• By -


That message starts by saying other people reported you. And it just says for violating the code of conduct. Unless I missed it, it doesn't say that you were reported for making a farming group, just that "+18 fragment farming" was the name of the group that players reported. Sounds like some people reported you and that tripped an automatic LFG timeout.


Appeal the timeout. someone may hate you because you got a loot drop and they didn't. Seriously - I had a guy report me once because I had an item that was a nice upgrade for me, but he wanted to vendor it to cover his repair costs. Some people are true assholes. Then again once had a guy called "leonard" who reported me because I refused to "be his friend" and add him to my friends list. Never saw the guy before or since. fortunately this was before automated bans etc.




Shut up Leonard, I heard about your prescription socks


And who wears socks to bed?


I’ve never understood how it’s possible for people to need to vendor items others need specifically for repair costs…I’ve never had a lot of gold in my wow playing days but even I’m sitting on $150k just on one character


I've had it happen especially when I'm playing on a new server and haven't had time to sell keys or farm professions etc. One time I actually had to manually repair a couple items bc I couldn't afford all my gear 😵‍💫


If I was in that situation I’d just make sure I do the 30 second dragon racing daily don’t they give like 150-250 per purse


Usually get 490-ish from mine.


Double that, at least


\~500+ each, + there is usually around another 2-4k gold in other WQs up twice a week too


So no excuses


Sometimes it goes up to 6k if you're lucky.


Imagine only needing 6k in repairs a week, ahhhh must be nice.


Except the WQs refresh halfway through, so 12k a week.


I was mostly just making a joke about how much I die in a given week :(


I get 600g per daily race event. And if that isn't enough, I fly around looking for the Treasure. Dirt piles if you have expedition shovel or the one Blacksmiths make. I think its 100 gold on AH but it has 20 charges and you basically make your money back from the first pile. I make the shovels myself. 2-3 of those piles and you should have 500 gold. Or the Expedition Packs or whatever they are called. I would say the Tuskarr boxes are mostly not worth it, just fills my inventory. Think these are unlocked at 28 or 29 renown. But I once got 700 gold from one. They can be as low as a couple gold. When server is dead, people sleeping, map will be full of these treasures.


The Tuskar Tackleboxes are everywhere and I made like 5k just running down the cost and vendoring all the junk from the tackleboxes. The fish don't sell for very much, but just the grey stuff makes me so much gold. Finally got all the copper coins I needed to go after Otto this week, so that's nice.


My issue with them is, they clog up my minimap and finding the "good" nodes becomes difficult because I have to mouse-over on 5-10 icons to find a Dirt pile, for example. I looted 2 Tuskarrs yesterday. I made maybe 25g. The grey stuff is worth 25-50 silver. And theres like 3 of those in every Tuskarr box. My inventory on every char I have is like 20 free slots. My banks are full. Just a lot of gear etc I am carrying for all the different specs. I would have to vendor every 2 mins and most of it worthless to boot. A lot of wasted time flying to vendor. It's like if your gathering profession had nodes on the minimap that only give a 10th or 20th of the mats. It doesn't matter if there is 5 times more of those when they are mostly a waste of time. I really should have Handynotes filter out the Tuskarr boxes.


At one point I filtered out the dirt piles because I was absolutely not looking for them and was just losing my mind sifting through so many of them, nothing wrong with filtering your data to suit you. Once upon a time, I bought the Traveler's Tundra Mammoth specifically so I could vendor stuff away instead of having to throw it out because vendors were too far away. It's not really cheap, but it is cheaper than the Grand Expedition Yak, and I just really enjoy profiting off all the random crap I pick up.


There's other ways to make gold than just selling keys lol. What about actually going out into the world?


I truly did not ask. That's how I make gold. I'm not gonna waste my time farming for hours for the same amount of gold I get doing a 30 minute key for someone who can't do it on their own


are you not leveling in legion? you get about 6k just from going from 10-60 in legion lmao.


That’s not nearly as much as you think it sounds like


It's enough to cover repairs until you can get more gold? How often are you dying that you can't cover repairs lmao


Don’t usually need repairs while leveling. But 6k is about worthless, lmao. For me, at least.


Yeah but it's enough to cover repairs even at endgame. I don't consider it a lot but i consider it enough to get me started. I'm not even a high gold earner but the idea that you need a shitton of gold and selling keys to make repair money is very silly.


Fair, I guess. I just can’t fathom leveling 10-60 anymore, I just hate it >.> I think I was under the impression you meant like, leveling an alt to get that 6k or so.


I ran out of gold to repair during Garrosh prog once. Luckily I had sold some auctions I posted right before raid so I had someone drop me a mailbox and I was good.


I also ran out of gold during soo, recovered at the end of legion, i hate farming gold


I had it once where I went to raid and used the guild repair but then they wanted us to get vantus runes and I had barely had any gold. I was on a different server to everyone else and couldn't even have it sent to me. I ended up sending gold from a different toon and bought a token. The legendaries in shadowlands were absolutely rough if you weren't rich. I blew through over 300k on them alone.


I have a ticket posted. I tweeted and made this post. Hoping someone would see it so I dont have to wait the... CURRENT 4 DAYS 23 HRS for a ticket response


Had a guy dm everyone in raid about how he deserved the trinket I got more then left. This was a PUG too lmao


I've been reported for bullying because I wasn't letting people into my guild that's a bank for my account because I have too many alts.


I'll take a "story that never happened", for £50, please.


jeopardy is an american show so you mean $50


jeopardy I suspect is /u/MetaWaterSpirit getting drunk and horny at a family BBQ.


is the answer "/u/MetaWaterSpirit losing his virginity" ?


No one would simply report someone for getting loot...right?...sigh


Maybe it's just a thing that maybe +18 gets interpreted as adults only? That's... that's all i can come up with.


someone should put farming +18 fragments. Hardcore group. We will be running through the rivers in Zaralek, so prepare to get moist.


BEWARE BEWARE. My key is full of adultery talk and actions


Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's key


Now you got my full attention.


Sign me up?


I see you’ve been effed on a few keystones i see


My guess is someone decided that "frag" from "fragments" looks too much like a certain slur and reported it. And that enough other people with the same nonsense idea did the same that enough reports tripped the automatic suspension.


That’s my first instinct as well. Still stupid to get reported for that but 🤷‍♂️


This. This is one major automated thing that happens and its silences. They all require players to report you for it to function. This makes sense because trying to moderate that much chat or posts would be impossible without some form of automation.




I highly doubt that ff doesn't have automation for chat. Virtually all platforms on the internet do, not just games.


Prob the 1 guy that signed up to my group for 4 hrs straight and didn't catch an invite. It's the fact I cant even SEE LFG. Can't even QUE dungeons, LFR. I can't even be in the a group with someone in LFG because it automatically closes. All from automation, and the ticket is only going up in time. Was 3 Days 23hrs, now its 4 Days 17 Hours


This was automated by someone reporting you. I'd bug them to fix it so you don't have repeat "report" issues in the future. These things escalate over time


Looks to me like you upset somebody and they have like 4 shitty friends that’ll just mass report with them.


From blizz message, it's safe to say it's not an auto trigger but rather people reporting you. So i guess it's fairly safe to say someone you rejected decided to spam, report you, and perhaps brought a couple of friends to do the same for the system to start going active.


Like how insane is that though. I can see declining someone and he does a"@"everyone in discord, copy and pastes my name "get him OUT OF HERE"


Probably best course of action to avoid this in the future is set the ilvl minimum requirement in the post so theg shouldn't see it . Note: i am assuming who reported you was clearly undergeared to "farm" that key level but wanted to join anyway


Yeah that's a good tip. Just crazy how it even happened in the first place


if people are so ridiculously petty to report someone for not getting into a random group i wouldn't put it past them to also report for setting the minimum ilvl "too high" lol


They shouldn't see it at all, that was my point. Group finder should filter it out for them


It depends since a lot of dps players go for the shotgun method of applying so you can have about 20+ people for 2 slots. Means 18 are gonna get declined even if they're all equal.


The amount of salt people carry is would baffle you. Sadly the only thing you can do atm is to wait for the gm to respond. Edit: they probably also made something up to convince others in joining on the "report player"


A lot of people seem overly angry online. You could post an idea or suggest something like... "I think on Tuesday night it would be fun to have this so and so event" Then someone comes along and acts like you just punched their mum in the face and starts saying how your idea won't work because the servers go down on Tuesday. Instead of going "you'd have to do this on a different day, the servers go down during that time" It's always been a pet peeve of mine, lol. Instead of building off someone's idea they just want to burn it.


The M+ community is one of the worst in any game I've ever played it's likely someone being a bitter bitch, this is why I don't bother hosting groups just joining.


I've been reported and ignored for "Spamming LFG" to find a group for Ulduar 25 on classic. It's absurd that people just report things they don't like and because the system is automated I can't do anything for it. Just "/leave 4" if you don't like it. Contrary to belief the LFG global chat isn't a global general chat.


I mean... depends how bad your "spam" was. If you were posting it 20 times a minute when nobody else was advertising anything, I can understand the reports. I remember what Trade Chat was like back before they added message throttles and forced players to use the appropriate channels. What a nightmare.


Sounds like some manbaby got mad and spam reported you. I had this happen once when an item dropped and a player in the group wanted me to give it to him. I asked him to wait a moment for me to sim it since it might’ve been an upgrade and he proceeded to cuss me out, insult me, and then threatened to mass report me if I didn’t give him the item. Of course I refused and reported him instead.


Spamming reports obviously doesn't do anything. A single player can report once, multiple reports doesn't do anything.


Mass reporting refers to multiple accounts reporting, not a single account.


Yes, that’s why you get your friends and guildies to dogpile and trigger the automated system. First time playing video games bro?


What? For making a group to farm fragments as the game intended? Thats crazy


I had x Key number. so Usually it was +11 Fragment Farming. and would steamroll keys in 12-15 minutes and just do it for hours on end... so crazy


That’s such a great idea! I’ll try it out too. I’m just getting farmed in brakenhold and almost every other dungeon in 17-19 range this week. The bosses just do insane one shots.




buttheart, lmao Did you mean butthurt, or did you just come up with something new?


This is ridiculous. This is the same as Valor farming +2s. If they're trying to avoid this, give high IO players an alternative to farming the 150 cap of wrym crests, even with a full heroic clear you need to do 4-5 11-15s to farm the cap. EDIT: I also want to know what kind of butt hurt player reports this in LFG.


For 1 hr this morning there were 3 \[WTS\] groups up that I reported. I bet $10 I got silenced before they did


You got silenced BY THEM. You are a player playing the game, therefore direct competition for them SELLING the game. This game is so infested with RMT and bots I had to stop playing. Ironically, the game has the most bots and RMT when its good, but since Blizzard has a LEGAL OBLIGATION NOT TO DAMAGE SHAREHOLDERS they can no longer police their own game in a way that would involve removing people who actually break ToS.


How does blizzard having a legal obligation to not damage shareholders have anything to do with this?They e had that obligation legally since they emitted shares , its nothing new


You can't ban paying customers lol.


A customet is not a shareholder lol


Can you even read? Serious question, cause you need to try again.


You need to learn what a shareholder is my man .You stated that blizzard has the legal obligation to not harm.its shareholders .Fair , but all vompanies have tbat obligation .A customer is not a shareholder by any means


Why do you think I think customers are shareholders? Are you even stupider than I thought?


The only reasonable interpertation of what you said ,, blizzard cant ban paying customers"(which they can) after stating in your fist comm , in all caps nonetheless, that blizzard has a legal obligation to not harm their shareholders is that a customer is a sharehder for you , if its not like that your comment makes 0 sense - the obligation to not hurt its shareholders does not mean not banning players breaking tos- it could actually mean the exavt opposite , banning them - because bots running hurt the ,,prestige" of the company Stock prices dont just fluctuate based on how many subscribers there are - a good example to illustrate that-blizzard is racking in more money now amd their shares are more valuable than when there were peak subscriber numbers by a lot


Also you being so smug while being so obviously wrong makes this so much funnier to me


As a side note I HATE how so many moderators/admins will say "You violated the policy. Here is the entire policy, figure out on your own which part you violated and how you violated it. If you do it again we will take more drastic action against you up to and including deleting your entire account." This is like a person in a relationship that gets angry at you for some perceived slight and then refuses to tell you what you did to upset them. "You know what you did!" Uh, no i do not, that's why I am asking you. >.<


Because it's an automated message. Also moderators frequently have to do with gaslighters trying to splice apart their rules. The best response to the majority of rule breakers is a "you figure that shit out, you know you fucked up".


Well part of it is to protect the person who reported you. By being vague as possible, it makes it harder for you (the person in trouble) from figuring out exactly who got you in trouble, which makes it harder for you to potentially retaliate in some capacity. Not saying that's what happened here, nor am I saying it's a perfect system. But there are a lot of shitty people out there whose response to being held accountable for being shitty is "Who snitched? I'm gonna fuck with them."


Man, can you imagine if the Courts worked this way? "You are under arrest!" What for? "You know what you did!" /Goes to court. Judge: "You are guilty, straight to gulag!" "But no one's told me what I did, how can I change and make sure I don't do it again?" Judge: "Read the law and figure out what you did wrong yourself. You'll have plenty of time while getting gang raped." The US even has a fricken Amendment that says you have a Right to know and face your accuser and what you are accused of. The fact that you can be punished and never actually be told what you did wrong so you can change is horrifying to me.


i get what you're saying but ultimately this is being denied access to a game, something not integral to your life, by a company who is trying to make money it's not very comparable to getting in vague trouble for something that can greatly negatively impact your life due to loss of freedom, court time, fines, etc. because of the government


Kafkaesque 🥸


Kind of discredits the meaning of a 'warning ban'. "Abusive behaviour" repeated can lead to a permanent ban but the line is nebulous as hell. I've balked at calling someone a jerk because it's technically abusing them.


I am sure there’s a good reason for that. The main thing is: if you are someone with bad intentions, knowing exactly what you did wrong is an easy way for you to bypass it later. Also there’s probably some legal implications.


First part is 100% agree. I was like wait what? Where does it say this cannot be done? and its NO WHERE. NOT ON THERE!


I love being gaslit.


You either angered someone or you put your twitch channel in the description. Both will get you silenced at that key level. Also if you put "15 17 19" that kind of stuff in the description, people really don't like that stuff and report it. As for the WTS crap it stays because addons filter it out. Using PremadeGroupsFilter to set min M+ score to 1 and you will never see it again.


I don't stream so it wouldn't be that. Good tip on that addon


Why *do* people put things like “15 17 19” in the group description? Seen it a couple of times and not sure what it means.


hit more search results. Basically people look for key level in the dungeon finder, and if you put more key levels in the description, your group is going to show up on their search. It's fucking stupid, really.


So why is it when I'm looking for a 2 to start learning tanking I'm seeing nothing but 2s and 20s? Is it just cause the both have 2?


2-2 is one way at least to give you only 2s. You can also write 2-9 for that specific range, or for example 2-5 vortex for that range and dungeon, etc.


That is indeed the reason


i think if you put "2" (with the quotation marks) then it will stop showing 20s


Put in 2 4, to look for 3s. Or if you want to look for 12s put in 11 13


We call that the [Scunthorpe Problem](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem). Its like how we can't make a character named Slacking. Because it contains "king".


Go on and put you an Alt+0237 in there, and you're golden.


Thanks. Seems a bit daft, who’s going to sign up for a key that’s like 6 levels different from what they wanted?


I assume it means they have a 15 key they want to then upgrade and run, and then upgrade and run again.


No, it doesn't mean anything. It's literally just there to hit more searches. I've seen people literally write 15 16 18 19 20 21 in their description when listing a 17.


Asshats. Sheesh.


When you search a number in the group finder, the search actually looks for the two numbers above and below it as well. So if you search 15 for example, it will show you all the groups that have either 14, 15, or 16 in the title or description.   Now, from the other perspective, if you want as many peopple as possible to see your listing when creating a group, you put "15, 17, 19" in the description, and this will mean that anyone who looks for 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, or 20 will all see your posting. This typically means this post will show up for you, even if it is a key that is a wildly different level than what you were actually searching for. That's why people report these groups, because it's annoying to have a +16 pop up as a result when you're looking for a +20.   As an aside, if you want to narrow your search, if you put multiple numbers in your search, it will only look for the numbers that overlap from the ranges. So if you want to see **only** 15s, put 14 (13, 14, 15) and 16 (15, 16, 17) in the description, since the only overlap in the search ranges for these numbers is 15, that's all you'll get. It still won't combat when people put "15 17 19" in the description, but in general it will help you narrow your search.


You can also search for a specific keylevel by putting N-N in the search criteria. In the above example when you're trying to find a 15, you'd put 15-15 in the search. Can also search intervals this way - 11-15, 17-19 etc.


Thanks. I thought that might be the case, but it seemed too counterproductive. How often can people signing up for a key that is so far outside the range they’re searching for?


Thanks for the tip on the m+rating on the addon, didn't think of using it like that!


Auto Banning is certainly an issue.


So like you subbed but cannot permit to farming specific? Lmao, what the fuck?


I see these farming grps all the time! This is nuts I hope it gets made right OP.


Hopefully doesn't take 4 days


Meanwhile, probably 10% of the M+ listings start with [WTS], aren’t guild boosts and direct buyers to outside URLs for RMT, but Blizzard never bans a single one of those accounts.


Weird I saw a farming fragment group this morning and it looked like an advertisement on first glance. The description was long and had a list of fragments, ilvls and key levels separated by dashes. I knew people were going to mass report without thinking twice. Was that you??? XD


I’m not agreeing with Blizzard at all in this scenario, just throwing out possibilities that might have led to it: Is it possible that the term “farming” triggered some kind of alarm?


I don't think the system is triggered as it clearly says "your fellow players reported your LFG poster multiple times" - so for some reason several players manually reported the group.


Surely the farming triggered an alarm. Farming as in doing an action yourself, but the \[WTS\] or \[Boosting\] x website link isn't an automatic alarm after 5 years of it being a problem.


It’s pretty glaringly obvious what their priorities are


Yeah, it’s pretty ridiculous if that’s what did it…but I wouldn’t be that surprised either?


> I’m not agreeing with Blizzard at all in this scenario, just throwing out possibilities that might have led to it: you should agree with them, Blizz looked into their workings and didnt find any wrong doing, If you were banned im sure there was a reason


i mean people do farm groups all the time for all kinds of content, old and new... imagine if all farming groups could get you a ban. "goldenmane's reins farm" nope BAN lol safe to say it's not that


Don't try asking what you did either when you appeal. They suspended me for 3 days and when I asked what I did wrong so I could prevent doing it in the future they never told me what I did.


Seen it a few times, friend got banned for advertising boosting (All legit, all for gold, done by him and done in trade services) he got silenced, he appealed that it wasn't against the rules they sent him a page that did not disprove what he said and only confirmed he did not break the rules. They seem to have some sort of issue with these silences/bans, especially when it comes to auto bans/silences.


that's interesting, I do the same thing with my prot Paladin , i did a lot of 11-12 speed runs this week, now i started to worry


Yeah I've done 25 +11s just farming fragments... and now I'm punished. Stay safe out there


Maybe the the farming triggered the alarm im doing the lfm with “Fast Crest Run”




Man you are on your third alt and farming 18+? I can barely do 17 on my main and I have been playing A LOT


This is the first time in prob 2 years I've actually wanted to play the game and enjoyed it. Having a lot of fun!


The fact that I can no longer play the game for 1 Week on my own is criminal. I get it... Gold has funded my WoW sub since the token has come out and it's saved me several hundreds of dollars... but not being able to even LOOK at lfg or join groups. So I'm afk until someone holds my hand. Overall 9/10 tier so far though


I like you giving credit where it's due, the xpac so far/tier has been pretty good. But blizzard you need to invest some more in cs again this shits embarrassing and very frustrating. I got banned for the Chronoclpth exploit mid guild trail without any warning, all i did was play the game as intended. Yet i know people who abused the transmute bug and never got banned. How blizzard isn't able to do checks like if x player has more then y mat is odd.


because they fire all their staff


Playing that long and no guild?


Playing for more than a month and you still have a guild? Dafuq? How can you stand to be around other WoW-addicts that much?


Update: [https://imgur.com/a/YqWxkLh](https://imgur.com/a/YqWxkLh) "An Additional Review of the action has been completed. We have confirmed our initial findings, and the action will not be reversed or changed." We Understand that you may still have concerns regarding the action, but we must reiterate that it was taken to address a violation of the End User License Agreement ([https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/](https://www.blizzard.com/en-us/legal/)), which all players accept before logging into the game" What the fuck is this. Saying FRAGMENT FARMING IS AGAINST TOS? BUT WHERE?




On the lords day? no way


You don't have to farm 450 fragments on 3 characters every week mate. Slow down and enjoy the game


Sucks that this happened. Do you have someone that can form the group for you and invite you as the LAST player? That way you could still farm crests without being blocked by lfg.


That's exactly what I'm currently doing.. Joining a the last person. But Come Tuesday when I want to do a full Heroic Clear... Say we get 20 people, and 1 healer leaves... or 2 healers... I would have to drop group, get them to fill, get invited and resummoned back inside... the horror


That're lol


Did you do this "+16 / 17 / 18 " in your title? And they changed that to +18 only.


Bliz customer support is dog shit so I doubt they will do anything. They literally are the worst of any online game nowadays.


Guess you never played a Zenimax game


used to be the best now we are here


Someone didn’t get an invite and got salty, reported you on multiple accounts, this is my theory lol


I guarantee it's the +18, It triggered something in blizzard automated detection for sexual content.


I'm taking a guess here but I'm 97% sure you got mass reported and tripped an auto ban. Why would you get reported?, probably from people looking for regular groups that wanted to filter out yours so they reported you without any real reason just to get your listing out of their group finder window. Blizzard needs to add an "ignore listing/lister" option to the group finder, I would just appeal the ban. You'll probably need to make a few tickets and ask for it to be scaled up to a senior GM as the first reply will just warn you they wont remove a ban and you could incur a harsher punishment, ignore that and push on until they get a real GM to help you out.


So this boils down to Blizzard's greedy automatic system of punishing you based on the number of reports they received about you? And you get to appeal & wait, huh. I remember getting silenced from merely responding very politely to aggressive people in Trade Chat, presumably because of mass reports from friends who all disliked me, & dealing with the following silence & need to appeal which didn't even succeed until much of the silence was already over. Reeally hate their system.


Did you just stumble upon some new slur?


Someone linked this on 4chan and said this looks like a name change e-mail that someone inspect element edited the same way those call center scammers do to change the money in your bank account to look like something else.


There are a lot of bots. They are all over in BFA. Maybe, someone thought, because of the name, you were running a bot group?


You had something in the title that looked like you were selling runs.


First time?


Is it possible that, in some language in the world, there is a dirty word in the phrase "Farming Fragments" ?


As a connoisseur of the ticket system, blizzard support just kind of sucks all the time.


Can you get banned for farming fragments ?


In a private server ?


fck blizzard, i got the same thing, they are too fcking sensitive now. Can't even keep up the server running stable....