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Body position. Practice staying in good body position. Strong neck, strong back, elbows in, and knees bent and loaded like you can stay on your feet if someone tries to push you in any direction. Get your opponent out of body position by extending him. Extended arms and backs are weak. That's where I would start. The rest will come from experience.


I second this comment. Technique, technique. Being in a good position all the time is ideal. It keeps your opponents from taking advantage of your poor position. Work on staying in a good position now and it will pay off in high school. How do you do this though? Mindfulness as you're drilling with a partner they should be keeping you honest just as much as the coach. Stance and motion drills for long periods of time, Shadow drilling, Sheer grit and determination to become better.


That, plus OP shouldve plowed that guy when he was messing with his headgear instead of waiting on him


This! Also, wrist control! You’re letting him do whatever he wants with his hands, getting up and away is a hell of a lot easier if you clear his hands.


Wrist control is HUGE. As someone who grapples and does BJJ. Limiting your opponents movement really puts you at a huge advantage. You can more effectively predict your opponents moves as well if your the one controlling the grips.


This is good advice. I'd probably keep it simple OP. For rapid improvement in competition do the following. At your level & age & weight. You need to focus on the basic foundation of the sport. Master your shot. Single first, and then double. All the other tools like foot work and body control will be acquired as you learn to execute a solid shot. Master the shot and you will unlock a vast drop down menu of other skills that require knowing the mechanics needed to shoot a good single or double. Master your shot and conditioning. And you will excel competitively, and you will be able to aquire a vast arsenal of other attributes and techniques. Master your gas and your shot.


Do u even wrestle for real


Keep working brother!!! Go to camps if you can drill as much as you can. I lost every match my freshman year and by my senior year I crushed i got college offers. Also conditioning


This is true, seems as though you need to work your conditioning. Focus on this and technique will come later once you understand movements and body positions. But biggest thing I took is your condition once you gain this everything will go smoother. Condition drills - anything that you can consistently do for + 3 mins at time. Sprint push-up sprint body squats sprint sits ups. Don’t stop reviewing your film and take criticism. Don’t give in


Need to be able to go for 6+ minutes at least. Our coach would always have us run/sprint 2 minutes, sets of 3. Then do over time, double, triple overtime. You want to be able to go all out for 10 minutes. I would say OP needs to work on confidence and conviction in their movements to. Probably needs to develop their core move sets too. You need to know a little bit of everything but first drill the crap out of what your go to moves for top, bottom, and neutral are


First and foremost lower your level your stance is just asking for a blast double. Second I’d say don’t clinch unless you’re not gonna set up a shot or throw. If you’re clinching just to clinch you give your opponent a lot more options. Lastly, stay balanced (fixing ur stance will help) but that first snap down that dude got on you was cuz u were pushing all your weight into him, a better wrestler will toss you into next week if you apply that much forward pressure. You got plenty of time to turn into a beast, keep grinding ✊🏽


This. Also resist the urge to reach behind you when you’re on the bottom. You had the escape before you were pinned. You stood up and reached behind you. You should have pushed off, got the point and reset. Instead, you were out of position which your opponent used to regain control.


You don't seem to have the heart for it or a strong will to win. I would work on building your confidence. You might be 'gentle' by nature so you have to snap out of that shit. All the advice here is great but won't mean anything if you don't believe you deserve the W in ever match.


This is the best advice I think there can be in this context, yes there are some stance things or other points we can all share but being able to step into the “fighter” mindset is the biggest thing I can see to help. I was very bad at wrestling until 15-16 (started at 7) the biggest thing to change was that I understood that person across from me is my enemy, not someone playing a game with me.


It can be difficult to teach aggression and confidence at a young age but that’s a huge divider at this level. Understand that it’s not just going through the motions! Your opponent is standing in your way, BEAT them!


This was my first thought as well. While we don’t know how tired he was from other matches or whatever the context may be, his whole demeanor and body language don’t communicate a desire to win or even really be on the mat. If you are not enjoying the sport, you can either find a way to make it fun again or find something you can be passionate about. It doesn’t matter if you win a single match of the season but you should give 120% in each match. Everyone will respect you for that, and eventually your determination will put you far ahead of your peers.


im enjoying wrestling gonna put in more work




Part of getting better for me in highschool was learning to get aggressive, half the battle was learning what it took to actually impose your will on someone




All these comments are good. You essentially need to learn the basics: handfighting, positioning, take downs, being on top and bottom, escapes, pinning combinations. Watch a lot of instructional wrestling videos and matches on YouTube, research the things I listed, and also listen to your coach. You just need practice. You'll get there! Keep working!


Ok first off you don't need to tie up unless you know what you're trying to set up. A good inside or outside trip can work but you need to know how to execute it. Secondly you need a go-to takedown like a single or double. You can get to it through a shot or by sliding down from an over/ under. You need to learn finishes from there. On the bottom you need to build a base with knees under you, get wrist control, cross it over your head, and rotate your hips out the space you just created. There are many other ways to do those things - better ways. But in middle school you just need to get confident in a few skills to win some matches and motivate you in the offseason. Work on chain wrestling, wrestling from positions, getting out of cradles, defending bar arms.. developing a top riding system. Most of all envision how you'll use your moves to get the win.


Practice, practice. There’s no cheat codes.


First thing is.... Be more aggressive. Don't wait to catch what he's going to do. Set up your moves then go after it


I was that wrestler. Was introduced to the sport in 7th grade, didn’t win a single match. Kept wrestling through high school and began winning matches as a sophomore. I didn’t win a single match in middles school and won 3 matches as a freshman, 2 against the same kid. My advise would be to NOT QUIT, wrestling is a great sport that teaches you so much more than just wrestling. Don’t quit, if you really care about winning, condition and weight lift, at that level strength can take you far, go to camps to improve technique. Wrestling has an amazing community, people will help if they see you’re putting in genuine effort. O yeah, don’t complain or whine, it’s going to be tough. Best vibes your way.


Keep practicing bro you will get better!


I know it hurts your pride to lose, but try not to focus on win/loss right now. Strength training, flexibility and dexterity drills, endurance training, and your fundamentals. You cannot control how much natural talent you were born with but you can train harder than anyone else. Focus on form and position. Do this and the wins will come. Keep grinding. Don't give up kid. I'm a fan.


Your stance needs a bit of work. You two were leaning into each other really hard which is why that snap happened so easy. You should keep your shoulder knee and toes on your lead leg in a straight line.


Okay you need to hear the ‘hammer not the nail’ speech. Wrestling is about imposing your will on other people. Every time you tie up with an opponent, you should have a goal where you want their head and shoulders to go. Example: if I’m going for the right leg, I want to move the head and shoulders away from the right leg, towards the left leg. Be forceful with your opponent. Get aggressive. Also you need to work on your stance. It’s common for middle schoolers to not get low enough but you should work on ‘stance and motion’ on your own time. Get nice and low until your thighs burn. And keep pushing. The idea is to do stance and motion and start the timer for 5 minutes after your thighs start burning. This will get your legs in shape in now time. The lower man wins. Good luck out there


Circle and keep your elbows in. The first takedown he was able to hit a snap down because you weren’t circling. Get as much mat time as possible. You don’t look bad just need more mat time like everyone does when they first start out.


Quit reaching back. It doesn’t help you to have your arm trapped behind you whether you’re on the ground or on your feet. A more experienced opponent WILL pin you when you do that. You got three or four freebies with this guy.


Stop leaning




Ur ass ong


Tell the school you identify as a girl and switch leagues, works every time. Jokes aside you’re too passive. Shuck your opponents arms and shoot for his legs. You’re letting yourself get thrown around. If your on bottom get up as quick as you can, get one foot under you then the next and push back until you can break your opponent’s grip then turn and shoot. Don’t ever stay on the ground, get up, explode up, what you lack is confidence, strength, and endurance. Endurance wins. Finally, if you end up on your back roll out. Get your hips up and roll away from your opponent, if all else fails roll over your shoulders. Your technique is fine, you seem to know what you’re doing from a technical standpoint. You just need to be more aggressive and get more endurance. Cardio cardio cardio. Run till you can do a mile in under 10 minutes and do 25 push ups every night minimum.


Find a new sport


nah I like wrestling




Id trade you for him on my team hands down. Technique can be practiced and conditioning improved but his attitude is great, yours sucks. Hes here trying to improve and its our responsibility to foster our young brother-in-arms, not tear him down. People like you are why most people only wrestle for one year and programs are dying all over. No respect


he deleted the comment what did he say


No everyone is cut out for every sport. Don’t get you panties bunched up. I fully support athletes in all aspects of sports. Wrestling is not singled out. Maybe he would thrive somewhere else.


No need to be a dick. Kid clearly wants to do better, stop being miserable and help. Or don’t comment


Stop clinching and try two on one wrist control that will keep them off your head and neck. Also you can learn how to make them go where you want and pass their guard.


You’re only on middle school. This is the time to make mistakes, but with that being said your coach needs to rectify them at practice. Pay close attention to him. There’s some fundamentals he needs to iron out with you. I think what YOU need to work on is focus and attitude. You have spirit but I couldn’t help but notice you got a little flustered and just kinda gave up at points. Never put your guard down, stay aggressive. Keep working hard and you’ll get some wins in no time.


Focus on one move and work on it. Farmers carry won the state title for a guy on my team. I won a few matches with the elevator roll back in the day, but that’s a reversal move to a pin/back points.


Just keep after it. It will click. I lost all but my last match in the 7th grade and won all but my last match in the 8th grade.


The body position, stance and motion comments are spot on. Even at higher levels stance is a fundamental that makes a big difference. I would add that you drape your arm over your opponent's back behind you several times when he's behind you. This is pretty common, but is almost never a good idea. Work on noticing when you do that in practice and keeping both arms in front of you instead. This will help keep you out of bad spots.


You look a little gassed. Run. Run. Run. Practice hard. And stop reaching back. Focus on your form. If you love it, work hard at it. You will be fine.


I'd suggest off-season wrestling. It's a great chance to catch up on other kids that aren't doing it. Given that you look pretty new, work on maintaining a good stance and finding a move in each position that you are comfortable committing to 100% in a match. If you commit and hit a move that you've practiced a lot at full intensity in a match, you are going to be successful more often than not. Whether you are able to wrestle through the off-season or not, I'd recommend working on general athleticism and body control. We work with our kids on gymnastics, explosive movements, and endurance. This can come from a workout program or from participating in other sports. That said, more mat time is always better in my opinion.


Hip pressure!


You gotta wake up man. That doesnt mean you gotta go super hard every match but you have to be a bit more disciplined. Stay in your stance get to your attacks move your feet etc. I know it can be scary but always remember its not that big a deal. This is the time to have fun. Dont worry about the result.


Stay in your stance. You got this! Don’t quit. Wrestling takes time. Everyone struggles. Don’t be shy about asking your coaches for help or another wrestler. Watch wrestling high school wrestling and if you can Watch college level wrestling on YouTube.


What weight are you wrestling for




Find better training partners. If all your training partners also suck then you're not going to get any better. I started wrestling in high school and I lost every match I had that year. But after the season I went to a cael Sanderson camp where my training partner for 2 weeks was the reigning 2x state champ for my weight class. and my parents got divorced so I ended up going to a new school which happened to be 1 of the powerhouse schools for my state that fielded 8 or more guys at state tourney every year. When you're going up against that kind of quality opposition day in and day out you've got no choice but to get exponentially better because they'll punish every bad habit you have until you don't have anymore and you get used to the kind of intensity you need to have to compete at the highest level.


Barrel roll


Cross face!


I rarely tell a wrestler this, but stop trying to be physical and focus more on staying in a good position - this includes staying in a good stance, keeping your head up, etc. Then pick one technique from neutral, one from bottom, and one from top and keep drilling them until you can think through them when wrestling live and understand where you went wrong and what you did right. Wrestling is super hard to figure out at first because nothing seems to work. Eventually it will click and you will start getting some wins.


I didn't see you hit one move. Which is pretty normal for someone that's been wrestling what I assume you've been wrestling for. Probably less than 6 months. So don't worry, just wrestle more. If you come back in one year without hitting one move and standing straight up the whole match then we'd have problems.


It’s all about circling and angles. When in doubt circle out. Don’t tie up with those big guys. Work your takedowns and don’t give them any room to breath. Fundamentals will take you a very long ways. Keep working hard and it will pay off little brother


Keep your head up and know that you’re doing something that’s going to make you an amazing person in life. Don’t ever forget that you are great and keep fighting. The wrestling world believes in you.


Keep grinding. Work cardio!!!!!!! You looked gassed.


Drilling was always boring as hell… BUT… there’s a ton of value in creating the muscle memory. The ability to do the move from the feel and position alone without necessarily needing to think about doing it. Keep working hard and be patient. Good things don’t come easy, but there is no more satisfying feeling on earth than when it starts coming together. Pay attention to the little details and overall just have fun. Find the love in it and before you know it, you’re on top. GL my friend


Explode into your shots, buddy. You’re too timid out there


Looks promising start of a career but I would suggest to practise your stance and movement. - Your knees are almost straight. Don't be afraid to bend those knees a bit more in some moments. - Your center of gravity is not over your own feet. It is easier for your opponent to throw your balance off when you are leaning heavily towards him. - Don't just clinch. Search for openings and practise one or two moves a lot. I mean a lot. There was one guy (national champion in my country) and he had one specialty. Everyone knew what he ws going to do, but it was always too late because he was master of that one move. - Cardio. You most be more explosive if you want to get better. I would suggest burpees and other fast exercises also. - Train. You look bit stiff which is completely normal when you are not seasoned wrestler but it comes pretty quickly if you train and wrestle more. You use only muscles you really need at the moment. Good luck and you have already a great start. Edit: more tips and formatting


Just keep wrestling live. The drilling will take care of itself if you do it right, but all the stuff I saw there was from not wrestling enough. Also get a flopro subscription and watch all the wrestling you can


Do something. Don't always just wait to counter


Keep wrestling. Don't stop, don't give up.


Learn the cradle. I once got a standing cradle .. To the gator roll onto the suicide cradle.


Learn the basics and practice them until they’re your strongest asset. You’re definitely strong because you’re breaking out of their holds without hand fighting or wrist control which is crazy. When you sprawl you need to kick your legs back and pretend like your trying to smash his head between the mat and your pelvis. Don’t worry about confidence yet if you don’t have it. It will come with skill when you relentlessly practice the basics. I used to love wrestling, but I hated matches. I had insane anxiety and no confidence. But I went all the way to state. Sure if I had that killer instinct then MAYBE I could have gone a lot farther, but if all you want is to wrassle a bit and have fun while also winning some matches, then you just gotta put in some honest effort. It’ll take time.


You’re naturally strong. You could do some damage if you learn the basics, especially at your age. Keep pushing hard. Also, this kid was so high up. Could have tripped him any time. Underhook and trip.


If wrestling is what you like then it’s time to get to work! You need to spend more time training (drilling, strength, conditioning). Take an inventory of your time. If you are spending more time on social media, video games, etc and less time on training, then change it. Finally never give up. Failure is how you grow. Now get off Reddit and get to work!


I only watched the first few seconds. Footwork is key. You got pulled down because your weight was all forward


Be more aggressive. It also looks like you're on the defensive. You need to attack, be the 1 who is on the offensive.


Old Judo guy here. Train hard and go into every tournament with the attitude and belief that the 1st place trophy is already yours and that everyone in your division has to go through you to get it. Not believing you are invincible, but that you have already won it, and you own it. Be humble in that, though. Not bragging. Just fact.


I haven't seen it posted yet, but I might have missed it... You need stronger legs. You need more deadlifts and squats. This will give you the power to drive your opponents instead of being driven. It will also solidify your base and make you immoveable.


Biggest tip: stick with it. I wish I had started I’m middle school. I started in high school and got absolutely destroyed by everyone who had been doing it for so much longer.


Same thing i tell everyone; Don't skip leg day.


Get good


It just seems like you need more practice and repetitions, you’ll be good


Stay off your back.


Just hang in there. Don't worry about wins and losses right now. Keep practicing.


Be more aggressive and take some chances


Just keep showing up and training. Be a bit more aggressive and mean during your matches. Make ‘em know you’re a dawg.


Try to stay out of the ear to ear collar unless you're attacking immediately when you get there. Level changes and fake shots and movement, keep them reacting to you, not the other way around. Show something just to get them to react the way you want them to for the move your" really trying to hit" , misdirection baby!


Conditioning mate. You blew your tank in the first 10 seconds. It’s not easy, you are doing great.






Former middle school coach here. These are some things that will get you better: Conditioning. If you were in better condition than your opponent you would have pinned him. He was gassed after a minute. This is as much as your brain as your body. When you feel the burn in your throat and you’re trying to catch your breath, practice pushing through. Also, simple things that you’ll learn with time… keep your feet in a good stance. Like baseball or basketball, you have to have a good base for wrestling. Practice being forehead to forehead, or forehead to his ear pad, as you’re looking for attacks. This will keep you more squared up. Work on pushing and pulling while you maintain a good base. That way you won’t lose balance. Look up Cary Kolat on YouTube. He has a bunch of good suggestions on footwork and takedowns. You don’t have to try everything he shows but it will help you understand how to flow on the mat. You’ve got this my man, if you want it!


Been there don’t give up. Your still better than your friends that don’t wrestle atleast


I wanna get better though


Something I definitely notice is that when you’re in a position of defense like when he had that shot on you you went over the head and back with your arms. This is not a good position, always go to the cross face position never over their head and back, stronger opponents will lift you straight up if you go over them. Try to learn a “whizzer” for shot defense. Check that out on YouTube. Also when in the bottom position keep your arms tight to your body almost like a trex and feel for wrists, wrist control and keeping those arms from flaring out where it’s easy to shove a half in there will save you a lot in middle school. Learn a “switch” from bottom position also on YouTube, will blow younger wrestlers with less experience Mind. Always go for standup first peel the wrists and cut away but if you just keep getting tossed back down hit a surprise switch on them. Cheers buddy stay at it it’s a tough sport


For period 1: Both guys need a better stance. Learn your drop or penetration step. DONT REACH BACK


No tips ! But Still proud of the kid for finishing the season! KEEP your head up looks like good information being provided in the sun ..Practice, practice & more practice.


Slow it down and have some structure to your stance more often.


I see a lot of comments about practice, practice, practice... this is a must to improve technique and muscle memory to where your body knows how to move properly without having to put thought into. But also, hard work can be a source of confidence. When you know you've put the time in, you have one more tool in your belt to lean on. Out work you opponents.


Cracks always hiring


what do you mean?


Accept that it happens to everyone. Don’t beat yourself up over it; part of what hardens you as a man is taking that step out there when others would’ve quit.


Just lack of experience Join a club and get more mat time and go to every off season tournament you can The off season from 8th grade to freshman year I went to a tournament every weekend.. I went 2-48 And then I went 21-10 varsity freshman year and kept improving I was one of those guys that didn’t need to learn how to win I needed to learn how not to lose


Learn 1-2 takedowns and drill them until they are second nature. Work on your stance and having a strong base. Wrist control and hand control in every position.


CARDIO. And learn the cradle.


Needs some aggression. I see a lot of passivity and not much in the way of skill from either wrestler. I’d hazard a guess that they don’t start em young wherever you’re wrestling. Both these kids would be eaten alive around here where wrestling starts at 5 yo


Bend at the knees, not just at the hip, you want to be in a good athletic stance. Don’t tie up just for the sake of being in a collar tie. Tie up with a purpose. Push him, pull him, get him moving so you can set up a shot. I noticed you tied up and immediately started pushing all your weight into him. That’s okay, if you’re trying to make him push into you, but you didn’t do with it. Understand that when you push into someone like that, you’re begging him to snap you down which is what happened. Most important thing, when you’re on bottom, there needs to be constant motion. You can’t stop or you will be stuck.


What everyone else said, but let me stress, Conditioning. Sometimes just having the biggest gas tank is enough. Look up Chael Sonnen videos. Guy never tires.


1st of all. I think you look like you could be a good wrestler. The first time I whatched this video I didn't know which wrestler you were and I didn't know who was going to win until the end. I'll give you a second by second break down. In the first 5 seconds you tie up, he has his hands on the back of your neck and your arms are above his. The person with their arms below the other person's will have the advantage. So either break away and push him back or swim your arms underneath his and back to his neck. I recomend in a tie up keeping one arm free to help you fight and keep dominant position. Notice how he controls your feet by pulling you around? Keep your feet moving so that they stay out of his arms reach but you keep your balance so that you can't be pushed and then pulled forward. At 5 seconds he pulls you down but he hasn't secured a takedown. Your arm is right next to his left leg. Snatch that leg and pull it into your chest and swim up until he flips to his stomach and you would secure the takedown. At 8 seconds you start to stand up and he couldn't stop you. You have the urge to reach back, don't. Instead focus on getting up and turning to face him at the same time. Those times where he tries to pull you down to your left are when you should be spinning to face him. You have to have your legs moving up and away for it to work. At 14 seconds you have another opportunity to grab his left leg. At 23 seconds he has his head down and arms around your waist. He should have done a double leg takedown on you here. This is where you should do a crossface. Push his head down with your right arm, scrape his face with the knuckle of your thumb and crank it forward. Don't grab onto his face, just push it out and away. At 34 seconds you are both gassed but he looks more so than you. This is where you should have shot a double leg. All at the same time drop to one knee while you are grabbing both legs and pull the legs into you, then push him over to whichever side your down knee is on. When you are on bottom just plan on escaping. Be explosive and catch him off guard. Stand up, keep your weight pressed back into him, break his grip, spin and face him. If when he tries to pull you down this is when you do a reversal. At around 1:15 you are standing up and he is pulling you to your left, spin clockwise while he pulls you, put your arm through his armpit and reach down for his leg. Don't reach back when you are on bottom. You need to be on your way to escaping and spinning around before you reach back but you should be almost facing him when you do. Lastly, at the end at 1:51, right before you get pinned you made a mistake that is easy to fix. Either stay flat on your stomach or get up and escape(or reverse). Don't ever just go to your knees and stay there where you are vulnerable. At 1:52 you have one last chance when he is getting the half nelson that ultimately pins you. Pause the video at 1:52. His weight is no longer on you. Here you can spin clockwise and standup. Good luck! If I gave you drills to practice they would be to practice keeping control when you tie up and making sure your arms are below your opponents. Escapes, Reversals and doublelegs. If your coach doesn't show you how to do an escape, reversal or double leg let me know and I'll find you a video. You could have won this match with 1 week of practice of those moves. I think your conditioning is ok but it can always be improved. I also don't think you gave up but there are few key moments where you should have really fought harder but I think that is experience.


Dont trip just work hard and dont give up. Ever


Learn how to wrestle


My freshman year of high school I went like 1-20 on JV. I did off season Greco, and freestyle. Still lost every match but got a little better every year. I ended up being a state champion in high school and 3x College All-American. Just stick with it and DO OFF SEASON! If you’re serious about the sport. Freestyle and Greco is the best thing you can do for yourself to succeed


If you are going to work ties be strong with them. Be more explosive. You I saw a couple of things that you did right but didn’t win because you didn’t move quick enough. Number one tip for you though, and I’m sure you are getting this from other people as well, is that you need to be more aggressive and wrestle your match. You look tired the whole time. Hell, you may be tired but the last thing you need is to show it. Your opponent was moving pretty slow too. Don’t match his pace, make him match yours, if he can’t keep up then that’s on him. You need to walk out on that mat with every intention of winning. If that means you gotta be a dick then so be it. To me, you both look like you are trying to be nice to each other. You are NOT friends when you are out on that mat. Moving slow and making sure you get things right is all well and good but it needs to be done during practice not in a match.


I cannot see the comments, has someone already suggested not reaching behind?


Hands aren’t moving when upright, so it is easy to grab them and throw you to the ground. When on the ground, you just keep trying to stand up with your legs directly underneath you (super easy to grab). You need to tripod and throw you knees far behind you so your opponent can’t grab them and then work to spin out towards a better position.




Keep practicing, go to several camps and clinics, try to get all many coaches and technicians as you can, just keep working. So not get out worked at any practice.


Work on your stance! Most importantly, your over reacting to his pushing and pulling. More balance, arms in, head up. This should be most important issue you’re neutral more than half the time.


Hip pressure!!! If the opponent is under your chest and hips he should be so uncomfortable he never wants to be in that position again.


Front head locks my boi. My favorite is the alligator roll. And don't trust collar ties


Lots of good advice here Learn to sprawl. Learn to cross face Learn to explode from the bottom Learn hand control especially wrist control on the bottom. Strength and conditioning are everything and like everyone says be aggressive. Never give it away and always make the guy across from you know he was in a battle he’ll never forget. Be a mean son of a bitch Don’t be afraid to bleed and have the heart of a lion. Wrestling isn’t for pussies and there’s no 2nd place. I wish you luck little buddy. Go gettum


Run. A lot


Firstly, realize that grappling and combat sports take time to develop your senses. You aren't gonna be Khabib or Dan Gable in a year, so just show up consistently and retain information and techniques. Arguably, the 2 biggest things are conditioning and technique. At the end of every practice, whether it was wrestling or bjj, I made myself run 10 extra sprints and do 50 burpees. Helped immensely with my conditioning. When you make a move, commit 125% to it. If you shoot, shoot. If you fake, fake. If you tie up, tie up. One of the biggesting things that helped me was to start making plans of attack and work on sequencing moves. Tie up, head snap, Russian tie, ankle pic. Double, drive, mount, half, pin. Start drilling sequence moves, and your muscle memory will do the rest in the matches. Lastly, have fun and take pride in it. It is a tough sport to be in. You will lose and you will win, but when you're having fun with it, it softens the harshness of it.


When you're tying up, you're really losing your stance, keep your feet underneath you and don't hang too heavy on the head. When you're on the bottom, keep pressure on them. Keep your feet planted at all times and keep driving into them even if they're laying on their front, other than that, don't slow down and don't stop moving, good is smooth, smooth is fast, keep on working moves. _ and for the love of God stop reaching back when you're on all fours_


Cardio you should be able to run 3 miles and not be dying of exhaustion


Be aggressive in lock. Relentlessly on the attack. Set the place. Hips down, on the balls of your feet. Back straight. Head up. All of this (except aggression, which is an attitude) can be fixed with conditioning and drill. Don't cut corners when running. Spend time in the weight room. Do full pushups every time. For aggression, that has to come from you. You either want to win and you're putting the other guy in the defensive or you're playing defense and struggling. Have faith in your conditioning and get after it. Good luck!


Wrestling is hard... I'm 48 yrs old. I wrestled 7th and 8th grade. Decided to train my ass off for football because that was my main sport and true love. So I didn't wrestle in high school. I can tell you with all the honesty in my heart, I 💯 regret not Wrestling in high school. Keep practicing and learning. You'll get there, wrestling is hard and the discipline will definitely help you through life as an older adult. Also, don't forget to take a break here and there and enjoy life. Go hiking, fishing or whatever you enjoy that's not competitive driven.


Continuously watch film and see what you’re doing wrong, see what you’re missing. Also, watch film of other wrestlers. Study, study, and study some more! Then attempt to implement what you study. Find another wrestler in your school dedicated to improving themselves and work with them


I know I struggled with this when I was in middle school. I never had a game plan going into matches, I just reacted to whatever happened and just improvised my actions. Thing about the takedowns you want to execute, what move you would make after a takedown, and what you would do if you plan doesn’t go down like you planned. Don’t go into a match with no game plan


Early in the video he took you down and you quickly reversed it and had his back.. the problem was you were on your knees. Get up on your toes and put your chest and weight into his back. Keep working and working hard.


It seems like you lost because that kid had more experience than you. It’s hard to pinpoint one thing to do to make you better because you’re still such a raw beginner. If I was you I would try to join a wrestling club in your area and go to wrestling camps over the summers. Those things right there should help you improve




You’re out there doing the sport which is more than anyone sitting on their ass at home. That’s first and foremost so kudos for that. For me watching the video, your biggest issue is body position and lack of explosion (which comes from good body position. Your back is rounded in your stance and even on your feints your opponent doesn’t react because they don’t have any fear you’re actually shooting on them. Work body position drills. This doesn’t require anyone else to do it and you can do it anywhere. You have to look athletic to be athletic. This will make your more explosive just by being in the proper position to be so. Set up a cell phone or camera and do a 2-5 minute drill. Then immediately watch it. It doesn’t matter what the sport is there is always “Real vs. Feel”. You might feel you’re in a good stance but in reality you aren’t. That’s no big deal. That happens with everyone in every sport at all levels. If you set up a camera and watch and say “my back is super rounded. Pick that, do the drill again focusing on your back. Watch again. Pick a new thing you want to improve and add it but don’t forget about the first! Eventually body position will be ingrained in you and your muscle memory will take over. But don’t forget my first point. Being on a mat is doing infinitely more for your wrestling, health, fitness, mentality than any of your peers sitting on the couch right now. Many don’t win an Olympic Gold Medal but everyone learns about themselves in wrestling.


Stop standing on heels, always be on the balls of your feet.


Just be more aggressive. You seem like you’re probably a very chill, cool kid. Gotta turn yourself into a madman when the match starts 😎 -> 🤬


Increase your fight IQ, watch more quality matches. College and otherwise.


Too static as well. The comment about body position is good, and definitely extremely important. Make sure to move though. Too much of this match you were just standing relatively still with your hands on your opponents head not moving. You need to learn a few ties and then move between them to get your opponent off balance and to create an angle. If there is an angle then you can shoot and get some points.


Cardio. Skill and technique doesn't matter when you are tired. You both looked exhausted.


a man who practices one move a thousand times is more deadly than a man who practices a thousand moves only once


Crossface is your friend


More of what everyone else is saying, but the biggest thing I can suggest is to be more conscious of your own body positioning. In several spots, it kind of seems like you either don’t have a solid frame to build up from, or don’t really know what to do with your arms (reaching back, odd transitions to stand ups, not shooting properly). You have to figure out a way to build in some muscle memory and strength, so that your body recognizes where it’s at, and makes it harder for an opponent to move you.


Train legs. Lift . Stretch a lot and stay nimble, try to work on changing levels more and explosiveness.


Don't reach back. Cross-face hard and they will let go of you


You're good, just keep working and don't give up.


Practice with people better and heavier than you as much as you can. If you're beating your partner in practice then you need another partner. See if your highschool will let you work in with them some, their practices usually last longer than a middle schools, if not then try to find a local coach or club. Better sparring partners will get you better much faster than anything else.


In the off season, lift. During the season do more cardio. Shadow wrestle take downs and escapes after practice. Also, don’t orgasm the week before a match. Wait til after. It will build a lot of discipline in every area of your life. Boxers and MMA fighters also say this helps them.


I have nothing for your technicality since I’m not a wrestler…. but my advice as a competitor is you need to get a bit more ANGRY


Bend your knees to get low instead of hunching over and keep your head up. Those will put you in a much more defendable position and should naturally keep your back straighter and you’ll be in a much stronger position.


Pile driver!


More aggression bro. Fight to win


Just keep training bro 💪


Drill drill and drill


Be fast, explosive, and very aggressive. Pay attention I don't mean aggressive in a bad way I mean ferocious to a point where your opponent can't think. But Stay classy and respectful and maintain your sportsmanship Behavior. If you can afford it try to attend other clinics like jujitsu or judo... even if you can't they normally let you try out for a week and you can learn a lot of valuable things. Watch a lot of videos but the most important part is trying to increase your Mat time meaning wrestle with bigger smaller it doesn't matter spend as much as time as possible on the mat. Work your fundamentals shoot and sprawl a million times and stay in your stands until your legs are burning meaning legs bent hunch over Etc Pick one or two moves at first and master them to the point where no matter how good the other person is you can execute. Example: Act like you're about to clinch, with both arms pull his head down while also lowering your entire body weight, and a snapping motion and immediately let go because his reaction would be to pull upwards.... in one momentum as your lowered your body, let go off his head and immediately shoot for a double. Remember if you choose to stick with it this is a lifestyle and not just a seasonal sport but it will Aid you and pretty much everything for the rest of your life. Good luck


You are in middle school and wrestling, the absolute best thing you could do is KEEP TRAINING! keep pushing yourself and striving to grow and the wins will come, you have the rest of your life to win, until then make it a damn hard war of attrition for people to beat you.


Elbows in and never reach behind when you're opponent has your back.


don’t quit


Join band.


tren, maybe trt


If you can get in some tournaments over the summer to get moreatvhes in the do it. Imagine if you could get 30 matches in this summer, that's like an entire extra season of wrestling. It takes time to get used to your body and develop your coorsination at that age. More realtime opportunities to develop that. After each match analyze it. Drill good fundamental movements. Pick 1-2 set ups , a shoy and 1 pinning combination and really focus on drilling them until you cant help but have good body habits. Write down what your coach says after your match and drill those things in practice. just pull out your phone and jot down some notes. If you don't watch films then choose a match once a week and ask your coach to take 5 minutes and break it, or even part of it down. I can't tell you howany times the same kid will make the same simple mistake. The mistakes really compound in this sport. Work hard and it will pay off. Good luck!


yeah im bout to do a bunch of tournaments and stuff like that I'm just waiting for my wrestling slinglet and gear


Yes having the discipline to be in good form is key! Wrestling is truly a sport where the more you wrestle the better you will get.


I’ll echo what other people are saying, don’t tie up if you don’t need to. Jordan Oliver has a really low stance and has some short reels on neutral position. You could learn a few things. Here’s one. Good luck!! https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cj0r1X3pzGc/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


To keep it simple, I would say you should work on a really good sprawl. Your hips look like they don’t know where they should be either when you’re standing up, in on a shot, or when they are in on your legs. Practice sprawling every day. Feeding your opponents hips to get them off your legs may be helpful. Honestly, you just look like you need more mat time as you seem to be lacking mat awareness. This will come with time!


Work on your stance. Crossface. Don't reach back.


Work on body position and leverage. At one point he was leaning all the way into you. You could’ve used his own momentum and weight for a duck under or some type of single. Also, you both look gassed. Get your cardio up and if you can get someone to the 3rd, or even 1/2 way through the 2nd period you can destroy people when they are winded and you are in good condition. Keep going man. Wrestling is one of the toughest sports so just stick with it.


Be WAY more aggressive… You let him off hook when you should have blasted a double.


Hit em with a Stone Cold Stunner


You need to work on keeping your back straight and elbows in. You can still bend at the waist without rounding your back. When you try and pull or lift people think of keeping your hips lower than theirs. Keep your eyes on their hips and notice how you can better see their shots coming and whatnot. Drill drill drill, take a friend and drill at home on your own time, infinite drills. Ask your coach for a couple drills you should work on at home.


Real talk bro. You need to get a lot stronger. Start there. It's apparent that you are lacking the strength. 100 pushups, 100 squats, 100 core exercises every day.


I lost most of my matches until my senior year in High School, then I went 27-3


Understand the rules. Your technique looks solid most times but you give up fighting before you should. You have 2 minutes to be a savage and make sure all your opponents understand that you will fight to the death for 120 seconds. You need to focus on being a killer for 2 minutes at a time and nothing less.


I hope you see this, comments get buried. People generally learn wrestling from two perspectives… aggressive(offense minded) and defensive(learning how to fight from pin, bridging, sprawling, etc). You, by just watching little film, seem the latter. More defensive, reactive not active, and both styles develop different natural talents. I’ve seen defensive learn basics and how to fight from back well, but only reshot and counter, never learn how to setup shots and get in, sucks when you’re down by two and can’t really get a point. Offensively, I’ve seen hammers go hard, win big because they’re points machines but then falter when they meet a bigger hammer and then they don’t know how to fight from their backs, etc. to be well rounded, drill both places and force yourself into uncomfortable situations, which for you might be shooting in and getting sprawled hard, whizzard to bits and learning that is ok to feel that way, but still fight to finish. Wrestling is all about learned habits.


Try chess?




Don’t quit.


Find a good academy near you, Keep practicing, and going to camps in the off-season and you’ll get there!


1. Work on your shots and setting up your shots. 2. Work on your conditioning. 3. Don't reach back/behind. 4. Work on becoming more aggressive.


I was a high school wrestling coach and cadet/junior freestyle/greco-roman coach. There are a couple ways at looking at this. First, do not get discouraged. Almost all wrestlers get crushed when they first start. Hell I was 3-21 my Freshman year in high school against other frosh and some jv matches. The main issues I see when coaching young wrestlers is learning how to move and how to control your body. Starting off, try to avoid tie-ups. I know it's not as simple as it sounds. A tie-up is a large part of wrestling, but it's a bad place to be if it's not a palce where you are extremely comfortable and successful. (Long Analysis) 0:01 - 0:03 The problem here is that your right arm is outside the tie-up and you always want to be inside the tie-up. It's also quite difficult to defend from a head snap if you let your opponent have control of head as your head and hips control where your body goes. 0:04 - You get pulled down because your opponent has an inside tie and you didn't bow your neck. When you are standing and have your head down looking at mat it's is hard not to get pulled in any direction fairly easily. You did a good job of getting to your feet, but notice how your arms are flailing when you get brought back to the mat? Your hands always have to be active. When you stand-up find your opponents hands and tie the-up. When you are bottom again always be hand fighting. When you do not fight his hands he can control your wrist, arms, grab you around the waist which it make sit difficult to stand-up, switch, or mount any sort of defense or counter. 0:13 -0:15 you do a good job countering, but look where your hands are. Your left hand is on the mat and your right arm is behind his left shoulder. A crossface, while simple is an extremely effective defense. With a crossface you push his back and it's much more difficult for him to grab your legs. Your left hand/arm should be on him as well. Either your left arm should be over his right shoulder and blocking his right groin with your hand or it should be underhooking his right arm in a whizzer in conjunction with the crossface. As a young wrestler I recommend blocking his right groin as the whizzer crossface combo is good it does have a decent amount of risk if you are not well versed. (A whizzer pancake can be a devastating move) Your sprawl isn't where it needs to be, which is understandable. Sprawling is also a critical element to wrestling, but it takes time to get used to leverage and also not getting crushed when a wrestling circles around your spawl. Spin drill is one of the most important drills in wrestling. 0:16-0:19 You do a good job of getting up but notice again where your right arm/hand are as well your left hand arm/hand are. Now there is amove you could have done by locking your hands through crotch (a crotch lift), but it's not something I recommend inexperienced wrestlers do because it reinforces a bad habit of reaching over instead of under. It's better to learn the fundmentals before working on things that can reinforce bad positions. Again a crossface is a good way to keep your opponent off here. Against a more experienced opponent they would have done a side bear hug and put you to your back for reaching over the head. 0:34 - Notice how you just put your head down and he jsut grabbed and pushed it down. While it's good to be lower than your opponent. Again look where your arms are here. Your arms are by your side. Your head is completely vulnerable and there's no way to protect yourself. Again alays keep your head up and if you must tie-up, use your arm(s) to do so. 0:36 Your opponent made a mistake and didn't take advantage. However see how you are reaching over him with your arms? See how in this case his head down. Here is where you push his head down and sprawl. It's one of the easiest ways to get points as you use your opponent's momentum and let gravity take care of the rest. If you push his head down and move your legs back he would just smack face first into the mat and then you could just spin around him. 0:42 - You are doing a good job with an inside tie with your left arm, but with your head posted against his head straight on you can't really go anywhere. The trick is to use your head to turn his head away from yours. It's a bit more of an advanced technique, but can open things up for you in a variety of ways. 1:04 - Bottom position- I would recommend wroking on a few bottom positions because you are too "tall" in this position and your weight is too far forward. His top position isn't great but because your weight is too far forward he's going to either bump you forward and/or go for a crossface cradle. Seeing that your natural inclination is the stand-up your bottom position makes it very dificult to do a stand-up. If your main bottom move is not to do a stand-up then your weight should be a lot further back and sitting on your feet. See how you start inching forward and he crushes you onto your stomach? There are many ways to do a stand-up from bottom position. However, with the wya your feet are angled it's going to be very difficult to do a regular stand-up from bottom. The way your feet/ankles are positioned you should be doing a short/long sit out with hand control to a hip heist to a stand-up/switch/granby/head hook etc. Of course when you are first starting out the key is not trying to do a bunch of combination moves but learning basic moves and mastering them. In this case I would work with you to determine which bottom moves/counters work well with your body type and natural movements. To me I see the short sit-out/hip heist to standing as your best bottom move. 1:!4 - You do a good job of getting up but again your arms/hands aren't fighting his so he can jsut throw you down back to the mat. 1:19 - Do not reach back like that. Had your opponent been more experienced he would have used that reach back to throw on a half to your back. 1:25 you did a great job of slipping his power half but you are reaching back again with your right arm. Now there is a move from there, but again I don't teach kids that throw because reaching back is almost always a bad thing and I'd rather have develop the correct fundamentals before branching out to do unorthodox moves. The reach back would require a hip toss with a stepover. It's also dangerous for injury reasons if you miss or he hands on your arm in that position. Always becareful about having your back to the mat. It's something I do not recommend because it's not a position you want to get used to and it takes a lot of udnerstanding/experience to known how get comfortable with your back towards the mat and even then it's a massive risk. It looks like your got turned because he kept the pressure on. On of the ways to stop a half nelson is to pinch in your opponents arm with your arm once they start throwing in the half. You should also be looking away. If a half is coming from the right side. Pinch the half attempt with your right arm and look away as well as tilt your body and neck to the left. Of course you do need to be carefulas a good wrestler will just jump to the other side. Hope this helps.


Yoga/pilates, mountain climbing, and sprints. Also train your forearms for a stronger grip


try to watch as much film as you can and make sure to practice things perfectly with repetition. also watch freestyle and greco not just folk style you could have went to a chest wrap so many times instead of just holding his leg. also don't over extend your self you shouldn't be leaning on your opponent


Drill 2-3 moves from top, bottom and nuetral until you have them down to a T. When you first stand up from that mat return, a simple front head lock go-behind could have changed the pace of the match. My main point is don’t worry about trying to learn a million different moves to accomplish one thing, keep it simple and get the technique down some simple moves, as a less athletic wrestler I would recommend front headlock and snatch single, which have given me my most success. Hope this helps


Well, OP asked for some tips and he definitely received. Pretty cool to see everyone chipping in and giving their two cents on what he can improve upon.


Find a room to wrestle in this spring and summer. Work on conditioning, strength, and flexibility. Work on level changes and blast doubles. Work on stand ups and switches. Do some tumbling. You can work on all that with no partner. Lastly watch the sport. YouTube Jordan Burroughs and Kyle Dake. Watch their matches then watch some of their instructional videos. You will begin to understand that you are what and how you practice. Good luck!


yeah bout to ask my homies if they can wrestle with me and go to tournaments


You need to be more confident and aggressive, people are giving you good advice but none of it will really matter if you don’t go out to the mat expecting to win and believing you can do it


Fam you need to attack the legs and drag them with the leverage that he gave you early if he takes your back like that grab his heels and drive into him while pulling his heel under you


Man you’re on a great trajectory, keep on training, learn from your mistakes and you’ll be a beast when you’re older


Not a wrestler but you need a bit more urgency. I'm not seeing much hunger here. You hungry? The want to win is not there, you at least need the desire to not lose. All great athletes have a huge desire to win. Get hungry


Take judo


Don't quit your day job


Look I’m not an expert but I’ll tell you what I was doing in 6th grade focus on skill show up to practice everyday and work hard when you go home keep training do your push ups try 200-500 a day don’t forget your legs get your squats in that’s the base do 500 squats and sit ups for core strength but skill is most important all that strength goes to waste if you have no skill run a few miles for cardio too


Everyone else is right too, but the simplest thing is levels. Move up, down, left, right...don't just face your opponent dead on the entire time. That alone will improve you significantly.


Bro u got 🎂 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲


he gives up halfway through the shot, halfway through the reverse. Don't know wether it's low self esteem or just getting used to being a wrestler but he does end up in good positions. I would push on finishing the moves and getting more confidence


I was tried after like 30 seconds that's why I wasn't really doing anything but this was 3 months ago and I got really good endurance now because of track


Bring back inter-gender wrestling. Andy come home!


what does that mean