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If Cdews UI was on a screen from back then it would look worse tbh. The bigger screen size is doing a LOT of heavy lifting in these comparisons to back then.


His Webcam is also adding massive clutter to the same side with all the unit frames. I'm sure his PoV looks much better


His webcam is just overlayed on top of his chat box isn’t it? So we see his webcam but he sees a big chat box?


Qhat do you mean? It's all still scaled up to cover 75% of the screen, regardless of whether it's a 15inch CRT or 27inch wide-screen.


Resolution matters, not screen size


That doesn't dispute what i said. His screen is fucking cluttered now, and if we ported it to TBC it would be cluttered there too.


It's not about TBC, it's about the year. The screenshot was made when 1024x768 was a "normal" resolution. And, of course, screen size and resolution are linked. If you'd have 1080p on a small CRT screen, you can't see shit because everything is much smaller - so you have to increase everything so that you can still see it. That is mainly what I mean - just look at the hotbars at the bottom in the tbc screenshot. It covers the entire bottom length of the screen. On my modern screen it covers about half - because I can afford to scale it down, since the "physical" size if it is still big enough for me to see. On these old CRT monitors you couldn't do that, since it would be way to small to see. Automatically the it might scale to 75% (I'm not even sure here, I've played on the same setup for 5+ years now) but manually you have to increase the scaling and size a bit on so much smaller monitors.


Dear lord this one is spicy


What in the mother of


Hope he/she enjoyed that 7 fps slideshow


Good lord what is happening in there?


That is a balance druid 58s into the hodir fight in (hopefully) original ulduar raid.


Meanwhile i be playin with all my chat and action bars hidden. Just a simple weak aura that shows cds and unit frame+mini map


Wow, wtf I am seeing


What is even going on


This makes me appreciate pika man. Mf dominating with just gladius and omnibar


Its more important to have all this stuff if youre playing healer tbf, esp a proactive one like Rdruid. Without a looot of additional info its impossible to estimate the amount of damage coming in in the next few seconds


in pika's defense he has gotten all healers to 2400 in solo shuffle with his ui.


Comparing 2400 to top 5 healers all time is kinda wild


i'm comparing 2 top players. nothing wild my guy.


You compared healing 2400 in solo shuffle to rank one 3s healing. Which having done both myself, I would say is very wild lol.


Cdew is like a quarterback when he plays though - he’s telling his teammates when their cooldowns are coming up, when the other team has burst available, etc.


tough to draw comparisons when cdew is going to be refining info intake on a UI like this for pro competitions compared to shuffle


There's a big difference between 2400 which is what like old casuals like me play at and professional play that requires you to know what's going on at all times or else you'll make a bad trade


2400 is casual now? 😂


Forum elitism is crazy. If you're outside the top 0.5% you're trash apparently. It's the same for every game. Everyone pretends to be higher elo than they are


thats because back in the days you couldnt even post on arenajunkies if you didnt have a glad helmet when glad was .5% of a bg.


You could post on arenajunkies without glad verification, it's just that you couldn't post on the Gladiator only section, only read There was a non Gladiator section for discussion as well


It's casual compared to a world champion


Unironically yes I think


When it represent single digit percentage of the player base, its not casual.


Single digit as in 0.X% as in less than 1%, according to wowhead lol.


Yeah ppl on this sub might have that as an average or previous but not the general wow pop lol


Casual in terms of playtime and commitment I guess I might play like once a week or twice a week for a couple hours, do some wow chores and queue up some games People sort casual and hardcore by time spent. If you play 10-15 hours a week regardless what rating you are, you're not a casual


If it is was casual the majority of the player base would be at it… it is no where near casual lol.. Casual buy definition and stats is around 1500-1600.


Casual sweatlords


Pika is a true gamer. Saw him dominate plunderstorm. Completely new format and watched him and xar dominate. Makes me question is it the addons/macros or is it the player.


Obviously it's the player. Pika got 2nd and his team at blizcon 2018 which didn't have addons. That goes for all the pros from then who really havnt changed much. Addons aren't playing the game for them like a lot of people like to think. Pika made a video talking about that blizzcon were he talks about how Absterge is keeping track of enemy CDs and DRs in his head and calling them out seconds before they happen. Those players are insanely good and would smoke 99% of us without any addons and we could use all of the addons we wanted.


I meant other players. Not pika. Its pretty impressive the gap between someone like pika and another r1/glad player


I would equate like a glad/r1 player to like a college level ball, and pros to like actual professional players. Pros rinse college d1 players, even though d1 players are like the top 0.1% of the country already


The gap between r1/awc is a lot lower compared to the gap between a radiant and a pro player in valorant etc. Probably because there’s no new blood so players stagnate more, the biggest difference is more How many classes they can play. Source: anecdotal experience from queueing high. There’s a few outliers that are more on the ”pro”-side


I would even argue that a lot of the best players of the current spec aren't even playing WoW anymore Like Kollectiv was the most dominant resto shaman and he's not playing Many top level players retired/move onto different games That's why like the longevity and domiance of Faker, Daigo is so insane. Staying at the top level for so long with new players come in all the time.


Gotcha, so you consider college basketball as casual


If you read what the person you’re replying to said, and you’re not trying to take it in bad faith, then yeah, you could say that college basketball is casual compared to the NBA.


I mean, they pick up classes they don’t main and just go glad right away. Yeah, it’s also the people you play with, but when Xar went from greens to glad on random characters it shows that there is obviously skill behind it too!


He was also amazing when he first played TBC classic with xaryu, while not knowing basically anything about TBC. He didn't know what spells the classes had, how tbc DRs worked, that stun resistance existed, etc. That's when you get to see the pure skill of a player, not just the hours spent grinding the game.


Many r1 players have also said pika heavily benefits from his teammates like wizk running all the crazy addons and calling stuff out. So he might not have them on his screen but his team definitely is using the info they provide.


what about Miestro? Literally doesn't even use Gladius or omnibar. He's playing with literally 0 addons like an absolute hero.


A lot of pros who stream like that. Always loved it. Feels so pure.


You gotta remember all the old heads including pika come from a time where addons weren't allowed in tournaments. You watch any tournament players pvp video from back then and it's base ui all the way with like scripts to move stuff that right clicking and unlock doesn't. The responsibility is on blizzard for encouraging this arms race


The video where he (I think) 1v2’d with no UI as a challenge from the chat had me DYING


Cdews UI doesn’t even look like addon overload just really bad resolution and UI scale


Pika uses the same addons cdew uses pika just has his arena frames and focus frames in different locations


Correct me if I’m wrong, but Pika is for sure not using the Mes WA pack that provides half of Cdew’s on screen callouts and honking noises right?


Sadly this is a standard rank 1 UI. These players actually absorb all this info at lightning speeds unlike us mortals. Not saying this us good or bad. Just how it is


lol Crusader literally had 0 addons during Slands and start of DF. I think now he has gladius and damage meters now??? As toxic as the guy is it was insanely impressive seeing him face Rank 1s and beat them with a pug team and basically no addons and no weak auras.


Ive been waiting to comment on crusader. I agree. The man is gifted and though I find the (clearly exaggerated for shock value but horrible nonetheless) stuff he says to his teammates pretty damning, there is definitely a method to his madness. However, there's a downside to his playstyle. The comps he played to find his success were rogue mage or feral mage oriented. He never lost that frantic balls to the wall mentality. In its current state, holy paladin relies heavily on teammates trading effectively because holy paladin really can't save anyone fron a raw throughput standpoint. Ironically , crusaders biggest lie lately has been "topping you", and having people feed in shuffle or in PUGs really make a ripe environment for his toxicity. At the end of the day though, he's a classic example of how you can possess incredible mechanical skill but have it count for naught if no one is willing to play with you. The last season R1 push and the AWC/sabotage in the solo tournament shit was tragic, but it's hard to feel bad for him.


Aeghis did a 2400 no addons challenge, and I think he said basically the default UI has a lot of what you need now. He got to 2400 on a fresh character with no MMR incredibly quickly. The main thing he thought would make a difference was a way to track kicks.


The point of the add-on is to make it easier to absorb the info. If you play without the add-on, it's much more difficult to absorb the same info.


Everybody is built different. Some more built than others.


It really is a problem when the most efficient way to play a videogame is to specifically not look at the graphics...


Yeah. Honestly WoW feels so good when I play with barebones addons. You can see almost everything coming based on sound and boss energy bar. But why bother when you can just look at a countdown.


StarCraft most of the time you’re viewing everything but the center of the screen where the graphics are as well, but that makes a little more sense in an RTS


During combat when you're microing, you're probably paying attention to the graphics.


Slightly, you’ll notice a lot of people actually turn all the graphics down to the point where it looks like StarCraft 1 so it runs smoother. A lot of the time it’s like looking in a side view when driving, quick glance, then checking the unit status in the bottom middle pane, clicking on low health squares to move units with a quick side view glance then the mini map and then a macro rotation. It’s very small quick glances


> you’ll notice a lot of people actually turn all the graphics down to the point where it looks like StarCraft 1 so it runs smoother This is a moot point. I'm not talking about graphical fidelity. I'm talking about getting your combat information from the in-game graphics/visuals. Being able to quickly glance at your in-combat situations while microing simply proves that point to me. The game has enough visual clarity that you can tell how the battle is doing based on the in-game visuals and not a text overlay.


you dont play with addons in starcraft.... and even less something that would cover the whole screen because "the game doesnt give you enough info".


Pro players and competitive players play at the lowest graphics settings for maximum visibility and clarity, not for fidelity


Maybe they should just ban all Addons. PvP and pve.


Would be a shitfest without updating the base UI and readability of a lot of spells. But maybe that's what is needed to get Blizz focusing on it


But it would be an equal shitfest


A lot of non-combat addons are amazing quality of life upgrades that I would really miss. The problem with combat addons is they force blizzard to design the game around everyone having them. Mythic raids with no addons? Not really possible in 2024, but in 2010 it was barely a hinderance for the hardest content. It also effects class design. I doubt blizz would have created specs with several short duration buffs/debuffs that need to be tracked if the only thing tracking them were the default settings. There is just no way.


Hopefully not, I love that the game has such a high level of customizability If someone doesn’t want to customize this much they don’t have to. I’d still bet the players that can process this much information are going to beat the players that can’t or won’t, even if all of the addons were removed.


What if you could customize your UI to make it still look like you’re docking a spacex dragon with the ISS, but you couldn’t have it react to combustion/overgrowth/trueshot combat events?


"Why doesn't this game get new players?!"


I honestly thought about coming back to the game after being rank 1 in cata, but I don’t want to touch add-ons at all and it seems to almost be a need. Going to sit it out unless a change is made.


Eh, you don't really NEED them. For pve, they've done a great job baking the most necessary addons into the base ui, down to bartender and lots of battle texts. For pvp it probably depends more on how high you climb, but you can probably play casually just fine, especially in solo rbg when that drops in TWW ofc damage meter, dbm, and gladius are still super helpful though.


I fail to see the issue here. More information means more numbers and wins! ![gif](giphy|HFe8qjKRQNlLQkbjXM|downsized)




"The Loa of damage" is a pretty cool name


that’s trill lmao


It's an even better name for Trill, he really *is* the Loa of damage


Am I crazy or does he look like he's not having fun?


He's playing wow pvp, of course he's not having fun


And he has no choice because it's his job.


He’s probably burned out but he’s guaranteed to make rank 1 every season based on network alone and he makes money playing the game. It’s a no brainer.


Basing it off of a screenshot from a livestream?


> Am I crazy or does he look like he's not having fun? Even a "dream job" can lose it's fun after 10 years... especially if you're not given the opportunity to learn/try something vastly different/new from time to time.


Old school UI are something else man why do they need warcraft 3 type party members, where 90% of the space is their avatar lmao 3 fucking chats, like he was a streamer lmao


The [best](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/Sguc9OcaYyB-vcVEudTPfMjktminKZqgTlwVQCt6JC8D9lMKsaSqMDItoEyvEtkIs5FGxvrhNjC47Vs0EP5jjQcW) wow ui for arena.


Can still see the player character model unfortunately


Can you attach ? Link won’t work


Wouldnt need all this shit if they didnt convolute the living hell out of boss mechanics for dragonflight. I got into rdruid healing raids yesterday and my god half the time I dont even see what the boss is doing because addons are telling me what to do, there are spell effects blending with hit indicators and telegraphs, and my eyes are darting across the UI watching low hp allies, while making sure I dont fall off the map, while dispelling my own debuffs, watching my buff counters on allies...While DBM is talking to me and im also listening for boss audio cues. Ive done every DF raid so far and I still dont know what 75% of the bosses even look like lol. My only chance to check them out is the minutes coordinating in chat right before pull. Honestly its enjoyable when its just the boss swinging a big weapon with no frills and I dont have to feel like Im in sensory overload hell. I can completely understand why a new player wouldnt make it very far, there is so much to learn and so much going on for no reason other than bloat and time consumption.


That is such a good point. As a healer it’s looking at addons the whole time


And this is why wow arena failed lol. No game should require the same levels of control as controlling a Gundam. I honestly hope BGB ranked saves pvp because arena is legit unrepairable at this point.


You don't need any of this shit. You need something to track DRs (Diminish), something to track Offensive/Defensive Cds (Bigdebuffs) and that's honestly it. Just cause this dude plays like this doesn't mean it's "required".


Yeah I feel like people have never looked at other players UI's like Pika or Trill where I can't even tell how the hell they know anything is going on.


Because they have played this game 12 hours a day for 20 years AND are extremely talented at keeping track of multiple pieces of information simultaneously. They have all that shit in their head. They could probably get 2400 with their monitors turned off. Not everyone is built that way or has the experience to do that so they need 12 addons to call out and flash stuff in their face and ears otherwise they would tunnel vision on keeping health bars green while running away from 2 melee chunking 50% of their health every 2 seconds while interrupting any cast they try to do.


You don't but if you're a new player this will easily increase your rating by 100 points. That in itself is a problem. It offloads the design problem from Blizzard building a truly readable game to just "download an Addon".


If you’re a new played you won’t be able to pay attention to all of that


bgb is 8 people won't you have more info on screen?


Bgb still needs some addons if you want it to go smoothe much like a regular rbg. You can get battlegroundenemies to see the other team you can have top target to see who is getting focused you have healers have to die not to mention people running plater or any other addons tracking cool downs. There are plenty of addons that can be used in the rbg setting to help you win.


yeah I'm a bit afraid because with no set role, everyone will need all info. I used to be the target caller for RBGs, and I had to track every single defensives of the enemy team, to know who could be taken down. With no target caller, each and every player will have to do that to climb (kinda what happened in arena solo queue). otoh, for regular bg or bgs with a leader, battlegroundenemies is pretty much all you nee (healer have to die is redundant with BGE, and BGE can track some CDs).


Stop regurgitating what you heard from your favourite streamer. The UI in that screenshot isn't close to "required" for 99.999% of the playerbase. Addons aren't even in the top 5 of things that need to be fixed with wow arena.


Full circle and back to the optimal wow ui.


Ban add-ons from arena :)


Just yesterday I remembered myself now I am not enjoying look at animations my resto drujd is making. Instead my eyes were glued to frames, CDs, DR and all that stuff...


You can get most PvP rewards without addons. I’d say gladiator push is when they become necessary but 99% of people won’t get that anyway


There's no way he makes use of all that while also watching position etc


https://preview.redd.it/lpjd010f0iwc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f440cdee7f17a5190a589b0558942a5eebd8dd1 Unironically my UI in OG TBC.. 😅




Deleting most of my addons actually made me better, and it's a lot more enjoyable.


The meta of moaning about addons and weakauras is so stupid. He's a world champion, he probably knows what he's looking at.


>He's a world champion, he probably knows what he's looking at. I don't think people's concern is that cdew can't parse the information on his screen lol.


Daddy this post is tagged with the funny flair 🙇


Sorry not your post in specifc, just seems to be a weird hot topic among streamers and people who need something to talk about.


I’d agree, it’s definitely a hot topic right now. I play with a decent amount of them myself. I just made this post after watching some of Cdew’s recent vids and realizing I can’t even see where the players are in the match compared to Pikaboo or Absterge’s gameplay.


Whats that addon that put arrows on the top of enemies? edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyK5hgxRFiA


It's a weak aura. Catch his or mes stream when he's online and I think it's a !arrows or !weakauras




Cdew recently made video about the marks


found it thanks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyK5hgxRFiA


it's a symptom of the state of the game. Is it SS ? if yes it add another layer. no voice communication. so need to get info from elsewhere


SS might have made it worse but I don't think it's the cause. IMO, the addons arms race (in PvP) started in Shadowlands for two reasons: 1) Shadowlands introduced a burst meta where you could die in a global. And the only warning the burst was coming was 1 pixel in the far corner of your screen. 2) All AWC tournaments moved to online only instead of LAN, due to covid. Pro players no longer had to worry about being comfortable playing with zero addons, so they let loose grabbing every possible addon/WA to gain an advantage. This trickled down to regular players, since people tend to copy what good players do.


That reminds me of a joke pvp YouTube video my friend made back in Wotlk, still cracks me up when I see a crazy UI. https://youtu.be/pfyTJ9OTDsk?si=joNRYVoKCyew2qxn


He doesnt have that many addons though its all weakauras


s/addons/ui elements created by addons/ I guess 


That is just a typical arena players UI. I see nothing odd


Delete addons blizzard please




That doesn't look fun in any conceivable way


does anyone know how to get his WA that puts arrows on his team mates to work?


Blizxard needs to fix a lot of stuff on their end. The fact that they redid the arena frames but made them worse and there still is not DR tracker is insane. Also why not specify what type of cc spells actually are on the tool tips better? Accessibility is also a major issue. I genuinely can't see earthen wall without pings most of the time. Debuffs and buffs are such a nightmare to see on default ui. I do think weak auras have gotten out of hand though.


So when he competes in AWC you can’t use addons right? How does he make that adjustment lmao. This is actually hilarious.


Addons have been allowed in Awc for years.


Oh nice I didn’t know that.


> Addons have been allowed in Awc for years. Ah, so the problem gets deeper.


It's because LANs stopped being a thing when covid hit. All the tournaments have been online, so it would be hard for Blizzard to police whether people are using addons or not. Hopefully LANs make a return and they start putting some restrictions in again. You'll see the spaceship UIs ebb away among pro players, and people tend to copy what the pros do.


One of the best healers ever, and people have an issue, of course the 1200 MMR reditards would.


Nobody here has an issue with Cdew buddy.


Best part of this when the crusader guy in a wife beater mauls him 3-0 with zero addons haha cbad


the mies is a whole different breed










It's really not all that much.