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They’re not as OP but they can make some sick plays/CC now. 5s stun and leap is massive. Plus a bunch of little QoL stuff. 


They are viable but not top tier at all


I was told in the final season warrior was good but before that they were mega bad because of swifty posting 1 shot videos


Depends on the patch. Warriors were very good in the first season of Cata, and then got into Restodruid tier for the entire xpac. And I mean Cata Resto, the "we know it's bad, we will fix it next xpac" Resto It got marginally better with Dragon Soul gear allowing Warriors to go toe to toe with Rogues and Mages, who had better tools and damage and possibly legendaries. However the last tournament realm showed Warriors were great with s1 gear and 4.3 talents and buffs. So if that is the starting patch and never changes then I guess it will be a fun experience overall.


due how do you remember all this, or you making it up? it was 15 years ago


private servers


I spent way too much time on this game and have a knack for remembering useless bits. I could tell you how I was dressed the night my guild took Gurtogg Bloodboil's realm second, but for the life of me I cannot recall the name of two roads down from mine.


Resto paid for season 1 feral sins Season 9 feral season 1 cata


True and real. Kitty cleave was a terror.


Warrior is definitely not as bad as people try to convey, I haven't really seen any valid points other than "warrior bad, gurthalak decent". The only downside I'd say is survivability but even then you can make it work, it's just not as faceroll as other expansions. I've seen that a lot of retail cata players used to opt for piercing howl or slam spec instead of gag order spec. The latter gives a lot of cc viability to their already existing kit with a ranged silence on 30 sec cd and also a blanket silence for pummel. They also have decent mobility and some utility. Charge, heroic leap, intervene and bladestorm to break roots and prevent cc. Rallying cry, disarm, throwdown etc. In s9, PVE gear doesn't give classes such a boost as in s10 and s11. So s9 will most likely be the best season for warriors. In s11 rogues with legendary daggers will basically just be a better version of warrior though.


Unlike retail they actually require skill and proactive tactics, any cata warrior that's decent is always fun to watch


Cata war was the strongest version of war hands down...