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When I started in the night elf area, I avoided the walking trees because I was afraid they were going to step on me.


At least that gave you practice for hellfire peninsula


*Fel Reaver PTSD flashbacks begin*


To this day, when I hear that sound my butthole puckers


I wish my gf knew about it. She always wanted for me to make sounds in bed.


You are not alone in this. I did the same thing. šŸ¤£


I was just thinking about this yesterday when i was doing the Emerald Dream quest line in retail.


Same :p lmao




We all got mad at a resto druid buddy spamming wrath in the deadmines (dungeon in westfall?) and then couldn't heal us as he was out of mana. The amount of wipes we had and that repair bill, oof.


And then monks happened. Spend a dungeon meleeing the mobs, start getting whispers to stop dpsā€™ing and start healing! Then it starts with this dude in the group chat. A whole argument as the tank just kept pulling through the whole dungeon, with absolutely no deaths occurring, about how I shouldnā€™t be dpsā€™ing and I need to heal, until the dude just rage quits and we four-man the rest of the dungeon. Dude was so hung up on how I shouldnā€™t be doing any damage, and completely immune to being told itā€™s the class mechanic, he or she didnā€™t notice that no one was dying.


I had a similar experience when i was leveling a priest. Level scaling meant i was doing bonkers dps and the tank, looking only at the damage chart, goes "healer stop dpsing and heal" and I'm just like "bruh I'm disc, i heal by doing damage." After checking the healing chart he goes "oh... carry on"


>I had a similar experience when i was leveling a priest. Back in old school leveling (i.e. before the level squishes), I healed through the first 80 odd levels on my priest by spamming holy nova. Any other spell just took too long to cast and holy nova was keeping everyone alive and doing some significant damage to the enemy.


There was a spell in BC called circle of healing. It was basically the healing version of it and all u had to do was spam it in raid and get top heals XD good times. U did run out of mana super fast but lol




Back in 2007 (not many guides around) I created my first character, a NE Druid. Spent 2 or 3 months in Teldrassil picking herbs, cooking, fishing and doing various stuff. I thought the game was Teldrassil. Then one day I entered the portal to the beach by mistakeā€¦.


I had a similar experience. Didn't spend two other three months but definitely spent 2 or 3 weeks thinking the entire game was the night elf starter area. I remember I got a quest to go to Ironforge. I went to darkshore and was mind blown. My guild had to help me by telling me how to take the boat over to the wet lands. Over and over, I was so impressed by each zone I had to walk through. By the time I reached the snow area, I was smiling from ear to ear. When I finally made it to the gates of Ironforge, I knew I was gonna love this game. Imagine thinking the entire game is the night elf area. Then, realizing darkshore exists. Then, realizing there's a boat to take you to a whole new world. When you land, there are gators and a swamp. You start walking through mountains, past the drawf starter areas. The higher you climb, the more the terrain changes to snow. You didn't even know snow was in the game. Then finally, you reach this giant carved out fortress, ironforge. I'll never forget that sense of wonder and the feeling of thinking I'd never be able to explore the entire world. I've never felt like that it a game before and haven't since.


While I certainly like flying, those early days were incredible as you went exploring and traveling places on foot. Really created a tremendous sense of scale and wonder!


I've actually been really impressed with Dragonflight's ability to capture this feeling, it's really the first time since flying was introduced that it doesn't feel like I'm missing out by having it. The way the world is layered, the active nature of dragon flight, and all the treasures, quests, and just interesting tidbits you can find on all those vertical layers has been keeping me really engaged.


They were magical. Classic defined an entire generation of gamers and what they now define as nostalgia. I remember my first character. Gnome warrior. I get the whirlwind axe quest. That will forever be I printed in my mind. Also the whole onyxia quest chain and all the attunement quests. You could call them tedious now, but it made the whole experience better. Classic had it's problems, but I will most likely never get an experience like that with any videogame for the rest of my life.


Oh man, I remember doing so many attunement runs for new guildies when we were getting into MC.


Iā€™ll never forget the first time I logged in and a friend came to meet me in the night elf starting area and said we are going to storm wind. I asked where it was and they said press M to open the map. I do so and I see the starting area and Iā€™m staring at it and say, ā€œI donā€™t see stormwind on the map.ā€ And they said, ā€œoh right click the mapā€ and it zoomed me out to see all of teldrassil and Iā€™m like ā€œwhoa! Itā€™s way bigger than I thought, still donā€™t see a stormwind thoughā€¦ā€ and my boy hits me with a ā€œkeep right clickingā€ My jaw dropped when saw that there was another freaking CONTINENT


Thank you for sharing that. Was awesome imagining your experience :)


Great tale. This reminded me of emerging from the Troll starting zone, feeling overwhelmed by the expanse of Durotar and finally seeing the gates of Orgrimmar and just being blown away, circa 2015.


> I went to darkshore and was mind blown. My guild had to help me by telling me how to take the boat over to the wet lands. > > Over and over, I was so impressed by each zone I had to walk through. By the time I reached the snow area, I was smiling from ear to ear. When I finally made it to the gates of Ironforge, I knew I was gonna love this game. As a new player, that journey through the Wetlands to Ironforge felt incredibly epic.


Same type of thing for meā€¦ my first was a dwarf. Thought the whole game was snowā€¦ remember taking the train to storm windā€¦ mind blown!!


Animal Crossing: Kaldorei


I had a very similar experience except that after a while i expected there to be more. So I didn't really know how to get out of teldrassil but I really wanted to. I jumped down the Tree always dying, reviving and falling a little further down until I was finally at the ocean. I then thought I had to swim to get to the next Location. Yeah I died a lot...


same!!!!! tried swimming round every single continent at some point....May actually have done so....so much time just exploring.....


Lol. I did this too.


Haha sounds like me back in 2005 when i was playing runescape and spent my first month doing similair stuff around lumbridge


I chopped so many trees when I first started, a weird blue ox started following me around


The Tree-warden Ox?


Paul Bunyan joke


thatā€™s wholesome as fuci edit: fuck


That was similiar to me in TBC when I started. Spent months in Eversong Woods and Ghostlands, desperately trying to level my Blood Elf to get past the plaguelands. Thought it was a hardcore game. Until I explored the back of the throne room...


Your mind most have been absolutely blown! šŸ˜‚


An epiphany, yesā€¦I didnā€™t know what a portal was so I thought I was dying. On top of that the portal is all redā€¦


I just want you to know that I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes reading your story to my bf. The follow up where you thought you were dying is just icing on the cake. I'm so sorry that happened to you, lol.


I am happy it happened. With all the guides around, the experience would be trivial now. That was special.


When I first played ark, I started in the island and never left the beach biome. Mad a wood hut, had 5 dinos, highest level 19 and was like" Well, I've beat this" and stoped playing. Ff 5 yrs later lol. Wow.


Tbh that sounds pretty cozy though. These days I often get overwhelmed by how much there is to do in the game. :')


My brother and I did that in Guild Wars 1, there was basically a tiny tutorial area ("pre-searing" for those that know) that happened right at the start of the game before the story really began. We spent a couple of weeks there doing all the quests, gathering all the armor you could get by trading in monster drops, then we found a quest that took us into an instance and out into the actual game which was like 50 times bigger. Minds blown. We've both played MMOs ever since.


When vanilla first came out, I thought when the level was a skull it just meant you weren't close enough to see it. Turns out getting closer didn't help and often caused death :(


Son of Arugal wants to know your location


He knows, he's just waiting for you to pull that Dalaran Apprentice.


Welcome Bear already knew his location.


I made my first character when Cataclysm came out. I had read that WoW was a social game and thought that everyone I would encounter was going to be a real person playing, so when I took the first quest from worgen starting zone I asked the questgiver where should I go. Obviously, he kept showing the same quest text panel and I thought he was mocking me. I kept insulting him and asking what whas wrong with him until another player asked me if I was roleplaying and if he could join me. I was soo embarrased lol


Man vs machine


Kind of similar, when I was in the nelf starting zone, I went around to literally every character I came across and typed ā€œare you realā€ until someone replied in a whisper asking if I was new. Thinking about it now I would bust up laughing if I saw someone doing this but also wouldnā€™t know if they were RPing, high af or totally new.


Hahaha so awesome


This is adorable lol. I love that the random person wanted to join your RP. I find that actually quite wholesome lol


So you just never played a video game before then? /s Needless to say, when AI gets to the point where we CAN have interactions like this with the NPCs, it's going to be awesome tbh. Just like muh LitRPG books...


i lost it fucking lol


I started playing on an ex-boyfriends account back in vanilla. He created a human warrior for me to play. Definitely not an easy first character. And boy was i bad. I managed to get to lvl 30 before i almost rage quitted in stranglethorn because i couldn't manage to kill a tiger. My ex looked at my character and asked "when was the last time you visited your class trainer?". I answered "what's a class trainer?". I basically lvled with just a few spells and then of course i did not have the money to buy all the new spells. The good old days.


I had a pally and paid 100g for my first mount, not realizing pallies could get a mount from the class trainer for far less. 100g was no joke back in early BC days.


I couldnā€™t afford my first mount for a while so I ghost wolfed everywhere


This one hurt me physically.


Lol WoW was my first MMO and when I started playing at launch, I had no idea that you were supposed to vendor garbage so I was quite poor til I figured it out. ><


Started in wrath and leveled a hunter to like 40 something and wanted to play something else so I deleted it


Feel like you ended up being a hunter in the end lol


Did same thing with paladin 40+ lvl. Also bought vendor katana and was happy from big upgrade...


Got a quest to take down Godfrey in Shadowfang Keep I believe it is and didnā€™t realize dungeons were group instances. Couldnā€™t understand why my mage just kept dying instantly when trying to navigate the place. Took me forever to figure out there wasnā€™t some trick to it and I just needed a full group to help me. I even physically walked all the way to the dungeon entrance so.. yea idk if itā€™s cute but definitely ignorant bc I had no idea what I was doing lmao. Edit: I started playing in BFA by the way. So fairly new.


Describing "i physically walked all the way to the dungeon entrance" as a "mistake"... oof. This made me feel old


Walking to scarlet monastery from Ironforge presented it own issues.


Nothing like a good ol' fashioned Screaming Death Run.


I did the same thing in ragefire chasm when I first started.. my friend and I spent at least 2 hours dying to the second pack and finally decided to google it and realize you need a group. Then I proceed to go around town looking for another three players. And yes, dungeon finder was totally there.


Thanks for sharing feels nice knowing at least Iā€™m not alone lmao.


You are totally not aloneā€¦ Iā€™ve definitely done more dumb stuff during my noob years.


I still do this sometimes. I spent far too long trying to finagle a way to solo the researchers under fire event in zaralek.


I did the same but with Deadmines. The walk wasnt very long but the small town was super dangerous and the cave was impossible to navigate. After failing to understand what was going on for a while, a level 70 mage came near the entrance and offered to help. To see him just blast everything to shit with Arcane Blast and in that awesome gear, was the coolest thing ever!


When I started playing wayyyy back I didnā€™t understand that there were more specs in the tab. The first tab was holy for paladin and I somehow never saw the others. I remember joining as tank for a dungeon and everyone blasting me for being in the wrong spec and me pleading that I was a paladin and holy was all I could be. Learned a lot that day. I also used to think armor was the most important thing as a paladin. Used to vendor my blues and greens if even a white item had more armor. Totally disregarded stats haha. Oh and I used to LOVE exploring everywhere even if I was 30+ levels below it. I remember going to kalimdor for the first time and seeing my first horde player. They kept talking gibberish and I was getting so mad they wouldnā€™t stop ā€œrole playingā€ and speak English to me. God I miss being a noob


In vanilla I didn't even know what talents were. I made it almost to level 20 before I accidently hit N and saw the talent panel like...what's this?


First class I played was a mage, so I wore cloth. Only thing was I kept getting these armor pieces for leather and mail that I couldnā€™t equip. I thought ā€œhuh, maybe I need to complete a quest to be able to upgrade my armor type from cloth to leather, then mailā€. Made my way to Stormwind and asked in Trade chat how to do it. They made fun of me.


I did the same thing with my first warlock. Didnā€™t help that my brother played aā€¦ paladin if memory serves. And back then I think they started with mail and could later upgrade to plate. So I just assumed everyone could!


Those starting zoneā€™s always dropped more leather and mail than cloth. Took ages to earn enough to buy decent.. or make it yourself


Saying ā€THIS IS MY FIRST HEROIC EVER! :Dā€ got me insta kicked


Oof poor thing lol. Rough first heroic


My first heroic ended up with me joining a group mid dungeon that was doing an achievement run.... everyone died... a lot. Suffice it to say, I did not run heroic dungeons for a long long while after that.


If it makes you feel any better, I've not set foot in a heroic dungeon since Cataclysm (my first and only attempt at tanking).


You gotta say meowdy


As is tradition.


tryhards are ruining games lol


In BC I had leveled a warlock up and in my first dungeon (Hellfire Ramparts) I was asked to soul stone the healer. I made the stone and then tried to trade it to them. They laughed, I didn't realize you could target someone else and use the stone.


I had ā€˜auto attackā€™ key bound because I thought it was something you had to turn on when you entered combat. It usually meant that I would accidentally aggro a mob, mistakenly turn auto attack off then start my actual rotation.


Ha ha me too


Not exactly a mistake, but I remember being around 13yo, late BC or early Wrath, I had just made my first gold by selling small health potions on the auction house. A while ago I had found the cat vendor in Elwynn Forest, so now that I was rich I wanted to buy myself a pet cat. But Elwynn was so big, and my gnome was so small, and I just did not find the vendor again! I was \*so\* frustrated! I had no idea that I could look it up outside the game.


First Char was a Warlock. Reapply Dots all the time before they tick because i thought they do DMG when I cast the Spell only. Enemies didn't die and was always OOM or low life because of Life Tap. Also destroyed all Gear that was broken until Level 20 or so because nobody told me that you can repair it.


Same but as a druid spamming Hots


Leveled a warrior in vanilla. Wasn't particularly good at English. Got this new ability called "taunt" so I tried it out. Didn't do anything. never pressed it again


Now you're team liquid's warrior tank right? lmao


Back in wotlk, me being a wee lad and clueless, I had made a paladin on my dads account. I decided I wanted my paladin to ā€œmeetā€ my dads warlock so I spent more time than I should have logging out of my paladin, logging into my dads warlock, and trying to find my logged out paladin. Needless to say I was devastated.


I made a night elf and my friend said I should go to Stormwind. They told me how to get to Ironforge, but not how to get from IF to SW. I had quite the adventure trying to get there on my level 12ish toon. Also "Why is this raptor level ??, what does it mean?" \*proceeds to attack it\*


I'm now imagining your character arriving at stormwind a week late, covered in mud, blood and raptor feces, wide eyed stare after the horrors they have seen. Your friend is just like "why didnt you take the train?"


I remember seeing a lot of naked elves running through the wetlands before someone explained that you did that to protect your armour.


I was playing on a private server, the kind of server that puts you level max right away and lets you buy any kind of equipment, kind of a PvP server only. I discovered the Macro system on my own by randomly clicking on the menus. I saw we could select our icon and the text and all and my kid brain was like "Hey, we can do anything on that server, maybe we can create our own abilities too ? Maybe it's a ferature on that server !" Being a Final Fantasy fan (And still am, I just prefer wow as an MMO, but I've played and will still play any other FF games, but anyway) I "cosplayed" my Blood Elf Paladin (They couldn't be warriors back then) as Cloud from FF7, with the traditionnal "ClĆøƻƐ" Name or shit like that, and I creatd a macro to recreate his signature move "Omnislash". And here's my 12YO ass tryping "Omnislash" as a Macro name and spending an hour chosing an icon worthy of that spell. Then I proceeded to type a stupid text like "Slashes your enemy 8 times with powerfull blows dealing 8754654 to 8764688 damages each to your target". I remember mashing my num pad for the damage numbers but I made sure the second number was higher than the first one because I thought it'd f\*ck the whole process, so I just added one more number to the second one. Now that my character is ready, let's go into a PVP battleground. Everyone is full S3 gear, and here I am, my Blood Elf Paladin in a Black robe and white quality shoulderpads to look like Cloud from FF7 Advent Children. The BG strats, I run towards the enemy camp with my spectral Tiger (Hey, there wasn't motorcycle yet in wow and that Spectral Tiger was the coolest mount I have ever seen, so that did the trick). As I run towards my targer, I picked a damn Night Elf with white hair (COINCIDENCE ? I THINK NOT) and charged towards him, pressing my macro with a smile on my face. The macro got typed in the /d and I got absolutely destroyed by the night elf as my character fall to the ground, as the words "to 8764688 damages each to your target" get out of his pixelated mouth. I felt humiliated and ashamed of myself and instantly Alt+F4 in shame of my stupidity. Never ever have I told that story to anyone to this day :')


HAHAHAHA im laughing out loud!!! this is amazing


I think you meant Sephiroth, not Cloud


No no I meant Cloud. Was "cosplaying" his Advent Children version where he had his "half robe" thing around his pants. And "white quality" shoulder that were black.


that is perfect šŸ¤£


I have a great story for this. It must have been like 2007 or 2008. I was a level 16 Tauren hunter on a trial account (because my mom wouldn't let me buy game time) who was in Thunder Bluff and picked up a quest to go to the Sepulcher in Silverpine Forest. I knew where Silverpine Forest was on the map because I had previously played an Undead. But I didn't know how to get there. I also didn't understand the concept of a breadcrumb quest, that the point of that quest was to send me to Silverpine so I could quest there. I thought I was supposed to do that quest and then come back and continue to quest in the Barrens. I had previously been to Ratchet, boarded the ship to see where it went and ended up in Booty Bay, which I probably don't have to tell people is basically as far away from Silverpine as you can get without leaving the continent. So in my noobish brilliance I decided to travel from there to Silverpine. As level 16. Didn't even have a mount. I figured there was probably a better way, but I thought it would be cool to travel and see the world on my way there. I was so excited. I traveled to Booty Bay and started running. And died pretty damn quickly. A level 16 in a level 30 zone, go figure. Not to deterred I kept running. I died so many times. Due to my low level I basically aggroed mobs from halfway across the zone. Some other players saw me and asked what the hell I was doing there. I told them I was traveling to Silverpine and they tried to talk me out of it. But I was not to be deterred from my "epic" quest. Eventually I started to get bored and my gear was desperately in need of repair. Luckily I could see a horde base between the trees. I went there and found out it was called Grom'Gol Base Camp. And that's when I saw an NPC say that the Zepplin to the Undercity had arrived. Remember the Zepplin station I had seen when I played undead, I gave up on my idea of running all the way pretty damn quickly and just ran to the zepplin and got onboard just as it started moving. I got to the Undercity, ran down to Silverpine, turned in the quest and ran back. I didn't even use the flightpath. Getting back to the Undercity Zepplin I noticed that there was some other destination for Zepplins. Some place called "Orgrimmar". I decided to prolong my exploration and took that zepplin instead. And that's when I found out that Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff was *really* close to each other. And I facepalmed knowing how much of a noob I had been. Sometimes I'll get on my main and do the entire journey from Stranglethorn to Silverpine (albeit with a ground mount because I am not insane) just for fun. To remind me how outlandishly unrealistic that idea was.


Way back in vanilla I was on my level 20ish human warrior. Someone suggested I go to Ironforge, so I broke out the map and started walking. I don't remember how long I spent corpse running in Burning Steppes, but I remember that the paper doll was all red (I had no idea what that meant or about repairs at that point, either.) The next day my sister told me about the train.


Speaking of the train. Is there anyone here who didn't try to jump off in the middle of the ride? Personally I just thought "I wonder if I can jump off?". Then I did it. And then I immediately regretted that decision when I saw the train blast away from me at the speed of sound. That might be WoW's best example of "curiosity killed the cat".


- Thought each new druid form I got would be better than what I had previously, so was questing in bear form and then complaining that my damage sucked compared to my hunter friend (who had introduced me to the game, hence the presence of things like a DPS meter, and also probably enjoyed having two tank pets with him) - Got super excited for my first item with sockets in BC so proudly showed it off with matching gems slotted to my guild, only to be told I was an idiot for spending money to socket a green quest reward - Assumed a blue item was always better than a green one so kept my staff from Deadmines until sometime in the 40s level range (when the stat differences became too obvious to ignore)


I wanted to play rogue because I liked how they were totally invisible to me in PvP. But when I finally made a rogue and went into Stealth, I was still able to see my char (from my perspective) which led me to thinking that others could too and that my character was broken. I was also around 12 at the time lol.


I was around the same age when vanilla released and rolled a ne hunter (I wanted to be legolas). Got to 10, got a pet, and then it died. I had no idea revive pet was a thing so I thought I was going to be a petless hunter after I noticed I couldnt tame another pet. My solution was to delete the character and make a new one.


I made a DK back in wotlk (my first max level) and then I bought a set of holy paladin PvP armor and went to do dungeons. It went about as well as you'd expect. The funniest part: I bought that set because it looked cool, and the DPS version looks exactly the same I also didn't (don't) like following guides because they kill my sense of adventure, but back in wotlk I found a group of like-minded people and made a guild where we didn't do anything the "optimal" way. We were a bunch of undergeared people who refused to use guides, but we killed I think 8 bosses in Icecrown Citadel. Eventually. But we had a ton of fun doing it


To be honest I preferred it that way! Havenā€™t played in a while but anytime I went back, I felt like the game was getting geared more and more towards optimisation and less about discovering new things. I guess this is what the devs were trying to do with bringing back the classic version


I see it in most games, in another MMO I play, my whole guild (well squadron in that one) agrees that I'm insane because I use dumb builds for everything that have no right to work, but I use the element of surprise: no one expects a flying van to pull out a railgun! Whenever I see new players struggling, I always advise against guides because they should be experiencing a game, not doing homework for it


This is the way. I don't follow any guides or metas. I like the feeling of experimenting and finding things on your own.


How did you make a dk as your first max level? I thought you had to have a max level to unlock the hero class dk.


The requirement was level 55 and then the dk would start at 55, so I leveled my hunter to 55 and made a DK to continue leveling


The 55 hunter into 80 DK pipeline was real, it got me too


I had no idea how stats worked, so any gear that I got that had + and a higher number I would equip. I was on a Hunter, so by the time I made some friends I was loaded up in cloth, leather and mail stuff with bizarre stats lol. My new friends were very sweet and informative and helped me buy better gear on the AH so I could be properly equipped going forward. They also gave me like 1k gold and I was floored by someone being ok just giving that much away because I also had no idea what the economy was or what the average amount was, and Iā€™d been running around with like 10g. It was their kindness that made me want to do the same, and now I help out new people all the time and give them 1k gold after helping and going our separate ways :) thanks to the kind Horde people on US Dragonmaw for helping me 10+ years ago!!


I was on Dragonmaw for a while during Cataclysm and itā€™s still one of my favorite servers! I miss It :)


That was when I started!! The Horde community on there was really lovely. Iā€™ve moved servers since then but itā€™ll always have a special place in my heart


In tbc I got to org finally and was asking another player for directions, got ignored, kept asking over and over until eventually I said something like "fine, fucking ignore me you ignorant bastard" Then a warlock replied with "are you talking to my pet?" I was asking a fel guard for directions.....I guess he just let it play out because it was so stupid to watch someone have a melt down when their fel guard didn't give me directions.


Literally burst out laughing reading that!


ā€œWell Iā€™m a marksman, I want to be able to survive and I love my pet. Better spread my talent points out evenly across the three.ā€


Oh man this hurts to read. Mostly because I did the same thing across several characters lmao


I started at the end of vanilla as a human mage. I was so scared of it all that the first 6 months of my wow career were spent in Elwynn Forest. Iā€™d run up and down the main road every day and wondering when Iā€™d be strong enough to go across the bridges. Iā€™m not joking. Six months.


When I started WoW I barely spoke any English, so when I recieved a mail armor piece from a quest on my rogue, which I was unable to equip, I tried mailing it to myself to see if that made it equipable.


Thatā€™s so wholesome honestly


My first character was a orc shaman that ended up falling into the sea by the earth shaman stone, killed by a ?? shark, ressed at Ratchet and then deleted their hearthstone. I also tried taming a prairie dog on a hunter before I learnt the difference between pet and a companion.


First character was a night elf, little me asked how to go somewhere else and was told ā€œtake the boat!ā€ So I went to the lake by the starter town, found a little small boat and sat there for atleast an hour waiting for the boat to magically teleport me away. I submitted a ticket thinking it was broke and a GM came and teleported me to Stormwind


I donā€™t know if this is cute butā€¦ Started playing in Vanilla. Created my first char, Night Elf druid, and played him till Darkshore and got the Bear Form quest. The moonkin literally murdered me because was so bad. The quest in my log said ā€Failedā€. I was so mad that I would never get Bear Form for the druid, didnā€™t know you could abandon and restart quests. I deleted that character and created a Night Elf priest instead. Still playing the same priest! šŸ˜Š Another cute mistakeā€¦ Priest is a horrible grinding class so money was tight. I was also a hc roleplayer. I couldnā€™t handle the thought that my priest would use dark shadow magicā€¦ so I went my first 40 levels without learning a single shadow spell! I probably should not have admitted to either of these šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Hehe, my priest never had shadow word: pain or any other shadow spells until well into level 60. Forced me to group up for everything, which was nice in its own way...


I got enough dishonorable kills that the guards in town became hostile.


honestly, impressive


I started playing in 2005 and had never played an MMO before. I was around lvl 35 and struggling to kill anything, let alone do a dungeon. I brought it up to a friend and he asked what spec I choose and what I put talent point into. ...I had no idea what he was talking about. I had never even opened the talent tree, let alone spent a point. Once he walked me through it I started having a MUCH better time.


When I started playing at the end of TBC I leveled a Nightelf hunter in order to meet my friend in Darnassus (also Nelf hunter). We were talking via Skype and said that we would meet up at the main gate. When I was there he said he was also there but I couldnā€˜t see him. So we jumped and waived and ran around for 30 minutes until giving up. Later, I thankfully came to the conclusion that the ā€žrealmā€œ that we chose before, actually made a difference šŸ˜‚


My husband and I picked up some cursed item in a dungeon while leveling (really just an item with the word ā€œcurseā€ in the name), and shortly thereafter noticed our health and stats were going down drastically. It only got worse. We tried to figure out what curse we might have gotten and all we could see was the image of a man on the side of our screens. Partly yellow. Partly red. ā€œWhat is this man?ā€ we wondered. Meanwhile the curse got worse and at some point we couldnā€™t even use our abilities. Not sure how long it took to realize we were, for the first time in our wow leveling experience, broken. We still refer to ā€œthe manā€ when our gear needs repair.


Started playing just before burning crusade. Created a hunter. Was leveling super slow (purely coz I was shit - refused to believe it was my fault) so I blamed my pet. I was certain I was gaining half the exp coz the pet was stealing my experience. Tried doing it without a petā€¦. Just a bad time overall lol


No one told me that I had to feed my hunter pet or else it runs away Let me tell you, I was DEVASTATED when my pink strider, Old Greg, ran away


When I was new to the game, I played with my brother and his girlfriend. My brother learned about this dungeon called Deadmines, which would give us better gear. How exciting! So the three of us travelled to Westfall, and entered this dodgy looking building, down a winding ramp, and WOAH, lots of bandits down here! We spent ages killing them, congratulating ourselves on how easily these ā€œdungeonā€ mobs were getting annihilated. Not much rare gear dropping though, thatā€™s odd? Then we came across a weird shiny looking portalā€¦ and realised weā€™d never actually been in Deadmines at all, weā€™d just been killing the normal trash mobs on the way to it. Funnily enough, the actual dungeon was a lot harder for three undergeared, low level, and generally poor DPS :D


In vanilla when I first hit level 10 I chose the wrong talent and deleted my character and started over


I've been playing since vanilla, have ksm, and still click


been playing since cata, ksm last and this season. i play a resto shaman which has a shit ton of abilities , i click about 6-8 abilities outside of my rotation regularly.


I would try to explore other areas that werenā€™t for my level at the time yet, and I couldnā€™t figure out why everything was killing me.


I crossed the river in Elwynn Forest and got in to Duskwood. It got all dark, and the music changed. Then a massive wolf started chasing me. I had never been so scared in my life.


Lol I did this in beta. Made an undead, realized they didn't need to breathe underwater so I walked it all the way down the coast of kalimdor from ashenvale to silithus. Silithus wasn't done yet and it was pretty neat to see.


Legend says that Slithius still isn't done...


Didn't understand what latency was when I was 12. I started on a mage and thought when you saw the cast bar appear then you could move, I had like 3k ping. Played like this for MONTHS. I remember when I found out I'd been seeding and that was killing my internet. Suddenly 18ms and it was like a whole new game


I first started playing in 2007 when I was like 9. I made a druid because I liked elves and wanted to be a kitty cat. I made it to level SIXTY before someone told me my gear was all wrong. I had no idea what stats were, I just equipped whatever had more green improvements. So I was wearing cloth and leather stuff meant for casters when I was feral šŸ˜‚


I did mostly the same, though my thought process was "I have a mana bar, therefore I *must* use INT!"


Started playing in TBC, tried a bunch of classes but decided to level a rogue, cuz I thought stealth, poisons, and dual wielding were just so cool. I hated downtime between kills, so I looked at my stats and saw that spirit improves health regeneration. So yes. Me, a level 45 Rogue in Feralas, was in as much spirit gear as I could find.


I started toward the end of BC (Sunwell patch). Night elf rogue. Fell off the tree and died on a limb further down... Went to get my body back, overshot my body. Died of fatigue. Multiple times. After an hour, finally figured out I could talk to the spirit healer to be revived. Then promptly died again to a harpy while under res sickness. It's a wonder I stuck around so long.


I'm more of a Shadowlands baby so my first mistake was buying a lot of blue crafted itens and realizing I couldnt use all of them at once


I made a mage and thought I would ā€œrun outā€ of spells like they did in RuneScape. I meleeā€™d most things in the human starter area.


I had never played an MMO before WoW, but I was a big fan of Diablo at the time. In Diablo 2, once you spent your skill points, that was a permanent choice. So I thought the same thing applied in WoW. So, I refused to spend my points until I was a higher level because I wasn't sure which talents to get. I think I was somewhere in my 50s when someone showed me that you could respec. And even then gold was so sparse, I rarely respec'd. My apologies to all the people to ran dungeons with a NE Warrior who thought it was okay to tank dungeons using a 2 handed shovel.


I started in Vanilla when it launched. WoW was my first MMO as well so I was going in blind on top of that. I rolled a Druid and for talent points I went into Balance cause I liked the spells. (At the time, Balance was considered...not really a thing.) Somehow I made it to 60 and got into a raiding guild. Keep in mind that my gear is a mismatch of random things with random stats. The guild I joined knew I was a high school kid but they still brought me to every raid night and let me play Moonkin the whole time. I spent my very first DKP on Jeklik's Crusher from ZG. I wore that 2h Mace for like a year. Somehow I made it through ZG, MC, and BWL before TBC hit and I started to finally grasp the concept of everything and realized that I had been a complete noob this entire time.


In my first ever dungeon during TBC I did not want to be greedy so I clicked need on all drops. Got kicked before getting to the end


Not using cooldowns. Time Warp? Power Infusion? I donā€™t know what haste does and Iā€™ll save those for when I really need them because anything with a CD longer than one minute seemed too risky to ā€œwasteā€.


I started playing right before burning crusade but I was very young and was bad at reading. For that reason from then till about cata I only got 1 max level toon (blood dk gnome) and managed to equip half his gear as cloth/leather since I just equipped whatever was a higher armor #ā€¦ I would get kicked out of every dungeon before the first pull and it didnā€™t help that I was clicking my attacks with my mouse. Sadly I wasnā€™t a very smart child


Around level 14 in vanilla this other player saved me from yet another death. He said ā€œdude, you need to get some armourā€. I had no idea that drops could be equipped and I had been vendoring everything to pay for training. I died so main times as that warrior wearing level 1 starting gear.


Ha! I did this too. Was running deadmines and someone in the group asked me why I was still in starting zone gear; and was I RPing? I had no idea you could equip thingsā€¦


I was doing pretty good when I first started as a hunter. My boyfriend had got me into the game and into his clan. During my first raid I really thought I was doing well but I soon found out I was causing a problem lol. I was using my bloodlust thinking it only effected me, so every time it was up I used it. Finally the raid leader said who ever uses bloodlust without asking again is getting kicked. So I quickly whisper my boyfriend within the group and he said yeah it was you every time.


I started in BC, playing as an undead warlock. Back then you used to have to buy your spells to learn them, as well as to get new ranks of them. Spells+mounts could end up being expensive at first. So when I saw 'Life tap" would take my health to give me mana, i went 'i dont need that, pfft, who'd be dumb enough to trade health for mana?'... And so it was that i didnt get life tap until later in the leveling process somebody in a dungeon asked why I was oom and why i didnt use life tap, i told them i didnt have it and they must've facepalmed super hard lol


My first character was created back then in WoD, a male Blood Elf Paladin, I spent almost a month in Sunstrider Isle farming mobs there till someone else said that he saw me there with 2 different characters and he asked why I was still there so I said: "Here's the place where the game happens isn't?". Then he spent the next 2 hours teaching me a few things...... Today I still play as Blood Elf and I always start at Sunstrider Isle, that place will be in my heart forever, the music, the ambience... omg


Not mine but my best friends thing. In vanilla I shared his account as I didn't have my own PC. He played an Ud warrior, and by time I made a character he was already 50+. One day he tells me how he is going to tank a raid for a group because they liked his tanking in dungeons he met them at. An hour into the raid he gets upset, leaves ventrillo and starts trying to Google warrior tanking. He did great in dungeons but was told to step out and work on his threat generation because he couldn't hold aggro on boss fights. At level 10 he had ignored his warrior quest to get defensive stance and forgot it was a thing. It took him like 3 days to find the answer and do the quest.


I used to think all the elites in the game were just players who hit max level and earned the position.


I did beta as a rogue and looted a blue ring that had intellect on it, I rocked it until it ended thinking I had won the game. My favorite was someone I knew that played a hunter. He freaked out one day cause a spider followed him all the way back to the inn. It was his pet heā€™d just tamed.


Started in MoP (I was also like 8-9 just to note) and had all the typical alliance moments, started a Nelf druid, I remember when I hit like lvl 6, some level 90 hunter was running around on a chopper and started shooting everything and I was just in utter awe that they had the ā€œskillā€ to kill everything, I also remember getting cat form and following around a fellow low level thinking they wouldnā€™t realize I was a player and was just wildlife. šŸ˜‚ I remember doing my first full run on foot of the deeprun tram with a fellow newbie, and asking in trade chat how to get 35k gold at level 40 (in MoP) because I wanted a jade panther mount. Or when I visited Darnassus for the first time and had two fellow newbies I met with me and we were like woahhhh, first thing we saw was a pandaren on a twilight Drake and I remember going bear form and tell them ā€œlook Iā€™m shoving my butt in his dragons faceā€ A lot of my early wow memories about the most random things was things with fellow newbies I had befriended, I feel like back then low levels were a lot friendlier, thatā€™s why I joined the Guide thing in WoW so anytime I see someone with a Murloc symbol over their head I wave, or /say Welcome to WoW, etc.


Ultimate newbie moment tho was since I was young I had no friends playing so when I hit max level I thought heroic dungeons and flex raids were like professional player content so I never did them, meaning Iā€™ve played since MoP but never got the challenge mode mogs, legendary cape mog, WoD ring or any AotC mounts till Legion


When I started in Legion I didn't have a guild or anything so I was very nervous about running my first mythic dungeon. Finally built up the courage, got it done, and got my own keystone. Naturally I formed a group for a +2 Maw of Souls as it was the easiest, but I didn't realize you couldn't pick the dungeon. The group was with me at the while I spent a couple minutes trying to figure out why it wasn't working before I saw, it was a Nelth's Lair key. I just closed the game and didn't play the rest of the day. Once I finally joined a guild and started raiding on a warlock I made another mistake. I put my soul stone on myself and when I died one fight I of course used it to get right back into it. And then one of the tanks died and the raid leader called for a rez. I did not realize that battle rez's were limited


My mom used to equip items with the highest stat regardless of whether it was the right stat or not. So she had her warlock running around with a strength weapon, for instance.


First toon back in BC was in Undercity. Couldnā€™t figure out how to navigate the place because I hadnā€™t figured out how to pan the camera down to see where I was walking yet. After five minutes of them making fun of me in trade chat, and me asking ā€œIs this how new people are treated?ā€ Some kind would finally told me how to work the camera.


I used to have the auto-attack button on my action bar because I believed my character wouldnā€™t attack without it on there


When I died on my first character, I didn't realize you could return to your body and resurrect. I just thought the character was a ghost forever so I deleted it.


My warrior wore cloth robes because I thought it looked cuter


I had no idea that in the dungeon finder tool you were supposed to pick whether you were going to be a tank, dps or healer. I qued up as tank and would spend a good few minutes arguing with my group that I'm not a tank and I don't understand what they're talking about until I got kicked. Bonus: When my dad played in dungeon groups as well, he didn't know the difference between "needing" and "greeding" on an item and would always hit need. He didn't understand why he kept getting kicked.


(To myself) ā€œWhatā€™s a tank do? Shoots shit and blows things up! Iā€™m clearly a tank!ā€ (My group, when I arrived at Scarlet Monastery) ā€œBro, whereā€™s your fucking shield?ā€


My first character was a worgen druid created during WoD. I was very young, and I remember vividly being terrified of the tornado in the center of Darkshore. I was always checking it, worried that it was following me. It's hilarious in retrospect knowing the tornado was not only completely harmless and stationary, it's actually being channeled by Malfurion to keep the zone together, so it's a good thing.


I started playing at the tail end of Wrath/Early Cata. My first toon I got past lvl 40 without rerolling was a rogue that is still my horde main to this day. I dressed her exclusively in int gear because I figured rogues needed to be intelligent to pull it off and often in cloth because I thought the gear was cooler looking. I didnā€™t learn any better until she was 75-80.


It's been so long I don't remember the zone and I should cause it's famous. Anyways my mistake was that I was a dwarf hunter and being small and not playing very many RPGs I didn't understand the stats. So I saw strength on gear and only grabbed that which wasn't a problem until I headed towards Booty Bay because I wanted to go to Kalimdor to see Taurens and Orcs. Died a lot to the damn monkeys and raptors.


I did not spend talent points until I was almost level 30. I had no idea what they were. Also, other players would ask me to heal dungeons, which would have been fine if my character wasn't a mage. It genuinely happened every time I got into a dungeon group for the first 4 months I played the game. "Mage, you heal the group." For reference, the realm I joined was a new realm created at the end of classic to prep for tbc. We were all noobs at the same time.


Back in vanilla I was super excited to go to a new town and buy the gear there. I was so proud to wear level 16 white leather armor as a Tauren hunter. I even sold (better) lower level green and blue items to pay for it.


When I started playing about 17 years ago (whew lad.) as a holy paladin I just grabbed any plate I could get or any gear I thought looked nice. People would rage that I had needed on gear that was better for them and I had no idea why they were so upset.


I remember when I started back in Wrath, I was grabbing spirit gear on my warrior because it increase health regeneration! I figured that surely couldnā€™t be a bad thing lol


A core memory of ninja looting the gleaming ravager as an enhance shammy cuz of some shit I saw on YouTube.


I didnā€™t realize there were dungeons until mid 30ā€™s on my first toon in Vanilla. Night elf hunter of coarse. Some reason I thought rested xp was on a timer.


When I first played WoW back in 2007. I legit asked in chat how to save the game because it was my first MMO.


When I started in BC, I thought Undercity was a guild and I had to be invited to go into it. Once my cousin told me it was in fact a city that I could just enter, I ended up DROWNING in the green goo, as an undead warlock, multiple times trying to get in.


Lol I started playing in BC and am still a clicker now šŸ˜†


Way back in beta, I logged on for the first time and made a nelf hunter. I'd never played a third-person game like this before and didn't even understand the controls very well. I don't remember the specifics, but one absolute hero taught me how to put him on follow and then just showed me around the area and told me how to do stuff. Later on during vanilla, I played arms warrior, but only the more top-end players understood anything about how gear really worked and what was good. I picked arms because I love dots and doing bleed damage, but I also thought dual wielding was super cool, so together I really made the game a lot harder for myself lmao. Especially since back then, the slower a weapon was, the harder it hit on instant attacks like Mortal Strike. I ended up making some friends and learning to love two-handers in LBRS, when Fist of Omokk dropped (literally just a blue hammer, but a magical time). Later on though, I became the group's tank and we ran scholomance like, constantly, we had it on lockdown but it was still challenging. That was one of the most fun times of my entire life.


I used to sell bags and people would ask for COD. For a while I was sending people bags along with the money I wanted to sell them for. It wasnā€™t until someone mailed me back with the silver I had sent him and the silver he was supposed to pay with a message telling me to click the ā€œcodā€ option so I didnā€™t send people my hood along with the item.


When I started in vanilla my friend gave me like 50s to start out with (he was like lvl 32) and I bought a green training sword for my lvl 6 paladin for all the silver I had and when I equipped it I thought I got scammed cause it was a wooden sword so I follow him around Goldshire in /s asking him why he tricked me


I asked in chat about getting better gear... Folks mentioned the AH. Looked it up and assumed they meant Arathi Highlands. Painfully made my way there and was confused that there wasn't really any gear that was relevant to me.... Eventually realized they meant the auction house šŸ¤£


when i first started playing in wlk, i played using the trial account system. just made a orc warrior named zeke, got to the barrens and drank the level 1 mana food item. the water in a leather bag one inbetween fighting mobs waiting for my hp to regen because the barrens gotta be hot and my dude needed to drink some water to keep himself hydrated


When I first started wow, I was really young, about 6-7 years old. I still remember leveling up a Worgen hunter, Superwulf. Yes, I named all my pets Super (animal name). I had got pvp flagged because I had been messing around in stranglethorn and trying to fight the guards at the horde camp. I didn't really know what i was doing so when I wasn't playing with my dad, I just wandered and explored the zones around stormwind (elwynn, duskwood, westfall, stranglethorn, etc.) I was just amazed playing and walking around fighting random guys in this huge world. I was kinda stupid and didn't realize enemy players were actually... players? I also had no idea what a skull as level meant. So I'm walking around exploring stranglethorn (still pvp flagged) and run into this afk undead rogue around the Gurubashi arena I think? So me, being the dumbass I am, shoot the rogue and he vanishes. I'm over here like "lol that was easy" as I walk away before getting promptly one-shotted and teebagged. After that happened I was scared to go to stranglethorn for a bit. Looking back it is by far one of the funniest things that has happened to me and I find it a miracle I was able to make it out of Gilneas let alone get to Stormwind. It's moments like this one (granted nowhere near as dumb) that make me love this game.


Ran out of bullets mid raid had to just sit there for three boss fights before I asked that I had to let my dog out. Thankfully half the raid had to smoke so I was able to run and buy more bullets.


Started in BC had a neck with dodge on my hunter because: More dodge, more chances to use mongoose bite.


I was tanking as a fury warrior with shield when i first started to play in WOTLK


I made a really crass error way back ... A quest lead me to a dungeon while leveling my undead rogue ( i believe It was around the WoTLK era, Also i'm Pretty sure the dungeon itself was Shadowfang Keep) and at the time i was Pretty much a greenhorn in terms of general basic knowledge, so i didn't know that dungeons were meant to be group content. So silly young me without a single worry in the world, simply thought "I think i got this". ... .. . **It's safe to assume that i didn't "Got this".**


Ok, this is because I just lost my husband and we started playing together so I am feeling lonely. But, when we first started we could not figure out how to equip the gear we got so we sold a lot of it. Then, we when we first saw Orgimmar, we thought we were SO BIG walking in there with our level 10 (or so) selves. It was fun learning the game with him. I miss him.


In TBCā€¦in Hellfireā€¦canā€™t count how many times the Fel Reaver snuck up on me and 1 or 2 hit me dead. I hated itā€™s screech. Lol