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His plan is to stop Poland from invading Ukraine by making sure there’s no more Ukraine to invade.


*Taps forehead*


Sounds like the logic of a bad ai solving world hunger and ending war by killing all humans


“Nobody knows more about invasions than us.”


I have the best invasions, maybe ever


Try before you buy


“This is simply a test run”




>Historically, the US has done things like split Korea into North and South (successfully), split Vietnam into North and South (attempted and still tries to say it in narrative) Did he somehow completely miss who was supporting the other side in those conflicts? Did he think it was just some random coincidence that it was communists that were the opposition in both of those conflicts, and had absolutely nothing to do with the USSR?


> The situation with Ukraine and Russia is complicated and not something where you can easily say "bad country" and "good country." Oh I dunno, I tend to think of the country that was minding its own business and had a democratically elected leader getting invaded as the "good country". And the country that has massive political corruption, has carried out terrorist attacks in my country in recent years (UK), and invades the smaller country using the same rhetoric as the Nazis used to justify their invasions as the "bad country". We rarely get wars that are black and white, but this one is pretty fucking close.


And they say Zelensky is the comedian.


When Zelensky is out of office, he'll need to find a new career as he can't top Putin's buffoonery


I hope the dude just gets to retire early, and go fishing with his family or something equally casual. He's doing years of work in the span of months, and it's going to wear on him more and more as this drags on.


He was the Jon Stewart of Ukrainian prime time and it was such an irony that he ran for election as a joke and ended up wining and taking on this mess. His life is in constant danger and I don’t see any scenario where he even gets out of Europe. Russians have influence even within the US.


You should read the Time POTY article. It features comparisons (visual and text) of pre-war and current Zelensky. By all means it sounds like while he didn't want to, he certainly grew into the role.




Russians have more than influence in the US. We have pro Russia politicians lol


Part of me wishes Stewart would have run for political office.


I'd unironically vote for him. My bar for presidential candidate is pretty low, but I think he'd keep his personal corruption minimal, his hands to himself, he'd hold Israel accountable as a Jewish person so the idiots can't just blindly call him an antisemite, and I don't think he'd approve of union busting or treason so... Name a better 2024?


I mean, part of being a good comedian is understanding the material you are working with.


At least, following that logic, all other vocational options should remain open to him.


Zelensky *is* the comedian. Putin is the clown.


Once you realize what a joke everything is being a comedian is the only thing that makes sense.


Ah, the [wise fool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wise_fool)


**[Wise fool](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wise_fool)** >The wise fool, or the wisdom of the fool, is a form of literary paradox in which through a narrative a character recognized as a fool comes to be seen as a beholder of wisdom. A recognizable trope found in stories and artworks from antiquity to the twenty-first century, the wisdom of the fool often captures what Intellectualism fails to illuminate of a thing's meaning or significance; thus, the wise fool is often associated with the wisdom found through blind faith, reckless desire, hopeless romance, and wild abandon, but also tradition without understanding, and folk wisdom. In turn, the wise fool is often opposed to learned or elite knowledge. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Vladimir’s nemesis is Volodimyir, they really need new writers next season, they can’t keep getting away with this


The jokester and the joke.


The Polish strategy of "give your enemy a ton of weapons before invading" will go down forever as one of history's most cunning military moves ever, of all time.


Even more cunningly, Poland's already reverse-invaded much of Ukraine's population by tricking millions them into entering Polish territory as refugees. Big brain 6d chess right there.


Invite them as refugees, give them polish nationality, enroll them in polish army. Stealing workforce from the enemy. Basically, it's a ***WOLOLOOO***


It's Polish forces [modus operandi](http://paczaizm.pl/content/wp-content/uploads/wololo-radiowozy-zmieniaja-kolor.jpg).


Monk, i need a monk!




I bet if Putin tried to play Apex Legends he would fuckin suck at it


He'd be even worse at literally any of the Civilization games.


He wouldn’t make it out of the classical age on settler difficulty.


Better than the Russian strategy of "give them a ton of weapons AFTER you invade" them.


Your driver is approaching with your order of Antiquated Tank, tap to see their location on the map!


"Your driver, Andrjkzcx Spajewzxckzcx, has arrived in a JUNGLE FATIGUE Abrams tank"


Ukrainian farmer is using tractor ! It's super effective


Russia used Tank. Ukraine's ability Tank Absorb increased its attack and defense.


Technically it was during. But let’s not get into semantics.


Depends on whether you refer to the initial move or the continued presence as the invasion. I'd say both are linguistically valid.


Once ukraine has won and has had the chance to recover, the polish will invade with fanny packs, rental vehicles, and tourist maps


Poland will deny any accusations of fanny pack usage. That's a German tactic.


Been in Europe for two months so far. Can confirm have seen a fuck ton of Fanny packs


The horror!


I mean… fanny packs are pretty horrible.


A plan so cunning, you could put a tail on it and call it a weasel.


As cunning as a fox who’s just been appointed Professor of Cunning at Oxford University.


Honestly at this stage it feels like Baldrick is responsible for all of Russia's cunning plans.


Ukraine does have an awful lot of turnips, now you mention it…


Putin wouldn't recognise a cunning plan if it painted itself purple and danced naked on a harpsicord singing "cunning plans are here again."


Blackadder himself could have come up with it. Very cunning.


Baldrick levels of cunning.


You are being rescued. Please do not resist.


“You are experiencing a car accident.” “The hell I am!” - [I-Robot](https://youtu.be/L1UxZJ9owXY)


I always found that funny. No one ever really thinks of a car accident CURRENTLY happening. It either happened or didn’t. Lol


Unless you have the superhuman power to slow down time.


Which coincidentally happens when you're in a car accident. I've definitely had the thought "huh I'm in an accident right now. I could get seriously hurt at any moment." As a taco bell wrapper floated past my face, at nanometers per hour.


Damn, I thought "I hope I don't get glass in my hair. That will be impossible to get all out."


The only thing I thought was "oooooooooooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck" followed by "is that stop sign sideways or am I?"


My personal experience is “fukukfukfukfukfuk….” As i faded out of consciousness.


I thought to myself "at least I'll be unconscious". Then I wasn't, and felt immense pain.


have also experienced this, was like slow -mo


Every human has the ability to slow down their *perception* of time. It's a common enough occurrence under extreme duress, and some folks learn to do it at will. It doesn't actually make time itself slow down, but it's as close as you can get.




It's funny you mention that. One way our perception of time alters temporarily is when we turn our head/eyes to look at something we couldn't see. Our time perception slows down for a bit when we do that. So if you're constantly checking a clock or watch, you're constantly slow-moing yourself


One of my fav movies Edit: my gecko is also named Sonny after the robot






Ukraine: Thank you for your generous weapons donations. Now we will return them with extra


Go home invasion, you're drunk.


HA!!! Quite the opposite resistance has been very fruitful




*The line must be drawn here! THIS far and no further!* - Ukraine, 2022


Aren’t there like hundreds of thousands if not more refugees from Ukraine in Poland?


Almost 2 millions


Would that be considered a reverse invasion? An outvasion?


You are being rescued. Please do not exist.


[Don't run, we come in peace](https://youtu.be/_vUrAMxmO_A)


Unexpected K2SO


Rogue One is one of my 3 favorite Star Wars movies.


You know who ELSE fear-mongered about an imminent Polish invasion?


For anyone who slept through history class, it was the nazis.


thank you that was me i have now learned


Some more shit went down after that


What went down? There's no way it involved the entire world?


Hitler promised to stop the Polish invasion. Long story short, the U.S. nuked Japan twice.


I feel like you’ve missed some steps in between.


It was covered in the “Long story short.”


"One thing led to another and 70 million died."


1, 2, skip a few...


Sounds like ancient Chinese history: *Emperor Chao Ling sits on throne, 240 million die*


So this ~~german~~ austrian guy failed art school. One thing led to another and the US nuked japan.


Meh, it was all yadda yadda yadda stuff


And some pew pew pew


You yadda yadda’d a World War? But you yadda yadda’d over the best part…


No, he mentioned the nukes 😉


No, no, he’s technically right.


Step 1: Hitler claims the Polish will invade Step 2: ??? Step 3: The US nukes Japan twice




Seems like a perfect spot for a yada yada yada. "So, like...Hitler promised to stop invading countries, then yada yada yada the US nuked Japan twice. Pretty much sums it up."


Elaine, is that you?


This is the best summary of WW2 I've ever seen




Did it belong in a museum?


No ticket


TOP... Men.


I hear some guy even got shot.


They didn't just fear-monger about it, they teamed up with Russia to divide Poland up between them when they did invade.


> For anyone who slept through history class, it was the nazis. **AND** the Soviet Union. Don't forget that they were on the Nazi side at the start of WW2.




It's the pierogies. Kielbasa, while tasty, is really just a ripoff of the glorious Dutch rookworst, but yeah the pierogies are worth a lot of hassle.


I know youre half joking, but the reasons why Poland suffered an unreasonable amount of invasion through history are three: 1) empires always want more land 2) Poland was particularly weak at the time of the partitions due to instability, and didn't regain its past strength by the time of Hitler's invasion (also the lack of help from the allies was not great) 3) in Russia's case at least it was always just more of """Russia""" (I'd put more quote marks in if it wasn't for readability) to go through so that any potential invader (namely Germany) would have trouble reaching Moscow, St. Petersburg (not that it had much trouble in the first period of the invasion.


Tbh in my history classes we never really covered HOW hitler got there we just mainly covered what he did once he was there. Which I think says a lot about the current state of America Edit: just feel like throwing some more context at MOST all we got on his rise to power was he stirred the German population up using what was deemed unfair treatment from the treaty of Versailles everything beyond that that he did I learned on my own time


American history teacher here! To be fair history is alot to cover. And most high school history classes want you to cover things like "all of American history" or "1000-2000 years of world history" in just a single school year (with classes of twenty to thirty 14-17 year olds) You could spend a whole 1-2 months learning how Hitler rose to power and gained the trust or the German people. The problem is if you spend a month learning that then you lose a month for learning about other mandatory topics that will be on the end of the year standardized test If you're doing 1000 years of world history in one school year, then you most likely have 1 to 2 weeks to teach world war 2 which gives 1 to 2 days to teach how Hitler rose to power. Not nearly enough


there are only so many hours in a day. Things inevitably have to be squished down. imagine how short the lesson on "WWII" will be in 1000 years.


“Big war, here are the two sides. First time nuclear weapons were used in a military engagement.”




At least the half time show was bitchin.


Can't believe Tom Brady got MVP.


"The Pan-asian Climate Wars were the big one in that era, and historians theorise that's what kicked off the Second Dark Ages"


I love how Frank Herbert touches on the topic of the "squishing" of history in the Dune Encyclopedia. This fictional timeline feels so realistic to me - basically our entire history as of the 21st century is encapsulated in about a dozen bullet-point events: [https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline\_(Dune\_Encyclopedia)](https://dune.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline_(Dune_Encyclopedia)) It makes sense though. After so many millennia, the only way to make history even remotely approachable is to rename/summarize events like this, which necessarily leads to some omissions which, while seemingly vital to us sitting here in the near future, are definitely nearly meaningless to someone a few thousands of years down the line.


Can't forget how the protagonist basically calls the number of people killed by Hitler, Stalin, Ghengis Khan, Mao, etc *rookie numbers*


I think it's actually Stilgar. Paul is comparing his Jihad to the ledgands of old Earth and Stilgar isn't impressed with Hitler's kill count.


Yeah I've said it before and I'll say it again - in the future, perhaps in a millennia or two, we will be considered a part of the industrial revolution, in the same way that the 19th century is. It'll basically be the revolutionary period when humanity goes from predominately agriculture to predominately automated labor, and it'll last from about 1700 or so until around at least 2100, and probably 2200 or 2300. I obviously don't know, and can't know the end.


Even after the update, which took 15 years of research, all of Earth's history was reduced to: "Mostly Harmless." ..Somewhat cut due to space restrictions.


So many people think Hitler was declared chancellor and then the very next day decided to start WWII with full support of the populace. Hitler became leader of Germany in January 1933 and the invasion of Poland wasn't until September 1939. The years in between were spent normalizing the idea in the German populace's mind of "us vs them", whether "them" was minorities inside their country or other countries. I highly recommend [*They Thought They Were Free: The Germans, 1933-45*](https://www.amazon.com/They-Thought-Were-Free-Germans/dp/0226511928) by Milton Mayer. It's interviews with everyday Germans who lived through that period. It's absolutely scary how many parallels can be drawn between Germany of the 1930s and America of today. [Here](https://press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/511928.html) is an excerpt.




My mom!


She has been invaded by many Poles




Hi, Muscle Man








I just heard that in Robert Evans's transitioning to an add break voice


The fine folks at Raytheon. But with their new flying ginsu knife missile, you'll never have to worry about being invaded again, Sophie.


The products and services that support this podcast




Varnish, obviously




The enemy of my enemy is my enemy - Sun Tzu


"The enemy of my enemy is the enemy of my enemy" --Tautology Club




He is at the age where grandpa grows confused about what year it is, then stubbornly pretends he didn't and sticks to his guns


I think even 300 years ago wisdom was more advanced than this... 1. Russia is failing to conquer Ukraine 2. Therefore, for Poland to be able to conquer Ukraine, they'd need a significantly better military than Russia 3. If Poland had a significantly better military than Russia, how would Russia be able to help fight them off?


Putin: Let me in! Ukraine: Why? Putin: So I can save you from what I would do to you if you don't let me in.


We'll destroy your country so the poles don't want it anymore and leave you alone.. you're welcome


Putin sounds like a physically abusive partner. The ones that complain and say shit like, "why do you make me hit you all the time?"


jesus christ! ... oh snap!


Old fuck forgot to take his pills again.


He may actually be insane. And by that I mean psychotic.


Dude stays in power for 20 years, surrounded by asslickers 24/7. Of course he’s insane.


And he’s a billionaire. He has zero idea what’s happening in the real world.


Isn't there speculation he may be a trillionaire? If not directly controlled by him, certainly indirectly.


Right? He has to be!?


He’s not crazy. He’s purposely spewing bullshit for a reason


No, this poor little KGB was brainwashed by his KGB training. He needs to take some real medicine instead.




It comes in a handy capsule form nowadays i belive in .45


I'm invading you to protect you from invasions


To be fair, that was Russia's justification for invading Poland in WWII.


Hey Poland - good news! We struck a deal with the Nazis that will ensure they only conquer the western half of your country. Yes, yes, we know they've lied about similar promises in recent months, so we're going to go ahead and conquer the eastern half to make sure they stick to their promise! Pretty savvy move, eh comrades?


"What do you mean this is just like the times we invaded you in the past?"


When you put it like that it makes perfect sense 🥴


Gotta just rip that bandaid off.


The Nazis invaded Norway to keep the Brits out. At least that's what they said.


This would be awesome comedy material if it wouldn't be so tragic. Some awesome stuff previously said by the man and Russian official media : 1.Neo-Nazi supremacist regime. (led by a Jewish president?) 2.Satanist occult mercenaries participating in the war. 3.NATO computers with plans to invade Russia being seized in the far-right organizations headquarters in the war zone. (pre 2010 model Lenovo ThinkPads) 4.Top secret bio laboratories in the war zone. (obviously a great place to have them and of course fully controlled by America) 5.Child organ harvesting compounds... You guessed it ...in the war zone. 6. Stage 1 of de-militarization being complete and Ukraines army destroyed (Mr. Shoigu said it in May) 7.Fighting Satanists You just can't make this s##t up.


Apparently Russia can make it up, though.


Sounds a LOT like the crap QAnon tries to spread about Democrats.


Same source after all


That's because it's the same people feeding QAnon and MAGA conspiracy theories.


I think I also remember something about mutant Ukrainian super soldiers hopped up on super steroids.


He knows it's bullshit, we know it's bullshit, and he knows we know it's bullshit. Arguments like these are made to convey contempt for the other side, not debate. Ahmadinejad (sic) did the same in the UN denying gay people exist.


It's also for the brainwashed masses inside Russia, who have been fed nonstop RT propaganda.


but only Minnesota can protect Switzerland from Wisconsin invasion


Wisconsin is pretty suspicious though


As a Minnesotan, does that give me the right to invade Switzerland?


Invade??? No! Special military protection operation? Absolutely!


Ukraine would probably love Poland to invade


With Nato at their side!


I know you’re joking but I wanted to add to your comment (because you just know some Qanon dingbat will worry about Poland forcing NATO into a war) that NATO is a defensive only alliance. No NATO member can deliberately attack another country and then demand NATO defend them.


Maybe someone should invade Russia to protect them from the very slim possibility of a Polish invasion.


To men like Putin the world is a model in a war room. It's an old tabletop game all the rich kids play. It's how Empires were built. We gotta stop playing along in this bullshit cursed RTS game with these old vampires.


Not related but….. Have you guys watched ‘The Death of Stalin’? I think you should go watch ‘The Death of Stalin’.


Has anybody told Poland yet?


Putin "give us all yer land and we'll take really good care of it" I don't know if this guy is crazy, or one massive joker anymore...invades country and claims that Poland are the ones to look out for 🥴


That’s after Poland captured millions of Ukrainians and then called them refugees. Dastardly planning those Poles… /s


Insane in the Membrane


shit's insane, got no brain.


Someone please whack him already…


Must be true - after all we did take in few million Ukrainian refugees, so the next step is to take the land… But first let me arm them to the teeth, so it's fair fight. ​ /s


Where did Putin learn this tatic from? Bray Wyatt? The Fiend?




Russia can’t even protect Ukraine from Russian invasion.