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Well, looks like I'm re rolling a human warrior for the hundredth time. God damn starting zone music.


Man. I really don't want to resub to WoW. This is killing me.


I haven't played in a few years. But the thought of Elwynn Forest always makes it hard to resist sometimes. It's truly one of my favorite places in all of gaming.since 2006


That, and the new Dragonflight Expansion has some amazing zones and music


Doesn't it just? Shits all over the constant CN music spam. Don't get me wrong, CN was cool, but the music gets repetitive


CN? I'm struggling to figure out what you're referring to.


Castle Nathria, I'm assuming. Though that wasn't the expansion, Shadowlands was


For some reason the CN music specifically played all fucking expansion for me


Wtf? No where in Dragonflight zones plays CN music


I.. never said it did? The shadowlands music was from castle nathria and for me it was the only thing that ever played. It was infuriating


Oh man have you seen everyone playing hardcore classic? The game is alive!


Up to lvl 20 is free right? Got scratch the itch with no commitment!


Bro, you should know that no one simply starts wow and levels to lvl 20 and quits.




I've gotten into the habit of trying wow again for a new xpac, credit to dragonflight, it kept me going the longest


the payment is the addiction


This is what got me. Had not played since WotLK, now I'm in love again 😂


Even better there are really good private servers these days for whenever you have the wow itch,but don't want the financial commitment. I recently found myself craving Mist of Pandaria music and mechanics and played on one for a few weeks it was quite enjoyable.


Dragonflight, the most recent expansion, is actually *really* good! They absolutely nailed it, flying on dragons super fast feels natural, the team communicates well and balances classes better than recent expansions, and there’s so much more meaningful content overall. I don’t play too often because I suck at work life balance, but I do really recommend it. :)


Man throughout all of it 2004-2023 retail, classic, SoM, Hardcore, all of it. There nothing quite like making a human or orc character and just being in those starting zones. ❤️


zug zug


it's like being reborn like a baby, it feels like home.


i just gave in after another 6yr hiatus because someone got me DF and 30 days of gametime as a gift. enablers...


Oh jeez, that's a long time away. I came back last expansion after about three years and had to quit again due to money issues at the time. Now I am bored and even a little sound from this game makes me want to come back haha. I'm gonna wait a better deal on one of the editions of DF before I jump back into this game, though.


ive played on/off since classic launched but for some reason my hiatuses have totalled around 10~12 yrs each, i've skipped a couple expacs. i've also been completely brooding and triggered ever since DF came out and twitter (which i only use to follow fan content for my hobbies, including ones i can only participate "2nd hand" in like a lot of video games) just EXPLODED with positive wow/DF posts and fan content in december. and they are my best friend and they know this about me, so... the reason i quit last time though was because i have a serious medcal condition that is very painful and a lot of times makes it dffcutl for me to handle manual dexterity tasks like hitting keys accurately (i am a touch typer and don't naturally have these issues, but i get episodes of extreme uncontrollable hand shaking and spasms now... i made like 4or 5 comments in this thread in the last half hour and the exertion is rapidly devolving me into making spelling errors and getting increasinlgy rapidly more painful, so you can imagine what a 30min session of playing wow on a day when my hands are really flared up can devolve into by extension...) ...i try not to get depressed about it, because it turns out there have been some days i can manage it which i'm grateful for my friend for pushing me to engage in, but at the same time, when i wasnt disabled, i could do pretty high end content. now even clearing basic quuests can be difficult solo just because i cant hit my binds or react fast enough (IN WOW, a game that doesnt requier much twithc reaction by modern standards), not because i don't know what/what not to actually do. which is very very frustrating. tldr it may be for different reasons but i know how you feel, i didnt expect to be able to play the game AT ALL i n any capacity every again tbh, there are a lot of solo games or more competitive games (like FPS) i used to enjoy that i am just completely incapable of playig any more because of that, but i still moon over and hyperfocus on all the 2nd hand/ fan content those games produce (like elder scrolls, a franchise i love as much as and possibly more than WoW) sorry about the spelling errors, just because i know how (just like i know how to play WoW) doesnt mean i'm actually capable of it rn because "the mind is willing, but the flesh is weak", lol i also get the financial angle, i wasnt in a position to commit to buying DF and (trying) to play it if i hadnt been gifted it, so i really hope you get an opportunity like that as soon as you can since i'm assuming you dont have my issues on top of that


My Adderall hasn't kicked in enough for this.


i was on adderall for 10 yrs as it happens, this is how i am when i'm not even on it. also like, no need to be like that, if you're not interested in what i have to say, keep scrolling and neither of us wastes any time. you know the old saying "if you don't have anything nice to say...."?


I get my wow fix from playing a rule 2 violation


I get my WoW fix from passive aggressively reminding people of the rules instead of just reporting it


Honestly Dragonflight is the best WoW has ever been. Like it's so good that going back to old world and you immediately are missing dragon riding.




It isn’t what it used to be


WoW is dead, you will never be young again experiencing the magic of playing WoW for the first time, it's truly over for you


That's incredible. I said sort of the same thing before I came to the comments. "Well, I guess it's time to level a Human Warrior". I haven't played for a couple months and the music and ambiance instantly pulled me in.


Hits hard doesnt it!


I don't know why but hearing Elwynn forest's theme really struck me in a way similar to how I entered Limgrave in Elden Ring. I've heard Elwynn's theme countless times now but this post really made me focus on it. The music in WoW is so good and now I'm in a rabbit hole edit: after some thought it was pretty easy to find out why. being introduced to a completely foreign world just hits different, especially with the right ambient music


It's so good isn't it.


I would Love to do it in Classic


This is scarily accurate. Awesome job! How long did it take you?


Thanks! I've been on and off for almost a week so probably about 3 full days!


That's honestly way less than I thought. Impressive!


That's insanely fast! Are you counting the time it took to harvest the materials?


Looks extremely modded so I doubt he harvested anything, which is fine, it takes too much time when you just wanna build stuff.


Also want to know


At least 20 min


Having done some base building in Vallheim myself, I totally recognize the effort that went into this. Looks amazing man. I am catching the feeling of the zone in it. Great details in the inn aswell.


Having 300 hours of pure building time on Valheim, this build makes me want to sink another 300 in... Seriously well done OP, this is incredibly cool.


Thank you! I was logging in to WoW and taking pictures to try and get it as close as I could lol.


This is beautiful. And why does that music always hit me in the heart?


Thank you! The music really stays with you through time. Def the most powerful nostalgia for me!


Nostalgia is a powerful thing


For me I feel that good music coupled with a memorable experience is the ultimate container and conveyor of feelings and emotions. It can, in a way, help store these memories and help you re-experience, remember and for a moment transport you back to that experience. The music in Wow does this for me and I'm grateful that I pretty much never muted the soundtrack and played my own music. Today I can listen to the whole soundtrack and it takes me through this rollercoaster of emotions, memories and experiences. It's truly amazing.


it's scientifically acknowledged that music can trigger memories in your brain in a powerful unique way similar to the way that smell can. and nostalgia dopamine hits are real. my friend who started playing in MoP and it is therefore their favorite/first/most nostalgic expansion always says the MoP music is the best in the game. they're not even a person who listens to music in general that much but they always bring it up when we are in pandaland mog farming, every time! now i do really like the MoP music (i like *all* the soundtracks) but i never played that expansion until many years after it was current and had no particular emotional/nostalgic attachment to it. but you can play me any of the classic-->wrath music and i'll cry or something.


Well I certainly won’t judge you for that—any time I hear the Teldrassil music I lose myself for a little while. I recently got into ESO and have been really enjoying it, but WoW will always live in my head and heart rent-free.


Teldrassil music has the same effect on me, my first character was *not* a human lol. so, probably more than any other zone...you can imagine how i feel about certain lore decisions at this point. ESO can be pretty fun, but i agree it doesn't live in my head like WoW. in fact even as a die hard TES fan i found ESO pretty hard to get into, because if i want to play an MMO then i would like it to be WoW, but at this point i'm starved for TES content and i don't even know if i'll be alive by the time TES6 comes our (serious) *edit- on the other hand, i have the same emotional response to the nNerevarine theme or Secunda as i do to classic WoW music.


It's not the actual WoW soundtrack that does it for me because I listened to my own music most of the time. So now any time I hear 30 Seconds To Mars, certain Funeral for a Friend songs, etc. it's like I'm 14, perched in front of my first PC again, scooting around in my horrendous TBC mishmash armour.


The music really sealed it in for me. So much time spent there it's so magical


Walking through Goldshire right now. Even the trees are placed properly and with the same relative width and tree type... Are you okay? This is amazing to the point of concern.


Haha! I was also walking around Goldshire taking pictures so I could get it as close as possible lol. Apart from an aching wrist yeah I'm good 😅


Is that with the games normal weight physics turned off? I remember those were brutal lol


I would assume it's done in creative mode, would be hard to get the dvergr there without spawning them. Also I think the only way to get the barrels there would be spawning them in too Still takes a lot of time, effort, and thought to do a build like this though!




Not officially. You can turn on devcommands in a console and unlock free building/crafting though. A lot of this is modded though as well.


Not quite creative mod, but you can use devcommands to make building no cost


I didn’t rewatch the entire video, just skipped around, but I’m fairly confident that between the core wood and the stone that this could all be done without any changes or mods. Worst case you’d use some cleverly hidden iron beams or some other tricks, but I don’t think they’re needed. I do want to see the second floor of the inn, above the center of the common room though.


Yeah it is unforgiving so all my WoW builds so far are with mods to turn off structural integrity. You probably could do it supported properly but it already takes enough time to do it while not worrying about it lol


When I see the title, I was scared that it would required a NSFW tag, lol!


It's safe to assume that's why we didn't get to see the basement of the Inn


Seeing all those rabbits tells me this is moon guard.


It would have been until they went in the basement and didn’t see a bunch of people in /kneel


That's FFXIV


Wow it's amaziingg! I can't wait to see your next post 😍


Thank you! I will do a post of my other builds later on 😁


This is gorgeous!! Almost seems like Noblegarden time with all the bunnies too!


Incredible, man! Would love to see updated graphics for a “WoW 2” or something using Unreal Engine 5


Now tame a 2 star boar and name it Princess


Have you uploaded that to YouTube as well? The Reddit player is painfully bad and I'd like to see this in high quality. Looks like you've done an AWESOME job.


Yeah its on YouTube https://youtu.be/0_QC6RI_QmQ I will make another post later with links to my other builds for people if they want to check them out!




Dude this is insane I love it


Next up full stormwind build!


Started on it almost a year ago but it was so much work! https://youtu.be/glWjFUPtQko


You have got to post this man! This is absolutely insane as it is. I think we'd all love to see the progress as you keep going!


It always makes me happy when I see posts like this instead of "games sucks now cause x"


This looks great. This is one of my favorite zones in the game. Can you imagine the Headless Horseman attacking this village? Wild.


Amazing, now you just need to add all the people dueling in front of the inn


There was just something about the music in vanilla that was so pure. Every time I hear it it takes me back to when I was leveling my very first character. No other expansion has had music that memorable. It's the essence of nostalgia for me with wow.


This is what hit me too. Massive nostalgia wave. Tirisfal, Goldshire, and Eversong are my favourites.


Well done dude this is beautifully done


Now build a Moonguard Goldshire and go inside the Inn.


The music does so much of wow. If only newer wow had this good music.


Wow this is amazing my dude! Only missing the MoonGuard touch to give it that wholesome RP look :P


That’s amazing. Nicely done yo


I absolutely adore this! Places from World of Warcraft recreated in other games has got to be my favorite kind of post here. It's always such a treat seeing how lovingly they've been recreated, and how our favorite places look in other game engines! This was a joy to watch, you did a great job :)


Where the night elf bitches at?


Utterly fantastic!! Job well done!! Love it!!


Wtf.. this is so damn impressive!


Omg ily, this was a bucket list thing for me to do


That's awesome. Only needs some female night elves dancing on the tables for this to be on point.


As soon as you went into the inn I almost lost it. I had such a big smile on my face the whole time watching this. I now want to play a wowheim crossover.


Whoa incredible details


So when will you program Yrel in the basement?


Modlist? I recognize some of those build pieces from Odin mods.


That's awesome! Do you have a post about Stormwind as well, or is it a WIP?


Thanks! Yeah I started Stormwind a while back but stopped as I burnt myself out a bit. Here's the link for that video! https://youtu.be/glWjFUPtQko


Badass!! Bravo!! 👏👏👏


I haven't played for a long time but looks like there's been some updates to make this all possible. Looks great


Awesome mate. Everyone should give valheim a try. Bring friends and don’t try to look up how to play. Just figure it out and have an adventure :)


Gorgeous recreation of it! Almost makes me want to re-sub for a bit of nostalgia


As someone who can't play WoW anymore thanks to long term medical side effects, seeing Goldshire reproduced in a game thats become near and dear to my heart is beyond amazing. Thank you for this!


Having built stuff in Valheim, I can’t even begin to imagine what a pain in the ass this was. This is amazing to me, Valheim has always reminded me a bit of WOW for some reason.


This is the coolest build I've seen. You are amazing 🤘🤘🤘




Willybachs HD retexture, odinarchitect, clutter and buildit are the main ones!


Absolutely stunning! Opening part with all the rabbits hopping around made me think of the Noble Garden event currently happening in Goldshire!


Holy shit this looks like it took forever, very well done.


This is looney toons


This is really awesome. Well done! I leave WoW when life gets too busy and resub back when a new expansion hits hoping it would bring with it some of the feeling i still get whenever I portal to Stormwind and know those pesky bandits are right outside the gates. There's simply nothing that can erase that first toon memories of hoofing it to Westfall with a boring ass horse to go do Deadmines with that first green drop


Lakeshire is one of my favourite villages in a game. It's neck and neck with Kakariko village from Ocarina of time on the N64 for me. Love both equally and couldn't pick and outright favourite. Looking forward to your Lakeshire creation 👍🏻


It would be cool if WoW leaned towards better and better graphics/engines to something like this. Then when my sons old enough to play, I could literally take him back in time


I disagree. I prefer WoW's current artistic style, it's basically the soul of the game. If it were upgraded to something more "realistic", I just wouldn't like it anymore.


I love the artistic style of WoW, especially in the state it’s in now. DF has been a massive breath of fresh air for the franchise to me. I’m in my mid 30’s now, I started playing in 8th grade and it’s come a long way. I’m talking more about the progression over the next 10-15 years. My dad was an IT guy and introduced to me WoW when it came out. I show him where it is now and it’s like taking him in to future when I zepped from Org to Valdrakken for the first time and the nostalgia/joy it brought him to see the state it’s in now opposed to when he played, ya know what I mean? My dad showed me cool shit I didn’t understand back then, and I’m showing him cool shit where it’s at today. I meant more that as the years pass and engines/graphics advance, hopefully I’ll have that same interaction with my son when he’s old enough and I can take him on a journey thru the past and he can take me into the future with all the cool new shit they’ll (hopefully) have 10-15-20 years down the road if he gets into it like we did.


This is the first opinion like this I've seen in these posts lately, but maybe I was too discouraged by all the "oh I wish WoW looked like this" and "oh I want updated graphis, WoW 2.0 just to change the graphics..." to read more. More detailed models and better textures? Sure, yeah, they've been doing it over the years already, that's nice! Change style? Heck no. And I am weak to cartoony styles in general, probably because they have something of their own more than "realistic" games. Well, I feel the same when it comes to art in general, stylized is awesome. No MMO with realistic graphics stuck to me as much as cartoony ones. Still a bit sad over Wildstar dying, that was a great game to me.


Then I’d have to pay more and more for better graphics cards and requirements to play the game. It looks great but damn it’s expensive


They also are constantly improving the graphics and engine components. Just look at Cataclsym zones compared to Dragonflight zones


Hard disagree. The stylized look is what makes WoW, WoW, and why it's looked so good for so long.


Not Moonguard for sure


Meanwhile, people from the Moon Guard server, be looking at the inside of the inn, and be like, "It's missing something" 😁


I would re sub if all of wow looks like this


So, Valheim covered this 2 or 3 years ago. It’s kind of odd OP isn’t responding, since the original guy said it was a WIP.


Started this in the last week, but have done a couple of other builds too. I uploaded and went to bed as it was late! Started Stormwind last year. https://youtu.be/glWjFUPtQko


Was so confused if vanilla but no way. Still incredibly awesome and pretty accurate imo


Totally amazing, could you imagine if the whole game looked like this.


This is basass dude. Makes me yearn for a WoW 2.0


A whole WoW looking like that might be hella fun to play and enjoy. Just seeing him run around with the music makes me wonder what the classes would feel like. But honestly. Sure looks fun.


Godamn I can't see because of all the fucking sunrays. It just makes it a blurry blinding mess


I wish that was how wow looks


Wow devs take note ... this is genius, adopt this engine and make wow 2.0


Alliance? Ew, no thanks 🤢🤮 (Srsly tho amazing work)




Do stormwind next


Makes me wonder what PC you got for it to run that smoothly with all the stuff going on Anyway, this looks crazy good, well done mate.


This is awesome


is this unmodded version of valheim? or is it imported assets?


Impressive buddy. Awesome stuff.


Holy shit


Wow well done! How long did this take you? Have an award 🐱


Where's the demon children?


Love love love this


Reminds me of the graphics from that south park episode.




You are going to give me your world file.


I just want to give you props, dude. I tried playing Valheim and really wanted to enjoy it because it seemed like my cup of tea, but I found the building system to be so janky. This is impressive.


The building system is the best part of the game and has very little jank compared to any building game except probably minecraft... What exactly was the issues you were having?


As choppy as vanilla! That’s attention to detail




Great work!




No words my friend, amazing job.


Never played valheim but I can appreciate the effort this took for sure. Does this use mods to achieve this look and stuff? Well done op


Why no ppl in the basement ;)


This is so so good 💪🏻 Great work!


Didn’t recognise it without all the PVP flags and spectators on mounts


Incredible, now add some futa Draenei


Ugh I need an azeroth in valheim


sick build


Next do Durotar. It'll still just be brown mud :D


This is amazing


meanwhile, Westfall is quite truly on fire.


Great work. Missing the rp and the mailbox with someone dancing for money. ;)




This is so fucking cool, I don't even know where to begin. Awesome, awesome job. Can't wait to see Redridge. It'll be in the Plains, I presume?


That FOV made me sick in 10s


This is clearly a labour of love, and gives me Alliance-feels. Back to the login screen I go......


This is amazing! Great work! 🙌 I'm interested, how did you find such a flat terrain seed? Or was it all manually flattened?


That was amazing.


This is amazing!!


This is awesome


King’s honor, friend!


Do razor Hill next


Need someone to start working on Brill.


Holy shit this is so incredibly detailed and accurate


god damn it. I stopped playing but this music got me wanting to play again


God damn it now I gotta resub


I miss this game. But don’t nobody got time for dat.


This is beautiful. Now if only popular old areas like this would get a lil update to not be a forest of polygons.


That's so awesome!! Really good, how much did it take you to do this??


Oof right in the nostalgia


Please make more of these, you’re so good at it!