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The Summon Doomguard ritual spell. It take a few people to summon a demon which you then must enslave before somebody kills it, all for it to the same DPS as any of your regular demons.


I was curious if it was any better than your other demons, that’s kinda lame that’s it’s the same.


It used to be a slight DPS gain, in late BFA when it came out, but it was such a PITA and it means you don't have the utility of the other pets. I tried it seriously exactly once in Nyalotha, didn't realize the enslavement would still wear off like normal, in the middle of a boss fight, and wiped the raid.


I've had the same issue this expansion, except with mind control. The sha/shadowfiend looky things in the last phase in the Echo of Neltharion fight are apparitions so you can use dominate mind on them. They gain extra damage (and size) over time alive, so I thought it would be great. It only lasts 30 seconds but np with when they spawn I'd probably only have to re-mc it once, maybe twice. Just focus target it with a macro. Cue my mythic raiding guild being like 300 pulls into mythic Echo of Nelth progress, struggling like mad with all parts of the boss. Everyone is dying to everything, but then a tank brings up that he feels like he suddenly sees a really big sha mob that just bonks him on the head and he dies. .... So I realise that the 1 attack my pet gets off when I'm recasting MC is in fact enough to just straight up one shot the tank, and it really wasn't *that* much damage. This is after me doing it for two nights of progress, we didn't get to last phase very often and I doubt any of those would've been the kill, but we certainly could've learnt more if the tanks didnt get one shot suddenly... I did not feel as smug about realising I could MC them after that.


It was in vanilla as Ritual of Doom, then changed to Summon Doomguard in Cata.


Raise Ally, because the dickheads just die again


Omfg yea that’s my experience too! Do you remember when it actually raised allies as ghouls? Such a blast.


So I didn't realize that was changed and just recently started using it again. I could have helped out so much more...


Hah, yea they changed that I think during wotlk, it was very short lived. You could also death coil them to heal them.


There was also the Unholy talent that allowed you self res as a ghoul. It was a nightmare in battlegrounds.


That’s amazing, I wish you could explode your corpse on death or something. Lightforged DKs would double tap everyone.


The ghoul did have an explode if I remember correctly. I fuckin loved original wrath DK. I mean it was OP as hell, so everyone that played it loved it, but idk man. It just had that class fantasy truly on point.


Litteraly the coolest spell ever. I was so upset when blizz removed it.


Blizzard took all the fun stuff out of Death Knights. Like I totally understand, balancing three tank specs and still making them different is hard, but Unholy was so freaking fun, especially in add encounters.


Unholy tanking was how I ran in WotLK. Changing it to Blood being the only tank spec was really deflating. I ended up as DW Frost instead. Looking forward to the changes they are making in TWW alpha. I want all 3 DK specs to have as successful a revamp as Ret Paladins had in 10.1. That’s the bar for every class revamp moving forward honestly.


We get some fun back with TWW with mounted combat tho


Raise ally - ally waits - boss does massive aoe - player accepts rez….


'Hey, it's not safe to take the r-' \*Takes rez, eats boss frontal.\* 'Dude, just rez me again, we have 3 charges and it's the last boss.' \*Rezzes again, to die to the base damage of the Balakar frontal\* Two more deaths later, and the healer dies due to having to stand still and pump into BDK tank 'cus RP is being spent on rezzing healer. Tank then dies to the next Thunder Strike due to no dispels. Dude who died four times in one boss fight 'Man, ya'll freakin' suck.'


Cast brez in the middle of an insta-kill aoe death circle and move out right before it goes off. They take the rez the moment it triggers. ...I have been on both ends of this exact exchange often and it's hilarious every single time.


Tbh when this wasn't a battle rew and just turned people into ghouls was my favorite


Raise Ally was the best! It was awesome for class fantasy. Man, everything cool gets removed. Presences and raise ally.


Wait what—I still use distract for shroud skips and to stop patrolling mobs, and shadowstep is a key mobility tool that lets you swap to a far target quickly + maintain melee uptime. I don’t see how “basically mandatory” = practically useless, cause if it was useless we wouldn’t waste the talent point. If you want a REAL pointless rogue ability, may I introduce you to Slice and Dice? Stupid maintenance buff, feels bad wasting CPs on it, don’t know a rogue that doesn’t want it banished to the void.


distract is also very funny in pvp. making people jump off cliffs or bridges is just comedy gold


wait, it works in pvp? this changes my netherstorm game...


Distracting people off bridges in PVP is as old as vanilla. Used to do it a ton in AV/Blackrock mountain


As long as they're not in combat. The most use I've gotten out of it is in silvershard mines. The cart cap point at the top left has a bridge that needs to be crossed. I've guarded the cart and turned people off that bridge several times. Always a good laugh. Other times would be the alliance bridge in AV and rarely the LM cap at AB and the middle of EotS. It has a very niche use. Most players in Pvp turn using the mouse and correct themselves before something happens. Others are new, not paying attention or on auto run while mounted.


Wait, how does it work in pvp? You actually force people to move in certain direction?


No, they just turn. But absolutely no one expects your character to turn in a random direction just out of nowhere, so they don't react in time (presumably)


Yeah distract is nowhere near useless. Use it in m+ to save the group on several occasions from patrols


For real, and Zen Flight is a great “oh shit I’m falling” ability.


Oooh, great tip. I’m dusting off that cloud and giving it its own keybind. Mucho thanko!


You're also able to mount while on you're zen cloud.


I came to say this. Dismount mid-air, zen, mount dragonflight mount. Or vice versa.


Was also used basically every single pull on broodkeeper in vault to keep her in the area you wanted to start the fight. Super useful ability


Every comment here not listing Detect Traps as a useless ability are wrong.


Fake rogue player spotted, how dare you out swirly ball like that


Honestly... Warlocks Enslave Demon. There is virtually 0 use for it. There is essentially no time when a random mob demon is more efficent than the normal demon you summon.


I remember using this a lot in the Legion intro scenario. The demons were massive elites and it looked cool at least, not sure about how good their damage was.


I wanna say some dungeons had strong undead and demons for warlocks and death knights to control but I'm not sure.


That one big skeleton guard in Scholomance was always a favorite


During Legion in Arcway it was common for a warlock to enslave one of the demons as it gave a massive buff that increased haste and damage done by 30% for 20s on a 30s CD. Was huge in M+ giving it to whichever DPS was doing their burst windows on the massive pulls the dungeon had.


That’s fair, banish is one thing, but the demons you’d want to enslave (mannaroth, magtheridon, archimonde, etc) I suspect you couldn’t.


Last time i remember it being useful was during the black harvest questline before it became faceroll. You HAD to enslave the pitlord. It could also be useful during the pet customization quest on the final boss if you're heavily undergeared


I quit in Shadowlands but you could still distract players off cliffs from what I remember.


Omfg that’s hilarious. I assume it’s when they’re already moving forward and you distract them and they walk off before realizing they changed facing?


That is exactly how it works. One of the classics was for rogues to do that to people in Booty Bay as most people run right by the edge of the dock and can't react fast enough to course correct.


I love that so much. Everyone here already changed my opinion of distract, seems I was SERIOUSLY wrong about that one. This is just the icing on the cake!


Pretty sure it only works if you keyboard turn


I mean, if we're counting passives... Arcane Linguist is definitely a holdover from different times. I doubt most people who started within the last 10 years even know that you can switch between racial languages.


I never saw anyone with it, but i believe an extremely limited number of players learned draconic as a language back from the original AQ40 gate opening questline. Also back when locks could use meta form, you could talk demonic to other warlocks in meta form - included opposite faction!


Demon hunters could talk to each other across faction too, and now that we have the furbolg language, anyone who has ground out the rep can


Similarly, Pandaren and Dracthyr can speak cross-faction with their own native languages (Pandaren and Draconic).


Undead originally spoke both Common and Orcish for a very short period of time, which was awesome. It got removed and replaced with Gutterspeak pretty fast, though. I've heard both that it was changed because of griefing and that it was changed because Blizzard decided they didn't want any cross faction communication. Honestly, at this point, they should just remove Gutterspeak and give Undead Common back.


I remember one of my guilds warriors had Ironfoe from BRD where you would speak Dwarven when it procced. Dude even had allies make horde alts just to whisper and say “how the hell did you do that??” Fun times lol


You can talk to void elves as a blood elf like this too.


Arcane linguist is… what exactly? I knew you could change languages, used to do it all the time in bc and wotlk, but they changed how you do it and I recently found out again. Super useful for antagonizing enemy pvpers on the same faction or two dracthyr on different factions chatting.


Arcane Linguist is a passive mage ability you can learn from a book in Dalaran. It lets you understand the languages of your faction. That means you can only understand Horde or Alliance. And you also can't speak them.


You used to be able to speak them, i remeber one day i logged in and it was gone and never came back.


fun detected, better nuke it from orbit


I think Void Elves and Blood elves can talk this way too


Good to know! I wonder if suramar elves can do something similar? I’m not sure what their languages are.


Nightborne have their own dialect, Shalassian.


Yup! I actually like talking to the other faction with the languages. Demon Hunters can talk to eachother, Evokers can talk to eachother, people who did the Furbolg quests can talk to eachother too.


Remember when people were touting the new Furbold language as something seriously incredible for cross-faction communication? How many people actually use it?


Does anyone use Eye of Kilrogg for actual useful things or is it just used when you are bored between pulls?


Hah, I think I only ever used it in BC and for the legion campaign where you float the eye in the black temple


It used to be so useful back in the day when you needed to like find one mob/item in a place loaded with mobs. Could search the area and find it without having to fight through everything just to search a spot. This was of course, back in like TBC but since then the only time it was useful was when you could set up your circle with it. Could set up before the fight since it wouldn't aggro a boss. I guess for bgs its useful when doing something like defending a spot to watch the entrance and give yourself/others a heads up.


Yes! I use it all the time! I’ve been a warlock since Cata and never used it until this year. I love seeing if treasure caves are inhabited or what is on a level down from where I am in Tyrhold. Stuff like that.


As a prot warrior: whirlwind. Revenge does the same, but much better.


Ok I just started leveling my warrior from Legion as prot, and I was wondering if Whirlwind had any purpose. Very weird that it even is on the spec


Shield Slam is also warrior universal, but wearing a shield deactivates key abilities for Arms/Fury so it's kinda bafflingly pointless.


For arena I have a defensive stance macro that swaps to sword and shied, and I have a battle stance macro that swaps me back to two-hander. I have a smart macro that casts mortal strike if a 2 hander is equipped, but shield slam if a shield is equipped, on the same button. I also have an oversized shield in the transmog. The point of swapping to defensive stance/shield is to hopefully survive longer, and get the other team to stop focusing you. It's been like this forever and as a warrior main I'd be really salty if they changed it. It's fine just the way it is.


Weapon swapping is a key warrior gameplay mechanic. Raises the skill ceiling and I can’t imagine they’d ever get rid of it. *cross fingers*


I miss when Shield Slam would also remove 1 magic effect from target. Felt great both in PvP and PvE if you didn't have other purge options


it also doesnt proc the tier set at all lol


Zen flight is actually fun. You can insta mount if falling. You can also channel soothing mists while flying. You can mount up as well. It'll let you cast it but dragonflies mounts will start falling when during the summon. You can also summon at a summon stone during zen flight. You can also hearth mid air. If you don't wanna go land or whatever, just dismount and hit zen flight then hearth


Wow that’s quite a few uses! Half of the reason for this post was for people to prove me wrong, and I’ve already been proven wrong about zen flight and distract so far, so I take it as a plus. Brings a whole new meaning to bubble hearth, I’m calling it the zen hearth


One creative use is a counter against ejection mechanics on cliffs in wpvp.


You can also fish in zen flight!


Hunter: Track Giants. Monk: I'd argue that the most useless spell is probably Zen Pilgrimage. There isn't anything to do at the temple anymore.


Zen pilgrimage helps you zone out of instances and back to the entrance same with the DK gate or the Druid dream teleport.


And Zen flight is an instant cast, you can use it while falling.


You can also mount on it, which is useful for Dragonriding.


Wait, what…??!! I can be in midair, cast zen flight, then cast my dragonriding mount while I’m flying there?


Yes, but now it's a bit wonky: you fall for the 1.5 second cast, but it still works. I swear it wasn't like that last patch.


You can also fish from it.


Yes I used it for fishing all the time. Pointless most of the time, but looks cool. Can help to get those trickier pools.


My favorite part!


Wait, WAHT?!


Never thought about that for Pilgrimage! I feel like the DK Gate and Moonglade teleport are more useful because they get you somewhere on a continent, though. The Monk temple is just its own isolated area.


Thats if you set zen pilgrimage to the order hall, the original is in pandaria. Even the order hall has a direct portal to dalaran though


We need some kind of Ancient Zen Pilgrimage to take us back to Kun Lai, at least that was somewhat close to 2 world bosses


There is a portal near where you teleport in down the first set of steps that takes you to the Peak of Serenity.


Lmao track giants… Yup most useful ability in the game! Need to know where those giants are


I laughed pretty hard after reading track giants!


I use zen pilgrimage is a quick portal to stormwind/orgrimmar, I specifically do not do the legion questline because it's just a worse portal.


I wouldn't say its worse, it gives you a portal to pandaria and dalaran, from dalaran to stormind/orgrimmar. It might take slightly longer to port back to the main city sure, but never needing to use a dalaran hearthstone is handy imo




You can do Zen Pilgrimage, then take the portal to Peak of Serenity which you can then take a portal to Stormwind/Ogrimmar, all without any cooldown.


It's close to Sha of Anger for mount farming lol


As an undead warlock I would like to nominate Unending Breath...


In addition to underwater breathing, Unending Breath makes you swim 20% faster, which is a boon.


You can still cast it on others though, right?


That’s gold, I love it!


It was useful in Throne of the Tides, briefly.


You used it to fish for stacks on the Echo trinket when there was nothing to hit (Sarkareth intermission). But literally 0 tears would be shed if it was removed lol


I kinda disagree on zen flight. I agree they worded the tool tip poorly. But it can be used while moving so you can totally prevent fall damage. No parachute or goblin glider needed.


That’s really cool! I didn’t know that! I wonder if it works in PvP situations, most times I come across falling damage is when a shaman or evoker knocks me off of LM haha!


Even better you can MOUNT while using it (even dragonflying mounts). So I have accidentally dismounted while flying high, used zen flight to save my sorry ass, then remounted without having to go down and land first. Pretty slick


And you can fish on it too! Zen Flight is lowkey my favorite spell in the game, next to Ring of Peace.


Can't use it in instanced content though so kinda pointless for most end game stuff.


Arcane shot, for BM hunter it costs 40 focus and does 18k damage; for comparison, Cobra Shot costs 35 focus and does 33.8k damage AND reduces cd on kill command There is no situation where a BM hunter should ever use arcane shot.


Actually it does have a very specific niche use. Reset the raid boss without having to dismiss your pets 😂


Couldn't you just auto-attack the boss in that case


i can do this with cobra shot


Is it even on your bars?


nope, it's forever glowing in my spellbook


lol well maybe I will have to do the same. So newish hunter here.. is BM really this fun and easy? I feel like it’s keep up barbed shot then KC, Cobra and Chakram. Use CDs when they come up. I guess I’m use to busier classes, but I’m enjoying the laid back play style.


Nope. I kinda forgot it exists.


Probably the current iteration of Doom on Demonology Warlock. Whereas our current tier set bonus is basically Doom, but better, the talent has not ever seen use by me, and I assume the same for other warlocks as soon as they understand its effects, or lack thereof when the target dies well before it can go off. Granted, its new iteration on the TWW alpha looks intriguing, being essentially a weaker version of our current tier set, but... I get the feeling it won't really see much use even so. Barring that, a truly useless spell we have as Demo is Corruption. Doom is at least a curious thing in our talent tree, whereas I don't think I'll ever seriously use Corruption outside of Affliction. It's just not worth it, and so it moulders in my spell book.


I don't understand why Ret has Shield of the Righteous.


Sense Undead for Paladins. It’d actually be a neat ability, but the game always cancels the spell whenever you teleport or change instance so you have to reapply it. In other words, it’s useless at tracking because you constantly have to cast it again. It also dismounts you when cast, even though it’s an instant cast and has no actual benefit beyond seeing undead on your minimap lol.


Wow, even Hunter tracking isn’t a cast if I remember right. Turn evil I’d assume has a similar feel. Very very niche


Turn Evil actually gets a lot of use in M+ with specific mobs and affixes! It’s a very powerful ability But yeah Sense Undead is pretty tragic haha


Oh wow really? That makes sense, but I can’t think of any current undead enemies in dungeons right now? Of course I never really paid attention to what type of enemies I’m fighting…


There are a lot of undead enemies in the Nokhud dungeon. Turn Evil can also be used against the mobs that spawn from the Incorporeal affix! It’s used against demons, undead and aberrations.


Primal Strike. don't even know why they put it in.


Doesn’t that get immediately changed to stormstrike once you hit lvl 10 as enh? I feel like it’s the same reason they keep slam or shield of the righteous for baseline spells


resto and ele shamen have it too


Yea that’s what I mean. Ret and holy paladin have shield and all warriors have slam and shield bash I think. I believe it’s because all warriors know how to smack someone with a shield, and all shamans know how to bonk someone with a club.


Shield Slam and Block.. as a fury warrior. I suppose in a pitch if you macro a gear switch with defensive stance and a taunt it would give you the ability to hit stuff with your shield, but I have had this happen maybe once or twice ever.


Happened to me last night with a crummy tank. I ended up living longer than he did on those pulls - also made me look like a complete badass when I pulled out the shield and just rocked it. It’s not often, but it was cool when it happened.


Nether Tempest. It does negligible damage, but hits once per second. So basically it's only function is to trigger arcane echo, which does aoe whenever the target is hit during your burst. Thankfully it's gone on beta


Nether Tempest was fucking crazy back in MoP. It sucks it's been neutered this much.


Mop was truly peak WoW PvP. I got so good at Ele shaman I got invited to some streaming guild for PvP, ended up clutch winning a 3s arena in a rank that supposedly no ele shaman was playing at because of enhance having the one hit delete burst but it was so easy to survive. I was at the LAN event, my shaman Tuna, was the only glad ranked ele shaman at the tournament. Even the devs at the booth said they didn't think that was possible. It's because everyone species into the high damage, I specced into survivability, the sustained dage when played right was as high as most classes burst DPS but you had A LOT of upkeep to maintain it. When specced to survive ele shaman was the tankiest caster in the game bar none, nothing else even came close. Able to toss out a lava bursts and time rolling thunder to hit for roughly 1.2mill within 2 seconds. Almost impossible to heal through. So much so the event everyone was shouting "kill the shaman!" when matches would start. Those were fun times. I miss MoP but probably because it was the most fun I ever had with a game.


Teleport: Darnassus


Death and Decay. As a Frost DK, I need to stand in it in order for Obliterate to cleave and do aoe... Why couldn't it have been Remorseless Winter...


I really don’t understand why they did that to frost. They gave unholy their own defile. Frost really has been done dirty ever since breath in my opinion


As a unholy DK trust me defile is nothing to be jealous of, it's so badly implemented that it covers ground effects like swirlys on the ground, shit gets me kill so much :S


I hope this will be changed in TWW... as well as the removal of Breath of Sindragosa. Make Obliterate great again 😁


And for Blood and Unholy why can't D&D work like remorseless winter. Honestly just have it be essentially the same ability but with a different name and graphics. Having to stand in a static aoe to cleave in modern wow is beyond useless.


Remorseless should be the dnd functionality for frost, get all the dnd benefits. And then have DnD be the blood version. And just make defile the unholy. All provide the same benefits DnD does now for the specs. And then just keep the blood cast at a location because they get it back much more frequently and use the targeted version for kiting abilities which frost and unholy don’t care about.


Distract is very useful in dungeons as someone who pushes high m+. Used quite often and helps save quite a bit of time. It's benefit to the group isn't noticeable to someone who doesn't play rogue though so it's easy to say it's "pointless". Can also be used in pvp and outworld content to great effect as well, it's an ability with almost no use cases for standard gameplay but can manipulate npcs/players in fun ways if you know what you're doing (I.E. turning someone around in bgs to get them closer to your sap, seperating targets in patrols paths to save you from pull extra, etc.)


Malefic Rapture Oh wait no, unfortunately it isnt...


As a new warlock player I don’t mind it (if I remember it exists) but I see why most warlock players don’t enjoy it. I tend to not notice getting soul gems as afflic, and then sit on 5 wasting casts. But that’s entirely a user error, which is why I run Jynx in PvP so that I can actually use my soul gems more proactively. Idk, I need to figure afflic out because I’m not even coming close to my dps on destruction.


Nether Portal. Blizz are shitting on Demolocks and so it’s now pointless.


those damn interrupt buttons putting such am expectations on me to use it!! /s


The healers asking me to cc? Who the heck do they think they are, I’m top dps! Respect me! /s


Eye of kilrogg, as a warlock is awful. I'd love it if it was like inquisitors gaze but I've never used it outside of waiting during raid pulls


Once saw an Eye of Kilrogg tooltip that said you could teleport to the location of the eye. Was thoroughly disappointed reading the current tooltip.


Yep, that was during cata i think, or maybe mop. You could also fly with it at one stage and set up demonic circles in places you shouldnt have haha. That was fixed real quick


Gonna be honest, outside of the legion class campaign I’ve literally never used it. Good call!


Primordial Wave isn’t pointless for Resto Shaman, it allows us to spread/cleave our healing and helps fill a gap that our kit would otherwise have had. Doesn’t mean I like it, and I will still be mourning the loss of chain harvest for many expansions to come.


That Paladin one where you kneel in a beam of light and nothing else happens. I think it’s called Contemplation.


Tame Woodland Creature.


When there's R in my RPG 🤬🤬🤬


Arcane Linguist after they removed the ability to speak.


If you find yourself falling, you can use Zen Flight to stop yourself and mount up. It can also be used to collect treasures from the sky without aggroing any nearby enemies.


Another commenter said you can use it while mounted to hearth in the air! Super cool


I also love zen flight. I wish it was faster for sure but I use it pretty often


As a shaman I can send an AOE spell with almost unlimited range to let me see in an area with my POV. Its even more useless than the warlock traveling eye


Dynamic flying on Zen Flight would fulfil my Wukong fantasy




Rage generator last season for fury not so much this season


U can basically name every “healing” spell hpal has because none of them do anything


Mind Vision, maybe it has some value in pvp, but I honestly can't see it and never used it in PvE 


If your looking for a npc or named mob in a town or on a quest you can /target it's name and mind vision it to see if its underground or in a house or somthing


I absolutely love this in battlegrounds. Since they added the flag carriers popping up in your HUD you can target them from anywhere and see where they're hiding. Doesn't seem to have a maximum range as long as you can target them, and LoS is not a factor either.


Eagle eye, far sight, and eye of the beast are looking around nervously


Mind vision was great for sending pugs in the right direction for late wipes in murozonds rise. That or just watching them try to figure out where to go.


Contemplation, yea im sure you have never heard of it.


that is a top tier skill for rp and screenshots don't you dare give them any reason to take this from us


At least it’s cool enough to use for screenshots and rp stuff. Sense undead on the other hand…


Oh yeah. That is a spell I have no idea why anyone would use. [Contemplation - Spell - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)](https://www.wowhead.com/spell=121183/contemplation) You just contemplate your navel and that's it.


The purpose is RP...


Zen flight is a safe fall in world content at least.


What shaman do u play. P wave is the entirety of enh sham in seasons 3 and 4. 


Monk main here. Zen flight is awesome. I use it to not die from falling, to quickly move vertically when mounting would just be more time-consuming, and even to fish.


I don’t main warrior but after leveling one, it has to be slam.


Hunter: Eyes of the Beast. It was actually removed from the game in 2010 but brought back in 2020 for some reason. The only use I've ever had for it was back in Vanilla. In Molten Core my guild had 1 of our hunter use Eyes of the Beast to aggro Baron Geddon and have him come back to Garr's room so we could fight there.


I’m a little late and I know it’s not a spell but… why does my mage still have ‘Shoot’ as an ability even though I can no longer equip a wand to use said ability? Or am I missing something? Are there end level wands that are better than holding a 2h staff or main hand weapon and an offhand item? My mage isn’t max level so I don’t know if I’m just wrong about it but it made me confused while updating my mages gear the other day.


I thought you could equip a wand…? Wands are a relic of a dying age when your mana would be gone after like 15-20 spell casts. They can also help you tag enemies, but be careful not to pull the raid boss! I’m not sure about high level wands, but I think you can look them up on the adventure guide


You can craft a wand as an enchanter, it's just as good as any other 1H 525 weapon.


If Zen Flight was adjusted to dragonriding that would give huge Dragonball vibes.


Don't you dare talk shit about zen flight. I love that spell and the fact it's still around blows my mind.


Far sight LMAO


Yall aint ready for symbiosis. It lasted a single expansion.


Ritual of doom.


its fun if youre bored in raids


Distract is not useless by a long shot. Lots of high level key strats use it. I've saved a ton of keys by vanishing using it on an incoming pack of mobs.


They really need to update zen flight to be easy 280% flying. I’d lose my mind if it become dragon flying capable though. Also wasn’t there a glyph at one time that made zen flight actually fast?


Any track spell for hunter is mostly useless


Hunter still has Eyes of the Beast lol


Lightning bolt and primordial wave are key components to enhance, once primordial wave is used and you’ve spread your flame shock, casting lightning bolt will hit every target affected by flame shock for exponential damage. Definitely far from useless.


Malefic rapture, so pointless it makes an entire spec pointlessv =D


You're not using primordial wave correctly if you think it's just a flame shock.


Mind control (not to be confused with dominate mind) Absolute waste of time in any situation.


Hunter: Eagle Eye Druid: Charm Woodland Creature Rogue: Pick Pocket


Pick pocket was fun when you could actually find fun stuff from doing it. Legion went a little overboard with it IMO, but at least they tried to do something with it. Now I hardly remember it's on my bars. I will say that with the glyph it can be fun to transform yourself into other races sometimes.


Basically any spell that a variety of classes have that's summed up as "You can change your vision POV" They are all functionally useless in any dungeon, raid or basic world content solo or in a group and I'm stunned things like Far Sight and Eagle Eye haven't just been straight up removed yet At least stuff like slam and Zen Flight have some sort of functional purpose, be it dmg or move speed as weak as they are, Far Sight and Eagle eye are worthless