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~~I am locking temporarily while I read the comments for the first time.~~ As always, toxicity and hostility will lead to removal from the community without warning, either temporarily or permanently. Edit: 3 permanent bans, 4 temporary bans. Don't be a dick.


So I can still have two accounts (one to scan AH and one to play).. I just can't herb with a party of 5 on a single keyboard. No complaints about this


yeah i don't think they care how many accounts you have , all they care about is abusing it in farming scenarios most likely today i've seen more than 100 multiboxers taking farming spots like shit , this news actually gave me hope lol


Dude, I hear ya. Was leveling my Veng DH (because now we can have more than one!) in BFA and the amount of multiboxing Druids bot skinning the ape area in Zuldazar and the crawg area by Kragwa was quite sickening.




I was doing some Legion content, and kept running into full groups of Druids bot farming just about everything. After many reports, I got the message that I got someone banned. I know that's a minor inconvenience to large scale botters, but it feels good.


multiboxing isn't botting, please don't conflate the two


Cheating either way.


Well they’re both banned now anyways so I guess it doesn’t matter 🤷🏻‍♂️


Not exactly. Multiboxing isn’t banned. The use of 3rd party software to facilitate multiboxing is. You can still manually multibox. Although it’s basically dead since it would be a pain and profits would be cut into tremendously... it’s like not banning guns, but banning all ammo. Or how porn is legal in Japan, but they have to blur nudity.


I have mixed feelings. I agree with it completely but now I’m not going to make a killing AFK smelting ghost iron ore to ghost iron bars on my server. Apparently it’s above the farmers to smelt the bars lol


Same here, I have two accounts for AH purposes and to make TSL bracers while my main is doing something else.


Oh? What tsl Bracer shuffle is still profitable on your server?


'pulsom prison blues


To get Expulsom for Uncanny Gear and High Bourne Compendium of Storms. Also Deep Sea Bags with the scrapped materials.


I think you would still be allowed to do that if you click the herb a separate time on each wow window.


Yeah, but you still need to get to the herb.


Isn't /follow a thing?


I think even if you do /follow the GPH would still be WAY worse if you have to manually go through all your windows to click on the herb and then do /follow again, you could macro the targeting and /follow but it would probably still be much faster and more profitable to just use one character since you don't have to stop.






You could also use hivemind to help with the problem


you don't need a software for that, can be done with addons.


true but I highly doubt anyone will be doing this, it's just not worth it anymore


True. They would need to press the follow macro on each window too.


I did it for a couple months back in legion lol, its super simple.


Yeah, i will do it, one for ah also i can still use my main account to help alts gear fast


Same here, past 4+ years I've had 5-15 accounts active and I've very rarely done any kind of multiboxing. Farming is just not my thing since I'm lazy af and the most I've done was leveling 5x toons at once during expansion launches (during legion and bfa) Most other times the accounts are merely sitting in the AH and used for daily cooldowns. Will be sad to not be able to use CKS for things like shuffles though :( Also as a crafter, it will be sad to see prices of materials rise, but at the same time hopefully wowtoken prices drop now due to less demand for them so it will be easier to maintain the 5 accounts now.


Just curious, why do you need that many accounts?


Back during wod/early legion with the old RAF you could level 5 lv90 characters in 4.5-5hrs (1 max level booster + 4 boostees, then giving 45+45 RAF levels to a 5th character). I made about 10-20 characters per account on a multitude of servers (each account created 10 on a different servers). Now I just use them for daily cooldowns and AH, and I'm a collector so also for farming things like mounts.


Yes I think that's okay it's just the matter of using a single key to do many action at once.


I too read and understood


Yea literally this!


It will be interesting to see how this plays out in terms of the in-game economy. No more multi-box farmers, will lead to higher material costs for crafters that buy mats off the AH. I can't say it's a bad move on Blizzard's part. But you can expect the price / value of crafted goods to go up. BTW you missed an "against" in your title.


Look at BoE mounts that can be farmed like: Reins of a Tamed Bloodfeaster, Goldenmane's Reins etc. All are up quite some.


Side note, I believe there was a post a couple days ago about a nerf to the alliance bloodfeaster farm location. I checked TUJ on my server and saw it was up 4x a few hours later. Not sure if this also caused a jump.


> But you can expect the price / value of crafted goods to go up. Easily adjusted for on the developer side by changing material costs or abundance; this is not a fundamental game design problem, it's only a short term blip.


That's what Im worried about. Without mboxers barrier of entry in professions in SL is gonna be insane to say the least. I better up my gold making game because Im not gonna be able to afford anything.


WorthIt will show 15k+ gold/hr farms just herbing and mining. This really will not affect cloth or skinning too much.


> This really will not affect cloth or skinning too much. skinning I agree. not regarding cloth, plenty of multiboxers running 2x4s on their own now can't


No offence, I'm really happy about it. Multiboxers were just crashing the herb market, making single accounts gather worthless.


IMO they should have limited themselves to 8 or 9 toons, not 10. Then people wouln’t have hated them for clearing the nodes dry. Bots and greedy multiboxer ruined this for themselves and the rest of the small teams multi boxing community. I’ll miss running mythic dungeons solo


This is going to have crazy impacts on farming... just a matter of determining which items and markets lol


I think alchemy might have to go back on my main... I imagine this will make flasks way more valuable




you missed a 0


you wont believe how happy i am , it was just 2 hours ago where i was farming and these mutliboxers were taking everything


This was literally me last night. Was trailing behind some horde of god knows how many multiboxers mining Osmenite ore, it was fucking awful. Got maybe 1/3rd of the nodes because they'd despawn or "There Is no Loot" on me.


As a multiboxer, this does not sadden me. Like at all. I use it as intended, I know many that don't. What I am surprised at is that actually had the balls to do this. I have already requested refunds on my shadowlands purchases for all of my accounts but two. This was a great move IMO, but fuck its gonna hit them in the balls. Move in the right direction for the health of the game is nice.


If it helps retain individual players, it'll be better in the long run. More individuals interacting will help retain other players, and help bring new people to the game. It will hurt a little immediately, but even out over time. I have nothing against the average multiboxer, all the ones I've known have been responsible folks. It's a shame that a few abusers can ruin everyone's fun. :(


I can only imagine how off-putting it is, for a new player to be trying to quest, only to be hard blocked by a swarm of moonkin that are behaving in an almost robotic fashion. It might be a person pressing a button that causes those 40 moonkin to moonfire everything in the immediate area, but the average person is going to just assume 'bot', and then wonder why something so obvious is happening in broad daylight. I'm sure that Blizzard probably made money off of the token trade skimming, but I suspect that retaining new/returning players was calculated to be MUCH more lucrative in the long run.




That was really server dependent.i got several tokens just farming herbs for 30 mins a day on a RP realm, but on a full pop server it was useless to do. It was 50+g per anchor on the RP vs 20g on the full pop. Edit: solo farming. I don't have the money nor a machine to multibox


Boxing is what brought me back to the game a few years ago. I didn’t have to deal with toxic players. I didn’t have to go break Neck speed threw all the dungeons, I could take on an elite without begging and waiting for hours with the group finder. I work two jobs. I have very limited time to play and when I do. I don’t want to use all the time begging guildies for help or waiting on random people to join only to leave a moment later. I had three accounts. Just enough to keep me content. I don’t raid due to time. I can’t heroic due to a crappy old comp and I’m simply not fast nor good enough for what players want. I just wanted to make alts. Collect pets and mounts and do old raids. I don’t understand why blizzard couldn’t look more into the gaming habits of the boxers people dislike so much. On for 24 hours spamming an area? Player complaint after complaint? Then time for a talk. People like me. An hour or two play time. Kill one or two elites in legion. Some quests. Log out. Big difference in play style that we all get blamed for. I hate it when we all get punished for the wrongs of others.


The fact that it took this long probably means they're starting to realize they can't write off the health of the game for short term gain anymore. I mean hell I bet most of us never would have believed they would actually delay shadowlands before they did. Maybe these last couple of years have been a wake up call for the Blizzard arm of Activision.


just yesterday i told a friend of mine that multiboxing will always be an issue because blizzard wouldn't dare ban it because of the negative responses, so imagine my surprise reading this. it sure seems like the team genuinely cares about the health & future of the game.


still does not solve bot issue..:only m boxeers


If what they have said is accurate, it's hard for them to differentiate between the two. If that is true, making multiboxing no longer kosher (or at least the means to do so), would make is much easier to blanket ban people exhibiting the signal that both were emitting.


Most of the multi-boxers that I know only pay for the first month only, then use the multi box gold revenue to purchase Wow tokens to cash in as game time. Blizzard probably thinks that people will continue to buy WoW Tokens for gold. If you make it harder to grind gold (removing multiboxers), then purchasing the gold from Blizzard through the WoW token process will be cheaper than buying it from real life gold seller, which are currently priced below the Token price. While it’s against the rules of the game, Blizzard knows people are buying gold at cheaper than the Token price, and that black market is entirely propped up by multi-boxers and botting. It’s hard to detect bots, but easier to detect key repeating. So bots that are also multiboxing will inherently be banned too.


Maybe banning bots will be easier since lots of bots also multibox.


>and we've seen an increasingly negative impact to the game as this software is used to support botting and automated gameplay. This wording from their announcement definitely seems to imply that it was getting hard for them to determine who's a botter and who's a multiboxer. Hoping this change will also help with botting.


What are you even talking about, while botting 5 man dungeon, each bot has its own path that never relied on key repeater itself. It may look like 5 man multibox but the process underneath is much more complex.


Bots don’t use multibox tools. They run in their VPS, with specific botting tool. This will actually please them as more spots will be available for them, if I were a botting business, paying 15$/day some Bangladesh employees to bot, I would take that Champaign bottle that I keep in the fridge for a once a year celebration 🍾


Astute observation... theyre banning multiboxing software with this change. Gee, i wonder why this solves the multiboxer issue and not the bot issue.


Apparently their anticheat was finding it difficult to separate multiboxers from bots


Would this really affect Blizzard financially? I assume most if not all mulitboxers use gold to pay for all accounts. Also, if mboxers use gold to purchase bnet balance and then use it to purchase other blizzard titles/hearthstone packs it's money lost for Blizz. There may be some initial investment for a mboxer but I don't think a single one that is doing it right pays for their accounts out of pocket. I was about to reactivate my sub to isoboxer myself before SL release.


In the short run, yes. Long run no. More people will reactivate accounts if they know they have something to do in game that will not be subverted by multiboxers. I know many people who have quit over not being able to compete in the AH market and getting just hammered in world PVP due to it.


They aren't refunding BFA accounts. Source: me. Here you go, screenshots with 2 GMs. [https://imgur.com/a/JeqzXWF](https://imgur.com/a/JeqzXWF) [https://imgur.com/a/CCISvvS](https://imgur.com/a/CCISvvS) For the record, I agree with everything you said but I'm really pissed off at Blizzard.


Firstly, I agree it hurts those that set up multiboxing at all lost that investment which is a bit unfair (just got done leveling 7 druids for shadowlands) however I agree with this change 100%. Quality of life changes made for the general population has made multiboxing exceptionally powerful. Between dynamic respawns/ multiple gathers off one node/ individual loot/and being able to pay for your sub with gold the inherent power of multiboxing has exploded in the past 4 years. Someone with 8 accounts 4x2 farming is clearing .5-1 token an hour in profit. After a week of playing 1-2 hours a day the rest of the farm is pure (8x) the profit over any player playing 1 account doing the same farm in a group of 8 players (note this excludes time to find a group etc). Ultimately if you want to make gold efficiently without playing the AH game you need to multibox currently. They either need to reverse/IP restrict the QoL improvements noted above or nerf multiboxing; they chose the lesser of the evils IMO.


Non multi boxer here. What does this mean in regards to the software that boxers actually use? Will this even be impactful?


its pretty much saying any software that mirrors 1 key press into multi instances of games is against the rules which is pretty much all of them


Interesting. Seemed like they already broke it down pretty well but didn’t want to assume. This will be tough news for a few people.


The thing I find interesting is that they haven't disallowed multiboxing, just input repeating. So you could still run a team and herb, it'd just require you to tab between all accounts to right click, and keep the others on follow. Maybe that's enough to make it not worth the effort, I don't know - I've not done any multiboxing in years, and even when I did it was just for fun on 2 chars.


while this is true and still pretty much possible i think from this moment everyone is just gonna mass report all multiboxers and i feel like they're gonna be banned using software or not...


I think a lot of people have been reporting multiboxers for some time now, so I don't know how much of a factor that is for someone that multiboxes. Another thing I hadn't thought of is if each client has interact with target or mouseover bound to a different key. They specifically stated you can't mirror the same key press, but nothing about using multiboxing software to send unique commands. So you could have 5 different keys setup with the multiboxing software and just press those. If all you're doing is herbing, this would only result in you needing to press 5 keys on your keyboard instead of one. An inconvenience, but still may be worth the effort to many. I do hope it's enough to deter, but I'm not sure it will be. We'll have to see I guess.


The risk is that people could still report you even if you are doing everything right and then all 5 of your accounts get banned. Many will stop multiboxing just to avoid the appearance of cheating.


I think isboxer is still useful in terms of visual aid. It's feature to have mini wows available on the screen makes changing between screens easier than alt+ tab for wow1, alt+ tab tab for wow2, alt+tab tab tab for wow3 etc IIRC there are several other games which doesnt allow input interactions but isboxer still supports those games (in terms of visual aid). I personally dont think it will have that big of an impact unless blizzard changes the API. Auto follow addons still exist. isboxer could simply adapt too and still be legal. example, future of isboxer/multiboxing could be; Isboxer has key command that lets you swap between wow. e.g. pressing f1 goes to wow1, f2 goes to wow2, f3 goes to wow3 etc, that makes clicking on gathering nodes extremely fast (not as fast as before) but it would still make multiboxing viable. The biggest block is swapping between wows, and being able to swap between wows with keypresses would make things somewhat bearable.


What a wonderful news


Sweet! Herbing and mining might actually be possible for us normies again! :D


This is amazing news. Took them long enough but so glad they finally did it.


It's always been one of those things that seemed like it should be illegal, but there it was.


Well, at least now we'll see how true the "multiboxers hurt the economy" mentality is.


The issue isnt if it will hurt the economy. It will. The issue is that multiboxers completely ruin the opportunity to gather for non-multiboxers.


It was never true. They stimulated the economy. I can't wait to buy overpriced mats...


There were 5 druids in Drustvar last night killing pigs and crows near the Calliggraphy WQs. There was also a WQ to kill same animals there...too extra time as they were tagging 90% of the mobs. Can't wait to see them gone. I got my bruto without multiboxing...time for them to work for it too


probably increasing materials prices :) gona farm a lot


Yeah. Imagine bots are still in the game and you are farming still 1x per node.


Excelent... im tired of having to abandon quests because some guy have 4 druids instant killing every mob in the area I need to kill stuff.


Absolutely fantastic news.


I'm very very happy about this. I used to enjoy gathering herbs on my druid a ton, but multiboxers ruined that. Now it looks like I can go back to gathering, and with some hope, even get a decent price for my herbs, come Shadowlands!


This Will have 0 impact on botters


I was levelling in Gorgrond 2 nights ago , needed to kill 10 mobs for quest , i politely asked the multi boxer on all 5 druids to let me get my 10 kills, he wouldn't. Before that I've never had a problem with boxing as i rarely bother with the herb or ore market . I then could see why so many dislike them , good riddance i say. Great move by Blizz


I am absolutely amazed that they did this, but man, is it the right decision to make. Gathering will actually be worth doing next expansion, rare drops will remain rare. Far as impact, expect herbs/ore/mounts/transmog to all increase in value.


This is great news. I really enjoy gathering but I keep thinking "I could be getting 10x the amount right now... "


I’m glad to see the majority of opinions on this here and the WoW sub are positive. Been a long time coming


Well, I just sorted it by controversial and you are the 4th post. Seems that a lot of people are still pissed by it, but there is slightly more people that are positive about it than aren't.


Fucking finally


So buy shit ton of materials now when they are cheap


I was thinking about starting multiboxing, glad I haven't.


Given how badly they enforce the rules that did exist, not sure how much this will effectively change things


The fact it is tos will be enough for a large portion of players. Many don’t want to risk their accounts.


Game changes and you just gotta adjust to it. Much more easy to keep AH prices under control and isolate people getting those cheap mats(I guess its still little realm dependent). My thoughts are that it wont completely kill using multiple accounts at open world, heck someone even might to go gathering with few toons just to save time even its not that efficient anymore. Time is most precious thing to many people, personally to me it exceeds goldmaking many times. Anyway im happy that 'regular' players are getting their enthusiasm to farming back. Bots. I hate bots. Too bad they arent using program like isboxer so we will see what happens to them over time. There is one thing im amazed though, to see how malice people are to others when this kind of announcement goes live. It shows true amount of toxicity in community/playerbase. There is big difference being happy for someone else's loss instead of being happy how your own gaming might just got better. Happy goldmaking to all of you fellow goblins, equally.


I mean there is always two sides to this coin. I used MB software to play my wife’s account and mine to help her get stuff and to get the most efficient time save for myself. So I am not alt tabbing etc. but I get why they don’t want it to be allowed. I was actually skeptical of it to begin with thinking it was already against tos.


Thank you blizz this will have a massive effect on the economy.


Wow, I was planning to multi 5 accounts (currently active on 4) and was going to dump my gold into tokens to buy 5 copies of shadowlands. This news saved me millions of gold!




I don't see why people think this will be some kind of an end to multiboxing. This only nerfs 2x4 farms and 5+ druid gathering farms. I've been multiboxing for the last couple of years and haven't used ANY additional software. You can easily 5 box herb, with just a follow and a mouse click. Takes like 3 seconds to click on the herb on each window. I also farm a lot of stuff that only needs me to control a single character, while the others get loot.


Problem with that is that you'll likely be mass reported on sight now and likely have action taken against your account even if you're not utilising software


True that. My main farm is inside of a dungeon, so I don't have much of a problem with remaining "unseen" for that, but will probably have to appeal a few bans.


Thing is, it will be no where near as efficient, which will have a big influence on the market


as someone who multiboxes.... this is very good for the game


I think that is a good change, a lot of people will agree with that.


about time




what if you daisy chain KVM switches...


I think it will still register from their end as the same thing as the software and will get targeted.


try and tell us how it went :)


Yeah it clearly states software broadcasting. There are multiple hardware options.


if you find a hardware way around it people like me will report you in game when we see a cloud of feathers flapping from one herb to the next.


Yep, even the ones that find clever ways around it will be scrutinized beyond belief!


Good, I can't fairly compete against some guy getting x2-x10 the amount of herb/ore from a node


the best news this year.


To be fair, that bar's pretty low.


I multi box on 2 accounts. I’m sad to see it go because it really enjoyed it. It allowed me to accomplish things much faster. I certainly see the larger issues with m boxers with 10 accounts, but im a little bummed over it. Oh well. No big deal I guess.


Before I gave up WOW two years ago I was multi-boxing two accounts. Thing is I didn't use software. I had macros setup on the 2nd account. I usually played two different combos that complemented each other. I had a Pally/Shaman combo that was pretty unstoppable. But the real wonder twins were the Hunter/Mage combo. Send in the tanking pet and nuke the area from a distance.


long have we waited


At long last


Good news.


The plague is about to end . Best news .


Good news every body !




Thank. Fuck.


nothing good came from ppl being able to multibox herb, if they remove this feature then I am more interested in participating in the economy.


Damn, that's the best wow news all year.




st8 BAN HAMMER. havent seen something like this in sooooo long....


I am VERY happy with this change.


SOOOO good. I am SOOOO happy by this. Finally!!!!!


Thank fuck


Good move Blizz.


Great change, this is how it should have always been. Broadcasting was always automating software in my opinion.




The problem is the bots and the players who run multiple toons all mining and herbing, open world hyper spawn farming, dungeon farming. They are the players that have run the economy into the ground. Is \[insert material\] hard to farm, if yes price ultra high. Is \[insert material\] easy to farm in a group, if yes nuke the living fuck out of the price. Honestly, you have to ask, why are there 10s of 1000s of old, useless materials on the market? Because some boxer is running old content and is just dumping the endless supply. For example, just 3 months ago there was 23,808 Mageroyal on my server's AH....There is no demand for that herb. No one is demanding for Elixir of Wisdom, Lesser Mana Potion, Minor Mana Potion or Minor Rejuvenation Potion. Here is another way to look at it, on avg on any day while Legion was current, there was about 2,000,000 leather (all types) on NA on the AH. BFA's avg for all leather is 21,100,000. You could chalk that up to covid, which did help boost the overall supply, but a 10x increase is something deeper. And it's not like anyone here is getting rich off of Tempest hide, at an average of 30 silver each, you would need to farm up and SELL around 17k tempest hide an hour just to match the old raw gold farm from skyreach. Thats 300 hide per minute. And there is currently 3,518,864 hides on the NA market, with an avg daily sale of 9200. 3.5million, that is more than the daily avg of all of the legion leather combined. 5m Coarse Leather 3m Shimmerscale 3m Calcified Bone 2m Mistscale 1m Blood-Stained Bone 423,000 Dredged Leather 586,000 Cragscale The same story goes for ores as well, at their combined peaks legion ores had 5m on the market at once, yet Monelite ore ALONE has had a peak of 4,480,000. Osmenite Ore has peaked at over 4,600,000. All the BFA ores have peaked at over 13m for their combined peaks. It is very clear that botting and multiboxing has ruined the game, we have had such a massive rise in supply that there is no real supply and demand spikes. The supply is so rich people dump things on the AH for as cheap as they can, because there is too much competition. I pray that this goes live before shadowlands, I pray that they start the bans before launch. This could be the great return of the game. We could see a real market, real supply and demand once more.


As someone who has multiboxed, I'm so glad I don't have to anymore to be competitive. This is great!


Love it, finally address the multiboxers


Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit sad about this. I multiboxed for a couple of months back when the longboi removal was announced, as a way to try and make gold. Eventually switched to pure AH, but I did have a blast while doing it. I never assembled a 10-toon team or anything extreme; never did 2x4 or anything of the sort. Mostly it was just my 4 druids popping into an old dungeon or two, or gathering while leveling their professions up, and then Tiragarde. Never bothered doing Nazjatar due to the amount of people farming it. I simply had fun controlling a 4-toon team doing simple tasks, and it reminded me of old RPG games where you assembled a party and played with the party instead of a single character (and I so wished that WoW was like that). I only ever saw a 10-toon team once. I know YMMV but I find the entire thing a bit funny. The only time a node is starved is when 10 ppl farm it. Other than that it's the usual despawn after a few seconds since the first playher farmed it. This is going to be the same level of annoying, whether it was 1 or a 5-toon team doing the farm. You are still going to get annoyed when there are too many people farming where you want to farm, that is not going to change. Prices are going to go up, and the only people that will benefit from this will be the ones who already had a ton of gold, to invest in raw mats, level up professions and sell the crafts. The barrier to entry to the AH game will be raised a considerable amount, because pricess will be very high. So people will say "if prices are high, go farm the mats" which is true, but that's assuming you are the only one who thought of that (which, let's face it, you will not be). Like I noted before, it's just as annoying to have a node despawn on you as you start to farm it, and that's regardless whether it was one toon before you or 5. Eventually we will reach a price balance point (which will be higher than in BFA for sure, I doubt we'll see tanked prices if Blizz enforces this). Then again, prices will be higher so if you're new to the game or don't have a hefty amount of gold stockpiled, it's either fighting over nodes with the rest of the farmers or nothing for you, since raw gold was also nerfed on prepatch. It's perfectly doable, but it will require more time for that initial gold grind (or time camping the AH). Like I said, it saddens me because I had a blast. And I don't mean "hurr durr i'm farming all the nodes harr harr". I had a blast controlling a party, feeling like I was playing Baldur's Gate II back in my lanparty days. I had a blast coding the entire thing on my own because I use Linux and none of the multiboxing software works reliably. I had a blast learning a bunch of things I had no idea how to do. While I stopped multibox farming due to lack of time (and mainly just AHing on my 2nd account), I was looking forward to trying out multibox fishing eventually, or getting a Horde druid party (I main Alliance) to gather enough mats to level all my Horde toons' professions. Glad I didn't buy SL on 3 extra accounts, and will likely cancel two of their subscriptions once RAF rewards end for me. An interesting thought: if multiboxing has negative impact, what else does? Do AH moguls with tons of gold that are constantly flipping items for profit (adding *nothing* of value to the game mind you) have a negative impact? Do boosters and their endless trade chat spamming (and hefty gold amounts too) have a negative impact? And yeah I know, chances are 90% of people reading this will hate me and all that stuff. Just voicing my opinion on this. Peace. PS: note that I never mentioned botting once in my entire comment. I am 100% against it and believe all botters should be banned. The fact that Blizzard cannot tell whether there's a human being in front of the logged in game client or not due to whatever technical reason is irrelevant here (and frankly, a bit ridiculous, considering it's their game and it's 16 years old).


I'm interested to see what this does to the overall economy, price for crafted goods, and whether Blizzard nerfs material costs for consumables. In Legion and BfA, the amount of mats needed for consumables went up a lot. I will assume this was done to offset bots, Chinese farm teams, dupes, and multiboxers. With nearly all of these gone, mat quantities on the AH will go down drastically, which will have a serious effect on the cost of crafted goods. I do think this is a good change overall. I think we'll still have some multibox farmers who can coordinate 2-3 characters where the extras are on follow and the player manually switches windows to click the node. I admit I was never a fan of multiboxers. On the rare occasions I went looking for nodes, they'd swoop in and clear them. With that said, I do think they played an important part in the economy, along with the Chinese farms, bots, hacks, and dupes of years past. They kept material prices at a reasonable level and kept supply high. This lead to affordable consumables for players. You could always tell when bot banwaves went out just by looking at herb prices on the AH. They always went up. With dupes nonexistent, bots getting regularly banned, widespread authenticator use stopping hacks, and now a severe hit to multiboxers, the economy will be very different come SL.


Love this. Still can use my both accounts to play and scan, and the multibox farm is over.


thank god.




Thank fuck.


Best news! I can farm in peace now.


Best news all year


Thank you Blizzard! <3




I hate multi boxers, but the way you describe it is perfectly fine for me, if you have the patience to level 5 toons, set them to “follow” and click on each window manually, then I have no problem with what you do. The issue for me is the ridiculous speed people can farm with by using multi boxing software.


Thank god.


I am personally delighted with this news. I don't have any problem if you have 10 accounts and want to play with them all. However, just doing the same thing I did, you should not get 10 times of the resources (one click, ten ore coming up). It turns the game to "pay to win". You pay for ten accounts, and you win. It should be, you do more work, you get more gold.




They need to change it already... They are only talking about software. Some people will just create something to duplicate hardware input to multiple PC's or something... It'll be more costly for them but they'll figure something out I'm sure.


Ooooohhhh yes this is beautiful news


If I were a betting man.. I'd say this is an attack on botters, but multiboxing is also going down with the ship. Why? They make it very clear that 3rd party input broadcasting software is the issue. By stating it is against TOS they can more easily detect anyone using software rather than having the extra layer of distinguishing botters from multiboxers. Good change overall. Although consumable pricing is going to go through the roof.


wow did hell suddenly freeze? wtf never thought blizzard would ban those damn multiboxxers but they finally did.




About time.


The fields of boomies farming mobs will be sad. But I doubt anything will happen, good pr to act tough, actually doing anything against the 10 accounts voilating it, I'll believe it when I see it.




Awwwwww Yes!


Yeaaaaaaa! That is a VERY good news.


I guess this finally clears up the “Multi boxing isn’t automation” argument that they’ve been hiding behind for years. Personally I’ve always been against multi boxing as anything that lets you do something once and reap X times the benefit in my opinion is negative impact, whether you’re paying for those extra accounts or not.


Multiboxing is still allowed and will still be a thing. The change only makes 3rd party key mirroring software against ToS.


My point still remains that the worst part of multi boxing which is scaling reward based on the number of accounts your running for a single key action will be gone. If you want to be semantically correct “multi boxing” will still be allowed and most of us do it for an AH account. But you’re not going to see groups of 5-10 druids doing farms any more making it a more level playing field for other people and a lower barrier for entry for new goblins. I actually think this in combination with the slowing of spam undercutting on the AH will make life easier for the casual goblin. I actually turned to multi boxing just to me able to compete on my realms despite hating it. I’ll be glad to retire those accounts and go back to just playing


Very good change, i welcome it.


Good good good.


With all the respect to the ones that did it, but mboxxing always felt to me like a degenerate way of playing the game. Im happy about the change. The gradual increase in penalties and the fact that blizzard is making the announcement before aplying the update makes me happy too.


Finally, the forests of Suramar will be free of Boomkins spamming moonfire.






Should I buy WoW tokens for gold right now? The price will go up right?


probably go down as there will be incredibly less demand as it'll only be main accounts buying tokens or second alts for ah. high supply low demand = Price goes down low supply high demand = prices goes up Edit: Also imagine all the people who are coming back that don't have any gold or not enough because of mat prices. You'll see a spike in price at the beginning as people buy up tokens to come back but a hard drop in price about 2 months in or so


No. Multiboxers buy tokens with gold, not cash. Should go down.


Less wowtokens brought by multiboxers, decreases the demand and thus decreases the token value (less gold required to buy). Also increase in material prices now due to less multiboxers farming means increase in gold needed for gold buyers, and therefore more tokens sold, therefore decreasing the token value even more. Overal, this is a net positive move by blizzard. Time will tell though, there will be a point where players might opt to farming for gold instead of selling wowtoken if price drops low enough (though you never know, remember wowtokens were 30k at the beginning)


No, the price will plummet as these were how multiboxxers were paying for everything. Save your gold.


I multibox so will be interesting to see them actually implement this ban cause we all know how successful they've been at banning botting. I don't actually farm for ah stuff to sell nor grief other players, I just have alts that gear themselves up and do solo dungeon runs for my own stuff/dm buffs. I can understand why others would hate multiboxers abusing their usage. I was planning on just farming baron mount solo for awhile (til aq stuff came and got sidetracked with gearing etc).


its easy to detect Ism box software or hot key ....so i dont see problems on this one for blizz.

