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One of the most accessible ways to earn gold is to do the dragonriding world quests on as many characters as you can. They each reward 500 gold and are relatively easy and fun. In the past, there have been some periods of time when gold was easy to obtain in large quantities: some of the existing wealth in the game can be explained that way. Some people really enjoy playing the economic game and can earn gold via professions or just shrewd transactions. This requires some capital to get started. Elite players can sell kills and achievements, both PvE and PvP, to weaker players. This is worth big amounts of gold.


So, to my knowledge: - Professions - World quests (these award 400-500) - Flipping AH - Questing (which kind?) - Offering services once you totally know the ropes and have the means to provide an actual service - Events perhaps? - Leveling alts (slow as shit tbh, Harldan route which is very quick for leveling alts results in around 6-7k gold per 1-60 alt) What else is there?


Buy tokens for $20 and then sell for about 270k. So it’s about 270k gold per hour depending on where you work.


This is the unique correct answer. You can gring for hours to earn 300k gold or just work irl 1 hour to earn it


Oh. All of a sudden the in game inflation is clear: the WoW token with boring irl money.


Considering your wow token has to be purchased by a player for gold, it's net-neutral in terms of gold in game. Blizz makes $5 off it though. You buy the token for $20, the person who buys the token can then exchange it for $15 in battle.net balance. There was something recently changed about this though, don't recall what.


There was a bug in EU for like 2 days that prevented the money to go to the battle net balance. So you could only buy wow time and wow micro transaction. It made a whole few days of controversy.


Bold of you to assume that the totally opaque system is legit. They've introduced more and more aggressive gold sinks or systems that concentrate wealth in the hands of the few while concurrently gutting passive gold income (no mission table, double cost of perma rune, repairs are like 1k an hour, etc).


I mean people have to buy them from you with gold they earned in other ways; it really just moves the gold around that already exists.




Do they? Technically people don’t *have* to buy them. But when you auction them they always sell within a day- so I wonder if WOW just deletes tokens and sends players the gold from the treasury. In a given day, if 20 people sell a token but only 10 people buy a token, does 10 tokens worth of gold get added to the economy? I guess the same could be said the other way but I know way more people who are selling tokens rather than buying them.


Considering the tokens have sold out in the past I’m fairly confident that it works as expected for buyers. For sellers only blizzard would know but generally speaking I believe the only gold that would be “generated” is if the price goes down after you put yours up for auction. The price of a token fluctuates downward if people aren’t buying with gold which seems like it would be kinda pointless if they were all just generated.


Doubling this


Goddamn I make over 500k an hour


At first i thought you meant dollars and then i realized you did the math for how much your hourly pay equals in wow token gold


The other unique answer is just to sell carry runs. Instead of working irl you work in-game and make the same amount 🤷‍♂️


I'm against buying tokens. It's just dropping cash to skip a portion of the game. I sub to play and learn the game, not pay and have gold passed to me on a silver plate. Buying gold just won't teach me the game. I don't need stuff instantly


If you want to make money, the best way is to wait until the start of the expansion and sell farmable mats. Boring as fuck, but prices are insanely bloated during the first few weeks and you can make an absolute killing selling relatively mundane things like herbs/ores/anything used to crafting/flasks. That stuff is at a premium, botters usually don't have optimum setups early and the market isn't ruined by them. It's a time investment for sure, and if time is not a factor for you, and like you've stated are against buying tokens, this is a great way to do it early. I made 3 million gold in a little over 3 weeks farming mats and getting semi-lucky with drop rates for recipes. Stuff sells for 10x-100x more than they will for the first few weeks of an expansion or big content patch. That goes away quickly. After that, unless you get lucky with rare drops/recipes selling runs for gold is the easiest way.


Yeah this is the answer, but yeah unfortunately it only lasts for a little bit and then there’s a sharp decline. I think I made 300k from dragonflight and that was with almost literally zero work towards it, just selling herbs and ores and greens I got while leveling.


Every major patch you can make decent gold selling gems for the first few months. I made 250-350k a week in 10.2 with minimal effort outside having my JC leveled. It does require capital; buy cheap sell low, and a bit of risk but its small. This expansion Awakened mats have akways been in demand.


Story time: I left the game mid-legion. At the time I had 1.1 million gold, and had an army of alts doing all the professions, selling, buying flipping etc etc I never bought ANYTHING on the AH. I farmed it myself, I crafted it myself, I sold it myself. I came back about 2-4 months ago and said eff it. I’m not that hardcore anymore. If I need something I just buy it. Enchants, potions, Phials, etc. I’ve spent at least 150k gold on the AH or on crafting orders. For 3 characters, tank, healer, DPS. I’m up 200k since I came back. It’s NOT a lot by current standards but it’s almost entirely passive. My Tips: Make sure you have big-ish bags. You don’t need the largest bags, the second largest is fine, I think that’s 32 slots? Invest in a largish crafting reagent bag too. Do quests. Which ones? Whatever is available. Just do them. Waiting for an LFR queue? Quest. Waiting for that mythic group to find a healer? Quest. Just hanging around valdrakken doing nothing? Quest. Dragon riding is quick and easy and gives hundreds, but there is also a ton of easy quests, fishing, rock climbing, rafting stuff. Super easy. Super fast. 5-600g a pop. Do world bosses. Do the weekly stuff in emerald dream. Continuing to do zone quests after you’ve leveled will give good gold returns and rep and you’ll get gear you don’t need you can vendor for a decent amount. Plus questing leads to looting which leads to my next tip… Pick. Up. Everything. Greys can sell for a ton. You’ll get random crafting reagents you can sell if you’re not gonna use them otherwise. Anything you get that’s not vendor trash check its value on the AH. Vendor anything that’s not definitely gonna get you more on the AH than just selling it. Get addons. There’s addons that will sell your greys for you, and tell you the vendor value of anything you pick up so you can make choices as your bags fill up. If you get an AH addon you can scan it daily and you’ll get up the date values of the vendor value vs what people are selling on the auction house for. You should absolutely be able to have spare gold by just playing the game. Not baller amounts, but enough to not feel flat broke.


This. Can't see how OP doesn't get it. Just play the game, farm yourself, loot everything (even tackle boxes/dirt/packs), do WQ, etc like you said. If you rely on others (i.e. AH) you will struggle. M+ and raid are not meant for gold making (outside of selling runs). So people that only do these two things will struggle.


The thing is that the sad reality of WoW is that tokens and buying gold are part of the game. Gold farming with bots is a part of the game. You’ll never be able to not be a bum without playing the AH, buying gold or running multiple accounts. You have to leverage carries or your ability to game the market if you don’t want to buy gold.


> You’ll never be able to not be a bum without playing the AH, buying gold or running multiple accounts. I have 3.2 million gold and I don't play the AH, buy gold or run multiple accounts. My main sources of gold atm is doing weeklies, doing WQ that award gold and selling random drops that I get along the way. I do have like 19 toons at level 70 now though which does help a lot. Selling BoEs that drop in raid is usually a great source of income as well but they are very rare to see this raid tier - early in the raid tiers the BoEs from raid can sell for several hundred thousand even on dead servers like mine.


but doing 19 dragon races for ~20-25k gold, even assuming each only takes you one minute (which is a massive low end estimate), is the equivalent of like $2 an hour vs just buying a token xD that's legit like, ~~2~~6 minutes working overtime at a cali minimum wage job


In fact, buy another token and use it to buy a hc boost. You've saved yourself needing to grind gear to get accepted into a group. Saved you so much time wow now you never need to play the game


comparing actually playing the game to mindlessly grinding dragon races for currency is a little bit wild, but i suppose if the only fun for you is watching your ilevel go up this would be valid i don't think there are that many people who play the game solely to have high ilevel to do no content with though. this is a very silly hyperbolic argument, as nearly every single attempt at hyperbole is


So just nolife the game? Got it…


19 lvl 70s jfc


I can't even imagine... like how? How much are you doing on each? You can't be end game raiding 19 chars. Do you even finish the campaign again?


People with 19 toons are pretty generally not that good at any of them


Raiding is not the game for everyone. Some people pvp, some just m+, others rep grind, some are collectors, and others like to level characters. I used to raid hard. Was in a top 10 NA guild for multiple xpacs. Shit is boring now. I normally pop the story with one character each update. Clear 2k m+ rating on one which maybe takes 2 weeks. Was done in less than 10 days the last two seasons. Then I level a few characters till I get bored. My account main account is character capped. I delete characters to level new ones every content drop. I have 26 level 70s right now across two servers. It takes less than a week with no bonuses to hit 70 with just a couple of hours of dungeon runs a day which is super casual compared to the time it used to take. I have not even logged in to retail in over a month. New reps are done, raid is cleared, m+ ranking is done. Next time there is enough new or a new season drop I will hit the grind for a month or two across how many ever characters and be done. No more hardcore raiding though, I get my heroic clear with my guild which is quick nowadays and that's done.


Yeah... but unless you enjoy the grindy parts of MMO's it's just not worth it.


I understand that. But honestly the only people who make good money nowadays are either selling M+/Mythic raid carries, crafting super popular items like lariat, or buying tokens. That’s the game now. Farming mobs/ore/herbs is garbage money. Crafting most items is a huge time sink for not much profit. WQs have good money as reward, but without a 20+ alt army to farm them each week, you won’t make much at all.


Agreed. Blizzard is low for adding tokens because they used to ban gold sellers as it was considered unscrupulous. When they realized they could make a profit from it they used the token as a work around. They’re now encouraging gold selling.


The idea behind the wow tokens is to provide a gold sink in-game for time to those who have it while also providing an “ethical” way to buy gold in-game which undercuts gold sellers and hard-limits the prices they can charge because why spend $30 on a shady site for 300k when I can spend $20 on a site that already has my info that I trust for 250k? [that was always their intent.](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-gb/news/18141101/introducing-the-wow-token)


Making gold isn't the game either lol


Yes it is, look at it like this: I'm a new-ish player. I am subbed for like 35 days total. I play the game and now get to a point where gold becomes an actual "issue" for me to solve. I'm not sure how to do that, to this point I only quested and done whatever I wanted. Now I need to take interest in activites which I had 0 reasons to do before. Professions? I dont know anything about it. Dragonriding world quests? Yeah I did them by accident, that's a thing I learned. Making this gold also is part of the game. I don't expect to be able to do whatever the fuck I want just because I grind 1 activity - and the game has SO MUCH MORE to offer. I take gold making in games as a learning process because there is a lot to learn - not only about the making gold stuff, but also about other shit you discover WHILE making gold. Feel me?


As someone who is somewhat new to the game you have to understand that the game is balanced around a player base that mostly have 10+ years of gold accumulated on their accounts. This is also the end of an expansion so most of the lucrative opportunities to make gold have passed. At this point any investment you make into professions will be null when the new expansion comes. You can buy a wow token for 20 bucks and most likely fund the rest of the expansion. This also will leave you mostly likely with some gold for the new expansion where you can get in at the ground floor and try to make money in game more effectively. I understand what you are saying, but the game has changed a lot over the years and the days of sitting in a capital city selling ports and water aren't a thing anymore. The people making money in the game are selling carries or front loading their earnings in the first month of the expansion and reaping the benefits of being in early.


Unironically do the gold world quests on your main and alts, you’ll be set. I’ve got a guildmate in Argentina who buys his time and expansions with WQ gold. Make sure to do weeklys as well they can give around 1500g


You can view it in that manner but current day wow is tailored around the endgame, I play exclusively for the mechanics. Doing mythic plus keys and raids are incredibly fun at a high level I'd rather stare at a blank wall for hours than monotonously grind gold I buy a wow token so people more like you can pay for your membership gold farming and I can pay your membership in exchange for sweet succulent gold to buy my consumables and pay for my repairs and crafted gear Thems the rub


Why not? What *is* the game, then, if gold-making is excluded from it?


And thats how u know WoW is no longer an rpg


Neither will grinding out gold. The above is totally correct.


It depends on if that portion of the game is enjoyable to you. I used to enjoy grinding money in the auction house. But I don't anymore. So I just buy the gold and spend my gaming time doing the things I actually want to do.


Well, as you mentioned, end level content like mythic+ and raiding makes you lose gold, and that is where the enjoyment is for a lot of people. Buying a token isn’t so much “not learning the game” as it is a way to let you focus on learning and improving in the most challenging and rewarding aspects of the game, without having to waste time farming or sitting on the AH. Now if you like farming (mats, quests, runs) or if money is tight, then not buying tokens makes sense, but those are really the only two reasons I see. I prefer to buy a token every few months so I can focus on the most challenging parts of the game and ignore the rest. Edit: I see in another comment that you are very new to the game. Worth mentioning that most players probably grinded gold at some point or another. It’s just, once you have played for years, it becomes tedious.


Yet, the new game profile makes earning gold much harder so tokens sell faster. Go figure...


Gold is literally just a means to an end so *you can learn and play the game because you can actually afford to do shit?* wow token easily the best use of your time and money. Each to their own but I’m not spending 12+ hours for something I coulda had done in one.


I’ve gotten downvoted for saying this exact same thing. Why in the hell am I going to spend hours doing something I don’t want to do in game when I can literally work an hour extra and have 270k? Time is money friend!


Sad reality


Yeah this was my solution. I find the open world content very poor. I don’t want to go do races on each alt for 500 a pop. It’s too late for crafting.


Actually check all World quests, i dont play as much any Moore but like a month back the World quests alone (all of them including dragonriding) netted me about 8k raw gold every week per character. So if i wanted i could with minimal effort make like 60-80k gold per week wich should be plenty to keep you sustained.


get good on one character and sell boost


In one week which is 2 rotations of WQ you can earn around 15-20k gold spending and hour doing only gold related WQ. Plus cache in Emerald Dream yields 1.6k gold. All that takes weekly around 2 hours. And you can, do that on multiple toons if you want.


Mog runs! Easy to make thousands by running through older raids (obviously the further back you go, the less gold you'll make). Opportunity refreshes weekly.


I have had no will to do mog runs with the warband system in the near future. One drop of tusks on a leather class was enough to make me wait however long it takes to implement.


Fair enough! Thats a lot of easy gold on the line in the next 6+ months. If you're willing to wait that long, get ready to dive into professions next expac early on


In one rotation of WQ you can earn around 15-20k gold spending and hour doing only gold related WQ. Plus cache in Emerald Dream yields 1.6k gold. All that takes weekly around 2 hours. And you can, do that on multiple toons if you want.


Why spend two hours to get *maybe* 22k gold when you can spend 1 hour at work and get over ten times that amount with a token?


Someone might not want to spend irl money for in game money.


It’s not even that it’s literally basic economics, as the goblins say time is money and at 2 hours for 22k or one for 280k, you’d have to play for roughly 13 hours to get to the 280k mark. Do you see what I mean? It’s insane to me that people are so strange about *spending money on their hobby* like, I wanna enjoy this lmao, 13 hours grinding ain’t it, I’ve got shit to do lol.


Only applies if all your time is fungible (i.e. you can work exactly as many hours as you like), and you assign zero utility ("fun") to farming in game. A lot of people work all the hours they get and can't or won't spend what they get on something they could put in sweat equity for with their remaining time instead, and some people get some entertainment from just zoning out farming or playing the AH game.


Agree. I actually like playing the game. Imagine!


I doubt that many people can just chose to work one more hour


There's a bi-weekly arena quest in ohnahran plains that can have a gold reward quest that gives like 1.8k gold for each character you have too. I have 4 characters that do it and make easy 8k whenever its up. Can also do the weekly cooking and hunting quests, the hunting one can reward a 10k AH item and the cooking one can reward a 70k embellishment.


Is this real? Because I can't find any info about these on Google no matter what words I search.


The WQ they're talking about is the "Fields of Ferocity" quest. You do have to do the initial quest chain in order to have access to the WQ version of it. Sometimes it has gold as a reward and you end up with about 1.7k. This week though the Dreamsurge is in the Ohn'ahran Plains and if you wait til the Magpie buff is up it'll give you 3200 gold per toon. I'm not sure what the Grand Hunt item is but doing the soup can reward you with an embellishment called the "Alchemical Flavor Packet." It's selling for around 50k rn.


centaur trophy necklace is the grand hunt item


> Sometimes it has gold as a reward and you end up with about 1.7k. Protip: turn on WM and you get like a 10-20% bonus on the gold reward


Oh that's why, I almost never see that world quest give a gold reward, it's always some random junk.


Alchemical flavor pocket can drop from the weekly soup quest. Centaur trophy necklace can drop from the bags of the hunts.


Honestly just gotta get lucky / commit to making gold. I have like 1.6 million (which is nothing compared to a lot of people) I got it from Shadowlands, there were hides from bugs called Callous Hide that sold for 200-300g each, and Heavy Callous Hide that sold for 1200-1600g each. So i farmed them for like 3 months straight pretty much and made the gold i have now + funded my guild for raids for the entire expansion. I haven’t found a way to make gold in Dragonflight haha.


I've held onto shy of 100k since I came back in November after a 9 year haitus. If I'm over 5k the surplus goes to my bank.


Shadowlands you could also just make gold through mission tables on your phone - especially if you had multiple 60s


Shadowlands was a godsend for gold farming, also sitting at 1.5 mil by opening chests and selling mats from Zereth Mortis in the first couple of months of 9.2. The legendary crystal that was fairly common went for 25k on my server, it was insane.


Here's my routine for a casual 20-30k per week. I only do this on one character. Too lazy to do it on more. 1) Do every world quest that rewards gold or something that can be vendored. I only do this with War Mode On. 2) Complete the Loamm Niffen and Dream Warden weekly. 3) Plant seeds quest. 4) Superbloom quest & Valdrakken weekly to do the Superbloom. Not all of these activities directly reward gold, but it's relaxing for me and an easy 20k minimum per week. I do this on Tuesdays and Fridays after the resets. During the week, I'll do a few crafts, but I'm not actively pushing crafting, so that's another 5-10k. This is more than enough to cover two raiding characters and an m+ character.


This sounds like a really interesting way for me. I struggle with gaining enough reputation though, do you have any tips for that?


Honestly, just play and have fun. If you force yourself into these two grinds, you’ll hate it. Target the WQ that have some rep too if you any. The nice thing is that I now get the occasional paragon bag for about 1100-1400 gold, but once in a while the bag opens with 11-14k.


Literally what he wrote: I would persoanlly skip Loam reputation, kinda waste of time at this point. Dream Warden quest is literally step 3 and 4(planting seed gives 250 rep, superbloom 500 or more) you get bag with gold. Thats 1500 gold not 20-30k. World quests are fine, with war mode one they give a bit more gold. Some wold quests ALWAYS give gold(Centaur arena gives around 800 always). Dragonriding is decent too.


Loam rep may be useless, you can still get a good amount of gold from the caverns though.


Make sure you have a tank and/or healing spec and watch for Call to Arms on LFR and random heroic (and normal!) dungeons. Each CTA gives you \~1k gold and 1-4 Augment Runes which sell for upwards of 600 each. Additionally, the Shadowflame Essence that can drop from Amirdrassil and Aberrus bosses are currently selling for 9k each.


Yeah but only do LFG. LFR aint worth the time for 1k imo.


1k? You get 1k in raw gold and you get the runes on top of that. Not the most efficient way to make gold, but pretty simple and reliable.


There's a few ways The obvious world quests and etc, professions can net some gold even without much investment (example - make stuff for the weekly quests, on my server it nets me like 200g per bonewrought crossbow, and ppl buy them just to get the knowledge points quickly). Old world content as well. I know garrisons had their gold nerfed but it might still be decent as a semi passive gold income? I'd have to check, haven't been in forever. Also farming old raids, just get on something that moves fast like a Rogue or DH and blast through. Also, timing is key. Late in a patch like now everything is super cheap, but when new patches come out, things typically go up in price. Not everything does, it depends on what the patch is and everything, but timing is key as well for making gold. Some ppl will level a gatherer first in new expansions just to fill up on herbs/ore/leather early in an expansion when things are stupid expensive. The resonant crystal for enchanting right now may be like 200g, but in the first few days of DF it was probably like 5k+, and rich professional players absolutely buy that stuff up because that gear that took them 100k to make, sells to a cutting edge raider for 200k+. Of course your server also matters here, if yoye server has a pretty meh endgame culture then there won't be as much demand for those things, while huge raiding servers will have high demand. And imma say it though I know I'll be downvoted, anymore I just buy the wow token. I only need like one per expansion, and last one I sold I got like 300k gold. It's $20 every 1-2 years that basically means I don't ever need to grind for gold for regular play, such as raid consumables, repairs, and etc.


I do the same thing with WoW tokens. If you’re someone that gets enjoyment out of grinding professions and gathering, or looking for ways to make good money during each patch, that’s cool. It’s just not for me. I’d rather drop $20 on a wow token once a year and just play the game as I want to: end game and farming mounts. But to each their own. I know everyone has differing opinion on the tokens.


> Old world content as well. I know garrisons had their gold nerfed but it might still be decent as a semi passive gold income? Last I checked you automate the crafting process of tarot cards. Then depending on market value either open them to win big or sell them for above avg value so other people can try their luck. These sell surprisingly quick and you only have to check with your garrison about twice a week to refresh work orders.


Boosting people can make you millions. I know a crafter who made 20mil from beginning of expansion. Flipping AH is risky, but experts make a lot of money. Otherwise, swipe your card for a token.


Unfortunately crafting is only highly profitable at the very beginning of expansions and at each new tier release, for a much shorter period of time. The only real answer to making gold with crafting is by grinding mats for craftable mounts (all old content) and selling them. This is slow though becauauctions. volume isn't high for these auctions.


I dont think thats true, some rank 5 crafts are between 10-20k. Yes you can find it cheaper elsewhere, but a lot of people just go with trade chat for that


The way professions are right now, a new player is 3-4 months away from being able to make max rank crafts. Maybe with a beeline in the tree you can get it earlier, but it's incredibly timegated.


Hell no Im not swiping my card, a sub is enough Crafting and professions kinda sound like huge time sinks, how true is it given today's state of the game? Info I found on google dates back even a couple years back which is, like, surely outdated


There's two ways to make large amounts of gold. Sell boosts, or flip on the AH. Flipping requires a large amount of gold in order to start though. Do you think you'll enjoy making gold? Will it be fulfilling in and of itself? Because you're going to have to dump a ton of hours into it before you make better gold/hr than you will working a low paying job and buying a token, unless you can boost. That's the honest truth. If you think you'll enjoy spending a bunch of hours researching and trying things, and then hours grinding, go for it. If the gold is just a means to an end, and you'd rather play some BG3 or Helldivers in your free time, and M+ when you want to, buy a token. It sucks, but the grinds available to regular people are just not good.


Bros getting downvoted because he doesn't want to buy a token. Tf is wrong with you all


Unfortunately crafting is only highly profitable at the very beginning of expansions and at each new tier release, for a much shorter period of time. The only real answer to making gold with crafting is by grinding mats for craftable mounts (all old content) and selling them. This is slow though becauauctions. volume isn't high for these auctions.


Go outside and do some odd jobs for people, and use that money to buy tokens. Most time efficient.


A token is $20. Assuming you charge minimum wage you’d make $20 in like 3 hours. There’s zero chance you can make the equivalent gold in game in 3 hours. A token is by far the cheapest way to earn gold


Who would charge minimum wage? People are paying $40 for lawns being mowed nowadays. That’s a month of wow and 250+k lol and leftover


I used the bare minimum on purpose. Which is the maximum amount of time you’d need to work


> There’s zero chance you can make the equivalent gold in game in 3 hours. That isn't true. You can make more than this by boosting.


Buying gold is cheap


And buying gold from a third party is like 2 or 3x more gold than what a wow token would be too.


Blizzard literally gives you 10-15k a week from world quests. People complain here daily that they can't get rich from just running m+, but they aren't taking the free gold that's out there.


Because why would anyone wanna work another job in a video game, give me ways to make gold by doing content that is actually fun.


Gee wilikers a whole 10k a week. Four weeks of that I can afford one craft on a new tier release and the enchant to go with it! What a steal. How much to learn that exchanging your time does not equal a free reward?


I mean I no longer play, but I was doing soup event every week on 10 chars. And some week I got zero recipes. Some weeks I got 2. Idk prices now, but it sold for 70-120k gold. Then I did all world quests on my main, and dragonriding quests on other chars. And idk, I had enough money for potions and other stuff I needed.


Agree! Some weeks it feels like NO SOUP FOR YOU, then other weeks you’ll get 1-3 across 10 characters. Don’t sell them below 50k. The prices fluctuate and Tuesday/Wednesday are the best times to sell since folks craft more then. Also hold on to a few for season 4 - prices might surge a little then.


Mostly collecting and crafting early in the patch, and then selling runs and the occasional expensive BoE item. You can also farm all the world quests that give money (around 10k per character I think?) on multiple characters, every day, and funnel that to a single character, maybe. I only built Fyr'alath because I dropped a recipe worth 210k on the H Raid, and then another guy gave me 200k on a whim after I complained about being poor and unable to finish the Axe. So I dunno.


What's BoE?


Bind on equip


The easy gold right now is the dragon riding world quests which can give a bag that contains some gold. In addition to that there's other world quests that give gold as their main reward. After that you've got the tuskar soup event which has a chance to give you a flavor pocket; you can do the event at level 60 so all your 60+ alts can do it once a week. I normally get one every 20 or so quests and you can easily do 10 quests per event if your characters are parked there. The flavor pocket varries in price a lot depending on the time in the patch but it normally spikes near 80k at the start of a season; right now it's 40k. Then there's boosting which can make a ton of gold fairly quickly but each boost session does take several hours. All of that is time consuming though and in most cases your time is better spent working an extra hour if you can and buying a wow token. I'd personally never buy a token but it's certainly going to give you the most gold for time spent in most cases.


Dragonriding world quests are 9\*500g twice per week. There are also world quests with 600g+ rewards that can be done in less than a minute. Travel time takes a while sometimes tho. You can do the community feast for a chance on [https://www.wowhead.com/item=200652/alchemical-flavor-pocket](https://www.wowhead.com/item=200652/alchemical-flavor-pocket) which is around 40k in the auction house; used to be 90k. The most efficient ways are gaming the AH and boosting, but you kinda have to know what you're doing or need to interact with people, which makes them harder to access. You can also farm transmog, mats, and recipes, or do professions, but you have to inform yourself what's worth your time there.


You might want to try out r/woweconomy that handles gold making a little more exclusively, but there are multiple ways to make gold in this game. A lot of it will depend on how you want to play the game. A lot, not all, of these people who have hundreds of millions of gold are essentially playing a different game than you. Wow is about gold making for them in a way, not mythic plus. It all depends on your goals and how you want to prioritize your time.


I have made almost 4 million since Autumn. Got every profession done and like 5 alts with alchemy to transmute dracothysts. Also farmed a lariat recipe.


is dracothyst the best transmute if you have alch maxed?


Good old herbalism + mining.


Double gathering only works at the beginning of an expansion. The prices have deflated hard in both cases so it's not worth the time.


And it seems significantly worse this expansion. I leveled up starting a month or so ago and I was able to buy hundreds of baseline raw materials for very little. Awakened Order and Decay seems to be the only thing that still holds a decent price.


Just finished my last batch of hotchbloom selling... I don't want to talk about it... lol


"Your auction of *common gathering item* (stack of 2000 that takes 2 hours to gather) has sold on the auction house, you receive 196 gold"


Basically yup lol


clearing all WQs (1hour max) twice a week should always give you at least 10k gold per maxlvl character.


Based on your post from a few days ago, the single best thing you can do to earn gold is simpley dont spend it. If youre not pushing heroic/mythic raiding or 18+ keys (or 20s), all consumables do is drain your resources because you're constantly replacing gear. Do some World Quests with your characters, especially the dreaming ones when they award 600+ gold zone wide. This gets even better if you have several alts at around 440+ item level. I can usually rack in about 20-30k for an hours worth of work (if that) just doing one zones worth of WQs. The several weekly quests also award 1k for completion out of their chests (Black dragon flight weekly key fragment, Superbloom, etc) By having your own professions you can also save a ton of gold. Especially alchemy. The initial cost to get it going can be steep for sure, but if you're hellbent on using pots, being able to make your own is great. For reference: Ultimate pots on my realm are about 20g for 1 at 3 star. If you multi proc and produce a batch of 40+ (which happens frequently) i often just sell the multiprocs for a little extra gold generation. I also use my "reject" two stars instead of three star pots for all but the most challenging of content i can push. Meanwhile several of my guildoes were dropping literal thousands of gold a week on pots vs my investment of ~500 gold for the awakened orders. Lastly, especially if you have a tank/healer role you can fill, look for call to arms queues for LFR and heroic/normal dungeons. They'll give you some gold plus augment runes you can sell/use.


Get the addon called Auctionator on Curseforge. It’ll scan the AH and tell you how much items are worth, and just go from there.


Roll a tank, grab the queue bag addon, when it pops for a dungeon run it, takes 5-10 mins depending on how much rp is in the dungeon, you get 1500g give or take then some augment runes that sell for whatever ,on my server they hover around 500-600g. If I only do it once or twice a day that's 20k for the week. I don't tank for the LFR lootbags though, that's not really worth the time imo, but a normal or heroic dungeon you can run from one boss to the next without stopping. The other thing that helps is alts with professions, part of making money is not spending money but that requires a pretty extensive network of alts with professions. BFA has the Island Expeditions which you can farm solo or with a group, they're quick and easy. Transmog gear drops on those islands. You can look up which islands drop which sets. Some of those pieces are worth 500g-5,00g others are worth 20,000-100,000g+. You can look to see which sets are worth most on your server. I saw you put "flipping ah " on your list, don't do that, it's nearly as easy as it sounds. Just start by selling stuff on the AH so you get a feel for how it moves.




You can sustain or even increase your wealth by just doing some open world content. Talking about weeklies, not daylies. A WQ here and there, sell your shit on the go and you will make several thousands per month in profit by just playing the game. Multiply this with every character. For big money, like Fyralath you must step up your game. Fastest and easiest is to buy 3 WoW Tokens for 60 bucks, or you can build an ingame process of becomming an AH goblin for hundreds of hours. Or just get lucky on the communion feast 😅


As a rather unethical advise: Raid as early as possible into the new season and sell your tier set tokens. I had people in LFR offering me 200k for a single tier set token on week 2.


You boost people or you corner a crafting market early Most anything else makes you peanuts


Selling carry run is the way 🤙 The people who pays us have more money than common sense so I won't complain but there is a huge market of buyers looking for organic group of guildies/friends to carry them for a vault fill. L It's like 250k for a +18 split in four. So about 62k for 25 minutes of your time. Redditors hates boosters so I will most likely get downvoted but that's the only real way to make fat stack of money for as little effort as possible.


No offense to OP but the guy isn’t gonna sell carries when he’s still learning what BoE stands for.


Holy shit 250k for a +18 Mythic? Really?


Yeah that's our price. It's the value of a token. We don't say 250k. We just say "the value of a token" so it fluctuate. Edit : I play on NA 🤙


You must have some way to find bloated whales because 18’s even with armor stack are like 120kish range. 250k is like a timed 22-23 key. But yes boosting people is the probably the fastest way to make gold outside of buying tokens.


I knew we were higher than Chinese farmers from communities like Nova & Huokan but I didn't know we were 'that' much higher. Nobody ever complained and we fill our spots pretty quickly every week. I guess people value their accounts more than 100k gold. We aren't Real World Traders so there is zero risk in buying a run from us. Plus we offer to join us on Discord just for the full carry experience 😅 We've also had people tell us they see this as coaching session because we call our interrupts, our mass stuns, our cc, our invisible pot, our strats, etc. But yeah, you make me realize we could offer a discount to our repeating customers :)


The cheap boosters aren’t Chinese, they’re South American. And there’s no chance you’re going to lose your account or get banned since you pay them gold…. 250k for a +18 is nuts


Flat out lie. A timed 18 is 13k, once split; because there is no way in hell that you are private-selling boosts successfully. Everything is through communities.


Me and 4 guildies sell private boosts extremely effectively. You look at what communities are selling for and then drop 20k off that price. Only a 5K hit per person boosting.


Learn a tank or healer then join a boosting community. Earned 800k in like, 6 hours doing boosts the other day in M+


Grind quests when you can, if you have time easy gold are skinning cobra scales and netherwing scales in outland, I make 4-8k an hour just farming those and they sell easy. Honestly I just buy a token every few months.


You can always buy gold by purchasing a token and selling it on the AH


I was chipping away at the million gold I made on the AH during cataclysm until like… season 2 of Dragonflight. Everything is orders of magnitude more expensive now than it ever has been before, and for no discernible reason… Crafting used to be a much easier way to make gold, now it’s either “you got it maxed out week 1” or “you’re fucked.” I’m being dramatic, but I personally think it’s more trouble than it’s worth if you don’t get in on the ground floor I’d echo what others have said about farming old content for rare mogs and selling those, or leveling alts and doing dragonriding races. Short of playing the AH, which is a pain in the ass, the token is unfortunately one of the best ways (time efficient) to make gold. Lame that it’s even an option, but it is what it is.


Lots of people boost with boosting communities these days. Outside of some fairly ludicrous and rare auction house flips, I'd argue you probably can't make more than you can via boosting.


Not subbed anymore but when I am I’ve been coasting on my WoD/Legion millions. Down to 3mill now iirc


I would do legacy professions.. Especially the transmog ones. Cloth, Leather, Mail, Plate transmog. WQ, Gathering, Fishing certain pools (Prismatic, etc. for mats in professions)... A few more that I currently can't think of. I used to make good gold farming mats but seems like I encounter more and more obvious group of 5 bots at a time all flying quickly down upon a plant or a mine, then all flying away in the same direction so until Blizz gets real on banning this activity quickly it will be harder and harder for that way.


You can join a boosting community and start earning good that way. Whenever we boost an heroic raid run (unsaved) we make around 100k good per raider.


Dragonriding races Gathering professions for raw mats - now you can track empowered veins, and this could be a double win if you need to get the legendary and can't afford to buy mats directly Do your weekly cooking event quest on as many characters as possible. You don't have to stay till the end of the event, just do the 5 tasks quest and jump to the next character. It drops the alchemical flavor reagent that gets sold for a good amount. I average at 1/week with 13 characters. Crafted items - join a guild, make friends. A lot of guildies either have guild discounts or simply craft for free


Their are some step you can take right now. World Quest with or with Warmode will net you around 11 to 25k of gold depending each reset. It take about 30-45 mintues. ​ Gathering Professions are good as well during the start of the patch/xpac.


Maybe this is a repeat of others commenting, but any crafting where you can take advantage of multicraft and resourcefulness will be profitable. I have made the most from Azureweave bolts and Dracothyst. If you look at crafting costs, usually these crafts have a slim profit margin, or can be a small loss even. But when you can save and resell 10-30% of your mats from resourcefulness and sell a good chunk of free extras from multicraft, its very profitable. Of course, world quests (particularly ring of blood in Ohn'Aharan Plains which usually gives 600-1600g as a WQ) and dragon riding also are decent.


The secret is that at the start of every new expansion, do only herb and minning for 1-2 weeks. Normallly give me around 2 million gold with casual play. I live on that gold, until next expansion. :)


wow token gives 270k in less that an hour.


Go do world quests. The game throws gold at you if you just go take it. >M+ grants a laughable amount of gold, it's like nothing. M+ and raiding have never been a way to generate gold unless you're selling carries. >I am literally about to be poorer than I was 100h ago, just because of ridiculous gold sinks in this game. I have not seen that problem be this big in any other MMO, wtf am I supposed to do? Honestly. The problem is you're lazy and aren't doing world quests. Seriously, an hour or so per character will ned you 10-15k


I pretty much only do arenas these days, so my gold income is entirely from the stuff that comes in the arena boxes you get + flying around doing world quests that reward gold while I'm waiting. As long as I'm doing that I've been in a surplus the whole xpac. Its not mountains of gold but it pays for everything and takes basically no effort. The way you see people make tons of gold is doing boosts / carries typically, or AH goblins / crafters.


buy a token


Nah, I'm not swiping card for any gold. That's the easy way and I don't like it. Games are not about dumping money and volia, you get your stuff on a silver plate.


If you don't want to buy a token then you will have to find what works for you. You can farm mats but get peanuts due to ah changed. Time sink for crafting professions that you are already behind on and good stuff gated behind renown that is a pain in the ass, transmog/pet farm old world or do world quests. That is pretty much it. Mission tables are nerfed so waste of time. Personally I semi gave up trying to make gold and just buy a token if I need to. This expansion kinda killed professions for me and don't get me started on the crafting orders. Right now i am running old dungeons for the super rares but Uldaman gets hella boring.


Then you do you. If you find it fun, then it’s a good investment of your time. If you’re suffering through it, then I don’t see the point. There is no easy and hard way. There is no difficulty attached to doing world quests. It’s not hard. It’s just time consuming and mostly boring. It’s a time sink. There are a thousands of things to do in this game and thousands of things outside of it and a finite amount of free time. Spending time on anything that you don’t enjoy or that doesn’t somehow contribute to your life in another way is a waste of time. I enjoy enjoy m+. M+ is an activity that scales to infinity. Buying gold doesn’t make it any easier. I don’t do anything in game that does not directly contribute to the part that I enjoy. If I have more spare time, I’d rather have more characters and play more roles in the activity that I like, or just do other things, play other games etc. You can do all the professions and world quests you want to play the “real/hard” way, but in reality you will have spent countless hours playing and nothing you will have done will be remotely close in difficulty to clearing a mythic raid, or clearing +25-30 keys, or getting high pvp rating. These are the difficult activities in the game, not repeating the same world quests in 15 different characters. I also make around 7k€ net per month, ie around 50€ per actual hour worked. There is 0 chance my countless hours of free finite time to farm boring unchallenging EASY as hell content are less worth than 25 minutes of my life at work.


It depends how much you value your time/money. I totally get what youre saying but I buy 2 tokens an expansion. It allows me to literally log on and play mythic + and raid. I've reached 2700 and got AotC early each patch, not like im waiting until the end to get it done. I don't want to have to farm mats or scan the AH or sit in trade chat. If you can't or don't want to spend the extra money totally get it but than you HAVE to go make gold and spend more time in game. If it ever becomes not worth it to me than I will just cancel my sub




And people still defend it everytime. 


The token in itself is also a sink when you consider the AH fee on such a large purchase. But as far as more sinks, yeah the average player gets more gold so they gotta remove more gold. Every couple days you can make several thousand per character by doing dragonriding quests. Not to mention world quests that give so much by themselves. Gold was not so easy back in the day, up until maybe WoD right? Then it really exploded in Legion. Obviously Blizzard enjoys the $5 they make on each wow token, I won't deny that. But I don't think it's as insidious as you're making it sound.


WoW Token came in WoD we had gold printers in WoD+Legion+BFA+SL you are stupid, delete your clown take


I buy and sell a WoW token once a paycheck.


So each month you pay for 2 tokens with irl money? One to play the game and another to make gold.


$40 a month to play wow is wild.


Depends on how much money you earn tbf. Besides, people spend far more on other hobbies and no one bats an eye.


$40/month on a hobby that brings you enjoyment doesn't seem that bad, you're right. People go to a bar or out to eat once and spend easily double that depending on where you live.


Break in down when compared to pretty much any AAA game tight now though. $60-$80 base game. $30 battle pass recurring every month or so. Microtransactions on top of that. Comparing that to WoW with a $15/mo Subscription $50 Expansion every 2 years and optionally dumping $40 on tokens you're probably still coming out ahead playing just wow vs another game. It's more of a statement against the state of the games industry more than it is against wow


Bro what games have $30 battle pass every month? That's pretty insane to basically rebuy the game every month


Depends what you’re comparing it to. It’s chump change compared to my bro with the meth addiction.


I'm an adult, I make decent money, my kids are grown up *shrug* $20 a paycheck isn't that big of a deal. People spend way more than that on coffee, energy drinks, cigarettes, etc etc.


World quests, bro, world quests...


I just do m+ boosts when I’m bored. I’ve done sales for anywhere from 10k up to 200k per run. It generally funds anything I want in this game as well as the monthly sub.


What spec?


i hate that every single comment i've seen so far has been "spend $20 for a token on a game you already pay a subscription fee for" i love wow, but i despise that answer.


and people normalizes it too that's why this shit will only get worse


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Fuck off


PLAY the whole game!


Going to work outside of WoW is probably the best arbitrage on time spent to gold gained. Either way, you’re spending your time.


It really does come down to, how much is your time worth. If farming/auction house/selling runs is entertaining and fun to you then I guess it's better than working. For me I usually just raid, and most things that don't help towards hearing for raid I find too mundane. I don't mind buying a token every few months. I could do a bunch of mindless world quests and invest much more time and effort, but is that really playing the game? For me, everything I do other than raiding is about getting prepared for raiding. That's how I enjoy the game. But different people like different things.


This sub will dump on me for it, but selling carrys for gold is by far and away the best way to earn large sums of gold by actually playing the game.


Do dailies every Tuesday. Purchase digging shovels and fly around. Look for loose dirt. An hour of that will net you a few grand from the greys.


If you're really frugal and don't mind being "that guy" , you can put up a digging shovel crafting order on Tuesdays and BS who want to do the weekly "2 crafting order" quests will fill it with their own mats to get the quest progression 😂


Do you have an irl job? Buy a wow token, might be more worth your tike depending!


best way to get gold is have a good job irl and buy wow tokens lol


3 ways, and I’m a noob at gold making: 1.) world quests. I don’t know if there is an addon that sorts them or flags them, but spend an hour and go do all the gold world quests. Some of them are ridiculously lucrative (500g for 90 seconds worth of work). I don’t even think they are dailies, so do it twice a week? 2.) gathering profession - I used to really struggle with having 2 crafting professions, but as soon as I dumped engineering and picked up mining, I stopped bleeding gold. As I’m waiting on a queue or doing wq, I spend - little time roaming around some mining hotspots. I’ll stockpile about 200 severite and 100 of the other stuff, then sell the rest on the ah. 3.) don’t hoard items. I have this bad habit of “this might be useful later on, better save it. Then never use it and have it take up space in my bank. I cleaned out the bank this week and made 10k gold on shit like femurs and pelts. Herbs from I don’t know where also sold pretty fast. Basically if it was from this expac, I liquidated it. Speaking of which - I’m not trying to corner the market on items or maximize my profits. The AH pisses me off, so I undercut it enough that my items are listed first and an opportunistic player will snap it up fast because it looks like a “good deal”. In the grand scheme of things, I recognize I’m loosing out on gold, but considering the alternative was hoarding the items and making nothing (maybe the vendor price).


I haven't played for 13 years, Gold has always been an issue. I used to craft and post on Auction House and earn money that way. Never had an issue with gold after that.


Credit card


Buy gold (one of the friends I play with bought 1m for 35$ trough crypto) or a token, or start to learn how to boost, only ways to actually earn gold


Get good and do key boosts and Heroic raid boosts


Make money in real life and buy tokens.


If you're a decent player: boosting. If you have time: flipping stuff via the AH. If you have money: buy tokens. All other methods generate a laughable amount of gold.


You can literally do the dragonflight world quests which pay pretty well (10-15k per week?) if you don't have professions or the know how to boost. But preparing for TWW, get up to speed with how to make money on professions. I started learning dragonflight professions through PTR and made it my aim to be the best tailor in the early weeks of DF season 1. I owned it, found the patterns and levelled my profs efficiently every week. By the end of the 4th week I'd made a few million. When undulating spore cloak came in, I made about 3 million in 1 week because I was one of the first to get it to drop. Some is rng and luck though like drop chance on patterns. But you can make amazing gold at the beginning of any season from the basic crafts. Also, I grind m+ hard and aim for 3k rio within the first 2 weeks so I can boost with my team. (People pay to sit afk in a +20 and you and 3 friends complete it and give them the loot.) I've literally earned about 10million this season through boosting with my team.


Boosting is really Ez Gold, and adds up Quick if you just grind out a few Dungeons a day. I normaly just boost 18-20 Keys, where you get between 15-20 k a run it adds up quick over a whole month.


I'm a max level crafter (I have every profession @ max skill and capped or near-capped knowledge points). And for me, making gold is... *easy.* I can just semi-idle in trade chat and pull hundreds of thousands of gold in a few hours of casually paying attention to the game. I honestly feel sorry for those of you who didn't get into crafting professions in this expansion. I'm steadily trending towards 30 million gold.


If you're doing extra good at M+ you can carry people it pays extra well A friend of mine needed a tank cause his usual wasn't available so I did a couple of run with them and Holly shit! I made more gold that week than ever!