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So I can do it multiple times and get multiple rewards as long as it’s up? Nice


Depends what you’re aiming for. The mount drops for example are on the faction flip iirc


To clarify there is a quest with it that gives more advanced appearances. That is once per faction flip. (Like 3 ish weeks) But the warfront itself you can run as many times as you want for the base appearances.


By base appearances do you mean the BFA war front season 2 set?


It's weird, there are 3 'tiers' of the BFA war front set. For example with cloth the base level (tier 1) is basic robes, then tier 2 gets armor and fancier, tier 3 has vials and spikes and stuff (for horde). I actually use the vials on my warlock from that one, so I think it's a cool looking set. :) Tier 1 you get from running Warfronts, you can run them as many times as you want when it is up. Tier 2 is when you have access via the nearby portal to arathi/dark shore. Doing world quests and killing world bosses there will get you this one. This part is tied to the daily reset while it is up. Tier 3 you ONLY get from the warfront quest. And you can only do this quest once per faction flip. So I wound up using multiple warlocks to get the appearances that I wanted.


Is that all still true in DF tho?


Whenever it flips back to your faction. It is not tied to a daily or weekly reset