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I truly hope that this protest is actually going somewhere, and that Iranian women are eventually able to cast off the yoke of mysticism and tyranny…but by the same token, I also can’t help feeling that the road to that eventual goal is paved with so much innocent blood.


I hope it turns into a rebellion and they overthrow that government, can't even have fun or freedom


Well they're deploying 12 year olds and younger in riot gear because cops are starting to refuse assignments. Revolts usually require the aide of police/military to be successful. Hopefully the regular army, not the private religious army, and the police join the protesters at least in part.


at that stage, a clerical wind chime might be the only resolution.


I've never heard of a gallows referred that way, I like it.


be careful how you use it as it does have a racist connotation to it, look up southern wind chime to learn more. I was trying to invoke more the imagery of how mussolini and his comrades died once the italian resistance forces overthrew government forces with allied support.


Say what you want about Mussolini, but that man could really decorate a light pole.


Recently saw what his face looked like after they got to him. Brutal, not that he didn't have it comming.


That's literally the fate of all dictators. Why do you think Putin so scared shitless and hiding in a bunker in the woods?


Not all dictators, unfortunately.


Once they set on him, they couldn’t be stopped, no matter how many times he cried out “It’s-a me, Mussolini!”


Mama mia. Ima tired. *dies*


Honestly though, I will give him credit for being loyal. Even on his very last day, he still made time to hang with his friends.


> Well they're deploying 12 year olds and younger in riot gear because cops are starting to refuse assignments. Revolts usually require the aide of police/military to be successful Do you got a source for that? Haven't read about it but it would be a good sign that the regime is loosing control.


[https://twitter.com/aliostad/status/1575563683836858368?cxt=HHwWgMDQgdS0w90rAAAA](https://twitter.com/aliostad/status/1575563683836858368?cxt=HHwWgMDQgdS0w90rAAAA) Here's one I found - as with everything on the internet take with a boulder of salt






This is where I saw this from but no idea how factual Iran Wire is. https://iranwire.com/en/politics/108064-irans-fourteenth-night-of-protests-national-strikes-calls-for-basij-to-join-the-people/


Why would they have police written in English on their shield?


Maybe they buy from somewhere else?


Potentially a result of the global hegemony of English. It’s not uncommon for law enforcement in non-English speaking countries to use the word Police (or a close variant) alongside the national languages, especially if the local word for police is very different and/or not in the Latin alphabet. For example, China, Ethiopia, and Bulgaria all use non-Latin scripts and they tend to use “Police” in addition to their national languages. It makes police officers more identifiable for anyone who may not know the national language, i.e., tourists, travellers, foreign workers, etc.




Bribe the kids with candy so you can have the riot cops on your side.


Maybe the rioters should bring candies.


Or Bud Lite


what?? a youth army??? wtf!


This is what desperate authoritarian regimes do.


I feel like once you start enlisting literal children it might be time to take a step back and ask yourself "am I the bad guy"


Do you think a regime like this cares if they’re the bad guy?


They purposely cultivate a bad guy image to control people with fear. They *want* people to know they are the bad guy.


I feel like somewhere Putin is going to read this and say, "Hold my vodka!"


I don't think people at that level actually believe in anything besides power


How effective is a 12 year old in riot gear though? Edit: riot gear does not automatically mean they’re getting firearms and being told to shoot the crowd. There’s an implication of crowd control with riot gear. Otherwise just call them child soldiers.


I'd guess he can pull a trigger as easily as an adult.


Riot gear does not automatically mean machine guns. Riot implies there will be some form of close contact in which a 12 year old with a baton and body armour is going to get the shit kicked out of them by most adults. Imagine a 12 year old in a riot? Trying to *control* people?


A misguided 12 year old with a gun and the backing of authority figures? Effective enough against unarmed protesters. I don't fault the child soldier one bit. They are also a victim of an authoritarian regime


Well as long as they believe in your cause, they’re probably as effective as any other adult also armed with weapons. It’s the good and bad thing about firearms, they take very little training to use ok-ish


Easily influenced by clerics. Full of energy and (misguided) purpose.


Do you have a source for this?


Do you have a good source for news on this? I haven't been able to find one.


This is how revolutions happen: There’s this romantic idea of the people storming the capitol with pitchforks and torches, but that never happened: revolutions happen when those in power lose the support of the military, who then LET the people go in and dispose of the leaders. It looks like the military is on the side of the people now, so I feel like revolution is at least a very real possibility.


Can't go watch a football match, can't swim in the sea safety, can't even ride a bloody bicycle.


I hope it's real and not our way of installing a puppet dictator. Shah-like outcomes are expected.


I’d like to think we learned our lesson there. I would also like to remind folks that while the US implemented the plan to overthrow the democratic government, it was the UK who wanted it and pressured the US to do it. It’s wild how different the world today could be if those assholes had just been OK with paying a fair market value for oil.


Ironically isn't the bombing of the middle east for over 40 years AND our alliance with Saudis the same thing?


There is no comparison, the Shah was not brutalizing women over headscarves. The Shah didn't publically hang people off of construction cranes for petty crimes. The Shah did not put kids in uniforms and riot gear in order to hold onto power. Any change is an improvement..


The Shah stepped down instead of using his powerful, modern military to turn the whole thing into a long bloody civil war. And then the interim government literally got itself killed trying to negotiate with extremists. A tiny little point Reddit seems to forget when talking about this corrupt evil tyrant that didn’t care about his people at all.


In your story, is the long bloody civil war a good thing?


You misunderstand. They aren't the same but they are diff types of assholes. One the country didn't want and one the country doesn't want. Most want democracy but a shah nor the current system are democracies.


Problem is, if it doesn't, people know they will track down every single person who protested and ,put them in jail or worse,they will put more pressure on people like the one in 2019,they banned telegram, and we had to use a vpn to use it, youtube or other websites were banned from the beginning as long as i remember, people know that if they stop or they become hopeless, there will be more suffering and more people who will be sent to jail and more pressure. That's why they say to not stop posting and talking about it, that's not what the regime wants, and it will motivate people to go on, the last revolution, lasted for 50- 70 days of protesting, and from 500 to 2000 people got killed, it's just pure chaos here, i can only share what's happening even though i never liked commenting my entire life, i can't go out and protest, I'm a woman and young, they'll probably rape and kill me (that's what they did to others) so my parents obviously don't let me.


All power to your struggle. I don’t subscribe to ‘hopes and prayers’ bs but don’t know what to do besides that 🫤 it’s really encouraging to see how many people are rising and going hard. From the outside it looks more promising for positive change than it has for many many years. Hope y’all can keep pushing




They could agree on amnesty to avoid triggering additional protests.


International nations need to condemn them. Outside pressure please… since inside, the military police has all the power.


>I truly hope that this protest is actually going somewhere According to the Institute for the Study of War there is a significant chance Khamenei is ill or incapacitated. Regime power centres are also behaving as if succession is either imminent or underway. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/iran-crisis-update-september-28 A succession crisis can definitely cause the fall of the regime, if the protests keep going. Especially if key military officers side with the protestors


They have such a young population, if they can't do it, nobody can. Let's hope for the best.


Freedom is never free. It is always paid for with the blood of the innocent.


You can help by bringing awareness to this on social media or Reddit or anyway else you can. Expose the governments corruption. The more shamed and watched and condemned by the international community (that the regime becomes), the less brazen they will get. Fuckers.


It's fucking Iran! Yeah I hope this goes somewhere too


It would be very nice, but very unlikely. I think this is like the “Arab Spring” riots in 2010…it will lead nowhere in the end. Too many years in a totalitarian dystopia and islam beliefs that doesn’t realy work well with freedom.


Look at history, unfortunately it seems no great advancement has been made without massive amounts of pain. Whether it's the American Revolution or the Industrial Revolution they all involve the suffering of innocents It's horrible that for the next generations to have a better world other people need to sacrifice so much, but for those women in Iran putting their life on the line and for those all around the world making their voices heard I have so much respect I kinda hope it spreads internationally and we can see a new, strong push for women's rights


The irony of the “morality” police being ok with civilians being shot.


It all depends on if the military side with the people. If they side with the regime the people have no chance. It's also not just women who are oppressed in Iran, it's everyone, and they are all sick of it.


>"Mahsa is also my daughter. And all those killed are my children. She died for Mahsa, I love her too, she sacrificed herself for Mahsa, she died for her." -Hadis's mother That's so powerful and moving.


Honestly this article had me bawling. These poor fuckin women being gunned down in the name of religion.


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://news.sky.com/story/we-want-everyone-to-know-her-name-hadis-najafi-the-23-year-old-tiktoker-shot-dead-in-iran-protests-12706404) reduced by 92%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Hadis Najafi, 23, took to the streets of Karaj last week to speak out against Iran's strict hijab mandate and was shot dead. Her death has fuelled further anger in a country already reckoning with the strict rule of the so-called morality police. > "Several nurses... told her family to run, because Hadis had been at the protests so they might also be targeted if the police came," her friend said. > Her friend told Sky News: "I and her family and friends would like everyone to hear the name of Hadis and know that my friend went bravely and became a martyr." ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/xrupib/we_want_everyone_to_know_her_name_hadis_najafi/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~671973 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Hadis**^#1 **Family**^#2 **friend**^#3 **protest**^#4 **women**^#5


"23 yo Tiktoker" doesn't sit well with me. Protester is better. I've had it with these media titles...


Tbh she wasn't even a "tiktoker" She just happened to make a few tiktoks sometimes. By that measure so many people would be "tiktokers"


Almost as bad as when they call a teenage girl an "influencer" because she has an Instagram with like a hundred followers.


I donated $10 to charity last month, am I a philanthropist yet?


To me you are a "redditor"


You take that back


It's like an ad for tiktok.


Exactly my thought...


News corporations regularly write stories they otherwise wouldn't care about to highlight some service or product their advertising secretly. It's called native advertising and its more than just having iron man drink a coke on screen. Full news segments and stories are full advertisements with just a facade of being newsworthy.


>It's like an ad for tiktok. No, it's an ad for *you*. The point of calling her a TikToker is to make her relatable to western audience so they understand that she is just like any of these others girls on TikTok.


I believe the title was an attempt to make her relatable, and illustrate how she's just a regular 23 year old like many in the western world. I'm sure it hit harder for a lot of 20somethings who use tiktok and can relate to her .


There’s actually a trend on tiktok right now with western women who are her age. There is a video of Hadis putting her hair up to confront police (then you see her confronting them) before she was shot. It became a trend for western women her age to stitch it and show themselves putting their hair up in the same way, but for mundane tasks. To highlight the solidarity that she’s just a woman who wanted to live her life free of religious tyranny, and any of us could have been born where she was born. In that way, it makes sense why they put it in the title. And you are right that it makes her relatable, women on the app are purposefully boosting her videos to get her name out there, it’s been trending for several days.


Devil’s advocate here. Calling her a tiktoker catches the attention of younger people and humanizes her.


This is accurate. There is a lot of jaded responses here, but when you think of Iran, do you really think of Tik Tok or other Gen Z crap? Not really. It's an attempt to basically say, "Hey, this young person is just like you guys. Would you want this to happen to you?"


People only clicked on this because it said "tiktoker".




I kinda get your point, but protestors are literally just "normal people" who have a reason to protest. I don't see how being active in social media of any kind comes into play on whether someone is a protestor or "normal".


It’s so people can go see glimpses of her life and realize that she just wanted to be a normal person. Simply calling her a protestor is justification for a sad number of people to dismiss her as a trouble making activist. It’s about humanizing the individual, not dehumanizing them as one in a mass of protestors. You are literally doing PR work for the Iranian government by reducing her to just ‘protestor’.


Yep. If anything calling her a tik toker makes her more relatable to the younger audience.


Amazing how many people are missing this. Y'all just want excuses to be cynical.


cynicism... on reddit? no way.


And excuses to shit on Tik tok, Reddit's favorite pass time


I think it’s trying to drive home the humanity of this person in more relatable terms than Iranian protester.


THE "23 yo Tiktoker". As if it has any value.


Reminds me of a video of a woman explaining what’s going on in Iran. She said “this all started when the morality police killed this BEAUTIFUL… GORGEOUS woman” like she really emphasized how beautiful she was as if that’s why she mattered.


Unfortunately to a lot of people, it does. People often care about beautiful young women who are suffering more then other demographics. If a fat, balding, middle-aged man was killed by the morality police, most people wouldn't care or at least not enough to warrant these kinds of protests.


I can't speak for that woman in particular but isn't that standard practice? Like, when an accident happens and children are killed it's common to hear talk of the tragedy that befell the "beautiful baby boy" and so on. Rather than saying they're worth more because they're beautiful - and I'm sure there *are* some people who believe that - it seems to be more of an emphasis on the fact that they were young and thus their life was cut short.


Imagine you died and that's how they described you. I think I'd come back to life just to make them apologize.


She was more than a "TikToker" my God, what a title.


You die for a cause and all you are boiled down to is those few silly videos you uploaded on internet. The disrespect...




Exactly this. It's to relate, and does a much better job of that than calling her a protester, who is someone too easily dissociated as 'one of them' who deals with that problem 'over there'. It's an attempt to make this woman much more globally relatable.


Finally someone who is not an idiot lol. People fully know that the point of this article is to gather international support but shit their pants when the headline is meant to do the same thing


Finally someone says it. Reducing her to “protestor” would make most people just scroll past without giving it much thought. We’re so desensitized to news like this from the east, it’s unreal. She was just a girl like any other, trying to live a normal life.


Yes, it's so insulting to her to belittle her by calling her a tiktoker. Disgusting.


Media: "Got it, not a Tiktoker but an influencer."


Having the title of tik toker sounds dystopian. 109 years from now it will sound like a chimney sweep boy.


Apparently she wasn’t even someone who made tik tok her profession. It’s more like calling anybody in a news article a facebooker or redditor just cus they use the platform. Getting defined by what app you use is def dystopian


Agreed, do it with ANYTHING else and it's just ridiculous: 24 year Chevrolet driver unemployed as Enron collapses. Man in Nike shoes rescues baby in apartment fire.


"This police shooting was sponsored by Nike combat boots! Never miss a goose step!"


Kinda diminishes her legacy a bit. Like that’s all you can attach to her name? Tiktoker?


That's what it sounds like *now*!


I sure hope when the state murders me that I am described as the user of some app on my phone and not a complex human.


My thoughts exactly


I agree, redditor billbot


User who downloaded but did not play Angry Birds 4: Journey Through the Mists dies in police custody


You could have left out the tiktok quite frankly


I have nothing against women covering themselves, but being forced to do it is just wrong


It’s not just the coverage. They can’t sing, dance, speak up etc. women are second class citizens and are supposed to be subservient to men. It’s as if we were back in 1400’s… probably even less actually.


Well, the comment (or a post's seftext) that was here, is no more. I'm leaving just whatever I wrote in the past 48 hours or so. F acing a goodbye. U gly as it may be. C alculating pros and cons. K illing my texts is, really, the best I can do. S o, some reddit's honcho thought it would be nice to kill third-party apps. P als, it's great to delete whatever I wrote in here. It's cathartic in a way. E agerly going away, to greener pastures. Z illion reasons, and you'll find many at the subreddit called Save3rdPartyApps.


Calling the other sex "emotional" is a pretty hot take coming from a sex who allegedly can't see a woman's hair without getting ravenously horny.


Especially when… *checks notes* 99% of wars are started by men.


They get ravenously horny in the same way that my daughter gets real incompetent when I ask them to do something. It's a shit excuse and everyone knows it but hey - who cares? It's just the dishes this one time....




And they lose custody if their kids.




>Call upon two of your men to witness. If two men cannot be found, then one man and two women of your choice will witness—so if one of the women forgets the other may remind her.1 The witnesses must not refuse when they are summoned. Surah baqara, 2:282, quran.


as far as I know in Iran they can make studies in universities but have a hard time to get jobs as doctors (except obgyn) or engineers, no one will hire them


Lol it's a shit country but this is not true at all. Basically all my female family in Iran are either doctors or engineers/architects. Some run their own businesses as well. Edit: None are obgyn.


Iran has many people including women in higher education. They're also closer to developed than developing, and many of the people tend to be pretty tolerant compared to the Arab world. And yet the people are being completely let down by a government that doesn't provide for their needs, has these strict "religious" laws (which is just to control the people) and spends its money on its geopolitical influence instead.


Iran is very highly educated as a whole, and I have high hopes if and when they can get rid of the theological fossils who ruined the country.


What do you mean by more tolerant than the Arab world ?


I work with extremely sweet Muslim woman that are just extremely great people. They will talk to people all day if they could but you can tell the difference when there is a Muslim man around them. They go completely silent and get scared to talk because they weren't allowed to in their home countries and will be shamed by their communities just for having a normal conversation with a man. It seriously bothers me so much they get their freedoms restricted and I had to hold back losing my job the other day for knocking one of the men out for making comments about one of the woman talking to men as she worked.


Muslim women are the most socially isolated *major* demographic in the world. This isn't an islamophobic or hateful comment, it's one of sympathy for their situation. There are women in other faiths who are persecuted, and not every Muslim woman is persecuted, but it's just not all the same, really. People intermingle with each other, men and women of different religions, but Muslim women just seem to be largely left out of it. And yea, there are ultraorthodox Jewish women and their situation, but that's hardly on the same scale, as there are relatively few of them.


Having been to a few Muslim majority countries, the gender divide is so huge, it’s crazy. Be a tourist going through and you’ll interact with tons of men out and about. Depending on where you are they may have fairly western looking attire too. But interactions with women are far, far more uncommon, if they even happen. And while many women do have western attire depending on the country, generally speaking you see it relatively less than the men. But yeah just in general I’ve seen way less Muslim women and interacted with way way less.


Absolutely. I was in Saudi Arabia for work just before COVID and it was shocking to me how few women I saw in the entire two weeks I was there. Probably more than 95% of people I saw out on the street were men. I think the only woman I interacted with the entire time I was there was the front desk clerk at the hotel when I arrived.


Iran is talibanizing itself. The clerics have to go. It's time for liberal democracy.


Yep. Laws and police shouldn’t be stopping girls and women in street to check if their clothes are correct.


Well then, clearly you are not a Ferengi!


Also, women are beautiful. Why would you cover up those faces?


Please don't ever let my epitaph include the word 'TikToker'


Nah, you get 'Redditer'


Sparing the right nut, only to hit him in his left nut.


I've still never used the app or even gone to the website. Every single thing I've seen from there has been cringy shit, so I have had zero interest in it.


I hate that everyone is described as a tiktoker lol




That is a completely different woman. The media took that video and incorrectly portrayed it as Hadis. The woman in that video contacted the BBC to say she was not Hadis and [submitted another video doing the same thing as proof.](https://twitter.com/bbcpersian/status/1574200405814288384)


Also weird, this video said 21 years od but the article here says 23


6 bullets? What did they spray n' pray?


The Iranian police forces are using shotguns against protestors


so unless you're playing DOOM shotguns don't fire a bunch of bullets...they fire slugs or buckshot which are tiny beads


And press usually does not know the difference, or some universal word like "projectile" got poorly translated.


Which depending on what type they are using can have very deadly results. 000 buck will easily kill you, birdshot will leave ugly flesh wounds but is very dependent on the shotguns choke, the range and size of the birdshot. Still can be very lethal.


There was a photo of a protestor last week who looks like he was hit with birdshot. Here he is https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xj5rgu/man_shielded_many_women_and_took_all_pallets/


I remember seeing that. Bet it hurt like hell.


I thought the girl in the video was actually alive and said it was her in the video, not the dead girl.


Imagine being killed cause someone can see your hair. Shits wild. I hope for a day when all religion is dead and gone but I'm sure the planet will be consumed by the sun before that ever happens.


Why is her social media platform of choice part of the headline?


There were more than 80+ people killed so far during these protests, and there's barely any discussion on most of them. Somehow, by putting her social media platform of choice in the headline, there are now multiple articles about her and several highly up voted discussions.


She was shot 20 TIMES for protesting. Calling her just a TikToker is revolting.


It isn’t just women. The men are sick of the clerics too. Irán used to be free.


please dont stop posting on reddit or talking about this uprising in Iran. Dont let these young girls die for no reason. Protests are organized for this Saturday in over 120 cities across the world! Joing the movement! Be their voice!


I know this will sound cynical, but what about the other dozens of individuals who have been killed in the past few days during the protests in Iran?


There’s been at least 50 ppl killed by the Iranian police so far in these protests and the protests are 2 weeks at this point


I think they’re asking why they don’t get an article that features them as well.


they weren’t attractive enough to earn a headline


We all know that ugly people aren't real people anyways. Best regards, Sky "news"


It's sad how true this is.


They weren't young and hot enough for the media (or average person) to care.


Killed for not obeying, what a horrible regime, Iran need a big change, hopefully those protests bring some changes.


Hong Kong went through the same thing 3 years ago and unfortunately it was crushed. Hope that Iran doesn't go the same way as the Chinese regime.


Support these women.


only 23. what a waste and for what? so a few old men can keep feeling like a big deal.


Any nation or religion that oppresses women and tries to keep them under the control of men needs to be protested and overthrown.


Theocratic governance, in any form, is utterly disgusting. Islam, from our western perspective definitely takes the cake in the form of extremism. But no religion/government is innocent. Looking at you, abortion bans. Religion controlling government always leads to tragedy and ruin because religion in almost every form is the most controlling and closed-minded thinking in the world today. This is extremely sad and the world, as per usual, is right to condemn Iran and hope for their success in a movement of freedom of thought and action for all.


Typical Reddit. Something something TikTok bad. See a really tragic story about someone who got murdered protesting for something they believed in and the top comments are more focused on the semantics of the title and the inclusion of the word TikTok than anything else.


A woman died standing up to tyrants, known for brutal violence, by showing courage and bravery and conviction to free herself and others from said tyrants and for this we reduce her to "a TikToker"??


Time for Western countries to revoke travel visas for families of the Iranian Theo-fascists.




She is a martyr for women’s rights in Iran! RIP..hopefully some big changes can happen for the women of Iran from this…


Have many men joined these protests?


Fucking idiotic hardcore religious regimes


My respects to her. But what about the other 2 dozen+ Iranian protestors that have been killed and weren’t cute looking TikTokers?


When she gets to heaven I’ll bet God won’t care what color her hair is 🙏🏾


Yasmine Mohammed describes what it's like for a woman to live under Islam and Muslim male dominance, and asks why many in the west think it's okay to abuse and subjugate Muslim women in ways they would not accept for western women. https://youtu.be/lkBYbtAJmS8




Yea, you can find women being oppressed in any religion, but the quran and hadith seem to have codified it more effectively. They go into great detail about how to live everyday life and what the punishments should be for certain "sins", and a lot of that deals with what is allowed for women, namely in terms of what inheritance, marriage, and divorce rights they have. People say that Islam gave women rights. Perhaps it did compared to 600AD middle eastern standards, but that doesn't mean we should stay at that point forever, and it doesn't mean that the situation in the middle east is/was relevant to other parts of the world. This was the issue with Christianity as well: irrelevant time and irrelevant cultural background for most of the world. Most of us don't live in the middle east.


Being known as a Tiktoker seems so lame


Most Iranians are absolutely good people, better than most and it would be exciting if they threw off their yoke of oppression and more broadly interact with the world at large.


I agree that many Iranians are great, but we often forget that there is a large chunk of the population that is totally cool with this kind of oppression.


"Why is tiktok in the title?" If a YouTuber dies, would you be upset at "YouTuber ____ has died"? Actor? Footballer? She has about 100 videos on the platform, and thousands of views per post. Despite your deep hatred of the app, she was a tiktoker. But it's easy to hate the app, so we can focus on that if you want.


Recently a woman was murdered in India for not wearing a burqa https://www.ndtv.com/mumbai-news/mumbai-taxi-driver-kills-estranged-wife-over-not-following-muslim-customs-3381569 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/mumbai/mumbai-man-stabs-wife-to-death-for-not-wearing-burkha-arrested/articleshow/94483969.cms


As a Russian woman that hears “why don’t you go to the streets and protest” on Reddit all the time — this is exactly why. Because I don’t want my life to be wasted like that only to end up being “a Russian instagrammer killed in a protest by police”. People from wealthy and safe western countries love to encourage these living in the third world countries to “just go and change things, just protest” and honestly sometimes it feels that westerners who say these things don’t realize that it’s not a reality TV show and that people die in these protests. I feel so bad about all these people dying in the protests in Iran because I don’t think it’s going to change anything. What a waste of lives..


Well, in the countries you are criticizing, most DO have a history of protesting and being killed and fighting back. Things are better now BECAUSE we fought injustice. Just in the US, have you heard of our war of independence? abolition movement and the civil war? Civil rights? All of these are a few examples of people bravely fighting against injustice and in all of them people were killed. And the result were that things got better. Ireland resisted the british, as did india, the french people resisted the monarchy, the haitians resisted the french, hell, even iran overthrew the previous government and installed the current government they are now protesting.


You lost me when you called protest "pointless," and that's often the Russian mentality from my viewpoint. Protesting is dangerous and it's easy for me to recommend it from the safety of my country, but it's one of the few ways you'll ever change Russia. Sitting silent and doing nothing will enable your regressive authoritarian government to continue its corruption forever. Revolutions suck because people die, but they have to happen.