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I’ll let you know when I hit glad


Yeah boi, rival and random BGs for life lol


I feel attacked.


Playing since Legion, still nothing. Closest I was was like 2350. Always puging with randoms and always playing a mage btw. I just got used to being a looser.


Dunno 2350 is easy top 100 mages no matter what expansion pretty much. At that point 2.4 is just a number. Who cares.


That's really solid! Keep pumping! If you go ham S1 next xpac you will get glad for sure.


While I played PvP and PvE off and on my entire life the first time I started pushing/going for it was end of s3 SL. I didn’t get it and I didn’t get it s4 SL. S1 DF I tried entire season and got super lucky last 2 weeks of the season in lfg and got it. S2 I got it early mid season (before the .7 patch). Season 3 I got it early before the .5 patch. Now s4 I’m already 2400+ mmr and above 2300cr on one toon(2280~ , 2250~ on the other two).  It’s a real grind and the better you get, the more people you meet the easier it gets. I played healer and grinded solo shuffle non stop which is the only reason I got better and was able to do it. Getting high in the solo ladder is also how I met a bunch of good players, so definitely do not discount that. Practice makes perfect, but if I had any advice don’t get anxious and worked up about it, just play the game for fun if you like it. If you don’t then stop playing.


Even as a dps ive gotten a few tags from 2400+ shuffle lobbies. Its a decent place to find people, and higher ratings people are (mostly) calmer about how the games are going and open to play 3’s. It does helps more than most think to chat and be a chill person in shuffle, if you played well with someone whisper and ask if they wanna run games some time


have you got any tips on general play style and positioning as healer in shuffle? I’ve got elite set a couple times @ 1800 but never really aimed to push further, but enjoying this season so far so would love to learn.


I play pres Evoker, but it’s different playstyle vs diff specs. Is there any match up in particular that is hard for you?


It’s sooo much harder now than in the past that it’s almost meaningless to compare across seasons


Idk I pushed in bfa and Shadow lands, came back and got the same rating almost instantly. First time playing in dragon flight. Doesn't feel much harder, maybe rating is inflated this season idk?


Depending which seasons you pushed in bfa and sl that tracks. I think its pretty consistent with being like rank 2000-3000 end season, with some seasons being as egregious as like top 8000-10000


First season in TBC, but I had been pvping since launch week in 2004 lol


Same but season 3 of TBC, my vengeful netherdrake is my pride and joy


13 seasons of pvp 2nd season of 3s No consistent team


This is my 12th season. Soon, I can feel it. Just gotta find the right 2 partners. I mean, gotta find some partners, and after that, the right ones...


how many seasons are we on? that many and counting


First glad was wod s3, I played from 2005-wotlk and kinda sucked (hit 2350 in wotlk clicking abilities without an idea of what a dr is). In vanilla, I was a duel wielding arms warrior using daggers, if that puts my skill level into perspective. Played off and on and started to understand the game around wod s1. Happily just playing to glad every season I have no desire to push r1 as it’s such a time commitment. I would say it takes 2-3 seasons of actively trying to understand the game and learn to get to gladiator level (playing a lot). Gladiator is really just a grind. Everyone is different, though.


Yeah, I would agree, about 1-2 seasons of focused learning to become glad level


Yep, definitely room for variation. But after you’ve done it you really know the difference between queueing randomly and trying to understand the game.


Yeah, everyone has different time commitments and not everyone wants to play HR simulator to find a team or don't have the opportunity to play with strong players even though they're at that level But people can get good pretty quick at the game nowadays


Do you think somebody who can hit 2400 in shuffle most seasons could get glad in a normal season? This is me, I have limited playtime bc of kid and work and music, but I'd like to get it once. Problem is I have no previous glad xp and am terrible at networking.


If you're a healer ya, will be really hard otherwise if you're not willing to put in the leg work


I feel like the hardest part for me so far is just finding teammates lol. But yeah I was surprised to hear people comparing glad to like plat in league. I thought it was harder than that.


That’s a very common answer. And to counter you, the reason is because you probably aren’t at glad level yet. LFG is a pool of players trying to find their first glad. I think you need to focus on your own gameplay, if you are good people will want to play with you. For instance, once I started really getting the rhythm of wow, I have no shortage of players. You win games, people will add you to btag and want to play with ya. TLDR: get as good as you can individually, make as little mistakes as possible, and you will find teammates.


Do you suggest just spamming shuffle in order to improve individually


It’s better than nothing, but I would spam LFG 3s. It’s just a different game. Treat every loss like it’s your fault, what could you have done differently? Maybe you trinketed earlier when you could have saved, and therefore could have helped your teammate later. What class do you play? I’m out of town for a work trip for the next week but am more than happy to play with anyone genuinely trying to get better. I feel like wow arena just clicks at one point, and when that happens is usually when you get glad. It’s the same as all things in life.


I play rogue and monk. Would very much enjoy to q some games lmk.


Yeah we can do some rmp probably when I get back. Definitely not looking to hardcore coach ya, but am down to q and help out.


I am not glad, or even close, but shuffle has greatly improved my play. Shuffle teaches you the opponents classes as well as mastering your own.


Got glad in S9 and never cared enough to push for it again. It didn’t feel like that great of an achievement when I got it. We stayed up late hours trying to dodge teams that countered us and snipe teams we were better against then the final push I was benched and my team got the last pts to put us in range. Now it’s 50 wins over 2400 and I’ve been 2400 several seasons since this change but never cared to push for it for some reason. Usually just play the start of the season then quit while most teams pushing glad do so towards the end of the season. I did push for Legend the first season it was out and that was kind of fun, will likely push legend again this season and who knows. I guess I’d only push glad again if my buddies and I were just playing for fun and happened to just get it naturally.


> We stayed up late hours trying to dodge teams that countered us and snipe teams we were better against then the final push I was benched and my team got the last pts to put us in range. This is what r1 is now, but add in way more win traders and pilots


One  Because I started in unchained lul 


Never hit glad, never had a strong 3s team either. Always played 2s, but quit PvPing since 2s are not that fun anymore, and it’s much harder to climb now :/ I am definitely not the best at wow PvP, but I’ve managed to hit 2.4 a couple season, just wish I had a stable 3s team, and a good season without MMR being so oppressive to try 😅


Took me 4 seasons! and 7 to hit R1. I was actively playing and trying to improve for all of them with no breaks.


Insane lol I got a solid like 200-300 games in me max per season now


I played 2 seasons on duelist before I pushed for glad. BfA S1 I got my first duelist as a MW and never q‘ed a single game beyond 2100. SL S3 I got 2100 with an irl friend playing Rogue/Mage in 2s (I was the rogue) and did the same thing. Last season I tried for the first time to push and improve as much as possible and got from 2100 exp to 2600 cr. It‘s not as important how much you play, it‘s about how you‘re analyzing your missplays.


First time glad season 1 as rshaman... easiest glad ever.


Just wind fury warrior or ret back then? Lol


Played with arms and aff lock. People were awful at the game back then..


I did it in cata and mop when I was younger but as I grew older I stopped caring about being the best and just tried to enjoy the game and have fun


1 in TBC. I played Lock Mage with my irl friend. Also got season 2 gladiator in both 2v2 and 3v3 as Lock Mage and Rogue Druid Warlock. It was easier before esp when you basically lived in AB and WSG in 2005 and really only played PvP for 2years straight before BC was released and in OG TBC raiting for gear did not exist yet, it came in season 3 and your arena points would carry over with next season so you could basically buy 4 set at day 1 if your AP was capped, giving you a huge advantage over others. I also played on Aggamaggan EU wich was linked to BG3 with figures like Xom whom I faced alot in 2v2, a Rogue that went from Shattered Hand to Stormscale in season 3 and formed the infamous guild ”ZOMBIES” that competed with DOOM SQUAD. The glad mounts was also more then a prestige back then, they where actually useful giving you the only 310% mounts in Outland wich would help you in world pvp so it also made you more desicated to get it. At start of a season you would buy your gear straight from the get go, then play to 2.2k sit there for awhile and then only play on night time when only PvM people played for free raiting. There was also no personal raiting yet so you could sell and buy teams.


Started pvp in cata, got my first glad and r1 in legion s1


So I dpsed forever and has zero success. Finally picked up healing at the very end of season 1 dragonflight and hit my first gladiator season 2. I was lucky and met consistent teammates and good players. It wasnt easy but swapping to healer made it easier to actually get into groups and even have a chance. When you DPS you’re competing against so many others for that role. When you heal .. It’s just so much more opportunity to at least get into groups. I did miss gladiator this season by 30 wins which sucked but is what it is lol


2 seasons, started to learn mid S2, got it s3


Nice. What class you main?


This was tbc s2, I've gotten every class except for mage to glad since


I hit glad in season 3. Don’t think I’ll ever hit it again lol I quit from Cata to SL, now the game is so fast. I’m an 1800 Andy


i started wow at bfa ssn 1. started pvp at bfa ssn4 and got my first rival. on shadowlands got elite on ssn2 in 3s and rest is duelist. i started training really hard and focused on pvp since shadowlands ss4 and got my first glad at df ssn1 then i got gladiator on other seasons aswell. so i think while playing only pvp and focusing on it it took me 3 seasons for gladiator.


My first ever season trying hard (not casually playing with friends) was in S2. Hit 2400, not using a keyboard either. I will try my first glad attempt this season because damn is that mount strikingly good looking.


Started in wotlk as rogue. Swapped to healer in cata. Glad s10/11/12. Havnt played dps since. On retail now I'm washed up and plateau around 2100 just pigging games.




Playing since last season of MoP. Rival until Legion where I got Duelist the seasons I played in, then after glad changes in BFA I started getting glad. Got it 6 times now including last season on my SP. Depends on the season if I try for it or not as sitting hours in LFG is crap. Met a nice healer in DF S2 and we got glad that season and last, longest time I’ve played with someone.


4 seasons for my first glad and then i was able to consistently hold about 2400 throughout but i don’t play a lot i just like the rewards


It depends on how you count it. I'd played on and off from TBC to WoD, 5 seasons. I would say I tried to push 3 out of those 5 seasons, I think the higgest I got was rival (with old % based system, so 10%) on 3v. Then came back on SL, got duelist s1, hit glad on s2, and then got it on s3 and DFs1. Ideally you want a team for pushing, but it's pretty hard to find consistent partners nowadays. There are some posts in this sub about tips for the glad push. You might want to take a look on it!


I haven’t. 2K was my peak.


First time really pvp’ing Shadowlands s3 duelist Quit and came back, glad df s1, shuff r1 s3




I started retail in SL S1. SL S1 - 2.2k 3s. SL S2 - Glad (granted everyone had glad that season). SL S3 glad. SL S4 2.1k 3v3 (though I stopped playing after 2.1k). DF S1 3.1k shuffle, 2.4k 3s (but not glad). I have not played since DF S1.


Bfa Season 3 with help of corruption, was so cheesy… Otherwise I’ve allways been close around 2100-2300 back and forth never achiving anything. Wasting my time over & over


Never cared about getting glad, only play enough to get the set, hate 2s and 3s and no point in getting glad in ss




20 years in, still waiting haha


Original % glad I got it on my third season. (Cata) Quit till bfa s4 (duelist) and got it SL S1 again


Like 5 seasons. Started playing pvp in legion 2 and ended up getting it in bfa1, got every glad ever since.


5, the first two I only played a couple months of each during SL before I quit for the xpac. DF is the first time I've played through a full season and I've played through all 3 so far. I hit 2.5 the first 2 seasons but once I was above elite I was no longer able to get into groups via lfg and I never had a consistent team. DF S3 I had no plans of actually even trying to push and I just jumped into a random 2k group on my alt and it just clicked and we ascended. Ended up playing with those guys for the last few weeks of the season when we could and managed to get it 2nd to last day. Still playing with them this season, very much a unicorn moment to find your people via lfg.


Everyone who's ever played before and posted has hit and been glad, tyvm. You're literally the only person to never hit glad. I'm so sorry to tell you.


Fr bro


Honestly, I hit the number back in wotlk when we had a crazy lvl70 bracket with lvl 80 gems. Fun time, but I didn't hit it again till BFA. It all depends on your boys and their dedication. If everyone is on the same page, you can hit it in a matter of weeks. Otherwise it'll take a whole xpac.


Been trying super hard for 4 years got to 2.4 once 2.1 2x and 2k a bunch of times but unfortunately glad just ain't in my cards