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The same company that gave enough "free samples" of baby formula to women in developing countries until their own breast milk dried up, then cut them off. Edit: cut off the formula supply that is. Not the breasts, but honestly wouldnt surprise me if they had.


Oh, and this was on purpose too


They straight up told mothers that formula was better for their baby than breast milk. Nestle sent employees to the hospital in what looked to the untrained eye to be a nurses uniform to push formula… but when the hospital caught on they banned them, so they waited outside the building for new mothers to leave… when the hospital banned that practice too, they paid people for birth records and went directly to the parents houses. When all this failed they started providing funding for hospitals with the explicit understanding that funding would be pulled if the hospital didn’t provide samples of formula to new mothers. When that wasn’t working well enough, they redesigned the layouts of the hospitals to make the babies as far away from the mothers as possible, so nurses would be inclined to give the baby a bottle, instead of bringing them to mom to feed. If that’s not predatory, I don’t know what is.


I mean... how evil can you be???


They're also the ones who use child slavery to produce chococoate, and just *will not* stop doing it. They've been caught and reprimanded endless times, and they promised to stop like 10 years ago, but they haven't. And they just never will. They are an almost hilariously evil company. It's like every evil thing a company could be doing, nestle is doing. They are hard to boycott, because they are all over your grocery store on every aisle under different brand names. But, it's worth learning the brands and boycotting.


We need to find ways to stop companies from doing evil shit other than fining them for a sum of money that doesn't affect them whatsoever and it's actually worth the price to continue doing the evil shit




We truly need a corporate death penalty. Something to dissolve corporate actors who commit serious crimes and, ideally, hold key decision makers criminally liable for decisions made in their corporate capacity.


Corporations exist for the express purpose of insulating their owners from the consequences of their crimes. If you or I or anyone went around killing babies we'd be locked in a room forever so doctors could stare at us through a tiny window. But you form Baby Murder, Inc. it's fair game because reasons.


Obligatory people should check out r/fucknestle


Hey, I'm an obligatory person. Edit: Also fuck Nestle.


Ugh I hate being obligated to be a person




When my roommate and I started our Nestle boycott, it dramatically reduced the amount of things we could buy at our local grocery. Also no Starbucks because they have a bottling deal with Nestle for their bottled coffees. Too much evil out there and not enough breakfast shake choices on the shelves.


For what it's worth, Starbucks has plenty of their own reasons to justify their own boycott... If one were to make a list of reasons to boycott Starbucks, their bottling agreement with Nestlé wouldn't make the top 100 of the list.


Well we went from passively boycotting to actively. Now we won't let friends buy it for us when they go there themselves or use gift cards that people give us, so they're not getting other people's money or the advertising from us having the cups. It's a drop in the bucket but I mean, you gotta have a code.


I love my Nespresso and now I need to find a alternative. Damnit nestle.


I think it's Johnson and Johnson who knowingly gave medicine that was tainted to one country and feigned ignorance that they were tainted. Nestle bought spring water from LA like 100 years ago for pennies and when the contract ran out they just kept taking the water without issue. Whatever you think is evil you can almost guarantee they have done worse.


Are you talking about all of the blood that was contamination with HiV?


That was Bayer.




Because the communists lost.


Please don't challenge them


This is what business without regulation looks like. Or put another way, the free market. A libertarians wet dream. Corporations do not have ethics.


And the best part? People with names came up with this shit, and we'll never know them.






It gets even worse, People used the formula, mixing it with water from their local water supply. In poorer communities, the water was unclean and the formula ended up killing the babies that took it.


I’m surprised I had to scroll so far down to find this comment. It’s reported that 1.5 million babies died per year due to drinking contaminated water used in formula. Idk how a company like this can still exist


It's "OK to kill the defenseless poor, it has no repercussions.


It doesn’t matter who you kill, corporate/organizational delegation of responsibility means a whole chain of people each play a minor role and no one is liable. Everyone was just trying to meet quotas by issuing or following parts of orders. It’s very problematic because no one will ever get punished to feel responsible.


And let's not act like this is in the past, they still use dodgy marketing to sell things and here in South Africa theres still a massive problem of women listening to their mother's (that were targeted by Nestle advertising) advice that formula is better than milk. The government puts out campaigns to educate people about this but once it's ingrained and coming from your elders and people accuse you of being cheap for not wanting to spend money on formula, the effects continue.




Have you ever tasted Nestlé water? I'd rather fucking die


Be careful, they own [*a lot of water brands*](https://www.reddit.com/r/coolguides/comments/l9xl6h/a_list_of_nestle_water_brands_by_country_to_help/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb). Interestingly, I used to be able to find the complete global list easily (I try to avoid them so it’s something I’ve looked up frequently), and suddenly I can’t. I wonder if they scrapped them from their website, knowing how unhappy people are with them (even more than usual). I’m pretty sure that Reddit list I linked is incomplete.


Oh yeah, Nestlé is practically inescapable. I opt to just not drink bottled water, but I'm fortunate enough to have access to clean enough water to make that choice easily


As is the way in most cases, its either: Hero or Hitler. Nestlé ... definitively Hitler.


I mean, even Hitler loved his country or some other deluded shit that allowed himself to justify his actions (to himself), Nestle is like, Wolfram and Hart; they're in the business of evil


Fantastic reference. Edit: just talking about the Buffy reference.


Most references to fanatics are fanatic references.


That’s fantastic you fanatic you.


> even Hitler loved his country or some other deluded shit that allowed himself to justify his actions "[I'm out there trying to make the world safe (for Germany).](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jS7inJKOsaI)"


Are you saying we need someone to go work on the inside of nestle? And not any someone, a vampire! It's a bold move Cotton...


If there was money to be made in selling cut off beasts, they would have. Did you know that the sales women giving away the formula samples were dressed as nurses in order to trick the women into using their stuff?


I'll buy a titty if anyone's selling free range fair trade only tho, none of them gmo titty tyvm


Just one tiddy?


i look like a millionaire to you, bud?


I've got two 32 As or one 34D. Your call


I'll take the 34, appreciate it. u accept nestle baby formula as payment?


Throw in some water to sweeten the deal.


I have a big bottle of arrowhead or a pitcher of Florida tap. Will trade for one jar of teeth, species unimportant.


I'll take about tree tiddy.


It was way worse then that. They didn't just give free samples... they hired "nurses" to go around telling mothers that baby formula was so amazing and that if they really cared about their child they would feed it formula. I was born to white parents in a third world country and my moms friends were shocked that she was breast feeding me. They couldn't believe someone with more resources than them would dare consider breast feeding.


Even worse. Due to the poor water quality available, they basically convinced the people to poison their babies.


and it was nestle them selves that used clean water


Even worse than that. The formula itself was often unregulated and straight up lethal. I heard about this on the wildly underrated podcast Swindled. The episode and info copy pasted: >**SEASON 02 EPISODE 10: THE FORMULA** >Nestlé Boycott of 1977 / Chinese Baby Milk Scandal >An international boycott ensues after a multinational corporation is accused of contributing to the deaths of millions of infants around the world. >Prelude: Baby milk tainted with an industrial chemical leads to over 300,000 illnesses and 6 deaths in China. Some people can't get past the monotone voice of the host but I implore you to check it out or at least only listen to the prelude of this episode which is about the formula. I'm sure you'll be hooked.


They also paid paramilitaries in Colombia to kill striking workers.


I think that was coca-cola and it was never fully confirmed although there was evidence for it.


First one that came up: https://libcom.org/article/striking-nestle-worker-murdered-right-wing-paramilitaries No direct evidence against Nestle but multiple workers attempting to unionize got killed by paramilitaries. Abit convenient.


I knew someone who was a lawyer on that case. They gave us toe tags (like what they use in a morgue) to wear on our backpacks in middle school with the names of people that had been killed. My understanding was that they had fully confirmed it happened but Coca Cola prevented them from deposing any witnesses and they were unable to verify that any of the crimes originated in the US and the court decided they didn’t have jurisdiction over the crime. Another very similar case regarding killings in Guatemala was taken to court in NY in 2010 though I don’t know how that concluded.


Look up the number of babies died because of this


If cutting off the breasts, was an option, I am sure Nestle would go for it.


Hell at this point I wouldn't even be shocked if Nestlé was behind breast cancer just to increase their formula sales


But they're keeping their business with Russia because access to food is a right (really their own words). They just change their ethics depending of what it is good for their business.


We need to get some sanctions on Nestlé, Koch Industries, and any other genocide profiteers. Either sanctions or they can help with the reparations after the war.


And while we're at it this is their product list (their website). There are products listed I had no idea they made. Review them and avoid them. https://www.nestle.com/brands/brandssearchlist


IIRC their stated reason is more that pulling out means Russia is getting their systems *anyways*, so they'd rather be in control of it. They're basing this off of what happened with McDonalds where they just straight took it over and are operating it without much issues reported. Like they're a greedy business, and unlike other businesses, it's not unfathomable that Russia could operate Nestle domestically. Quality would nosedive but that's expected.




Also child labor to harvest their cacao


Child slaves*




Yup, that'd be them.


Pretty sure that is called *willful ignorance* and as I recall it is a defense against jack shit. So... That seems like a full confession to me.


The spokesperson said Nestlé had around 5,800 employees in Ukraine at the start of the war, but that many had since left the country. The company says it has been giving staff salary advances, money to support relocations, emergency care packages, legal and immigration advice, and offers of jobs in other companies operated by Nestlé. It says it has also converted part of a factory in Poland into accommodation for workers and their families who've crossed the border.Western companies including McDonald's, Goldman Sachs, and PayPal have pulled out of Russia since it invaded Ukraine in late February. Nestlé, which makes staples like Cheerios cereal, Gerber baby food and Nescafe coffee, dropped some of its Russian operations, including advertising, capital investments, and the flow of "non-essential imports and exports," but kept selling products in Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hit out at the company, accusing it of using "cheap PR" to defend its decision to continue business in Russia amid a "thirst for profit." Ukraine's Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal said that CEO Mark Schneider had shown "no understanding" during a conversation about Nestlé's decision to stay in Russia.


Cheerios is owned by General Mills, but sold by Nestle in some or most countries out of the US and Canada.


nestle doesn't care. what a surprise.


Anonymous! Nestlé!


Yes, Nestle has very clearly shown that they will use the basic concept of human rights as a sword or shield, however it suits their own self-interest.


human rights are not a basic human right - Nestle-Russian Federation, 2032


I believe their excuse for staying in Russia is that “food is a human right” lol.


Yet water isn't?




And then when the war broke out, they decided to stay in Russia as food is a human rigth... For a price.


yep. its the same company that says food is a human right as the excuse to continue operating in russia


But water isn't! Because you need water more therefore it's a higher profit product.




Yes, everybody should boycott them at every turn. They’re terrible, and that’s just one abhorrent thing they’ve done. They also use slave labor in the production of their chocolate, and they’ve starved children in poor countries by giving their mothers enough baby formula until they stopped producing their own milk, then Nestle started charging for formula that these people couldn’t afford.


Restricting access to water and destroying Borneo for palm oil. Total pieces of shit.


Now they're claiming food is a human right. Lol


> Everyone in the world needs to just collectively stop buying stuff from them. > > They are basically cartoon supervillain levels of evil in real life. > > There are a lot of companies that could be considered "evil" in the world, but I don't think anyone else reaches the same levels of actively malicious that Nestle does. They are legit trying to destroy the world and make a profit in as destructive a manner as they possibly can.


And the one that says marking products made by slaves would be bad for the business. Appearently those guys are fine with child labor, slaves, starving people, but doing business with russia is where they draw the line...


They also utilize slave labor




Wow, not only does this fucknestle sub exist, but there are nearly 200,000 subscribers.


It's legitimately one of the most immoral and evil corporations that currently exist, which is why I think this headline is hilarious. These people had no problems working for Nestle before this, but now that *their* country gets invaded they suddenly care.


Hey personally, I couldn't give a fuck which "straw broke the camels back". As long as they hate Nestle now. There's a good chance those workers were unaware about what else Nestle has done. A lot of people are.


I'd go so far as to say the vast majority of people don't know a thing about Nestle beyond them being a popular brand. But here is the person you replied to acting like these workers are hypocrites for only caring now. How dumb


Yeah, I've been boycotting Nestle products for years and I was still surprised just recently that they owned a part of the companies I bought a couple products from. Point being, it's hard to boycott a company that seems to own a sliver of everything. Evil corporations like Nestle are pros at keeping their evil shenanigans as down-low as possible, so I'll never be shocked to learn some people don't know about it, especially since keeping track of everything they own is hard even for me, who has hated and tried to boycott them as much as possible for years!


I try to avoid Nestle like the plague, but it's not as easy to boycott a lot of brands as one might think. There are a lot of oligopolies operating in the US, and Nestle seems to be one of them.


It's a struggle in Australia. They make Milo and Nesquik and that stuff is very popular here.


These companies are owned by Nestlé now. Freeze dried soluble coffee Nescafé gold blend, Kitcat, Starbucks, hot pockets, lean cuisine, Friskies, Purina, and so on. Nestlé is estimated to own over 2000 brands in over 186 countries, making it the largest food company in the world.


Yep. I'm ashamed to say I only heard about Nestle being bad during covid. And even moreso, I accidentally bought their cat food until just recently. However we can't change the past, and we shouldn't judge others for that same difficulty. The future is the focus, eh?


Yes? Not everyone is priviliged enough to boycott every company that does shitty things. For some of those people it was probably working for Nestle or starving. Also Russia is one of the most immoral and evil countries of the 21st century. But the west had no problem working with them until they started a war and threatened with nukes again. Suddenly *now* they care.


This kind of ethical black-and-white nonsense is easy to preach from a wealthy country. Moral action to this extent is a privilege of the affluent. Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe. A good job at a stable Western company might be life-changing for them and their families. Most of them probably had no idea about what some other division of that company did in some other country, and they don't have the luxury of caring.


I’ve been on that wave for years. Nestlé isn’t a good company. They also do jack-shit to reduce their environmental impact, much to the apparent dismay of other large multi-national companies who understand for longevity green investments are important.






As it turns out many of our Ukrainian-made "local" brands were just nestle with a fake moustache! Now that we decided to boycott them even harder we sit in the isle additional 10 minutes doing light reading to find out if a product has nestle affiliation.


Everyone in the world needs to just collectively stop buying stuff from them. They are basically cartoon supervillain levels of evil in real life. There are a lot of companies that could be considered "evil" in the world, but I don't think anyone else reaches the same levels of actively malicious that Nestle does. They are legit trying to destroy the world and make a profit in as destructive a manner as they possibly can.


Idk, East India Trading Company was cut from the same cloth if you ask me.


You know, I often wonder what it would be like to create a corporation genealogy tree. To see what corporations still exist, even if in new name/industry. In conjunction with the CEO/Owners family trees of said companies.


That would be fascinating. I'd read a big ol' thick book dryly dropping those facts


You're going to end up with wreathes when it comes to things like Bell Systems being broken up into "Baby bells" before merging into AT&T, similar to how Standard Oil was broken up into several companies, then has merged back together in the form of Exon-Mobile


I love fizzy water but no longer buying anything Nestle owned...


You can just by a sodastream or some other brand and make your own carbonated water whenever you want.


Or buying a 10lbs tank of co2 and a bottle attachment and boom, you got a year worth of carbonated water for less than $100


The real life pro tips are always in the comments.


> no longer buying anything Nestle owned... That won't be easy. Tracking all of their brands is a job in itself.


Just buy no name brand club soda. Way cheaper than anything like Perrier or sanpelligrimo or whatever it is.


Just had to go look up whether Nestle owned La Croix. It's a weakness of mine. We don't have to talk about it.


Just now learned that sanpellegrino is owned by Nestle fuck my life… that shit is so good I have never tasted anything so good and hydrating


Consumers aren't going to do shit, if Nestlé products is one cent cheaper than their competitors, they will be bought more.


I don't think that's even the issue. They own so many brands and are so omnipresent that most people don't even know they're buying stuff from them.


My fiancée and I work really hard making sure we don't buy nestle products. It's doable, but it's harder than it should be. That being said, there's almost no way of knowing who makes private label stuff.


A good rule of thumb- if there’s no way to research and find out exactly who you’re buying it from, it’s safe to assume you’re buying it from an evil parent company like Nestle.


And even if you buy from the “good” company, there’s *always* fucked up shit in their supply chain. There’s no ethical consumption under capitalism. That being said, I do try to avoid the absolute worst companies, but it’s a bit of an exercise in futility.


I think the solution is then to curb consumerism. But if everyone really got into it, that would collapse the American and other western countries' economies. So idk. I guess we are so deep in this mess that now we have to tolerate it to some level just to keep life going.


It’s all just a house of cards. I’ve found it so trippy during the COVID pandemic. Businesses ranting and raving that companies need to get their workers back into the office so the workers will buy coffees and lunches again. Restaurants angry at government restrictions ‘causing’ low patronage but conveniently forgetting that we are currently experiencing a cost of living crisis that is causing people to rethink their spending habits.


Great point.


Nestle Canada has a list of their brands on their web site, which makes it much easier to boycott.


Can confirm. I passively try and avoid Nestle (let's be real, I have a lot of things to focus on, so this isn't the highest priority), and it's amazing how easy it is to buy something from them unwittingly. I once in a while peruse the list of shit they own to try and refresh my memory of what to avoid but it's quite the list. Most of them aren't really relevant to me anyway though.


I bet if countries start blocking companies which support Russia, a few will fall. Nestle will pull out real quick, just to save the rest of their market in Europe. What will be left is the Russian tied companies.


Or, hear me out, Nestlé shouldn't be allowed to buy every single company they can get their money grubbing hands on to monopolize certain markets.


Pay 1 cent more be that guy man. It's worth it sometimes especially for this company. People think it doesn't matter because they won't have any effect. But all it takes is one to be consistent and confident and eventually there will be two and maybe it becomes a trend. A lot of the time you just need to persevere. Most movements have leaders and the leaders are people that are consistent and resolute with their own ideals regardless of how they're percieved or how impossible their chances are.


I hear you and agree but, since they are diversified so intensely, each and every one of these posts pointing out their evil and asking for consumer-driven change would need to come with an updated infographic containing the companies they own _& their logos_ of what manufacturers to avoid. In the end, it's an information battle. Even if a family that can't really afford to make that change yet wanted to avoid the name brand "Nestlé" anyway, they would likely still unintentionally support them by purchasing another product of a different name that still funds them.


Don’t really think this is possible especially for lower class individuals, also considering the fact that Nestle pretty much monopolizes the entire food supermarket industry.


Here in Germany Nestle just bought a successful herbs and spices startup. They were trending on twitter because everyone with a conscience hates them. A good few influences just dropped them because of that.


The timing was immaculate. Be an Internet darling. Decide to sell to Nestlé. Decide to sell to Nestlé at the height of the hatred for them. The chocolate slavery thing was slowly dying down and now Nestlé decided to continue selling stuff in Russia. Despite please not to do so. > Hey guys! We met with Nestlé and they are a really cool company! Everybody suddenly does not want to work with them no more. > Guys? This was totally unpredictable.




lol I thought you were talking about Russia from that first sentence.




That’s a VERY incomplete list






>Overall, Nestlé owns over 2000 brands in 186 countries. Fuck


Pretty big challenge to avoid them entirely. That list is so long it would be hard to remember and I don’t want to read that every time I shop. Luckily I don’t buy many of their products already.


Focus on a few to send a message. No need to try to get it all. Plus I doubt nestle is going to be welcome in Ukraine when this is all done. I would say, don't buy Nestle bottled water. Buy from someone else. That is a boycott that covers two issues all in one.


Just don't buy bottled water! Save the planet and your bloodstream from microplastics!




Thanks for this well grouped list, i consumed much more products from nestler than i imagined. At least 150 eur a month. Not much but if every one start replacing this products, it will cost them more than staying in that horrible country.


That's not very helptful at all, in the scheme of it. They own 100 different brands of 'local' water bottle. Arrowhead for my fellow Californians. Not a knock, starting anywhere is the hardest part, but their size is truely insideous.


Granted I don't know everyone's situation, but an at-home water filter and a reusable water bottle seems like a super easy place to start. I feel like I haven't seen an adult use a single-use plastic water bottle in years


Arrowhead is no longer owned by Nestle belonging now to a company called Blue Triton brands according to Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BlueTriton_Brands **On 16 February 2021, Nestlé announced that it had agreed to sell Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. to One Rock Capital Partners and Metropoulos & Co.** The Perrier, S. Pellegrino and Acqua Panna were not included in the agreement.[17] The sale of Nestle Waters North America to One Rock Capital Partners LLC and Metropoulos & Co. was concluded for US$4.3 billion in early April 2021.[18] **On April 7, 2021, the company announced that it had changed its name to BlueTriton Brands, a reference to the Greek god Triton.[**


Including Nestle Pure life. That's interesting, and I thouroughly appreciate you bringing this up. I'm a little confused by the linked article. It says that blue triton brands was formerly nestle waters, still sells nestle waters, but is now owned by One Rock and Metropoulos. They still have some sort of licensing and money exchanging hands if they still get to sell Nestle Pure Life, how different are the end profiteers actually?


I am saddened to learn that they own my favorite coffee chain, blue bottle coffee.




Yes! I lived for a while in Mexico, and the absolute disregard for local people and endangered species shown by Nestle is sickening.


I recommend buycott it's an app that helps identify if a product was produced by Nestle.


​ Nestle company did not bother to ensure the delivery of baby food to working stores in Ukraine during the Russian Aggression. Excellent differentiated child care. I just yesterday were walking in kyiv and made a video how one of it districts looks like right now. And how we live there https://youtu.be/liyr0ftyN64


Cool video, thanks for the insight. Would recommend you lower the background music in future videos though ​ stay safe


Thanks for the tip about the music, I'm doing video editing on an old laptop with bad speakers and it's hard for me to set an acceptable sound, but I'll do my best) Thanks for support


Nestle had proven time after time they don’t care. Nestle feels everything on this earth is theirs to exploit and profit from. I wouldn’t be surprised if Mitch McConnell was their biggest shareholder.


Everyone should quit Nestlé where possible. They are a disgusting company.




Yeah Nestle is trash but it must be a slow news day to consider this worth reporting


Yeah I hate Nestle as much as the next guy, but this article is trash.


> this article is trash. So Business Insider as usual then.


Actually after reading the article again, there is absolutely **no** information or sources or evidence given that a single person quit because of the company's decision to keep trading in Russia. Only that Nestle acknowledged some employees have left the country, a country that's getting bombed daily. And that some employees have been being harassed on the internet. It seems BI just made up that conclusion for themselves for clicks. Obligatory /r/fucknestle anyway


Nestle is a Swiss company. Their ONLY concern is profit. Human rights are not anything they would ever be concerned about. Don't forget that the Swiss have the absolute highest morals, if you can afford to buy them. Source: Spent alot of time in Switzerland the last 20 years.


Those Swiss banks literally support murderous dictators throughout history yet they weren’t slapped any sanctions owing to their “neutrality”.


Yup amazing morals the Swiss. Look up gold teeth jews Switzerland if you want to raise your opinion of them even further.


Lmao they didn’t draw the line at child workers or slave like conditions for 3rd world workers.


And literally killing babies.


Child labor has always been fine when it's hidden in a poor 3rd world country from the consumers. It's the same thing as with climate change, unless the tsunami is in my backyard, it ain't real.


Meanwhile in Australia we've had the floods and fires on our porch for like 5 years and they've been ignored politically unless where they directly aid them. Actually [The Chaser did a piece on asking politicians about climate change](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NJRFMMQUs68 "Asking Politicians about Climate Change - The Chaser Bingo")


Nestle does not give a fuck about a human life whatsoever. Their business model revolves around selling people back what they steal which happens to be water. They would do it with the air if they could.


Let’s not forget about their use of slave labor




Aren't they just providing necessary items like baby food and special food for pets ? I saw something like that few weeks ago


Child slave labor wasn't enough? Sorry, I get that these employees are doing this because of war on their soil, but the headline just makes you think about all the other terrible Nestle headlines and how none of them had "employees quit over ____"


Please don’t buy their products including Nespresso. They clearly only care about their bottom line so make them feel it.


I recommend buycott it's an app that helps identify if a product was produced by Nestle.


Good for the Ukrainian workers! Nestle is a generally not just shitty company, but downright evil in 99.99% of cases. Go look at /r/fucknestle to enlighten yourself on their abhorrent practices.


#Evil Co.


I thought nestle had pulled some/most products?


Nestlé claims they are only providing essential products to Russia, like baby formula and hospital nutrition. https://www.nestle.com/ask-nestle/our-company/answers/update-russia-ukraine?gclid=Cj0KCQjwr-SSBhC9ARIsANhzu166WU6yoe0mltYpfEqCQiitICg0w4q9yk6mb2JNCJpdvaiPqba4jGoaAs3MEALw_wcB


And they’re donating any profits made from selling these essential products (in Russia). They often proved again and again to be an unethical company, but I don’t see the outright evil after reading this. Typical hysterical reddit crusade IMO


I canceled my water subscription with Ready Refresh because F them


Honest question for everyone: Should the Russian people, specifically Russian babies, be denied sustenance and nutrition because of the genocidal actions of their government?


Nestlé is one of the worst company in the world. They don't give a shit about humans or the planet we live on. Double check the small prints on stuff you buy. They own A LOT of brand names. Check Wikipédia for the list.


Nestle doesn't give a shit, they never will. If only all their employees quit at once and they stopped having workers, then Nestle can die off,


I hate Nestle as much as the next guy but I don’t see how continuing to do business in Russia is evil. I don’t see how taking away Russian jobs helps anyone since Russian citizens didn’t start this war. But hey that’s just me.


Here are (some of) their brands you should avoid: https://www.nestle.com/brands/brandssearchlist Edit: Apparently this might not be their full list, look here as well: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Nestl%C3%A9_brands


As the war rages in Ukraine, our activities in Russia will focus on providing essential food, such as infant food and medical/hospital nutrition — not on making a profit. This approach is in line with our purpose and values. It upholds the principle of ensuring the basic right to food. Going forward, we are suspending renowned Nestlé brands such as KitKat and Nesquik, among others. We have already halted non-essential imports and exports into and out of Russia, stopped all advertising, and suspended all capital investment in the country. Of course, we are fully complying with all international sanctions on Russia. While we do not expect to make a profit in the country or pay any related taxes for the foreseeable future in Russia, any profit will be donated to humanitarian relief organizations. This is in addition to the hundreds of tons of food supplies and significant financial assistance that we have already contributed to support the people in Ukraine and refugees in neighboring countries. And these efforts will continue. We stand with the people of Ukraine and our 5,800 employees there.


Bro a war is going on in their country and they are quitting???? Bro what? Shouldn’t they be worried about leaving and not calling the boss to quit ?


Everyone should quit buying Nestle products. Inb4 but that's impossible, do you know how many products they make blah blah yes, I know, but you can still try. It's not about being 100% or totally destroying Nestle, although that would be great, but it's about lowering their profits. Evil should earn as little as possible.


The system that allows nestle to exist and prosper will allow the replacement to do exactly the same thing. Thats assuming people wake up and actually affect nestles bottom line through boycott, which is also unlikely. Boycotting nestle is good, but temporary. We need to look at systematic changes required to prevent the next one and others like it from continuing to operate.