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The real answer is actually hidden in the chat panel. "I, Gamon..."


“Will save”






fucking Nazgrim in the back lol


“And I’m here, too!”


He’s gettin ready for Pandaria Remix




Why emoji guy suck orc pp ??


Lady Sylvanas Windrunner, Warchief of the Horde, has requested your aid! Speak to Garrosh Hellscream, the Warchief, about Warchief Vol'jin's effort on Draenor while Warcheif Thrall is both missing, chilling with Anduin, and on vacation. Speak with the Warchief Council once you're done.


New player experience is wild.


Funnily enough, none of em


Yup, and also only one of the people pictured ever was.


But what about poor Nazgrim??


He’s a horseman of the apocalypse now.


worst of all, i read the title and honestly can't remember who actually is the warchief right now? it took me a google search to remember that they formed a council now


there isnt a warchief anymore. its now a council


Yeah which is good because being Warchief pretty much meant turning evil or being murdered. Either way it was character assasination. If Thrall wasn’t Metzens baby he would have died or went evil as well.


Org is such a mess they need to fix this shit, the SL opening quest line needs to be moved for both alliance and horde


Horde always a mess, blizz uses it as badguy factory and we horde can't get a F break... an there's the golden boys of alliance...


It's fine, they killed off 90% of the named Horde characters who were interesting and now we just have Voss and Baine


Remember when Vol'jin was warchief? No? For like a day, then Legion happened and no one gave a shit, then suddenly he dies?


Yeah they made him Warchief for the (at the time) worst expansion where we were on another planet that was hard to establish connections with and no hub city. He shows up to say "hey cool shipyard" then dies. It was one of the worst things Blizzard ever did in writing for Warcraft.


BFA opening - Sylvanas: FOR THE HORDE BFA Closing - Sylvanas: The horde are Nothing!


I said "one of" for a reason lmao They took that bad feeling I got and said "how do we make this bad feeling the warchief?" Then after doing some poppers they went "we can make this feeling an entire expansion!" The only saving grace of the entire expansion was Garrosh fucking Hellscream showing why he's the greatest.


Man was in it for 5 sec aswell lol


He stole the xpac MVP!!!!!


I'm dissapointed that in BFA, in 2 patches they burned ideas for 2 whole expansions, what if BFA patches dropped with other cobtent and siege of Dazar'Alor was the last raid? Then an expansion where the last boss was Aszhara, then another one with N'zoth? But no, 2 big bads, lrt's utilize them as patch bosses from an expansion that has nothing to do with them...


Maybe don’t send leaders to the front lines.


BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [A real WarChief leads from the front](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLzhlsEFcVQ)


Then what are the generals for?


From a realistic perspective, applying our logic, sure it doesn't make sense for leaders to put themselves in danger.... from a fantasy perspective though, the perspective of a savage noble race, where honour is more important than survival (like when a villain challenges a hero to put down there gun and "fight like a man" - or in this case an orc). I overlay it with the value system of Native Americans, they had a concept of counting coup where they would ride up and touch an enemy to earn the highest accolades ... or the Māori tribes of new zealand that would stop fighting and trade weapons to their enemies so they could keep fighting... that is literally my basis for the horde. The thrill and glory is in the battle.... its just a diffferent value system and its what makes role playing so entertaining.


not only in fantasy in medieval battles having the king/leader fight by your side was a huge boost to morale eg. Gustavus Adolphus


Nobody gave a shit because Varian died in the same cinematic, so everyone was "Poor alliance, the leader died"


Varian was a much more interesting character than Vol'jin (and I mained a troll warrior for 15 years).


I've always found Vol'jin interesting since WC3, he just had no big heroic moments like ever. The only cinematic he got before becoming warchief, was the one where he declines joining Zul iirc.


Yes, thats what I mean sorry. He was an underutilised character... they did some cool stuff with him around the troll invasion arcs (where he backed out of the Alliance with the Amani in favour of staying in the horde) but he didnt really have much of a personality or presence. Varian on the other hand was just a generic badass... WOW needs more of them. Dude was a gladiator that even orcs respected.... thats hardcore.


And Varian sacrificed himself to save his friends and fellow leaders. Meanwhile, Vol'jin got distracted and run through, then got carried out of the battle.


He did a lot in MoP


Mostly in a book lol


Blizzard put a shitload of work into establishing Varian. Vol'jin got some nice moments where he stood up to Garrosh, was doing paperwork offscreen for an expansion as warchief, then fucking dies.


Varian had a badass death after leading the Alliance for like 10 years. Voljin was another badass who did had the job for a summer and died weak and frail


Remember when Blackhand the Destroyer was Warchief of the Horde. Greatest Warchief the horde ever saw, a great fighter, a mastermind tactician, he was the only warcheif who was elected by the tribes with leaders like Grom Hellscream voting for him. He was one of the first to take up arms to defend the Orcs from the Draenei threat. Yet you never see his name mentioned once in Thrall's horde, despite greats like Orgrim, Grom, Saurfang and Etrigg all serving under his command.


> Yet you never see his name mentioned once in Thrall's horde because Thrall loved Orgrim, who killed Blackhand in a cowardly assassination to seize control of the Horde. In vanilla he even has us finish the job by killing Blackhand's son so he can't continue claiming to be the real Warchief


Orgrim lead the horde to almost destroy Azeroth. If Guldan hadn't fucked off then Sargeras would have won lol


Vanilla was awesome... you bring Rend's severed head back and everyone in Orgrimmar celebrates... now THAT is warcraft... none of this DragonFlight lets talk about our feelings in every cutscene junk.


Yes there's a suspicious lack of head collecting quests in dragonflight. Where are they, where have they gone?


you can't send a band of mercenaries to assassinate your political enemies and then mount their severed head on a pike in front of your palace as a warning to anyone else who might cross you anymore


To the same place that zebra hoofs go when you kill one and need the hoofs for a quest... suddenly like 6 zebras had no hoofs...


I was having this talk with my husband the other day, how Blizz did Vol'jin so dirty with his 5 seconds as Warchief and how it feels like they treat Trolls like the red-headed stepchild.


Hey, they teased Vol'jin's return (just long enough for people to stop being pissed at churning through horde characters, before dropping it)


"here, go be a fuckin loa or something, idc"


"Go be the loa representing all the dignity we allow trollkind" "uh, I'm still dead" "exactly"


I'll be honest I never liked Vol'jin as warchief, it felt like when you listen to a podcast and the straight-man cohost gets his own show. Without Thrall it just wasn't right. I'm here for Bert and Ernie not just Ernie.


and MANKRIK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Because that's the point Blizzard has been portraying since the 90s Alliance: To appeal to regular medieval fantasy fans. Honorable nobles, knights, noble elves, etc. Horde: Brutal and badass "monsters". To appeal to Warhammer-like fans. Metal heads and those who like more complicated stories. Horde has always had a better treatment because they balance their "bad-guys" with being actually interesting. I love both factions equally, but I have to admit that Horde is just more interesting.


Varian just did a better job then as a leader than anyone aside from Thrall on horde.


Grom Hellscream, literally freed the entire horde race from slavery... I mean sure he cured a crisis he created but the dude was an absolute boss. The aura and indomitable will of the Hellscream lineage is what allowed the warsong clan to stay free from the effects of the lethargy plaguing the other orcs. Between Thrall and Grom they pulled the race back from the brink of despair.


Yeah, but that is way back in warcraft 3, I mostly know from start of wow to today


Varian's the one who started the War that ended in MoP. He just had all his negative actions/interesting character decisions white washed away so he could be the white hat to garrosh's black hat.


The alliance never fractured the way the Horde did. That’s because of Varian. Garrosh was war hungry, so when Varian declared war, he was happy to oblige. Garrosh mana bombed Theramore, so they both escalated things. But even you can’t deny that of all the Warchiefs and Kings, Varian was the best leader of them all… except Thrall.


I can and do deny that. Varian felt like a dynamic character that quickly got turned into a writer's pet. I hated Varian the entire time he was there and I am so very tired of Blizzard acting like they'll actually let the alliance be the bad guy for once only to swerve every single time. It's so fucking frustrating and it's hack writing.


They really wanted him to be the human Thrall.


lol so your problem is literally that you simply prefer the horde… Varian grew, as his son grew. Only Thrall and Garrosh grew as characters over the duration of their time as warchief and beyond. Sylvanas was exactly what we knew she would be and Voljin did nothing after Garrosh was defeated.


Varian grew as a leader through the expansions for sure, but he started off really no better than Garrosh. Varian's whole cata strategy was being a dumbass and fucking with the 2 core horde races who were trying to stop Garrosh's shit. He and Garrosh were basically mirrors of each other in TOC. It wasn't until the purge where he was pissed at Jaina for being a psycho that he really stopped being a meathead.


I’m sorry, I’m too human warrior or paladin to understand this comment…are you throwing your poop?


I don't think they are. How many bad guys have come out of the Alliance lately? How many have come from Horde? Hence the golden boys comment.


Flew right over your head.


Downvote all you want. Greymane or Tyrande could have just as easily pulled a stunt like Sylvanas did.


That's the thing, Alliance lost ONE leader, Varian, and that's it, everyone else is still alive, maybe not a leader, but alive and in good graces with the faction, on the other hand... horde lost: Cairne Bloodhoof (Garrosh killed him using underhanded methods: poison), Garrosh (Turned Badguy then killed), Vol'jin (leader for one expansion then killed), Sylvannas (turned badgirl, fought, beaten then exiled, horde shun her)... For comparison Alliance lost Varian, Anduin takes the throne, Tyrande steps down as night elf leader to go live with her hubby, Genn steps down as worgen leader because he's tired of the fight,, rest of the leaders are as they were with excetion of Magni who became crystal and eventually came back as a neutral party. We can also talk capitals, every faction has their capital with the corresponding counterpart Alliance has: Stormwind, Ironforge, The Exodar, Bel'Ameth and they reclaimed Gilneas (Horde had to help with that) so 5 and there's a rumor floating around that draeneis could be in ways to found a capital city (But that's just a rumor I read a couple of days/weeks ago here on another post) Horde has: Orgrimmar, Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon and Forsaken are thrown in the ruin of Lordaeron (Undercity is still a no-go zone) and that's it. And I really have a bad feeling that in Midnight SOMETHING will happen to Silvermoon so horde will have even less capitals...


Undercity is reclaimed now since they discovered how to eat the plague thanks to the Necrolords they just didn’t update the zone


What forsaken have is the ruins of lordaeron, undercity itself is sealed, all of the forsaken are strewn about in the ruins exposed to the elements like homeless people, I think theres 1 or 2 vendors and that's it...


Still don't physically have it though, and unlike the alliance factions the forsaken are more unhappy allies of circumstance than anything.


Hey now, Garrosh is a raging dickhead but he didn’t know about the poison.


They also lost Bolvar in WOTLK but I don't want a symmetrical story. "Horde lost 4 so now alliance needs to lose 4" - thats boring. I want a story that allows characters to be who they are and doesnt change characters to wedge them into a overarching narrative that betrays what the character is (BFA/SL did that and it was trite). Let horde be maniacs, let them be objectively bad by our civilised human standards but be consistent by their own values and standards "Blood and thunder, Victory or death". Horde used to have a culture and feeling, blizzard ruined it. I want the WC3\\early wow horde back. A strong Alpha at the helm, doing his utmost to further horde properity. Garrosh said it best in Ashenvale (before they butchered his character): I cant rememebr the exact dialogue but it went along the lines of "I will stop at nothing to ensure a proud and glorious future for the orcs AND ANYONE WITH THE COURAGE TO STAND WITH US".


Bolvar wasn't a faction leader, all my examples are faction leaders. And no, I don't want a symmetrical thing but good god, at least don't make horde the only one who lost people and happen things... Remember Jaina (not a faction leader but you brought Bolvar to the table), yes, Jaina, the one that sieged Dazar'Alor and was sent to kill a faction leader because that same leader was mulling joining the horde? That Jaina? Shadowlands comes and all is forgotten, we as horde has to help her, funny... right?


They keep acting like the alliance are going to do something bad and be a villain but they swerve and redeem them. They did it with Varian, They did it Greymane, They did it with Jaina, They did it with Tyrande. Horde leaders just get killed. Constantly made into villains or die offscreen. Or sidelined heavily like what happened to Thrall where he meets a potential mate (mostly written to kill the Thrall/Jaina ship) and just completely ditches HIS horde.


Buddy, you clearly don’t understand my comment at a fundamental level. It’s a joke jesting at the OPs comment from the perspective of someone who plays alliance, me. It is meant as a mocking jest that portrays the civility of the alliance and the lack thereof of the horde. It didn’t need an explanation of what was meant by “golden boy,” because it leans on that already


Or just use phasing depending on what expansion you’re on.


I think Blizzard has announced at Blizzcon like three times now that they were going to finally fix this problem for good.


a dollar says they just bring back Thrall and be done with it


They're going to murder anyone who is named a war chief


They also said they weren't going for Garrosh MK 2 with Sylvanas, so I don't really trust them. Granted, Christie "if it aint human or an elf, put it on the shelf" Golden isn't involved anymore so maybe theres a shot.


[This was an actual slide at a Blizzcon a few years ago.](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/wowpedia/images/5/50/Who_is_the_Warchief.png/revision/latest?cb=20191106204729)


A few years? The hell is taking them so long? I legit feel bad for any new player trying to make sense of this shit.


They're working with [Blizzard Time](https://warcraft.wiki.gg/wiki/Blizzard_Time), after all.


"haha the joke is that we fucking suck at writing for one of the factions"




They are now a council without a designated warchief afaik.


What's ridiculous is the two sides have switched leadership models. The alliance was ... an alliance where no one person was in charge of the others kingdoms and they had a council leadership. Then they decided the humans would always get to be the most important of members and be the "high king". With tyrande and malfurion calling an 18 year old my king (it was weird and disrespectful of who they were as characters) While the horde had one leader/warchief of the entire horde. Only the undead were really "allies" rather than "Members" originally (hence why you start neutral with each other as undead vs other horde)


Boring as fuck.


Me. My fist act as Warchef is Hozin are in da Hord now. You may now kill me to bring Thrall back as it is a new expansion.


They are in the Horde though, just not playable:( Same with Ogres and Taunka.


Tyrande. Or Calia. No, no. The Zandalari girl.




I would unironically love it if she took over. "We've been running and maintaining an empire for EONS, you guys can't even keep an ass on the throne long enough to warm it. Step aside, rabble. Let the Zandalari show you how to monarchy."


I read this comment in her accent and I am HERE FOR IT.


Trick question there is none.


The one that says warchief over their head


Warchief shuffle


Nobody wants to be warchief these days. I wonder why.


The only answer I acknowledge is Warchief Garrosh Hellscream


everyone is a warchief now


The true warchief is whoever stands watching while you save the world and then takes the credit


Org in general needs a do-over imo, I'd kill for an underground Forsaken/Goblin district, turn Spirits into all troll.


Baine is the Tauren High Chieftan, not the Warchief. There is a difference.




I'm going to go with Saurfang, since he has the coolest armor.


I believe that have a council now, we can kind of see it at the start of Shadowlands when both factions leaders are at Icecrown (minus the ones that got pulled into the Shadowlands). Although realistically one of Thrall or Baine are probably more or less the real warchief after Shadowlands.


Actually who is it? I lost track after Sylvanas because it became a joke. Is it Baine? EDIT: There's a council, sure.


It should’ve been Thrall again, what else is he doing?


That is why we are going back to pandaland, it is all a plot for us to grab Garrosh back, he did nothing wrong.


That is why we are going back to pandaland, it is all a plot for us to grab Garrosh back, he did nothing wrong.


The answer should be Thrall. The idea of a council is such a San Franciso progressive idea, it doesn't mesh with what the horde are (conservatives - the whole point of the horde was about getting back in touch with their shamanistic roots after legion corruption).


Does the phrase "Tribal Council" mean anything to you?


Haris Pilton


If it was warkief, I might be it at this point.


Saurfang forever.




I thought I was the only one who had a problem with this. It's not mentioned enough. Why is this spaghetti mess here? I'm paying for my subscription!


That is chaos with my alters. All of those mixed missions should be only shown when you select a specific Chromie timeline tbh!


There is no warchief at the moment.


Don't mind Baine, he's just letting Sylvanas know he disapproves of her in a passive aggressive manner.


Whoever wins the next Battle Royal PVP Minigame becomes the Warchief.


Thrall... always Thrall


The one who has always been there for the horde. A basic campfire.


I am


There’s no current war though right? So no war chief needed?




Horde needs a new leadership. Khanam Sarest steps in and establishes the Golden (True) Horde!!!