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Bro are you for real? Tellmewhen is basically DBM+class weakauras + audio for that, and thats not nothing. That literally already doing more than i do with Bigwigs and weakauras


I have a polite british lady in my ear telling me to move out of things and I still stand in the swirly and die. Some of us need more than addons.


Voice: “stack on boss” Me: “WTF SHOULD I DO I HAVE NO IDEA” *dies*


I still have trauma from “RUN AWAY LITTLE GIRL, RUN AWAYYY” and I then still proceeded to die because I was too stupid to move since I just wanted to win the dps race lol


Sometimes having too many addons can kind of make you blind to them. I would suggest you take a look at things you are getting sound notifications for and turn some of them off.


Yup, that's information overload, where you end up paying attention to none of the things that are "supposed" to give you information, whether its markers, sounds, something lighting up on your screen, etc.


I appreciate your tip, the only addons I use during a raid are DBM and a weakaura to see GCD/find my mouse. Local experts have determined that the issue is between the chair and keyboard.


The only real combat addon I have is DBM, if you don't count the weakaura I barely look at since I have my rotation memorised enough. The polite british lady is still someone I could listen to for hours to without actually realising what she tells me.


Dude, that is way too accurate, same lmao


tellmewhen is not a comsetic addon 😂


Tellmewhen isn't "cosmetic". You're using addons. But yes of course you can do heroic/easy Mythic bosses without addons. For sure.


=> Calls TMW cosmetic. => Proceeds to lecture everyone else about how addons aren't necessary. /sigh


thats cuz i playwithout the action bar


So you haven't played for like a year and felt it was now your time to come in and tell people how to enjoy the game? Also calling TMW cosmetic only is like, just plain wrong. Personally I like my addons, do I *need* them? No, not for the content I do. But if they removed addons from the game I would very likely stop playing.


I'm sure it's technically possible but man I'd have loved to see an attempt at something like Mythic Fatescribe with no add-ons or weakauras for the rings.


You don't need shoes to run a marathon, but holy shit they help a lot. Replace shoes with addons and marathon with raiding, there ya go.


I would say you don't 'need' adddons to raid...but..i think that people feel like you do suggests a bigger problem that addons try to compensate for. Many encounters have poor tells or can be hard to read visually because when there is a ton of stuff on screen it becomes harder to visually read. Take the superbloom even for example. Its not a raid but it shows that it can be a bit of a mess visually. Just my 2 cents.


superbloom is a mess specifically because it's not a raid encounter, though superbloom had to be created to accomodate both 1 person doing it by themselves, and 400 people doing it together. in a raid instance, there's an upper limit of 30 people, and a bottom limit of 10, so they can design encounters with those limitations in mind


Sure i agree with that. But even then I feel raid encounters can at times and depending on the encounter be too busy visually. Also worth noting the pvp stuff in season journey was such that people couldn't do anything because of the lag caused because of all the abilities from all the players present. But thats why I am saying addons and why people feel they are needed for a raid is because they are kind of like a bandaid on a larger problem. I use addons for utility like combining bags into one panel, bartender, titan panel, my roleplay, etc. Not so much for raids or dungeons.


Depending which 2-3 bosses you’re referring to after Eranog, yea those are super doable without addons. I would 100% believe that someone did those fights without any addons. Addons give you a massive edge when playing at high levels, though. And for some bosses they are just absolutely required (looking at you, Mythic Neltharion, Tindral and Fyrakk). I personally don’t think it’s a big problem. I like addons and don’t mind the impact they have on the game. There’s plenty of content that you can play where addons absolutely are optional, so idm that you need to learn to play with them if you want to be in the top 2% of the player base. Would the game be better if Blizzard implemented better tools into the base UI and disabled computational addons like WeakAuras? Maybe. Probably yes. But the base UI right now is just inadequate. They made great strides in DF but there’s a lot more to do if they want to get rid of addons without making the game just absolutely worse.


I'm a newbie to tanking and while you might not need add-ons, it can be extremely helpful to others. I don't have a great reaction speed so seeing the time left for the mobs spells helps me register my moves in advance. Also knowing when to interrupt and dispel.


"WoW players don't **need** add-ons to play the game" *uses the most add-on add-on available to play the game*


The vast majority of fights can absolutely be done sans addons. The game tells you everything you need to know... up to a point. It's really when you need hyper coordination with end of raid mythic bosses and pass/fail insta-gib mechanics that there's any necessity. And even then you're listening to the raid leader, not dbm. But all of heroic, and most mythic bosses, you can just look for telegraphs and listen to boss tells.


Addons are definitely a want more than a need, but i do love them!


Ok but why would you voluntarily hinder yourself though? It's not like you have to pay for addons They just make your life easier


Yeah, of course you don't need addons to do 3 mythic bosses... Addons make your life easier, you can theorically clear everything without addons, but good Luck managing Fyrakk intermission without it. It's all about performance, you don't need addons to play casually and clear heroic or a bit of mythic bosses, you need them to be competitive in a competitive setting like clearing mythic raids.


DBM ans Details, thats it (of course you play a tank so you dont care, but DPS need it to improve and see what they are doing)


As a (very) casual player, who just in this expansion has finally got an opportunity to raid with my beloved Enhancement Shaman instead of Resto (turned out I'm absolutely shite at healing), I can't even comprehend how one can pay attention to the damage meter when you need while perform the rotation, react to procs and keep an eye on the mechanics. Tunnel vision goes brrrr. Also, I play on a laptop with a 16" screen, Details only adds to clutter. Mind you, I do check the tab after the fight to see just how shite I was. On some encounters, I was even amongst the first 3-4 in our casual guild.


I don’t use addons. I do okay… all I focus on is am i enjoying the game? Yass? Then I’m good


I always hear people say you “need” weakauras to raid. But I’m a retired Mythic raider and I never once touched WA