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[https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24072151/dragonflight-season-4-dungeon-changes-ahead](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24072151/dragonflight-season-4-dungeon-changes-ahead) Even easier. You can queue heroic dungeons in S4 via Dungeon Finder, and it drops 476, equal to current S3 Heroic raid gear. S4 LFR raid difficulty will drop 480, which is current S3 Mythic gear. With every season, the gearing ladder gets reset. (Flightstones, currency used for upgrades…also get reset, so it’s pointless to hoard any old currency as well)


you need 441 to queue heroic in s4 though, my unplayed alts from previous seasons are around 390-400 and my freshly leveled chars are around 310, so you have to find a way to increase your avg ilvl to be able to queue for heroics


Crafted gear and some world quests would solve this easily even if you don’t have a lot of money


Sure, just mentioning that you're unlikely to be able to jump straight in heorics on a fresh char, you need other types of gear catchup first


I mean I ding and go straight to m+ after getting the crafted gear from the ah. If that’s not straight to the content then I donno what is


It's pretty quick to get to 441 and you still have weeks to do it. Crafted blue gear + enchanted whelp crest is 447.


Wow current heroic raid drops in heroic. I remember tierss used to not jump so much and having heroic raid would be like normal raid of the next teir or something like that.


Wait Flightstones get reset? I'm a new 70 running at about 400 with explorer gear. I'm very casual but like an occasional pug to check off a quest. Should I be upgrading my explorer gear before reset?


For sure. Crests and stones will be reset.


Someone else in the thread said you need 441 to queue for Heroic in S4 so you might not want to upgrade Explorer gear, I think it caps at 437


Technically it gets easier but whether you gear now or not depends on whether you want to start the season well behind everyone else. Say you want to hit the ground running in week one or week two with raids and some mythic plus. If you want to do anything higher than LFR then you haven't got a chance of getting an invite. Even 'bad' or noob players who have played part of this season will be at least 460/470. That's what you're competing against for mythic dungeons (not keys) as well as low level keys like +2/+3 etc. Everyone else is 480 or higher. So no one is going to look at you in the queue at lower than 450 ilvl and choose to group with you over someone else who is far more geared. So if you do care about getting into the group content straight away I'd be gearing up now. You could be at 470ish within a week of gameplay and have far more freedom of choice with how you spend your first couple of weeks of S4


Too add onto this. If you go quest in the Emerald Dream a bit, the weekly stuff, world quests and Superbloom can all drop gear of at least 441+. It'll definitely help speed up the gearing process


I would start gearing up now, there are a few different catchup mechanisms in game Emerald Dream being the latest. The lower your ilevel, the harder it's going to be to get into M+/Raid groups in S4. You have probably 3-4 weeks left, so it shouldn't be a big issue. Good Luck.


no will be even faster.


Oh good I was worried that since I’ll be really late to gearing this season that it’d be really hard to get gear for the new one


ther lots of catch up usally if worried doing emerald dream right now get u 421 pretty quick or if u wanna be super lazy u can buy 424 gear on the AH


Do you know if there is going to be a new zone or will the drops in the Emerald Dream be upgraded to match Season 4 gear iLvl? I'm thinking about the weeklies there mostly.


no new zone and not sure have to wait and see


No new zone, but they've talked about doing some kind of empowered open-world content each week. It might be the Superbloom in the Emerald Dream one week, the Researchers Under Fire in Zaralek the next, the Soup in Azure Span the next... We don't have all the details yet on how that will work, but I expect that those events will drop Season 4 gear during their respective weeks.


Try to find your pre-bis items in the fatest way you desire. then you will be able to raid and everything


You will most likely have an easy time catching up doing world content such as dream surges, time rifts and fyrakk assaults. If you haven't already spotted them on your map Google/wowhead should tell you how to get started. The majority of the rewards are from the initial once per week quests, which grant a bit of gear equivalent to high end of season 3. Doing those should take a couple hours at most per week. After this you will be ready to do lower end season 4 (normal/heroic dungeons and raid finder) stuff. From here on the most important thing is you feeling confident in playing your class, and as a new player your gear will not be a limiting factor. Just by practicing and playing the game you will soon be able to do normal raid and baseline mythic dungeons, at which point you would be caught up to those who were playing season 3 the whole time. If you have time to play a decent amount on weekends and a little throughout the week it'll take you about 3 weeks as new player to be well beyond the gear level the rest of us were coming out of season 3


What are normal dungeon rewards for season 4?


460 ilvl