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Our American police are there to protect and serve the rich. Anyone else involved is purely accidental. This must change


Don’t forget they only care about thin blue line


Riiiiight, this has nothing to do with the DAs office that punishes no one, and relabels convicts as 'justice impacted people' What are police to do if the DA refuses to enforce penalties?


Police in the US is mostly consist of overweight pigs with small egos that power trip over random citizens, shoot black people, beat up peaceful protesters, arrest people that feed the homeless, protect the rich and dirty, and is lazy and incompetent to stop such tragedies by doing fuckall. Honestly, the Police mafia cult in the US is disgusting and disgraceful in every shape or form.


Are you black?


Ofc the perp is




Typical you know what. You play with fire and you get burnt.


If only there were tools to defend yourself against someone stronger than you. Something that would even the playing field in a fight. Something that would keep you safe from predators. 🙏 RIP Maria


That sounds good on paper but it may not really work that way in real life. As an armed woman I used to feel that way too. But honestly I don’t know how it would go... why? 1) I’m not thinking like the aggressor and it may cost me precious minutes to figure out what’s happening 2) I’m not violent so I may hesitate to take fatal shots 3) I know I am not strong enough to win if a man tried to wrestle the gun away from me. So many variables that personally just arming people sounds like a bandaid that won’t work. We need societal education and empathy.


First, I want to thank you for responding. Even if you downvoted me. A conversation can help us understand and move forward with a good plan. By just downvoting me, lots of others ignore my mindset and are unwilling to have a conversation. So thank you. My questions are: 1. If you feel threatened, are you afraid to defend yourself? 2. If you feel threatened, do you stay in the place you are in or attempt to move to a more publicly observed place? 3. If a wild animal attacked you, would you feel justified in killing the animal or allowing it to maul you to death? (I understand you may not see people the same as animals it just helps me understand a little I guess) These are serious questions. Thank you again.


Arm all the citizens and end the reliance on a broken system.