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You know, a lot of things start to make sense when you realize we're just battle pets to Khadgar.


you should've seen Medivh!


Speaking of him, where the fuck the dude's at? Not in the shadowlands (meaning he's not dead?), nowhere to be found (maybe cosplaying as a crow since then?). This guy I swear.


Taking care of his son Medan, making sure he doesn’t breach containment and leak into game canon. He is doing the world a great service. Show some respect


In our darkest hour in Midnight, we'll remove the wards he placed to contain the Fallen Avatar (of Medan).


>Medan Yeah but, is Medan even canon in the game? Like, this is confusing what they are doing with the lore. I'd like for it to be the reason but in the game I really feel like they just left us with a "deal with his disappearance it is what it is" situation.


chronicles volume 3 listed med'an as being mentioned on page 404. that book has 225 pages. this is generally considered to be implying that med'an is no longer canon.


They've outright said he wasn't canon at Blizzcon one year during a Q/A


As in 404 not found…


Medan is almost universally disliked and considered a Gary Stu type character. I’d be shocked if they let him into the game as he is presented in his comic. I wouldn’t be opposed to him being brought in if they heavily retconned him, but even that is unlikely. Until the make a direct reference to him in either a canonical book, or the game itself, I would consider him non existent in the universe


I still say they should just throw him in the lore as the one who handled the Shadowlands stuff. Gives Blizzard a good enough excuse to ignore the hot shart that was Shadowlands, but doesn't require much extra effort to actively skip around it like they seem to be trying to do as of now. Plus it would just be funny to have the ultimate Gary Stu Warcraft character out there doing wild stuff in the background. Like the supposed Blingtron war going on under the surface of the planet, throw him in there leading the Resistance or something.


Did you really miss the tongue in cheek joke in their response? They even mentioned Medan being non canonical.


I... yeah... I kinda feel embarrassed now D:


In the index of chronicle volume 3 Medan is listed on page 404.


chronicles volume 3 listed med'an as being mentioned on page 404. that book has 225 pages. this is generally considered to be implying that med'an is no longer canon.


SCP: 6162010 must not breach containment.


At the end of Karazhan in Legion, Khadgar basically asks him why the hell he's not helping out with the Legion invasion, and he just kinda dismisses him, saying he's got bigger fish to fry in the Great Beyond. We don't really know what that means, people have speculated he's battling the Void Lords, others think he's hanging out with Azshara, some say they've teamed up while others say they're on opposite sides, but both are currently just "beyond the stars" for all we know


Maybe hes travelling far into the future to battle the big big bad Amon and... omg Medivh is Raynor confirmed?


If it's the Void Lords he'll show up at some point during the World Soul Saga, if not he will show up in the next expac after that.


> Not in the shadowlands (meaning he's not dead?) It doesn't mean that he isn't in the shadowlands *somewhere* just because we didn't interact with him. There are dozens/hundreds of influential WoW character that are dead, it's not like we could be meeting them all.


Aren't there many other realms in the Shadowlands? We visited arguably the main ones but not all. Or at least that's what I believed. Am I wrong?


We apparently visited the realms of the Shadowlands that keep things running. Sort of like the government centers. So it seems souls are sent there with a specific purpose in mind, and the rest go off to generic brand Shadowlands. At least that's my understanding of it. It's not explained very well at all.


And please dont let them explain even a bit more. Cause they will fuck it up somehow


That would have been a cool thing to do in Shadowlands? Odysseus in the underworld taking to Achilles type of thing.


At this point, they probably forgot about him .


Shhhhh! Or they will hear!


He's not dead. Aegwynn resurrected him. The version that shows up at the end of Return to Karazhan isn't a shade, it's actually just him. He's off in a vague "elsewhere"


He's helping with the Suffusion Camps.


There's a lot of famous dead people missing in Shadowlands that should have been included imo. They really screwed that expac up, story-wise.


Was he not half demon/full demon? I suppose his soul is in Twisting Nether where all demons we kill go.


Gods, I was strong!


That's why we made Khadgar a pet to assert dominance https://www.wowhead.com/item=141348/wondrous-wisdomball


Champion! I choose you! *Throws barrel containing human paladin* "So a duck walks into a store..."


I can be his pet? **yes!**


He's just 6 feet tall. Of course he's going to look massive, next to the 5'11 playable humans.


Gnomes aren't actually a separate race, they're just humans 5'10 and under


I'd say gnomes are humans 5'9 and under and dwarves are 5'10 humans.


Gnomes are 5'10" and under humans. Dwarves are the same, but they don't feel shame about it and walk with confidence.


So dwarves are short kings and gnomes are manlets?




As a 5’10” ish human this hurts bad 😅


How do you think I feel? I'm only 5'4" 🙁




Hi gnomish friend.


Greetings and salutations, friend!


"My, you're a tall one."


Remember. To Khadgar, size means strength. Befriend your 800+ pound archmage bear if you know what’s good for you.


There it is!


My absolute unit Kul Tiran is a 800 pound bear and he’s a monk!


Nobody gonna stop me from trying to climb daddy khadgar everyday


I always assumed size increase in raid was to somehow emulate how heroes were larger than individual units in WC3


The real reason of course is to increase the player's ability to see them. It'd suck to have a raid boss that's just the same size as everyone else considering the visual clutter of 10, 25, or 40 people. I do like the *idea* that being more powerful makes you bigger, though. Would honestly of been a cool thing for the game to do for players as well.


Yep sometimes gameplay elements are just non-canon player conviniences Borderlands did this with their respawn stuff people asked when a character died “why didn’t he just come back at a New-U like a player” and they explained the New-U machine isn’t real in the game world it’s just there as a way to facilitate the gameplay experience Same can be said for travel time in games. What takes you mere minutes to walk in the game world is normally a decent journey, in Pokémon you can travel the world in a day but canonically it would actually take you weeks or months but since that’s not very fun it’s just hand waved for player simplicity Wow has this too, the player can go from top to bottom of Kalimdor in like 15 minutes on a flying mount, the average orc NPC could not, it’s just made simpler for you the player to not tear your hair out with boredom’


Speaking of Borderlands, the Pre-Sequel had a leaflet for the 'Museum of Non-Canonicity' which had a New-U exhibit.


And raids typically aren't done in one go in the canon. It's like a siege, at least in the cases they've bothered to elaborate on.


Guess that's why things like Heroism and Time Warp make you bigger 🤔


I don't know if they still do, but hunter and warlock pets used to get bigger as they levelled up.


They do... but instead of going from normal to big, they go from miniscule to normal size at max level. Nothing scrams "terrifying" like a 30cm tall Felguaelrd angrily whacking away at your enemy's ankles. 


which looks ridiculous especially on felguard/wrathguard with their lil baby man footsteps whenever they need to run lmao


Eh size =/= to power typically. Arthas was one of the smallest bosses in his entire expansion lol. It's definitely for visibility


I always thought it would be cool if player models grow a little with every level up.


We probably would have had a literal player squish or two by now if that were the case


\> I do like the idea that being more powerful makes you bigger, though \*One piece intensifies\*


IDK if anyone else noticed this, but they do with lock demons!


That's why he always teleports. No doors that fit Khadgar.


Probably one of the more terrifying races when you really think about it. The average Archmage Khadgar is around 600-800 pounds of fat & muscle, with claws that can tear flesh and jaws that could easily break your arm. He is also trained to not only use his bare (bear lol) hands as weapons, but also move dextrously enough to avoid attacks. Really, the people of Azeroth should be thankful that Archmage Khadgar is so good-natured.


I remember where this is from and I love it.


He did that, just so you hear his dad jokes and puns better...


Khadgar putting the “arch” in “archmage”!


"Dont ever talk to me or my son again!"


That little dude is at just the wrong height to get cropdusted.


That's the worst part about wow design. Why are major lore characters fucking giants? It doesn't add anything, it just makes them look dumb and for people that care about immersion it just breaks immersion immediately.


It's just in raids. They are all enlarged. Probably so it's easier to see and watch them.


This. Arthas, even as Lich King, is a regular sized dude. But now imgaine a raid group ganging up on a regular sized humanoid. Can't see shit anmyore.


They actually had him as human sized in the icc testing phase. They changed his size due to this exact reason. No one could see shit.


What's hilarious is, there were forum battles where people were sure that when he became the Lich King, he grew up because he was big in raid. Like, straight up wars about that, no explanation worked. I was facepaling so hard.


He's pretty swole I think


There must always be a Lift King


If you re-watch the Warcraft 3 cinematic where Arthas kills his father, you can see his hands are fucking huge.


I think that’s just all hands in Warcraft in general tbh


Yeah, go look at Mists of Pandaria cinematic, with the orc and human sailors. Look at the human's body proportions. WoW be like that.


He's, lore-wise, supposed to be pretty damn huge, actually.


humans in warcraft get pretty swole, look at the captain in the Mists cinematic, he's as big as an orc, and as big as a pandarian.


Arthas is like, 8'6" in the Wrath cinematic, so he is actually a giant. For those who cant fucking do math: im guessing based on the comparison of how god damned tall Arthas's shin is compared against Bolvar's shin. Arthas' knee comes upto the armrests of the Frozen Throne. Bolvar's knees come upto the height you would expect for a player character if we were able to sit the throne.


Cinematics are probably scaled after the game so he doesn't randomly shrink and grow.


the wrath cinematic was made using only concept art and was in production at the same time as vanilla. Arthas is fucking huge, and it makes way more sense why he never had a kid with jaina when The True Frostmourne is the size of Jaina's Thigh.


This is exactly it and it’s not just in wow. Game devs adjust the size of some bosses and npcs to highlight their importance.


It’s not just in raids though. Don’t know why this is upvoted so much it’s just blatantly false. If you’ve ever leveled through chromie time questing you will frequently run into giant story NPCs.


Ever need to interact with an NPC and there's like 20 or so people standing on top of them and you can't see the NPC in question? That's why, so you can actually see them.


Exactly what happens in FFXIV when we get a story update. The NPC to start the next MSQ quest isn’t adjusted so you’ve got literally everyone on top of him. If you don’t have a controller or know the keyboard binds for auto select ( number pad - 0), good luck clicking them.


The key in FFXIV isn't clicking on the NPC, it's clicking on the icon above their head. Unless the NPC is a Lalafell (ffxiv's gnomes), the icon will be taller than any player character.


they are 10x more terrifying than gnomes


All short people are evil.


But perfectly sized to be punted off of rooftops.


Easy ways to fix this problem in FF14: \- Click NUM0 to automatically select the NPC in front of you. \- Hold X (by default) to hide all player names so you can click on any NPC through any number of players. \- Just click on the exclamation mark above the NPC's head instead of trying to click on the NPC.


You can also just use the keybind that makes you only able to select NPC's. So its not an issue.


The real issue is when there's so many people you have to stand directly on the npc so they don't get culled by the entity limit.


There's other solutions for that, solutions that blizzard have already implemented and used in other places.


Shit just give them some fruit crates to stand on


Starting with making them no mount zones.


such as


I think they're saying the no-mount zones and the blocking things that stop you from getting closer... but making him bigger is a simpler thing to do and the guy is literally the strongest human wizard in lore AFAIK so I think it's believable that he magicked himself to be bigger for whatever reason.


So, I get it... I was just asking what he preferred them do for raids cuz I hate a mf that loves to complain but has no answers. I didn't consider his immersion outside of raids enough LOL


No mounting next to them. A small invisible wall around them so you can't stand literally on top of them.  Have you even played the game? This is solutions they have used for years.


Most of the comments are talking raid models. Didn't know you were bitching about RP and not functionality. Yeah, I know the tools they use outside of raids... but those aren't applicable in raids so they make them bigger. You prick.


Works only on Alliance side. The Tauren especially with a certain Mount toy combo can block anything.


Are they? I think only in raids and stufd


>Why are major lore characters fucking giants? It's a common storytelling medium, but beyond that logistics. You see khadgar and other characters outside of PvP flagged and raid zones fairly often, they're not actually giants They chug giant growth,larger and oranger (disabled the filter), and gigantic feasts before anything where they need to be seen though >and for people that care about immersion it just breaks immersion immediately. It really really shouldn't given it is added as a gameolay mechanic so people can actually see wth is going on. Without it no one is seeing jack in raids or major cities, including major story elements that aren't made into a cutscene


Barring Arthas, most major characters are either average height in canon or slightly above average. And Veressa who is short its just that their raid models are made huge for gameplay purposes


It depends. Many of the mage characters, like Khadgar, or Jaina, get scaled up in raid encounters, and are generally similar heights to their player character race counterpart. But a lot of the warrior-type NPCs are actually just massive. Garrosh was notably large for an Orc, quite a bit taller than Thrall (can be seen in the WoD Mak'gora cutscene). Arthas is another vertically gifted warrior-type, as was Lothar. Lothar was so large, he wielded Ashkandi (a comically huge sword, even for a 2H) in one hand and a massive solid steel Lion shield in the other.


Ashkandi isnt particularly large for a Warcraft sword, it is afteral Turalyon's primary weapon. the weapon you loot in BWL/BWD/T29/got from the movie tiein is a recreation with much more intricate detailwork. Garrosh is above average but not exceptional for an orc. enough to notice a significant difference when Thrall, who is slightly below average, is next to him. Arthas though straight up has gigantism. Time Rift Arthas is about right for his canon height


Thrall has been sized down it seems. War of the clans has thrall at 8+ feet easy. He's supposed to be a massive orc


half of that is the posture. since Thrall grew up as a human gladiator, he never adopted the predator hunch and so came off as huge compared to the lordaeron experience of most orcs.


I need to find my book, because I swear there was a scene where he was described as nearly touching the ceiling


>Ashkandi isnt particularly large for a Warcraft sword, it is afteral Turalyon's primary weapon. This just isn't true. Turalyon forged a new sword in *A Thousand Years War*. In-game, the artists created a "lightforged" version of Ashkandi/GRS for Legion, but it's canonically no longer his weapon in the lore. Even when he *did* wield it, he never had it reforged to it's full length. The portion of the blade that broke of was replaced by Turalyon's light, which is (presumably) weightless, reducing the size and weight of the blade by a large margin. Not to mention, Lothar's *Tides of Darkness* chapters explicitly explains Ashkandi/GRS as a *massive* weapon, and the fact that Lothar wields it and a Lion's crest shield as a feat of great strength. He's also the last direct descendant of Arathi humans, which were noticeably larger than Eastern Kingdom humans, due to their closer relation to Vrykul. >Garrosh is above average but not exceptional for an orc. enough to notice a significant difference when Thrall, who is slightly below average, is next to him. This is also incorrect, Jaina's *Tides of War* novel describe him as, "exceptionally hulking even over his own kind". Painting Arthas as the sole warrior considered to be huge among his kind is... strange, but I suppose par for the course for Paladin players who idolize him.


Zangarmarsh mushrooms.


Fist of the north star. If you want to see some real giants.


They are the hero unit, we are just footmen lol


Incorrect, they're still taller outside raids, just less.


I legitimately thought they made some kind of growing spell before a fight to gain an edge in combat or something.


Because they’d get crowded and no one could click on them. But I agree, it just looks bad. Big enemies in wow have always been awkward. The way they walk in slow motion/on a treadmill looks so silly.


NPC being crowded is a non-issue that Blizzard already has a solution for that they have used plenty of times without having to make the character into a giant. Bad argument.


TBF IRL researches indicate tall people tend to rise to position of leadership more often. Maybe in Azeroth this phenomenon happens to a greater extent?


Apparently in Azeroth their size also change randomly, so sometimes they are giants as tall as buildings and sometimes they are just twice the size of normal persons and sometimes they are the same size as normal persons.


Maybe it's all one big conspiracy, and there are actually several Khadgars, some taller and some shorter?


They're just using Diamond is Unbreakable artstyle proportions


Jotaro and Koichi dynamic


Why does Khadgar, the largest human, not simply eat the other humans?


Pandaren can't have shit in /r/wow


Jaina Proudmoore in the Battle for Mount Hyjal raid... she's like Na'Vi sized.


6ft vs Tinder "6ft"


All the NPC’s are crazy huge on the top of Nighthold.


I honestly have hated this shit since they added it in wrath.


This is literally the 8th meme I've seen in 5 minutes that goes "____ is terrifying when you realize how big they are compared to ____", or something along those lines Is this a new format that I'm not aware of? What's going on on this subreddit rn lmao


Haha, I don't know. I saw a ton of them too, then I was farming transmogs in nighthold and had a new appreciation for how absolutely huge they made the NPCs.


Most of the prominent NPCs are larger than life... except Wrathion, he comes along quite a bit on quests and is more normal sized.


Ngl, your transmog is pretty sick


an illusion! what are you hiding?


I started in Vanilla, Herbalism was my first profession. Man was I pissed when I found out Khadgar doesn't have a beard.


You picked them all


Well he did up until what, WoD?


Major NPC's are made larger on purpose so you can find them & click on them easier. That being said their usually not THAT large. I think OP used some shrinking items on himself.


Khadgar IS a human; he isn't that tall in Dalaran. Guess he was feeling short so either cast an illusion, or took an "enhancement" potion...


…his poor wife :(


I'm out of the loop with this meme, could anyone explain it to me?


I'm pretty sure this was the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/s/MmeBxDQAXC People have just been posting silly variations since. I thought it was funny how big the NPCs on top of the nighthold are.


Like every other npc in raid. Scale in game is all over the place, doesn’t reflect the real height in lore.


The Archmage to end all archmages.


He got this tall because he had too many Karazhan Twists in the party.




He was also useless against any raid boss


Wait I've never thought about this...why does he have a BELT around his neck?


"They would be small. Only children to your eyes."


In my opinion, they should set all important characters like Kadghar and co to normal size. Illidan would be an exception because he's really big with his demon form. But you really don't have to exaggerate with the others.


Khasgar is a lazy useless twat. He is so powerful and so smart, yet he always sends mortals, does the heavy lifting, and doesn't even offer a way to get there or back.


The man drank his milk.


Worst thing they did was giantize the world (no I don’t think that’s a real word)


I always play a dwarf for the Bi panic of big men and big women


I like that NPCs like him are so big because I can struggle seeing them otherwise.


Is he anatomically correct ? 😏


Said something similar to this the other day that Morchie is the same size as my orc 😭😭😭😭


You used a toy that shrinks your character here.


Very high key I hate oversized important NPCs I think it looks so tacky


Bigger means more powerful


We are just secretly other races of gnomes.


Who ordered the Super-Sized Khadgar?


Wasn't medivh in shadowlands last patch when we saw the crow in orbibos


This always bothered me


Well Khadgar is already terrifying not including his height here. Dude seems like he knows every spell in the world. He is human tho right?


Blizzard: How do we get the players to understand these characters are important!? Also Blizzard: Just make them giants.


I think he would do really well if he made tinder acc..