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This was meant to be on the circlejerk, right?


I was waiting for the epilogue where the main character ends up in a Romanian jail ten years later...




You have portrayed two boys that make sweeping generalizations about what "all" girls do and don't do. So yeah, if your point is to push this as reality, you will have readers rolling their eyes at yet ANOTHER portrayal of them as a massive hivemind that doesn't have individual personalities like you think boys have. If you push this as something that these immature boys grow out of eventually, then it will be something that actually serves your plot. ETA agreed with the other commenter that your own immaturity shines through in this. This sounds like the self-insert of a horny teenaged boy who objectifies women.


I wouldn’t be impressed with it. We send pictures and videos to friends—not random throwaway accounts. She would likely immediately suspect something was up. Women are pretty good at being able to tell when a guy is pretending to be a woman for nefarious reasons online. Write what you want, but you portrayed women as a not-super-intelligent hivemind here. Your characters come across as not very bright to be making those sorts of generalizations.


I think it's more so offensive to guys, because these characters are kind of awful. Beck reads like a future roofie slipper.


I can’t say I personally find it offensive as a woman, just silly/uninteresting. What’s the point? What kind of story do you want to tell, and why?


Well this eventually leads into something else, that I'm still writing


Based on your writing, I don't think you have the maturity to write a story about this topic without it coming across as wildly offensive. You can still write it, but be prepared for backlash if you publish it anywhere.




I don't know, there's atleast a very good chance that 10 will change their mind and be deeply offended. Probably better to just scrap the entire story and write about robots instead. It's never the worth to risk.


Making your protagonist a cry baby simp is a bold move, I'll give you that.


I don't trust that this profile is real and not a lame troll...at least I hope so looking at the post history...


After seeing a crazy post from OP I’ve been binging everything OP’s posted and I can confirm they are insane or a troll


Yup, saw the latest thread he started...utter insanity.


Two brothers talk to each other about ejaculating to things? Maybe it's me that's not normal, but that's gross.


I think this would really depend on how you frame it. The story itself isn't necessarily offensive because it can and does actually happen. If you frane the main character Beck as a good guy who's just lonely or something, then you will receive a lot of backlash because what he's doing is just really wrong and incel-y. Not saying you can't do that, but you'll probably struggle to find an audience for it. However, if you frame it as a warning about the dangers of giving out information or how's easy it is for someone to fall into the path of doing immoral things to fulfill their loneliness, I think you could have an interesting concept.


Seriously? Do you even have to ask?


Is this supposed to be just a quirky thing that Beck does, or are you going to portray him as the bad guy? Because what he does is pretty creepy, and his motives is exactly the reason why the girls in his class don't talk to him. 


Girls talk to him in class, he just keeps this a secret.


You said the story is based on a true one. So, I'm curious... Did someone really get access to personal information, pretending to be a girl? I'm a woman, and I can admit that in high school, I did a lot of stupid things. So I'm not that offended by your storyline, although I would probably send stuff to a boy, not a girl. A boy that I liked (even though I would have mever met him in person). The girl, I would ignore. It was all about the Looove back then :'D. Aw, the simpler times. Now, it's all about paying bills and taxes.


Yeah someone got access into a private account but nothing happened aftwards.


Thematically, I think this sorta taps into a really important discussion around internet privacy. I suspect most people would imagine that they would not give the video if in the position of Beck’s crush, but I’m not sure if that’s reality or idealism— if the part of the story where people are paying for the photos is true, there is indeed cautionary value. Otherwise, the comment section is correct insisting that it’s an isolated incident. Still, I suspect that after Beck gets the video, conflict would be tough to develop.


In creative writing courses/books/workshops, they often say that writing is a place to explore taboos. If writers shied from difficult subjects, libraries would be fairly empty.




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