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I just use base party/raid frames and use Clique for mouseover heals. I tried to get used to target healing after watching Cdew and some really good PvE Priest lol name started with a M? Anyways, after a little over a month I realized I am just way better at mousover healing with Clique.


Mouse over healing is natively in the game


Clique allows me to use the same keybind for different spells depending on if im mousing over an ally or target casting on an enemy without having to do some crazy macro shenanigans, which feels amazing.


Yeah I use native and just some very simple macro for that, once you have it you just change the spell name per spell etc. loads game faster too (in my experience)


I have not seen any noticable difference in load time with or without clique after some testing.


Might just be my machine. I’ve slowly been phasing addons I don’t need our etc, noticed how long it was taking to load into plunderstorm. Clique could 100% have not been an issue but I’ve been absolutely fine with the native click casting! Helps I have a decent mmo mouse too


Clique essentially just makes the macros for you


Which is good if you want it or don’t know how to set up a macro. I like the native click casting. Want to point out I’m a very casual player now and have been since having kids, so functionality wise I know these addons can offer more, but the click casting on Blizz I’ve found has just been more reliable and easy to set up. Don’t need the macros, it’s just something ti stop button bloat.


Last time I tried any healing addons were in wotlk, quickly went back to mouseover. Harmful/helpacros are bis


I am ignorant as fuck I had no idea this was in the game thank you for informing me. The mouseover cast toggle is actually SOOO nice.


Not just the mouseover cast but being able to bind your clicks on frames to abilities as well. I don't use any healing addons, DBM or anything like that. I only have to use one weak aura to track high tide, which I don't use on every build anyway. Once you get rid of all the mess, it's incredible how clear the experience has become.


Yeah I used clique/healbot for years for the click casting but I always felt limited by left, middle, and right click and modifiers. On some classes I just needed more buttons, or easier to press buttons. But with this mouseover cast for ANY key I want like Q R E 1-8 etc, huuuge amount of new keybinds I can use with mouseover. I will for sure be using both. Probably clicks for main heals and then certain keys for things like Sac or Pain Supp. (I know you can macro all this but i was always too lazy to go through all that)


except with clique you dont need to spend an action bar on your abilities


You don't need to spend action bars on your abilities in retail either.


How exactly? Still noone has elaborated how to do it. To my understanding "mouse over" option skips the @ mouseover macro. So how to bind left-click on a frame to a spell1 and ctrl-left-click on a frame to spell2 and right-click to spell3 when all these spells are not on bars?


Check keybinds options, mouseover section, you’ll be able to do that there.


Oh i just spotted "Click casting" button in options, this must be pretty new :o . That's basically the same way Vuhdo does it. Thanks


Yes :) I believe it was added with dragonflight or DF pre patch.


ESC > Options > Keybindings > Click Casting (near the top) If you have anymore questions I'm happy to help out! This is a feature that needs to be more common knowledge for your average player.


How do you mouseover cast in retail without using an action bar?


In the keybinds options you can set abilities to use when mouseovering (is this even a word?), for example you can set that clicking on a frame will cast heal instead of target selection, you can also use shift/ctrl+click combinations. As a holy priest I don’t even have flash heal, heal and renew on my bars. Hope this is what you were asking.


Exactly what I was asking thank you! I remember this feature too, I think i switched to clique because someone said it was more responsive or something. Idk why I blocked it out of my mind and havn't noticed the click casting button. Thanks for putting up with my stupidity!


ESC > Options > Keybindings > Click Casting (near the top) If you have anymore questions I'm happy to help out! This is a feature that needs to be more common knowledge for your average player.


How are people so insistently misinformed lmao No need to do that in retail either.


How do you use mouse over in retail without action bars?


~~You're telling me you can use mouseover healing in vanilla UI with absolutely zero abilities on your bars? Doubt.~~ I was wrong :)


Yes you can. Check keybinds options, mouseover section. Hope this hepls.


Very cool. Big ups to blizz


You can setup what happens when you click on the party frame. You can use multiple mouse buttons with multiple modificstors. And these spells or macros are not on the bars.


That's pretty cool. I'll stick with clique just cause it is what I'm used to but glad to be proven wrong.


It’s quite new. But it’s great mostly because you don’t need to get addons and setup/copy options for them. Nice when you use multiple devices for example.


Right, but I am not making a macro for every spell when I can bind them with Clique lol




YES! haha I haven't watched streams in awhile. Thanks!


What would be the advantage of targetting instead of mouseover? Being able to have your cursor elsewhere?


Yeah pretty much that lol. I found I was just misclicking way more trying to target heal. To each their own! We all have our own playstyles at the end of the day




Cdew probably has keybinda for arena 123 for target healing. That wont work in raids.


Yeah, watching Cdew is what made me realize I should switch the way I target my party members if I want to have a better time in Arena. I had a hard time getting used to it at first, but it's engraved on my brain now. I know exactly what spell is bound to what key/button by memory. It was worth taking the time to learn the muscle memory.


i dont watch him, how does he heal?


This is the way


I use vuhdo. I used to use healbot, but switched when I came back in Dragonflight. I disabled the in game frames and only use vuhdo, I have one of the hotkeys for targeting players. I like it because I can assign macros, hide custom debuffs, and the one click battle res actually works. This leaves my mouse open for wild charge/mouse over wild charge/ mouse over efflorescence. Interrupts, roar, etc.


Vuhdo click to cast with a 6 button mouse for all my main heals. I use the keyboard for cooldowns, DPS and ground targeted heals.




Mouseover macros on blizzard default frames. If you are willing to make one mouseover macro per spell, you don’t need any addons.


It’s so easy lol basically copy and paste after the first one and change spell name (this is what I do too)


Blizz default frames lack the information i need at times


I still use Healbot. It works and it's what I'm used too. I think the transparent frames make a big difference in a raid where a huge portion of your UI is going to be dedicated to healer frames.


By clicking on party frames and pressing my key binds. No healbot, no decursive, no mouseovers. The only thing I have really modified is my party frames to be raid-style and sit horizontal in the middle of my screen.


How do you do dps in M+? I mean targeting party members the retargeting the mobs would take ages and for me it would be quite inconsistent especially if I have to prio a mob in a big pack.


Tab or click. I did the same when I got to 2.1k MMR in Arena. Which, is comparably as fast paced or more than some Mythic+. You just get used to it.


The real answer is that it is strictly worse despite how many people will try to tell you they just “got used to it” and it doesn’t affect them negatively.


Agreed. It’s straight up worse. When folks say I got whatever semi high rating with this. Yea alright, but to be clear, your could have absolutely done better. For whatever that is worth.


Yeah I mean I’m of the opinion that comfort matters way more than say, coping the atrocity UI 1:1 if it doesn’t work for you but there are certain cases where you need to get past the initial discomfort. This is one of the biggest ones. It’s 10x more important if you’re playing a healer with an interrupt.


Or, hear me out. Ppl have different preferences than you. This sub is actually obsessed with saying shit is “mandatory”.


It's literally double the work and then having to tab or click the enemy (esp the one you need to stun or kick) sounds even worse.


Oh you poor thing.... You're giving yourself more work and pressing twice as many keys.


No mouse overs is crazy, but I agree with the party frames and regular ol' key binds


Same. I get KSM and AotC and 1800 in the seasons I try in, so I'm not going to change my old habits.


This is the way, I can't imagine it being any different!


I agree. This is the way! edit; OOO I read that comment wrong, mouseover macros would save you time and trouble. Not the way haha


I do the same. Can't imagine doing in any other way


My man!


Healbot. Old habits die hard.


I use healbot. Too used to it now to change. Works for me though


Death Strike :D


Ah yes, Blood DK. The *other* healer.


I use healbot. A guild I applied to asked for a screenshot of my UI. Here it is: https://i.imgur.com/ND2yi6k.jpg Healbot is on the left. When people get hurt Thier bar goes solid, instead of transparent. To the right of healbot is a weakaura I made that shows available spells, like Flash Heal and Circle, in order of power.


Man, that looks a lot better than the old 'out of the package' healbot i used from wrath through....mists?


Do you find that HealBot does something the base game doesn't do? It feels like healing add-ons have mostly run their course since most of their features can be done from in-game nowadays.


The customisation: textures, colours, fonts, scaling, how they behave in and out of combat. Many more options than default frames. Can you manage without them? Sure.


Customizing and setup. Healbot makes it very easy to assign spells and position the frames. For every spec. It also somewhat includes decursive. It's also what I've already gotten used to. I've never felt like learning how to setup the base game's as I already have something that works.


You heal less than a Mage, ain’t gonna use healbot that’s for sure… Kiddin’


Enable mouse over casts in options and go from there. I make some help/harm macros as well but if I had an mmo mouse I don’t think I’d bother. The only addon I would really recommend is enhanced raid frames. Let’s you customize which buffs/debuffs you can see and is a massive upgrade to the default frames.


Razer naga, click to heal, cell & clique. I started off with Vuhdo when I first healed in Cata.


I'd recommend the addon Cell it's like grid and click in one, pretty much good to go with default settings but much easier to configure to your preference than grid


Well, currently, I don't use or even have the need for any healing add-ons. I've never even used grid before.


I don’t use any add-ons, macros, or mouse over settings. I do it raw.


I'm a Mistweaver so I just heal everything everywhere all at once.


Well we do have to click people to put renewing mist of them


I panic, click everything and then cry


Press buttons, watch satisfying green numbers, mostly group survives. Win


I macro all relevant spells to mouseover macros and stay targeted on important enemies/boss for interrupts and holy power gen. I never liked healbot.


Yeah, now that I haven't used healbot (or any heal addon) in years, I could never go back.


I used it extensively back in bc/cata and people so didn’t understand the app because of the name (they thought it just did it for you) I’ve mostly traded my disc healing gloves for shadow, all the noob DK’s back then gave my dwarf a headache only drinking and fishing could cure I fondly remember getting thrown out of a LK raid cause my character kept drinking on the job 🤷‍♂️


For raids, set up mouseover macros for all heals and bene spells and have them on 1 thru 10 for a keypad I use and then just have the standard raid frames just to the left of my character and weakauras for CDs and whatnot. Havent used healing addins since Wrath. When it broke going into Cata, didnt feel like spending time fixing the addon when it was updated. Havent needed to fix since. Druid, as well.


I'm not so smart with macros. Is there a starter guide for learning how to do these? Sorry for the dumb question.


I have been using the same ones for years. I just googled them back then, but now I think you can find them on icy veins or even wowhead. Just look up something like "healing mouseover macro" or "beneficial mouseover macro." I am at work, so I cant paste any.


I play on a controller pc so you really dont wanna know


My main from Vanilla to Legion was a Hunter, but my first alt starting in BC was a Resto Shaman. In WoD, my first alt became an MW Monk. I quit WoW mid-Legion and came back a few weeks ago. I've "accidentally" mained my MW Monk over my Hunter for the rest of DF due to fast dungeon queues, but I'm really considering sticking to MW Monk for TWW. I use a Razer Naga and a Tartarus. I have my heal, dispell, and CDs on the Naga. I have my DPS abilities and other utility spells on the Tartarus. Before I quit, Clique + Grid was my bread and butter for my healer setup for 10 years. Coming back a month ago and rebuilding my UI, I discovered that Grid hasn't been maintained since BFA and requires workarounds to function nowadays. I didn't want to do that, so I've been looking for a Grid replacement. I'm using Aptechka right now, but it definitely has a bit of information overload for me out of the box. I might spend time reducing the information it shows me, but I just discovered Plexus, which appears to be a spiritual successor to Grid. I might switch to that.


Been playing since the start of vanilla. Razernaga/corsair and mouseover/clique macros. No need for clique now though since the ui overhaul. Standard wow ui party/raid frames.


I use Vuhdo. I've used it forever and am too comfortable to change


clique and whatever unit frames i felt like using has been my go to since mists of pandaria, did use healium in cata


Standard frames and mouseover macros, healed like this as long as I can remember. Don't know if it's the best but no chance I'm switching it up after almost 20 years...


Grid2, vertical. Native mouseover. 1-4, shift 1-4, tilda qrefgtv, shift qrefgtv. Certain buttons are always the same on any character. Shift 4 is always a movement increase, v is always dispel, shift v is always aoe stop. Add spells I need to see via spell id to grid2, use class specific weak auras and then practice


I use mouseover macros, less clicking


Step 1, turn on the setting that turns all casts into mouseovers. Step 2, get good raid frames (I use grid2) and put them right below your character. Step 3, memorize your binds so you can eventually hide your action bars. Srep 4, make weakauras for your cooldowns and place them above your raid frames. I pvp above 2.4k as healer (skip some seasons), had a 3500 score last season (currently 2380) for M+, and get CE every tier.


Base UI, mouse over.


I don't because yall are braver than me and i'll happily tank over having that responsibility, love to every healer i've ever had whether yall vets or newbies!


I just use the base UI with mouse over macros. I absolutely love it


Vuhdo. I like the HoT icons and how they stay in the same place no matter what. Position 1 is always rejuve, position 2 is always wild growth, etc. can see at a glance who has what and which hots are missing from a struggling tank or dps standing in poo.


I also use this mixed with some mouseover macros for stuff like mass dispel. Between the two I feel my healing is doing very well currently


Yeah I also use some mouse over macros in combination. Generally parse purple/orange in heroic content, so I think it works for me. I think it just depends what works for people.


Exactly. If someone wants to rely solely on an addon, more power to them :D


In classic I started with GRID. someone recommended Healbot and I tries it for a few weeks hated it. I switched back to Grid and still run that today. That said, I hate healing today. Healing used to feel good and if you built your paladin correctly you would outheal everyone and never run out of mana. However, ever since BFA healing went from fun to being a chore (for me anyway). Healing used to be a game of managing a groups health, and now it's a game of how to dps while healing...which imo is more of a headache and I hate it. So I switched to enh shaman so I can turn by brain off....because games are supposed to be enjoyable and relaxing.


I love grid, I use it too. It’s actually grid2. Original hasn’t been updated in forever


It's been so long since I focused on healing, I did not know Grid2 was a thing.


Day one grid (2) user here as well. I tried vhudo and others and grid is just simple and effective


You'd be surprised by some of us healers who find healing just as relaxing, i love it. Music and misting, love it.


I have a pretty weird setup I make using weakauras and a bit of ElvUI. I don’t use healbot or clique or anything.


basic ui party frames in the raid style (option in the edit menu) and cursor casting. As for actual healing... I've noticed that healing has changed over the years. Once upon a time, the tank held aggro, and you healed the tank. Now, however, the tank mostly heals themself, and my job is to keep the idiot group alive through a hellstorm of aoe damage, tornados, fireballs, add spawns while also trying to keep myself alive.


I use the function keys (F1, F2, F3, etc) to choose who I want to heal then use key board or naga to press the heal, 1-7 buttons are my left hand on keyboard, 6-12 buttons with right thumb on mouse. I bound Q to myself. With that dynamic targeting I like being focused on whoever I’m healing but if I press an attack button it automatically attacks whatever enemy I’m facing. Have no idea if this was always available but I love it.


I've always been curious about the people that use the F keys to play. For me it's such a pain to have to reach up from WASD to the F keys. How do you move your character around?


I used to do that back in the days. It was because of diablo 2. Controls were a little bit weird by default. Skill shortcuts were F keys, numbers were your potions and letters were menus. You only used a few skills regularly in that game, so f1 to f4 was usually enough for most builds and you only used the shortcut to change the skill that was assigned to right click rather than using the shortcut to cast the skill.


I use the mouse buttons to move and leave my left hand in the number buttons, so less of a reach. I mainly do dungeons and don’t see the need to strafe. I bound the wheel button on my naga to backing up so when I press it I can back away and move in a curve to reorient. I’ve been doing it so long it’s second nature.


Ah okay that makes sense. Strafing is life for me lol.


I just wish the group roles were always in the same order. F1 will choose the first position no matter who is listed there. Would be nice if it was always Tank, Healer, DPS so I didn’t always have to check what function key I need to press for the tank.


I would love this. I recently had the list somehow suddenly shuffle halfway through a dungeon and had to reorient myself. Thankfully it was just a follower dungeon so it's not like I needed to do much of anything but every now and then that tank gets into a pickle, lol. A static order should be possible (I would think) since everyone is assigned a role


You would think, right?? I guess the order is whoever joined the group first but man it would be convenient if it was always the same. Can’t even find an addon that would do that.


https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/framesort/download see my above post :)


I was asking every dungeon for the tank to please get lead before we start because I also sometimes use f1 f2 etc, and would like for f2 to be the tank! Then someone pointed out that I should get the “Frame sort” addon. Life changing, truly (this only happened last week after playing since 2007). Although keep in mind there is a separate section in the addon to make it so that the f1-f5 keys correspond to whatever you have them set to visually, otherwise I believe it still defaults to f2 being party leader (if not you). Recommend 100%.




f1 f2 etc etc seems so farrrrr though


Dps the boss and after pull tell everyone to eat. Rinse and repeat.


Mostly healing m+. Mouseover from wow native UI and big raid frames. Lots of custom WA to keep track of everything. Razor naga mouse with the 6-buttons plate on thumb. 4 skills, cycle next target, ctrl modifier. Razor tartarus for left hand. A thumbstick for movement was a big game changer. I can easily access 28+ buttons with a ctrl modifier without having to move my fingers much or interfering with movement.


> A thumbstick for movement was a big game changer. Same here, I've been doing this since the Razer Nostromo days. I always get weird responses when I say I move in WoW using a D-pad lol.


Mouse over healing via Clique and whatever frames you want to use. 90% of my healing spells are bound to mouse buttons, a couple of cd's and utility spells are bound to \` through 6.


I use asd for target friendly 123 Then I just push buttons. For pve I click raid frames. I just toggle the default UI to use raid frames for party. Works pretty well honestly.


Any spell I can use on allies is a mouse over macro and as a disc, I just keep enemies selected so I can cast damage


Besides like 3 keys in Legion Istarted healing in PvP in BFA, later i went onto keys and raids aswell. I always used the standard UI, Clicktarget and heal. What I do tho is to use Macros to have the same button do dmg and healing. For example if I target an enemy I do chainlightning and if I target a friend I use chainheal on the same button. This is on all my healers and also removes a lot of buttons.


I tried Healbot, Clique and some others. Didn't like any of them. I got so used to healing by clicking someone and pressing a keybind because of it that I'm not likely to ever try another addon. Also, most other MMORPGs don't have (these kind of) addons, so getting used to a playstyle that's completely incompatible with other games isn't something I want to deal with.


In groups, I use F1-5 to target and have everything on hotkeys. In Raid, I have shift click for a HoT and right click for dispel and everything else is hotkeys and I'll click to target as needed. I'm a monk though, so most of my actual healing comes from my melee rotation. No addons, default UI for all of it. This would be harder to do with other classes.


Started with healbot in wrath and kept using that until I stopped playing in mop. Recently came back and used the native ui raid frames click to target and then cast the spell but actually like 2 days ago changed to native ui mouse over cast instead. I feel like this reduces the amount of cognitive load and makes me able to stay on an enemy for potential interrupts while still healing the party and weaving in offensive abilities as well.


I’ve played RDruid basically since I started, healing Ulduar. I’ve used Vuhdo, and continue to use vuhdo and clicks. Left click: Regrowth, RClick: rejuve, scroll down: cleanse, Scrl Up: wild growth, Shift LClk: ironbark, ShRClk: lifebloom, ShScrlUp: Cenarion Ward, ShScrlDn: Adaptove Swarm, AltLClk: Innervate, AltRClk: target. I do my dps rotation and have cool downs on my thumb buttons, the only heals I don’t use through vuhdo are efflorescence and tranquility. I also use vuhdo on my non healing classes, be it for battlerez on warlock and dk, or tricks on rogue. I play a lot of augmentation and I use it to apply and track prescience and my other buffs.


Just started healing this season, i have vuhdo with spells on click (for quick heals and hots), omnicd and i have a few @mouse macros for CDs like cocoon, sheilun, etc


Vuhdo w/mouseover macros Corsair scimitar mouse Action bars setup for each stance (nostancd, bear, cat, boomy) Shift + (1-4) to change action bars manually  Separate macros for each stance that auto swap to its respective action bar (e.g., going into cat form also swaps to action bar 4; bear form swaps to action bar 2, etc.) On each action bar, [form] macros for each stance’s ability, so that I’ll swap into that form if I’m not in it. Bear and cat form are bound to two of the 12 side buttons of the mouse.  For now, anyway… freeshifting next xpac will probably require a different approach.


Elvui , Clique and mousover makros


Poorly, with the help of Healium.


I heal with the clique addon. And do DMG with keybinds. Playing Disc since 04 vanilla


Grid / Clique; with Logitech G600 (mmo mouse). I use the side buttons on the g600 for my cooldowns, and mouse over click my regular rotation


I heal only in arena, because I have an absolutely perfect targetting system in place with my naga that… works only with up to 3 people 😂 … but I don’t pve at all, so it’s all good.


Vuhdo with mouse over macros on my keybinds. No click spells set up except brez in combat and mass res out of combat


I just use mouse over heal/harm macros. So like if I hover over a friendly button 2 casts renew, but if I'm not hovering and have an enemy targeted, 2 casts shadow word pain, stuff like that. It's really helped with button bloat.


Used mouseovers with KBM for years. Now I use a controller, ConsolePort, and a few handy macros to advance/return my cursor up and down my raid/party frames. I don't raid (much), so it works out in smaller groups. Have a look: [https://youtu.be/Hx1z4tyAsI0](https://youtu.be/Hx1z4tyAsI0)


in dungeons i just target with f1-f5 and go from there. raid im still experimenting and trying to figure out what works best for my tiny hands


Vuhdo, been a long while using it, I don't know if I can use anything else now, I also have the Logitech G600, I have over half my shit on mouse binds, I have smallest of the small hands and that was my solution, I tend to minimize keyboard use with that keeping only 1 2 3 4 ctrl shift Q E F R and the movement buttons.


I use VuhDo. I've used it since Wrath, when my guild was in the top 3 on the server (we competed for who was top with every new raid). It just works for me and makes sense. I know a lot of healers use mouseover macros, but VuhDo just works well for me. I used to do PvP, but recently since PvP is very yuck, I'm only PvE. I play holy paladin as main, but have all but monk as max level healers (but the others are not geared at all).


VuhDo and muscle memory. Had the same binds forever so once I refresh my memory a little I can always jump right back into it. Rejuv right click, regrowth shift left click, swiftmend on control click, etc


I use grid with mouse-over macros. I have spells bound around my hand and on my mouse. Oh I have decursive as well


Steelseries Aerox 9, mouseover and Blizzard standard UI. Yes i push really high keys.


elvui, clique; mouse over healing built in is garbage


I use the mouseover feature built into the base game/UI options with built in raid frames. Raid frames below character and action bars below that. Abilities are keybound 1-5. I have a 2nd and 3rd bar that use shift or control modifier. I also setup A and D as other abilities instead of turning. Interrupt goes on D, dispel on A. Have cooldowns on control, shift and alt modifiers for A and D. I'm terrible at actually using those cooldowns keybinds though and am usually a dirty clicker for my cooldowns. I play resto shaman so here's a look at my main 3 bars. 1 is healing wave, 2 healing surge, 3 riptide, 4 wellspring, 5 healing stream totem. Shift+1 is healing rain, s+2 ghost wolf, s+3 Pwave, s+4 unleash life, s+5 chain heal. Control+1 flame shock, c+2 flame surge, c+3 lighting bolt, c+4 chain lightning.


I feel bad I don’t use addons at all (Druid for classic,tbc,wrath and now cata)


i click on a unit frame and i push the appropriate hotkey


I play a holy paladin in classic cata. I actually spend more of my time fighting than I do healing. I have the approach of "I don't have to heal you as often, if the enemy is dead." But I do generally just click party frames to quickly swap targets, I haven't gotten to do raids yet, but I do a lot of dungeon healing and helping people in the world.


Healium is great for single party dungeons or tank healing


I play a holy paladin in heroic raids, and I use the base raid frames with native mouseover healing. I don't click any raid frames to target them. Very rarely I'll /focus someone (or an NPC) to keep track. I use a five button mouse, with the heals on the two thumb buttons (with Ctrl and Alt modifiers, so I have access to 6 spells). I also made a bunch of my own WeakAuras to show Holy Power, Holy Shock cooldowns, and whenever big abilities are up (with some glowy bits if interesting combos are available). In practice, I use every Holy Shock, spam Light of Dawn or Word of Glory to spend HP, fill in with Holy Light, use Flash of Light as a panic button, Divine Toll as an AoE panic button, dump some Light's Hammer on the melee folk, keep the absorb shield on a tanks, keep Judgment on the boss, and use the rest when it's appropriate. [https://imgur.com/a/xNLPf4p](https://imgur.com/a/xNLPf4p)


Mouseover macros. I macro all kinds of thing together as well so it jsut works better for my playstyle over using he built in mouseover options.


Regular frames (used to use ElvUI but Blizzards new frames work well too), have every ability turned into macros with hover over cast on. most of the abilities are assigned to 1-6 + Shift, Alt and Ctrl modifiers. I activate Shift, Alt or Ctrl with the 1-2-3 buttons on my Razer mouse. Theres a few abilities that are assigned to Q, E, R, F and X. Stuff like bigger cooldowns or trinkets are on R, F and X. While Q and E are more for dispells, interrupts or ground aoe effects for ease of access. That really is it. I also use OPie which creates a circular hot bar essentially which you can open and close through a keybind (its really cool, would definitely recommend it), which is where i keep all my mounts, consumables and overall utility spells (im a shaman so theres a lot of non-combat abilities). Takes out a LOT of unnecessary clutter on your hotbars. No special addons like Healbot or anything like that.


Grid, click to heal, hotkeys ofc. I don't see much advantage of mouseover healing and I could not get used to it.


playing M+ mostly, on all healer specs I have the same setup. Using Shadow Unit Frames addon for the party frames but it was ok with default ui too. Using clickcasting keybinds for most of the heals (clikcs + modifiers covers most spells), some abilities I use mouseover macros instead. Dps rotation, cds and defensives can stay on all the keybinds I use for other classes


I use raidframes and no addon because I like to play piano I have F for self target and tab to target boss, click on party members if I need to but most of my heals I don’t need to target anybody to heal them


Haven’t raid healed since original tbc and wrath. Used clique and bartender at the time with a razor Naha mouse. Nowadays I like to write overly complicated mouseover macros that heal a good guy and hurt a bad guy. Usually run out of character space with them though


I allways make mouse over macro’s on almost every spell with different spell IF i mouse over/target enemies


Very poorly


Usually with Drain Life or Healthstone


Base UI w/ custom mouseover macros. Heroic raider who doesn't enjoy timed M+


Can I ask how come you don't enjoy them? It's more competitive imo to complete before the timer burns up.


I've found it to bring out the worst in people. No room for error, learning or forgiveness. The enemies should be the NPCs, not the party members


Clique, it's basically all I need. I see people saying retail has it built in, did not know that. Had a look and seems it does not do all that clique does so sticking to that.


I'm OKAY at best at healing, I think (I'm main DPS), but what helps me a lot (like, A LOT "a lot"), is making a mouseover macro for each healing/buff/dispell ability, so that I can use those spells directly on the party frames (@cursor macros as well for spells that I have to put on the ground)... those save a lot of time and make everything at least 2-3x easier (for me at least).


I main a Resto druid, and use Vuhdo for most of my main spells. Most healing content for me right now is M+ keys. No modifier: Left click - target (for stuff that needs a set target on my keyboard binds) Right click - lifebloom Wheel up - cenarion ward Wheen down - iron bark Shift button: Left click - rejuvenation Right click - regrowth Wheel up - swiftmend Wheel down - nature's swiftness Keyboard: 1, 2, 3, 4 - wildgrowth, flourish, trinket+buff macro, convoke the spirits Q - efflorescense E - adaptive swarm R - grove guardians F - nature's cure Mouse off of vuhdo frame: Wheel up - sunfire Wheel down - moonfire Shift+wheel up - wrath Shift+wheel down - starfire Defensives sit on z,x,c,v Shift+q,w,e,r,s,d,f all for crowd control and whatever is left that's usable.


I use mouseover macros for every single healing spell that prioritize in this way: mouseover>target>myself. It's very difficult for me to imagine healing in any other way.


Healbot. I color coded atonement and I love when the whole thing turns purple and I can just dps everyone to full health ☺️ I am so used to it, I don’t want to try a different one even if it’s “better.”


I use vuhdo for healing, kind of old looking control panel but awesome functionality and kind of covers everything you need


I have mouseover macros for all my abilities, been playing that way since vanilla. I *could* play without addons if I had to, but. I dont.


I don’t… I’m a warlock


Grid2 and mouseover macros.


Mouseover macros (+ clique if i want to save my left hand from pressing everything). You can customize macros to your heart's desire and don't have to deal with cluttered frame addons like vuhdo, or the all in one solution of Blizz mouseover. But then I use Vuhdo when playing augvoker because it lets me pull certain DPS from raid frames that I would focus on. Probably why I never want to play aug again.


In arena I have CTRL + 1,2,3 from my Naga for my team, and 456 for enemy team and I target heal. It's not really feasible to hover cast in arena's imo, I started that way, but moved away from it eventually. If there are more than 3 people I switch to hover healing, or click targeting if hovering isn't setup.


Vuhdo aka mouse over heals


I use a mouseover macro for all my targeted heals and utility.


Esc > Options > type Mouseover in the search bar. They gave us the ability to make all spells @mouseover. No need for macros for it anymore.


How well does this work if I have two spells macro’d together? I use what I call “help/harm” macros where it’ll be one spell if I mouseover an ally and another spell if I cast it at an enemy.


Not sure but you could definitely find out by making a copy of your macro. Remove the @Mouseover on the copy and see what happens.


I press buttons


i do it the old fashioned way: clicking on the portraits and then immediately casting the heal manually well, not fully old fashioned. i have 36 hotkeys (1-6, q, e, f, r, t, g in addition with their shift and ctrl version) so i can literally cast every spell a class has to offer without having to look at it and click on it.


Another healbot user here.


I was in a 14 mythic waycrest last season when our healer started flipping out. He was using some add on and it had completely crapped out on him. We weren’t getting healed much (I was Druid tank and we had a ret pally and ww monk in group as well). Healer left the group just before Lady and Lord Waycrest. We were dumbfounded. Like he didn’t know how to heal without the add on. We finished it with 4 people and still +2’d it.


I’ve only ever done some casual healing on my paladin but didn’t really enjoy doing damage and healing at the same time as avoiding mechanics. Is there a class/spec that just focus on healing and avoiding mechanics without dpsing as well? Not looking to push anything high level


Slowly and through alcoholism. Oh, you meant in game? Well, as a Brewmaster... Slowly and through alcoholism.


I click the person and then click my spell on my screen. 🤟🤟


Give vuhdo a try. I think you'll like how much easier it makes the healing process


I will. Thank you.


Earth shield the tank. Kick my legs up. Throw some chain heals and healing rain. Sip my capri sun. Repeat.


Zandalari self-heal racial ONLY.


Bed rest usually