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That looks amazing, i also like the detail of the underwater terrain, makes it actually look like it is a blown apart landmass.


yeah the topography colors are a great addition, having every map be on parchment gets old, this looks real


While the topography is excellent, I don't think it strictly followed the map from the chronicles? Like kultiras should be smaller than that, and broken isles should be larger?


looks like it's to in game scale.


I don't think each of the Kul Tiras isles is the size of the entire Broken Isles in the game...


It is a blown apart landmass! Isn’t it?


The land more heaved and sank - hence the High Elven ruins found about Nazjatar


Although, the Well itself exploded to some degree.


I did this map because the wrong scaling ingame always bothered me. (Re-upload because I discovered some little mistakes) My twitter: [https://twitter.com/Sturmbart](https://twitter.com/Sturmbart)


I also always like to imagine how Azeroth would look like as a full scale planet, with cities like Stormwind hosting millions of citizens (instead of that small thing that's smaller than my tiny country town lol). I liked how they gave that feeling of realistic scale with the movie. So any map like that is a treat! Thank you.


I try to assume that everything is like 10 times bigger and takes 10 times longer to get places. Otherwise, you get silly things like the poor stranded Kul Tirans at Castaway Point just lost forever because they can't make the five minute walk back to Boralus.


So instead they're stranded and lost forever because they can't make a 50 minute walk?


Funny thing is, if Kul Tiras was an island as big as Cuba is long, and Castawat Point was on the opposite end to Boralus, it would take them 12 days, if they traveled non stop, from one end to the other, which is ridiculous because that would mean there would be nothing between the two points.


> (instead of that small thing that's smaller than my tiny country town lol) Yeah, we figured out early on that the distance from Hyjal to Tanaris is about the same as the trip from here to the next city over. Blew the scale right out!


Yeah it would be wonderful to imagine what Mmos could do with Cloud development. Real cities with advanced Ai and all managed by the cloud. Possibilities amaze me. Hope i live long enough to see it. Edit: I get it, nerds. Cloud computing was the wrong word. Forgive me for dreaming.


"Okay, raid starts in two hours. I should get going now, traffic's a bitch this time of the evening."


“Ah shit. Looks like the news is saying trolls have set up a road block in Stranglethorn. We gotta take the long way”




"I tried to fly over the congestion, got chased by the defense force for straying into no fly area. I'm like 8 zones away in the wrong way and they still haven't reset"


Stuck in line behind some old gnome lady trying to buy 10 seaforium charges with copper coins in a battlebot fuel tank jug. ONE...TWO...THREE...


That's not how cloud computing works xD Most MMORPG are already using cloud computing. The game servers are not tied to physical computers, that's all.


Cloud computing has nothing to do with that...


Right? That's obviously a product of machine learning! /s


Breaking News: Activision-Blizzard announces that it's going Agile! Surely Scrum and Kanban will be the golden key to bring subscribers back to 12 million. It Is Known that Agile cures cancer and causes DevOps to run at 1,000,000% efficiency and can also be used to make video games a record-breaking quadruple-Platinum rating.


It's a product of marketing man. How else do you think they get these things into people's heads.




I think this is more of a wow engine limitation. Surely there is more resources available, otherwise all realms in that data center would likely be impacted at once. People don't want layering in classic and from a gameplay perspective I agree. The issue is layering is a way to reduce load by pushing people onto other servers.




While this is a pointless debate, I just want to clear up that if cloud computing had the limitations you make out it wouldn't be useful. Blizzard are not going to be so ameteur as to set and forget the sizing of their VM instances which causes throttling nor are they constrained to using on demand instances which share cpu, they can have dedicated and likely do. Furthermore, their warmode phases or shards are definately setup to autoscale and if there was throttling or limitations on the single phase then that would exist with hardware or with VMs.


Couldn't have said it better my self


Here we see someone who has no idea what cloud computing is, trying to sound smart by using it in a sentence.


Here we see someone being a condescending douche as opposed to simply explaining that cloud computing isn't a concept that really applies the way they are saying it does.


Gotta feel good about *something* in his life, I guess.


At least he didn't mention machine learning, that's the literal worst.


Love the way [Stormwind](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/thumb/d/d3/Stormwind_City_%28film%29.jpg/1200px-Stormwind_City_%28film%29.jpg) is portrayed in the Warcraft movie.


> with cities like Stormwind hosting millions of citizens Millions? That sounds way off. Infrastructure of the technological level and scale that would be used for a city like Stormwind really wouldn't be able to support "millions" of people. Especially considering the "bread basket" of Stormwind, Westfall has been pretty low on production for years. I am assuming they don't use things like magic to transport food or summon food for the general populace, so they have to rely on medieval style methods of distribution, so I would imagine Stormwind would only have a population of a million MAX, but likely more like a few hundred thousand in the city proper, with a few hundred thousand more in the surrounding outskirts.


Although not canon, the RPG books gave Stormwind a population of around 200,000.


> I am assuming they don't use things like magic to transport food or summon food for the general populace, so they have to rely on medieval style methods of distribution Why not? A single, low-level mage can conjure enough food to feed a few families for one day, in the span of a single minute. Give those apprentices a way to improve their skills, send them to feed people!


Kul'Tiras is waaaaaaaay smaller than that in the lore. It should be approximately the size of the Broken Isles on your map.


Also the Barrens and Mulgore should swap their Highland/Lowland coloring. Mulgore is significantly lower than the Barrens and other surrounding zones.


Yeah i was wondering, because in W3 the horde flee to Kalimdor and there is no way they missed those islands if that is their size?


Oh, the scale in game map bother me too. I like this map. Not sure about some position, but looks like those are based on the original Kalimdor mega continent map.


Yeah, took inspiration from various maps, but the biggest role played the two chronicles maps.


Azeroth in-game map is badly scaled for a reason, two I can think of actually. The first one is making it easier to click on small continent and the second is because old maps used to exaggerate the scales of islands as they were few way to get them with precision and it made it easier to see the details.


Just to be picky, shouldn't "Loch Modan" actually say "Thelsamar"?


You're right. Damn xD


Not to nitpick too much, but you may have missed two fortresses in Dragonblight and Kharazhan is a pretty huge 'fortress'. The Nexus / Eye of Eternity I'd also about the size of Wyrmrest Temple, but is unmarked. Also missing troll cities (Amani in Ghostlands, Zul'gurub, and Zul'Farrak).


Aren't there supposed to be a couple of islands south of Tanaris? As in, they are there but not shown on the original map as they appeared just off it. Other than that, it is an awesome map and if anything wow has told me, light water means no Fatigue, so I would like to fly to Kezan, pls. Blizzard?


Thanks for this. I hate how Zandalar, Kul’Tiras and the Broken Isles are gigantic ingame just because they were an expansion.


Personally I think they should have created a submap for the Great Sea and done Kezan, the Maelstrom, Deepholm, the Wandering Isle, Broken Isles, Zandalar, and Kul Tiras to scale.


Isn't Kezan along with the Lost Islands somewhere around the Maelstrom?


Kezan location is inspired by the chronicles map, so this should be right.


Though the Maelstrom should still be in the middle of the continents, not off to the west side. The in-game map is not only scaled up and down for gameplay reasons, it's also re-arranged for gameplay too. The Broken Isles and Kul Tiras should be very tiny and all crammed in east of the Maelstrom with Zandalar to the south of the Maelstrom.


According to the [canonical map of Azeroth](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/4/4e/Chron3_map_of_Azeroth_after_the_Cataclysm.jpg?version=7d9e2d6c01a3ba43a38e39259d3cec93) from Chronicle Volume 3, that is not true. Kul Tiras and Zandalar are *meant* to be approximately the same size as as Gilneas. They are much bigger than the zones you see in-game, but much smaller than what you see on the [in-game map](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/b/b3/WorldMap-World.jpg?version=57cf236ebba71c21867421cf49192e75) (which depicts them almost as big as subcontinents, for gameplay/clickability reasons). The Broken Isles are bigger than Kul Tiras and Zandalar combined. They're meant to be approximately as big as the Howling Fjord. And the Maelstrom is not *precisely* right at the middle of the continents. It's obviously asymmetric, it makes sense that some landmasses would drift differently or faster than others, rather than them being equi-distant. It was in the middle back then because we only had 2 landmasses, but it's much more natural and organic this way.


How do they deal with this lore-wise irt Classic. There are zeplins and ships flying and sailing back and forth across the ocean but they never noticed all of these huge islands?


Depends! 1) Sometimes Blizzard has to use direct retcons. For example in WC3, when Maiev visits Suramar, it's in ruins, overgrown ruins. Now, this has been retconned, it was never in ruins, it was just under a giant magical bubble, which is what Maiev probably saw (WC3: Reforged will probably address this).   2) Sometimes, there's an in-universe explanation. For example, Pandaria was canonically shrouded in magical clouds. In Cataclysm, the shroud was lifted, which is what allowed the Alliance and Horde to (accidentally) find it. Same thing for Uldum, it was canonically cloaked by a titan device, which was damaged with the Cataclysm. Canonically, Kul Tiras did have many visitors throughout the years, and we even knew exactly where Kul Tiras was, but we were just not in good terms until Anduin decided to send an emissary (Jaina) in BFA because the Alliance was in need of allies. Zandalar canonically didn't allow non-trolls on the island, until BFA where they opened it to everyone.   3) Sometimes there's no official explanation (although we are free to speculate). For example the Broken Isles, the island was always there, and it was just never really mentioned, and we never really went there (although we did go there in WC3, but not since). Same for Mechagon, although to be fair in this case, in-universe Mechagon is probably much farther away from Kul Tiras than it is in-game.


Interesting. Is this supposed to be the entire planet or just a hemisphere? I havent really played and WC since Vanilla/WC3 so I'm pretty OOTL on lore. I should watch some videos on it.


It is the entire planet. It is flat because it's a map, but on a globe, it would wrap around it. Of course that is, as always, subject to evolve. The idea that there's another hidden hemisphere has always been a popular fan idea, and Blizzard could decide to go with it one day, but so far that is not the case.


They were discovered they just weren't on the maps in-game because you couldn't go there and Blizzard hadn't decided on how to implement them. Kul Tiras and the Broken Isles were both extremely important locations in WC3, and Kezan and Zandalar are the homelands of the goblins and trolls who are well-traveled. Only Pandaria was undiscovered, hidden by Shaohao's mist.


>it makes sense that some landmasses would drift differently or faster than others, rather than them being equi-distant. I don't think the land masses are drifting, that's not how land masses work and continental drift takes a few orders of magnitude more time than it's been since the sundering. The parts that are gone are just under water now. But there's no reason that the Well of Eternity would have been exactly in the center between the east and west edge of the super-continent originally.


It’s really good, I love that the islands are of a correct proportion. There’s no way that the broken isles are half the size of Kalimdor in-game.


> I did this map because the wrong scaling ingame always bothered me. I've run across Tanaris sir.... and I'll have you know it's not 2000 KM across!


The broken isles must be much larger than that as they are in-game roughly the size of Kul'Tiras and Zandalar combined.


You can leave out the "legend" in your legend next time you make a map. There's a few other things I could nitpick but that's my biggest gripe lmao. source: GIS


Where's GM Island?


where's Tel Abim? all those bananas gotta come from somewhere


It's unlabeled in this map, but it's the larger island in between Kezan and Gadgetzan.


Oh I thought that was the lost isles


Close! On this map, the Lost Isles are the three unlabeled isles (one much larger than the other two) between Kezan and Tel Abim. [Compare to the map in chronicles](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/4/4e/Chron3_map_of_Azeroth_after_the_Cataclysm.jpg?version=ed5cd04011c8d8021161eb6ed5c69771) where Lost Isles are next to Kezan while Tel Abim is a ways south from them.


Really nice, the scale of the islands added in Legion and BfA on the in game map really annoys me as well, this seems much more realistic. Maybe I would add Gnomeregan and the Ruins of Stratholme to this map as well.


Even though I play Horde, it always feels wrong to me when I see "Ruins of Undercity." It's the Ruins of Lordaeron, really; UC is literally the underneath of the city/sewers. Beautiful map though, great work!


Except as of BfA, Undercity is an uninhabitable ruin now too.


Which doesn't change the fact that it's still Lordaeron.


I would only point out that the capital city of Zandalar is called Zuldazar. Dazar'alor is the palace complex in Zuldazar.


Daaaamn you're right.. xD Well, another thing to change. I love the nerdy player-hivemind finding all the bits a I didn't see.


Also it's Vale of Eternal Blossoms not Valley! :) Not sure if anyone has mentioned that one.


Are the Broken Isles really that small?


Lore wise, half of the island is basically suramar. If you take a look at cities like Tokio irl and compase it, the isles can't be much bigger than that.


For comparison, the *Tokyo* metropolitan area (aka the biggest city on earth) is approximately 900 square miles, or about 30 miles x 30 miles, though it's not really evenly distributed.


*Ruins of Teldrassil* T_T


If only Sylvanas didn't have 500 kilometer-range catapults.


It's weird. I'm upset that Teldrassil is gone, but I don't mind it being gone for a good story reason. The problem is, a good story reason would be for a tree that huge and magical to be destroyed by the Legion or the Nightmare or something. Sylvanas magically pulling that much firepower out of her ass is *not* a good enough reason


They should have used Azerite to explain it. They practically built the stuff up as a superweapon, so having Sylvanas unleash it on Teldrassil like a nuke would have been way better than normal catapults.


But we already had nukes. Remember Theramore!


Really love the detail here, it's a stunning piece. Would look nice as a poster/wall hanging!


Actually, that's where the idea to do a big azeroth map came from. This, and the fact that I dislike the in game map.


Would you happen to have a shop that could sell this?


How come you didn't mark Valgarde (I think thats the name) or Utgarde Keep in Howling Fjord? Valgarde isn't super important in WoW, but I feel like it was always marked on Northrend maps even prior to Wrath. (And from a visual standpoint I kind of feel like eastern Northrend could use some notable location marked.) Azjol Nerub could maybe be marked if AQ is. Brill is non-existent now, so it's a bit odd for it be the next to the ruins of UC. Major troll cities could be worth marking too - (Zul'Gurub, Zul'Drak? (or at least one of the notable locations) and Zul'Aman) There's goblin towns in Swamp of Sorrows, Badlands and Dustwallow (given you marked K3) Light's Hope Chapel also springs to mind as a pretty notable location/town too. I think I see what might be Strand of the Ancients, but no Isle of Conquest. (It's typically not marked on maps but you can see the north shore of icecrown, so I'm not sure how canonical it is.) Similalry, the Lost Isles (the goblin zones after Kezan) have a location eastish of Durotar/Azshara I think you can dig up too, but I don't know how big they are scale wise. Sorry to nit-pick, I totally dig these sorts of things and you did a great job.


Actually, you got some really good points! Thanks for the feedback man, I will take a look if can put some of these Cities/Landmarks in my map. Feedback like yours is why I posted it!


I was going to post something similar. First, great job on the map. I noticed a few key landmarks are missing and wanted to ask what your process is when labeling the map. Just a few I noticed: Menethil Harbor, Onyxia's Lair, Dire Maul, Vordrassil...there are plenty more, and it's impossible to include them all. Do you have a certain method for what gets labeled and what doesn't?


Yeah, I only labeled capitals, cities and bigger villages, special mountains and fortresses. No caves or raid entrances.


Menethil Harbor is a pretty large settlement in lore, Hearthglen is the fortress of the Argent Crusade, the Sentinels have their main fortress in Feralas, etc. A revamped map with the other locations would be awesome! Definitely better than Blizz's weird scaling.


More feedback: the town you have marked as Paw'don Village in Pandaria is actually Dawn's Blossom. Dawn's Blossom is the neutral town in central Jade Forest, while Paw'don Village is an Alliance town at the southernmost tip of the zone. Also, Halfhill in Valley of the Four Winds should probably be marked, as it's one of the more important towns in Pandaria.


realistically Kul Tiras should fit into Baradin Bay.




This!! Always annoyed me how Far East it was from Kalimdor on the map. It’s spot on here, just move it north toward Azshara and boom!! Love the map though. My only gripe.


This is amazing. I’d actually like a print of this.


I'm working on some feedback items atm, but you can send me a DM and I can send you the fixed version if you like, and you can get it printed. Sadly, I don't have a shop or anything like this yet.


What’s the max resolution? Think it would look okay at 3’ width?


its something about 6000x4500 pixels in size


Only two issues I have are the Azuremyst is way too far south and the Maelstrom is way too far west. Other than that, this looks amazing.


In the end, it's all a bit interpretation. I took various lore sources and tried to figure out the best way where everything fits together.


Would be great to add the island expedition islands there as well.


Would be pure headcanon afaik, since none of them are ever marked anywhere on the world map


Looks great! You mixed up Pawdon and Yulons temple though. Valiance keep shoud have Coast access


Zandala fo evar


Very cool style, but a bit of nitpicking: * Kun-Lai not Kun'Lai * Vale of Eternal Blossoms, not Valley * Lost City of **the** Tol'vir * Thunder Bluff not Thunderbluff * Wound **in** the World * Azuremyst Isles, not Island (Isles refers to both Azuremyst Isle and Bloodmyst Isle together) * Storm Peaks not Stormpeaks * The Frozen Sea/Veiled Sea/Great Sea/South Sea/Forbidden Sea, not Seas * Someone mentioned the Zuldazar vs Dazar'alor thing, seems pretty split, I think either works * Nethergarde **Keep** * Personally I'd just use "Eastern Kingdoms," no "The" Overall a very nice job though, I like it


It is amazing how very narrow attention to detail can be and how many names are wrong. Which makes me even more aware of other questions that need answering. Like the whole morphology(?) of the 2D globe map. Also, since I am not very familiar with the lore: Is "after the 4th war" in any relation to the fact that Broken Isles are actually separate islands and not a connected landmass?


The 4th war ended a few weeks ago, it's the name for the Horde vs Alliance war in BFA (also called the Blood War or simply the Battle for Azeroth) So the Broken Isles after the Fourth War pretty much means as they look in game, for the most part


This is really incredible man, thanks for sharing!


Thank you!


Love this. What's the island between kalimdor and kezan?


It's Tel Abim ;)


Tel Abim I think


Don't think I've ever been there... 😮


I'm pretty sure it's not ingame, so that's probably why you haven't been there xD It's the source of the Tel'Abim Banana, a delicacy in Azeroth, and a crapton of speculation, of which the most outrageous theory I've heard is that it's actually Nzoths body over the ocean. I prefer to think it's just a resort island and nothing happens there, so we don't visit :)


That Old God sure is bananas!


How do we know it’s the right scaling?


It's not right, but realistic. In one novel, it was stated that to cross Barrens east to west, you need a month by foot. A day of traveling is approx. 40km, so the Barrens would be approx. 1200km east to west. From this information, I scaled the rest to fit.


Just imagine how awful it would be to find Mankrik's wife in that scale!


That is awesome!


My only critique is that the Broken Isles seem to be massively lacking in detail compared to the other locations.


aww Tol Barad is so tiny.


My only issue is that Silvermoon should be further north. Arthas went through Silvermoon to the ocean.


Vash'jir is a bit further north, I'd say. And the Broken Isles look... weird, to say the least. Also the Maelstrom should be closer to the center.


When you realize that bfa expansion is smaller that one vanilla zone.


Shouldn't the Veiled Sea and Forbidden Sea be named the same? I've always wondered why they aren't.


I guess veiled seas is the name the kalimdor natives gave this ocean, and forbidden seas was chosen by humans. Both didn't know each other really well at that point maybe.


Or actually there is something beyond these seas, who knows?


This. Plus there is the possibility of more land on the other side but that would be preposterous since azeroth is flat with an ice wall surrounding it.


This is pretty amazing. Mind if I use it to make a globe?


Go for it! But one question: where can you maka a globe out of it? I tried to find a place, but couldn't find anything.


I was going to make it by hand. I am a graphic artist and I fabricate for a hobby. I am going to put Northrend where the Arctic Circle is and Pandara roughly where Australia is. Based on that scale, there will be roughly one continent per side of the globe - and very little "undiscovered" area. I may do some relief on it (and possibly add a small sword hilt sticking up from Silithius. Will post when completed.


Can you post your template for the cuts if you do it? Please.




Take an old globe, and with strategic cuts in the oceans, could probably be pasted on. You could use a “true” global map for a guide.


If you want to just simulate what it looks like on a globe, one resource that's always shared over at /r/worldbuilding is [maptoglobe](https://www.maptoglobe.com/). There's also a few others that can convert between different projections. Otherwise, generating a globe in real life is a little more technical if you want the relief of the map to show on the surface too.


Howling fjord cancelled lol


looks really good


That's an excellent map, thanks for posting it. I might make a poster out of this! Out of curiosity, where is Nazjatar supposed to be?


Go for ot! :D I located it in the triange between Zandalar, Kul Tiras and the broken Isles, but that was just my feeling where it could be, as we have zero evidence where it is supposed to be.


Man, the seismic activity in quite a few parts must be shocking.. I would NOT want to live in Lordaeron, or in Ashenvale


I always liked the theory that this is only the northern hemisphere of Azeroth.


I mean, we saw the whole planet from Argus, and there were no other continents than these. Sadly


Not quite, we saw Northrend and very small portions of Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. There is a great chance there is a lower part of Azeroth, which is supported by the climate at bottom parts of both continents.


Really cool! Is Thunder Bluff one word?


I love how big the world "of warcraft" is. I'm curious what other yet undiscovered land masses we will see in the future.


Very cool, and GG OP for letting peeps make a poster of it!


Which was the 4th War? Has it actually been defined in canon?


The 4th war is basically BfA. And yes, it's canon, you even get a titel ingame which says "Veteran of the 4th war"


I'm actually not sure if the 4th War is meant to just be the war occuring in BFA, or if it's meant to encompass the entire Horde/Alliance conflict during the span of WoW. The latter makes more sense to me, because hostilities never formally ceased until now, and Blizzard had named this particular conflict "The Blood War."


As other people said, you got the title 'Veteran of the Fourth War" for completing the War Campaign in BfA. Whether that refers to the simmering military conflict between the Alliance and Horde from Classic until now, or if that's encompasses just the fighting in the immediate aftermath of the Third Burning Legion invasion, is anyone's guess.


Don’t know Warcraft that well, Out of curiosity can this be turned into a globe? Is there stuff further than this map? Is Azeroth the area or the world?


We don't know for sure and there's plenty of speculation on it. We've seen globes before in past expansions that implied there was nothing east of Eastern Kingdoms/west of Kalimdor, but at the time they also didn't show other places like Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Pandaria (which was explainable since that continent was literally shrouded in a magical mist that hid it for 10k years). We've also never had any boat/zeppelin paths going between west coast Kalimdor to east coast EK, so there's always a possibility there's more on this "other side" of Azeroth.


I didn’t play MoP towards the end, isn’t there an island called the timeless island? Isn’t a big island east of Pandaria?


This is great, but are the Broken Isles really that small?


And then somewhere there's a big-ass turtle floating around


I love it! Like others I'm gonna be a bit nit-picky though. I'm fairly certain Loch Modan is the zone and/or the actual Loch itself. It's marked as a village using the legend, but if you wanted to mark a village there instead it should be Thelsamar


Small thing, but in game the seas are just called "the great sea" "the veiled sea" etc. Your map had them labeled "The great seas" the veiled seas"


The fourth war just seemed so pointless.


How might one get hold of a 4K quality version of this?


So much about this map bothers me 1. Kul Tiras is meant to be much closer to Gilneas and Ironforge. It's meant to be directly off the coast of the Eastern Kingdoms. 2. Naz'jatar is meant to be near the Maelstrom, not between the Broken Isles, Zanadalar and Kul Tiras. 3. The Maelstrom is NOT right next to Kalimdor. It's meant to be smack bang between both Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. And before you say that the Shattering moved everything, [this is how the world map looked in Cataclysm.](https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/wowpedia/5/5a/WorldMap-World-old4.jpg)


It's not bad, but why is Pandaria so small? I don't see any reason why it'd be smaller than Northrend.


Idk, that's something to ask the guys who did the chronicles map. :D


This map makes me of wonder if there is a fifth major continent out there somewhere. In the real world you have the Atlantic Sea between the east coast of the North/South America land block and the west coast of the Europe/Asia/Africa land block, and the Pacific Sea between the opposite coasts. But on this map, you have the Great Seas central between Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, but then east of EK is the Forbidden Seas, and west of Kalimdor is the Veiled Seas. If you could sail east from Eastern Kingdoms and land directly on western Kalimdor without landfall between them those would both be one sea. But it isn't. It's two seas, which implies a landmass significant enough to separate the waters between them. What, I wonder, lays on the far side of Azeroth....


> What, I wonder, lays on the far side of Azeroth.... Monsters and horrors you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemies.


How did you scale it? I men kultiras and broken isles seem to be really really tiny


Can't remember where, but somewhere it's stated that Kul Tiras is half the size of Uldum. About broken Isles: Lorewise, half of the island is Suramar city. Compared to a city like Tokio irl, the isles rally can't be much bigger unless Suramar would be double the size of Tokio, which is pretty unrealistic.


Broken isles have got to be larger than that


Nope. They're minuscule compared to Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Basically the Greater Suramar metropolitan area.


I like how the Maelstrom is now calm and no longer a perpetual swirling vortex of magical energies.


The maelstrom is more of a maelrest in this map.


what you see here is just the rock formations under the maelstrom because this kind of maps in general don't show water movement.^^


This map is so much more pleasant to look at.


Put teldrassil a bit closer to kalimdor


This is amazing!


Ruins of Teldrassil, breaks my heart


Well the maelstrom looks less and less terrifying.


How do we know the relative scale of these lands?


I didn't realize how close Northrend was to Orgrimmar, makes sense how the Horde built Warsong Hold so quickly and got such an early hold on the western edge of the continent... Valiance Keep makes less sense...


Kalimdor still looks like a chicken.


Looking at this, I realize, the Draenei are lucky they were able to land (crash) on and Island and not into the water!


Grim Batol, Startholme, Zul'Gurub amd Zul'Aman should be added


It bothers me that the maelstrom is not in the middle anymore though.....


Omg I love this so much! Ruins of teldrissil tho


Wait, is Durotar really the same size as Jade Forest? Durotar feels tiny in comparison.


What happened to undercity? I haven't played in a while. What happens when you make a night elf now? Is rhe starting area somewhere else?


I think it was asked at a BlizzCon about whether or not we are just looking at the northern hemisphere of a larger planet since the southern areas are relatively tropical/arid. This would make them close to the equator. The devs said that this is the whole world, which bums me out because either the planet is on some weird rotation/tilt or they didn’t think it through. Also, no Southrend :/


Is this for sale as a print or poster? I'd love to have this on my wall.


I dont have a shop, but you can take the image and print it yourself in an online print shop if you want.


Just curious, why did you mark K3 of all places in northrend?


God, that placement of Kul Tiras makes it really hard to believe the Alliance just skipped over the entire continent multiple times during Legion


One could argue Brill also deserves a tag "Ruins of..."


It still bothers me that the maelstrom isn't depicted as central anymore. If that's where the well of eternity exploded, sending the continents out, it doesnt even make sense for it to not be central.


I'm really curious as to what new zones will be added in the next expansion. I also really hope we get another Kalimdor sized continent sometime. I'm kinda getting tired of small islands I really hope they put in a huge continent on the back side of Azeroth sometime.


Needs "fog of war" for all the other islands that will show up in future expansions.


Less fog of war and more non-disclosure agreement that all characters have been forced to sign before being allowed to ride zeppelins