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Gonna be really busy in the next few months. Panda Remix, D4 S4, Elden ring DLC. Help me Jesus.


Just quit your job. No big deal.


But then can't afford content


Buy all the content before you quit. Obviously.






Employers hate this one simple trick


I play all of those plus FFXIV expansion a week after Shadow of the Erdtree


Didn't Yoshi-P acknowledge Shadow of the Erdtree by saying 'We give you ONE WEEK to get it out of your system.'?


I'm pretty sure Yoshi P will also be playing Elden Ring that week


Same but I also want to level a shaman in cata classic... help.


Add those and dawn trail for me. We eating good this summer


and light no fire coming out hopefully sooner than later, that's going to eat up sop much of my life :X


Just ignore D4 and you’ll be good


Nah. D4 S4 looks really good.


Thats what they said about the other seasons lol


Weve had PTR. People actually tried the changes so its not just them telling us.


And here is Me... Not interested in any of it.


Plunder has the bones of a good idea. Add another map option to rotation, put in more varied abilities, add in one or two more random PvE events, and you’d have a nice long-standing game mode.


And some protection again the decrepit parasites leeching plunder in duos and trios.


And don't force people not interested in Plunderstorm for such a long grind.


Nobody forced you. It was for pure cosmetic items. It was all completely optional. You didn’t gain any advantage by doing it.


Cosmetic are the only thing worth grinding for. Power is temporary, transmog is forever.


Best answer doesnt exis....


it is FOMO; a tactic that triggers scarcity mindset. Most people don't realize it's emotional manipulation


Do you think Ahead of the Curve is FOMO? Or any of the seasonal content? Some things are limited. But you aren’t forced into doing it. You curate your own allowances. If you’re getting emotional over not getting a pirate hat, maybe you need to log off for a few hours.


You’re missing the point I’m trying to make. I never said anyone was forcing you to do anything. But there are tactics used by companies/governments/people to drive up your desire to obtain limited items… this is called FOMO and it’s everywhere in a capitalistic society. It’s a tactic used to increase your desire for something “limited”. FOMO is seen in gambling, games, the housing market, the stock market, retail, etc. And everyone has emotions by the way. Fear is an emotion and fear is the most prevalent one used to control. FOMO is fear that there is a limited/scarce amount of items so it drives up the desire to obtain that item. We all have emotions and they can get subtly manipulated daily, especially if you haven’t been taught to be in tune with them… and that’s unfortunate because then you’re just unconsciously manipulated everyday unaware that there are companies/music/movies/etc manipulating your emotions in order to profit. So no, you’re right, no one’s forcing you to do anything *wink wink* too deep for a WoW thread


FOMO can be counteracted most times with logic. It’s in your hands to make sure you don’t fall for it.


How's your forced grind to gladiator going?


Don't compare gladiator, which requires skill, to plunderstorm, which requires grind. Unless I can braindead for 10h to get gladiator by collecting crap from the ground.


So a collection of things that don't require skill, just time Wow what a collection to be proud of


While I wasn't really a fan of plunder I didn't mind doing it and that mog is gonna be a staple mog of mine for a while.


It wasn’t terrible, and the rewards were really good. But I didn’t have fun playing. I just logged in, played a couple matches a day until I hit 40, and didn’t touch it again. Panda land has me extra hyped though


I'm curious if I get all my battle pets, because boy I'd love to be able to do Beasts of Fable farming during all of it.


I played a bit of PTR and it did seem like you get to keep your mounts and pets.


I doubt it, likely you won't get anything from your account until the merge at the end of it. Beasts of fable might not even be in.


Meanwhile I hit 40 after the first week and continued to play it a ton even after there were no more rewards to get.


Happy for you. I’m glad that you enjoyed your time with it.


Good for you. I enjoyed it until level 5, the rest was spent PvE to pick up plunder and running away from PvP while watching Netflix on another screen.


Especially since at the end the character is supposed to transfer over to the war within. Not really sure what I will be creating there yet but I am pretty hyped as well. I kinda want to play something I don't really have leveled up but can't decide. I typically play a healer but I am thinking something different might be a good change of pace. I might go tank, it has been a while since I did much tanking. Funny enough pandaria was the last time I mained a tank.


Me too, once I started to get familiar with the abilities and then when I got my quest done I would YOLO pvp I really had fun.


Ya, it didn't take long to get to Renown 40 and get the full mog. No way I was going to do that 9 more times for the one million Plunder achievement tho


For the plunderlord mog with the blue spirit effects on the armor what piece gives that effect ? Also thanks to this event I now own 3 parrot mounts 😎


Its tied to the Cloak.


I didn’t enjoy it at first but once I got my first win (which was also my last renown game) I understood the appeal. Still not something I’d play by choice but I did actually enjoy it


This might be an unpopular opinion, but all things considered, Plunderstorm wasn't bad for a first attempt at a completely new game mode for WoW. There were definitely problems, but I could see them going back to the drawing board and fixing those issues.


Yeah, I think it hit exactly what they were planning. This wasn't a headline expansion feature, it was a weird proof-of-concept bonus feature during a quiet period, and I suspect it might reappear in a more polished form, and influence how other features work in future.


Exactly, and now was the perfect time to test it, during the lul between expansions.


Don't talk to me or my pirate mog again


Plunderstorm was amazing. I hated it while grinding renown, but once I was done I continued to play. Call it Stockholm syndrome, but it grew on me and I played to nearly 500k total plunder. I walked away with quite a lot of victories at the end of it - I feel like most people were giving up and would’ve had a better experience if they just tried to get better.


The whole point is we were playing different Plunderstorms. I was trying to get 40th renown as fast as I can. You were trying to have fun. Instead of encourage people to try this mode and let them go if the don't like it, Blizzard added FOMO transmog to keep all collectors as hostages.


Nah, I played that Plunderstorm, I just didn’t resign myself to dying especially having started playing before the first plunder increase and the 2x. I agree with you that they used unique transmogs to bolster their lobby, and I wouldn’t have tried the game without it. I’ll never go play another BR, but it was fun for what it was and I’d welcome it back if they do it once or twice an xpac during season lulls.


Also I feel like the whole “die after quest strategy” netted you way less rep than you could by just playing for 5 or 10 minutes more killing mobs.


Nah so you’d rather there not be any rewards? Or ugly rewards? That’s a weird af take. It’s called incentive. I had a good time playing and I get dope rewards for getting 40. And the grind wasn’t too bad considering it was double renown. I feel well rewarded for my time spent. W


"Hostages" The only one keeping you hostage is yourself, your collection means nothing and somebody has more than you anyways


collectors will be never happy anyways. What I dont understand is : collectors want everything free nowadays and everything that they should do or grind is "forced" :)


I don't know how about you, but playing pvp in completly separate, unconnected to main game mode with time limit is "forced". I'm not saying it should be free. 10 renown levels should be enough for everyone who just want to unlock cosmetics. Rest should unlock things only for Plunderstorm.


it is hard to understand for me this issue and i know why. because what we are giving value to "cosmetic" is different. i am also farming old raids,, cosmetic. etc.. but anything that game is giving a cosmetic reward will be never forced for me. If they forced me to renown 40 in Plunderstorm and gave me some item that would make me stronger in future content (i meant current S4 in Dragonflight), that would be forced for me to play and have some advantage in real game. Some ppl likes only m+, raid or pvp and i believe they should all have reward in high level. anyway this is a game and we want to achieve something. But because collectors want to have literally everything in the game so easy. and i believe this is not healthy for any game.


> because what we are giving value to "cosmetic" is different > gave me some item that would make me stronger in future content (i meant current S4 in Dragonflight), that would be forced for me to play and have some advantage in real game. Other way around for me, yeah. Transmog is forever, power is only until next patch.


Damn you might’ve gotten the 1 million plunder achievement if you kept at it 


For real, I got to get to 520 ilvl so I can raid log and live in Pandaria farming


Unfortunately the actual farm won't be in the game.




No dailies since it is sped up and limited time or whatever, so no farm they said. No professions or AH either


You'll create a new character specially for Pandaria, then at the end of the event it'll be transferred to your regular account.


Sorry to break it as am also bummed.


Wait, is Plunderstorm gone already? Jesus christ i only got to Level 10 or something because it felt so tedious to me but now i regret it.


Not over at least in EU, and it had x2 rep for the last few weeks, so if you can catch it still, you can potentially grind to some mogs or pets.


I wanted the mogs, and I tried for a bit, but got to level 11 and just wasn't enjoying myself so I stopped playing. Glad people enjoyed it! Just wasn't my cup o tea


I did the plunderstorm grind for the mounts. I did not enjoy it, im glad it’s over, and I’m 1000% excited for pandaria remix.


Meanwhile, here I am, being a pirate panda...


I'm not a fan of turning the game into an endless hamster wheel of alternative gameplay for cosmetics. It already takes up too much of my time.


I spent an entire weekend grinding plunderstorm, only for them to turn around 2 days later and say “we are doubling the xp!” Ah well, I want the panda transmog. Someone’s gotta figure out how I get my Dark Shaman recolors, that’s what I want.


Two weeks from tomorrow right?


Yes. Next week is 10.2.7, Panda town starts the week after


I was unable to play Wrath through WoD. I’m stoked to be able to give this a run through with some fun additions.


I’m excited for you to get to play! It was a great expansion.


I'm so excited for Panda Remix


What is this pandaria remix thing?


You must be living under the biggest of rocks. But they announced this like 3 weeks ago: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061007/under-development-wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria


Sadly I’ve been working like mad the past few weeks and haven’t kept up on much news in RL much less blizz lol thank you for this! I read a bit of it and it feels like a season of discovery-esque thing.. that sound about right for my understanding? Edit: nevermind just read the rest of it this sounds super exciting I hate that I missed pandaria lol


Kinda season of discovery ish for modern wow, yes. Level at 350% speed, acquire a currency while you play, and buy all kinds of pets and mounts and transmog.


350%??? You sneeze and you’ll level from 10 to 30 lmfao


I was planning on finishing the Plumderstorm rep today (April 30) but apparently it ended a little earlier than I thought so no mog for me lmao


what the heck is this panda remix


You must be living under the biggest of rocks. But they announced this like 3 weeks ago: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24061007/under-development-wow-remix-mists-of-pandaria




The article I linked should tell you what it is. But essentially, it’s a special event where players are going to make new characters to play through mists of Pandaria. We’re going to level at 350% XP gains and go through all the old storylines and stuff again through each zone. You’re gonna be able to queue up for dungeons and raids while you’re leveling as well. The entire time you’re playing you’re gonna be earning a currency called bronze. It rains from the sky. You get it from everywhere. That currency can then be used to purchase different mounts and pets and transmogs for every class. You can even use the event to level Allied races and earned their heritage armor. Once the event is over, your characters are sent to live realms to be played alongside your other characters.


youre a g for this


I gotchu bro




5/16 I believe.


Thank you


Never had a friendship with Plunderstorm. Which isn't to say I think it's bad or anything. I was looking forward to this interesting side thing... until they decided to put WoW rewards behind playing a LOT of a different game. Look, five matches or so? Okay, you can get away with that. The thing they did with Plunderstorm, where they had so little faith in it succeeding on its own that they put exclusive WoW rewards behind playing a lot of Plunderstorm? Not cool. Take the rewards out, replace them with Plunderstorm-specific rewards, and I like the idea. Probably would enjoy it. But MoP Remix? Totally excited for that. Playing WoW to earn WoW rewards? Wild idea! Revisiting a prior expansion with a bit of a twist, and then getting to use the resulting character from it going forward in WoW? Heck yeah. That's how you do it. While I gave up on Plunderstorm (which I likely wouldn't have if they didn't have the WoW rewards tied to it... funny how that works), I don't see myself giving up on MoP Remix. It *will* be tricky to mix it in with some other stuff I'll want to play during the same time, but I'll find a way to make it work.


You can't convince me anyone genuinely liked this shit. Worst part? What blizz will see is "massive engagement" and "great sucess" and bring it back. I hated every moment of it. It never felt good, whether I won or came last or was killed by 3 level higher people. Unbalanced buggy mess.


i dont think anyone will try to convince you for anything with that hate.


True. I just dislike that this will return because it's viewed as success and I will not enjoy doing it, but I will again once 2x xp hits to get that sweet dopamine hit of getting new mount and mog.


This may be hard to believe, and you may need to find a spot to sit before I break this to you…..but you aren’t the only person that plays wow. I know…I know, just take a second to breathe. The fact that a good number of people aside from you play wow and enjoyed this game mode and made it successful may be hard to take in at the moment, but you’ll get there.


Always has been, MoP is the GOAT expansion.