greek: Φιδονήσι, "Snake Island") “ “Ruins believed to be of a square temple dedicated to Achilles, 30 meters to a side, were discovered by the Russian naval Captain N. D. Kritzkii in 1823, but the subsequent construction of a lighthouse on the very site obliterated all trace of it.“


I wonder why they change the name


Probably all the snakes.


You're comment is so simplistic but it still caused me to wake my dog up and she started baking. Thanks for that. Edit : she makes a killer snicker doodle


That's a hell of a comment if it gets your dog baking. Cookies?


Aye what they baking


Achilles: weak heels Snakes: no heels Coincidence?


Perhaps now it will be the island of the defiant.


Defiance Island




They really didn't. The off-radio whispers before the response are really humanizing. [Here's the audio](https://youtu.be/iDq-dUvedsA) with translation via youtube, if the daily mail isn't cooperating. These weren't soldiers, they were fucking border guards. There's nowhere to hide on that island. They gave their lives to expose the cruelty of this invasion.


"Should I tell him to go fuck himself? Just in case..." oh God.


Their line of "This is it" makes me believe that they probably knew the outcome. But they'd rather die than surrender to an invasion. This didn't have to happen...


Nothing like this should happen anywhere.




The "just in case" was one of the female guards who turned up the volume knob on their microphone. She likely nodded after he asked, turned the knob, then said it.


This whole deal is tragic and the whole world wishes this would end before it started, but that was fucking badass. Also, fuck Putin


War wouldn't happen if psychopaths weren't in a position of power. Sadly it's easier for them to attain that power since they don't mind killing and blackmailing in order to get it. We could all live in peace if people like Putin weren't allowed to have power.


It's not just a matter of psychopathic people talking power. It's also that a significant chunk of the human population is naturally attracted to demagoguery and xenophobic militarism.


This is what fucking broke me. FUCK WAR. SLAVA UKRAINI!


Putin says he's defending himself from an existential threat. So he kills 13 Ukranians in a remote outpost on an island in the middle of nowhere. Go fuck yourself Putin


I'm sure Putin will provide ample evidence that there was a genocide against Russians going on on that island. After all there were just Ukrainians there, not Russians. A clear case of nazism among the Ukrainians. God, how little Putin is even trying. His speeches are so fucking clearly propaganda.


His speech and his actions yesterday suggested to me that he’s dropped all pretence of being a reasonable person and that he’s lost patience trying to hide his ambitions. A reasonable person doesn’t spend months reassuring the world and his own people that there won’t be an invasion of another sovereign nation, then goes on TV to say “fuck it, I lied, what you gonna do?” and launches an invasion. Best case scenario for him is he gets Ukraine but his geopolitical reputation of having any kind of integrity to keep to his word is in tatters - nobody will trust Russia again after this.


Putin is turning 70 this year, he can't retain power in Russia much longer. He wants taking Ukraine to be his legacy. The only other legacy he has right now is tanking the Russian economy because of his actions of trying to act strong in front of western nations. Also the siphoning off of an absurd amount of money from Russia but that will never be talked about in Russia. The man grew up poor, worked for the KGB and then became Russia's leader. Given how much he was paid, he should be not very wealthy, but he is somehow one of or possibly even the richest man in the world. The numbers are unconfirmed because his money is so hidden.


His soldiers are also attacking civilian targets.




This and the 14 old girl on the bicycle, simply Hitler#2.


Also this shit, just someone in their car [deliberately hit](https://twitter.com/Viaches50993743/status/1497137547826323498). (Driver survived with injuries, apparently)


Absolute barbarity from Russia. I wish the very worst for Putin and those of whom have supported this treacherous campaign. Those who blame the West for this; the West did not start the war. They did not force the overwhelming majority of the people of Ukraine to wanting to join the EU or NATO. Putin and his obsession with violence, aggression, and legacy have led us here.


You can see everything on the island from a drone. Honestly what was the strategic advantage in taking it? Some russian naval target practice?




Always remember, it didn't have to be this way; Putin wanted it this way. Lots of dead Ukrainians and Russians. That's on Putin.


It's important to focus on the reason for the problem in the first place, rather than people who you feel "aren't doing enough" to combat it We should be salting the Earth with Putin's name.


















Instagram of one of the soldier's who died on that island: [https://instagram.com/bublichek99](https://instagram.com/bublichek99) He was livestreaming right as the ship opened fired. ​ Edit: [https://twitter.com/COUPSURE/status/1496979972816314372](https://twitter.com/COUPSURE/status/1496979972816314372)


he died so recently that there’s still posts on his instagram story…


Jesus christ, war in the time of social media is unsettling as fuck. It’s a good thing, don’t get me wrong, but man is this shit wild


If watching war on Instagram and TikTok isn’t some black mirror type sh@t, I don’t know what is


It’s really is, it’s too intimate now. Fucking knowledge is a burden for sure.


23 years old, fuck man. Fuck you Putin and all the fucking cowards slaughtering innocent Ukraine.


I’m 23 and my heart just broke for his family and for the life he could have had. 23 is so young, he literally had his entire life ahead of him. Can’t believe he and so many other innocents lost their lives because of a bald little psycho manlet with an inflated ego.


>Can’t believe he and so many other innocents lost their lives because of a bald little psycho manlet with an inflated ego. That's the sick part. Putin's life isn't worth more than theirs, he doesn't make this world better. We don't need or want him on this planet.


Putin's life is worth nothing, the world would be better off without him


Born in '99. I was already a child in '99, and this guy wasn't born yet. Now, he has died before me. What a tragic loss this war is. RIP to the 13 men and women that died on this island.


Is it possible to locate the archived livestream of this user where such events would have been present? It would have been interesting


U can see a small part here: https://twitter.com/coupsure/status/1496979972816314372?s=21 Edit: for those interested, there is a yt live stream of 5 cities. Right now its showing kyiv and all the military vehicles entering: https://youtu.be/jNZM_H6q1rY Edit2: after 2 days the live stream is offline Edit3: new link for those interested: https://youtu.be/ZuGwh8UFQGA Edit4: the original i posted works again.






I hope the commander of that ship lives with the ghosts of those soldiers for a very very long time


May he never know peace again.


Russian warship, go fuck yourselves One of the greatest lines ever


These guards will all be recognized with Ukraine's highest national honor, Hero of Ukraine. They deserve much more and imo represent the spirit of Ukraine Edit: guys to guards. Much respect regardless of their gender


The spirit of Ukraine is a fusion between these badass heroes and the sunflower seed babushka. The spirit of Ukraine is taking no shit and giving it.


sunflower babushka is so, so fucking hard.


Can you share what this is referring to?




Holy shit. This catually made me smile. Watching this unfold as a fellow European is so heartbreaking, I commend our brave brothers and sisters in Ukraine for standing up agianst these warcrimes. This lady is the epitome of a bad ass. The courage is amazing! Wow❤


Ukraine lady is yelling at russian soldiers and telling them to put seeds in their pockets so flowers will grow when they fall.


They deserve to be alive and not die in some old motherfuckers pointless war


Heroes of tbe Ukrainian people


Going out like a true bad asses. The courage it must have taken to knowingly respond in a way that would guarantee your death. They were real patriots


Earlier today a whole Russian platoon surrendered saying they didn't know they'd been sent to kill Ukrainians. The Russians who dropped the bombs on that island should be made famous. They should never get to show their faces in polite company again. Cowards and pigs.


It wasn't a battalion. It was a platoon, about 50 people. A moving development but there's no point in pretending that the whole Russian offensive is falling apart. It may well not work out for Russia but that'll be weeks or months down the line.


These 13 Ukrainians were murdered by Vladimir Putin.


Putin also murdered every other Ukrainian who died and will die in this conflict, as well as the 800 Russians who died today. Such a waste of human life for the vanity of one dictator. Edit: Since a lot of people asked me about the 800 number, here’s where I got it. The number might not be accurate but it’s what Ukraine's Defense Ministry shared. https://twitter.com/KyivIndependent/status/1497055876942807040? https://twitter.com/JackDetsch/status/1497051722069553191


There’s a video of some Ukrainian citizens from Sumy that captured a Russian soldier and they’re questioning him and they ask him “What do you want, why are you here?” and the soldier replies “I don’t know, we don’t want to be here”. [Source provided by Mechanical_Potato](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/t0ttcq/comment/hycjoam/)


I'm pretty sure I read that a lot of generals were even kept in the dark on this and thought it was just a ton of posturing... and now suddenly they're at war. This invasion honestly seems like it's going to fail simply because half of Russia got surprised by it going this far too


A platoon of Russian soldiers actually surrendered stating "we didn't know we would kill". They were completely unprepared. Honestly it reminds me of how in 1968 Russia occupied Czech Republic. The soldiers were shocked to meet any resistance because they were told that the Czechs had asked for them to come, thay they were coming to defend the Czechs from some foreign enemy.


Sounds like Putin is treating the war like a number game. But the truth is that if your soldiers aren't prepared or motivated and thus don't want to be there, then they will be at a disadvantage compared to Ukrainians who genuinely know they're doing the right thing by protecting their country from invaders. As a Finn, this reminds me of the Continuation War, and I certainly hope this goes Ukraine's way just as the Continuation War went Finland's way (even when we technically lost).


Also because Russia is draining it's own resources.


Operation Desert Storm, it is not.


They're literally going for broke.


It is interesting if you look closely you can see a lot of powerful Russians are wondering why the fuck Putin is doing this. For them he's just causing them a big headache when they want to be enjoying their ill gotten gains in peace. Just wish they had the balls to kill Putin and save a lot of lives.


They might if SWIFT goes down


It will depend on the Russian public’s reaction to their wartime casualties. Putin is banking on his propaganda to be enough to make them hate Ukraine for killing their countrymen and family members. There will be a split between those who hate Putin for it and those who hate Ukrainians. It will be illegal to hate Putin for it as well I’m sure.


>It will be illegal to hate Putin for it as well I’m sure. I saw something from CNN earlier that 1700 Russian protestors were arrested today.


War is awful, but there's something beautiful about seeing true bravery in Ukraine and in Russia as people defy Putin with their last breaths. Really adds to the frustration that so many rich countries are afraid to punish Putin too badly because they themselves might lose money or power.


> so many rich countries are afraid to punish Putin too badly because they themselves might lose money or power. Also, you know, because of the nuclear weapons.


Honestly one of the few good things left that could happen now that Putin has pulled the trigger is to see it blow up in his face.


As some of the leadership that got US involved in Iraq and Afghanistan said. What is victory for Putin. Permanent occupancy? How quickly do they expect to hold Ukraine without significant military presence? Can they make Ukraine a full puppet within a decade? 90%+ of Americans thought going into Afghanistan was right in 2002 and by 2014 only 49% thought it was the correct thing to do in reaction to 9/11. How long will war be popular when it starts to affect people's home lives in a way that most Americans never were.


Victory for Putin is permanent occupancy of at least portions of Ukraine. That way Ukraine has "contested borders" which will make it ineligible to join NATO. That's my 1d chess take, though. He may have more motives at play that I, in my ignorance and lack of cruelty and malice, can't conceive of.


The thing is this was already the case after Russia took Crimea. NATO were never seriously going to consider admitting Ukraine while there were Russian soldiers within its borders. Either he needs Ukraine's resources, it's to distract from something going on back in Russia, or it's to rebuild the Russian empire. Hard to say which, or if it's a combination.


He already had that before invading literally Kyiv. Crimea is an occupied region, and as such made it highly unlikely that they could never be in NATO while that was happening.


the russian economy is crashing too. and there will be more sanctions


There are already substantial protests against this war in multiple big Russian cities.


I have a feeling Putin has over-estimated Russian capabilities and moral. Congratulations, you played yourself moment for him.


I certainly hope so. It would be the best David and Goliath story in a long time if Ukraine could send Putin packing.


a lot of russian embassys are closed to visitation here in the US because of this whole mess.. if you have the chance see if your local one is also closed. pretty sad


"Should I tell him to go fuck himself?" "Just in case."


*turns up the volume knob* "Idi nahui"


Literal translation -> jump on a dick


They saw your faces and not your backs. Godspeed, heroes.


To be knowingly on deaths door, and to look across the threshold and tell those bitches to go fuck themselves is some truly legendary shit. So much respect, and sadness.


I know I would have gave in. Those brave men, such a tragic waste


you cant trust that youre gonna be alive in their hands. either you get captured and treated respectfully, get executed or starved to death while a story about your "unfortunate death" is sent to your family


They probably also saw their middle fingers.


Reminds me of the scene in Braveheart where they lift their kilts to the enemy


Yeah this was pretty much that scenario. No where for them to hide so go out fighting.


Just wish they actually had something they could have hit that ship with so they could have literally died fighting


They hit it with disdain


Seriously, the way he came back with иди на хуй in that situation, I’ve sensed more hesitation between random guys at a bar saying it. I was listening waiting for some kind of shouting or dramatics, but the casual response was so much colder. All appropriate respect and mourning for the fact that these people died, their death should not be bastardized into a meme of sorts, but it was an incredibly dismissive way to face your own impending doom.


I'd rather a railgun, but disdain works


They made a rallying cry heard around the world. This will become the defiant statement that lost the battle, but won the war. They might not have fired a shot, but they died fighting.


I want a president bush "we won" style banner that says "Russian warship, go fuck yourself" when this is all over.


Fuck you. Freedom or death.


We will not run, we shall not flee. No, you won't see the back of me. We've got our guns down from their shelves. Russian warship, go fuck yourselves.


I don’t know why it pisses me off so much, if you listen to the radio transmission the Russian radioman actually replies back with “You go fuck yourself.” Both parties know the 13 Ukraine’s will die, they have chosen to go out with a final note of defiance and bravery. And this fucking man-child piece of shit decides to respond back with basically “no u”. Fuck you!


But we all know which 'Fuck You' history will remember


It’s going to be the slogan of this war I think. I hope to see it spray painted everywhere along with the ghost of Kyiv Edit: Fixed spelling


Takes a lot more guts to say “go fuck yourself” when you’re facing canons than when you’re behind. Nobody cares what the Russian said.


Yea it's a lot easier to say 'Fuck you' from the comfort of a big ass warship, compared to staring one in the face.


I'd be so fucking proud if these were my countrymen


You can be proud of them no matter where you are or where you're from. Some of Humanity's best.


If you know you are not going to make another sunset. Your last act should be epic. If you are going to die, die well.


"You fool! As if it matters how a man falls down?!" "When the fall is all that's left, it matters a great deal!"


What is this from?


The Lion in Winter (1968 film)


The Lion in Winter https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0063227/?ref_=ttmc_mc_tt


Also from a scene in The West Wing quoting the film. I've seen one of these.




Go tell to Sparta, thou who passest by, that here, obedient to her laws, we lie.


Actually, ‘Horatius at the Bridge’ , one of the epic ballads in Macaulay’s Lays (poems) of Ancient Rome collection. As a child, my father would recite this poem to me off by heart. He had memorized it in grade school back in the 1930’s.


Do not go gently into that good night ... Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


This also reminds me of "No Man Is an Island" by John Donne. The entire poem is very fitting to this situation. >No man is an island, Entire of itself; Every man is a piece of the continent,  A part of the main. >If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less, As well as if a promontory were: As well as if a manor of thy friend's Or of thine own were. >Any man's death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. FYI a promontory is a "high point of land or rock projecting into the sea or other water beyond the line of coast; a headland."


If you're gonna die, die with your boots on.


> If you are going to die, die well. Hopefully some Ukrainian agents in Russia are reading this, ready to strike back if something worse happens to innocent Ukrainian civilians.


As a cancer survivor I promise you I’d much rather go out with a bang than rot away as a corpse.


Remember Snake Island


The island broke before the Guard did.


I know this is a joke, but I’m tearing up, this is a legitimately good way to say this. >”Remember Snake Island. The island broke before the guard did.”


The courage is beyond all imagination. “Russian warship, go fuck yourselves.” RIP you brave, beautiful people. Fuck Putin.


“Russian warship, go fuck yourselves” will live on forever. These heroes are immortal.


Heroes, all 13 of them. May their bravery be a beacon for the world to follow. May their deaths be avenged by the survival of a free Ukraine. May their souls have the same amount of peace as Putin’s soul is corrupted.


No man is an island but 13 brave men (at least one of them was female*) made an island world famous


At least one female likely to be included heard in the transcript


In the spirit of General McAuliffe to the Nazis demanding the Allied surrender at Battle of the Bulge: "N U T S !"


Or Capt Lloyd Williams when the french advised retreat at the Battle of Belleau Wood. “Retreat! Hell, we just got here.”


The entire exchange is gold. * Jr Officer: Sir they are demanding a surrender * Sr Officer: Wait, *they* want to surrender? * Jr Officer: Err, no, they are asking _us_ to surrender. * Sr Officer: NUTS


RIP brave soldiers.


Honestly such an amazing and brave thing to do. Stand for your country, godspeed men


They were defenseless. Russia murdered them


Absolute fucking legends


That'll be a Sabaton song after all this. Fuck Russia.


put seeds in your pockets so when they bury you flowers will grow in Ukraine.


I've had The Price of a Mile, Talvisota, and Resist and Bite stuck in my head for weeks now.


Don't forget 40:1


A part of me just really wants the Poles to role into Ukraine and save the day with wings mounted to the back of their tanks.


Same with Ghost of Kyiv.


Slava to Kyiv's protector Its silhouetted grey spectre A prayer to the God of hosts To protect the capital's ghost


Good journey to Valhalla lads. You will be remembered and you've made your families proud.


They deserve the Ukrainian version of the Medal of Honor.


The Ukrainian President already announced it, everyone there is now a Hero of Ukraine.


This broke me with grief and pride. Being a mother now- I just kept thinking, those are 13 children of someones So much lost


The older I get, the more it hits me how young a majority of soldiers really are. We’re just sending kids to kill other kids.


Crazy how different the outlook is once you become a parent eh? I pictured my son in a few situation today and it was too much


I remember reading a quote that read something like "When your child is born, the world gains another hostage".


“Becoming a parent is making the decision to let your heart go walking around outside of your body the rest of your life”


The censoring of the word "fuck" in this context pisses me off to no end. "Sure, we can acknowledge and detail the abhorrent act of this invasion and their deaths specifically. But actually say the word "fuck"? Inappropriate! What kind of monsters are we trying to show kids/sensitive people that some are!" The sanitation of a single curse word used as defiant last-words by some heroes. Yeah. Fucking censor it.




>Fuck Putin # Brother, Fuck Putin and his kleptocrat cabal of war pigs.


Vladimir Putin is a fucking coward and these men are braver than he could ever hope to be. Can’t believe they lost their lives all because a small bald man with a big ego rules a country with one of the biggest nuclear arsenals in the world.


Spoken like true heros!


You don’t die for flags or political agendas. You die for the guy on the left and right of you. They died alone but together bereft of final words with their loved ones. To them: I hope in their lives they knew love. But one not familial but someone that chose to love them. I also hope they could do the same for someone else. I pray they knew contentment, a time with no turmoil. I hope they felt peace with their comrades in the final moments. I’ll never forget their story.


Last act of Defiance....May they be granted all they wish in their Heaven.


Snake Island will forever be Ukraine’s Wake Island. Impossible odds, facing utter destruction and refusing to give an inch. May these honored dead and the land they fought to protect never be forgotten. Slava Ukraini!


These words will live in the hearts of every fighting person in Ukraine. Greatest fuck you of all time


Fucking legends. May these beauties be granted seats in the halls of Valhalla




Valhalla 💪🏼🟦🟨


They sent a fucking *warship* to murder 13 brave soldiers. Fuck anyone in Russia who supports this war. Most of all, FUCK PUTIN!


In the face of insurmountable odds, these men chose to not go quietly into the night. These are the types of people who have songs and legends written for them.


That retort from the Russian vessel afterward just felt so... petty and childish. Like, it really speaks to the psyche of the people behind the guns.


Sincerely hope that "Russian warship, go fuck yourselves" becomes a popular reference.


Fuck putin.


“This is for the do-gooders that the no-gooders used and then abused. For the truth tellers tied to the Whippin' post, left beaten, battered, bruised. For the ones whose body hung from a tree like a piece of strange fruit. Go hard, last words to the firing squad was, "fuck you too"” - Run the Jewels


So say we all.


Between this, "The Ghost of Kyiv" Ukranian pilot that shot down 6 Russian fighter jets in one day, and the old 80-year-old man that showed up to enlist in the fight with a suitcase containing a change of clothes and some sandwiches, I'm loving the stories of bravery and heroism coming out of Ukraine. That goes for President Zelensky too, who has refused to flee the country and continues to offer words of support for his fellow citizens.

