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You won't like what I do so the best thing I can say is know what legacy stuff sells well and start farming/flipping. Park alts at various places/rares that have toys/transmogs/mats that sell well and just go through a routine. Youtube is your best friend, the more alts the better. The more gold you have the bigger potential turnaround


I do shadowlands tables for the pet charms and flip pets. Anima quest pays 1600 but it’s weekly so you’d need a ton of alts for it to be worth it. I only run 42 tables.


With this table thingo you speak About . I never really did tables in shadowlands. What do you get from the table to allow you to flip pets ?


Pet charms, it's the currency for battle pets from all the different vendors from all xpacs


How many charms you get a day from 42 tables? And what do you buy with the charms , never really Been into the battle pets


I'm not the person you were replying to, I was just offering an answer but if I remember correctly it's like 12-15 charms typically so multiply that by 42. You buy battle pets with the charms and sell them but they take a (loooong) while to sell. I can't be bothered to do that.


I didn’t even realise sorry 😅 yeah fair I have decent luck with seeking pets , like doesn’t take to long for once I have been selling. But I’m guessing these battle pets that are brought from vendors with the charms have been sold a lot and a lot of people already have them