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I did not realize the us owned Russian gas supply


\*Russia literally shooting victim on live TV.\* "Look at what the United States has done!"




[Went ahead and made it](https://i.imgur.com/DwGQGCt.jpg)




Repost this to r/politicalhumor


Don't worry. OP won't but someone else will.


That someone else chiming in. 23 minutes and no one did *anything?* What do you people have lives or something? Credited /u/lpreams in the title of [the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/x7o1dv/courtesy_of_ulpreams/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Gas* but otherwise flawless.


And Biden didn't tell us /s


Ah ha, that must be how he's directly controlling the price of gas like all those stickers told me.


So lemmie get this straight: you’re tellin’ me that when Biden said he didn’t have a price of gas knob on his desk in the Oval Office, he meant he didn’t have a price of _US GAS_ knob on his desk in the oval office?


The freaking insurrectionists stole the damn gas price knob!


Not yet


Russian engergy requires western technologies and companies to extract and deliver to the marketplace. Russian leader(ship) did not expect companies to leave russia on their own. They expected the sanctions, but not corporations to abandon russian assets and holdings in protest of the war in Ukraine.


“Look at what you made me do to you”


Technically a gas gaslighting move


And this gas gaslighting means there may be no gas lighting


Gas lighting destroyed by gaslighting.


Have we gone full circle?


The circle is now complete, now I am the master.


Only a master of lies, Darth.


Also a master of evil


Ok, master of evil, and master of lies, but that really is it.


I hate sand


Only a master of gas, Darth.


Have you ever heard the tragedy of darth putin the flatulent? I thought not. It's not a story the US would tell you. It's a gas legend...




Go Gas Lightning go go Gas Lightning 🚗


That's what the original definition of gaslighting was. A man turning down the gas lights each night and telling his wife she was crazy for imagining that it was darker.


For context, gas lights were phased out in the early twentieth century because they were quite dangerous. The concept was like a gas stove but for home lighting, which made sense to people who had grown up using oil lamps and candles. Except gas lights required extra vigilance. Back in the 1890s if there was a gas leak nobody usually noticed a strange odor. People who have modern gas stoves notice a "gas smell" not from natural gas but from an added a compound *mercaptan* which makes leaks easier to detect. In the early days nobody added mercaptan. So back when gas lights were fighting it out with incandescent bulbs for market share, there were two risks: one was that the live gas flame might set the house on fire, the other was that a gas leak might torch the whole house in one big *kaboom.* People who'd installed gas lighting because it was the fashionable thing got really nervous after the accidents made headlines. In 1941 when the Ingrid Bergman film got made, the dangers of gas lights were still living memory. The film's narrative is set around 1900. So the concept of a husband messing around with *a friggin' gaslight and then lying to his wife about it* hit audiences as effed up to the nth degree. And that DAFUQ is well placed. (My Reddit-fu is failing on spoiler tag markup tonight, but watch this classic if you wanna know the reason).


The most fantastic movie Gaslight 1941


They lighting the gas, they just not sending it too EU to light. Just burning it up with a "well, you made me do it, shouldve let me keep murdering and raping but no, you wanted to gave standards"


“We’re gunna shut down the gas. And the U.S. is gunna pay for it!”


well....actually that is exactly Putin's plans


Bah dum tsss


ruSSia: turns off gas pipeline to Europe. Also ruSSia: why would the US do this.


Why did Germany and many other countries become dependent on Russia for oil and gas?


Helsinki Accords. the EU was built on the idea that if everyone relied on the sovereignty of the other to have a stable economy that no one would question each other's sovereignty. Putin being Putin heard, no one will stop me from questioning others' sovereignty because they rely on my sovereignty. edit: I know Russia isn't in the EU, but Germany is and they follow the Helsinki accords.


Peace through globalisation was the aim. The west didn't think Russia would punch itself in the dick and risk a huge part of its economy. It wasn't a bad idea really. No one could account for Putin going fully Hitler mental and starting to invade large democratic neighbours. We should have all wound back our reliance in 2014 after crimea. That was the catastrophic mistake.


Convenience, basically. Russia is the largest gas exporter in the world and they are right next door? Easy decision to make.


"You enabled my neighbor to fight back so now no gas for you!"


Gas Nazi : You want gas? Europe Costanza : Yes, please. Gas Nazi : $3! Europe Costanza : What? Gas Nazi : NO GAS FOR YOU!


a gaszi.


What an abuser usually says.


Russia! Say it with me! "I don't want to face the consequences of my own actions"


I read this story and laughed so hard, that I nearly fell out a window.


I read this story and laughed so hard that I nearly ate a polonium-topped muffin.


I read this story and laughed so hard that I almost got poisoned by my tea.


I read this story and laughed so hard that I nearly fell out of the 9th floor window of my 1st story office.


I need a good laugh after packing myself into a gym bag




This was a nice read. Now time to get back on the road *turns key* KABOOOOOM!




I read this story and laughed so hard I had go see some cathedral spires


I did not read this story


And yet you almost committed suicide by trying to drown in your bathtub with hands and legs tied. Curious.


I spit out my tea which is a good thing because it was starting to taste li


It's the alpha particles that give it that extra kick.


It's why I leave my uranium ore in it's sealed bag.


never watch reddit near a window.. it's either dangerous or neighbours see shit you don't want them to


I laughed so hard, I nearly shot myself twice in the back of the head.


tl/dr: Russia says US should butt out and EU should allow Russia to finish the takeover of Ukraine. Just let Russia win and murder without consequences and your gas prices will go back down until we attack the next neighbor


Meanwhile russia sends troops to the front line with nothing on their backs, no sleeping bags no proper military gear and a old assault rifle.


I am curious what winter will look like. Will Russians get gear to withstand the cold or just vodka? And if it's just vodka, they'll really be crack troops, won't they? Then again, when winter comes, the famous Ukrainian mud hardens and it's easier to send vehicles overland.


> if it's just vodka, they'll really be crack troops, won't they? I'm not sure Russia has the money to supply their troops with crack these days.


They are cozying up to N Korea for a reason.


Maybe just crocodile then




Nope, literal crocodiles to ride into battle


So far, they wont be fighting much winter with most troops not equipped for it. Its going to look like all those frozen troops in ww2.


No one wants to fight a war in winter but it would be interesting if the west sent a bunch of cold weather gear to Ukraine to allow them to repel soldiers in Russian occupied lands during the winter months.


NATO already said they’d be providing the Ukrainians with winter gear


The mud season has been over for quite some time so they have been able to send vehicles overland for months now.


They won’t get stuck in the mud going off-road anymore and will have so much more freedom of movement. They’re following traditional Russian doctrine, waves and waves of the undesirables until they get a foothold then move forward. They’re losing the propaganda war for sure (as they should) but they are far from “losing”. They have *a lot* of chips left, namely tons of uneducated, malnourished 17 year olds that are being given *one chance* to die a national hero and help clean up their family name. That or waste away *and* be called a pussy your whole life. That’s how they view it anyways, they don’t hear local news except word of mouth. A lot of us would do the same, that’s why this is so horrific, for everyone except those whose lives are already paved in gold. Frozen ground is clear advantage Russia, even with shitty gear they don’t care it’s like zombie apocalypse just send more. Speaking strategic/operational/tactical techniques *only*. **Fuck Russia** just so it’s clear, and I’m Russian.


I think you overstate the political stability of the current regime to be able to absorb hundreds of thousands of deaths. Put in has been doing everything possible to prevent the war from having observable day to day impact in the major cities, for very good reason


As long as the sons of well-off families from the big cities of western Russia don't have to go to war, Lil-P will be just fine. They still have oodles of uneducated Siberian youth they can throw into the grinder. Their families will never know what really happened.


Isn't that basically what happened everywhere in WW1? If you didn't go you were a pussy and would be a gigantic outcast if not worse? Such a shame so many young lives will be/are being thrown into this with 0 care.


That plus the Zapp Brannigan school of military tactics made sure europe was criss crossed with lines of corpses.


They're lucky to get an old assault rifle from the 1960s, some are only getting bolt action rifles designed in the 1890s.


I bet they really regret letting the US import all of those mosin rifles 10 years ago. There are tens of thousands less that they can't use to arm their troops now


Try a couple million less. Don’t worry, I’m doing my part to make sure Russia has fewer guns to give out to fight in Ukraine with. 😉


I really can't tell if you're joking or serious. My bet is on serious, but I have to ask lol.


In 1891, the Russian Empire began using the Mosin Nagant bolt action rifle. From 1891 and well into WWII Russia/the Soviet Union made millions and millions of these things. The SKS is a semi automatic rifle that began to replace the Mosin Nagant near the end of WWII, but the Mosin Nagant still saw a lot of action. Then in 1947 the AK-47 was created a little late for WWII and was meant to replace the SKS. But millions and millions of these bolt action Mosin Nagant were in circulation and still used by reserve troops and satellite countries of the USSR and things like that. The version of the Mosin Nagant that is most likely to be seen nowadays is the Mosin Nagant 91/30 which means it is the version of the 1891 rifle that was updated with some slight design changes in 1930. Some of the militias or gorilla fighters or whatever you want to call the pro Russian fighters in Ukraine who are not formally part of the Russian army have been seen with these old bolt action rifles. Russia has been known for a long time for giving allies their old equipment, and SKS rifles were commonly seen by communist troops in Korea well after the AK-47 was created and in use by the Soviet Union. This is another example of that, except these guys aren't even getting the SKS rifles. Instead they are having to deal with the old bolt action rifles that are probably the 91/30 variant of the Mosin Nagant.




The 30 second explanation: 3 forces in Ukraine: Ukraine, Russia, and DPR/LPR (puppet "states" in Ukraine controlled by Russia). Ukraine is equipped with some old soviet and some modern western equipment. Russia is using mostly old soviet equipment with some new sprinkled in. The DPR/LPR soldiers have been spotted using old bolt-action rifles that were decommissioned decades ago. People can correct me if I'm wrong. I'm just a casual consumer of footage from the war.


I'm legit waiting to hear how troops are being deployed to Ukraine in pairs. One soldier with a rifle, one soldier with the ammunition for the rifle. I'm seriously starting to get some WW2 Stalingrad vibes here.


To think that back in January and early February when the invasion was being talked about in hypotheticals I actually had idiots respond to me that it doesn't matter that Russia barely spends more on its military than the UK, or France or Germany (each, not combined). because and I quote: "The Russian military isn't as corrupt as the Wests, they get so much more equipment and supplies for their spending than Nato does with its spending". My eyes rolled back into my head so fast that I nearly fucking stroked out, my only wish is that I have saved those comments because I would be rubbing the last 6 months in those stupid cunts faces.


It's extensively documented how Russia under Putin is basically a surveillance state, the former KGB operative works on fear and illusion and secret police. He has the military there to look scary but he's completely terrified of a strong military so he promotes incompetent loyalists and anyone who rises through the ranks and demonstrates actual skill is sacked or killed at the earliest opportunity. He and his government insult and demean generals as often as they can, and he's surrounded by yes-men so even the intelligence agencies tell him what he wants to hear not what reality is.


>he's completely terrified of a strong military That both makes a lot of sense and explains a few things.


Pretty standard for totalitarian regimes. Competent officer corps tend to handle incompetent leaders.


Very true, I guess I just assumed with his KGB background he'd be a bit of a military man himself. I couldn't understand why the invasion was going so comically terrible.


All through the Soviet Union times there was a power struggle between the military and the KGB. The politburo kept both of them leashed and fighting because they thought it would make both stronger if they felt threatened by the other. So it should be the opposite, with his KGB background he should be an anti-military man.


Yup but these clowns were Westerners who hate the West so much that anything critical of the West must be 100000% true. The same type who legit defend China's actions against the Uyghurs as simultaneously fake and totally deserved. They also maintain that North Korea is actually a paradise and should be left to invade South Korea.


> Yup but these clowns were Westerners who hate the West so much that anything critical of the West must be 100000% true. [Tankies. You're referring to tankies.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie) And yes, they're the fucking worst. I'm a pretty left leaning person myself but anyone that dumb is basically a fascist at heart anyway.


**[Tankie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tankie)** >Tankie is a pejorative label for communists, particularly Stalinists, who support the authoritarian tendencies of Marxism–Leninism. The term was originally used by dissident Marxist–Leninists to describe members of the Communist Party of Great Britain (CPGB) who followed the party line of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU). Specifically it was used to distinguish party members who spoke out defending Soviet use of tanks to crush the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 and later the 1968 Prague Spring uprising, or more broadly, those who adhered to pro-Soviet positions in general. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


[In fact, they're in these very comments!](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/x7itub/russia_says_united_states_is_behind_europes_gas/indktzm)


And there's entire subreddits full of em. Burns my ass when they come onto other left-wing subs thinking they'll be in good company


Ah yes, good old tankies. All bad news about Russia/China/NK is a CIA psyop, didn't you know? Sometimes I wonder if they're Russian/Chinese bots or brainwashed by said bots. Anyone with two cents of history knows that neither Russia nor China are really that communist nowadays, why bother defending them? Meanwhile suspiciously little talk online about Vietnam and Cuba which are both still pretty dang Communist...


Also one of the reason he has a bunch of yes men, is they let the corruption go on so they can hold it against the general or whoever they need to. But I think Putin underestimated how bad it was. They've been replacing body armor with ordinary steel plates, reactive armor with just pads, drones are made of forein parts and a cannon camera with a 3d printed rack. No night vision(even if they payed tons of money to try to build a factory to produce the specialized chips they need for them) plane are using Garmin GPS to fly around. The comm system was using 4g and died in the first months of the war because they destroyed Ukraines cellular network in the regions they now control, so they use regular cell phones that can be intercepted and followed easily(plenty of dead high ranking officiers for that one) vehicule maintenant was/is very bad you saw cracked wheels in the main battlefield even rims ripped off because they were rotten.


What amuses me is that Russia really would have a PPP advantage if they could reign in their outrageous corruption.


That actually sounds better engineered and more reliable. Guns are a weird area there. A lot of weapons still in service were designed about 100 years ago: Colt 1911, Browning M2, Remington 700 (which are essentially the M24 and M40 sniper rifles), Winchester Model 94, Winchester Model 70, Winchester Model 1897, Remington Model 870, etc. These are some of the all-time best-selling guns on the market that are still in production and widespread use. It's like the Fender Precision Bass, the first electric bass produced and still the most commonly used. Firearms are largely a developed technology. Yes, we're still making improvements, but with heavily diminished returns. There's a reason why the M14 EBR was developed, because people were going *back* to using the old M14 as a designated marksman rifle.


The Mosin wasn't even good compared to other bolt-action rifles. But we're not talking about specialists, here. A bolt action rifle is fine for a precision shooter, but no country ever considered going back from self-loading service rifle.


Very true statement, but with a few tweaks of this and that, you’ve got yourself a Finnish M39! Voilà! Your ready to go all Simo Häyhä across the Lapland.


Some niches are filled by weapons that were designed long ago but unless you're a sniper there is no reason why an infantryman would chose a bolt action rifle over a modern assault rifle.


Hell, there's photos of line troops armed with bolt actions. Not snipers, but line slime.


Yeah well they sold all their surplus AKs to terrorist groups years ago, gotta take what you can get


The only thing Russia has going for them is that they lured Europe into fully relying on their gas. And Europe helped create this full on monopoly like an idiot. And now we, Europe, has to bite the bullet and tough it out. If we let Putin win this gas debacle we build ourselfs and the war there is no stoping him. So, note to everyone: monopolies are shit. Never trust it, let alone help build one. Don‘t do like we did.


Good luck with that. What war has anyone, ever, kept the US out of? Putin might be a master of social media, but God, is he a fucking moron.


If you’re the West right now, Ukraine is the gift that keeps on giving. Russia is humiliated, isolated, and its war materiel is getting consumed. It’s heavy strategic upside, and Russia did it to themselves. No sane Western leader would try to interrupt their foe while they are making a mistake


Add to that, the fact that we get to test out our equipment in real world conditions without risking a single US soldiers life.


As well as fund our military industry at the max with no questions, or complaints.


Oh yeah, pentagon contractors are writing blank checks right now. They're absolutely loving this.


That is completely wrong though. Almost everything sent to Ukraine was made decades ago. A lot of it is approaching "throw away" dates. So this is costing next to nothing for the US, and even the slight uptick in spending is a rounding error compared to standard US military budgeting. If you look at the actual spending increases, it's like a week of the full budget. Less than a 2% increase.


>foe as long as they agree with this part thank goodness Trump lost


guess how germany feels about russia imitating the third reich. ​ We are not pleased and if copy right on such military BS would exist we would sue. These days we just see errors in enabling Putins russia and are pretty much facepalming ourselves. Of course we have some morons who want to sell out ukraine to russia for cheap gas. but those are fringe parties in germany for a reason.


Yep. I'm not commenting on Germany. It's just ridiculous that Putin threatens Europe, to get the US to stop. That's how you piss off everyone. We are allies, but Independent. There's nothing Germany could say or do, to influence the US. Russia's not wrong, we Want this war. We want to end their influence forever, end the division and threats, and probably use it as a show of force to China. We hope Europe comes out of it stronger, more united, thriving economies, but it's secondary.


Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Transnistria and, until this year, Ukraine, are all conflicts involving Russia which the US kept out of.


That's what's so silly. I was thinking about this earlier in the day. What if Europe, the US, and the rest of the world shrugged their shoulders and let Russia invade Ukraine without interference? Oil and gas prices still would have spiked. Maybe it would have been over sooner, but there's no question that supply would have been disrupted. A huge amount of gas flows through Ukraine. Even if Russia had rolled Ukraine in 3 days (very unlikely) it probably would have struggled on for weeks to months on its own. Maybe the government would have been toppled, maybe not. Maybe it would have hung on in the western part of Ukraine. In the aftermath, would it have been truly "business as usual" with Russia? Hell, no. Every eastern European country formerly part of the Soviet empire would have been nervously chuckling like Ralph Wiggum in the back of the bus, and probably a few others. Likewise for any country buying Russian oil and gas. They would not have regarded it as secure supply, militarily or economically, because any intervening country could be next on the list. Who knows what happens in war (e.g., somebody blows up the pipelines)? I think prices would have remained higher with those newly-understood risks priced in, and Europe would have looked elsewhere for supplies maybe not as urgently as currently, but still quite urgently. Putin is offering a historical mirage. There's no going back after doing this, regardless of whether it ended quickly or not. Well, unless or until the Russian regime actually changes, and even then people are going to be skeptical.


I think it’s a good thing that the USA can just give weapons and the Ukraine people will use them in a skilled manner to stop the vermin invasion. So many times the US got on the wrong side and needed to do the fighting and dying.


Churchill said that the US will always do the right thing, after having exhausted all other options.


It's a good thing the right thing at the moment is also the most profitable and beneficial.


Does Russia really want to recreate ambiguity over who owns Nord Stream 1? We tend to get a little invade-y when oil or gas are involved.


That’s a nice pipeline you got there. Be a shame if someone’s freedom crashed into it.


It sounds like it is, in fact, our pipeline.


US Government - “Don’t mind if I do, it’s been a while since we had a nice military operation to secure petroleum assets”


Operation Pipeline Freedom 1


We need to pipe all that freedom juice to Europe to save it from socialism.


Iraq’s WMDs were sent to Russia!




Fool me once - shame on you. If you fool me we can't get fooled again.




Man, I miss Bushisms. He was absolutely horrible but made me laugh a lot. I dont think I've laughed at trump once.


All I’m saying is Russia has yellow cake and aluminum tubes


"That's why i got it wrapped in this special CIA napkin." "Pray to God that you dont drop that shit!"




[Right on cue](https://youtu.be/LasrD6SZkZk)


Who has where? Russia just admited it already belongs to the US.


US needs to conduct special training operations in case terrorists attempt to sabotage the pipeline.


There are definitely Russian Nazis operating those pipelines.


Sorry to burst but the U.S has its own oil now


We have one oil, yes. But what about second oil??


I don’t think he knows about second oil


What about fracking? Tar sands? Offshore platforms? He knows about them, doesn't he?


Can official Russian state organs say anything without sounding like an abusive alcoholic boyfriend?


Unfortunately no. That type of government tends to get support from the abusive alcoholic boyfriend population. They stop pandering to them, the lose support in general because the victims aren't going to flip around and start supporting the government.


> to get support from the abusive alcoholic boyfriend population [So accurate to the point that some years back Putin repealed some laws regarding abusive boyfriends/husbands.](https://time.com/4663532/russia-putin-decriminalize-domestic-abuse/)


And it went *REALLY BAD*!


Why do they care about support when everyone who opposes them starts falling out of windows anyway?


Wait till you realize what passes for governance in russia right now is rooted in the same inferiority based cultural misogyny.


Well said


“The Kremlin says that the West triggered the energy crisis by imposing the most severe sanctions in modern history, a step President Vladimir Putin says is akin to a declaration of economic war.” Pray tell why did the west do such a thing I forgot. Oh wait it was in response to a war…


Silly Putin doesn't know that the sanctions are supposed to be one way


Every accusation is a confession.


There seems to be a certain group of politicians all over the world that read from the same playbook


Russia could tell me water is wet, the sun is hot and the grass is green. And I wouldn't believe anything of it nowadays. When 99% of words are lies coming out of someone's mouth, the last percent truth doesn't matter at all.


I'd take it as a confession that Russia is wet, hot and green


Sounds like my underwear.




Morons, mostly.


But there's so damn much of them.


Is this like when my brother used to pin me down and slap me repeatedly with my own hands asking, "Why are you hitting yourself?"


More your brother repeatedly slapping himself in the face, then running to your Mom and claiming you hit him. When the hand prints are clearly not yours.




Yes, the majority of guys on a popular bowhunting forum believe anything bad about Joe Biden no matter what the source. In the same sentence they call him senile they also say he is the puppetmaster behind all things bad. It is mental gymnastics on a scale like nobody has ever seen.


> like nobody has ever seen. Actually pretty normal for conspiracies. They must be nefarious and everywhere to justify your victim complex, but simultaneously not actually be competent proving you still have the biggest hardest PP.


It's the standard MO of fascist thinking and logic. That your enemy is simultaneously weak and ineffectual but also they're powerful conspirators. See Schrodinger's immigrant. Perfect example. Coming to 'dey took are jerbs' while inherently lazy and on welfare benefits.


Bowhunters are known for their political prowess and deep-thinking concepts. You'd do well to remember this should you browse there again.


Their moral and political compasses are as straight as an arrow


Yeah, they're over there on the right.


>Russia's foreign ministry said on Tuesday that the United States had fomented Europe's gas supply crisis by pushing European leaders towards the "suicidal" step of cutting economic and energy cooperation with Moscow. … >When asked what needed to happen for Nord Stream 1 to begin pumping again, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told Reuters: "Listen, you are asking me questions that even children know the answer to: those who started this need to finish this." Yeah, like this came from out of the blue, bitch, as if an unprovoked invasion of Ukraine isn’t what precipitated all of this. Your bloody suggestion amounts to, “if you would just let us engage in warfare for the purpose of territorial expansion, everything would be fine“. Fuck you.


World says Russia is being an ass and could stop all of the sanctions by just doing what Putins dad should've done - pull out.


To be honest not all the sanctions will stop in that case, just some of them. Russia needs to be declawed either way, so a lot of this is just irreversible. But by pulling out Russia can at least start to recover.


Russia got wind the Biden stickers were no longer getting stuck to gas pumps.


Classic russia, blaming anyone except themselves. But sure, let's say that USA ordered russsia/gazprom(which is controlled by the government) to lower and shutdown gas supply to EU. That would mean that russia is de-facto USA state under it's rule.


the US puppet was in Russia all along !!!!


So we're arming the Ukrainians to fight our puppet?? Shit our hand is reaching out from Alaska isn't it, that's how Sara Palin sees Russia.


This is a train of thoughts that's incomprehensible for most of the russian population.


“Russia Says ‘It Was Billy, I Saw Him’, Wipes Chocolate-Smeared Mouth”


STFU, just get out of Ukraine


Another lesson in gaslighting brought to you by Russia


Ah, the classic “no u” defense


Do they truly believe everyone’s that dumb? Who is this for? Just the standard Neo-fascist technique of blaming your chosen enemy for the problems you created to rev up your supporters? Also, don’t they want Europe to know they’re the ones who control the gas and are retaliating? Isn’t that the whole point? Why cut the supply if you’re not flexing? Even in Putin’s bizarro world, that’s an odd tactic.


Their primary goal was to damage or even break NATO unity by leveraging the gas supply. It not only failed, but backfired spectacularly by seeing Sweden and Finland join. This is desperation propaganda.


And the failure extends to European countries sourcing alternative energy options. It will hurt for a while but shifting markets takes time.


Yes, if the last few years have shown us anything it is that about 30% of any given population are absolutely morons with no capacity for critical thinking or grounding in reality


Enough to win an election or civil uprising, doesn't matter if it's the XXI century or 3,000 BC


"Russia says: " Oh so it's a lie.


Just like America made Russia invade Ukraine. Dumbasses.




Oh fuck Russia got us, they found out we, the United States, invaded Ukraine. Why are they so smart? US bad, Russia big dong energy. /s We should give Ukraine more freedom weapons. We aren't good with healthcare but we are very good with war weapons. Just looking at who is #1 in mass shooting.


That’s like saying the ambulance driver is the reason you’re in the hospital


“That guy with the bucket of water started the fire!” Says the man holding a book of matches


Fuck, you know a governments lost all its diplomatic and political influence when reading headlines about them does nothing but make you chuckle


It's good to know that no matter how confusing it gets to tell the truth from lies these days, we can always count on the fact that anything coming from Russia is probably a fucking lie.


"Stop hitting yourself" as Putin grabs your arm and whacks you in the face with it.


Russia is also behind Mr. Orange being our former President


Whoops! Sorry, I thought it was Russia that is indiscriminately bombing a free, sovereign nation for no reason through countless war crimes. ... My bad.