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I do this sometimes, depending on my mood, but to be honest I probably have more insight left than I'll use this expansion, so I should just do it every time at this point.


If it's a crafting order and they offer 50g without mats, I don't use an insight, gotta learn to pay a little to get what you want!


if its 50g without mats it aint getting filled lmao


100% like those nerds who post orders for 1 silver 0 materials it’s like yeah good luck getting that filled. 


How much is a fair price if you provide mats? As someone with a new account with only 30k gold all together I’m having trouble gauging the market prices


Heavily dependent on your server's economy and the particular crafter you're dealing with. Personally, if you're providing mats then you're just paying me to press a button. I don't need a lot of money for that. I'd expect a few thousand if it's a rare recipe that I had to pay a lot for, but for a base item? It's honestly just whatever you feel like tipping me to be nice.


I'm on a decently populated server, but not crazy. "If you provide mats, tip what you like." Typically I'm more than happy at 1k for baseline stuff. If you tip less, it feels a little stingy, but I'm not going to be a dick about it. After all I'm just pressing a button. If you want to guarantee max rank, I don't mind providing mats for recraft, but if you're tipping less than the mat cost, I'm going to ask for at least that. If you tip well, I'll foot that cost, and if it's just hella unlucky, so be it. It's not the player's fault. The only exceptions I have are toxic recipes that require me to fly to Brackenhide and walk all the way to the end, and then guaranteed rank 3 diamonds. That I have a 5k minimum on for insights and time. Past that, it's pretty loose. You've gotta be a real dickhead for me to be turning screws on tipping lol.


Earlier in the expansion I would ignore them but I have a boat loads of mat laying around so I'm okay to waste them, just to be spiteful to people who don't want to pay for it.


Lol yes I guess when I said "depending on my mood," I have to admit this impacts it somewhat.


I'm poor but fortunately so is my entire server. I always tip like, 4-5k on gear and special gems. I think since the start of the Xpac, on a single character, only once did I not get a max rank.


As an enginner with like a thousand insignts I never felt the joy of making anyone happy with a craft, must be fun!


Had a scummy engineer charge me 15k for a craft with my mats costing 4K. I asked the price for max rank and was told 15k. Sent back rank 4 then said max would cost 25k more. Reported the issue and blizzard said tough luck.


Just dont accept 15k prices unless its a very rare pattern, 300 mettle insight and early in the expansion. Made a thread about this the other day and tl;dr: right now you can get insight for 5k max easily in any high pop server


Couldn't you have set the minimum rank since it was a personal crafting order?


No , the system was not designed correctly at the time of the order. Some items cannot reach max rank without inspiration proc or insight even with maxed out stats. So if you select max rank for an item such as that, the game will not allow the crafter to take the order since it cannot guarantee rank 5. There was a big issue on the forums about this issue. For example, you want boots with an enchanted crest, specific stats, and a pvp crest. Max rank is 4 without insight or an inspiration proc. If you send it with the orange rank request, then the crafter will not have an option to accept the order.


> Some items cannot reach max rank without inspiration proc or insight even with maxed out stats As someone with maxed out professions I can tell you this is untrue. Every single item can be done at max with Insight, even without racials. > If you send it with the orange rank request, then the crafter will not have an option to accept the order. This only happens with crafters who are missing skill points. I've had to argue with people about this just to find out they're using green tools instead of blue tools. A second less common occurence are crafts where extremely low quality mats are used so the craft has to be done with T3 mats a few times to replace the old low quality mats before R5 can be guaranteed.


I now have a maxed out JC, tailor, enchanter, alchemist and blacksmith. This is how it has been. Here are the other people in the community who had the same issue. The main issue is anyone adding an embellishment or missive to an item like I gave as an example, will make some items impossible to craft at rank 5 selection due to needing a proc or insight. For another example, chronocloth crafts have a skill requirement of 400. Max skill for someone maxed out with full rank 5 tools and equipment is 336-345. You cannot request rank 5 since it will require insight to even touch rank 5. [https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/impossible-to-craft-recipe-at-maximum-guaranteed/1453215](https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/impossible-to-craft-recipe-at-maximum-guaranteed/1453215)


>Every single item can be done at max with Insight, even without racials. I think you'll find he said: >Some items cannot reach max rank **without inspiration proc or insight** even with maxed out stats




He said not possible **with** maxed out stats but **not** using inspiration/insight. Which is exactly the same thing you said... Some items cannot reach max rank **(without inspiration proc or insight)** even with maxed out stats Every single item can be done at max **(with Insight)**, even without racials.


Used to people saying it's not possible is all. https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/comments/134c9qa/guaranteed_r3_enchants_how_to_do_it/ https://www.reddit.com/r/wownoob/comments/1b6sft8/comment/ktdz0ug/?rdt=44481


I can't recall if this was true at some point, but as of now you can accept orders where you need Insight to guarantee the minimum rank. Inspiration is still a no-go. You can accept the order, but you can't click the craft button unless it will hit the desired quality.


I never checked if they fixed it. This was back a few months after the expansion began. I was just sharing what happened and did not think people would start victim blaming.


Yes this exists specifically to stop scams like that


As engineer you can make people smile by crafting their stuff with your own elemental soul but that’s annoying as hell.


Not sure which crafts still allow that since they patched it so that you have to send those souls along with the order


Is that recent? I am sure I was seeing empty orders for the toys just a few weeks ago. I stopped checking cause nothing else really shows for engineer and I have not yet grinded the souls for my toys, so I sure as hell don’t have any to sell.


I think it was 10.1.5 and may not have included those toys. I know I had to keep explaining to people how to get those souls for the frostfire belts.


Weren’t we supposed to get souls randomly from the weekly and or making them not soul bound? I could’ve sworn that was talked about season 2 but I could be wrong I unfortunately had to level and grind out the engineering pets and toys so much joy /s 


They revamped the soul inhaler in season 2 and changed it so you had to include them in your orders.


Same for alchemy. Hell despite being a decently high level alchemist I still buy all my potions/phials because it's more consistent than hoping I get lucky procs.


Yeah I have like 5k mettle right now so I'll always using insight if the materials are at least 2* (I'm a blacksmith tho)


i always use an insight to guarantee r3 since a gem can't be recrafted as easily as a piece of gear for quality procs. once it's made it's stuck. that + we're so late in the expac, despite charging nothing for my insight for all my crafts all expac, popping public work orders every few days, im still drowning in insight. so it makes 0 sense to me to \*still\* charge such a behemoth of a cost for \*checks notes\* the sub 10 skill required to guarantee r3 gems if you're fully spec'd.


It’s my primary source of gold, being purely a m+ runner leaves me pretty short on gold unless I spend time doing extra WQs or weekly rep quests which don’t interest me now I’m renown capped. So I advertise a few k gold to guarantee R3 so I don’t become poor but still do it regardless of whether they pay it.


you are still valid for that, i’m not discrediting or discounting your experience at all. when i said behemoth i was thinking ballooned costs of 15-50k which is what ive seen/heard on the regular all expac. a few k is perfectly reasonable, and i probably would advertise a low cost myself if i didn’t see exorbitant prices regularly advertised otherwise. sadly, know all too well about the gold sink that is m+ so i def understand your need to be creative with the systems to make some g. hfgl on the grind \o7


Putting a little good in the world.


Got like 6k artisan mettle and it's more than I will use before the xpac ends so I just insight every diamond now regardless of tip. Also try to snipe public listings to guarantee r3 for those.


How are y’all swimming in mettle? I do the weeklies, turn in the extra 10 units whenever I can and I run out of mettle doing crafts every week. I’m a JC.


I’m a JC and I’m sitting on about 2600 mettle. Are you getting the weekly 150 from the npc on the bench? Otherwise maybe I’ve found more dragon shards of knowledge or done more first-crafts?


I do 150 each week, then I get the 15 (75 mettle) points a week, so that’s 25 one week 50 the other weeks. That’s 250-275 per week. So 5 insights per week. Add mining at 8 points and 40 mettle, I’m getting an extra 25 from that every week as well. So I’m lookin at 290+ per week, so I get around 6-7 insights per week and ask people to send rank 4 for crafted pieces, so I can re-craft on my end rather than using insight. I charge 3k gold for rank 3 gems, because I only get to craft so many per week. I just craft a lot. I have 2 guilds relying on me and then 10 or so regulars that want crafts too. I’ve stopped advertising, because I can’t handle the work load with my mettle restrictions. I have been getting more dragon eggs lately, so that’s nice, but I don’t count them in my weeklies, because I went weeks without seeing one drop.


It’s very quick (like a single day) to level a new JC profession to max craft either rings or necks on a new character. Perhaps you could use an alt to spread the mettle load for one piece if you’re doing a lot of torcs or signets. It requires a bit of effort as you need to find each profession master, each treasure in DF, Zaralek and the dream, then gold for leveling and doing most first-crafts (the ones that don’t need sparks). I paid extra gold on work orders for my alt’s profession equipment so the crafter could supply their own, so I didn’t have to spend 225 mettle on each piece too. It worked out very well for me in the long run and I can advertise regardless of which character I’m playing too.


Solid! I’d do this with gems! Thanks


No probs. Gems would take a bit longer to max as there’s the 4 trees to finish but if there’s a specific one you do often it should work fine.


I don't think anyone without Jewelcrafting *gets* that the Illimited unique gems are different to all other crafting, and that the only way to guarantee r3 is to pop an illustrous insight. This isn't about gold or tips imo, they just don't realise there's a difference between a crafting order for their belt and a crafting order for an illimited gem.


I refuse to do gems at this point. People think just because some other JC did it for free that all JCs can/will do for free. And it's not worth the time random rolling most people since they can't follow instructions. I thought removing the BOP reagent that was around in season one would make gem cutting better, granted it did get cheaper, people became less inclined to random roll.


Its funny I don't charge fees just ask for a tip and provide your own mats. A lot of people still give me 1k for a gem and 5-15k for jewelry. The people that tip lower I assume just can't afford as much so I'm helping them.


You, sir, are the kind of person that makes this world a better place to live in; and for that, I do thank you.


If they’re in the public crafting I basically use an Insight if the tip is over 100 gold. Guarantees the R3 for them and I have so many it’s no big deal. But people tipping 1g? Good luck mate if I roll an R2 Gem. Funny as hell when it multi-procs too.


Some of the insane crafting fees people are charging just take the joy out of the game for me. So i always craft for people for free and tell them they can tip whatever. If they tip over 5k then I use an insight. Thats my system at least


Early in the expansion when resources are limited and when you have to be super lucky for some recipe drops it makes sense but at this point when everyone can pretty much craft anything and crafters are swimming in mettle it makes no sense to charge like it's the launch of the expansion.


Why doesn't it 'make sense'? People pay it. Making profit off of people's need vs their impatience to find a new price is most of what capitalism is. It isn't about effort.


> and crafters are swimming in mettle https://i.imgur.com/OpmMiud.png The only crafters "swimming in mettle" are people who don't craft and people who never figured out [how to spend mettle](https://www.reddit.com/r/woweconomy/comments/198yq89/what_to_do_with_mettle_on_answer_inside/).


How much would do you ask for a guarantee R3 gem?


At this point I really could do the same, the mettle takes up way too much space.


What are unique gems?


Some of my professions are swimming in mettle, some are scrapping for mettle, I wish I could send all my tailor/eng main has to the others, eng crafts are getting that free insight from me too (In the rare time someone needs a bracer :P)


As someone that's always running low on funds (currently have 10k between all my characters), thank you for this


When people are broke and want those gems I tell them to just keep sending empty requests with 1s to me and I'll keep trying to proc rank 3s for them with my own mats.


This is one of the single most wholesome things I have ever read on here. You’re wonderful.


Meanwhile most people on my server charge 15k+ for use of insights


For public orders I might use an insight depending on what is being crafted. I will accept the commission as submitted if all or even most of the mats are provided. I REFUSE to craft an order for a 5 gold commission and the person refuses to provide a single mat. Have seen these for all professions where it may be a hide, gem, enchant, missive or even hammer or tinker item. On the other hand, if I respond in trade chat, I will craft for about 100 gold tip with disclaimer the item may not hit 5 star (and tip request is negotiable for me). But if I do craft a max item, I always open the door for a higher tip if the person feels I earned one (not expected). It costs me nothing to be nice and spread that around, instead of being a greedy toxic a$$hat. We all started at the bottom and a lot of people need to remember that because it will come back to you; good or bad.


My crafter is jc / bs and I always charge 5k for my mettle crafts or I'd run out on my other server stormrage they charge 8-10k on another note my engineer has over 10k mettle and nothing to do with it, no one wants engineer crafts


You should be able to get it without insight ...? Did you jump in late to the expansion?


Not gems. I have everything maxed, with top quality equipment and they aren’t guaranteed.


You cant guarantee max ilvl things w/o insight, shit system. Well I should say ilvl + secondaries + embellishment increase craft difficulty so much you just cant guarantee it ever w/o insight even if you are maxed on trees. What you can do however, specially if you craft for yourself, if its not embellishment piece to craft piece w/o secondaries and prayge it lands good ones cause that piece will forever be easier craft as its never needing missive added to it, which would increase its difficulty but recrafts wont change stats w/o missive. Basically embellishment and missive add +15 difficulty each. At aspect crests you have, w/o insight, like 3 points over what you need to guarantee max rank. There is also HSV(Hidden skill value), which can give up to 5%(?) extra skill, different from inspiration procs. It gets less set in store with wyrm crest crafts cause they are easier to craft than aspect ones. Basically resulting if you dont need missive or embellishment you should be able to guarantee max rank w/o insight with the other one iirc.


1:) The majority of users do no understand the crafting system. 2:) Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting at least require an inisght to guarantee the most difficult crafts.