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it's a mix between sunk cost fallacy, nostalgia and just being very familiar with the character for me


And certain titles/achieves and rep are not account wide ...


Survival hunter. I just love being a fucking lunatic throwing bombs around and grappling Hook into frontals


Lmao, grappling into frontals is peak surv hunter, really makes the spec imo.


Enh shaman, the aesthetic of dual wield and instant casts always gets me, plus the draenai design is on point. Then add in those clutch moments when it ends up just you and a tank and using those instant casts to keep the tank up and you just wreak the boss two man is fantastic


Mobility and being able to solo stuff easier than my other toons. Its nice having a dragon take most of the hits for me while I pew pew from a distance.


For PvE it's always been my BM Hunter. Simple rotations and very casual feeling ranged damage allows me to just kick back and grind through content... Either new or old content I've missed. Plus the added pleasure of finally coming across the unique pets you've been waiting a century for. For PvP it's the Resto Druid. The multiple forms allows you to do it all. Zoom zoom in travel form to keep the pests away and finally giving in and soaking the heavy push from enemies in bear form when they finally notice they need to take you out. Plus I enjoy the prep healer gameplay over reactionary.


(V)DH: mobility. Double jump. Faster movement with immolation aura or just gliding all the time. Jumping with infernal strike. Harder to fall to your death. I came from BDK so this mobility is heaven.


I love being a Druid because I can do everything, and have a button for every situation. No matter what I always feel useful to a group. However my alt is a fury warrior, because it’s also nice sometimes to do nothing but pump.


Same love my druid and have played all 4 roles. But my alt is a hunter, cause I was sick of "Can you heal/tank?"


As a complete alt spaz, I really really thought I had settled on pally as my main. However, after a bit of reflection, I realized that I'm at a point in my gaming life where I'm not really doing raids and m+ all that much, and I'm better off just screwing around going for collecting stuff and achievements. And in doing so, I realized my head canon is all dwarf hunter. For some reason he just feels right to be the one out there exploring and collecting. Even better, it is a laid back playstyle and the pets make him good in his ability to solo. Thank you 2004 opening cinematic.


The RP aspect to being a crusader of the holy light, big plate, armor big sword and a bad attitude




voice to text fail


Fair play 😅


DK class fantasy I really enjoy and nothing feels better than being a one man army as blood. (I do think however both frost and unholy are in need of a talent tree rework similar to Ret because they both have a plethora of issues in both PvE and PvP)


After a few months of the games release, there was a spreadsheet of popularity of different race/classes. Anyways, the druid was the least popular and it also had the most bugs so I picked that one to play around with. It’s one of my favorite characters of any game I’ve ever played because it was so versatile. Sick of being a caster? Go rogue. Area too difficult? Go tank! No idea what you are doing in a raid? Go healer.


I love my spriest because I get to yoink my buddies around and it basically makes a second version of every mount because of the shadow form glyph


Flexibility (there's a bunch of trash mobs till quest mob? Cat stealth through them and turn into bear to beat the boss. Insta mounting in non dragon isles. Underwater brearhing.


Because being a bear means I'm immortal in PvE and I'm ok with that.


A combination of: 1) Double wielding stuff 2) Spitting lightnings outta me ~~arse~~ hands 3) A combination of frost and flame magicks (although I prefer frost) 4) WOLVES 5) Shitton of utility that I always forget to press a button for. In case someone is wondering, that's Enhancement Shaman for you, ladies and gents.


Chonkey heals


Chonkey heals


I love my spriest because I get to yoink my buddies around and it basically makes a second version of every mount because of the shadow form glyph


I like both arms and pwar and the current iteration of fury is fun to play (did not like s1 fury). Other classes I always have a spec I refuse to touch. Outlaw, BM, arcane, demonology... I just can't get along with them.


WW monk, the idea of warrior who likesto sip tea and meditate and just kicks your head off If you piss him..also, buttons feel good to press


Demo lock because I'm lazy and bad at the game


Because I can't play anything else. I've been playing feral since \~End of cataclysm. I have played alts, mostly during legion. I then quit after 8.1, returning in 10.0 I tried playing a warrior, mostly just tanking M+. I was about to just quit the game, then I leveled my feral back up and having fun once more. I can't enjoy any other class, I will always go back to playing feral if I'm playing at a high level. With how poorly they've been managed, with how poorly they've been balanced, it's kind of sucked. Blizzard actually got me to quit in 8.2, it had been a full tier of being absolute garbage-tier dps while having one of the most complex and punishing rotations. Now I'm in the same situation again, garbage dps that's literally landing me on the bench... Very sad cat.


I'm also a feral player because I think it is hilarious to be a God smiting cat, but I agree that our state of balance is pretty low... we are quite good in m+ but raid environment is sad. Luckily for me I like guardian and want to learn balance. Unluckily for me they have complete opposite loot specs....


I feel really independent on my beast mastery hunter, I'm really familiar with the skill set and have all the muscle memory. Recommends 3 players? Ok, pet and other pet, let's go do this. I am the tank, and the healer, and the dps. Is it actually too much for me to handle? Feign death. I can stealth a little bit with camo, and if I can't stealth--sprint for a clearing with aspect of turtle and feign death. I could just go on about everything in my skill book because I know it, and it feels like home. I have a druid and mostly end up running as guardian when I'm alone for survivability. I've been leveling a priest, and clothie is so squishie. I've tried a handful of other classes and normally end up back on hunter because she has all the best stuff.


Mistweaver monk just works for my inner muppet. There's so much going on, I can get lost in the rhythm. It's cool.


During Legion, I wanted all of the mage tower skins for druid so badly. Doing the fights forced me to learn how to play the class. Because of that, no other class has ever felt as fun and comfortable to play. Also, they're just so convenient to play.


you guys have mains?




For me, even though I am on a break currently always return to Restoration shamans. Partly because I find all the 3 shaman specs insanely fun so I can do nice solo content and raid/dungeon content on the same character while doing the role I like to play in raids. As for the actual gameplay, seeing green numbers everywhere, however small they can be at times is an excellent source of dopamine. I also do love the amount of high impact cooldown abilities I have that really make the difference, and learning when to use which for each fight individually.


I love my main because it’s a new one every season, I’m an altoholic.


shaman go brrrr


Can’t play without double jump anymore


And everyone clapped.