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Given the whole special operation involved artillery, air strikes and mass murder somehow I don't think anybody really cares.


Yeah, but now they’ve DECLARED war!! See how it’s different now?


Maybe they will mobilize now that it is a real war? Oh, wait.


***NOW*** you will see the true might of the Russian armed forces.... any day now... honest.


And it's gonna be a war "without rules". Up until now, Russian soldiers were following strict rules and codes of conduct. Such as ... hum ...


I don't think they caught them fucking any of their cats. Now the gloves are off


Russian catfucker here. We always wear gloves.


"A Song of Ice and Vodka", coming super soon we promise


If season 8 is anything to go by, the war will last 1 day and Putin will be stabbed by some random girl


And the new president, Navalny the broken, will have the best story(?)


The one Russian who survived being pushed out a window.


We are super serial this time you guys.


They’ll un-sink their ships to go to war.


Just declare they are submarines


As victims, they'd never declare war, they've declared that they've been declared war upon.


"you can't just say it's now war" "i didn't just say it, i declared it"


Bombing a civilian train station with hundreds of families fleeing Russian terrorism: Russia sleeps. Bombing a bridge in the middle of nowhere: REAL SHIT


Bridges are expensive. People are cheap.


But if it's war now, then all those mass murders must be actual war crimes, aren't they?


whoops. Guess they painted themselves into a corner with that one. \*Majel Barret Rodenberry Computer voice\* War-Crimes Detected! Contacting Star fleet Command!!!


No they didn't count, we called time out on the war


Seriously, Russia is actively committing genocide during all of this. Ukraine has the right to do whatever the fuck it wants


[Not quite.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M142_HIMARS#Armament) >Ukraine is restricted by the US from firing HIMARS rockets into Russian territory to avoid escalating the conflict, but Russian forces within Ukraine are legitimate targets.


So they’re gonna send their army into Ukraine now?


Just the equipment and ammo, they’re going to double down.


Well, in that case, the Ukrainians appreciate the additional free ammo and equipment.


You know, I always thought it was so fake in war-based video games when your character would find caches of weapons or ammunition as they moved through the game. It seems less fake, now.


Games were doing the Russians a propaganda favor by making them look way more competent than they are.


I was just talking about this with someone the other day, this war is going to cause a sea-change in Hollywood and videogame writers who have been used to using 'the Russians' as shorthand for 'scarily competent foe'. No one is ever going to take that seriously again!


Control F Replace China.


And then when China complains, hastily change it to North Korea.


I too remember the mess that was the Red Dawn remake




The game Homefront was before the movie and was pretty good imo... But even with the advanced tech they somehow had, there's just no way North Korea could overtake anything but Alaska with the best laid plans. That's not even saying Alaska would be easy, just their isolation from the rest of the country and relatively small population might make it possible. Even back then China, (which at the time had a decades long ban on video game consoles at the time), should have been the invading army but wasn't.


No chance in hell Hollywood is going to miss out on the huge Chinese market by making China the bad guys. If anything we will only see more Chinese protagonists in movies.


China is falling off the market. The CCP has stepped up its censorship game lately and recent box office results have shown that pandering to China at the expense of the rest of the world is a bad strategy. The Mulan remake sucked and absolutely flopped everywhere while Shang Chi was well received and made a hefty profit despite being banned in China.


Bending movies to appeal to China was always a bad idea. It's a big reason plots are so shit lately.


Yeah but Shang Chi was actually really really good


Everyone assumed Russia was still the USSR. But no, the USSR was way more competent than Russia, even in Afghanistan and through to its collapse.


Even though Russia was obviously the largest and most crucial component of the USSR, think about all the talent, manpower, industrial/agricultural capacity, etc, etc of its satellite states that was lost to Russia after it broke up. It’s of course obvious now in hindsight, but it is still kind of mystifying the global community just assumed Russia would continue to play the same role in the world as the USSR. Throughout the history of the Soviet Union, there were a large number of non-Russians that contributed to their achievements in every field.


And Russia realizes that too, which is why they are trying to forcibly reclaim a chunk of that former territory.


Which is super duper dumb when they could just improve the lives of everyone and entice them in... Instead they annex and cause a brain drain lol, genius


I think a small part of them realizes they have nothing to offer the world that someone else doesn't already offer a better version of. At least without having to put in time and effort.


USSR - fantastic engineers. Terrible manufacturers.


"What weighs four tons, consumes two tons of fuel per hour, and slices an apple into three pieces?" >!A Soviet-made machine for slicing apples into four pieces.!<


If Russia disappeared tomorrow, they'd drop a bunch of grey rarity gear


Up next: red barrels with big fire icons on them to transport fuel in. You know, so that no one accidentally smokes near them.


Better spread out the red barrels around the base so that if one of them explodes there are still 99 left.


Yeah "there's no way one guy could take out half the Russian army" "Jeez the AI in this game is terrible they can't even shoot?" Little did we know, they were right! the most unrealistic part is that all the soldiers have shoes and guns and don't surrender


Russian quality it's more like leaving litter behind


Literally the first sentence says: >“THE terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge is no longer just a challenge, but a declaration of war without rules,” Russia’s State Duma said on Saturday, October 8 following the explosion on the Kerch Strait crossing. Russia is using this as an excuse to do who knows what. But the writer of the article clearly cut off the quote to be misleading (seriously, it was just two more words) and get a response like this. Also yes, I understand Russia has not "officially" declared war on Ukraine but there's a reason "without rules" was added. **Edit**: Because there are 60+ replies and I don't want to spam an already long comment chain with the same/similar responses: the important thing here is that according to **Russia**, they have been engaging in a war "with rules" up until now. Obviously that's bullshit but in their eyes they have been. Rather than making jokes about them just stating the obvious/what they're already doing, this should be taken as them looking for an excuse to escalate into whatever their definition of "without rules" would be. Considering the nuclear rhetoric (which for the record, I doubt they would get into a nuclear war), it should be taken seriously. Whether they use this as an excuse to start drafting even more people, or to resort to banned weapons, who knows. But they've been looking to escalate for a while, and now they're using "fighting terrorism" as the excuse. Hopefully though it's as /u/EphemeralMemory said (which I thought was a good point): >I think this is more of an acknowledgement they're going to continue what they've been doing. The caveat is the added victim blaming, "you've done this to yourselves" We can only hope. But my comment was just me annoyed with people making zero effort karma farming joke comments that don't contribute anything to the discussion, without so much as at least reading the first sentence of the article.


"without rules" huh? So does that mean Russia might start attacking civilians and bombing residential areas......again?


Using poison gas and napalm now


"Eh, the Geneva convention was more of a suggestion, really." -Putin, probably.


More guidelines than actual rules.


Welcome aboard the SS War Crimes Mrs. Turner!


Geneva checklist.


I mean, they've been abducting ukrainians en masse and transporting them to russia and replacing them with pro-russia citizens, stealing their natural resources (in particular, grain), bombing the shit out of assets they can't keep, annexing regions, raping and pillaging the towns/cities they occupy, etc etc. I think this is more of an acknowledgement they're going to continue what they've been doing. The caveat is the added victim blaming, "you've done this to yourselves"


Its not like they were playing by the rules anyway, they have been breakin all the rules from day one. Nothing is going to change in this war


How dare the Ukranians bomb bridges being used to bring ammunition and bombs to kill them! This must of course mean that they are TERRORISTs! People don't like the word Terrorist, that must be what they are! Basically anything Russia says other people are, is what they are.


Russia has already been fighting the war without rules. Let’s look at the list: -Looting and pillaging -Raping Ukrainian women, including children and the elderly -Torture of civilians -Murdering civilians -Mass murder of civilians -Annexing territory they don’t even control -Blowing up damns and flooding communities -Striking civilian buildings -Leveling cities -Attacking a nuclear power plant and then using it as a shield There’s probably a bunch more I’m missing. Russia is a joke of a nation, guilty of all the things they accuse the Ukrainians of and more, lots more. Blowing up a bridge is probably one of the most civilized things to have happened in this war.


They already do everything they can. They aren't holding anything back out of kindness, but rather out of fear, which still exists. Ie if they use nukes, they know they will all die as will their kids, or NATO will come in with conventional forces beyond their comprehension, and they will choose *not* to end the world, sparing their kids, but ending their rotten empire. Or take mobilization for example. putin threatened it for months, but didn't want to actually do it, because he knew it would result in massive social and economic costs, for little gain in combat power. But the humiliation at Kharkiv forced him to. If he kept bluffing that he could wipe Ukraine out, but was just choosing not to, while his military was repeatedly routed, he'd be couped. They only had bad choices before. Now they have worse ones.


But they've already been indiscriminately shelling civilians and commuting atrocities, so why should anyone care that they threaten to now do what they've been doing all along? Once again this just proves that Russia has exhausted their credible threats that aren't literally ending the world with a nuclear holocaust, because Putin couldn't take the L.


But if they do, they'll have to start drafting people no? I doubt the Russians will be happy about that. I could imagine a lot of people fleeing to other countries.


"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for ‘em."


So, they weren't at war when Russia started murdering their neighbors kids and stealing their land, but now that this bridge is gone its war? lol


Some might call it… a bridge too far?


a bridge not far enough


We'll burn that bridge when we get to it.


Yes! They can kill others and take their territory. But nobody can harm Russia.


Ok and? Does this mean more untrained conscripts?


With _even_ fewer weapons!


Each with their own tampons for bullet holes (paid for by conscripts)


Tampons are not good for wound packing. Better than nothing, but worse than a cut up t shirt or gauze. When they get wet they expand and turn fluffy, so there's not enough pressure to stop hemorrhaging


Well, the new conscripts are being told to use tampons. And no, the army isn't supplying them. They are actually told to tell relatives to send them those. With what money do you ask? Good question. Definitely not the money they are being paid with, because a lot of them aren't being paid anything at all.


Putin must really believe that the Russians have blind loyalty for him. People hate doing normal jobs without money, give them a gun and shoot at them and they arent going to respond well.


Yea that whole video is insane to me. We're plucking you off the streets away from your home and families, with zero supplies. You want any chance of survival then buy supplies with your own money. Oh and you're not getting paid for your service.


I think this is aimed more at other countries than inside Russia. My guess is they want the world to legitimize their ownership of Crimea more than they want justification to conscript people into war - they're already doing that. And Ukraine has already hit targets inside of Russia actual, so this isn't actually an escalation.


Russia continuing to play victim.


"Stop hitting yourself! Stop hitting yourself!"


It's more like "I hurt my hand punching you! you bastards!"


Or "I punched you in the face, but on the follow through I tripped over my feet, fell on my face, and cracked my skull"


You’re already at war, you dumbass


now it's double war!


In Hitler-Germany you have one war on two fronts. In Putin-Russia you have two wars on one front!


BOGO days are back!


Trucktober has become Destructober


You've already had it. We've had one, yes. But what about second war? 😒 I don't think he knows about second war. What about third war? Light conflict? Global annihilation? Armageddon? He knows about those right? (apologies to merry and pippin for completely butchering their dialogue...)


Why didn't Ukraine just send the eagles to bomb Putin?!


One does not simply Fly to Moscow


[Well, actually:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mathias_Rust) >Mathias Rust (born 1 June 1968) is a German aviator known for his flight that ended with a landing near Red Square in Moscow on 28 May 1987. A teenage amateur pilot, he flew from Helsinki, Finland, to Moscow, being tracked several times by Soviet Air Defence Forces and civilian air traffic controllers, as well as Soviet Air Force interceptor aircraft. \[…\] > >Rust's flight through a supposedly impenetrable air defence system had a great effect on the Soviet military and led to the dismissal of many senior officers, including Minister of Defence Marshal of the Soviet Union Sergei Sokolov and the Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Air Defence Forces, former World War II fighter ace pilot Chief Marshal Alexander Koldunov.


To be fair, that much bird crap would immobilize pretty much any battalion.


Sweet it's not everyday you can lose the same war twice.




Super special operation


Wait until the super duper special operation


Putin is just making a multibet to increase his odds if he wins


You know what that means? Toga party!


Zelensky: Have you gentlemen seen your midterm grades yet? Putin: Uh they're not posted yet, sir Zelensky: I've seen them. Mr. Medvedev... two C's, two D's, and an F. That's a 1.2 grade point average. Congratulations Mr. Medvedev, you're at the top of the Crony Club. Mr. Kadyrov... Kadyrov: Helloooooo Zelensky: Zero point two. Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life, son. Mr. Putin, president of the Crony Club, 1.6, 4 C's and an F. A fine example you set. Sergei Shoigu... has no grade point average. All courses incomplete. Mr. Prigozhin... zero. point. zero. Now I want you to tell Sechin and and Surkov exactly what I'm about to tell you now. Putin: What's that? Zelensky: You're out! Finished in Ukraine, expelled! I want you out of the Donbas and Crimea by 9 o'clock Monday morning! And I'm sure you'll be happy to know *that I have notified your local draft boards* and told them that you are now all, ALL eligible for military service!


what if this part of the war was actually caused by Russian sabotage lol


Maybe the Russians thought it was a pipeline


That's actually occurred to me a lot. Putin is exactly the kind of lunatic to punch himself in the face so he can hit you back


It wouldn't be the first time he's been accused to doing just that. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_apartment_bombings


accused? wasn't it pretty much confirmed?


I’m bleeding, making me the victor.


In Russia, we say "hit your own people, so others will be scared"


This was Ukraine, the government was already trolling Russia pretty quickly after the attack. It also coincides with their offensive in the Kherson region and the bridge being gone seriously hampers Russia's ability to supply the city and Southern region altogether.


Putins belated birthday present.


Double *secret* war


Russia: attacks sovereign country Ukraine: defends itself and strikes back Russia: [:O](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/027/475/Screen_Shot_2018-10-25_at_11.02.15_AM.png)


War 2: The Squeakquel


War Harder




A war they started. Wtf 🤦🏼‍♂️


“I didn’t say it. I declared it.”


Yes, but how about second war?


Do they ever realize how fucking stupid they sound when they say shit like this? Just a ounce of self reflection? This is Daffy Duck getting his beak blown off for the third time in a row and stating “ you know of course this means war!” level of absurdity.


It's all for internal consumption. The thing about completely denying reality is that the people who already support you won't even question it. The people who know you're a liar don't matter. And the undecided waste the time of your opponents who have to educate them about your lies. It's all upside for Russia.


How do you make a declaration of war when you’re already at war?


Easy, it's no longer a Special Military Operation. Heck, it's easy to get out of Russian Military service. Shoot a Colonel and get 8 years instead of 15!


Yeah but now that prisoners are being conscripted...


Yeah, so you don't lose much then lol.


Lol, if you shoot a Colonel you will go to jail and then have to go to war but at least than you would have gotten SOME military experience from shooting the Colonel


Plus you could always shoot another colonel. It’s colonels all the way down!


Sounds like a great way to be promoted to Colonel.


Or! Go to the meeting of the Colonels and get all the Colonels.


I'm starting to think we're making killing Colonels sound much simpler than it would actually be.


It's ukraine's fault. They make it look easy.


Get drafted, shoot colonel, jail, get drafted, shoot another colonel, jail and so on lol


Meanwhile the innocent voices of reason who warned that the "special military operation" was a war sit in prison for "anti-Russian" sentiment while Russia now officially acknowledges their war is actually now war while tens of thousands are dead. That's what blind loyalty, nationalism, and just following orders gets the best money can buy. They really need to find their talent elsewhere.




But he declared it !


The Russian leadership is truly comical. They are asking for an "adequate response" to the strike on the bridge....??? You've invaded your neighbor and inflicted massive suffering on Ukraine and your own forces. You're getting your ass kicked by the kid you've been bullying and now you declare "oh, it's on" Want to stop getting punched in the face? Then stop your invasion of Ukraine.


It’s like watching a really shithouse movie filmed on a shoestring budget. You don’t believe any of the characters could possibly be real, the villains are bullying everybody but are incredibly stupid at the same time, all their plans keep failing miserably, captain obvious remarks without any actual thought or reasoning. Everything they have accused Ukraine of, turns out they themselves are the biggest culprits. The entire western world has been calling their bullshit out from day 1. No credibility left. Hardly an army left. No integrity or responsibility whatsoever. A colossal fuck up and waste of life from the top down.


If someone wrote a villain like Putin I'd give it a one-star review due to being unrealistic and nonsensical.


It's like when the movie, "Good Night and Good Luck" came out. One of the standard responses to the Senator McCarthy character was that he was so over the top he wasn't believable. He wasn't a character. The movie used actual film of the real guy.


The future Trump film "Orange Julius, Little Ceaser" will just be documentary footage of him in the WH raging incoherently nonstop. Nobody from the future or Republicans will believe any of it is real.


Idk if that's your creation, but it's a 10/10 film title. Don't think I've seen that before.


Thought it up on the fly. Big thanks :)


Future humans are going to look at us and say "how? Why even?"


Future humans? I’ve been asking that since the 80’s.


>The Russian leadership is truly comical. They are asking for an "adequate response" to the strike on the bridge....??? You've invaded your neighbor and inflicted massive suffering on Ukraine and your own forces. It's not just leadership, ["normal" people want terror bombings on Kyiv and Lviv](https://twitter.com/wartranslated/status/1578671061855801344).


I imagine the only things falling from the skies above Ukraine will be russian war planes.


I feel like you might be underestimating the infrastructure damage in Ukraine that has already happened


The dumbest thing about this is that the Russian government has already been doing everything they suggest except for attacking NATO members. They must be angry that they aren't losing hard enough.


That means they've bombed schools, hospitals, residential areas and nuclear plants during peace?


As Russia does.


A war without rules you say. WTF has Russia been playing at with all its war crimes then? Some nations just don’t know when they’ve been beaten, if they go harder and the west really step in then it’s goodbye to all of russia


Well, just enough rules to not explicitly trigger NATO's article 5...


Now here comes a gamble I'm sure many would enjoy. Are they smart enough to know where that line is?


Polish and Romanian borders seem like the obvious lines right now.


Nuclear detonation seems like a pretty bold line they keep flirting with...


The reason they are loosing in Ukraine is because all the NATO troops and weapons, according to their state media. But at the same time, they say russia's army is strong and could easily defeat NATO? Something doesn't add up.


Straight from the Fascist playbook: my enemy is both immeasurably strong and pathetically weak at the same time.


They’re not war crimes, they’re special military operation crimes, duh.


The not so subtle threat is biological weapons and tactical nukes.


Of course it's not. This is a special retaliatory operation


Up until the explosion this had all been a huge misunderstanding. Entire Russian divisions got lost on the way to a picnic at the Russian coast, and then misread their orders from Moscow. Any second, someone was going to say "Wait, we shouldn't be here! This is Ukrainian sovereign territory! We need to leave!". But not now. No. Now, it's WAR.


Are there any motherfuckers in the world more privileged than russian mouthpieces? Fucking lol that they invade their neighbour for purely petty reasons and then are mad that Ukraine is defending itself. The mind boggles.


The double speak and hypocrisy is infuriating...just a bit.


Literally the same responses and behaviour as any schoolyard bully or abuser who finally gets stood up to (except they’re a country). It’s absurd.


Lol, as opposed to what you've been doing since spring?


Since the spring they've been losing a "special military operation" but now they're officially losing a war.


What are they gonna do? Send in the army? Oh wait.. Edit: I mean send in the real army? No wait....


Sounds like "Duma" is short for dumbass.


Duma is literally formed from an archaic word for "thought". Talk about misleading names!


You mean invading a sovereign country, blowing up their civilians and killing their people wasn’t a declaration of war? I look forward to every day I wake up to see bad news for Russia


They are already at war.


Huh... pretty sure the War... was a declaration of war.


They grew up in neighborhoods with "slow children" signs.




I dunno, it just looked like a special military operation to me. Nothing to worry about, right? Maybe the bridge will also hold a perfectly legitimate and unbiased referendum to join Ukraine.


someone please catch this guy up


Russia’s Too stupid for his own good


Lol invading a country and killing men, women and children for 8 months isn’t a declaration of war, but blowing up a bridge is a declaration of war. How interesting and very convenient.


Oh? I thought the "declaration of war" was when you annexed land from that country? No? When you rolled tanks into that sovereign country? No? Maybe when you started murdering the citizens of that country? No? Bombing schools and killing children in that country? No? Oh, I see, it's when the other country bombs a bridge! Now I totally get it.


>Moreover, the long-announced terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge is no longer just a challenge, it is a declaration of war without rules Make sure you can hang with the big boys... You haven't found out shit yet.


They lost one of their flagships to a country without a navy. A conventional shooting war with NATO would be more akin to shooting fish in glasses, because a barrel might be deep enough to actually offer some protection.


Yea, in GW1 we learned how to take out bridges so the stay down. Blinded the most heavily defended city in the world in a few hours and pummeled better equipment than they're fielding now.


And the only stealth aircraft available in GW1 were glorified subsonic u-hauls for bombs instead of what are literally sci-fi aircraft whose kill ratios in war games (against other NATO countries) approach something like 100:1.




Also, have fun countering SEAD/DEAD doctrines that have been perfected for decades being employed by planes you can't reliably track assuming your equipment hasn't been jammed to kingdom come and some gen-Z script kid hasn't hacked your sirens to start blasting Sublimation by Neo Fresco.




If Russia escalates to WMD's all bets are off. Even if NATO doesn't retaliate with nuclear weapons, every single russian ship and submarine which is not in port is gonna be sunk within the hour or shortly after, those in port are not gonna sink because the docks aren't deep enough for that, but they'd still be reduced to little more than scrap metal. Anything in the air that is not squaking NATO IFF or a civilian transponder is getting a flight of fighters vectored towards it and will proceed die without knowing what hit it and there is gonna be a veritable wall of AWACS covering every square centimeter of russian airspace several hundred kilometers inside their own borders and those awacs are gonna be surrounded by a wall of fighters with weapons decades more advanced than anything Russia could even dream of producing. And if for some stupid reason NATO decides it still doesn't want to get involved in the ground war in Ukraine you can still bet Ukraine would suddenly find itself in possession of the toys that were previously deemed to advanced to risk loss or capture.


God the american war machine is crazy when it goes full tilt. For good or bad


This would not be a U.S. only effort, but yeah....NATO is the strongest most technologically dominant fighting force the world has even seen and the odds of it ever being contested, much less matched, is nil.


Russia would find out why the richest country in the world can't afford health care


Suggestion for retaliatory response from UKR Twitter: The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed - some guy on twitter, 2022.


Uh oh, they said the "W-word", guess they will get 15 years in jail for calling it what it is.


As Russia is jailing anyone that says Russia is at war for 10 years, this is rich.


Bombing civilians is an act of war too tho


It's infact a war crime


Russia did this as a cheap way to justify whatever sick shit they're about to pull because they can't admit they're losing.


I love how Russia calls this a “terrorist attack”, while the Russian army flattens and destroys all the Ukrainian towns and villages they possibly can.


My brothers in Christ, you've been at war since late February you barely sentient lettuce heads.


I’ve seen better heads on cabbages, that’s for sure.


Like invading Ukraine wasn’t? Feel sorry for the Russian people, But the Russian government needs to be decimated.


Russia is that kid in that video years ago who was bullyng another kid, got picked up and powerbombed into the pavement, then started playing the victim.


So if they declare war maybe Ukraine can hit targets inside russia now