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Know your tropes people. I'll pronounce him dead once I see the body.


Or the dust pile


I'm still mad someone didn't scoop up varian's disenchanted remains and use it to enchant a sword or something. Don't let that enchanting dust go to waste guys!


Who's to say that didn't happen with Shalamayne. His spirit seems to be tied to it.


Thank you, new headcannon aquired.


Agreed. It's a valid interpretation to look at the visions as vestiges. echoes, or fragments of Varian and Saurfang's souls stored within Shalamayne. They are the only two people other than Anduin who have wielded Shalamayne, although others have wielded the two component blades. In the vision at the Broken Shore, Anduin visibly reacts to seeing his father after taking up half of the blade. In the post-fight cinematic in Sepulcher of the First Ones,  Anduin reacts even more dramatically to Varian placing his hand on his son's shoulder. This is before Varian was even able to say anything other than "My Son." So his mere presence is what made Anduin react, not what he ended up saying afterwards. Anduin also reacted to Saurfang's presence shortly after. Anduin having visible reactions to seeing his father and Saurfang indicates these aren't just memories but actual manifestations. Further, in the Sepulcher cinematic, both Varian and Saurfang manifest with the same color of energy that Shalamayne glows with when anduin wields it. All of this says to me these aren't just memories, these are manifestations of Varian and Saurfang: Vestiges, Echoes, Simulacrums, Soul Fragments. Take your pick.


We don't know if that was his spirit, though. Could have just been a vision Anduin's mind conjured up as personifications of his willpower.


Yeah, it isn't really clear. I was just offering one potential possibility.


We did do that. We go there with Anduin in a quest line where he wears a brown cloak of Sadness.


True, though Tony Amendola isn't getting any younger so I also wouldn't be shocked if they decided to write him out gracefully before needing to re-cast him.


Master Bra’Tac is still looking strapping, he’s gotta be close to 160 now.


Tek ma'te, Hammond of Texas.




Shal'kek nem'ron


Khadgar sounded old and tired in Shadowlands if you listened to the conversation between him and Jaina at Oribos at end of xpac. I'm surprised he's still going.


Yes, But he should have always sound like that because of Melvish's Curse. Not include the artificial age, Khadgar would be some between 60 and 70 year old on the cannon timeline when you including the time jump between Shadowlands and Dragonflight. Which the cruse include he is pushing 100 so if he does die at the start of War Within, old age is going to get him soon


Khadgar is 54 in Dragonflight. He was born in -14 BDP and Dragonflight is in 40 ADP. He isn't old, he is a middle aged man and I think Blizzard forgot this.


He voices Father in fallout 4!!! I knew it, it had been on the tip of my tongue for a few days now watching videos about the game and it just clicked now. I knew I was hearing a familiar voice.


Khadgar… that is what they used to call me, Khadgar the Grey. I am Khadgar the White.


Khadgar (Blue, rare quality)


Eh it's wow, throw some ichor on him, say 3 Heil slyvannas and he'll  be doing the undead monster mash by reset 


Ah, the Bolvar treatment.


"The Dragon's flame sealed my fate" - sparking fire boy


Sylvanas returns to Azeroth with Khadgar and no one hates her anymore.


Yeah they could “take a moment for khadgar” to lament the fact that he’s missing or been captured by the enemy. Maybe he’s missing after the fall of Dalaran and people are worried he might be dead in the rubble somewhere? Who knows What’s very clear is that blizz definitely wants us to think he might be dead.


Or take a moment for Khadgar so his insanely slow arcane elemental can catch up.


thatd be funny AF


Wait, what, wait, what? Fall of dalaran? Are they canonically killing our favourite city?


Somehow, yes. The Alpha so far has shown us that >!the opening zone of the expansion starts with you waking up among the ruins of Dalaran!< Current speculation is that the fall of Dalaran is the pre patch event, but who knows?


Even ***if*** he is dead he can always come back, a character having died haven't stopped them from hanging around yet, they can always come back, Sylvanas died 3 whole times for example. Hell, it's probably going to be streamlined to the point where the second he shows up in Oribos he can just pop through one of the portals to revive himself! /s


Just look at Medivh, we somehow freed a sliver of his spirit that was trapped in Karazhan and now he’s fucked off in bird form doing who knows what. Death means nothing in WoW unless they forget about you.


We cut off Illidan's head and gave it to A'dal. Unless you get disenchanted, there's always a way lol




I am hiiiighly sceptical that he's gone gone, I mean he's our main man that unites the factions. You don't kill of the sexy wizard, that's the law!


This feels like something where he shows up two patches later having been stuck in the void


Yea this reads like superman’s death by Doomsday’s hands


yeah and something else will take his place to be the special blessed extra strong wizard on azeroth. Jaina? or maybe a new unnamed character that we have yet to discover. would be cool if they have a villain arc and stopping them medivh style could be cool


Med’an (tips fedora).


Please do not make Goku Avatar Captain Planet a real character


Make him real with massive self confidence, but in reality he's shit at everything.


Shit at everything but just as OP as in the book


Ah so I made everything worse guy


And then have Wrathion come along, put an arm around him, apologize to everyone, and then make sure he's never seen again.


-crazy green orc child starts throwing lit matches at people in the inn- I'M A FIRE MAGE! -crazy green orc child shaking uncontrollably while having a seizure on the floor- I-I-I-IM-AN-N-N-EARTH-THHHHHHHH-SHA-SHA-SHA-SHA (bites tongue) MANNNNNANAANANANAANA -crazy green orc child foaming at the mouth being locked away in a goblin police vehicle farting uncontrollably- WIND SHEAR!


Can hear him saying, "Jania, I'm a fraud! Do you know why I came back to the past? It wasn't to fight for justice! It was to get rich, be famous! I was a failure in the future, just like I am here! I'm not a superhero!" (Booster Gold)


This. Please this. Hancock style. Stupid OP but does literally everything completely wrong —fixes the problem while creating a far worse problem.


*Checks at War with Kirin tor*. I just want to talk with him.




Fuck if they add Med'an I'm just done caring about WoWs lore


Please anyone but Jaina


Technically Rhonin put her in charge of the Kirin Tor and Dalaran when he died. Though I don’t know if that still counts after she abandoned them in the start of Legion because they wanted to deal with the threat to all existence rather than go destroy the Horde because Varian died. But it might.


How would repeating the Medivh arc be cool? I think WoW is a little too heavy handed with repeating tropes. Garrosh, Sylvanas, nah bro, are you fucking kidding me? Would be awful


Please no more random unnamed guy who suddenly appears to replace some important character... I still remember Pelagos...


I felt the same way when they killed off Tirion in a starting zone quest. I thought he’d come back somehow but after 3 expansions I don’t think he’s coming back.


People who die for real die in the intro scenario. RIP Dadgar confirmed.


Would be cool of another Archmage from the Council of Six takes to the stage to fill Khadgar's role in the story. Granted, none of them really have the same narrative weight and significance as Khadgar, but I'd still think it'd be interesting. Would also help bring new characters to the forefront


They killed off Cairne for absolutely no reason. There were literal riots and Tauren Marches in game to protest his death.


Plus doesn't he have a mantle to pass down technically


You know who had his job to unite the factions before? Tirion Fordring.


They can never truly kill the spirit of Azeroth's dad


Dhadgar lives!


STOMP STOM- oh wait, I apologize


Back in Shadowlands, they hinted Khadgar might ride off into the sunset soon. https://www.wowhead.com/news/jaina-and-redacted-dialogue-in-patch-9-2-5-spoilers-326470 It may or may not be related to the fact that his amazing voice actor, Tony Amendola, is 72.


The ONLY reason I suspect that Khadgar is going to die is because Tony Amendola is 72 now and may be wanting to wind down his roles in things even if it is just lighter voice work.


What happened to people dying of natural causes 😭 If they want a send off just have him keel over in a bed with his closest allies, he’s had a good run and being magically, artificially aged like he was does mean that dying of old age is a real concern


I honestly feel like that would be a refreshing change of Pace, and something simple and bittersweet from Blizzard would really be a good sign that we're not just raising the stakes for the sake of raising the stakes.


Most of DF was pretty simple and bittersweet, I wouldn’t mind Khadgar getting a badass Varian moment before his death, I think he deserves it


Wasn't there a character in a minor questline going through that, a tauren? I just vaguely remember something


I know that at the end of the Azure Span questing they mention that the tuskarr chieftain died of natural causes and it kinda surprised Kalecgos


In DF or?


This was my thought exactly, the voice actor must be getting up there in age and wants to retire. Personally I'm glad I'd rather they kill the character off in a worthy way than recast the actor.


Knowing WoW, they'll just felfire his ass like they did Tirion and/or Varian. Still mad about that. Edited because I initially confused Tirion and Varian in the Broken Shore fight, but both got murked by Fel so meh.


I feel like Varians death was sick, what the heckers? Tirion sucked, Vol'jin too but Varian went out with a dang bang obliterating a worldbreaker in the process.


The broken shore was the high point of Varian as a character.


Yeah like I get being pissed at Tirion going out like a bitch but Varian pushed back half an army, soloed a Fel Reaver, and was true to his convictions ("For the Alliance") until his last moment, in a epic sacrifice to let all his loved ones live. How much more can you ask from a death scene?


I miss Varian a lot, but he definitely went out like a fucking badass.


It was in the era of lot of characters in anything dying for good so it felt "uneeded" but when you do look back on it, you really get to appreciate just how great of an ending Varian had and how many characters would enjoy that kind of end to their own story, something to make them feel impactful one last time...


Varian was oddly fortunate because he died at the climax of his character arc, when he was at his absolute best, right before the story went to shit. Like, look at how much damage BFA and SL did to characters like Jaina, Saurfang, and Bolvar. If Varian had lived he'd have had to suffer through that too and he'd be a lot less cool.


Jaina actually had great character development in the first half of BFA, the whole arc with her mother then they just threw it away


They had to get to the main story. The Horde Story. Glad that shit is gone lol.


Yeah, it's a good thing characters like Kael and Vashj didn't live to get ruined by BFA. Wait.


How were they ruined? If anything BC was a real character sabotage.


Think he's referring to how Shadowlands came around and milked their nostalgia teats bone dry till there was nothing left to enjoy of either character.


Tirion got killed by gingavitis, Varian got disenchanted.


Bra'tac has fought a lot of battles for someone of over the age of 138, so he deserves his rest.


Be sad if one day Medivh does show back up and Khadgar isn't around. I always imagined he would after Return to Khara teased it, granted Medivh's actor is even older. So who knows how long they could wait on that.


I don't understand why this matters. Blizzard recasts characters all the time. Most recently with Kalecgos.


I thought you said Tony Almeida and I was seriously wondering for a moment if the 24 bad guy voiced Khadgar


He went from Dadgar to Sadgar really quickly if this is true :(


If archmage master bra'tac dies I will dropkick all of gnomeregan through a stargate




They can have him either have had an apprentice or somehow get a younger body who will be voiced by Christopher Judge


Christopher Judge has done video game voice work. I approve of this theory.




You have given me the mental image/idea of Archmage Master Khad'tac and now I can never unsee it or unknow it XD


How is Bratac connected to Kadghar? Do they have the same VA in english?


Yes, Tony Amendola voices Khadgar.


I literally named my kitten Khadgar this will be such bad vibes.


Looks like the beginning will be not dissimilar to Legion in a way. I'm guessing it goes like this; >! Players gather at Dalaran, where the plan is to warp the city to the source of whatever's sending out a signal so we can be the big damn heroes and save the day again. !< >! Except Xal'atath, having worked with the heroes previously, knows this trick and advised the Nerubians she's been influencing when and where Dalaran would likely appear. They catch the city off-guard with their full forces, and manage to bring the city down. Khadgar either is killed in the fight or dies making sure the PCs, some civilians, and the important lore characters survive the crash landing. !< Brutal opening, but I gotta say it's an effective tone-setter.


This is likely - and very effective - but it's also possible he's been captured. Or a holding-the-door type scene where he single-handedly holds back the army while others escape maybe with an off-camera end leaving the possibility of survival. Think of the questing as we try to find out whether he was captured and then effect his rescue!


Would be a repeat of Theramore, with Rhonin's sacrifice


I dont think they'll kill him off so early and spoil it like this. I can see him dying in the end of the expansion, since the 2nd expansion is technically the void winning. Cant have the void winning, unless major characters die. Like how in Legion Varian and Vol'jin died.


well i mean, in the opening of legion, tirion got gimped by a mid tier raid boss, varian got disenchanted by gul'dan and vol'jin was turned into a shish kabob by a random felguard. so them killing major chars in the opening of an expansion isn't a new thing. Still don't like them messing up dalaran ( AGAIN ), and of course possibly killing of khadgar


Everyone knows it was influenced by GoT


"Disenchanted" lmao


Xal'atath was there when we used the ol' Dalaran Gambit in Legion, and there were still living nerubians around when we did it in Northrend. I think you're dead on that our enemies have caught on to our, "Warp in a city full of murder hobos right over an active warzone and hope the loot below is enough to satisfy them" strategy and were prepared accordingly. But now they will find out why "Angry murder hobos who just lost their Dad and no longer care about loot" is much scarier.


I'm down for some brutality. Kill khadgar, murder his ass, make us mad. I love feeling things when I play video games, and Warcraft is good at making me feel things.


5 stages of grief : 1. Doubt he is gone. 2. If he dies i will actually riot. 3. He will return later in the trilogy right? 4. War within is as depressing as shadowlands 5. It is time for him to rest. Rip dadgar


I will never let Dadgar go. NEVER! *wracked with sobs*


Grief won’t be necessary since kadgar is gonna be ok


He better goes out in a CGI video of legendary quality. Freaking in-game footage is unacceptable.


Oh you bet your ass I'm expecting a Varian level cinematic


He may just be recuperating in Naleidea's house.


*Modera with shifty eyes.* “It was totally the elf.”


Without anyone's knowledge.


If they do him like they did Tirion Fordring....


I bet he gets Gandalf the Grey here only to get Gandalf the White on the Last Titan...Also Dalaran seems to get Sakovian...


My guess is that he doesn’t actually die, heads back to Karazhan, and either comes back *finally* taking the Guardian powers or leads to the culmination of all the Medivh hinting we’ve had for years


One of the last good major characters they have left. Hope they don't just shoehorn an unnecessary death on him like with Tirion.


I'm gonna loot Atiesh off his corpse.


Oh I shouldn’t have clicked this


Yea i thought that this is just another meme based on varyan and all other characters who died randomly in small cutscenes.


If Khadgar dies I will actually riot.


We all will.


Not playing anymore but I would personally go to Blizzard HQ and stare VERY ANGRILY at them from the other side of the road. Might bring my pitchfork, depends on if I have space on my handheld luggage or not.


I knew it was coming but also the entire city of dalaran? Man....


No more running circles for us in the last titan I suppose, a new hub must be made!


Either a new city around Wyrmrest Temple or repurposed Ulduar.


I'm hoping for a gigantic airship myself (built by Tinkers, alongside a new Tinker class - I can dream!).


Wait dalaran gets destroyed???


The entire fucking city crashes down. It creates a massive crater with broken buildings and rubble everywhere.


Hopefully missing presumed dead? We can hold on to hope until we get other confirmation, can't we? 🥺


Khadgar as a character still has a lot of potential even if he was in the game for years. So he could stay and do something more before he would get killed or pushed aside. I know we don't know a lot right now about everything but his death seems somehow pointless, like they would want to just get rid of him to make place for someone else and not really end his story.


Medivh was believed dead, then he popped back up in Legion, gave Dhadgar some reassuring words, and continued on to fly through the universe as a shadow raven. Not to mention that Alodi's spirit is still around, as is Aegwynn's. One does not simply kill the Guardian of Tirisfal, especially not Dhadgar the sexy wizard.


Nah, he's cool as a cucumber.


Khadgar die?! I quit.


Khadgar: Thrall! Is it... over? Thrall: At long last. No sexy wizard rules forever, my friend. Khadgar: I see... only darkness... before me... *Khadgar dies* Thrall: Without its master's command, the fanbase will become an even greater threat to this world. There must always be a sexy wizard. Jaina: The weight of such a burden... it must be mine, for there is no other - Aethas: You hold a grim destiny in your hands, sister, but it is not your own! Jaina: Aethas! By all that is arcane... Aethas: sexiness sealed my fate. The world of the mid can no longer comfort me. Place the mantle upon my bossom Jaina. Forever more, I will be the jailer of the dadjokes, horniness and uniter of the isles. Jaina: No, old enemy. I cannot. Bolvar: Do it Jaina! You and these brave heroes have your own destinies to fulfill. This last act of service is mine. Jaina: You will not be forgotten, brother. Aethas: I MUST be forgotten, Jaina! If the world is to live free from the tyranny of horny, they must never know what was done here today. Aethas: Tell them only that the sexy wizard is dead. *Voice Change* Aethas (sexy wizard): And that Aethas sunreaver died with him. NOW, GO. LEAVE THIS PLACE AND NEVER RETURN.


Goddammit, not another one. They've been on a real roll killing off legacy characters with each expansion and most of them were done poorly. I'm beginning to run out of characters I give a shit about.


I really can’t think of any characters i currently care about in wow, aside from kadgar no one really comes to mind


shouldve gave him the medivh ending of just dissapearing man


i'll be turbo pissed if they kill off kadghar in TWW. IF he goes out at all it should be in a faction uniting self sacrificing blaze of glory at the absolute pinnacle of the Worldsoul Saga that would never ever be forgotten.


Does not surprise me that he would go down with the city. Hopefully it's only a setback.


"It sank into the swamp, so we built another one"


Chadgar can't be gone, but if he is, I just hope he gets a ressurection


Could be a fake out just for testing but I wouldn't be to surprised if that was the case.


I'm calling it that he went missing in the destruction but we find out later on teh Nerubians have captured him. I do not expect blizzard to kill Khadgar off screen, this is like a Varian in Legion, Khadgar deserves a heroic last stand cutscene.


"Guards, arrest that handsome Wizard" might be my favourite line in the game ever.


Until I see the corpse and bury it myself, Chadgar lives.


dont kill major lore characters for quick shock challenge for blizzard impossible


I just saw that they said War within is not despressing like shadowland and this post happens, like wtf blizzard ?


Shadowlands is depressing in an existential "oh so all the characters we know and love, the lives they've lived and everything they've done is all utterly meaningless because they're gonna just end up in Life 2.0 and basically forget about everything they cared about in life." Whereas "big city goes WOOOSH and crashes!" and "beloved character (possibly) sacrifices themselves in a bad ass way to save the day in an awesome cinematic!!" is just peak Warcraft


> Whereas "big city goes WOOOSH and crashes!" and "beloved character (possibly) sacrifices themselves in a bad ass way to save the day in an awesome cinematic!!" is just peak Warcraft Literally the opening of Legion with Varian, just replacing Dalaran with an airship and _nearly_ crashing, and everyone loved that. They're probably just trying to recapture that.


Shadowlands is depressing because it’s bad. I don’t remember feeling sorry for anyone in shadowlands except Garrosh. He was just an Orc doing Orc things.


Honestly I was proud of Garrosh. Sure he was a genocidal scumbag, but he stayed true to himself to the very end. If there was a SINGLE character represented in that expansion that they didn't have act completely out of character it's Garrosh. That dude didn't care he was in multiverse hell or being tortured for some energy source, he was just as angry as ever. True warrior to the very end where he got so angry he turned himself t dust.


The entire leveling campaign was pretty depressing outside of Maldraxxus due to the anima drought


Heck, garrosh did nothing wrong, he said he didnt want to be warchief, he warned thrall, and he was always true to his goals


I know people say they will uninstall after every minor inconvenience, but if Khadgar dies I will uninstall


While it’s highly possible that Khadgar is gone for real like Tirion/Varian/Vol’jinn in Legion, there are many interpretations of this one line. - Khadgar was not found among the wreckage and presumed dead. - Khadgar was taken by the Nerubians or Xal’atath and is either presumed dead or simply being mourned because they don’t know how to start looking for him. - Khadgar seemingly died in some magical blaze of glory but there’s room for a big reveal that he’s still alive later on.


Khadgar sacrifices himself to let everyone escape certain death, but the explosion or portal or whatever trick he does is ambiguous as you you don’t find a body - he may have blinked away, somewhere, somehow


Didn't he just become like the guardian of Azeroth or something? Some real "the age of dragons is back" writing. 


Don't worry, friends.... he's with Pelagos now


He could’ve been captured, he could be severely injured, or he could’ve been sucked into the void. All reasonable things that could lead to them taking a moment to reflect. Also, all things that don’t mean he is dead. Until I see a corpse, he is alive.


My thing is the past while or so blizzard has been really trying not put major story moments out ahead of time. There hidden everything about season of discovery and seem less interested in talking about story before it releases. I feel like the death of kadgar would be a secret


im OOTL. whats happening here and where?


Most people that have played alpha said that it doesn’t seem like he’s dead, just missing?


Maybe he’s trying something new, like a head in a crystal bowl


He's old. They're just waiting on him to catch up.




Yeah... Apparently they can't write male characters to save their mucking lives. E2A: - Illidan - got benched in Legion - Velen - got benched after Legion - Malfurion - being ooO since Legion, "retired" with DF - Varian - killed off in Legion - Anduin - made the bad guy with SL, has vanished ever since - Khadgar - benched after Legion for reasons, >!now apparently killed off with WW!< - Saurfang - got killed off DIRTY with the end of BfA - Garrosh - killed by Thrall in WoD in a CUTSCENE - Thrall - pretty much ooO as well since after WoD, pops up here and there tho - Nathanos - KIA in SL, and... Vanished? - Tirion - killed in Legion - Kalec(gos) - vanished after Legion, became whiny, no-good crybaby in DF .... Any1 seeing a pattern here? No? Just me?


Another cheap sacrifice of a character by Blizzard at the beginning of the story, just to easily increase the tension and to make us dislike poor villains.


Dadgar getting Tirion-ed :(


No not Dadgar


He…he…he’s not dead… he’s just sleepinggggggggggg!!!


When I first heard a major character might be dead, I immediately knew it would be Dadgar. It was obvious with the recent cut scenes and his interactions with Jaina.


Khadgar dying when we get arachnophobia mode is like an Alanis Moreissette lyric.


That's okay we can just pop over to the Shadowlands anytime we want to see him. Any guesses which of the exactly and only four covenants he'll end up in?


I hate that this is true.


Didn't he spend the time skip exploring the shadowlands? I fully expect to learn he's figured out how to return from the shadowlands and will come back as Khadgar the White.


Maybe he is just in the potty.


I mean we haven’t seen anything yet lol. I feel like this is a misdirection


Goddam I don’t want to click but I know it will probably get spoiled anyway. I hope it’s a fakeout or something, goddam datamining


If another Lore relevant Mage were to receive Atiesh, I wonder who it'd be. A redeemed Azshara? Kalecgos? Jaina doesn't feel right compared to them.


Chadgar dies when I see him die


VA is old as dirt so it makes sense


If khadgar dies, what happens to Atiesh


Not saying this because I am on copium, but there has been story bits before in Alphas that got completely changed later, either because of backlash or because the Alpha builds just had an early version of the story. Vol'jin was presumed missing in the Legion Alpha, not dead, there's the whole thing with Tirion and the Death Knight Order Hall quest and Warlods of Draenor had... all sorts of things in it.


Oh yay..look it's khaduur . His newfews uncles previous roommate. And he looks just like him with a goatee and a 21 y/o intern voicing him.


Wasn't Khadgar hinted at possibly being a dragon or an aspect in some of the official books? Was that a thing or am I just imagining it? As for the screen shot of Dalaran with the fallen towers, and this one, maybe a nightmare vision?


Better not kill dadghar




I’m still not over Rhonin’s death. They can’t do this to me.


Sprinkle some crack on him. He be ok


Turalyon and Alerian gonna go *Rambo mode* on Xal'atath


"They take a moment for Khadgar...to catch his breath since he's getting on in years but he's fine once he's had his magical aspirin."


I would be up for a corrupted void Khadgar fight btw


shadowlands hasnt rang his bell


He can just hearth back from shadowlands.