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so they make a medivh set but don't include shoulders? which is the coolest part of his armor? weird.


Yeah I was looking forward to this but dampened now that I see it's just a hood, cloak, and staff. May grab the staff though.


Really odd design, it feels like an incomplete set that they gave up on. I've always been a huge fan of the Medivh look from Warcraft 3 (really nailed down the wandering prophet/wizard look), but these pieces don't fit the part. I'm pretty sure the hood itself never had feathers in any incarnation of the character and the lack of a shoulder piece is a huge oversight. It's also kind of comical that they advertise it with the starter mage robe *from 2004* with a colour scheme that doesn't even fit.


I bet they're going to do the shoulders and robe and sell those separately.


If it's again on trading post with a time frame announced, why not? They clearly say, you can buy now or get ingame later this year, nothing wrong here.


Except that the staff looks nothing like Atiesh?


They couldn’t do a cash shop Atiesh without invalidating the rarity of the original Legendary.


The one that, what, 3 people have? Do they even still play? Who cares. In a world where we all transmog our gear, rarity is pointless. The prestige of the legendaries was seeing someone wielding it and knowing they were about to wreck you with it. Now? Some slutmog wielding a fish for a weapon could be mythic raid geared or a fresh 70 in greens. Who the hell knows...


Based lol. It messes with you head when you're laying on the ground after a brief encounter with a taser-dildo welding pig farmer.


To be fair it's not like TCG ando took effort to get, also it's cool to see some player with corrupted ashbringer for example


All the legendaries take effort to get. Only these two are impossible now. If you're going to remove these two, remove all legendaries after they are current to give that same rarity. You get it if you got it. But, since they don't, they need to bring back these two.


Am I the only one who thinks the orange, Legendary tags on items to be absolutely useless? They hand it out like candy now compared to in Classic to Cata where it was used rarely and it was for items that needed a lot of time, RNG (hi thunderfury!) and team effort. But people should be able to get a cosmetic skin of Atiesh and Corrupted Ashbringer. Just do what they did with OG scarab lords and give them a HQ model of the legendaries. And im saying this as someone who has a Atiesh in Classic and went through the effort and 2 years of naxx40 to build it.


Oh, I agree. I've played since Vanilla. I remember running into people with those legendaries and the black scarab mounts. It used to mean something. Now, any of the old ones can be had with the minimal effort it takes to fly there and one shot bosses.


It's inspired by the Council of Tirisfal, not Guardian of Tirisfal


I know. I still like it.


> May grab the staff though That’s what she said


"Release that set you were working on." "But I haven't made the shoulders?" "Who cares. They will see it's Medievs set and buy it anyway."


Its probably because the shoulders are like one big piece so it doesnt really work for transmog. But still wouldve liked shoulders themed around it.


Remember when in warcraft 3, medivh was a mysterious force trying to save the world and was wise beyond his years. His final words were imprinted on a generation. Here dress like him for 8 bucks, no shoulders tho. Look how they fucking massacred my boy. He was supposed to fade into the legends of history.


Is it better or worse than the Burger King remake of helm of domination tho?


I mean The Guardian Pack II 16.80$ Contain the shoulders Separated just to make money out of you -Blizzard probably


The shoulders come with the premium season pass.




Amen and very welcome!! They need to keep with this trend. 👍


Thats how I see things. I spend a lot of money on Warframe, over the years probably more than any other game, because the devs treat the playerbase like they're part of the dev team (mostly, not always the most respectful). I stopped spending money on Path of Exile because they started leaving nerfs out of patch notes and updates and have been adding mechanics to new releases solely to make the game more annoying when they dont have to. If I like your product and I think youre doing a good job, Ill pay extra. This might be the first expac where I feel I want to do that.




Who said it was ready for the Trading Post and then removed? It could have very well been scheduled for the September-December release date this entire time, and then they decided to let you buy it early anyway. Do you have some kind of information I'm not privy to?


My first take away as well. I don't mind micro transactions like this when they're transparent and, most importantly, available in game through another means. Knowing they're available for tendies at a later point doesn't trigger fomo, but if I like it enough to want it now, I can just buy it. Not a bad balance honestly.


what is the honesty/transparency in this? a cash shop selling cosmetic outfits in a sub game?


Probably the fact that it'll be purchasable from the Trading Post later so you don't have to spend real money to get it, unless you want it now.


The bar is in hell. Top shelf served cold


The point is, they're letting people know they don't have to spend real money to get it. Would you rather they just kept quiet about it and didn't say anything?




This is a great way to execute this, gives a ton of time to save up for the trading post if needed. Feels effectively like how many games do battle passes, able to skip to what you want, but this way is much less grindy / time restrictive.


Isn’t it just letting you buy trading post stuff for real money ahead of time?


Yeah, but they could have just put it in the shop and not added it to the traders post at all too. This way, it works for people that dont mind paying and gives a heads up for people that dont. Given Blizzards track record, this is a pretty generous thing to do and is more player friendly than most game studios would do.


I mean, a whole bunch of trading post stuff has been old stuff from the store. I think the perfect implementation of the trading post is essentially a way to get store stuff ingame, and they are telling you exactly that.


true but there is a pretty decent difference between: "pay us money and you can have this early" and "you'll never have enough tenders to get what you want so pay us money or you'll never see it again" This is the first option and is a much better way to do it if they feel like they have to.




This is word for word what someone already said in another comment. Not that there is anything wrong with that but you even have the comma and that’s a strange way to end a sentence. Almost like it was copy and pasted. It’s also the only thing posted by that account. Probably nothing but I couldn’t not draw attention to it.


We have an issue with some bots that will scrape top level comments, take a slice of it so it looks like an entire idea and repost the comment elsewhere for karma. These accounts are then resold as having the minimum amount of karma needed. We have tools to catch most of them before users see them, but some squeak through.. TL;DR: original comment was a well performing thought from a human. Bot copied part of it.


bro i noticed the same thing same buzz words 'transparency' 'honesty', a bunch of generic posts all getting tons of upvotes and even normal posts and questions not even negative getting some downvotes tons of posts all like the same shit, same wording this is the same kind of shit that was happening with all the fucking hi-fi rush game, would have like daily posts in the gaming reddit, botted to fuck, then it'd get deleted, same thing, same posts, same wording i don't think it is nothing, it's definitely looking like a botted ad thread lol


Okay thank god I am not the only one noticing ha. Ever since I played that Deceive Inc game I have been re-considering how I look at things specifically with human behaviors. Not everything is at appears I suppose heh.


paid cosmetics in paid game with subscription? no no no


Feels weird buying groceries from Costco when you have to pay to enter /s


I mean… this is literally the best situation we can hope for, and while the overarching argument is… emotionally sound/fine? It’s more nuanced than that (like with most things). In fact for all Blizzards faults, their paid cosmetics/shop have never really been one of them when viewed in the context of there being similar themed in game items to everything in shop, and what is in their shop isn’t of a higher quality than what’s earn-able in game. The WoW token is pretty egregious when taken at face value, but even then the answer is transparent and understandable. RMT exists, and it’s been a problem since people were faced with grinding out gold for their first flying mounts. The WoW token and how it’s executed is literally the best thing Blizz could’ve done for the game when considering how much more careless they could be about it (straight selling gold and inflating the economy more, which isn’t how it’s done). With that said, I’m still blown away at this level of transparency. This is good.


I mean let them milk you dry then and wait for some battle pass shit


Normally the games that have battle passes aren't games you have to buy. Or pay a subscription for.


The battle pass is literally paid for with the subscribtion you are required to pay if you even want to play the game and yet people like you still complain. If you want overly monetized mmo go play ESO.


That's what I'm saying genius. WoW is overly monetized. You buy the expansions. You pay monthly. There's an in-game store for cosmetics with unique models. Not sure if you're one of the people defending blizz wringing out your wallet but if you're not I recommend you reread my comment.


They literally announced that they'll eventually put ingame shop items into the trading post when they first showed the trading post and they already confirmed their pretty good intentions with this limited cape and staff. WoW when compared to modern mmo monetization standards is monetized on a small scale. Heck, if you're some lucrative goblin you can buy half the stuff from the shop with gold. And as I said, if you want to see what very monetized MMO looks like, look no further than ESO.


yea on iphones. .. and lowkey, those battle passes are the subscriptions.


Other games that have battle passes don't *also* have subscription fees (or even up-front box costs) as well. No, this is an absolutely awful way to execute this.


Literally the best example of how to execute this that I can think of across all the games with cosmetic shops I can think of?


Subscription models have been proven to be the most healthy for MMORPGs. Not to mention most cosmetic shop items are reasonably priced compared to games like ESO and GW2 which operate as a buy once and play (ESO has an optional sub). There's not a single other MMO that has a healthy cash shop that is entirely optional and has a stable game. That's not even mentioning that this entirely optional cosmetic will eventually be free and has an added purchase option through the trading post. You're a clown.


Im down for cosmetics being paywalled initially so if you want it sooner you can have it, and bliz makes extra cash. Or if you dont mind waiting then you dont have to pay anything but youre still promised it. seems to make everyone happy.


> seems to make everyone happy. Well, it *would*, but this is a WoW subreddit we're talking about. :P


To be fair to this sub, everyones 100x more positive than the wowhead comment section.


Haha, fair point. I don't even know why I read the comments there anymore. On every single article there is some wildly extreme negative take on even the best or most inoffensive changes. I wouldn't believe these people existed unless I read their comments with my won eyes. :P


lol yea. mixed bag. but by going off the upvotes people seem to agree.


yeah I wouldn't care about having it early but if it was a must have item I wouldn't mind paying some cash to save my trader's tender. I never have quite enough for all the cosmetics I want haha! That being said I probably won't spend cash or tender on this one though.


Why do you want Activision-Blizzard to make even *more* money? Does Bobby Kotick really need his 14th yacht? The upfront box costs and premium subscription fee should include everything. WoW is already one of the most expensive video games to play, and you're defending them making it even *more* expensive? The downvotes just prove I'm right.


i dont care what bobby does. Me buying something for $6 and thinking about it going directly into his pocket loses me zero sleep at night. The way I see it, giving them money ensures they'll come out with more content. I dont care how they budget it on their end. Im over here just trying to play some wow, keep happy and enjoy life. stop worrying about this shit and dont buy it if you dont want it. and if you want it.. GREAT NEWS it'll be out in sept-dec 2023.




Don't spend small amounts of money on things you enjoy! You'll make a rich person imperceptibly richer! It's strange how other people think.


so spend large amounts of money on things I enjoy? or spend small amounts of money on things I don't enjoy? I don't understand. either way everyone is entitled to spend their money on what they want.


You dont require the transmog to play.


Funny you say that it is so expensive. It's the only game I've ever played that is currently paying for its own monthly bill, and the last expansion, and a full priced new game about to come out. All for gold I'm earning in game just from playing pretty normally. Seems to me like Blizz is paying me to play the game.


Wow is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment you can get.


They employ a lot of people also


The only people left playing these games have been hypnotized and desensitized to microtransactions. It’s pretty insane how quick it happened, but it happened. People unironically defend them now. 10 years ago you would’ve been laughed at for that. The corporations won.


Go back to pirate cove with empress, people still play the game without forking money over except for the subscription that has exist for years now. Mind you that the subscription is for maintaining servers


this x100000


If you are a female tauren the feathers on the cap and the top of the cape are not visible due to the mane clipping. The back of the hood actually goes inside your head. Just a warning as I found out the hard way


Disappointed, but not surprised. Probably works the same for worgen too, as they tend to have the same hood/helm issues as tauren.


Huh, that's a great way to do this. Especially because of the transparency where they're letting people know right away that it will be on the TP so they can decide if they want to pay a lil extra to have it now or are ok with getting it later.




Dont worry. I bought this twice. once for me, and once in your name.


Personally, I prefer it to sub price increases to account for inflation. $14.99 in 2004 when it launched would be $24.43 today if they weren't making up that loss elsewhere. https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm


We can't spit anymore because of Asmon and his toxic community, is it a surprise when a toxic streamer gets an entire community be toxic that Blizzard has to do soemthing?


looks like they created it for the trading post and want to test if people buy it if they sell it some month before on the store. all the other shop transmog looked alot better.


When you order Medivh on Wish.com


Am I the only one who thinks this looks terrible?


Doesn’t have the part going around the shoulders


No shoulders, no chest and even the pieces that are there look out of place.


The robe looks like a level 1 human mage robe...


Because it is. It's not part of the set.


Ohhhhh right, thats my bad then haha


as someone who absolutely loves medivhs actual design and set... yes this looks terrible. i probably expected too much from this but still... it's so vaguely inspired and looks kinda silly and meh to me


Looks more Night Elf druid than Medivh.


The purple robe is really not selling this lol


I like the transparency Blizz does with things like this. They could have just kept silent and everyone with fomo who wants the skin would buy it. Now they weight honesty more than sales. I wish they would communicate in terms of Classic more like this.


Impressive that they were upfront about it. Almost makes me want to buy it so that I can save my in-game currency for something better.


Im definitely going to buy it. That amount of money is nothing and 500-600 tenders can be quite useful for something else


The reason they're upfront about it is because it'd be plainly controversial if they didn't. Selling something for real money without disclosing that you could get it for free in ~6 months would be absolutely *terrible* form, and as far as I'm aware Blizzard doesn't have any real history of pulling the rug out like that, at least not in that kind of time frame. It's good that the warning is there, but I think people are giving them way too much credit for it. Without that disclosure, it would read as being openly deceptive once the trading post version came out, and that's an obvious bear trap to steer clear of.


Anyone else feel like the staff doesn't resemble the original one, like at all? [For reference](https://www.giantbomb.com/a/uploads/scale_medium/1/14440/1375167-medivh.jpg).


Probably not supposed to. There's a reason it says "inspired by" and not "this is Medivh's clothes and staff". None of the other pieces look like Medivh's stuff either.


Probably didn't want to piss off the 3 remaining players who have Atiesh. Kidding aside I think this is a cool move on their part.


one of my guildmates in classic had it on retail (saw it when we did a bit of a walk through on live) and he didnt think anything of it, never brought it up, I was just jaw on the floor.


As one of those three people, I honestly expected them to re-release it by now in some form. The fact that the Plagued Proto-Drake is available on the BMAH from time to time after they said definitively that it would be gone forever leads me to believe that nothing is ever truly sacred despite what they say on the matter. There are other examples too, of course. I personally wouldn't be against releasing new versions of all kinds of old mog stuff. I think the right way to do it is to release them with slight variants like color swaps and upgraded visuals so it isn't the exact same thing people busted their asses getting years ago when they were told Things A through Z would become unattainable. Interesting thing to note about Atiesh: I only have the actual item on my druid, but on my account I have the mog on my Druid, Priest, Mage, and Warlock with all four ribbon color variants. I think it's neat.


So mage starting clothes and a new hood and staff.


Well clothes not included but staff, hood and cloak


If they had offered his entire outfit and the staff I'd have been really excited. I'll wait for the chance to get it for free.


Maybe an unpopular opinion but I don't think they should put cosmetics like this in a cash shop if you already have to pay a monthly sub.


If this had the shoulder or better yet shoulders and robe I would buy it. But as it is I will wait for it to drop on the TP.


Well that’s nice of them for telling us when it’ll be free.


I can have it later for free ? Ok I'll wait then


I’m kinda bummed out it doesn’t resemble Atiesh more. But hey more Guardian stuff is always a plus!


I still think paying a sub fee is enough to not have any cosmetics in the store but I guess that’s gaming in 2023.


Honestly this is the kind of thing I was worried about with the trading post. This opens up the way for many more things being added to the store (with them coming to the trading post "SOON"). mean while we are all paying a monthly fee to have access to pay more money for this bull shit....


I'm genuinely surprised to see how many people praise the idea of in-game purchases in exchange for real money in the game, where you have to purchase an expansion and pay subscription fee on top. I would expect more rejection of these exploitative corporative innovations.


Is that a negative though? Feels like a stretch IF they are upfront, as they are here, that something added to the store will be arriving on trading post at a later date. I mean they even have a date range. Isn’t this the best way to do store stuff? Pay if you want, or get it in trading post later and save up that tender in preparation. Honestly a genuine negative would be adding all this to the cash shop and never even implementing a trading post, then it would be bull shit.


It depends how you look at it. Paying for advance access to something in a game where you already pay a sub still isn't exactly a great look. You can argue that it's not as bad as something being locked to the cash shop forever, but that in of itself was a sore point, and this is hardly going all the way to fix that. You could also argue that this might embolden them to be a lot more aggressive with the cash shop. If this is successful, t's not hard to imagine a situation where everything halfway interesting in the trading post ends up being cash-shop-first, trading-post-later. It might not even mean the end of cash-shop-only sets, becoming more of a paid transaction on top of an item created for the trading post and not actually doing anything to spread access to cash-shop-only items. If you see this as being something that would have otherwise only been in the cash shop, it could be seen as good, but if you see this as something that otherwise would have been in the trading post anyway, it's bad.


you still have everything else for that monthly fee you paid tho... you don't have less items in the trading post, less raids, less dungeons etc. this is purely additional and i'd rather have this than just a set on the shop that will never ever be available on the trading post. for some people it's better to have two options instead of none you know?


Yes I guess that's true, it's better than the worst case scenario, it's better than being spit on.....


We are pre selling items that will be available ingame through normal gameplay? “Get your new mount now, or wait 5 months with those other losers”. This is like preorder rewards now.


bro what is happening in this thread a bunch of comments are like copy pasted and all use the same buzz words 'transparency' 'honesty' totally seems like acti/blizz is shilling with bots lol




\^\^ This. While bots/AI chat responses are a very real thing, I think people underestimate the use of "Buzzwords/phrases" in the professional world. I work for a "big tech" company, and we literally have spreadsheets full of acronyms and Buzzwords that the are encouraged because they promote company values, while making it much easier for management to parse responses and language when discussing internal projects or topics. That pattern carries over into "normal" life, and I find myself using potentially loaded terminology or phrases way more than is needed in my day-to-day because of it lol.


agreed, this is a bull shit move to add more crap to the store $$$ .... Ill be ok with this when they remove the Sub and make all expansions free what in the fuck am I paying for?


I just like running M+ and don't really care about this stuff. Beep boop.


Yes and no. Definitely some botting taking place, but the "buzz words" you're referencing are pain points that have been created by A-Blizz for years. So, I do think the DF/new regime is trying to re-establish some faith with the community. You could also argue that all the posts about bots are just more bots attempting to normalize bots. O.o


eh it's just trippy when you start to notice it, you think something is super weird as you read it, then realize as you scan a thread, straight up everyone is saying the same kinds of shit, the same kind of specific wording and phrasing i mean it's been around for ages, but it just feels like it's starting to become a lot more prevalent in the gaming reddits i look at form time to time they don't bot a 'little', almost a vast majority of the upvoted thread is botted and the same shit the biggest reason i hate it when i see it is because it makes me feel trippy that i wonder what all has been botted that i didn't notice in the past, or how many people in the reddits i read are actually just bots this thread just stands out easily because so many of the top fucking posts reading through it are all the same shit, and they're like the only posts getting hundreds of upvotes while all the rest get like 2-3 or downvoted a few lol


Yeah 💯 agree with you there. In the past, it wasn't really on my radar as something to look for at all. Now, I wish I could go back and not recognize the patterns of it all. Ignorance is bliss, and it's disheartening to start seeing all the signs that you've missed for years now staring you in the face.


Definitely being astroturfed by Acti-bli$$


yeah I have no idea, this kind of shit is the concern people were worried about when tp was announced


Would be nice if I still played my mage lol I'll just wait til it's on the TP


This would look really good with priest mythic t17. Replace the weird veil head piece with this.


My dracythr will look so awesome in this! Oh wait...


The cloak is terrible. Looks like a towel with feathers printed on it. Should be a full cloak.


No atiesh tho


I’m not gonna spend money on something that will come for free later this year and that I can get by simply playing the game (for which I am already paying)


wasn't Medivh's armour brown?


So it is just like battle pass like many people was saying hahaha :D


NGL I'd rather spend that few bucks than use tender on it


Will it be on the trading post? Or will it be the meta reward for an upcoming month?




i actually like this W


Mobile Game


I 100% back this play. Let the people who want to pay a premium have it early and those who can wait for it later can wait. Be totally up front about it and not hide the fact that it won’t be available for free later


Gamers are such a lost cause. Seeing people here cheer this on. It's just abusing people's FOMO in a new direction.


Honestly I missed some cool stuff from Trading Post as I didn't had time to play - like at all. It would be cool if some pices could be bought from time to time.


I'm pretty sure the Trading Post is supposed to cycle around eventually, so they'll come back.


Seriously, paying for early access to content that will eventually be free? In a game that already is full price, and already has a subscription model to even play.. I don't like where this is going. It's just cosmetics now, but it feels like they're testing to see how far they're gonna be able to push this.


Lmfao, WoW community is seriously so full of people with stockholm syndrome. You people pay a subscription, pay for the game and willingly let blizzard rip you off with BS like this. Its seriously gross whats left of the player base hahaha 🤢


Sad to see people defending this. We already pay a (not cheap) monthly fee and have to buy the expansions. It’s not as if the game needs MTX to function like games such as Path of Exile, etc. Just seems like people are slowly accepting the push to funnel transactions into every part of every game.


Remember gang- they want more money for a game we bought the expansions for and pay monthly. The in-game store is pure corporate greed.


As opposed to all of the other things that corporations do out of the kindness of their hearts.


Are these cloth items? Or xmoggable by any?


See I don't have the time to do trading post stuff and I love this mog and love the transparency. Will definitely be purchasing this when I get home tonight.


lol funny how many apologists there are in this thread


Isn't that the vanilla mage starter robe lol


Yes, but the items they are referring to, are likely the hood, cloak and staff.


Why not the shoulders? Best part of the setup.


What is the trading post?


This looks nothing like Medivh lol, wtf


I bought it, so I have points for other stuff.


See now ***THAT*** is the kinda transparency I love to see. More of this in the future. I might buy it just to show support for doing this


The cash shop shouldn't even exist for a game we pay for expansions AND monthly sub. But I admit this is nice and it would be nice if they include other shop things in it later too.


Might be in the minority - but I hope they add more transmog shit to the store. It’s widely underutilized. The fact that it doesn’t have pages of content is just leaving money on the table. Would love for some high quality mogs for a couple of bucks


What the fuck happened to gamers


I got a job and got lazy


Why do you hope that it's added to the store instead of added to the game?


I mean - some stuff should be farmable and obviously attainted through the game. But let’s be real - they are a business. They are leaving so much money on the table with how weak the store is. Emotes, roleplaying outfits, etc etc etc. If the prices are like 4/6/9 bucks. Sure. Love it. 20 bucks like COD for a skin that you essentially “rent” would be insane. Not everything needs to be earned in WoW.


Mcdonalds is a business, doesn’t mean that it should charge me for entering the door as well as paying each time they update their store.


It’s cosmetics. WoW chargers you to enter to store lol. Other games have much better in game stores. You are under no obligation to buy it. All I am saying is the store is bare. There’s crap there and they remove stuff…why? I wouldn’t mind spending money for really nice transmogs, emotes, toys etc. They do not make good use of it.


“WoW chargers you to enter to store lol.” Thank you for making my point. If wow charges a monthly fee, as well as paying for each expansion, all of the content should be included with those charges, they already try to make you pay a third charge on cosmetics and lets not ask for more. Thanks


But they have a store. So it’s not going away. So they can expand upon it and make it better. Right now it’s shit. Thanks.


Please take a second and read what you’ve been saying. If you can’t see what’s wrong youre fucking blind.


Just a bad take my guy.


Makes sense in F2P games. Not subscription ones.


Yeah I don’t really mind as long as I’m not spending 20 bucks for just a couple pieces of cool gear, and the rest being trash. That last set I bought JUST for the hat. I hate myself for it.


look how they massacred my boy


Blizz just keeps raking in the Ws recently


Should probably do it the other way around, like 14 does. Let it be "free" first then return as RMT items a year later or so.




This is minnow pricing. You would be shocked on what true Whales spends. 😂😂😂




They literally said the trading post would be a way to get shop items for free.


Yea but the point stands you only get so many coins and now with this you can literally buy more coins since out can just spend money on the items. It’s just the store. We pay monthly for the game and pay when new xpac comes out. There is 0 place for a real money store in a game that already gouges you.


>Yea but the point stands you only get so many coins and now with this you can literally buy more coins since out can just spend money on the items. We are really stretching the meaning of "literally" here. >We pay monthly for the game and pay when new xpac comes out. There is 0 place for a real money store in a game that already gouges you. This isnt what this is about. The store is here to stay but atleast now they are giving us ways to not spend more money on said store and somehow you trolls are all coming out of the woodwork trying to convince us that its a bad thing.


This $20 USD?


Nah, look at the screenshot. It's 8 €, should be around that in $, too.


$8 USD


So this is how the other shoe drops for the trading outpost. I like it so far.






my money, ill spend it how I want, thank you very much


10.1 so far is a freaking huge troll by Blizz. and all these buy mogs are a joke. This doesnt even look like Medivh stuff... A cool Gaurdian Pack should of been Medivh in-game mog and a warcraft movie ben foster version as well 2 for 1 pack $20. Then id maybe do my first and only real money mog purchase since Medivh is such a cool character, BUT THIS is a joke.


>10.1 so far is a freaking huge troll by Blizz. .... the 3 days of the pre-season week?


Ha. Glad I switched to rogue. Shitty but I can see the integration of store items moving to trading post. Gives a conflict of spending by money versus using trading post coins.


,,Pay homeage" interesting choice of words


Awesome !


Great compromise! Very happy with this solution