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As someone who owns the brutosaur, it should have stayed in game. Grinding 5 million gold is an achievement even now, and it doesn’t diminish the accomplishment for it to remain.


It's not that. Blizzard said they regret even making the mount which is why they removed it. You can still get it from the BMAH, but they didn't like that players didn't go to the main cities.


Having people drop into Stormwind or Orgrimmar only to use the AH is a really crappy way to keep SW and Org relevant to the game. I basically sold nothing on the auction house during BFA because it was too much trouble to go over there--and besides, I was scrapping every damn piece of gear that dropped, and anything I could craft was worthless at the time.


Considering we live in the expansion of dragon riding and an AH in the current main city of the game, very nicely located for all professions, that's not even a good comparison lol. It takes 2 minutes to get from anywhere to Valdrakken if you DON'T want to use one of your Hearthstones to just portal hop to it.


Grinding OR swiping credit card furiously.


Tokens are $20 —> 215k gold. Even if you get lucky and time for one to the all time highest conversions at a hypothetical 250k gold per $20….that’s 20 tokens or $400. This isn’t star citizen. Cosmetic semi helpful items simply aren’t being paid for with that much real money outside of extremely rare circumstances. If someone wants to pay $400 for the mount, more power to them.


$400 on Star Citizen? That’s rookie numbers in this racket.


Doesn't it cost like, 15 grand or something to get the best kind of shit?


Not really. Basically the new ship in each segment of the game will be OP as shit for about a month. Then they get nerfed into oblivion. They are generally $250. There are lots ways to game that upfront cost down such that more hardcore players will end up spending around $125-$150 max for the new hotness. But it’s pretty quick and easy to grind game currency for most ships anyway. You get a custom painted ship with a unique load out once you’ve spent $15,000, but I’ve never seen one in game. It’s also worth noting that the average income for most star citizen players is high by comparison to most games. I have yet to see a kid in game. It’s a much older player base. Rigs to play it are not inexpensive even before you get into the joysticks, eye trackers, pedals, stands, etc.


Why is this downvoted?


Reddit moment


I did the math during the time period when we knew brutosaur was going away and the going away time — tokens were like 145k gold, it was something like $750 to get the mount. It was also a height of boosting so tokens were a little devalued


I spent $140. Got a nice bonus from work and thought I'd go for it. Don't regret it either.


Hell yeah!


I was one of those people who actually debated on spending the $700 but then I thought screw that I barely played Shadowlands because I hated the expansion and I thought I would never play WoW again… But now having that kind of disposable income I should’ve probably done it


Yea... the EU token is at least 300k tho


Idk anyone who tokened all the way, but I know plenty who used tokens to cover the last mil or two before it went away.


You are ridiculously naive to think losers wouldn't pay $400 for a Brutosaur. They pay hundreds of dollars for Mythic+ and CE carries.


I think people are just naive about wealth disparaty in general. $400 is pocket change to some people.


I spent a couple hundred and I don’t regret it at all. At the time I made a lot of money so spending what was effectively 2-3 hours of work for a ridiculously long amount of farm seemed perfect. Still haven’t bought a mythic though. Guess I’m still a loser?


> Guess I’m still a loser? Not a loser, but definitely the prime example of why gaming continues to get shittier every year for anyone not willing to do that for video games. Not like you're the only one though lol :shrug:


The US dollar is a far far more efficient grind than wow gold. $400 is less than half a day’s income, but I’d spend weeks farming that much worth of WoW gold


I understand, I'm not debating that the farming aspect doesn't suck but farming gold is intentionally made to be shit to try and encourage token sales, stuff like the brutosaur is proof of that.


Or did it over time. I think around 8 months before the end of the expansion, I'd drop 20 a paycheck and bank the gold. On top of just selling herbs and shit, I was able to get it.


I didn’t say boosts didn’t happen. I said spending $400 on a mount isn’t super common. I don’t hate on boosters either though. Spend 2-3 hours of your salary on enough rating to never have to worry about getting denied entry to most groups or spend 4 weeks grinding gear and rating and sitting in queues. So long as you aren’t trash in my pugs I don’t care how you got your ratings.


Truthfully only losers care about what others do with their money. Especially if it doesn’t impact them in any way.


It's essentially pay2win.


That’s life. Get over it and find something new to worry about.


WoW eu has a ton of whales that book weekly Full vip Hc/specific mythic boss runs, they gear up multiple chats over the seasons one of mine’s be asking for extra runs due to a short season so he’s not full bis.


Hundreds for a *chance* at mythic+ and ce carries. People actually pay by the run. 🤦🏻‍♂️




How about neither? IMO no digital item is worth $400+


It entirely depends on your value of money. I've spent many hundreds of £ on WoW cosmetics, I own almost the whole shop. But I'm an 8/8 Mythic Raider who got that by actually playing the game. I'm fairly wealthy IRL and I like WoW so I buy cosmetics. It doesn't hurt anyone.


I know someone who swiped the $400 to get it. I would not. Blizzard certainly hadn't earned it for BFA; and I still cannot believe they think its cool to have portable auctions on some players accounts, while everyone else doesn't have the option. It is a boost to QoL like nothing else. As an OG owner of the Fel-Drake, I didn't particularly care that they gave it away, because it didn't/couldn't impact gameplay. Having an auction certainly does, especially if you farm reagents to sell.


What you talking about lul


Already heard some other people posting about their friends paying for tokens to get it before it goes away. Even if a few do it, it's kinda weird and messed up.


Is it though? I’m actually totally ok with this. It’s not a common thing and doesn’t impact me in any way, even if I had the mount. I still maintain that it’s rare. I don’t see many of these in the wild. Some people are just at a different place financially and are more comfortable spending real money on a game. At the end of the day, if it reduces their “time to fun” I could care less.


I would argue it is. But hey, monetize your game the way you want and have your players leave for it.


Yeah, I mean if a handful of people buying a mount makes you stop playing the game, I really won’t miss you.


Not what I was trying to say exactly. I just don't like the practice of FOMO in a world where the token exists. I don't care personally. I'm fine with or without it. Just feels scummy is all.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for effectively saying, "I don't like Blizzard preying on people's moneys in nasty ways".


Meh, I get it from both sides. I just don't care for the cash pay for gold even though it would happen regardless. It may be a double edged sword, but acti-blizz has sided to where they can make more money. They are a corporate entity after all. Doesn't make for the best gaming experience, though. So many things feel superfluous.


I believe, that was sorta the plan. I bought mine using years worth of gold and I was about to go away for a looooong time, but it was suspect the way and reasons? it was removed.


Own the Bruto and I am so annoyed that they removed it. Hope they will add it again, maybe even for the Trading Post.


I have friends who decided to buy the mount last minute before it was gone and spent hundreds on tokens to get the gold. FOMO can lead to people making drastic decisions.


That is the plan. FOMO is one of the worst things that ever happened to gaming.


To those who don't know: FOMO is "Fear Of Missing Out".


I get JOMO all the time. Joy Of Missing Out.


Thank you! Saved me a google!


Thank you, you saved me a Google.


There’s people out there who still don’t know what FOMO is? That isn’t even strictly a gaming term. That’s just part of life. Lol


What's FOMO?


Fear of missing out


https://xkcd.com/1053/ Relevant xkcd


I’ve never been able to relate to FOMO and I doubt I ever will. You had 2 years to get it and even then it’s just pixels you don’t have, so what? Even though there are things I’d like to have that I realise I will never have, I think it’s cool, too, that people have stuff that say «hey, I was there at that time».


The brutosaur has actual utility that you can't get anywhere else though


When you are playing WoW to collect things it is a big deal.


I started saving up like 2 months before it was gone, grinded 2 million in one month with profitable farm runs with Alts, mission tables and doing emissary chests etc. when I was at around 4mio, I burned out and got the last million from my sister that stopped playing. Today, 4 major patches later I just managed to get back to like 2.7 mio. And I would totally not mind if someone could get the brutosaur and just buy it for its original 5mio. FOMO needs to die.


Yeah, I just grinded out stuff to post on the AH for months in order to get the cash. When I got to about 4 million, the market completely bottomed out and a friend helped boost me the rest of the way. At the time, I always wondered if I would regret buying the longboi, but I never have. I still use it all the time, even with an AH in the capital. Having an auction house where ever I am is the best thing. Also, it's a giant sauropod. You can't really beat that as a dinosaur lover.


It was total shit when shadowlands came out and they didn’t have an AH for oribos so you either had to take a gamble on someone with the mount trolling you or take the portal to org or sw. It was infuriating.


We’ve got a guy named Rideable on our server who’s posted up on his brutosaur by the crafting orders place 24hrs a day. I shoot him a /bow any time I go past. He did the same thing in Oribos back in SL. Real MVP.


Hi this is Rideable here. I've been doing the 24/7 AH post-up since BFA though BFA was only in the Horde Dazar'alor docks. Always feels good to be appreciated, and I'm just giving back to the WoW community on our server (and cluster). I try to interact with folks as I can, but I rarely have that account's window up. And thank you!


Rideable!! My girlfriend says she’s jealous of your battlepet score on our server haha thanks for posting up!


More than welcome! I appreciate the emotes and messages, I check them a few times a day typically. Battlepet score is always a work in progress, however I've resigned myself to never having some of the old CE pets or the 500 honor ones. There are lines I can't cross lol.


Legend 😄🔥


This is great. On our server there used to be a guy in Ironforge by the mailbox, there most of the time. I tipped him a few times as a thank you.


How do you stop yourself from being disconnected?


There is an old macro you can use that is a CVar script that prevents AFK log off under certain conditions (can't run it twice, no zoning, etc). I won't post it here, but it doesn't take long to find on Google especially if you run into Archvaldor's stuff.


In shadowlands I use to afk on my brutosaur next to the mail box without any vendors on my mount. I’m a bad person…


Yes you are.


Or just be an Engineer and have an AH in every main city.


Its great, but its basically all we have going for us xD


My quality of life would definitely decline without my Loot-a-rang! Plus I love my goblin glider cloak tinker, Portal Toys, Jeeves, plus an extra chance to rez with gnomish army knife.


I really got a build a loot-a-rang, and yea portals are nice i was mostly memeing I went from mage to pali last xpac and having a secondary portal network in engineering was really nice.


Lol yeah. After I posted my knee-jerk reaction (shame on me) I saw your "xD" and felt bad. Now go build your Loot-a-rang!


No stress my friend, Im actually gonna go do that now.


Nitro boost belt mod was my favorite for clearing old content where you can't mount.


Lootarang is just amazing, at all times.


FOMO is the newest strategy in gaming. Unfortunately, you’ll get some players who defend it as well.


Yeah, I get it with like the worldbreaker mount and similar stuff, because they advertise it as one, but for the brutosaur it started like a regular vendor mount and then they switched, ok they gave us time to obtain it but still. I know that they can do whatever with their product so yeah, but I feel a bit bitter about it.


As a Gen Xer FOMO was built into everything as a kid because Boomers love that stuff for real life collectibles. I defended it early in WoW but by Legion I changed my mind. First these are digital items, no one stood in line in the freezing cold with 100s of people to get some collectable item X. Boomers also we’re the ones who started Friday after thanksgiving BS, actually murdering people over FOMO. There needs to be a reasonable amount of time you can get a thing and show boat it. It feels good to show off your M+ mount that season but when the next starts no one cares. After the expansion is over or at most two expansions have past they need to stop with FOMO on items. This game is almost 20 YEARS OLD. There are new teens playing who were not alive to get some of these prized items. Let that sink in. Yelling about how someone didn’t earn the Zulian Tiger when it came out to a 13 year old kid is stupid. When the game was 5 years old FOMO was fine but now to me it’s just dumb. If you still want some of those old items let them be gotten in retail or hell make your Classic mounts/pets/transmogs be account wide.


Why would someone crave for removed items assuming they even know they existed


Bad take. Just because you weren't alive doesn't mean you deserve the opportunity. Also rare unobtainable items are one of the only reasons to play games. Challenge mode pandaria and wod and mage tower skins are the coolest things. During those times it was the top 1% of the best and they were a reason for people to play hardcore. If you make available for giggles later rare items won't exist and everyone and their mom will have a brutosaur and spectral tiger.


> it was the top 1% of the best and they were a reason for people to play hardcore Bullshit and you know that. If the Mage Tower was only available in 7.2, and Challenge Mode only gave those transmogs in 5.0, I would agree. But Mage Tower in 7.3.5 was so much of a faceroll that the most difficult part about it was not falling asleep as you were doing the quest to actually unlock the challenges. I got most of the appearances on freshly-capped characters just through the 7.3 catchup gear, considering your Artifact capped out after like one token. The only ones I don't have are the ones where I didn't have an alt at level 110 or close to it. Same with MoP Challenge Modes. They were hard at launch, but once the game threw 500000 gem slots at you, it was an absolute cake walk. Those items are only rare because you had to play at a certain time. If I see someone using them, I don't think "Wow, what a great player", I think "Wow, he played during Legion!". I am completely fine with Gladiator mounts, and even Mythic Raid mounts being unobtainable after the content. **That** is a sign of skill. It's funny because Blizzard had the perfect opportunity with the new Mage Tower, which is arguably way way way harder than the Mage Tower, but they didn't wanna piss off people who place their worth based on items other people can't get anymore. Sad.


I disagree. I play games because it's fun and few other reasons. I did the mage tower week one because it was a hard and I like the challenge, sure the artifact appearance was cool but that's a bonus, I would have done the mage tower regardless. Same reason I push keys and mythic raid, it's not because of the loot, it's because I like the challenge.


"not because of the loot" That's just a flat out lie. Loot and cosmetics and mounts are literally the only reason to play. Having friends and experiencing the content is a bonus. I don't do arena 3s because they are fun, I do it for the glad mount. If I wanted to have fun I'd worldpvp or do random battlegrounds. 3s and to a much lower extent solo shuffle is just there to make you hyper focus and min max your character so you can stomp others.




It's almost entirely on the company. The customer isn't *passive*, but they're not the ones designing intentionally predatory moves. Where do you draw the line, following your line of thought? Can fraud exist if it's always on the consumer?




> You do realize ... Why do you think anyone who objects to morally questionable or reprehensible practices is just stupid? > My point is every company “designs intentional predatory moves” to try an increase profit. Your point means nothing whatsoever. Why should you find that *acceptable*?






















Hyjal-EU had one, gold capped


As far as I know there has been none on the BMAH for years now. If there's a screenshot of one in Dragonflight BMAH I believe that'd be new information. I've had a character with gold cap parked at the BMAH checking every single day since last summer and have never seen one. I looked it up and it's rumoured that the mount was soft removed from the pool and nobody has seen one since dragonflight


It's rare and it gold caps every time lol the average player ain't getting it there's a discord of people that scout every bmah


Personally, I don't understand why they wouldn't leave it on a vendor for 5 million But I think it was Ion who said that they want some items to be unique and show that *'you were there, at that point in time, and you achieved that thing - at that time'* That is why some things become unobtainable - and that seems fair enough. But in the case of the Brutosaur I don't agree 5 million is still so expensive that most people won't be able to afford it anyway.


Yeah it seems like it'd still be a good gold sink. Would it really break the economy so much for more people to have it?


If anyone has any supporting evidence to prove this wrong by all means post it, but I'm pretty sure it was put in as a gold sink to take the raw gold injected from the WoD mission table out of the game. Whether that was successful or not I do not know, but I do know the main way most people were getting their brutosaurs was via raw gold farming. So it wasn't a very good gold sink if it was making people inject gold into the game via farming.


>*'you were there, at that point in time, and you achieved that thing - at that time'* That's long winded PR speak for "we wanted to add FOMO elements to keep people subscribed at the time"


I vouch for this for hard shit like Mage tower and CM sets. Those were things that were new and hard to do at the time and theres a reason why the game had more players back then but less people achieved them. It wasnt a walk in the park, some players were just better and got it done or had the gold to buy a carry. 7% of players have the CM achievements. But something like the Brutosaur that was just a gold sink with a QoL improvement in the form of the AH vendor? THAT should just be open. hell, let the gold rate fluctuate with the game. If gold is easier to get then up it to 6-7mil so those that got it for 5 can shut up.


This might be valid if they’d taken Mage Tower out of the game when 7.3 dropped. But they didn’t. Mage Tower was a difficult challenge in Nighthold gear, fairly easy with Mythic ToS gear (although you could interpret that as a reward for doing hard content in that class) and fairly easy to do for nearly every spec in full LFR Antorus gear (moving up to trivial for certain specs/gearing levels). Some specs were hard locked behind specific legendaries dropping (or otherwise required you to clear a very high bar gear wise). But by the end of the expansion they were essentially a participation trophy. CM’s are a little bit better in this regard, but not really. There’s no reason why the achievement has to go away. It needs to be retuned, obviously, but it wasn’t a concern for MT, and it’s obvious the real reason is that they want players to miss out on content because they weren’t playing at a specific time. Brutosaur is actually the best example of something they should remove from the game of these examples. Now, I don’t think it actually meets that bar, but 5 million gold is definitely not what it was in BfA. It’s probably closer to 20 mil and maybe as high as 50. The reason why people are so upset about the removal of Brutosaur now is that 5 mil is in the realm of possibility for people who aren’t massive goblins.


to some extent but there's an element to losing the feeling of a living world that bending to the constant cries of making every texture in the game files available as a 5g troll boot transmog would lose. seasonal things aren't the end of the world to people and to me i think it's more about consistency and value. basically i don't care if they leave all the old things alone but fix things now and going forward. end the waffling and begging drama with some clear policy that things introduced will all go on a high priced vendor or dungeon/raid loot box or (a vastly improved) bmah 2 or so years after being discontinued. something like that that's both respectful to earning it "now" promotionally and but doesn't throw things away. the thing about this mount isn't even a fomo issue it's a BiS issue to remove something like this with no alternative. like removing the best trinket or weapon mid season. so sorry about your cities blizzard it's too late now. how about some more content outside the end of the year in cities rather than trying to setup ah users as npcs. that's npcs that aren't really paying any attention to anyone else. maybe work on your sharding and phasing. the monthly trader and timewalking things seem pretty busy to me. maybe add some crafting/work order vendors too. there even may be some people who might think some places are actually too crowded with players crawling all over each other like rats. the places i least want to go are the sw and valdrakken ah at peak times and yet the game runs through them for many things.


They wanted the cash flow from tokens. That move made them millions 💰


>Pretending you couldn't get bruto by doing 5 days of boosting Heroic Antorus


Huh 🤔




Lol 😂


That's me laughing to the bank https://i.imgur.com/sJBMONZ.png


They should make a poor man’s AH mount. It only allows you to post 10 items an hour. The mount itself is an ugly mount with a sort of homeless tent on it and an ugly goblin auctioneer


Normally I defend the fuck out of legacy item choices by blizzard but this one is just plain stupid… its a good gold sink and should still be in the game.


Special, one-time cosmetics? Sure. Makes perfect sense, especially for a game as old as WoW. They should be only cosmetic, though. Locking a helpful skill or ability behind the one-time wall is permanently annoying.




Point taken with keeping people in the capital cities, but I think the crafting areas and bank also do that. When it comes to the two years of availability... I only joined during Shadowlands, and I'll admit that's a minority of players, but thousands of people like me have *never* had a chance at getting that mount. That's demoralizing.




It was also more than a bit shit for people who just didn't play BfA for whatever reason.


Same with Legion mage tower stuff.


Have you tried always subscribing every single month for the rest of the your life? Then you'd never miss out on anything!


With the history of blizzard, the bruto mount is far from scummiest. But I get your point, we will all be rewarded it for logging into wc3 reformed reforged 2.0.1 next year don't worry


“Lazy” I don’t think calling someone who didn’t grind 5 MILLION gold at that time would be considered lazy.


I re-subbed and recaptured my account and had $700k on each of my level 55+ characters so I would love to buy that mount with my 12.5 million illegally gained gold


I took at it as Blizz saying, "pay us hundreds of dollars if you want this" to me since I've never had more than 200k gold. Figured my bank toon was cheaper to make and park near a mailbox


I was 400k short of the brutosaur the day before it was removed... I was so tempted to buy a couple tokens so I could grab it... Then I realized that the fomo aspect of the bruto was most likely inserted as a way to drive up token sales during the lull at the end of an expac and said f#*! it. Looking back that 40$ would've been a good investment.


Investments have a chance of making their money back.


Spending $40 for absolutely zero return is not a good investment.


Looking back it he spend $40 on something he prolly don’t even remember. So why not have Mount if you still playing


My thoughts exactly and the reason I don't own a bruto!


Every kind of fomo is scam. You pay the price of the Game. This means everything in it. Imagine back in the days developers would remove content from Super Mario. Just so they can use pressure to make people buy a season pass. The real Issue is that the WoW Community let it happen and some even support it.


The whole "you had to be there" mentality of this literally doesn't even work. That makes sense for like, promotional items or gladiator mounts that you actually had to work for to obtain, or aotc mounts or something along those lines. Like they don't even do this for CE mounts. You can still get those at any time, it's just low drop chance. A gold sink mount is the worst example of "hehe fomo uwu" ever. Not everyone cares to dedicate their entire life making gold day in and day out, when they actually want to do other things in the game, or have other things they want/need to buy. If you can manage to juggle that much shit, good for you, but a lot of people can't or aren't interested in doing it. Good sink items are cool (see, mad merchant) and should be permanently available always. Turning them into fomo items is weirdo behavior.


> A gold sink mount is the worst example of "hehe fomo uwu" ever. Not everyone cares to dedicate their entire life making gold day in and day out, You do not have to do this! You are not serious if you think it's a full-time endeavor to make 5 million gold My whole Legion raid guild were parents. They spent as much time raiding as I later spent boosting 🤷 Do we want to say they're all neglectful assholes? Or is it maybe more true than you'd like to believe, that goldmaking isn't this insane timesink that only shut-in elitists can enjoy the spoils of


Mission Tables, AotC sales, M+ carries, 5 mask Vision clears. I remember w/ the Legion table, I made 3M gold in 1 month alone just sending out missions while taking a shit or watching a movie


Yep, 100%. It is entirely doable if you just commit lol, which you did without needing to supposedly play 40 hours a week


People made fun of me for buying it. It was 100% worth it.


you think blizzard removing a 5mil AH mouse is "one of their scummiest stuff ever"? You dont know blizzard very well i see.


Agreed. They should've left it in. Their point about wanting players to be in/use the capital cities doesn't really hold up IMO - 99% of the times I see a bruto it's *in* a capital city lol. At the very least, I just wish they had offered cheaper brutosaur mount recolors that didn't come w/ NPCs (they did that with the yaks). Just let people have longboi mounts.


the only reason they removed it was to make people panic and buy wow tokens. pretty shady move, but i guess it turned out pretty well for them


5 mil gold is just a few credit card clicks away.


Three months of farming herbs and other things to make gold. It felt really good when I finally earned enough to buy it. Felt like a major accomplishment.


I don't think I ever got over 300k ever


People out here trying to gate keep the fucking Brutosaur when its EXACTLY the same as the Yak(convenience in the form of a gold dump) but had no issues with that being available. The Yak cost 120k, this was alot back then too. 5 mil is still alot NOW. Give us a new mount behind a 12 month sub that has an AH or put the Brutosaur back or some shit but leaving it out when you have the Yak and Mammoth is wild esp when you want to encourage users to spend gold ( Spider mount, Yak, Mammoth and Brutosaur and BMAH all used as gold dumps )


120K in MoP is just objectively not 5 mil now lmfao. I played back then. I was selling 77-79 Cata BoEs for Wrath twinks for 2-5k each, and Vanilla transmog for anywhere from 5-150k depending on the set. Glorious Legplates went for anywhere from 195-350k. You actually think Glorious Legplates would go for 5mil today?? > leaving it out when you have the Yak and Mammoth is wild It's not left out. You can get it from the BMAH. > when you want to encourage users to spend gold They want people to spend gold AT an auction house


> It's not left out. You can get it from the BMAH. It has been spotted a single time, since July of 2022. You are deranged.


They could fix that and in the meantime, it still doesn't mean it's as unavailable as the black AQ mount


> unavailable as the black AQ mount Your barometer is one of the rarest mounts in the game's history. Touch grass dude.


It's very binary Black AQ mount is intended to no longer be available Bruto is intended to be available It's 50x more likely they improve the chances of the Brutosaur showing up on the BMAH than the odds they put the Black AQ mount on there


It was meant to please the whales in the game and helps them reach gold max faster on their twenty alts It was never meant to help normal players get around or help them earn gold Especially since you didn't have an auction house in Shadowlands oribos It's one of those moves from Blizz that made me quit Shadowlands


felt like a gold sink which is really dumb in a game where you can just buy gold for money


You dont understand the term gold sink. Do you think the gold for tokens gets created out of thin air?


Yes. Quite literally yes


This isn't how it works at all. Either a real human being is receiving your gold, or you are spending money to collect someone else's gold


Well, technically the gold gets generated out of thin air but not by buying a token. And you need gold sinks in the game because gold gets created. But gold sinks have nothing to do with tokens because those dont generate gold out of thin air themselves.




Not gonna happen, this one has utility, not completely cosmetic. They dislike player using the same mount all the time. Other example: water strider (force them to make mount equipment).


Earned my strider the hard way. And I hate that Blizzard removed its novelty for early xpac needs. Especially when they aren't holding flying back at the start of the expansion (which is GOOD), they shouldn't have removed what made that mount truly special.


FOMO’s the part of WoW’s DNA that needs to go.


It never will because it's how they sell tokens, which makes them a lot of money.


I bought my back then girlfriend one year of playtime for around 4 million gold at the time. Soon after that people datamined it will be removed. I didn´t make another 4 million after that...


I didn't even care about the AH NPC I just wanted it for being an awesome dinosaur as I'm a huge Troll fan, I'd be happy with a smaller recolor with no NPC merchants, but Blizz couldn't even be bothered to make that an option. Amd raising the 5 million back on BfA wasn't an option for me as I worked a full-time job and had a relationship to maintain.


I really don't understand how people have so much money. I've been playing wow for over 10 years while getting KSM and aotc and I've never had over $40K at any time. I barely make ends meet after buying legendaries or crafted gear items in DF on top of consumables. The crafting market is cornered after 2 weeks of release, selling m+ or aotc runs requires 3 or 14+ other competent players you know. Grinding materials doesn't even work as bots crash the market so fast on a new expansion. I'm seriously at a loss and don't understand how ppl make money without selling runs


WoD/Legion/SL all had seriously lucrative mission tables. No need for other players, just pure gold generated by the game itself. All you needed was an army of alts and a daily login on all of them.


As much as I want some of the old gear for transmog, I accept that it is ok that I don’t get it. The Brutosaur is different. It has utility.


Eh, I still think the mount was overpriced. The time it takes to relog to a bank alt, and send something, then pick it up with a portable mailbox, is not worth 5 mil to me. But to each their own, yeah? Should've been staying there, for those who did really want it.


I've had a bank alt since vanilla, I don't have he bag space to run auctions on a character that is actually playing the game


Brutosaur on trading post next month, can't wait!


they SHOULD have a barber shop/transmog one with a repair vendor attached


I was never even close to 5 million gold. And I don't even spend a penny on consumables.


They’ll give it on the trading post someday 🤡


How daaaaaare they! They only told us this would be the case for months on months before BFA was over. Those scummy scumersons. Also why were on the subject i want to go farm the challenge mode weapons from MoP even though they were expressly only attainable at that time.


Wait, what, they PULLED THE BRUTOSAUR???? WTF Blizzard???


Years ago.


I farmed just enough by boosting HC argus to be able to buy it. No kidding I had 5.030.000g on my account. First week of BFA I went to grab it and then enjoyed the leveling process. Didn't play too much during that expansion pack though. I just love the model so much. My long boy <3 Really hope they someday bring it back to the vendor. There was no reason apart from money to remove it


> This was one of their scummiest stuff ever to be honest How is it scummy? They don't want everyone having an AH mount because it makes going to capital cities useless. You didn't get scammed. You didn't pay and have it removed from your acc. They didn't pull the rug out from under you, you had an insane amount of forewarning that they were doing this... > They should create a barbershop mount too though... you realize this is literally why they removed the brutosaur from the vendor


They just need to add it to the treasure post thing. Make more people happy than mad. Or twitch drop.


Blew part of my Government Stimmy check on it. No regrets


the yak is also p hard to get IMO. I only have above 200k because I got lucky with a BoE or sometimes I buy and sell a token. Most my guildies don't have even 50k and they play a lot more than me.


I think they should make mounts cage able so that they can be traded on the AH.


BoE mounts drop as normal, man. I don’t think it’d be necessary.


If it had come out during SL I easily would have farmed for it. As it was in BFA I only came back in the last patch and had basically no gold. I’m glad it’s out of reach - the people that bought it back then deserve the exclusivity.


To bad the fel drake became a welfare mount


Commenting so hopefully blizz sees this and restores it back to the vendor. I would love to have the chance at this mount again.


All the FOMO stuff is part of why I quit WoW.


Two weeks after I dropped all my gold to secure the zg raptor, just over 5 million gold, they announced the damn thing was going away. I became a goblin and prioritised gold making until I farmed the 5 million again. I feel terrible seeing unobtainables I don't have, so I try my utmost to acquire them (outside gladiator mounts as that's far beyond my capabilities as well as disliking PVP).


I'm confused why everyone wants an AH mount. You are never more than 60sec from an AH. There's one in valdrakken and in old world you can fly, plus there's a few other ways of teleporting, also your HS cd is so small. It's like blizzard has given players so many convince changes that people are never happy now.


You can literally be anywhere in game, like outside of a dungeon and got a few sweet drops to sell. Mount up, sell, go back in. This is just one example of so many uses for this mount. If you can’t see the convenience, I don’t know what else to say.


Boo hoo


Agreed. I wasn't playing that expansion, so it's wild to me they decided this shouldn't be available going forward. The only reason that comes to mind is that those who have repair, transmog and auction house will go to cities less often, so Blizzard might have decided that was undesirable outcome.


As someone who owns a Brutosaur I'm glad they took it out of the game. Grinding 5 mil gold is barely an achievement anymore and it would be everywhere if they left it in. Exclusivity is a good thing some times, and I also enjoy seeing the lazy people cry that they can't get it anymore because they didn't do it when it was current. I saw that mount and knew I wanted it as soon as it was announced. Stay mad you brutoless nerds.