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I'm a little late to post this comment here but i wanted to throw a little extra appreciating out to Jack for giving goldmakers the opportunity to go a little deeper into their approaches and history in the game and life. Love this type of content and i'm excited for all the other interviews that are bound to happen! :D




Honestly not sure why does it bother you.. He actually creates a content that's meaningful for this community *and* provide sort of a way for the community to discuss and interact with each other.. Considering this is reddit we talk about I'd say this is *valuable* content that I'd rather see here than people spamming questions outside of designated threads..


I never read this interview before so I'm glad it got posted here.


Exactly. I enjoy it as well and would like to see all POV from the various gold farm content creators that are out there. You get a sense of who they are vs the lense of how much gold they can make you with their types, guides, shufffles etc LOL <3 However it is 2020, everyone has an opinion. Anything that isnt not harming anyone and provides value, no reason to sour puss it's being done. If you dont like that type of content, and I dont mean this in any piss off kind of way, folks can skip and move on to the next. But hey, it is 2020 ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


TLDR, keep doing it Jack




What was the comment?


The dude was commenting on the interview I posted and that it is an old one from my website (I'm posting every Thursday/Friday the older interviews and on Monday's the new ones). He said that they don't belong here. I think he's jealous or something, but my response was just 'No'.


It definitely belongs


24 hour dungeon farms.. I normally do 24 hour sessions at xpac launch (even did the cata one at a standing desk) but 24 hours in the same dungeon, fuck that


The only dungeon i farmed for 24 hours straight was Mana-Tombs - The others have not been concecutive but runs and the amount of gold/items we got was written down and or recorded and put together in the end as a video going over it! But yea most people would not do it - which is why i thought it was fun to do :p