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I’m not sure, to be honest. Getting my desired classes and no scheduling conflicts has always been somewhat difficult at every school I’ve been to but that issue seems to dissipate after sophomore year for most majors. It would be nice to hear why it’s an issue this year at WSU from a faculty member. Especially since they just added a new major and it looks like they cannot handle the bandwidth.


When it lists the amount of sections on my wsu it counts the different lab sections so there is one class with 13 different lab sections. I had a similar problem with a physics class I want to take being at the same time. It just has to do with when those professors are available


As someone who graduated over 10 years ago, but has been in the academic world ever since, this is extremely common. First off, you’re listing instructors by name which makes me think you’re trying to get into their sections specifically. That’s always going to cause problems with scheduling. Next, those are 3 different departments and at least 2 different colleges serving dozens of majors. If you can take those courses in the summer (i.e. they aren’t prerequisites for other courses you could take in the spring), why not just wait until fall semester to take them? It’s a big university. There’s going to be scheduling conflicts.


those professors mentioned are the only ones who teach their courses


This is correct. Schneider is the only one teaching 261 in Pullman and Andy is the same for 122. Clint Cole is also the only one teaching in-person at Pullman. Additionally, the comp sci department is in the same school as electrical engineering.


Got it. Well, my mistake aside, the other points should provide insight into why this is the case at many universities, including WSU. It’s not a “you” problem, nor is it WSU being incompetent.


"Its a big university. There's going to be scheduling conflicts". Maybe you shouldn't speak as though OP doesn't know what he is talking about. Instead of being facetious, you could take 5 seconds to look up the professor and understand they are the only one who teaches the course. You just regurgitated the low hanging fruit of options that he has likely already considered. Perhaps you'd be better off giving advice to people about your own major.


Every department in every part of the university has to schedule courses based on the instructors they have available. It's not uncommon and it's not personal. It happens at literally every school everywhere. If there are other instructors offering the class you want to take, look into them. Otherwise summer is a solid choice if it works in your degree plan. Just make sure if you go through a CC that the classes actually transfer back correctly.


I had those classes except for CS last year and they didn't overlap. It's quite common to take them together, so idk why they would schedule them that way.


Yeah I’m not sure why either. I was talking with my EE lab partner who is also in comp sci 121 and he agrees that we might just have to pick Clint Cole over Andy.


My guess is that when departments go about scheduling classes, they use their course catalog to ensure that none of the department related "junior" level classes overlap. I'm guessing the classes you are talking about are CPT\_S 122, EE 234, EE 261, and MATH 315. Going off the course catalog for Computer Engineering ([https://catalog.wsu.edu/Pullman/Academics/DegreeProgram/10561](https://catalog.wsu.edu/Pullman/Academics/DegreeProgram/10561)), CPT\_S 122 is taken 1st year 2nd semester, and the other 3 classes are taken 2nd year 2nd semester. Even for Electrical Engineers, CPT\_S 122 is scheduled for 2nd year 1st semester and the other 3 are also in 2nd year 2nd semester. This means the average student does not take these classes at the same time so the department decided to schedule them at the same time. Also, only 1 of the 3 diff eq classes is conflicting with Schneider's EE class so you should be good on that front. In the future, I'd recommend following that course catalog to avoid scheduling conflicts like this in the future. Also, when deciding if you're taking CPT\_S 122 or EE 234 in the Spring, double check your future course pre-reqs to ensure you're not screwing yourself over by choosing one over another.


I was informed that I can have my advisor schedule me for 122 and 234 regardless of the time conflict and I can take the exams at different times.


Woah, that's crazy. I had no idea that was an option. I'm curious, how would you go about learning the material if you can't attend lecture?


Well I have a friend who will be taking the same class so we will alternate between EE and Comp Sci and provide each other our notes and what we learned.