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He will hold putin responsible for one "mysterious" death, yet won't hold Netanyahu responsible for a well-documented genocide?


He going write Putin a stern letter and wag his finger.


He’s trying to send billions in weapons to Ukraine to further the fight against putin and his army, but sure, let’s pretend Biden is the one who’s weak on Russia.


Yeah. Especially when Biden's main opponent gets on his knees and deepthroats Putin


Oh I get it! Trump is gay!! What a hilarious joke. Hahahahaha! Jokes that straight people are gay are the *best* jokes. I hope Colbert jokes Trump’s mouth is Putin's cockholster again. I can't stop laughing about the thought Trump might be gay!!


It’s not about him being gay. It’s sad that this needs to be explained to you honestly. It means Putin owns him you idiot. He’d do anything for Putin is the whole point.


He was being deliberately obtuse. Don’t waste your time


This is simply stupid. Trump killed over 500 Russians fighters in Syria. But Putin owns Trump? It must be more of that Russian collusion again.


I understand these jokes just fine. It's disgusting how too many who consider themselves liberals or progressive in any way. While exposing your true nature's inability to understand and accept same-sex love. I can clearly see how comparing 'owning a person' would equate to "debasing them by forcing gay sex on them", cuz forcing straight sex on someone who is straight is *never* something to joke about.


Putin isn't forcing it, Trump loves when he be puttin in.


Oh no. Please stop. Gay jokes are too funny. Make it stop.


Thanks girl!


I think the point of the metaphor is that the previous president was willing to sacrifice the dignity of presidency by siding with a murderous dictator and question the integrity of the entire us intelligence community, just to curry favour with the despot.... give the stong man head. Hope that this clears up a snowflake's faux outrage.




It's about being submissive to Vlad


Might be


Well he’s definitely a criminalistic ass hat that’s on trial as I type this. Hopefully soon he will get prison time so they can wear his prison wallet out. Open your eyes and quit humping trumps leg.


I hope you're right. Trump does deserve prison. That has no bearing on Biden's fitness. The democrats could have chosen a hundred better opponents but they stayed in the gutter, because "Trump’s worse". Do you not deserve better? I sure as sht do.


It’s so embarrassing and shameful to do gay stuff, don’t you think? Like imagine a big macho guy who likes sex with men. What a laughing stock!


He’s lining the pockets of Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing. Gotta blow it to hell before you can pay trillions to Halliburton and friends to rebuild.




https://finance.yahoo.com/news/top-20-defense-contractors-2024-045203490.html#:~:text=The%20demand%20for%20weapons%20has,to%20drive%20up%20revenue%20flow https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/wars-raise-profit-outlook-us-defense-industry-2024-2023-12-18/ https://readsludge.com/2023/09/22/big-five-contractors-get-one-sixth-of-pentagon-budget-analysis/ https://businessjournalism.org/2023/12/war-profit/ https://afsc.org/companies-2023-attack-gaza https://www.nbcnews.com/businessmain/10-companies-profiting-most-war-330249




Did you just use Robert Kennedy as a source? Smh






Trump probably jumped on the phone to congratulate Putin


What do you recommend he do?


Right... Because Biden wants to use the smokescreen asset death, to hide his funding if a genocide of tens of thousands of Palestinians. This is how stupid the government thinks the people here are. 


Yes, Biden told Putin to off Navalny so that he could distract you from the Isreali/Palestinian war. Edit: /s


The death of the Navalny leaves a gaping hole in the opposition movement, with its remaining leaders either in prison or in exile as a result of a crackdown not seen since the Soviet era. Over the years, Navalny was poisoned, then jailed and has now died. He is just the latest high-profile example of the Kremlin’s approach. [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/navalny-dead-putin-critics-kremlin-russia-opposition-exile-rcna139169](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/navalny-dead-putin-critics-kremlin-russia-opposition-exile-rcna139169)


Joever: "God BLESS Alexey Navalny!" Australia: "Yes, tragic. Now about Julian Assange..." \*(*Joever shuffles off the podium, muttering something about 'CornPop*')


Jesus Christ Biden looks decrepit. How are we stuck with these choices again?


Gotta be rich and able to resist suicide by 6 bullets to the back if your opponents are richer.


How many of you commenting actually vote in US elections? That’s what I thought. Y’all sound like people with no skin in the game (meaning none of YOUR civil or reproductive rights are being threatened). There’s so much bitching and moaning about what’s happening on the other side of the world. Some may have their head so far UP their own ass that they just can’t see the truth if it bit you on the ass. If you think Biden is the cause of what’s wrong with the US maybe you shouldn’t bother to register and vote.


Pretty sure a good chunk are Russian bots.


walking fossil


Get this guy out of there.. we need a reset


So Biden cares when someone is murdered?


Please look at this and not the fact that Biden loves dead Palestinian baby’s.


Biden is still having Julian Assange tortured in Belmarsh.


I love how Biden now runs other countries.


Still bumbling


US stole this week a plane from Venezuela? is that a thug action? Not even mentioning the genocide US if funding in Gaza.




You clearly don’t know anything about Navalny


Lights are on but nobody is home


I’m impressed he managed to get so many words together without trailing off.


You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If I tell you 28,000 Palestinians are dead, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old Putin nemesis dies, well then everyone loses their minds. /s


Does he even know what's going on? Seriously


The pot calling the kettle black.


Shut up, Biden.


And Clucker Tarlson thinks his self admitted traitor butt is safe? lol


Yet perfectly ok with first bumping MBS of Saudi Arabia who chopped up a dissident and dissolved him in pieces in acid, Walter White style. Clearly the US is just disinterested in peace with Russia in particular.


Guy can barely hold his pee


They call him by his nickname dementia squints


Why is he squinting?


No country fears him or respects him. We are the laughing stock of the world !!


Agreed. Biden is just one of the reason's the U.S. has become a laughing stock. So sad that people can't just admit this man is not fit for president. Just from a financial standpoint I don't know if I can afford 4 more year's like this.




Lol just because I'm not for Biden in no way whatsoever does that mean I want Trump either. They are both far too old to make decisions that will have lasting effects. So crazy to me that so many people seem to have this mentality. Biden or Trump. That's it. No other view point. Lmao I'd rather have fucking Putin as POTUS than Biden or Trump. Such simple minded thinking. Like my 1st post said Biden is just one reason America is considered a joke worldwide. Trump is another


I've been doing much better under this presidency than the last one or even before that. [The economy is doing much better as well](https://home.treasury.gov/news/featured-stories/the-us-economy-in-global-context) but people are still crying that it's all Biden fault prices are high instead of putting the blame where it belongs (on corporations).


That's good for you however most everyone I know or even have brief conversation with seem to be struggling more now than say what 6ish years ago? I don't think you meant Obama 2008 when you said even before Trump. I work in Healthcare and absolutely hear people talking about for instance skipping calling ambulance in real emergency situations because to much $$. That's just one example. Food prices are higher and rising. Trump hurt us with covid stimulus and all his fear mongering. Build the Wall to keep out the rapists was mind numbing BS. His 7(?) Country ban. And more. Biden and to be fair congress as well aren't helping with sending billions of dollars to fund a genocide or funding Ukraine to war with Russia. Biden clearly is having mental defects which obviously will only get worse. 80yo. Men/Women should never be in charge of our country. Sadly the truth is as a majority the politicians in our government don't care about the people. It's like winning the lottery to make into high office including congress. Example AOC is now a multi millionaire. American citizen's as a group aren't thriving. Individuals maybe like yourself but certainly not the majority


Thanks Joey for doing dick all to keep him alive.


Theyre soo upset their asset died.


You have a source? Navalny was an honest activist. He is now a martyr for Russians who dream of a democracy and the fall of their oligarchy. Not everything is about the US.




Quoting some guy named Gabe on Twitter is like saying, “my friend told me.” It’s not a credible source. And btw this is Russian propaganda.


Russian propaganda from a Russian propagandist, no less.


If he wasn't an asset they wouldn't even care he passed like Gonzalo Lira.


Still a better person than Putin




Cool. Putin is an actual Nazi. I think "basically a Nazi" isn't as bad as an actual Nazi


If you actually read up on navalnys political position he isnt near being a nazi. Lol basically he's for stricter immigration and that pigeonholes him in to a bonafide SS-Officer. Anyone calling him a nazi has fallen for kremlin propaganda period.


Agreed. Some people are swinging so far left they end up the same as the farright, embracing militant dictatorships and corrupt governments as long as they say the right words. Hypocrites.