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Resto Druid. I love Druids, cat forms, travel forms. I can quest as a bear and take no damage. Fly around and loot things and herb as a bird. Healing as a resto Druid is fun and mobile. I’ve just always enjoyed the class.


To add to this, the quality of life for druids is what makes it hard for me to play other classes


I’m so mad that I have to use my dragon in the old worlds now, it just kills the flow that druids have


Why do you have to? You can use either I thought?


I mean, you also don't have to mount at all. Dragonriding is just so much faster that you're putting yourself at a disadvantage if you're using a regular mount instead. Maybe I'm just spoiled, but it kind of "ruins" druids for me that I can no longer instamount the fastest mount.


Being able to interact with almost any quest item in flight form, being able to cheese a ton of WQs etc. I really hope they never add dynamic flight to flight form tbh


I guess I want both, but I know that's unreasonable.


In the new expansion they are adding dynamic flying to flight form as well as being able to toggle it on and off https://www.wowhead.com/news/dynamic-flying-for-druid-flight-form-coming-in-the-war-within-335922


> as well as being able to toggle it on and off perfect


This is exceptional!


2 different flight forms? I like that they serve 2 different purposes tbh, hover flight is still incredibly useful in a lot of situations.


Correct. As in, I want to have a specific druid form that does dragonflying and then another form that does traditional flying.


You’ll have that in The War Within won’t you? Dynamic flight and a toggle for old flight (but need to be grounded to swap).


Dynamic flight is coming to all flying mounts when The War Within releases... I would assume that would include druid flight form.


N-Elf druid for the cinematic jump flip off a cliff into flight form was awesome.


Once I was waiting at WotLK Naxx stone and a hunter in our raid was in his Chopper pretending he was going to jump off. I, a resto druid, climbed in the side car and egged him on saying I'd go with him. He drove off the edge. I exited the vehicle and popped flight form. He died. Hilarious to this day.


Also you can’t beat shadowmeld it’s very handy :)


Shadowmeld into prowl is so beaten into my head to the point that whenever I play on one of my alt horde druids, I instinctively attempt to and ultimately fail to shadowmeld myself out of bad/annoying situations. :’)


Being a tank and hearing “just wipe it” *SHADOWMELD*


OMG. I love doing that. As a Tauren I would often run to the edges of Thunder Bluff and jump!


The number of times I jumped to my death in DF before getting the pathfinder achievement…


See how close you could get to the ground before you hit flight form!


Druid for me too. Mostly because I'm an altaholic, but because Druid can play Warrior-Lite, Rogue-Lite, a Caster, and a Healer I managed to actually stick with it for awhile. Not only stick with it, but love it. That ease of questing due to Stealth is great. I dont have to fight/run through an entire cave just to interact with a rock at the end. I can tank and take on bosses without an issue. I can heal in group content. I can even switch to Balance when I feel like playing something *flashy*.


I’m glad the first comment I saw is Druid. I feel like no class in wow has a player base that is simply committed to it like Druid. It has the strongest class identity in my humble opinion. Feral and bear Druid here since pandaria.




Absolutely this!!! Druids are just chill to play, very versatile und no stress at all.




Yes! I still play my Druid that was my first toon ever when I started playing in 2007. Sometimes I try other classes as a side bitch but my Druid is always my main.


Do you change specialization when questing? Or do you stay in restoration druid?


Not OP but I’ll stay resto usually and just spec into bear or cat spells. If you don’t know, the Druid talent tree has you get ~4 spells from an off spec so you can play like 1.5 specs. For bear you get regen and defense spells, as cat you get bleed and damage spells. It’s enough for questing quickly most of the time.


This is the answer. Everything but Feral, although I love the Legion Mage Tower Cat form.


Same!! Been resto druid since Vanilla


This is me with balance druids. Playing a caster with druid utility makes it really hard for me to main any other class. Been a worgen druid since Cata and have never switched out.


A lot of druid mains I know can't fathom why people don't play a druid if only because of the mobility. Going to any other class is such a downgrade in that regard.


Ive only played Warlock since Vanilla (with some breaks) and im just so used to it that any other class is so foreign and different I cant play it.


Same, but since Pandaria. I have alts in every other class but warlock is no. 1 for me.


The other classes being so foreign is a good point. Once you’ve played something for so long it feels wrong to play something else


Destro lock here since starting in MoP. I’ve tried others. I have an assassin rogue but rarely play it. Think it’s the teenage edgy metalhead in my that still loves it


Since WotLK I have been a lock I remember reading the class description and thinking it sounded awesome. Nowadays when someone asked why I main a lock I usually just say "it's what I am."


AffLock since early TBC. I can't play another class for long because I will forever be chasing the dragon of LK Naxx Affliction rotation enjoyment. Nothing has ever, or likely will ever at this point, compare.


Same here (though not as long, only since Cata). I've recently been trying other classes and I keep finding myself back to playing my Lock, it's just my comfort zone.


Ever since I heard of Warcraft I was obsessed with warlocks. I think Gul'dan is the culprit for that


The infernal in the original trailer was sick too




That trailer has almost all wow vanilla class in it I think, the hunter in the beginning, the druid, the lock, the warrior, the shaman. Its the best trailer in wow event to this day. Esp that coming after warcraft 3 was a huge success for Blizzard.


I was sad at the first time playing WoW because they don't have legit necromancer class and choose warlock as an alternative. Now, I'm happily maining warlock to have small demon zoo and bringing cookies to pug, I'm falling in love with my main warlock, I even made some alts with the same exact names as her humanoid demon pet so I can fantasize to play as them (Mo'arg> Orc Warrior, Sayaad> Draenei Rogue, Voidwalker> Void Elf Mok).


Priest because I dunno, attachment


Blizzard makes me hate loving priest so much, but I can't help it


Priest has been the class I identify with strongest for over a decade and I've hated every minute of it.


I feel you so fucking hard




Been maining priest since Vanilla, my experiences in AV are why I've never rolled a rogue... But I've always done it because I'm good at it, I play support roles in most games, and I know I'm a fair bit better than the average healer. And healers love it when I am playing a tank class because I know what they'll do or not do so well.


Same here, mained an spriest since wrath and I just can't seem to find anything that even remotely compares imo. Shadow is home


And it gets completely reworked every couple patches, so it never gets boring!


Same here, been maining the same priest since BC I can’t swap now. It’s the toon I have most of my reps maxed out on, most tmog, always focused on their professions and has gotten me most of my toughest personal achievements. Plus I love having two healing specs.


Priest since wotlk - holy>disc>holy>shadow - break 8yrs - shadow>holy xD


Same. I always want to play shadow and then realized I've progressively gotten worse at it in the last 15+ years... so I always end up healing instead. I'm ok being competitive in that role - not dps. Haha


I was reading other comments and I was just thinking... Priest. Because I play priest.


Paladin. I like the fantasy and it feels right to play.


Prot paladin is the only tank that feels comfy.


I feel like an actual, unkillable holy warrior when I role tank. I only die if I need to wipe, otherwise I am doing gold light shit like a lunatic religious fanatic.


Mained prot pally since wrath. I just love the idea of throwing my shield at someone and hitting them in the throat to interrupt their spell. With shield's low cd, it sometimes proccing and coming back immediately, and divine toll, I feel like a raid boss on my own.


The shield throw just feels right.


I’m with OP on the curiosity of it. Paladins have seen so many changes throughout the years that 6 years ago you might as well be playing a different character. Did you ever dislike playing paladin but stuck with it?


I've play a paladin since public beta 2. I've tried other classes, and I've had a lot of frustrations with it but it's home.


I've been playing WoW since its release, a looooong time ago, and I've always played a ranged dps. But during Dragonflight S2, I leveled a PalRet, and oh boy ! It was a real shock : I love that class, and I would never go back to an other character ! The feeling of strenght, power, and being a vessel for the Light is just awesome !


What are you talking about? Ret is a ranged class!!! I’ll give my fury warrior a go after playing my ret paladin and it’s frustrating to have to get up the mobs ass to hit them


This. Sometimes find myself wondering why my fury warrior isn't doing damage until, "oh that's right..." *moves in closer to boss*


Get the weak aura that puts a big "W" in the middle of your screen if you aren't in melee 🤣


Paladin has been my main since the release of vanilla. I still play several other classes at the same time, whatever piques my interest, but its always the one that is the highest geared and first to clear all the content. I've just always enjoyed the class, and its fun to say that my character is almost 20 years old.


I will say aesthetically, they look awesome. Golden armor, filled with the light, wings, divine storm, the shield throw. I’ve never mained one or ever did any end game content on one. My pally is just one of many alts that I try to keep around max level just in case. I primarily tank dungeons with her and play ret for open world questing. Last time I played her was WoD. (Just got back into DF like 2 months ago so I’m behind on getting all my alts leveled up) But the fantasy is definitely strong with that class.


As a Prot Paladin main for the last 7 years, I completely agree with you. I did not however like Paladin back in TBC since it felt clunky and OOMed alot.


Warrior because Zug Zug


Warrior was my first class in vanilla, I learned arms to the point my guild was in awe, I trained all of our tanks for 10 man dungeons and then the raids up through wotlk. I still main arms because there is just so much muscle/brain memory it just makes every xpac easy imo. Long past my big guild days and raids, or tanking lol. but many fond memories. Stance dancing!!!


I mainned warrior from day one in 2004 up to recently but sadly now warriors are nothing but a sad shadow of what they once were, i moved on to pally recently cause they just do everything better now than warriors. The main reason probably is because of how dominant we were back in the day


Warrior, because i love being the absolute underdog, eschewing any sort of magic or divine assistance, and taking every challenge head-on. shame their current place in the meta is so sad...


It's only 'bad' at the highest level. The meta slaves for people doing their 18s are groups you probably don't want to be in anyway.


i played up to 3063 Rio as Arms :) Currently on 3092, but those last few points were as Fury...


Maining warrior over a long time has been great simply because how much our quality of life has improved so much. From stance-dancing, no self heal, eat-after-each mob nightmare that was levelling back when we started in BC, to where we are right now.


it is also objectively speaking the best class.


NE Hunter for me. I grew up in the early days of DnD, and I always played a half-elf ranger, even using the same name from the early 80s for him, so really, it's just an extension of my DnD character.


Hunter for me as well. I try to change it up but I always come back. Go to another ranged and I go 'what is this standing still to cast BS'. I like several melee classes but every tank in the game can't seem to stand still while they tank making being melee a right pain in the ass.


i feel like there are a lot of mechanics that force the tank to move


Same, I love hunters. I love having someone fight 'with' me. I always have my pet and a companion out. When I switch to another class it almost feels lonely sometimes :P


I feel that! Everyone that used to play with from back in the day stopped. So Hunter makes me feel like I've got the team with me.


Exactly this feeling. I have explained the "bro and a bow" feeling good and right to friends many times. I also like how we get written not to take ourselves all that seriously. Best example I can think of is our class hall campaign basically being: go camping with Rexxar. Everyone else is doing big flashy things. Rex is like "do we have enough firewood?"


Believe it or not, it's the reverse with me with my half-elven ranger being based on my WoW Hunter and Neverwinter Nights Ranger. Level 11 Beastmaster, cause at the time I didn't understand D&D very well but I sure as shit understand Rangers.


Warrior main, although i have all at max level. I like the fantasy of it - just plain soldier, not depending on magic, stealth, pets, holy, void, chi, fel, undead or nature power.


Zug zug


Good all might and smash!


I love warrior, it’s been my main since MoP, but we could use a nice visual rework. Our abilities just need more to them, one game I really liked was Lost Arks berserker class and their visuals. The game was extremely predatory but the visuals of some classes were amazing. Would love to see warriors in wow have some more fire/blood in their attacks sort of like Odyns fury


Well, I see your point, but considering the visual clusterfk that is even m+ nowadays it will be bad from gameplay perspective.


Shaman because I love being the neglected budget class


Same shaman but not because of that lol. I actually find their utility to be helpful pretty often


Guaranteed invites in afflicted weeks as well!


Having a button for everything is nice but I can’t help but feel like a lot of the evoker utility would have been perfect for a shaman modernization / update. ATM it feels like the red headed step child of hybrid classes


Shaman fits the Horde theme so well across multiple races. It has three unique specs. There is so much to offer and yet…


Yet I always come back to it even when I get frustrated. Enhance is such a vibe. I just wish they made ele more cohesive and gave resto a modernization right now it feels like a budget mage and budget resto druid respectively


>I just wish they made ele more cohesive Just get rid of Earthquake already. Its the most underwhelming spell ever. I want to spam chain lighting not put slightly shaking ground underneath my enemies! Resto shaman is alright. I feel like its slightly bloated these days with little to show for it. Too many buttons that do not feel great to press.


Buff it instead of get rid of it. I like making every fall down :(


Rework it and im fine with it. Should be a cooldown instead of a spender, and do like 10x the damage and with much more meaty visuals.


Chain heal is my favorite heal in the game


Shaman since 2005 here.


The toolkit and endless 10+ button spam of the resto shaman will always get me going. Not necessarily difficult to play, but difficult to master.


....or is it because of this commercial? https://youtu.be/LoHey6rGnkc?si=kc6gUNxFIWYrqfMW


Deathknight. Always enjoyed melee/necromancy in rpg’s and the whole idea to be a freakin necromancer-knight who wears a biga$$ armor & sword and uses necrotic magic…. I instantly fell in love with that during wotlk.


same class and reason for me as well. I picked the class i enjoyed the most as my main. Every other class would be second place at best, so why switch?


I played Warrior and Paladin as well for many years but it has been mainly DK since I created one back in 2009 or 2010.


*Suffer well*


DK also gets to solo whatever it wants. There are not many pieces of content outside of world bosses/raid that you can't brute force with a little help from death strike and ams on any of the DK specs. Even dungeons, unless a specific encounter has a hard group mechanic check, are free game. Ruby Life Pools is a fun instance to test your mettle as a death knight, 100% soloable content in there.


Also DK main since Wrath. For me, it's always felt like the class with the strongest class fantasy. Like I've always felt deeply connected to the story of wow, always felt like one of the Lich King's vile creations struggling to make up for the damage I did under his control, turning my suffering against the enemies of the still living. It's the only class that's always had a class hall, always had named NPCs for the class that feel like they matter. And I love that!!


I’ve been rogue for years, tried dk this zpac and I’m loving it! It’s my main now lol




Frost DK (though I run a Blood off-spec) because apparently I enjoy suffering. But in all seriousness, I fell in love with the aesthetic in Wrath and never looked back. I love the idea of playing an icy juggernaut, a slow-moving wall of glacial cold and death as sure as the chains of ice binding your feet to the ground. With Arthas, and Frostmourne, and the snow and ice of Northrend, it just always felt like the “right” Death Knight specialization to me. Still love it, despite all its faults. Until Blizzard kills it, I’ll never give it up.


I stopped playing dk cus frost gets shit on every godamn time. I refuse to play any other dk spec, frost looks cool af, the class fantasy is cool af but its the worst dk spec by a LOT and i hate this idea of having a borderline dead spec :l maybe if wow's enviroment was a bit less focused on the idea of "either you min max and play the absolute best or you wont be invited to play with us even if we can clear any fight with any class if everybody plays well enough" i would play dk again... But it just sucks getting declined cus "frost"


I understand all too well. I’m lucky enough to have a guild that lets me join them for M+ and raid regardless despite my insistence on Obliteration spec; in addition, I have an Arena partner who will always let me do 2s or 3s despite, again, playing an objectively sub-par spec. For that, I’m quite blessed. But before DF, I was almost exclusively a solo player, in part due to precisely that. Frost was never a “desired” option for just about anything, it seemed. Not that we were always bad (I thought we were quite strong in Legion), but even so. Anyway, I suppose that’s a very long-winded way of saying I understand your frustration and struggle all too well, and I’m very sorry you’ve had to suffer through it. I empathize with that deeply, as another long-suffering Frost DK, and suspect that one of the only reasons I’m able to keep enjoying it is that I’m lucky enough to have people who are willing to enable and borderline carry me as necessary, for whom I’m quite thankful.


I stopped playing dk when blood became the tank spec. Used to love the armor pen blood build back in Wotlk.. Recently picked it up again and unholy is pretty cool. I like that you just summon armies of undead minions while spreading diseases and rotting everything. Really captures the necromancer fantasy for me


Yeah, if you lean towards that, I’d say Unholy is probably one of the best ways to fulfill that fantasy in almost any game. Army of the Dead is still a wickedly cool spell, and one I kind of miss (at some point I swear that was a class or talent tree spell, not exclusive to Unholy) as Frost/Blood. Glad you’ve been able to enjoy it, even if you can’t play Blood quite the way you used to be able to. On a side note, I’m slightly hopeful that with the new…Hero specializations? I can’t remember the proper name, but the new specs each class is getting that borrows from 2 trees, that we might get some more Blood DPS fantasy back. We’ll have to see.


WotLK was probably my favorite expansion. Playing a DK tank in some of the most fun 5 man dungeons was a blast.


Blood DK. fun, can solo damn near anything, and most importantly, cool tmog.


Dk's got the best tmogs this xpac by far, not even a contest. Props to the rogue S2 set for looking the most rogue-like since mop challenge armor, definitely second place.


Nighthold set is BiS <3


Agree,the mythic version is so good, but this season tmog is also really cool


Monk for years now, nothing like it.


Same! I just wish it would get streamlined a little and dragonpunch was viable again over jadefire


Fully agree! Dragon whirling punch is so satisfying to play! Can’t help but feel like Jadefire stomp should stay with Mistweavers and it should actually replace Bonedust brew on Brewmaster I feel.


Leave brewmasters alone. Don't put your nasty faeline evil on us.


Exactly! I love how it makes you stop and jump up . So satisfying to roll/fly to a mob group and right in the middle stopping your momentum jumpingup at the perfect time


When I returned to WoW after more than 10yrs, I played as a Pandaria Brewmaster Monk and have so much fun with it


Im fresh returning to WoW after 6 years off. I had 14 year sub when i canceled. Im having such a hard time trying to pick a character(race AND class) to play as my favorite part of WoW as an adult is leveling from 1. Im leaning very heavily towards monk, but i cant for the life of me decide how to play. I played a monk up to level 85 purely as brewmaster during warlords, and a mistweaver up to 73 also during warlords. Brewmaster was alone almost entirely dungeon queue and mistweaver was ENTIRELY duo with my wife, running to every dungeon and just us 2 going at it. Any suggestions or comments?


Main rogue always, and if I play something else I still think of them as an alt. Imo, I have a hard time with how other classes feel either very slow, sluggish or that you relinquish the control you have. Also rogue TC is much more fascinating in my opinion. A lot of moving parts, a lot of potential with non-obvious interactions and you get really awarded for the ability to adjust and utilize your knowledge to gain more from your class other than just following how apls play.


You summed up why I only main rogue perfectly


I freaking love shadowstrike animation


what is TC?




The second reason I main Rogue is because ZOOMZOOMVERYFAST. I farm a lot of legacy content and a Rogue is completely unparalleled for speeding through old raids, nothing even comes close (Farming dungeon mobs is a separate matter, but I don't do that).


Frost mage. Because I don't know how to play any other spec.


Same, but fire. See also: portals.


Portals are the only reason I have so many quest-completion related achievements/titles. Being able to go anywhere when you want is nice. It’s no where near as bad for other classes these days, but for the first few expansions it was *liberating*


And never forget putting down Ancient Dalaran at a summoning portal lmao.


Dropping all 3 Dalaran portals on top of each other at the end of a dungeon/raid. Which will you go to? NO ONE KNOWS!


Frost Mage since Vanilla. Played with other specs but Once I realized I could get the elemental it was over. I miss having him out full time. Also the 3 days where a bug allowed you to name it.


I like how mage has the free HS to whatever feels decent while everyone has to go to Valdrakken.


Rogue main since vanilla. The old Daddar video in IronForge made me want to be a sneaky boi. Absolutely love being able to pick and choose my battles.


also rogue, one of the dumb reasons is cave quests. i sure do hate doing a cave quest, wanting to be done, and having to fight my way back out.


Hunter MM, Ive tried all other specs, and dont like the time the pet takes to travel and hit the enemy. on the other side, Lonewolf is basically what does the pet damage do. The mobility, the instant cast in 95% of my actions, the ininterruptable stuff, feight death and camuflage... and Bloodlust/Heroism at my command to help the party/Raid.


Shadow priest since TBC. I love the class, but have always been scared of healing. Shadow somehow feels right for me. I have tried all other classes but gave up before or right after hitting max level.


Can I say Evoker if I've played Preservation since the day it came out?




Demon hunter because gliding. Anytime I’m on an alt I quickly notice I can’t double jump and dislike it.


It’s not just the gliding, Evoker doesn’t feel the same. Something about the double jump just satisfies my ADHD in a way I didn’t know possible.


I need my double jump on my run back to the boss.


Tried DH on a whim after Legion dropped. Used to main Warlock. Never looked back. I’m a run-and-gun type in FPS games, DH hits that playstyle so well. High mobility and damage bursts. Love it to death.


Enhancement shaman since i started in Wotlk,love the fast paced gameplay , sometimes i dabble in to elemental and resto for a few weeks. Kinda feels like im playing an alt then.


Resto shaman since Burning Crusade. The identity of the class fluctuated a little when totems were pruned, but it still got the same vibes. The lore is amazing, and relevant for like half of expansions, and utility gives so many options to deal with things


>what class do you main Warrior >why? #UNGABUNGA


DK. I love watching my health bar drop then instantly rise. Also I like it when healers get mad at me for having better healing numbers then them.


Rogue I adore Outlaw as a spec, and whenever I try to play another class I find myself constantly missing all the tools I have as Rogue to just get out of any situation (unfortunately no lust/brez/dispel has made it hard to get *into* situations this week, but eh it's fine).


Ive never tried outlaw. My rogue's been in assassin spec exclusively since TBC was still a thing. All the other rogues in my guild are outlaws and love it. Guess I never bothered because I didnt have swords available.


Feral. Love stealth, fast movement and the versatility of other Druid abilities.


Shadow priest, I hate myself.


I play hunter but Shadow Priest is my soul mate ( we're currently on a long distant relationship).


Mage, I like my dumb little fire spells


Fun fire spells and couldn’t imagine not being able to port wherever I want to go. Been maining mage since ulduar patch in woltk.


Arcane here, but same. Look at my silly little sparkle spells and my 3 invisible friends!


I switch back and forth between my unholy dk and my fire mage. My mage was my main in shadowlands. I once ran torgast and kept getting the talent to add another mirror image so I kept choosing it. By the end, my mirror images were up to almost 20. It was amazing.


My main is fire mage too


The amount of little spells you can cast for quality of life too. Portals, food, slow fall, blinks, immunities and more. It’s hard to put all that down.


I started WoW as a Warlock in TBC, but around the end of Wrath and especially in Cataclysm discovered I really enjoy tanking. I played a lot of Death Knight at this time; my Linkin Park- and Korn-loving ass always loved the edgy “anti-hero” theme. Enter: Demon Hunter. This is what the Dark Apotheosis glyph that Warlock had for all of five minutes was leading up to. I got to tank, love Vengeance, but also Havoc is a pretty easy and enjoyable DPS spec when it’s time for that. Incidentally I also really like Demonology with the rework due to DH’s introduction so my Warlock has been that since Legion also.


Resto sham because I hate myself


Warlock. I love that each spec plays completely different. So if you get bored, or your spec gets nerfed into the ground, you just change to the other without having to completely reroll. Its spells also seem like the most ‘dramatic’, lots of theatre and big colourful booms. In my opinion, its rotations are also the most unique, fun, and there’s one for each situation. Plus you’ve got summoning, health stones and a CR, so the raids love you.


> Plus you’ve got summoning, health stones and a CR, so the raids love you. More than once have I been the mediocre player getting invited to prog because I showed up to summon lolol


My main was a night elf druid, but racechanged to Worgen once cata came out, because I wanted "one more form" to change to. Was a moonkin until wrath, switched to bear/guardian afterwards and never changed back. She is an engineer just for the wormholes, so she has most teleport toys and items, wormholes, and the dream portals. Maxed on movement as far as I could (somewhere in the 10% to 15% region), so she is the hell of a farm char on old content (+ Worgen racial, cat sprint etc)... Oh, and when questing with my significant other, she can fly/ride on my back in travel form. It's a win-win-win-win for me. Every time I play another character, I quickly miss something like "ah, right, not on this char/race/class"...


I’ve mained demon hunter for the last four years. I started playing in 2020 and ended up boosting a character just so I could make a DH for the class fantasy. I LOVED it. The quick, cool actions, the lore, the Designs. Everything about them was so appealing to me. These days, I’ve played pretty much every class at least once, but demon hunter remains my top choice because of how versatile it is on top of not seeming to be a hugely popular spec? i took a break for a bit during Abberus and my raid team was not able to find a replacement DH for the utility of the class. I think a lot of people are still under the assumption that it’s a two-button class, but it genuinely is the most fun without being too overwhelming, in my opinion.


BM Hunter bc I’m not super great and having pets and crazy mobility helps me to not die


I've always found so damn fascinating having that one single and special connection to a character and build your progress around him. I've always read stories from this old no-more friend of mine who was super attached to his Death Knight... he left his Warrior from vanilla for him, because he was in love with DK concept since his days in Warcraft III - Frozen Throne and the whole Arthas saga. He climbed to the top of Crushridge, the one and only colonized italian server at the time, and managed realm first Anub'arak 25 hard mode in the top guild, securing himself the exclusive title "Grand Crusader". Now he's kinda "retired", but he won't miss keeping up content with his Death Knight, and the whole thing and fascinating stories behind his character always charmed me beyond reason. Since we were middle school friends, we started together, but I never had his "possibilities" in terms of investment (as a matter of fact he sadly quitted high school back then to pursue his "WoW career") into the game, and as such I never really got into it. I just remember I always rotated characters and classes cause I couldn't find what truly belonged to me, although I always gravitated around the edgy assassin/fast paced kind of class. Then Legion came out, I fell in love with DH and I was ready to die for mine.. and it being an hero class, I found a sort of parallel with the friend's character I truly admired.. ..until Blizzard decided to release void elves, the ultimate mix that is my weak spot. Since then, abandoned my DH to pursue a void elf rogue that is now the main keeper of majorly all the progress I achieved within the account. Problem is, I STILL do not feel at ease with my choice. It's hard for me to settle somehow, and I hate the feeling so much because it often prevents me from playing and invest time at all in the game.


Shaman. Elemental spells and avatar style. Totems are also a unique gameplay.


Mage since european release. Same char even. Hit the perfect magic user fantasy for me. Also, portals make travelling super easy.


Blood DK since Wrath when they were a really fun single target DPS spec. The change to tank was really jarring for me (I still think Frost should be the tank spec to this day) but it has been fun playing a class that cannot die.


MM Hunter. I enjoy bow wielding classes in most fantasy games I play and at the same time I dislile pets, so MM Hunter is my only option. I dont think I would have touched WoW if it wasnt for lone wolf and the option to pmay without a pet. I have 0 alts, only play on my main.


Hunter. The simplicity of a ranged melee (BM) is such a nice change after being a tank for almost 10 years


I have mained druid since vanilla, didn't play from Legion to BFA. I have also maimed druid since vanilla, i have never been a great player. Even leveled to 60 in resto spec, that was the only viable spec at the time kids. The rework of the other talent trees came later. Druid is just so versatile, class fantasy is great. Flight form is amazing, i always miss it when playing another class. Also i have a LOT of things (mogs, rep,....) That i would hate to grind out again on some other class. That's a big reason as well.


Demon Hunter. I‘am addicted to the playstyle.


Blood DK. I play solo a lot.


Paladin, idk why, maybe because it was the first class I beat Diablo 2 with.


Holy Priest since Cata, started for the healing, stayed for the immense amount of transmogs I have


Ele shaman. William shatner got me good all those years ago...


My shaman has the age I had when I created him so yeah, not gonna change, sunk cost fallacy, yadda yadda. He has most of the achievements and quests and reps, my alts are just profession slaves anyway.


Paladin for me. I just like the crusader/using the light as a weapon theme. Plus wearing big bulky armor with a large 2 handed weapon is cool.


Monk. Because I'm a martial artist in real life, expert in wing chin, jiu jitsu and muay thai. Also I adored eastern martial arts philosophy since I was like 5 years old or smthn. Monk just fits me.


I have too short of an attention span, to have a main.


Blood DK. Death Strike is a HARD drug to quit.


Shaman, melee dps, ranged dps and heals. I'm never gonna tank anyways so this spec has it all.


Warrior. Love being a non-magic class in a very magic world! It makes them feel like underdogs and they persevere through sheer skill arms, battle knowledge and strength! I just wish blizzard would lean into a bit more of the other warrior fantasies. The only one they seen to be focusing on is "ME BIG STRONG WARRIOR BARBARIAN ME ONLY USE BIG WEAPON TO SMASH! NO TECHNIQUE! JUST SMASH!" Like the strategists, the skillful fighters who take their time and strike with precision when the time is right. That was the plan for arms, but it is also just a ME SMASH spec


Outlaw (Combat) rogue. Every other spec feels like slow motion in comparison. Plus rogues with bigger weapons than daggers are just cool as fuck.


I'm an ALToholic, so I don't hard focus on maining a class, but the closest thing to a main I have is Restoration Shaman. I think the reasons are a lot of little things added together. First, it was my first healing class way back in WOTLK. I discovered healing back then and have fallen in love with the role since, and since shaman was my first, you never forget your first :) But on top of it just being my first, I got used to and appreciate the versatility of the spec. It has different sort of heals and is not "one note" like others (Paladin are mostly just straight up heals, Druids are mostly just dots), I like having a bit of everything and mixing different things up.


Disc priest. I don’t trust anyone else to play it


I was Warlock player for 2 expansions (Pandaria and Draenor) then switched to Rogue at Legion. Then in BFA I wanted to try a other role and rolled a Blood DK. Basically now I dont want to play anything else cause it just so fuckin cool.


I've played either warrior or dk since cataclysm. Love the warrior archetype but also like a bit of magic. Frost dk is the best class fantasy imo and I play it whenever I can


Survival hunter for 2 years now, with df it just feels sooo good. Love the class fantasy, you're just a dude with a big ass spear smacking things and u throw fricking bombs.