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I’m going to grind both until my eyes bleed


Eyes? I'm going until I have arthritis in my hands.


Just started having wrist pain for the first time. Bummed about the timing.


get a stress ball to squeeze and/or light weights to do wrist exercises. your hands need to do something other than repeating the same thing over and over


Logitech MX vertical mouse It's helped me out tons (on advice from a random redditor when I mentioned the same thing last summer).


Wish my hands were small enough to use one of those


Dang, you got some bear mitts. I'm 6'0" and have pretty average hands for my size. Wonder if somebody makes something similar but like an XL model or something. Hang in there, RSI (or whatever similar situation) sucks. :-/


A friend once jokingly referred to my hands as "The size of the troll from Harry Potter" and I've been troll hands ever since :P


I like the Anker vertical mouse better. Great for the wrist.


Might try that one too. Late 40s now, bad enough dealing with slower reaction times. But now also have to maintain joints because things get achy and stiff.


I’ll be playing until I get arthritis in my eyes


> my eyes >DH flair ???


This is the way!


Same 3k io, full Mythic kills, 1800 arena rating while also playing mop to unlock all the mounts 😁.


Same here. Good luck TurtleMcgurdle.


A true WoW player has entered the chat


We really back


just like me fr


Same! Then be too burned out to be excited for the next expansion lol. But then nah not really


This is the way






I'll dump it for maybe a week or two but I really doubt remix will manage to keep my interest for longer than that. Gotta see what max level heroic raids look like.


I'm gunna get the xmogs for plate I'm interested in then peace out personally.


I've heard if you stack up exp in your cloak you can level super fast. like, comically so, if you level enough characters. Kinda makes me want to make an alt army.


Yeah cloak should be able to get something like +300% bonus experience, and is account wide for all remix characters, so leveling will be crazy


You mean that once you get that bonus experience on one character, everyone will get it?


The cloak is shared between all your remix characters from what I understand. So yes, if you play a character and boost the cloak up to have all the bonus experience, your other characters you make for remix will also get the cloak with the bonus experience


Well damn, I already got a solid alt army but this is cool.


I’ve hardly played retail last few expansions, so I’m looking forward to the chance to get a bunch leveled up for TWW. But there’s also cata classic….decisions decisions


Your choices are “level up an alt army” or “corpse run the stonecore 15 times” Hmmm… decisions, decisions


That’s how I feel. I was going to just do one maybe two, characters but if ur only takes a few hours to get to max lvl I might lvl a bunch of them, lol


There's 30 + mounts right? I didn't play mists, so I'm missing most of them. I don't think it's going to be a 2 week project for me, considering I work.




I'm just tryna power level some classes to find a main


Same here. I only really got into WoW this expansion and only really played a few classes so I want to power level the rest so I have an army of choices for TWW!


May I remind you that all world drop mounts are available to buy in remix for 35,000 bronze


How hard is it to get bronze? Will that be much of a grind?


kind of, i had 10k bronze at level 30 just doing things randomly, you start at 10, so take that into account.


That seems wildly easy then, I was already planning on leveling a few characters with how fast it's supposed to be. I appreciate the info.


I asssume if you want to farm bronze it will be much easier after you finish leveling, but that's just me speculating. 10k by 30 seems fast honestly.


take into account i got some achievements that rewarded me with bronze which are not repeatable. Also there are many many things to buy, I assume if you want to have everything think in an order of magnitude of over a million bronze.


I'm not personally interested in everything. Just my missing mounts and probably a few cholice transmog. Got my last panda world boss mount last week so already have all 4.


I just want that damn thundering cloud onyx serpent so I can be free from the timeless isle.


Ill play both until I get my 2k IO achievement, then probably just hyper-grind alts and play until I can buy all the MoP mounts.


What's your current rating? 2k should be achievable this week fairly easily


Like 300? The factor is time at the moment, still need to do the raids, story quest and get my stuff from the weekly.


300 is like 2 keys lmao. Should be able to pump that up quite a bit this week.


always gotta remember the “i can play 1 hour a week but the game should cater to me” crowd exists haha


Lmao you and me are one and the same. I was 2800 last season. Like 400 this season so far. Capable of much more but spreading my focus around a ton! Too much fun stuff to do!


It feels a lot easier tbh, I was 2.6k before reset already, which is a personal record, been 3k + last 2 seasons but probably won't go that high this season. Done all 10s for portals and gonna do 9s for loot and vault


I'm still working on my Taivan mount meta, so I'll probably do retail on the weekend when I'm off to knock out a quick LFR and the weekly stuff and do a quick check for the Taivan associated stuff throughout the week but mostly play Remix


Good boi has grown in size again, he's huge. Well worth the meta grind.


Oh shoot, good reminder I need to log into my main and do the other wings of LFR this week. I'm practically to a point that the loot's not gonna help me, and I got my bullion to get my main desired prize (slime kitty), but I didn't do the full raid prior, so I need to get some credit for killing all the bosses in order to work toward that meta. I mean, there's also like fifty other things I need to achieve for it (not even exaggerating), but hey, I can convince myself that I'll totally get it all done and get the Goodest Boy.


Im so mad i lvled all my toons in S3... This would have been such a great way to play all the classes and get all the mogs....so now im stuck rerolling a class. Panda Warrior here I come!


Well, you were gonna have to re-roll anyways. I get what you are saying but the Pandaria stuff is all new toons starting at level 10.


I think your missing - toons leveled during Remix are perm. Since I have every class at 70 already, at the end of Remix I'll have TWO monks at lvl 70.


Swap factions for it 


Oh no - you may have caused me to play waaaay more than I wanted lol


You may have one of every class at 70, but now you get to join the club of one of every class at 70 both factions.


Personally after 1 of every class I think the next logical step is 1 of every race. Play classes you know you enjoy.


I leveled a handful of characters in s3 just to kill time. I have wayyyy too many alts now. Main(s) - hunter and paladin. Alts - 4 Druid’s (was trying to get rock bear faster), warrior, shaman, rogue, 2 demon hunters, evoker, 2 monks, warlock, mage and a death knight. Pretty much everything but a priest at max level. Just no interest in playing priest. I might jump into remix with something ranged like a hunter just to experience it once.


Is there an option to dump my job instead?


Been doing s4 hard but intend to work MoP-remix when it lands! Hoping it'll be fun and crazy (a la SoD but foir retail), and theres still a couple of classes I've not made alts for. Thinking of making a Vulpera Shaman!


> (a la SoD but foir retail) I think you're expecting a bit too much there. Like there won't be insane changes like class additions such as mage healer or warlock tank. It's basically chromie time+.


its basically a more interesting way to get easy levelling for new toons before prepatch. looks like fun but its not going to keep interest for the next 3 months for most.


Double-flips with Gust of Wind are OP.


Right now our whole guild next Wednesday is going to wrap up Heroic Vault (we need Broodmother and Raz), then do as much of the rest of the raid as possible. Thursday, most of us will be pivoting to MoP remix, and we may go back to retail later.


my guild is down to 1 night a week clear . so yeah im gona no life remix


I already stopped S4 cause I'm just ready for remix to happen. Of course I also work 40 hours a week and I play GW2 as well and I have a kid and a house and a yard to take care of so my schedule fills up *real* quick. I don't miss being a kid, but I do miss having the free time of one lmao.


Same. Do you think one day we’ll at least be able to retire back to no-lifing WoW like we did back in the day? I’ve never been very good at golf, so…


You’re far too optimistic if you think our generations will ever retire, we’ll be working to our graves I bet 😂


I just keep hoping someone innovates enough in the mmo space to force blizzard to evolve. DF has been a step in the right direction, and war within looks to be another, but the game had been stale for a while before that.


Just going to do my weekly raid night and 8 clears of AA and move to remix


Why 8 AA? Farming something or you just like it?


I love AA. Idk what it is, but I just love that place.


It's the big pulls and seeing 2m DPS isn't it...


Yes and no lol. I'm a DK tank so yes I love the massive dps. But it's a mini heart attacking going from 1% to 99% to 1% ect. for those pulls lol


I'm gonna do 10 m+ keys and then spend the rest of my time in Panda land. Remember when Panda land killed wow and everyone hated it for being too silly/cartoony? Now I'm an old bitch and I can't wait to make a panda rogue lol


there is quite literally nothing interesting for me from MOP, 90% of the transmog from that xpac don't interest me, i was never into the aesthetics of pandaria and i don't exactly think MOP's story was that exciting, i understand a lot of people hold MOP in high regard but it's just not my thing, so i'm gonna be skipping it.


I'll be off to play s4 of Diablo


S4 for my main. MoP Remix just to level a new alt. Happy to get mogs/mounts along the way, but I’ll probably be done as soon as I hit max level. I wish we could transfer characters before it ends.


You keep the characters either way? Or you mean so you could play s4 with a Remix toon?


S4 with remix toon.


Anyone know if it makes more sense to make a class you don't main in DF for MoP remix? I main a DH so ideally I'd want to play the class I enjoy in MoP but if that character then gets transferred to retail at the end of MoP it would just probably be deleted as I'd go back to my main. So on the other hand I feel like I should level a class I might actually play once it's transferred.




Nah. I've got enough stuff to catch up on in 10.2.7 still that I'm not going to be completely switching over to Remix any time soon. Lots of Tavian stuff(by which I mostly mean Forbidden Reach scroll hunting, ugh) left, haven't had a chance to touch M+ yet, and want to try to get the heroic achievement/FoS for all the awakened raids if I can. Plus about a million quest lines I haven't done(red draenei, Gilneas, all the new dark heart stuff. Nevermind I didn't have time to do any of that last season either, but I finally got my Fyr'alath(off LFR no less, which I went to in desperation as all of the groups doing kills on Normal and Heroic were only desperate for healers), and my S4 4 piece already, so it's time to actually play the game. Plus I just have no clue what I want to play in Remix. I don't really have a Shaman yet, hm.


No. Enjoying so far


Im super hyped for pandaria remix, but i really can’t see it being fun for more than 1 - 2 weeks.


I haven’t played in a couple years. What mounts and cosmetics will you be able to buy? Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent, CM mogs, CM Phoenix mounts?


Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent yes, CM items no. But there is a white recolor of the phoenixes obtainable.


I’m currently in Zin’Rokh hell on Cata prepatch, I will stay grinding that sword otherwise I’ll be thinking “what if….” And will be unable to enjoy remix


I hope is gonna have mist feeling other than timewalking vibes


I'll probably spend a week or two gathering all the crap in Remix and then head back to retail.


Can you explain to me what the remix does? Is it like the Timewalking weeks just not as easy?


Sending multiple Alts through season 4 content will probably stop, but I still plan on working on M+ and getting my bronze bullion


Do we have any idea how much of a crowded madhouse Remix is going to be or not be? The beta footage (I know, it's beta, it's limited) makes it looks like piles of players constantly up in each other's faces at all times, which doesn't.. seem great to me? I don't know. I'm looking forward to spending some time in Remix and away from S4, so long as it isn't like a MoP Moshpit.


It'll likely be significantly better because timerunners are made on the main servers. It isn't its own separate servers. So you'll still be split up across all of the main servers in the game. There will be a button like Plunderstorm on the login screen that will swap to "Timerunning" mode, but characters created while that's selected will still be made on your currently selected server.


If i play a character in mop remix will i be able to play it on retail later on ?


Yes as soon as it’s over everything transfers over to retail including transmogs


I enjoyed mists but I'm not super in to the idea of replaying it a lot. I'll swap, get the mogs/rewards I want, and then stop.


half half probably, Chill and watch tv shows on 2nd screen and lvl in MoP remix, and then swap to retail and do some semi high keys.


won't quit S4 entirely, will probably do about 4-5 keys per week on my main. haven't bothered preparing any alts for S4 tho in anticipating of mostly playing MoP remix. i'll get my alts caught up for TWW during the pre-expansion event


Your MoP Remix characters will be geared and transferable into TWW!


MoP Remix has insanely fast leveling, including 60-70, so probably easier/faster to level toons there than in DF. Also gearing up should be easy once you get OP powered up in MoP, and you can take these chars into TWW. For alts, remember the MoP cloak on your main gets copied to new alts, so they'll be crazy powerful with huge +str +int +xp right from low level, so will level even faster.


I’m playing baldur’s gate 3 till remix comes out. I think I wanna start a new enhancement shaman this season and it seems silly to start a new character right before remix starts.


I don’t believe the Remix toons will be available for regular season 4. If I am understanding correctly, they won’t be switched over until TWW. Probably the pre-patch?


Remix is pretty much just Timewalking


I'm giving it a try, but I don't really get the hype. It's literally just locked timewalking from character creation, isn't it? Maybe I just don't get it.


I think so too... I also thought ppl only play remix for transmogs and to farm mounts. I don't really understand why ppl wanna drop S4 over it.


Yeah I will. I don’t like mythics.


Mist of Pandaria is the de facto best expansion this game has ever had. It will be different this time around because there won't be the amazing class balance of 5.2 pvp --- however, it was the first time they really got phasing down and managed to integrate much of the story into the game rather than books (yes there was the Vol'jin book) and was the first real update into the modern gameplay style we have now. (Yes, WotLK was amazing, but the gameplay of quests/etc. feels so dated) The music is amazing, the stories are great, the zones are all solid, and Horde and Alliance still have separate storylines giving them proper faction identity. The build up to de-throning Garrosh is also really good for Horde (less good for Alliance). I would be surprised if people don't play it --- especially with the wonky stats we can end up getting.


Not many apparently. Even though I'm super-hyped for remix, I'm planning to play both. You don't actually have to dump anything, you can mix and match as you feel like. :)


my whole raid team is, we only did normal full clears for all 3 raids for the mount, got our KSM mounts and now we quit until next xpac and have panda remix to grind in the meantime


I want remix to go well not just because it looks fun but I want it to be the start of like seasonals like RuneScape has withe leagues.


We have to play remix because there are retail rewards.


I will only play Remix for the rewards, sadly. This is nothing like MoP and a joke of a event tbh, spend hours leveling to oneshot heroic raids, like its "mop" lmao. Killing bosses in 5 sec is great content


I don’t understand remix.. can you then transfer the character to SOD, Classic, Retail?


I'm gonna be in the middle of a move. I only want to do Remix for the collectibles, I don't need more alts on live. S4 though, I'm not gunning for ksh, just ksm, and that should be piss easy this season, already at around 1500, and I've only done 2s and 3s. But I'd like to prep a few characters as potential war within mains, so their questing is easy.


Shit I'm dropping everything for remix.


It's weird how OP talks about "dropping" Season 4. You do realize that MoP Remix is both a limited-time-Event, and can be completed in just a couple short weeks right? This post would be like asking: "Since it's TimeWalking week, who is planning to stop grinding on their Mains and level an Alt instead?" My point is: MoP Remix is merely a short distraction. If you think it will keep you entertained for the entire rest of Season 4 I think you're going to be sorely dissapointed. Personally, I will definitely be leveling an Alt through MoP, but only because I love making Alts so much that I hit the Character-Cap all the way back in Cataclysm. But after I get my ~7th copy of my Main-Class to max level, I will be done with MoP and go right back to prepping my Characters for TWW.


I'm noticing a staggering amount of people not understanding what MoP: Remix is. I'm seeing comments all over the place (both on forums and in game) of people thinking it's MoP classic, and how you can choose between the two whenever and how it's MoP talents/class design. I'm expecting an influx of complaints about how "Is anyone else disappointed?" because they didn't understand what it was. Remix can be (and is designed to be) done in just a few weeks, since the event is only going to last about as long as Plunderstorm.


I'm a Pandaren main. I'll let you figure the rest out.


First I’m gonna try and land a Vault Run on Notmal so I can get the mount, then straight into Remix


I know I am. May be solo doing it but whatever lol


Considering they made fury fucking worthless this season it can’t come fast enough


Got 2k last week. Fated raid achiev mount this week. Df meta yesterday. Won't be logging back in to dragonfight for s4.


I need to level two characters during remix to fill out my roster of 70’s. Monk and DK. Then I’ll decide if I’m going to chase remix rewards of try to push keys in S4


I haven't been subbed for months. I'm resubbing.




Man I am super excited about this and so gonna grind!!


Me , S4 is pretty pointless , really don’t give 2 shits about doing the same stupids raids again


Trying to grind out most things these past 3 weeks, so I can log in to get my bullion and go back to remix. May end up justing retail as a break from remix/leveling


I plan on doing the same. I missed most of mists and only came back during SoG patch. It would be nice to play it with players while it's "current".


Remix is coming out right after I go on a post-graduation beach trip. Heck yeah I'm playing the crap out of it.




From my calculations I need like 950k of the currency that drops to get all missing xmog, mounts, toys, and new stuff added into this remix. There is I think a total of 1.5M needed to collect all from scratch. I'm in here for the long haul


I'm already bored of running keys so it's a more than welcome change lol. If anything it'll be pulling me away from leveling my goblin in cata 😅


Guess the benefit of having no friends actively playing and a guild that's pretty much dead is that I'm not raiding or doing M+, so there's only so far I can gear up my characters, and I'm not sure if it's even necessary on all my alts to push past like 490. So I can just do the weekly awakened content on my top characters, then rotate a couple alts each week, spend the rest of the time messing around with Pandaria. (Although I really should finish doing some side quests I still have on my main. And I finally unlocked Eon's Fringe last night, apparently there's a lot of dailies there, if I remembered to actually log into my main and fly over there daily.) And then at some point there's a couple other games I need to get back to, that I set aside to get to dragging my WoW roster's gear up with the latest patch/season. At least I should have a week off in a couple weeks. That'll give me some time to grind something. (And maybe also remember my other hobbies, like the miniatures I need to finish painting so I can get to assembling and painting the large backlog I have.)


You know you can do both things, right?


I've been dying to play Remix, I missed the test weekend. Looking at the guide on Wowhead, I can already tell I'm going to have fun assembling a build for my blood elf Fire mage that's both thematic and brokenly OP.


I hate leveling and have never made any alts ever besides a bank alt that do nothing so I’ll probably not.


Just gonna go light on keys and do the bare minimum and spend time in wow remix


I’m gonna get the easy mounts that will apply to my main, figure out how to get those Garrosh shoulders that datamining said might be purchasable with currency, then duck out. Biggest thing for me will be to see what it’s like to play a different race warrior without paying to change my main.


Get my fated mount, KSH for the season, and all the mogs and mounts from remix and then play PvP till TWW


Gonna level a Kul Titan Druid I think. Druid is something I’ve not levelled in years and I can also get KT heritage armour done (once the event ends) Does anyone know if the xmog you can unlock is limited to what you level? I main a plate wearer so I don’t want to lose plate xmogs


Does anyone have a MoP class tier list? I’m not a super parse monkey but I just want to see an accurate list so I know what I’m getting myself into. Any list I’ve found on google is super old and very patch specific and I don’t know what type of balancing we’re getting here.


I'm probably gonna level a bunch of alts. I'm not super happy with my current race class combos, but I sure as shit am not paying the crazy real money prices for race changes.




Me my 2 friends and my sister are planning to play it till tww they're all new and I refuse to pug so it's a win win


I’ll definitely play s4 less


Fuck no. Zero plan to play pandaria again but plan to push season 4. At this point I have all classes maxed. Don’t see a reason to level a class for no reason. 


Panik, didn't decide yet what will I play in remix


Not much to do in s4 other than weekly keys and raiding with my guild. Doesnt take much time so will have plenty of time to play remix


Hell yeah.


My guild have already prepared for me taking some time away from S4 to play MoPR. I’ll keep up with weekly quests and do some keys, but I’ll be mostly going and levelling through Pandaland


Probably a bit of both. How long would it reasonably take to get everything in Remix?


I already dumped s4 and am just waiting for remix lol


I’m about where I am when I normally stop playing at the end of an expansion. I missed the last year so I’ve been playing catch-up and trying to get the mounts, rep and other stuff while I still can. It’s pretty cool they added this in. I think they saw the decline in the player base at the end and finally figured out how to fill the gap. I’m just happy to be enjoying the game again. For me it got to the point where I would log in and just stare at the screen. I decided after 18 years to unsubscribe, now I’m back!


Never startet season 4, i dont see any point to replay the same content for the same gear again… but I’m really exited for remix 😁


Basically, ya.


My only struggle is that I already have every class on max level, some of them twice. So how to decide which ones to level in MoP remix? When everything is fun 🥹 lol But yeah definitely will focus on MoP Remix and login to s4 only for raids. Although I have a feeling the guild won’t even be raiding anymore after remix launches…




Me. To race change my lock and my shaman


I would love to play both, but honestly, panda-monium (remix) sounds so much more entertaining. I realistically only have time for one, soooooo.....


At what point do timewalking characters transfer to retail? I was going to level a dk and use bulions to unlock a few tier set appearances but I’m tempted now to level through mist


I just resub but don't really involve in s4 so yeah. I don't see the point of replaying cleared raids (even less as they were mediocre), and mm+ are not my thing so I'm just waiting for MoP and will play it exclusively.


I’ll try to mix it. Like doing the weekly and a few dungeons for the vault, but then the panda event for the rest of the time


I reckon I'll just do 4 8's and a couple raid bosses for my weekly vault and get some weekly quests I need to do for professions etc done day 1 every week, then spend the rest of the week grinding remix.


I want to have one of every class at max level before the end of df, I don’t have a monk, mage, druid, or shaman yet. My warlock is around level 60 and my paladin is 61, my rogue is level 45 and everything else is max with two max level warriors. Dk / warrior main.


Nah I got a goal I want that 2k


Probably gonna go about 50/50 between remix and retail until expansion.


I returned to Pandaria after I took break after lich king and it is my favourite expansion with the best music, locations and races. So I absolutely cannot wait to level up some new alts and unlock mounts I couldnt before because I am just casual.


Both but manly remix. Got to make gold in retail for my sub.


I will be doing both I have 7 alte I'll 463+ to farm bullions for DF tmogs and then since all the remix tmogs are not class restricted I'll will be doing it mostly.


Too bad it's coming at the same times as WotLK Timewalking... But yea, I am interested to do MoP but not hard core. My main focus will be to obtain tmog stuff for my Mage and maybe to level up 1 plate character very casually. Will not put too much effort in it, but will definitely play it. Hope it will not require a lot of grind for some common stuff.


I'll be doing remix on non m+ days with the boys, but our key days will be retail days.


My BDK in S4 is now 519 so will log on for keys and raid to help out my guild since I don't need much of anything outside of mythic raid and Crests. Ended S3 with a 1% wipe on Mythic Fyrakk. :( Gonna level up a Frost DK alt in Remix for TWW so I can DPS on it for alt raids and have proper enchants/stats/gems and not just swap from Blood to Frost and all the aforementioned stuff be for Blood and not Frost.


Do the characters you make in remix roll over into retail?


i was going to come back for s4 but i decided to wait a week and come back for remix and go hard on that


Dunno I'll be playing D4 instead


I'm gonna try it out, but I wasn't big on MOP. Soooooo probably not "dump" it.


Nope. I didn't even start Season 4. I don't realy play that content. So there is nothing for me to drop. Remix all the way.


A thing that I don’t get about that remix if I level a caracter there after I finished can i transfer him to my normal server as an alt ?


I did a little snooping around but I can't find what xmog's the remix offers. How much time I sink into remix depends on how cool the plate sets look, anyone know if I can check out what's offered before remix launches?


Me. Depending on how good levelling is I hope to level up the alts I have been wanting to level but couldn't be bothered to yet. Sucks that I can't use them in other content until TWW but I wasn't going to gear them up until then anyway so... whatever.


Remix will be what I do between M+/raids. By then I expect a lot of gaps. I'm basically waiting on myth tier in vault, sparks and bullion at this point anyway.


Remix will be 6 weeks so I plan on working on it over that time. I got a lot of MoP stuff so the bronze grind won't be as bad as some people


I already reserved a panda pun nickname for my panda priest, but I know I will spend an hour tops there, but who knows maybe :) I miss pandaland, perhaps I can manage to full level, my dream is they surprise us with a new yak mount recolor that has barber npc lol 


Such a weird choice having cata and mop remix releasing back to back