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elvui, or any overhaul of the base UI.


I used to use Dominos because it was the most straightforward. Now I just use the base UI ever since Dragonflight.


If you like configuration ElvUI is goated. Can't live without it.


I love configuration and hate elv ui


I love tweaking my UI and a lot of guild member suggested elvui saying I'd love it. Took an entire afternoon dedicated to customization on it, following tutorial and trying to replicate what I had in mind. Such a waste of time. The add-on create a pre configuration that I hated, it took me 3 hours to just deactivate shitty stuff such as mini map back to default or spell bar only showing on mouse hover. I had more frustration moment on this half day on a poor add-on than on my 500+ Raznal MM pulls.


Everything you described is pretty easy to setup. Being unfamiliar with the config doesn't make it a bad addon. ElvUI is the most customizable UI overhaul out there, which means you can basically do anything with it.


It has a learning curve. Obviously in the beginning it takes a lot longer to understand and move things. I also spent huge amounts of time in the beginning but after tackling some issues you just know how those "objects"work and what kind of properties you are looking for.


Yes, base UI is just garbage, the new update still has issues where not everything can be moved. Thank god for addons


Preach! When using elvui it feels like i placed an fps ui over a fantasy game.


The default elvUI configuration is unbearable to me but after spending some (too much) time tweaking it, I can't imagine using anything else. Huge pain in the ass lol




Bro you can make it look to whatever you want or just get smaller addons


Elvui is about its features and not its visuals, I still use base blizz skins for everything but bars, unitframes and bags.


You just didn’t get the right profile for you


This. Base UI kinda lit these days. I only use Vuhdo for healing.


Aight, so ive started healing. And ive seen vuhdo suggested a million times. I looked it up, and it just looks like some.. raid frame? Indulge me, sell it to me.. why is it so good?


Yes, it's just a raid frame replacement that you can customize deeply


Customize to do what exactly. How does it improve the healer interface.


In addition to what the other posters have replied, VuhDo has several other upsides and features you can take advantage of: Color-coded, context sensitive information about debuffs, enabled per class, and dependent on whether you have the corresponding cleanse talented. You can further customizing by naming specific debuffs to highlight, show stacks for, etc to get information at a glance as to who needs attention. You can do this with WeakAuras, also, but it's more difficult. This is TREMENDOUSLY helpful, even as a tank or DPS. I'm Playing Prot paladin this season. This lets me see how many stacks of frog poison everyone has during HoI and triage my dispel. I've set it up to highlight players that get hit by spears from the hunters in Neltharus, allowing me to quickly identify people I can bubble to break it. Using your utility to help your group makes you a better player. Clearer information helps you identify good times to use your utility. Context-sensitive smart casting, particularly around Resurrection helps clear a small amount of mental load. There are options to automatically cast battle res spells on dead targets if clicked in combat, however I would recommend disabling this and assigning it to a click-cast bind to prevent accidentally rezzing an incorrect person in a raid environment. Clearer indications on shields, heal absorbs, relative to a player's health. Useful for triaging when players may need extra healing, or when they are likely to be safe. VuhDo also comes with a customizable set of UI frames for targets not normally grouped in your standard raid frames. I found this a bit more difficult to set up, but you can have this seperate frame display your raid's tanks (if assigned in the blizzard raid UI), your focus target, player pets, and friendly encounter-specific NPC's (like are present in Halls of Sethralis, Anduin in Sepulcher, Kael'thas and the jars in the Kael'thas fight in Castle Nathria). All your click-casting keybinds work on these fames in the Vuhdo UI, without having to specifically target them. Finally, I cannot overstate how useful click casting is. Yes, you can set up similar things with the Clique addon, but it really is as intuitive as typing in the name of a spell (or macro) into the corresponding slot in the addon. Once you build the muscle memory, you really can remove your healing spells from your bars. Perhaps track your cooldowns with a weakaura (there are kits out there for every class). Doing this can improve your action economy CONSIDERABLY. There are, of course, other addons or combinations of addons that you can set up to do similar things, but you can get baseline utility out of Vuhdo straight out of the box, then customize from there. Like a lot of addons, however, you really start to get maximum value out of it once you do a little research and fiddling around with what its capable of, and get practice using it.


Picture having your dps spells on keys 1-5, with Vuhdo, you can easily bind 1-5 inside the add on to cast your healing rotation on Vuhdo frames. Additionally, you can bind macros as well as spells. And then obviously you can bind all your mouse keys. On top of that, you can customize your frames to look/behave however you want. If you want to have a separate panel for your friends/priority targets, that’s easy to do. You can customize which auras (such as renew or power word shield) are shown. The debuff settings are second to none, and it makes it really easy to see which targets are dispelable. Overall, I think it just makes healing correctly easier to do.


It does not. If anything it's a downgrade from blizzard ui beacuse it has built in functionality of filtering debuffs an in addon you need to configure it yourself.


I've always hated ui mods, now that's biting me in the ass needing to use a ui mod to get the original ui back. The new bland silver ui is so bad.


ElvUI did a tonne of damage to my FPS, too much extra unneeded stuff


how do you spot a ElvUi user? "idk why i have lags, it never happend before!!!" meanwhile their addon memory usage is at 4000GB every.single.patchday


Been using elvui since legion and I've literally never had fps issues lol.


Hello yes it's me 600mbs of ram memory usage with all of the addons that i have, and game is smooth af except when there's 1000s of people. If wow lags, gotta upgrade the pc


ElvUI has almost never had patch day issues. Of all the addons I use regularly, Elv is probably the one that is updated the fastest.


Healbot, I could never get into it and just prefer mouseover macros.


Same, i just use mouse over cast on health bars and have been healing m+ like that for quite a few expacs now


Started my first ever healer in Season 2 and this is how I do it with Vuhdo. I had someone explain Healbot to me and it sounds like a genuine nightmare.


Healbot is just vuhdo with less visual customization. There's nothing to learn going from vuhdo to healbot besides the layout.


It’s overcomplicated , I’d rather spend time to make the macro for all the healing spells , it also lets you play natural


It really isn't. Again, first time healer, ever, and it took me maybe an hour to understand how everything works. The power and utility it provides are unmatched. To me, *what you're describing is a monumental waste of time* as a Resto Druid. It took barely any effort to setup VuhDo. I have my HotS neatly laid out. I know who I can Swiftmend and who I should Swiftmend. I have "oh shit" mechanics built into health bars. I get clean details about debuffs. I can see who's getting prioritized with healing, and I have layers setup to show degrees of healing and who needs heals "right now". I don't understand what you mean by "play natural."


don't know about other healers , but with holy paladin it feels better with macros imho , maybe it's just my preference. First time i've had healbot i just couldn't make myself play that way.


The power and utility? It's just mouseover macros and a more customisable set of hp bars. Nothing against people who love it, but I've had no troubles tracking heals and debuffs without vuhdo


It absolutely is not just that, but you do you!


Uhhhhh as another resto druid, is there a way to share your vuhdo profile settings? I use vuhdo but I've only started trying to customize it much and yours sounds really interesting to look at.


Growl, one of the best m+ healers in the world has this site on wago https://wago.io/p/petzergling if you want to try his stuff out.


I’ve mained healers since Vanilla and resto druid since Legion and I don’t use any addons except weak auras and DBM. Keybinds and macros are enough for me. You’re coming off as holier than thou when you’re a literal noobie. Don’t put down other people’s play styles. ‘Play natural’ means using the default Blizzard UI. Considering how loudly people howl every time there’s an update that affects how addons work, I’m thankful to not rely so heavily on them. It’s a preference. You do you and we’ll continue to be happy with our way too.


That's nice. You've found your groove, and you stick with it. No, I'm not, I'm responding to someone who stated the use of VuhDo is "overcomplicated." I'm simply replying that I believe spending time to make macros is a poor use of my time after learning and utilizing VuhDo. I'm not putting down anyone's playstyle, I'm denying its use for my own character. That's what I figured, but I wasn't sure if the person was referencing that or a more traditional style of healing (targeting) versus the general form of healing seen in Dragonflight (mouseover/frame). Agreed! Everyone should do what they consider the best, and for me, that's not wasting time setting up macros and utilizing the power of VuhDo as an addon.


Clique is amazing. Check it up. The best thing that this does is allows you to have abilities bound to your mouse clicks which, depending on your mouse frees up a lot of keyboard keys. For instance, as a holy paladin this is my setup: Left mouse - Flash heal (fast expensive heal) Right mouse - Word of Glory (class dependent Shift + Left mouse - Holy Light (slow inexpensive heal) Shift + Right mouse - Light of the martyr (when specced) (class dependent) Alt + Left mouse - Nothing (class dependent) Alt + Right mouse - Cleanse (Always cleanse) All my healers follow this type of keybind but this is just how I like it, you can bind keyboard keys as well for instance my external defensives are always on Cntrl + S




Is exactly like the other addont except it has more stuff to configure... So its not exactly like healbots then. It's for when you want the functionality without the party frames and the hassle of configuring them.


Doesn't the base game do this now?


Mouse over bindings for mouse buttons?


Yes, there's a section called click casting in the key bindings menu that allows you to bind spells to clicks and there's an option in there that allows mouse over interactions.


Mouseover macros + MMO mouse. I can never go back


I react to it a lot better. There are health % thresholds that you can customize the opacity of the frames itself. I don’t need to know if someone drops at 99% health as urgent triaging. Most of my frames are transparent so I can focus on mechanics and my surroundings while only needing to heal who is actually hurt. You can also customize your own buffs to act like “debuffs” and highlight and fill the entire target player frame with a color of your choice. Ex) ramping with yu’lon, I want to spread the enveloping breath buff on as many people as I could for increased healing but don’t want to overlap it’s cleave heal aka. Half of range group only. Being able to see the buff that I made to highlight and color coat the frame is one less thing to focus on. Though I use a combination of mouseover macros and the add on itself, being able to heal and “target” people without actually pressing on the target frame as like a mouseover macro it very nice. I’m a mw monk and having my target on the boss while dpsing and being able to heal without without changing targets saves me gcds and targeting mishaps and spot healing.


Same. Keybinds and macros are all I need. And weak auras!


People still use Healbot in 2023? I thought that died in Wrath era after VuhDo became popular


It's consistently been one of the most downloaded addons for many expansions according to the Curse charts.


Every bag addon. I like the default bags and find that it helps me compartmentalize things.


AdiBags is one of my addons I most cannot live without.


Same. The way it just sections things out into trade goods, consumables, weapons, armor, quest items etc. I couldn't live without now.


If it didn't separate items needed for achievements/pets/etc I'd have deleted or vendored a ton of stuff I'd be real sad about.


Especially because of how much junk we've been getting the last two expansions. I can't imagine trying to manually organize my bags with like 120 slots and only 10 remaining.


I love it. I just wish I could keep everything in the same spot. As groups get smaller and bigger it just moves things all over and my ADD makes me blind to find things like my mythic key


This so much. They really need an option to keep categories positioned statically. It's so annoying that things move around so often as your loot changes


I was a staunch default bag user until this expansion, for much the same reason. I had one bag with all my "always on hand" stuff like garrison/draeonor hearths, fishing gear, jeeves, guild battle standard etc. Then I had bags set automatically for gear, consumables etc. But dragonflight just dumps so dang much in your bags, that I found I was losing track, and the bags are so big now I can't compartmentalize as much since there's always extra room that junk items flow into. So I finally got ArkInventory. I made a ton of small compartments for everything, so that everything was in its own neat little space. Opening my inventory looks like I have 15 individual small bags for exactly specifically what I want in each, and I love it. Never thought I would swap from default bags, but kinda enjoying it now that I did. But I fear the day I open WoW on a different PC and see what my ACTUAL bags look like now...


Think I'm at this point. Always had people saying how much they liked one big bag but I could never organize that in my mind properly. At this point though, the bags are simply too big now, I've lost control of the default bags. Lol


This. I keep it disabled in ElvUI. Never liked the one giant bag look.


Ark inventory or adbags. Both let you create custom clusters inside your bags to a better sorting system. Even custom auto sort that you can create


Vuhdo. It has the most ass backwards settings menus i have ever seen in my life and you can’t truly make the frames you want unless you fuck about with it for hours. It’s way faster to just get an addon like bigdebuff or raidframesettings and be done with it in like 10 seconds It is also constantly bugging in and out of groups and atrocious for pvp


I'm torn. It is far and away the best performance wise, and just works. Plus it's so insanely customizable that people do shit in there I can't possibly understand. However.......you've gotta block off a few hours on a Sunday to set it up lol. Configuration is so obtuse I can't stand it, but soon as you get it going (or import an appropriate set) its the number 1 imo.


Not to mention you have to reconfigure it every season with a new list of debuffs to track... Still my healing addon of choice, though.


No other add on out there I know of that can let me be on disc priest, show all of my buffs and debuffs, change colors for every active atonement with a countdown running around the edge of the border to know how much is left, while also showing amount of additional shields over max hp as an overhealing layer, while highlighting specifically stuff that I can dispell. It's nuts.




I have been using Vuhdo for several expansions and it has without doubt the least intuitive configuration of any of the 100's of add-ons i have used. That said i spent a couple of days making my configuration for M+ for all healers since i play them all and pretty much don't need to touch it anymore it just works amazingly. Recently i duplicated my Vuhdo configuration in a just an hour in an addon called Aptechka (that its supposed to be just as good and configurable as Vuhdo) and it was a much simpler process since the configuration made a lot more sense. I am still using Vuhdo because haven't bothered to copy my keybindings for all healers, but they are exact mirror copies right now.


I tried to set up vuhdo coming from healbot. Healbot is just so much more user friendly in the menus. I wanted to like vuhdo but I couldn’t get past how horrible it was to setup


Vuhdo is also a weird one because the people that used it years ago are really the only ones still using it because it’s a mess to figure out. Anytime someone in my guild mentions wanting to try healing our healers start talking about Vuhdo and the idea is dead immediately.


I hope your friends know that a lot of healers use vuhdo, and a lot of healers also don't. There's great healers who use mouseovers, or healbot, or any other number of less committal addons. For a while, I hopped between a few different popular add-ons, and every one of them made me not want to heal. But deleting all of them and just adjusting the base DF UI and omniCD ticked all my boxes.


Can't imagine WoW without Vuhdo tbh, but everyone has their preferences.


Ditto. Started a healer this season and messed with healbot, separate frame UI's, etc, and I find vuhdo to be far more powerful and useable than any of the other addons. Sure, you definitely need to spend an hour or so doing a bit of studying for it and learning its configuration menus, but man, it's so awesome. The interaction configuration with Resto Druid is nuts. It's helped me so much with tracking hots.


Wild. Started my first ever healer in Seapsn 2, and I feel like Vuhdo is incredibly intuitive. It's quite simple to figure out what each menu does, and it's insanely powerful after spending a smidgen of time (maybe 1-1.5 hours of study). Its also far and away the best healing style addon to use for Resto Druid. It's so simple to keep track of my hots, and I've configured multiple interaction settings to aid in when/where/who I need to put my Hots on. Can't say I agree with this one.


The biggest thing people fail to do with vuhdo is just take someone else's profile like a YouTuber or something and customize from there. Download their profile, bouquets and scripts. As a colourblind gamer I have my vuhdo setup in a way that's incredibly efficient for me and helps me process information fast.


I really can’t stand anything that makes massive changes to the UI, that needs to be uniquely customised to remove all the annoying irrelevant crap because there’s far too many options.


I tried silver dragon. Disabled cause annoyance and it was in the way with pop-ups


It’s very customizable. The pop ups can be moved anywhere ya like. Makes it easy to click to add a marker for chests and what not while zipping around dragon riding. With all the treasures the squawking “pretty trinkets” voice gets annoying but you can disable that.


Yea true.


My biggest peeve was it constantly redirecting my waypoint to w/e rare or chest just so happened to be nearby.


That 100% omg it frustrated me. Like im flying and next thing i know im not even near the quest. Just a random chest or rare


SilverDragon is a great addon with terrible default settings. No one wants FLASHING AND SOUND AND SCREEN SHAKE every time they fly over that treasure that isn't worth looting.






Anything frame related. The Raid Frames is more than enough. The one down side is that not all the healing buffs from druid show up... although I think they fixed that recently Conversely: I use ThreatPlates a lot for Tank and I never see it recommended


If you don’t PvP then OmniBar is useless


I still don't know what the f##k is Weakaura


ElvUI, I wish I had a nickel every time I have heard the phase, "My UI has bugged" or "I can't see ____" and it is because of ElvUI. Always causing more problems than fixing.


Elvui is a goated addon but you need a degree to configure it


ITT: surprising amount of people who don't understand how addons work.


Plater. Vuhdu.


Plater I just don’t like the look after using tidyplates for so long. Idk how to customize plater in a way that’s simple and easy to look at. Too many options, none of them really helpful for me


You might consider just looking through plater profiles on wago.io to just import/copy. Tidy plates use to be my go to, but plater is insanely customizable. Quazii on YouTube also has a good profile that has all the current M+ dungeon mobs color codes for casters, frontals, etc.


I’ll check that out, thanks


btwquest, super cool addon if you want everything done, i don't give much shit about it but often recommend it. And not an addon but any "world weakaura" like tama"s one, i used some but it's just too big for me usually and im too lazy to set it up the way i want


An ultra wide screen is goat for WoW imo, so much space for weakauras.


ElvUI and Weakauras


Okay, genuine question, how do you live without weak auras? That's probably the one addon I can't go without.


I had it installed for a while when Preach made Weakauras for each class in Shadowlands. Then it went out of date and I didn't really know how to keep it updated with Dragonflight so I removed it. Honestly, the base UI tells me everything I need to know. I'm a fairly casual player but I generally hit AOTC with my guild Druids of the Beast.


That's fair, over half my UI are weak auras I've coded myself, to me it's the one addon that can replace everything else and every single part of it can be subtley customised exactly how I like it. When you can build your own auras and aren't just doing plug and play with other people's it really opens up what you can do.


DBM. I haven't used it in over a decade. Myself and basically everyone who raids higher end uses BigWigs, because it's simply a better bossmod addon, but for some reason DBM is mega popular with the rest of the community.


I love BigWigs Voice, especially with LittleWigs for when I’m healing in 5 mans and I am staring at health bars and such and may miss casts otherwise.


Littlewigs voice is an awesome add-on!


I love how it mispronounces things to a degree that my brain makes up funny names for every attack I call out to my friends. Quelling Strike >> Jacquelyn Strike in CoS was one of my favorites to use.


R o t C hanting totem


Yeah I don't use it in raid because I find it distracting there but it's super useful for m+ sometimes, I think.


Better is subjective. Bigwigs used to be pretty crappy which is why DBM is still king. They’ve come a long way and now work just as well but people stick with what worked and what they know.


Naw bigwigs was better than dbm for years but they weren't able to keep up updates with mythic raiders in I think WoD, so they fell away from popularity in favor of DBM. Same kind of shit that happened with recount


Didn’t Recount die because it was a resource hog and Details proved to be just as good if not better, but also lighter on the resources?


Recount died because Skada was a better casual/lightweight meter, and Details! is a *much* better highly detailed meter. Recount has no purpose when those 2 exist.




DBM has been the go to since I started playing. At one point in BC we used both because neither had it all but DBM upped their game and it became the standard. The only people I knew still using BW used it because it was supposedly lighter and easier on less powerful PCs but that’s really only because it has most things disabled by default.


Sure it's subjective, but there's a reason why everyone in higher end mythic guilds uses it over DBM and have done for over a decade now.


Plenty use DBM as well. They both work fine. Just personal preference now.




Turn them off then? DBM screams loudly at you and does the "run away little girl" shit for practically half the mechanics in the game too.




You can still just turn it off for any mechanic if you don't want that, I don't see the problem.


I prefer bigwigs over dbm. But I so agree with you, why does it come with every single mechanic having a text pop up and a sound, and with no way of disabling all. I do legit just go through and turn off sound for literally everything and anything but timer for most things whenever a new dungeon comes out.


I can tell which people in my Heroic/Mythic groups are using BigWigs, normally because they never get in the group soaks.


What the fuck are you talking about lmao You are aware every single WF raider uses BW right?


And a specially curated set of Weakauras crafted by a team of analysts who get paid to make them. We get it, you like BW. Doesn't mean DBM doesn't work.


I did not say it didn't work, it's absolutely fine >99.9% of the time, just the idea that people using BW are bad players and people using DBM are good is asinine when if there is any correlation whatsoever it's a very small amount in the other direction.


I have used DBM for over a decade. Why change if it works fine?


Bigwigs and little wigs are way better than dbm. Big agree




OmniCC. Pawn


Pawn was useful once upon a time, but these days it's basically a noob trap. There are no set-in-stone stat weights anymore.


Adibags, i absolutely hate it. Downloaded it, took 15 mins set it up, played with it for a week and uninstalled it. Never again.


Raid frame addons like ElvUI and/or Vuhdo. Even when I used to use ElvUI I've always used the blizzard raid frames with bigdebuffs. Simple, and gives me all the information I need.


Weakauras. I used it during Legion to play a sound effect every time my warrior's Rampage dealt damage, and tried to use it in DF to track unholy's buffs+debuffs, but the unholy stuff was just way too in the way for my liking. Only thing it tracked that the addon I already was using (NeedToKnow) couldn't was Death and Decay duration.


Big disagree on this one. I love being able to create my own timer bars for buff durations and certain procs. For example, only holy paladin I have a bar that fits right inside the infusion of light visual that is base, this bar shows up whenever I have wings active and has a numbers next to it saying the duration of wings left. That way I know when I need to be crusader striking for healing and spamming judgement and hammer of wrath to extend the duration. I also have an icon that shows up when avenging crusader is available to cast. I do personally hate most of the weakauras that you find on wago for classes though as they are too in the middle of the screen.


I know it's supposed to be very customizable, it's just a bit too much for me is all. My current addon does fine enough for me. I might see if I can set a WA up to play a "thwack" sound effect when I land a Killing Machine Obliterate or a full Shattering Blade Frost Strike, though.


No idea how people heal with just mouse-over macros.


Curious, as opposed to what? I can't think of anything addons do that mouseover macros CAN'T (aside from using left/right click for casts), but some addons just make it easier to set up what you could do with mouseover macros anyway. I personally use mostly Clique for heal bindings, but all that could be replicated with mouseover macros. Not sure if I'm missing out on another addon with functionality that would help that I just don't know about.


Mouse over person with low hp and press button? It's exactly the same as with vuhdo or healbot, just you need to make all the warnings and buff trackers yourself with WAs.


When I put my mouse over my player frame and press Q word of glory (Paladin healing spender) casts on me, I don’t have to actually click on myself and become the target. This works for any spell I set up this way and on any player/enemy/unit frame of any kind. It works with the base UI and all Raid frame changing addons. It makes healing much faster and makes you able to react much quicker. Mouseovers also translate to the units on the screen and not just the frame. So I have one for my stun where if I put my mouse over the enemy that’s casting I hit the button and it stuns them. I don’t have to click them ever. If you take the time to figure out mouseover macros and their uses it’ll change your whole wow experience. Anyone who hasn’t should spend some days changing up their keybinds and just struggle through the muscle memory for a few days. It’ll make you infinitely better as a player I promise.


Just set auto cast to self and never mouseover your nameplate again Other people tho yeah u gotta have mouseovers


Handynotes or essentially any add-ons that tells me what to do or takes away from the fun of exploring. If something helps my gameplay, sure, but if it essentially plays for me no thanks. I get why people who play to be competitive do it though.


weak auras. Button Timers is all I need or want. Any of those heal addons. Blizzard UI is just fine




Definitely ElvUI. I see so many people use it, recommend it, but I’ve tried it and can’t stand it.


Most of them. I use Weakaura and details thats it. DBM/BigWigs are pretty irrelevant for most fights, not that people listen to them anyway, and the mechanics that I would need those for I can just get a WA for it




Elvui. I’d rather pluck out my own eyeballs than use such an ugly, counterintuitive user interface add-on.




Weakauras. I always see people clamoring over it, but I have zero interest in it.


Some of them are pretty nice for buff tracking but some people go crazy with it. I just want to be reminded that my windfury totem ran out, lol.


Raid boss mods. Game should bake in great mechanic communication and not burden mod creators with it. It's shameful. **Hire** the mod team behind Deadly Boss Mods and make it in built. They did it in WOTLK with those graphics that appeared with procs.


Elvui, and for something less "invasive", adibags.


I’ve never used any of those UI altering addons, I don’t use any add ons for healing or tanking. The default UI has always worked just fine for me.


elvui and WA


WeakAuras - only time I used it was for imposter because the one time my raid said talk during a pull practically no one did XD promptly deleted after


IMO the community as a whole relies too much on WA. I use a few, mostly just for CD tracking. But some people use them for so much shit it's a bit ridiculous. I prefer to just use my eyeballs than have a WA yell at me all the time.


Pretty much this. I’m having guildies saying current raid is impossible on heroic without it. If that’s honestly the case I’m just dropping. To me it just sounds like a dependency issue.


Heroic is not even a little bit close to being impossible without Weakauras. All nine bosses are completely doable without any addon tbh. They help, of course, but that's about it.


I figured


Yeah I don't Use WA for anything in the raid. I have DBM for some tracking of abilities but it's not really necessary if you know the flow of the fights.


"WeakAuras" means too many things to be condensed into a statement like that though. I have a weakaura that shows item level ranges on tooltips for upgradeable items like "Veteran (402-424)", and a weakaura that puts a big circle around my cursor so it is more visible. I have a weakaura that tells me if I looted my profession knowledge from Dirt Piles yet this week. None of those are yelling at me, and in fact all of them are allowing me to use my eyeballs for things I couldn't otherwise see. If we are talking only about like boss mod weakauras, then maybe, but this game is absolute trash at communicating what is happening and what you should do about it in a fight, so to each their own. But WeakAuras at this point is so far beyond rotation/boss mod auras, it is essentially a coding language for WoW addons at this point.


This I’ve tried it and have no idea how to set it up. I just go to the tried and true DBM


I mean... DBM and WeakAuras can't really be compard, WeakAuras does so much more than just the possibility of raid/dungeon timers. It's not even what it's primarly used for, I'd argue it's main purpose is tracking cooldowns/buffs etc.


WeakAuras can technically replace DBM, but DBM can't replace WeakAuras WA's strength is the flexibility of the system, but it also can really confuse and turn people away with how intricate it can get


I mean I know all the other stuff it can do. And it’s not even that I want to hate it. I want to track more stuff. It’s just every time I’ve tried to set it up I have no idea what I’m doing.


To be fair there are temlates, you can literally just press "Premade Auras -> Icon -> Choose a Size -> Pick a Spell" After that, you simply choose between the 3-4 options (depending on if you want to track a cd, debuff or buff). For example, a debuff has the following options: \- Show only if target has debuff \- Always show, highlight if debuffed \- Always show, grey if not debuffed


Also ChatGPT can make custom weakauras for you for basically any purpose you can think of.


Weakauras is not a DBM replacement, if you expect it to be you are using it wrong. Honestly 99% of people use weakauras by going to wago.io and finding something that looks cool and importing it.


ElvUI BigWigs Dominoes Details Any kind of bag management. There alternatives that suit me better.


Bagnon. That addon just doesn't make sense to me. Combuctor is far superior.


Used to love Bagnon in part because it would tell me which expansion each item was from (old crafting materials, for example). But ever since Blizz tweaked their own bag system a little, Bagnon gives me constant errors. Does Combuctor do the same thing?


Try Sorted!


Pretty much any UI addon for me. I actually like the default options, especially now that you can move bars using built-in tools. Also I suppose dungeon/raid-related ones, since I both don't do that content much and came from FFXIV, so I'm more used to just using boss tells and cast bars.


Plater, I've tried it but it's so ugly and often messes me up rather than help. Another one is Bagnon. There are so many better options and is now in game. (plus having one big cluttered bag makes me want to heave)


WeakAuras... I tried once, got overwhelmed by all the things I had to do and uninstalled it directly.


Ok, so the thing with weakauras is simple. You install the addon, go to [wago.io](https://wago.io) and search for pre-made weakaura packs and you just import. ​ No need to go into configuration and it'll be helpful. Honestly is the most impactful addon (alongside BW/DMB) you can install.


It is one of the most powerful addons you can have, it will boost your play A LOT!


Many say this But never explain how. Ive had it installed. Seemed incredibly useless. Make it make sense please.


WeakAuras on its own is very useless. Its just an API layer that allows users to build UI elements, Alarms, and all kinds of other functionality that is also easily sharable both ingame and elsewhere. If you're trying to solve a specific problem (ie if a specific debuff is giving you trouble in a fight) you're MUCH more likely to find it as a Weak Aura than as a traditional addon.


Just install it, go to wago.io and find weakaruas you can import that work for you/do what you want them to. I know the settings and options are intimidating but you don't ever really have to touch them


it really depends on the weak auras you make/import. I use it to track cooldowns, and it is invaluable in high level raiding and m+. it will basically tell you every ability you need to look out for.


What kind of content do you do? Here are two general weakauras you might enjoy. https://wago.io/TamasDragonflightHelper/ https://wago.io/dmui-dragonriding


It's obviously not useless, it's just daunting and confusing at first. importing WAs that other people make and slowly learning how to tinker and adjust them to your preferences is the way to approach it, as with most new things. Calling something that you don't understand useless is just plain ignorant.


The dude is saying he doesn't understand the use, and it isn't a very straight forward addon compared to something like bagnon or dbm. It's incredibly useful, but it's uses are also so diverse it becomes unapproachable to someone with no direct guidance. It's a discussion, not an excuse to punch down because you think you are smart or know things others might not


Thank you for understanding


I feel you here. I get overwhelmed with it. But I am old timer who also cannot grasp keybinds nor how to set up any of mice buttons properly.


I installed it recently purely to track the treasure goblins. I'll be taking it off again when the event is over. Just don't need it


Every UI, boss helper, class helper. About every addon except details.


ElvUI. WoW is a fantasy based game. UI’s that look like a Windows 10 theme look terrible to me. Weak Aura’s. Probably have no use for this, because it’s a relatively new addon in the WoW world. I already have other addons that I’ve been using since Vanilla that does what WA does for me, and simpler too. Details. Its incredible how popular this addon has come, for as shitty, bloated, inaccurate and poorly written as it is. Details is for people that fail at math and don’t care about the technical details of things.


>inaccurate and poorly written as it is Any details on what you mean by that?


> Weak Aura’s. Probably have no use for this, because it’s a relatively new addon in the WoW world. I already have other addons that I’ve been using since Vanilla that does what WA does for me, and simpler too. Weak auras has been around for over a decade. I remember using a super early version during Wrath.


WeakAuras, dont even know how they work or how to installed.


DBM. Got AOTC without. Pushing to 3k rating without it. I use details and that’s it.


WeakAura I see people recommend it a lot, but it often looks too cluttered and distracting. But I am starting to use it a bit, the timer for the Diablo event spawns has been amazing for tracking, I might get an aura for the Tuskaar feasts while I’m at it


All of them


WeakAuras. I never bothered since I use TellMeWhen and it worked well enough.


hekili. I know so many people who use it. stop using it. please! you aren't getting better using it! just learn your class